Mama's Angel (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript

Several months have passed since the murders, and Rafa's day of verdict has arrived. Yael and Eitan each has their own way of dealing with the event. Naama meets with the Tamirs.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Eitan, try to turn off your thoughts.

It's not in my head,
it's in my teeth!

I can't take those voices any more.

I can't take care of you now.


I didn't do it, Mum.
You know I didn't.

Nuni, don't you want to play?

Why are you here? Are you some
sort of saint? Is that what you are?

This isn't about

There's a boarding home,
not faraway, in Ramie.

In Ramie there's a prison.

Tomorrow we'll check out
that facility. Tomorrow.

One bite. If you're innocent,
it could help you out.

- Only you know that

Who did it then?
A ghost?

I hit her,
but I didn't kill her.

- If you get me that medal...
-1 tried, it's too hard.

But if you do...


This has been lying around here
for almost 4 months now.

s that it?

Am I too late?

How so?

Had I come for the results earlier
I'd have better results?

Have a seat.

Do.j/ou even understand
what this is doing to me? Do you?

Yes, I do.

Look, I wasn't going to say this,
but I will.

- You should be grateful.
- Grateful for what?

For cutting me open?

You removed my entire breast,
which was completely healthy!

That's what saves
many women from death.

We cut them, as you call it,
but they stay alive.

What are you talking about?
Have you even read this?

You told me there's a high probability
of a malignant tumour!

You were determined,
you talked statistics to me,

you talked about percentages!

You said it was close to 100%!

Many patients of mine
have reconstructive surgery later on.

Sometimes it's even an improvement.

In fact, most of the time it is

After all, there's pregnancy,
breastfeeding age...

And that's where
the-plastis surgeons come in.

Trust me, the result is much better
than the original.

Much, much better.

You think Angelina
was afraid of dying,

s®. she had a double mastectomy?

I doubt it.
It's her livelihood.

She was scared,
seared @f gravity,

of the fact that
she can't even hold a pencil...


- We should head out to court.
- I'm not going.

But I heard you
schedule the court date.

I changed my mind.
It's pointless.

If you're not going, why should I?

Because tor most people, it helps
to feel justice has been served.

And you're not most people?

Is that it? You're going to work?

My patients are waiting for me.

Can't they manage without you?

- What good would it do if I'm there?
- It actually wouldn't.

- And if I'm there?
-1 figured it would help you.

And what would help you?

Nothing right?

You're above everyone, right?

You're all about reason,
no heart, right?

That's some charade
you're putting on!

How are you feeling?

You told me that
you were prepared for this.

Yes, if you can call
a pack of Xanax being prepared.

You said it was a warm place.

never used the word "warm".

I remember, you did.

Since when do I use the word "warm"?
Have you ever heard me say that?

Well then...


Amnon, buddy, it's time to go.



Amnon, come here.

Eitan. Eitan...

Eitan, wait...

I already told you,
it's always been like that.

I was less smart, less diligent,
less of a person.

- You're still in a feud with her.
- No, I'm not.

-1 just don't know...
- Excuse me one moment.


As I said, don't start another battle,
it won't help your rehabilitation.

I didn't. She's the one
keeping me away from my kids.

I'm sure you understand
why Nirit would do that.

No, I don't.
What could I possibly do?


bul ,hey're a|ready gone

Which is why
she has nothing left to protect

but their graves,
and she'll protect them at any cost.

It's childish.
She's doing it to spite me.

And what are you doing other than
stirring things up again for Nirit,

and in the media?
Do you think it's healthy for you?

Have you read today's paper?


don't want to see that.



- Shouldn't you be in court?
- Why visit their graves?

- You're not religious.
- No, but that's all that's left.

Whatever is left
stays in your mind.

People usually say heart,
you say mind.

Because people are
ignorant and sentimental.

You re not sentimental

You're warm.

People have always said
that I'm cold.

Not to my face,
but they do.


People don't distinguish
between outside and inside.

They think a woman who's lost her son
should be screaming

and pulling her hair out all day.

They watch too much television.

- You're not like that.
- To some, it comes naturally.

- You don't want to burden anyone.
-1 still have a daughter.

And besi'Jes । love my hair

That's true.
And Eitan, too.

How is he doing?

He's a national hero, isnt he?

Nirit loves those types-

Shiomi, her new guy

got a citation for volunteering
in Operation Protective Edge.

I heard Eitan got one too.

It said so in the paper.

Don't believe everything
in the papers.

Isn 'I it true ?

- There was a photo of the medal.
- Yes, he got a medal.

He sure did.
Some 20 years ago.

Aren't you proud of him?

" doesn'( move you. does it?

You don't appreciate him.

That must frustrate him.

He's mad at everyone around him,

feeling so small next to you.

I bet he's mad at you.

You know I'm right.

t's obvious.

Next to you, all men feel...



You know I'm right.

But you l0Ve it

You love it.
You love coming here,

where everyone's dirty,

everyone's a monster.

Where have ypu been?
I called your mobile.

- I'm avoiding you, Benny.
- Is everything all right?

Yes, why?

-1 didn't take you for a sore loser.
- What are you talking about?

You didn't come to court.
I saved you a seat.

I go there when
'm summoned for work.

-1 wasn't summoned to any hearing.
- Interesting.

Not at all.
It's sad. It's awful.

- Is that a new shirt?
- Yes. I also got a haircut.

- For the cameras?
- Haaretz newspaper interviewed me.

They took photos too.

I'm glad you're subscribed
to that paper.

never was.

-1 mentioned you as well.

I told them that even you,
with all your doctorate degrees,

agree that sometimes
science isn't the way.

-1 never said that, Benny.
- Yes, you did.

I never said it isn't the way,

and I'd never throw
an 18-year-old in jail for 60 years

over some stupid graffiti he sprayed
where the body was found!

If you're so sure
there's been a mistake,

then do your thing and prove it.

I tried,
but I'm not alone in this world.

Listen, I won’t stand
in your way, OK?

I'll even help you
with anything you need.

Any time.
You can trust me.

I have to go to Ramie
to get Rafael's bite sample.

The jerk refuses to do it.
I tried, you tried.

This time he'll agree.
He has nothing to lose. Benny!

Following up on these hearings
has raised many questions for me.

I don't think
they got a full answer.

Give us an example,
Attorney Gal Ohana.

I wrote about this in my blog, too.

Attorney Noy man
mentioned the bite marks

left on the body of the deceased.

But if no tests were done to prove

that those bite marks were made
by the murder suspect...


It was all based on circumstance,'
at times even worse,

on false circumstance and confessions:
which can also often be false.

- Let me get this straight... ' - '
- The body was drenched in urine.

Getting a DNA sample'
from the murderer was difficult.

but the bite marks
are clear enough and should~be~






the Curious incident
of the Boy in the Night-Time


They've been looking for him,
he was supposed to be going away.

Didn't you hear Eran calling out
to you? Were you ignoring him?

-1 don't get you.
- Is that so?

I've lost you

you've lost me?

Why are you angry?
Are you resentful towards me?

Resentful... resentful...
I'm sick of that word.


- Can we talk?
-1 can't stand your tone.

- What tone?
- That therapist tone of yours.

-1 can't take it.
- It's my regular voice.

- I'm not listening.
- Eitan, can we just talk?

I'm not listening.
I can't listen to you...

Amnon, sweetie, Daddy's looking
for you. He's worried about you.

Amnon, they're aiting
to take you to that place.

Go home, Amnon.

Rafael Emanuel will be transferred
today to Nitzan Prison,

following a 3-hour long tnal...

You can't stay here.

I'm sorry, Amnon,
it doesn't work that way.

I wish it did, but it doesn't

Why not?

Naama Sadeh,
forensic investigator.

What are you doing here, Sadeh?

- Did my dad send you?
- I'm here to help Rafael.

Help Rafa now? How?

I should've come earlier.

For some reason,
I trusted law and justice.

Justice costs money..

They didn't even
summon me to testify..

Neither me
nor the forensic pathologist, no one.

You don't deserve .that.

Look, I don’t know whether or not
yourspn is innocent,

but I know he's been c’harged with
murder with no admissible evidence.

You knewxthis
and only qgw you show up?

What do you suggest, Sadeh?

We'd start by hiring
a proper lawyer.

I've already asked a close friend,
Gal Ohana, we can trust him.

He looked pretty happy there,
it's a nice place.

- You brought an apple.
- Yes.

What are you trying to prove now?

I'll be here forever,
like in the fairytales.

- In the real world there are appeals.
- Appeals cost money.

You need a lawyer who feels
it's worth it to fight for you

even if he thinks you're a monster.

The state provided me
with some idiot lawyer

who thought he was doing me
a favour by just talking to me.

He felt superior to you, didn't he?

He tried to teach me
how to use cutlery.

That bad?

He treats me like a retard

Well, that won't happen any more.

I spoke to another lawyer,
he should arrive today.

- Why would he? Are you paying him?
- He's coming because he cares.

Give us something to work with.

What have you got to lose?
It can't get any worse.

Sometimes people make mistakes.

Luckily for you,
they can still be fixed.

Don't you care about Rafa?

You don't know me.

Is that so?
Doesn't everyone know you?

You're that has-been singer,
all fragile and sensitive...

It's OK,
nobody told me your secret.

He never spoke about you.
and neither did Nigist.

So you just^guessed?

was there.

t was awful.

You just sit there
in the courtroom,

you can't say anything
or do anything.

I thought you were used
to doing nothing.

Is he going to file an appeal?
Did you tell him to?

Everyone I spoke with, even Mickey,
said he needs a lawyer.

How dare you?

You sat in court for an hour.

I've been in this situation
for months.

-You never en left a message.
-1 spoke to hat girl over there.

That girl over there
would die for your son.

She said she'd tell »u 0 Gall.

I have a pho e, a nubile phone,
why did you udden'ly show up?

And where are all your friends
from Tel Aviv who want to help Rafa'?

None of them
came to offer any help. Seriously...

You need to tell everyone,
tell all your friends.

Start with that journalist.

Who, Ron?

Have him write about it
in the paper and on the internet.

It'll spread like wildfire. Everyone
will know about it straight away.

- How will it help you if they know?
- Avshi, it'll help Rafa, not me.

Call him and tell him
to write about it in the paper.

- That newspaper closed down.
-Then find another way.

- It's important that they know.
- Know what?

- Who your son is.
- Everyone knows, Nigist.

Rafa is the true celebrity here.

- Nobody remembers who I am.
- Then remind them, they'll remember.

Even if they don't,
they'll see a photo of you,

hear a song of yours, cry a little,

and they'll look at Rafa differently,
they won't see only black.

Come in.

little something

Thanks, I didn't know
it was my birthday.

You once told me your birthday
falls on Valentine's Day.

I was kidding

It was a joke

I'm opening it

I didn't know
you had such a keen eye.

The saleswoman, she...
I just gave a general description.

I'm sorry.

-I thought...
- I'm busy here.

We said
you'd lay off this case.

I've played nice long enough,
you know I have.

The gift was a bad idea.

I know.

you're in a different place now,

or at least trying to be.

In any case, I'm not here to stir
things up. I'm not looking to provoke.

Unfortunately, and perhaps
I'm partially at fault as well,

there were too many
evidence oversights

in Rafael Emanuel's trial,

and I'm sure you wouldn't want
anyone else to suffer unjustly,

if that is the case, of course.

What are you saying?

His conviction was mainly
based on circumstantial evidence,

which is admissible in court. Things
like lack of an alibi, eye-witnesses.

But circumstances are the default

with today's
sophisticated science.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about evidence that was
overlooked or not fully investigated.

- It borders on negligence.
- Evidence such as?

I'm sure it must be hard for you
to hear about this,

but there's the issue
of the bite marks.

There was a dog at the scene.

Yes, there was, but one of the bite
marks didn't come from a dog.

You mean, the dental structure?


I found that the human bite marks
on your son's body

also appeared on the body of a young
woman who was found nearby.

- Orit Solomon?
- Yes.

- Wasn't her husband arrested?
- He was at Nitzan Prison.

Yes, he was interrogated
and arrested, but he was released.

What's this got to do with us?

They were both bitten
by the same person.

- A few months ago,

I took a bite-mark sample
from Ediso Solomon, Grit's husband.

His sample didn't match
the bite marks on the bodies

so he was released.

Back then, Rafael Emanuel refused
to give me a bite mark sample.

But after he decided
to appeal, he agreed.

I took a sample from him

There was no match between him
and the bite marks on the bodies.

So does that mean he's acquitted?

No, it doesn't mean anything,

it just proves that there
was another person involved.

To help us rule out any doubts

it's best to take samples
from anyone who was close to Kfir.

- Relatives, classmates...
- So you're saying we bit him?

It could be
an affectionate bite, it's OK.

Suppose we bit him affectionately,

but we never met Orit Solomon.


Good point.
Perhaps you never met her,

but that's exactly what
I'm investigating these days.

-1 don't have an answer for that.
- You're wasting our time.

I suggest we start taking
samples from relatives.

How will that help us?

- Don't you want to know the truth?
-1 already know the truth.


How's it going, Fred?

How's it going?

My goodness. 4 months

It took your mum 4 months
to convince you to get a new lawyer.

-I feel lucky.
- I'm not fully convinced yet.

But you did decide to file an appeal,
right? Your mother said you did.

Listen, you have to learn
to smile a bit.

A smile changes everything,
trust me.

I unders and you decided to represent
yourself, I can assume why,

but sadly
it doesn't work that way.

It obviously
doesn't work that way.

Is that the problem?
Am I guilty of that too?

Look, representing someone
in court is no easy feat,

tet atone self-representafion.

Even top-notch lawyers don't do that
because it doesn't work that way.

What doesn't work that way?
The idea of justice?

- Having justice come to light?
- Judges make mistakes, too.

- They mustn't,make mistakes.
- Look, Rafa, it's not that simple.

It's very simple.

The fact is,
didn't do anything.

The fatt is, nobody has an^concrete
evidence that I did anything,

th 11 harmed anyone, a child.

But somehow.,
they proved otherwise,

sentenced me, ruled against me,
and that was that.

I thought that in my-case
it would be easy.

That there'd have to be proof,
evidence, something.

Tihey have nothing,^and yet
they managed to put me here forever.

You can't say they've got nothing,

at least not according
to what I read.


The little bandit told his mum
that it wasn't her day with him.

- And she bought it?
-1 guess she's very busy.

She's got a boyfriend.
He sleeps over.

- OK, I'll go open one and come back.
- Just like that? In front of the kid?

You want me to say
I'm going to cut open a corpse?

- I'll be right back, with pizza.
- Yay!

Won't Mummy be mad to hear
you were with me?

-1 told you, she's got a boyfriend.
- And I've got work.

Look, I got you
a new colouring book.

Mummy also has work,
all the time,

and I have to wait for her
at home with Denis.

Is Denis her boyfriend?

- Don't you like him?
-1 like you.

What about Mummy and Daddy?

If I were your mummy,
you'd be mad at me too.

No, I wouldn't.

Sweetie, where are you?

My God, how could they...?

How could they do
a thing like that?

And to think I drove you there,
right into their hands.

You couldn't know, Mum.
Neither did I.

But how could they do such a thing?

And to you, of all people,
who holds a doctorate in that field.

- Not exactly.
- Some people are ignorant.

They don't understand the doctor...

I sometimes don't understand
a thing Dr Weinshtung says.

Can't he just speak Hebrew?
Why does he use big words?

Why tell me I have
psychosomasis eczema...?

- Psychosomatic.
- Right.

He could just tell me: "You have
a rash on your bum, take this cream."

- Mum, have you met Max?
- Yes, we've met before.

Have you seen that doctor?

- Which doctor?
- The one Carmela recommended.

The one who did her eyelids.

Let's put stickers on.
See the stickers?

This one?

There are eye-witnesses

who saw you go up the hill
the night of the murder.

- It's true, I was there.
- You were there.


And then there's the graffiti.

You were arrested
with fresh paint on your hands.

Same chemical composition,
same red paint

that was sprayed
on the monument.

- It's true, I wrote it.
- That night?

- That night.
- All right.

Then there's the plane ticket.

You told everyone you were
going to study in Holland,

but it turns out that there's
a photograph of a ticket to Canada,

a known criminal asy(um

She thought I was going to study.

She was proud of me.

I would have sent her a ticket
to come over, believe me.

I'd be appreciated there,

where religion,
race and colour don't matter.

You can also just disappear there
in the wide open spaces.


Then there's your’retusal
to give a bite-mark sample.

True, a bite-mark sample
is a problematic type of evidence

that can be doubted

but there's nothing'to doubt
about your refusal to cooperate,

and that really harmed you
in this trial.

-1 didntt know'That.
- Yep.

- No one explainetKit to me.
- Now you know.

Then we've gW...
Oh, your paintings, of course.

A whole collection of portraits,

depicting a child that closely
resembles Kfir, the victim.

All the portraits feature
a naked boy

with a military decoration
pierced into his chest,

just like the one
the victim had.

And Kfir was also stabbed
in the heart,

just like in your portraits

- How do you explain that?
- Fatal coincidence.

- You don't really believe in that.
- In what?

- No.

What do you believe in?


Md that to the list.

Then there was the whelk issue
with your psychiatrists,

which you had quite a few of.
Two, three, four psychiatrists,

a Mental Health O'ffiber,
and you dodged the draft.

- No, I didn't.
- According to the protocol, you did.

My mum isn't payirrcfyou
to judge me.

Your mum isn't paying me at all,
let's get that straight.

Nobody's paying me
and nobody's making me do this.

I chose to represent you.

You migFtt^ioj; bglieve me,
but I believe you.

Nobody gives a fuck
whether you believe me.

That's true, you're right,
they don't give a damn.

Unless we

OK. You just went through
why I don't stand a chance.

I'm Gal

- How can you help me, Gal?
- Very well.

So first of all,
any good lawyer,

even one working pro bono,
like me,

must first look
at a given situation,

examine it, and tackle it
from a completely different angle.

How would you tackle
my shitty situation?

Very well.

At this point,
no one in this country

believes you came out
of a woman's womb.

Meaning that before you even try
to prove your innocence,

you must first prove
that you have blood in your veins,

and not some monster juice.

In America, they'd have
fried you by now, and why?

Because you're guilty? No

Because they have concrete evidence?
Perhaps, I don't know.

Do you know why?
Because of this miserable face,

because you don't smile
like I asked you to.

Yes, Rafa, I know it sounds
like some psychobabble,

but wen. that's the trade.


If I'm not nice,
then I'm a murderer?

Have you ever met a nice murderer?

You see?

Are you coming with mp?

For real?

You're taking me with you?

I mean,
to the post office.


I'll be a great artist there,
and I won't forget you.

I'll build you a small house
next door to mine,

with a chimney and a fireplace.

And animals, lots of animals.

You could take care of them

We'll let them dig in the garden
all they want,

destroy it completely.

You could feed them.

It would be your job, Amnon.
You'd have a job.

I'd have a job.

And no one would make fun of you.
They respect people over there.

They would speak to you
in polite English,

even if they don't mean it,
it-ll be nice.

But my En9Hsh isn't good.

It's all right, Amnon.
You're good at being nice.

I saw in a movie that
they don't even lock their doors.

They're trusting.

They don't suspect foreigners,

and there are no wars there

No wars?