Mama's Angel (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

Sharon Sagi's actions force Yael to rush back to work. Nigist tries to deal with Rafa's hunger strike, while he has a surprising visitor. Naama continues to insist that the murders are connected.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Are you all right?
- Just a bit surprised, that's all.

How did you miss such an "insignificant"
detail? What were you doing here?

Come with me, darling,
show me where she lived.

Was she your sister?

My stepsister
and als - kind of like my stepmum.

I promised you a birthday party
and you will have one.

Don't bother. I already know
there isn't going to be one.

police! open up'-

He was hitching rides?
Is that so?

I can't take care of you now.
Things have changed.

Why do you think
he's clinging to Eitan?

They're both rugged men,
they found each other.

Your son is in good shape.

Why would I harm a little child?

Because he's white, and most of all,
because he's got a dad.

So do

I mean, a proper dad, not some jerk-off
who knocked up your mum.

I've been in therapy.
She made me go.

Lucky for you,
you got a second chance.


What's wrong, have you gone soft?
A sensitive soul?

Who did it then?
Did it happen out of nowhere?

Everyone knows
you beat her up.

Everyone heard and saw
how you messed up her face.

Only a total idiot would ruin
your wife's pretty face.

Do you have nothing to say
or are you waiting for a lawyer?

The right to remain silent
is a nice concept,

but in my book,
it's a confession.

You have nothing to say
in your defence because you're guilty.

If you're innocent
and you didn't do anything wrong,

then why did you flee?

-1 didn't.
- Where were you hitchhiking to?

For a holiday in Eilat all alone,
with no luggage?

You fled because you're guilty,
it's as simple as that.

You don't have to be Einstein
to figure it out.

Nobody flees for no reason.

-1 was looking for her.
- Before or after you killed her?

i hit her.

I only hit her.

You only hit her, huh?
You only hit her.

I hit her,
but I didn't hit her hard.

I might've left some marks,
but I didn't kill her.

She ran away from me half-naked
in the middle of the night,

barely dressed.

She went out.

was worried.

I went looking for her.

I thought she was
at her aunt and uncle's in Ashkelon.

I thought she'd come back with me

after she calms down,
for a few days.

Like she did before that?

And before that?

All those times
when you didn't manage to kill her?

Why were you hitching rides?

You could've called.
There are phones in Ashkelon,

they have the technology.

- Why didn't you call?
- They're not speaking to me.

Her father's brothers.

They don't like me.

I love her
as if she were my daughter

not only my wife.

Fine, we get you,
"Ediso Bialik...

be unto me, a mother and sister."

Go ahead. they're waiting
for the poet in Ramle.

Get up.

It's the same guy,
I told you so.

I know. He's the father, the husband,
the uncle, the brother. He’s sick.

No, I'm talking about
the murders of Orit and Kfir.

As you know,
we have two suspects.

It's the same
bite mark on both bodies.

You said it's from a dog bite.

but this one isn't.


There are all kinds of dogs

Small dogs, big dogs,
white dogs, black dogs...

Let me take
a bite mark sample, Benny.

I’ve got an apple here,
it'll take 2 seconds.

-1 could take his bite mark...
- Go for it.

Mr Solomon? Hi, I'm Naama Sadeh
from the forensics unit.

It would help our investigation
if you bit into this apple.

It could help you too.

I'll give you some time
to think about it.

Take me to school.

I'm running late, Mum

You haven't had breakfast yet.
You're not leaving until you eat.

- I'll eat at school.
- That's not until Warn.

You need to eat now, too.

Mum, I'm running late.

I've never sent you kids to school
without breakfast. Never.

Why aren t you eating, Gili?

Now would you please
take me to school?

Sharon Sagi, accused
of murdering his two children,

is in a critical condition after trying
to end his life in Ramle prison.

According to the Prison Service,
a public inquiry will be held...


Can you drive me to school?

What are you doing?
The bell will ring any second.

- Are you driving me?
- No, not now.

1 got you something

Specially for you.

With no harm to animals, no meat,
no dairy, no harm to the planet,

no harm to blacks,

African work immigrants.

Bon appetit.


Why'd you do that?
I went especially to get it for you.

looked for a non-animal product.

It's got egg in it.

was so scared she'd leave.


She worked hard, she studied,

she wanted to be a doctor.

You know that? A doctor.

Why would a doctor
stick around with me?

I can't read or write,

don't understand anything

Even if she wasn't accepted,
she'd never return to our home.

She'd never stay
with an old, ignorant man.

'm sure
she didn't think that about you.

She never said anything
to that tone,

but I know that's what
she thought deep inside.

But she never told me that

You were scared she'd leave you
so you took her life instead?

- To make sure nobody else got her?
-1 didn't do it.

I hit her from time to time,
but I never drew blood.

-1 never wanted to hurt her.
- Is that so?

I've talked with your daughter Ruth

It's not something you can miss,

but it still doesn't mean
you killed her.

You couldn't control it.

She was developing herself,
thriving, while you...

was scared.

I didn't want to end up alone.

Have you thought about
what I asked you?

I asked you to give us
a bite mark sample.

Do it.

If you're innocent,
this could only help you.

Go ahead.

I bet it's tastier than anything
they give you here.

- I'm not hungry.
- Just one bite.

Trust me,
this bite could save you.

How could it possibly
do me any good?

They've already taken Orit from me.

Do it for Ruth.

Your daughter Ruth

Why did you come down here?

You're punishing yourself.

You have every reason
in the world to hate me.

don't hate anyone.

You slapped me.

You wanted to hurt me.

I felt that.
And it did hurt.

Anger isn't hatred

Are you some sort of saint?
Is that what you are?

This isn’t about me.

Do you think I see myself as a martyr
because I'm in pain? Because I suffer?

What 1 think is irrelevant.

I'm listening to you,
hearing what you have to say.

I haven't got a chance with you.
I thought I did, but I don't.

A chance to do what?

To forgive myself.

Have you considered it?

And what happened?

And you?

Can you forgive?

We're not talk,ng about me.

I brought you something.

What's that?

from the world of fairytales?

Something from the world
of science, actually.

Which science
are you referring to?

Chemistry, biology,
forensic medicine.

I would love to sketch you.

In charcoal.

That would be enough.

-1 could try to ask for...
- In the nude.

t would have to be in the nude.

Got a problem with nudity?

It's as scientific as it gets.

One bite.

If you're innocent,
it could help you out.


Only you know that

What about you?
Don't you have an opinion?

Opinions are irrelevant to me,
I'm from the field of science.

And how exactly is your science
supposed to help me?

- If you give me a bite-mark sample...
- Like a dog?

I can't get into too much detail,

but yes, it has to do
with teeth, their structure.

What do my teeth have to do with it?

I can't get into detail,
but a small examination

could provide evidence
that would acquit you.

Acquit me of what?
What are you talking about?

I'm not from the prosecution side,
'm neutral.

So what have my teeth
got to do with this?

I'm sure you know
that when you bite something

or someone,

- then...
- So I guess she told Daddy.

She loves it

She can't get enough of it.

Did she tell you that too?

Who's "she"?

What do you people want from me?
You've got nothing on me.

So what if I'm annoying,
if I'm not nice,

if I'm too black for comfort,

stink up your buses?

So what?

So don't marry me.
Don't let me on your buses.

I don't need any favours.

El Al gladly took my money.

They don't mind
that I'm Ethiopian.

I was...

I was supposed
to be far away from here.

Far, far away.

Do you accuse me as well?

- There's a lot about you in the media.
- Do you believe it?

I didn't say I did.

I don't even kill bugs or nits.

One gave a sample,
the other refused.

I visited both murder suspects.

Are you that desperate?

I'm glad it amuses you.

He's stubborn,
thinks everyone's against him.

He doesn't believe anyone can help.

Do you?

Eitan, wake up.

- Eitan, wake up.
- I'm up.

You were sleeping
with your eyes open again.

I wasn't asleep.
They won’t let me sleep.

Try to turn off your thoughts.

It's not in my head,
it's in my teeth!

I can't take those voices any more.

It's not in my head,
I'm telling you.

Your teeth are fine,
you're talking nonsense.

It's in my teeth, not in my head.



Dad, are you busy?
- What?

Uncle Ehud called.
He's landed.

He said everything's all right,
you don't need to go to work,

and that this isn't
the time to work.

Could you drive me to school?

You want to go to school already?

don't want to miss school.

- I'm going for a jog. Ask Mum.
- She's not here.

- Gili, I don't know...
- I'm not missing school, Dad.

Nothing will happen
if you miss a few days.

Your mum knows
about these things, talk to her.

I don't care what she knows.
This isn't fair.

I'll get the bus home.

That was a long jog.

13 kilometres.

Is that good?

bet we broke a record.


Which war did you fight in?





Two for the price of one.

Grapes of Wrath
and Operation Accountability.

We fought Hezbollah, somewhere
along the northern border.

I bet you shot someone,
didn't you?

I bet you killed someone.

Did you?

- How many did you kill?
- He got a medal.

They even gave him a medal.

Dad, where's your medal?

Wait up, I want to come with you.

- I'll just go change.
- You can't come with me, sweetie.

- I'm going to the prison.
-1 want to come and help out.


You san tell everyone
who Rafa is, you can...

say how kind he is to everyone.

You can tell them what he did

and that he was with you
all of that night till morning.

You know,
the night that poor kid...

I can't be late.


I'm so sorry.

There's nothing to be
sorry about, darling.

I'm still sorry though.

- What are you sorry about?
- About not being there for you.

For 3 whole days
you had no time for me?

I tried, I couldn't make

Couldn't make it,
or were you scared?

She's the mother of my children

- I'm here to help.
- Great, Superman is here.

Old superman.

You're so angry with me.

Come on, Avshi.
You can come after 18 years

and tell me what Nigist is angry
about and who she's blaming.

Tihe community had been ripped
from .its roots and its customs.

I hear the mother
is also a single-parent.

Yes. The boy himself is Ethiopian,
only on his mother's side.

As far as i know,
his father left

- which only complicates things.
- Yes, possibly.

Hear that?
It's all my fault.

My son was always
the most perfect child.

No child was-ever as smart as Rafa,
or-a truer artist than'Rafa,

or as handsome as Rafa.

Everyone envied him.

Everything came easily for him.

Painting, music.

He's also a writer, he's been
writing stories since he was 6.

He writes, sings, paints...
He would always paint.

He was the most handsome boy.

Nobody took pity on Nigist’s son

Nobody thought, "Poor kid,
growing up without a dad."

They saw a boy who has Nigist

and that Nigist has
the entire world to give him.

If only they hadn't become
annoyed and envious

of the Ethiopian kid
whose mum is a single pprent,

the Ethiopian) k