Malory Towers (2020–…): Season 3, Episode 8 - The Sisters - full transcript

Dear, Alicia, Malory Towers is very

different with Miss Johnson in

We miss your pranks.

Send us some tricks to have some
fun with dull Miss Johnson.

Darrell, have you finished?

Hand it over.

I want to tell Alicia about all the

mysterious goings on at the stables.

I asked her to send some tricks.

What if Miss Johnson finds out?

She'd probably expel Darrell

and quite rightly, too.

I thought I asked for silence

whilst you write your letters.

Jean, you must remember to tell your

mother what fun the dance lesson

Oh, all right.

Irene, come.

Let me see what you have told
your parents.

Um, it's about my music and how I

hope to hear from the Conservatoire

because that would be just
wonderful and...

I can read, Irene.


She's inspecting every letter,

I can't let her see what I wrote.

Oh, Irene, if you mention order

your father will surely worry
that you're misbehaving.

Start again.


Darrell, you have to write
another one - quick!

Why don't you tell Alicia about the

plans you have for your sister?

Good, Ellen, sensible.

Let's keep our letters upbeat,


Lovely, Gwen, your father will be

thrilled to hear how well
you're doing.

And what do we have from you,

You haven't written very much.

I imagine it will be fun to have
your younger sister join

the school if she passes
today's exam, of course.

Felicity's been looking forward to
coming here ever since I started,

she's been swotting like anything,
I'm sure she'll pass.

I expect you to finish your letters

during free time, girls, and hand

them over to me for posting.

Oh, thank goodness you hid
what I wrote.

I can't believe
she's censoring what we write,

that is not the spirit of
Malory Towers.

I will not let her, I'm going to

finish this letter
telling the truth.

I'll find a way to give
it to Alicia somehow.

I wish I had a little sister.

Me, too, I tell her how to be and
what to do.

That's not really what
a big sister does.

Mother says there was no need

for another sibling
because I was so perfect.

Thanks ever so.

Felicity! Darrell!

Oh, it's simply wonderful
to see you.

Shame Daddy couldn't bring
you himself, of course.

Lucky for me, Mr Peters
was driving this way.

How are you feeling about the exam?
I'm so very nervous.

Don't be,
you're marvellously clever.

It isn't for a few hours anyway and

we've got some wizard things planned
for you.

A tour of the grounds. And visiting
the horses.

And I hope you brought your bathers
because.... Darrell...

..Felicity is here to take an exam
that will decide her future,

she can't very well be gallivanting
around all day.

But it's ages until the exam
and Matron assured me

we could have permission slips.

I'm afraid that the stables and the

pool are out of bounds except
to Malory Towers girls.

Miss Grayling always lets us show
the new girls around.

She's not at the school yet.

Come, Felicity, I have some prep set

up for you, to ensure you do
your very best this afternoon.

We still have tonight.

Oh, yes, the midnight feast.

Ron, I thought you'd be at the

We wanted to show Felicity
the horses.



I borrowed Ron's jacket,
it's freezing in here first thing.

It suits you.

I've just had a super idea,

Mary-Lou, I need your help.

Hurry up! We're going
as quickly as we can.

Does it fit?

Yes, but hurry,
Miss Johnson will be waiting.

Thank you for doing my prep,

Oh, pass me your cardigan.
I don't know where I put it.

Any sign of Gwen? Do you really
think she would tell on us?

She seems to think it's her duty

to tell Miss Johnson
every little thing that we do.

Where's her cardigan?

We really need to hurry.
Is Felicity ready?


Why is Mary-Lou not dressed?

Um, she's not feeling well.

Yes, she's developed
the most awful tummy upset.

Well, she was fine earlier.

Um, must be the kippers
she had for breakfast.


We had porridge for breakfast.

You two are up to something.
Of course we're not.

As head of form, I demand to know
what's going on.


Are you all right, Mary-Lou?

I'm fine, honestly,

I just need some rest.

Poor you.

Are you sure you shouldn't
go and see Matron?

Oh, maybe you should go and fetch

You know how tetchy Matron gets
when you ask her about tummy upsets

but as Mary-Lou said,

she just needs some rest.


OK, I'll give it a few minutes,

I really thought we were in for
it there. We'll be fine.

I'll go up and finish up.
And I'll go get Bill.

See you all down there!

See you in a moment!

We're here.

You took your time.

Where's Felicity?

Amazing what a change of clothes
can do.

You look just like
a Malory Towers girl.

We still need to make sure
she's hidden.

I was feeling so nervous before

but as soon as I put on
this uniform,

all my nerves disappeared.

I feel amazing.

It really suits you.

As long as Miss Johnson doesn't see
Mary-Lou dressed as Felicity,

then we might get away with it.

And Felicity will have the
Malory Towers day she deserves.

Hello, again, Felicity Rivers.

Miss Johnson asked me
to bring you something

to keep your energy levels up.

She really is so caring like that.

What's wrong with you?


There's no need to be.

Some of the girls at Malory Towers

aren't very bright at all
and they passed.

I got top marks, of course,

but some of the others
only scraped by...

..despite their fathers spending
a fortune on tutors.

I'm sure you'll do fine.

Thank you.

And to be perfectly honest,

life Malory Towers isn't always
the best.

Some of the girls
can be rotten sometimes,

especially Darrell Rivers.

I know she's your sister

but I imagine you've been on the

receiving end of her sharp tongue
before... Hmm.

..haven't you?

Yes, absolutely, rotten sometimes.

Swapping clothes?

Crikey, that's a clever trick.

My brothers would be so impressed.

Not that I can write
and tell them anything.

Why not?

Miss Johnson
is censoring our letters.

She inspects everything we write.

I could post a letter for you.

Miss Johnson isn't inspecting me.

That's a great idea.

Thank you so much, Felicity.

Problem solving, you're thinking

like a real Malory Towers girl, too.

We should get back. Probably
shouldn't leave Mary-Lou

for too long. Can't I go for a ride?

Miss Johnson would have
a heart attack if she caught you.

Don't worry, I've got something even

better planned for you.

When you come to Malory Towers,

think of me as your big sister,

stay away from those troublemakers.


There is one girl
who is a decent sort

and she's always hanging around
blasted Darrell,

Mary-Lou's so easily led.

Yes, she can be so silly
and naive sometimes.

How could you be so mean?

How could you be so deceitful?

A tummy upset? Sorry.

I had to keep the secret
for Darrell and her sister.

It doesn't make me any less
of a good friend to you.

If you were then you wouldn't
have kept this from me.

Where is Felicity Rivers, anyway?

She's supposed to be doing her prep.

As head of form, I have a duty
to report this.

Please, Gwen, please don't tell
Miss Johnson,

it will get us all in trouble.

I don't want to get you into
trouble, Mary-Lou.

You've clearly been forced into
doing this by that ghastly Darrell.

It wasn't like that.

I should tell.

But I won't say anything
about you, Mary-Lou.

You have my word.

What about the others?

We found a way to get a letter
to Alicia.

We can't let Miss Johnson
take away our freedom.

Exactly right,
Alicia is your friend,

you shouldn't have to write
boring letters about the weather.

We better make sure Miss Johnson
doesn't find out,

she'd hit the roof. Which is exactly
why we need to resist.

Speaking of which, Darrell and I
are taking Felicity swimming.

Want to come? I'd love a dip.

Sorry, I'm helping Irene
with her prep.


Where are you off to?

Just getting some air.

You really are all scheming,
aren't you?

Well, don't blame me if you all get

in trouble - again.

Ready, steady.

Best day ever!


It was most curious, Miss Johnson,

I saw the two Rivers girls
walking towards the pool.

I'm assuming they had
their permission slips.

Felicity Rivers is supposed

to be prepping for her exam
in the dining hall.

You went in to check on her
yourself, didn't you?

Yes, I...

Remember, I have put my trust
in you, Gwendolyn.

Nobody was in there.

And you didn't think to tell me?

Well, at first I thought
she was in the lavatory.

Then I put down the tray
and I saw them both.

I will deal with this.

Please don't tell anyone
I said anything.


You'll smash that exam.

Thanks for the wizard time.

See you later for the feast.

Marry Lou's in the dining hall,

just go in and change quickly.

Good luck.

If Felicity wasn't in there, you

should have come to me immediately.

Yes, Miss Johnson.

Felicity Rivers.

Hello, Miss Johnson.

Mary-Lou just came to wish me
good luck.

Thanks for the iced bun earlier,

It was my idea!

What was your idea?


To wish Felicity good luck.

I see Mary-Lou has beaten us to it.

Time to go.

Felicity has an exam to sit.

Good luck, Felicity.

Here, take this, it's for good luck.

My lucky coin.


..your dress, is it on inside out?

Oh, silly me, yes.

It was my fault.

When Mary-Lou was getting ready
earlier this morning.


..I wouldn't let her
open the curtains.

Come on, Mary-Lou,

let's get your dress sorted out.

Well done.

You got away with it.

Now, Felicity, if you would
turn out your pockets, please.

I know you wouldn't cheat
in the exam

but it is school policy
that I check.

But, um... Now.

"An awful old demon", Am I?

I didn't mean it like that.

"With pointless and stupid rules
that are driving us all potty."

We, we just wanted to make Alysia
laugh. At my expense?

I'm sorry.

And as for
"Mysterious goings on",

you girls really do have
wild imaginations.

It was my idea to post it.

No, I asked her to, it's my fault.

I'm deeply disappointed in both of

you Rivers girls.

Once you finish your exam, I shall

organise for you to return home,

She's supposed to stay the night.
No arguments.

You've led your little sister

You're fortunate I'm letting
Felicity take the exam at all.

I'm beginning to think that one

Rivers girl would be enough
at Malory Towers.


I think I did all right
once I'd calmed down.

Thank Mary-Lou for her lucky coin.

I will. I'm sure you passed.

Even if I did, Miss Johnson
might not let me come here.

You heard what she said about
one Rivers girl being enough.

Well, if you pass the exam,
then it would be utterly unfair

of Miss Johnson not to give
you a place.

Daddy wouldn't stand it,
he hates injustice.

In fact, I should tell him and

mother about Miss Johnson and her

silly rules, how she's taken
away your privileges.

Do you think they'd do anything?

I think Daddy would pick up
the phone right away.

Darrell, I'll make sure he does.

Thank you.

Miss Johnson seemed
jolly suspicious

so someone must have told tales...

..and I know who.

Don't look at me.

You said you wouldn't tell.

I saved your skin with your
inside out dress, Mary-Lou,

so maybe next time you could
include me in your little pranks.

We can't include you
because you're a tattletale, Gwen.

Well, if you let me join in,

then maybe I wouldn't be, Sally.

It doesn't matter anyway,
thanks to my

letter, Miss Johnson might not even

let Felicity in, it's all my fault.

Stop that right now, Darrell,
everything you did today

would have been fine when Miss
Grayling was here.

Miss Johnson has changed
Malory Towers,

She's taking away everything
that makes it special.

Wow, Jean, who knew you could be


I'm sorry, but I've had my fill
of Miss Johnson, I really have.

If it were up to her, we'd never
have any fun,

she'd probably ban smiling
if she could.

And we can't even tell anyone
how ghastly she is.

We'll never get any letters
passed, Miss Johnson.

Not with her seeing every word.

Well, we just have to make every

word as innocent as possible then,

don't we?

What do you mean?

Dear Alicia, I have written
you a poem,

I hope you find it
cracking good fun,

I call it Malory Towers.

More plotting, no doubt.

Actually, Gwen, Ellen was just

reading us a poem she'd written
to Alicia.

"Spring crashes heavenly
over our lovely island

"Sweet little irises
keep erupting

"And proud roses
illuminate softly our nook."

What on earth are you talking

I thought Alicia might like it.

Ellen, I'm saying this as a friend,

you're very good
at science experiments

but this poetry, it really isn't
your strong suit.

Well, I, for one, like your poem,
Ellen, it's, um...'s unusual.

It's more than that, it's brilliant.

It's an acrostic code.

The first letter of each word
spells out another word.

So what it actually says is...

School is like a...



Oh, that's wizard.

Just wait until you read
the second verse.

I meant to say, make sure
you don't seal the envelope.

Miss Johnson will want to approve

what you're all writing to Alicia.

And who can blame her after
how you've all behaved today?

Good luck.


What wonderful imaginations
young girls have.

But on a serious note,

I may seem strict with your
daughters at times, Mr Rivers...

..but I couldn't allow Felicity
to go swimming,

getting cold and wet before
taking a very important exam.

And horse riding, I would never

forgive myself if a young visitor to

the school were to become injured.

I still recall Miss Grayling's

accident with such anguish.

As for the letter that Darrell
gave her sister,

I'm sure that the feelings
were genuine,

even if the facts
are quite different.

The reality is...

..if Darrell learns to follow the

rules and respect her teachers...

..she has a bright future
ahead of her.


I will, of course.
Goodbye, Mr Rivers.

What did Daddy say?

He asked me to pass on his regards

and I put his mind at ease.

Darrell, you are such
a spirited girl,

as is Felicity,

which makes me wonder if it

would be better for her to attend
another school.

Sometimes it can be good
to keep sisters apart.

No, no, please, you can't turn
her down if she's passed her exam.

She did pass, didn't she?

She did.

So you're offering her place?

Passing an exam is,
of course, very important

but the final decision is mine.

If you want your sister
at Malory Towers, Darrell,

you must prove
that you can follow my rules.

No, I can and I will.

I can promise you that.

Please, just don't punish Felicity
because of me.

You've made me promise,
now, Darrell,

don't break it.

I won't.

For me?

Um, a letter for Alicia
and a poem.

Well, did she suspect?

Not at all, that code was genius.

Great work, Ellen.

But we really need to be careful
from now on,

I made a promise
to follow all the rules.

And Alicia still needs to decipher
the code.

But we've done it,
we've beaten Miss Johnson.

For today, at least.

Miss Johnson's smart
but we're smarter.