Malkot (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Episode 9 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What's the point of revenge?

Killing the dog

doesn't cure the bite.

You have the smell of gasoline.

I made a BBQ.

And the one who avenges...

Do not want to see your face anymore.

Is already digging two graves.

He's sleeping with my patient.

He's a queer.

You promised, you son of a bitch!

Forgive him.

Suck me.

I'll do what you want.

On the contrary, one should know to forgive.

It's not easy.


That's why they say...

There is money, a passport
and a plane ticket to Athens.

In the place where stand
the owners of the answer...

Alex, say, are you screwed? Do you not
understand that they are looking for you?

The most righteous will not stand.

I must apologize to you.

But sometimes

There are situations that
the human being can no longer forgive.

Guy Francis,

He sent Sela

And only God will forgive.

So God forgives.

What are you doing here?

An eye for an eye.

Do nothing without telling me.

And our role

It's just organizing the meeting.


Santa Catarina, okay?

OK, Bye.

Look, Lizi...

Shimi, look who's coming to visit you.

Hey, Shimi, how are you?

Who is she?

Lizi Malka, daughter of Jacob.

He's a good man, Jacob.

He took us to Eurodisney, he loves Akim
(association for mental disabilities), how is he?

He died.

We were at a funeral, Shimi.

In the boat he died.
We saw it on TV.

That you will know no more sorrow.

Thanks sweetie.
- What car did you come with?

You had a black Cadillac.
- Look how he remembers.


Her brother Eyal took us
to see girls in Bursa (Turkey).

Girls in Bursa we have seen.
-How is the maintenance going?

The steam is being cleaned there,
Reuben is watching over me.

They love him there.
Go, go, do not let them wait.

Thank you for coming.

Soaps from Colombia you say?

Are you sure it does not complicate you?

And your dad who vetoed the Chinese
so the guys did not get involved?

Said "this is people's livelihood",

And Shimi needs to work here
with people who love him and that's it.

A deal of millions and he did not give up.

He told them, you don't want it?
Go to fix Gaza port.

In fact, the Chinese were turned on by that.

For you.

No, mamele.
-No, no, no, no, out of question.

I insist.

And do not forget the barcode number.

Like you said, the Santa Catarina
anchors tonight,

And there really is a shipment
of soaps from Colombia.

Excellent. And will he help us?
-He will help, but we need a barcode.

They unload some 30 containers today,

Each container has fifty crates.

To know where the shipment is
we must get the barcode.

I'll take care of it.

Be careful.

Are you sure he's with the black one now?
Because he is constantly replacing them.


I was looking for a pillowcase.

I did not expect this.

Did you find the code?

But it's important to me that
you do not open closets in the house.

You prefer to peek,
not to be peeked, eh?

This is the code.

They sent him the shipment number yesterday.

Got it.

Did it turn you on
when Guy strangled me?

I do not think of you that way.

Lucky you.

Do you have sex also without costumes?

I prefer not to talk about it.

I got the code of
Guy's mobile

What are you doing here?

Who let you in?

No, I introduced myself.
I have something to show you.

Say, what, what do you not understand?
I was not clear enough last time?

No, that's something you'll want to see.

I ask you to leave
before I call for security...

Where are you?

I told you to wait outside.

I'm what it's sorry, Amnon.

Shula, it's okay. Please go out
and close the door behind you.

What alcohol do you have here?

Lupi has always had an
excellent ouzo from Greece.

Do you want to have a drink, Amnon?

He does not drink.

Bring it.

If I fall,

You'll fall with me.

I'm not here to bring you down, Amnon,
I'm here to promote you.

The sky is the limit

When a person has the right friends.

And today

I'm your best friend.

What do you want?

I made a list.

What's going on?
-I'm leaving.

Did you see my clothes?
- I dumped them, they stunk.

What were you doing in the sewer, Alex?

I'm kidding, I washed them for you.

Well, okay, when will it be ready?

I want to go.

I'll go on, I do not want you
to get stuck here with me.

Just because I do not want you in a romantic way
it doesn't mean I do not enjoy you being here.

Did you drive your boyfriend also crazy like that?

Stop going crazy.

Come, come on,

I'll get you the clothes.

Nina, I'm in my underwear.

Very good.

Open a strip club.

My father was very interested in the field.

What is this place?
- This is my dad's storeroom.

When I needed some quiet from my mom
I would hide from her here, between the crates.

She would always look for me all over the world
and would not know I was a meter from home.

I would not hide from her,

Your mother is a MILF.

Is she doing this to you?

Now that I know the daughter does not want me.

Your clothes.

What is this?
It's still wet.

That's not bad, it will dry in the sun,
go, go for a walk, eat an ice cream.

You like to dry you, eh?

Stop crying.

Strip-tease is actually right for you.


Really, really.

You're a genius.

Am I?

I told him everything.

Everything I think about him.

That he's taking advantage of me,

That he just wants to fuck me,

That he is ashamed of me.

Nice, I'm glad.

I was worried that you might just
hang out and not be able to break up.

To break up?

To break up? Naama, we have
never been so close in our lives.

He cried.

He always accused
me of driving him crazy,

That he wasn't like that, that he is straight.

Yesterday he told me I was right.

He admitted that he was gay
and that he loved me.

Wait, so you did not part with him in the end?

This? A bit of coke and you stop thinking?

How do you know he brought me coke?

It's Cuckoo talk.

Because you do not think.

You're so nerd.

But I like it.


That you care so much about me,
you want so much to take care of me.

Too bad we did not talk about a million dollars.

"It's over,

"We will not meet again.

"Do not call me and do not show up.

I can not explain more.

this is final."

I probably did not lose my charm,
despite what you tell everyone.

Do I take you home?

I'm tired of your daughter
and the wounded Arab.

Yes, I have things to do at home.

They, too, it seems to me,
have things to do.

Every time I come it seems
like I'm interrupting them.

What does it mean to interrupt?

I don't know...

Every pot has its lid.

And every virgin has a martyr.

Say, Muslims also make brit (circumcision)?

Just in case you have another grandchild.

What are you confusing on your mind?
They are partners, they work together.

She looks and does not see.

Believe me, Mom is more connected
to reality than you are.

She takes care of him all the time,
not moving away from him.

She takes care of him, she has a heart.

It is from this very
heart that I would worry.

But do what you want,

You know best, eh?

I really wanted to make him soup.

I'll come with you there.

Dori Jonam,
this is the 90th minute,

Maybe even extra time.

You did not stop in the stop sign!

I drove you to your bat mitzvah,
do not teach me how to drive.

Do you know how many points for a stop?

What do I care about points?
I'm in the negative.

I want to start handing out merchandise tonight.

Moni promised the Chechens to
put a first payment on the morning.

If there ares delays, it's my head.

You know how a port here is, huh?

Shabbat comes in and then a
holiday comes in and then sanctions

And we will not see the goods for a year.

Be on it.

Your phone.

I got you.

I see how you look at me and
I know what you're planning.


I missed you too, my beautiful pirate.

Am I interrupting?

Hey, Mami, no, what the hell.

Sapphire, come with me please.

I'm just about to iron.
- Now.


Are you okay with me?



I'm glad we made the
decision to make a rehabilitation, but...

I feel like I'm alone in this.

Nili, Guy called me.
-Wait, wait.

We are trying to make a rehabilitation,

But rehabilitation requires change.

You can not fuck and then
say "this is a rehabilitation".

To fuck?

Look how you come for work,

Tel Baruch (prostitutes quarter in Tel Aviv).

And what is this patch? What...

What, are you forcibly trying to be hot?

It's from the hospital...
- Look at you!

What happened to you is an opportunity,
for me and for you.

But you have to accept it.

That it's over.

But instead of accepting it,

Instead of connecting with
your princess, your inner beauty,

You keep fucking with me at home
like nothing, after all we've talked about.

What, I'm talking to a wall?

Are you a wall?


Blessed lord,
I tried!

Not everything can be repaired.

You need to get out of here.

It was a mistake, you have to go.
- No, Nili,

Nili, you're right.

I'm a monster.

But that's how I grew up,
that's how I was taught,

Lure men and seduce them.

I want to change,
I want to be a princess,

But there is no one to teach me.

I know I'm having a hard time with you,

I know I'm disappointing you,

But please do not give up on me, Nili.

Let's do this repair together.

The rabbi told me,
the harder the experience,

the greater the reward.

I will not give up on you.

Thanks. Thanks.

I know what will help you.

Wait, wait, it's still a little stuck.
-Okay, okay, okay.

Breathe a moment. You're done.

What about the shipping number?
Do you have it already?

Sapphire is working on it.

I would rather you wait
until I'm healthy.

It's not possible.

He took a loan from the
Russians to finance this shipment.

If we knock him out...

They will take care of him for us.

Help me get up.
- All right, relax, slowly.

Mazel Tov.

Hey, Mom.

Happy Birthday.

I fixed the towers issue,

I also arranged for Yossi's wife, as she requested,
several kindergartens in the neighborhood.

Now Jamil will do what you
want and also kiss your feet.

What a cannon you are.
- I'm a cannon and you are a cannon.

The smartest of us all,

You'll get everything you want.

Do you think so?

So why every time I succeed in something
you tell me,

Here, look,

Is she married, is she a girl?

When you want to get a husband,

Two lessons from me
and they all fall at your feet.

When you want.

You do not know how much I love you.

I love you too, Mom.

Lie down calmly.

Do not worry, I'm an expert.
- Okay.

They all surely wanted you.

I was fire.

But you are loved too.

What, don't I see how this Hamudi
looks at you?

Mom, what do you have?

I'm not at all his type.

It's... it's... Tzipi.

Have you been together?

Are you mad?


No. I've told you no.

Do not worry, the right
man for you will come, eh?

When you blow out the
birthday candles today

You make a wish good, good,
good, in your heart, strong.


There is a problem.

They advanced the entry of Santa
Catarina into the harbor,

I need the barcode.

Well, I'm coming back to you in a second.


Yes, yes, calm down, I sent a man.

He knows the shipment number,
trust me.

Moni, you're before
the hit of your life.

Well, I can not talk.

She made you a Taliban mother.

Nili takes care of me.

Next time she's going to make you
a woman's circumcision, be careful.

Just in case.

Tomorrow put on under garters
and do not wear underwear.

So how did you get into a boarding school?

My father drank a lot,

And when Sapphire moved to Tel Aviv
they had to put me somewhere,

They put me there.
- How was it there?

At first I cried every
night like a girl,

Then I discovered the benefits.

What are the benefits?

That if you get used to this shit

Nothing will break you anymore.


Hey, what's up?


Hi, Nina.
- Hey.

Is everything okay with you?

Yes, and with you?

I searched for you several times,

You did not come back to me.

Yes, I needed calm
to study for my exams.

I see.

Can I taste the mango?

And can I have the strawberry?

And the vanilla-cream?

Well, until it's decided here,
give me one chocolate ball in a cup.

What do you want, Nina?
-Buy, there's a turn, relax.

Calm down your girlfriend and
tell her it's not so good so much ice cream.

Alex, calm down, what do you have? Well?

I see you started dating
with a master sergeant.

Watch out, because I don't like your face.

Alex, I'm going.

All is well, I'm going.

Your friend is really... rude.

Where did you meet him?

On Tinder.

Have an excellent fuck.

Enjoy your meal.

I'm sorry I told you
about Yaeli that day.

I do not know what happened to me,

I wanted to hurt you.
- You succeeded.

Tell me, what, are you screwed?

Why are you behaving like a criminal?
This is my house.

Lame house.
Why did you try to commit suicide?

In another week he's
finishing his pilot course,

I was supposed to be there with him.

Oh, a pilot, it's a shame it did not work.


What, you're hotter than her,
a hundred times.

He does not think so.
-Then, he can go fuck.

Really go fuck.

Come on, let's get out of here.

Wait, but you didn't have your ice cream.
- Did you see my weapon?

What weapon?
- My rifle, it was on the table.

Maybe you forgot him at home.

I'll be thrown out of the course. Do you realize
that I will be kicked out of the course?


So how's my son?

Happy, stoned from the sedatives.

My daughter takes care of him all day.

Whoever shot him is already a martyr.

Who sent him?

Guy Francis.

He made a big mistake.

I'm not talking to my son, but...

He's still my son.

You have to protect him.


It's true what Marwan told you...
So he's recovering...

Tell her, tell her
he's recovering and...

Zora, don't worry,
your son's just fine,

He is treated like a sultan.

Have you seen?

We deserve coffee.


Always worrying.

I'm a little worried too.

My daughter and your son.

Jacob once took me on a safari in Kenya,

And there we saw how the
giraffes and zebras roam together,

That way, for the defense.

Getting along.

But you will not see a
case of a zebra and a giraffe

Making a family together.

In this matter the zebra with the zebra,

And the giraffe with the giraffe.

You have nothing to worry about, Madam Malka,

My son will not build a family.

Ever since they murdered Putna
his heart has become a stone.

You're wrong, Nasser.

For our peace of mind

And so that we can continue to move forward quietly,

Let's make sure the
giraffes are with the giraffes

And the zebras with the zebras.

And you should hurry up
before the zebra takes off her pajamas.

Sapphire was already supposed to come back to me.

You do not eat?

I don't like chicken soup.
Do you want?

It will calm you down.

I prefer to stay focused.


How come you do not have someone?

Well, what do you all
have with me today?

Do you think I have time for that?

Have you ever had?

I once had.

Well, what happened?

You know, my family...

People are afraid of my father,
not so...

Do not know.

Why do you have no one?

For us girls it's a wedding and children,

It's not for me.

And what, what about this one on internet?

We broke up.



I want someone else.

- What happened?


Guy broke the phone.

It's a candy fish, Mrs. Mashraki.

Eh? Candy.

Make fish soup for the worker,
but do not make economies on the wine,

Put in a good wine.

- Good, I'll write you down.

Hello, Albert.

Are there any fish today?


I came to bring dad some...

Oily fish.

Not humiliating me enough, I
need you to look at me too now?


Do not fry it, just grill it.

He is fat enough, does not need oil.

Where did you have a
barbecue yesterday? Eh?

What a man... uh...

For the children.


Look how oily this fish is,

If he were a human
he would wrestle sumo.

What children?

The children of the...

That, huh?
Of the foreign workers.

They're hungry, poor,
so sometimes I volunteer,

I make them BBQ like that.

Is that why you stink of gasoline?

Well, it happens, it spills.

Give my regards to your Dad, eh?
The bill is on me.

Can I make something else for you?

Where's my brother, Albert?

Um... um... you said that,
with Hamas, didn't you?

What, because...

Because of the smell of a barbecue?
- On the hill, where the gun dealer was burned,

they found signs of a GMC Transit tires.

Arabs love Transit.

You too.

You have a Transit, and muddy tyres.

What does it have to do with it?

Oh, no...

You broke my tooth.

Where will I get money to fix it now?

Really nice, the Arabs kidnapped
your brother and Albert is beaten.

Did Dori Malka send you?

Why, your father suspects Dori Malka?

So why is he...

Kissing her?

She bewitched him,
the daughter of a prostitute.

But I see her from miles away,
a slut daughter of a slut.

I know you're doing everything for her,
and you have no interest,

But if you tell me or my father the truth,

Maybe I'll feel sorry for you.

Where is Eliav?

Do you swear?

You promise me

I did not want to do it,
I swear to you I did not want to do it.

Nothing. -She bewitched me,
bewitched me too, pressured me.


Call your dad, call him,
I'll talk to him, I'll tell him.

I'm bleeding.

I'm getting off...

That I should inform on
the love of my life? Eh?

Yes maniac!


Are you here?

What, Dori? I have no time.

I'm really sorry I came.

Well, are you opening?

Wait, wait. A moment.

What's going on?

What is it, Albert?
You're all full of blood.

Well, what, what do you think,
that I work at Aminach (bedding store)?

It's animals, they have blood, eh?
- Okay, so.

You're not inviting me for coffee today?

I told you, I do not have time today.

I thought you were busy with Hillel.

Why are you odious with me?

Do you want me to stop coming to you?
I will stop.

I thought you were my good friend.

I'm your best friend, but...

But what?

I saw you sitting with him
and holding hands with him

And throw my lupines.

They are very beautiful, the lupines.

They have a better smell
than any flower shop scent.

Well, what am I supposed to do,
throw him out of the house?

With what I have already done?
Come kill me, I talked to him.

You make of me I do not know what.
- I'm not doing. - You are.

What are you saying, Albert?
Are you the spirit of Jacob?

Until I'm in a good mood

And I want to make a
family meal and invite you

And you're taking me down like that?

I do not need you, bye.
- Wait, wait, Dori,

I'm sorry, well.
-No, you killed me today, you killed.

Well, wait, I'm coming,
I'm coming with you, wait.

Well, can I take a fish?
- No, no, no, no, no, no,

I'll bring it to you, I'll bring it to you.

Go, get the car and
I'm coming, okay?

Bring the car.

Okay, very nice, mind you.

Ido, I'm putting some flour in here for you,
yes, you'll sprinkle it like this.


Take this,
start to knead it.

But that way, in such a way, that it
would come out uniform, okay? Beautiful.

Believe me your aunt
will be very happy

That you're making her a birthday cake.
- It's you who is preparing for her.

Okay, but you're the sous chef,
what happens to you?

Without you, there is nothing here.

Also without you.

Now, listen to me well.

If you want to impress girls

Always make them a cake.

That way they will think you are a sensitive man.

I don't like girls.

Don't worry, you will love them.

Sous chef,

Your mother,

After she broke up with your dad,

Did she have a boyfriend?

Really? What a waste.

She needs someone actually.
- Why?

What do you mean?
Everyone needs a someone.

If you get stuck in the shower without a towel,

If you have someone, you shout, she will bring it.

Or someone to hang all
the balloons you inflate.


Someone to have fun with.

Like you.

Exactly, do you see?

You are a very smart kid.

And sweet, and terrific.

I'm just terrific, not sweet.


I killed them on the yacht.


What are you talking about, Ido?

Judah annoyed me.

He said I play with dolls,
and so does Dad.

Then I played with the soldiers
and said "die",

and then...

God heard me and killed everyone.

That's not what happened, Ido.


Ido, open to me, I want to talk to you.

Get out of here, I don't want to talk to you.
I don't hear anything!

Ido, listen carefully to what I'm telling you,

Dad and grandpa, and David Yehuda
were also very, very big criminals,

And they had a lot of enemies
who wanted to kill them.

And we do not know who it is,
but it has nothing to do with you,

And no one blames you,

It does not matter how angry you were
or what you said you while playing.



Is there anything else?

We'll talk.

Can I help?

I came to take merchandise.

It's lunch break.

So when will you load the merchandise?

Another half hour.

Can I sit?

Can you smoke outside?
We're just being careful here.

Drop it, drop the cigarette.

We will be with you.

It's a disease, the cigarette.

Dad, I brought you food.

Uri said your back hurts.

Come, look how dirty you
are inside, let me wash you.

I can wash alone.
- Come, come with me.

Listen and listen to me well,
I need a favor from you, okay?

All right, Dad.

In a moment I will ask you to
bring me a rag from the service box,

But I need you
to stop in the line 12,

by the second box on the left,

replace the box sticker
with the box next to it.

Do you remember?
- Sure, Dad, bring you a rag.

What else?

What else?

Line 12.

Second box on the left, replace sticker.
I remember everything, Dad.

Nice. I'll tell you when, okay?

Hoppa, sorry.

Shimi, please bring the...

The rag from the utility box.

There's in the stranger's closet, Dad.

No, I replaced it and
put in the utility box.

Do exactly what I asked you to do.

Oh, Dad, I got you, yes.
- Nice.

My son, he works with us here.
-Like you.

- What?

What is left?

Like in tennis, remember?

Right "forehand",
left "backhand".

- What?

He had a big talent for tennis.

With a little more luck in life
he would be today at Wimbledon.

He arrives in a second.

What, where are you going?
- I'll bring a rag myself.

I was once at Eurodisney.

The guys are back, you can load up. Come on.

He did it.
- What?

That's it, they did it.

So let's celebrate.
Smoke with me.

The truth is, I've never...

It's fun.

Now there is no need to concentrate.

How it was?


What will you do with the goods?
- We'll hide it.

We'll wait and see what Guy Francis will do when
he has no money to give back to the Russians.

No... I would not
want to be your enemy.

So don't be.


What's going on?

The truth is not just drugs I have never tried,

I've never been with a man either.

And a girl?

With no one.

Are you a virgin?


I know, it's embarrassing .

No one wants to get close
to Jacob Malka's daughter.

Jacob is dead.

Yes, but now who would want a
32-year-old retarded virgin girl?

Are you 32 years old?


I don't know how time passed at all.

It's not just my dad, it's...

I've always been this good friend
that everyone consults,

Tell her who they like, but...

they never fell in love with me.


But not everyone must fall in love.

Let's move on, I'm annoying you.
- No, no, Lizi...

Come a second.

Go, Lizi, I...

I can't go on like that,

That you are here all day.

I don't want to go,

It's my birthday today.
- Mazel Tov.

I want to rais my glass to life.

Reasons to be sad

as they say in Persian,
are not missing, but...

one should raise one's head
and rejoice in what is there,

and there are many.

I have a wonderful daughter that
everyone knows what she's worth.

And I hope that with the help of God,
it will soon bring me a lot of satisfaction.

What satisfaction?

And I have a pair of daughters-in-law.

Well maybe not daughters-in-law,
one before the wedding and one divorced,

But for me, they are Malka
for everything and anything.

And I firmly believe

There's no mountain that we can not climb
and no sea that we can not swim.

And there is no toilet that we can not clean.

Well, now the cake that Idodu prepared.

Oz prepared it.

To let mom see that he is sensitive.


They also had powder in grandpa's yacht.


They had flour in a tray
with rolled bills.

Ido, are there any other things
you remember from the yacht?


Have you seen the shooters?

They were two.

The man with the glasses and one more.

Do you know what he looks like?


What's up, Tony?
- What is this?

You bastards! What's going on here?