Make Some Noise (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - A Monster Truck Voiceover for a Peaceful Sunday - full transcript

Zac Oyama, Jacob Wysocki, and Kimia Behpoornia are bringing poise AND noise.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- [Sam] Tonight, making
his way to his seat

in a full movie theater, it's Zac Oyama.

(audience applauding)
(upbeat music)

- Excuse me.

Oh, sorry.

- [Sam] Fleeing from a swarm
of wasps, it's Jacob Wysocki.

- Stop, stop it!

Stop, bad wasps!

- And opening up the
door to a surprise party,

it's Kimia Behpoornia.

- Yeah, so I'm just waiting
for the doctor to call, Mom.

- Surprise!
- Surprise!

- (sighs) This is a lot
to take in for today.

- [Sam] They're all here to...

- [All] Make some noise!

(cheerful music)

- Welcome to "Make Some Noise,"

the game so good we spun it off unchanged.

I am your host Sam Reich, and
here's how the show works.

I have a series of improvisational prompts

our players have never seen before,

isn't that right, players?

- I mean, I've never seen it.

- I got no eyes.

- I have eyes, but I haven't seen them.

- They will, to the best of their ability,

fulfill those prompts.

I will award them corresponding points

and the winner will take
home the coveted Golden Ear.

- Fuck!
- Which, when it turns 16

can get a piercing if
Mom says it's okay to.

Players, are you ready to rumble?

- I'm ready to kick ass, dude.
- Let's go!

- (giggles) Zac!

- Hi.

- [Sam] A clown-phobic
clown puts on clown makeup.

- Oh, fuck, oh fuck!
(Sam laughing)

Put it on. Just put it
on for the gig, you know?

(Jacob laughing)

Let's do the white base.

It's chalky, it's chalky.

(Zac inhales sharply)

(Zac groaning in pain)

(Zac gurgling)

You sick fuck!

(cast laughing)

Anything for $40!

(Sam and Kimia laughing)

(Zac groans)

(Zac hyperventilates)

The nose on.

(Jacob mimics horn honking)

(Jacob mimics horn honking quickly)

- I'll cut you off there, Zac.

Just so I'm clear, $40?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, Zac.

Let's say two and 1/2 points for you.

- Okay.

- Jake.
- Thank for having me.

- A pencil sharpener that
gets off on being fed pencils.

(Zac laughing)

- Oh, he's coming.
(Sam laughing)

Oh, he's coming. Oh yeah.

Go slow, babe.

(Jacob mimics pencil sharpener sharpening)

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Hope that was as good
for you as it was for me.

(Sam laughing)

You wanna stick it in the back?

Yeah, I'll eat your eraser.
(mimics motor whirring)

- (laughs) Very well done. I love it.

We'll say a point for you.

- What's up?

- [Sam] Someone called upon to say grace

who doesn't know how to say grace.

- Um, oh...

Of course I'll do it. (clears throat)

Thank you to our Lord for..

the food.

(Zac chuckling)

And bless...

Everyone's still holding hands.

(Sam laughing)

Our, uh, Lord who lives above and bless.

(Zac laughing)

This one won't let go. Okay.

(Sam laughing)

I pray my soul the Lord to
keep for I am just but a sheep

and now we go and now it rhymes
and so I think food is time.

(cast laughing)
Oh, thank God.

- Yes, the universal rule of saying grace,

until you are rhyme you are unable to eat.

- There's a way to make it fun.

If you give me five minutes,
I can make that fun.

- I'm just imagining I
opened my door to you

and that's the first thing you told me.

Yes, Kimia, we'll say one
point for you as well.

- Nice.

- The scores early on in
the game are neck and neck.

Zac Oyama.
- Mm-hmm.

- The sign-off credits of a podcast

with too much staff.

- And this has been another episode

of "The Pencils in Derringer's File."

Support for this podcast was made possible

by our amazing staff: our
head editor David Chumlee,

assistant editor Tina Chumlee,

second second assistant
editor Peter Chumlee,

first AD David Chumlee.

Craft services provided
by the Chumlee Farms.

Our amazing makeup team,

not usually necessary for podcasts,

but we just wanna feel
good about ourselves,

and that would be the Chumlee twins.

Looks like we are almost out of time,

but I'm gonna go off and say,

just a special thanks to Rebecca,

David, Peter, Gina, Stacy, Stacy's mom.

These of course, are all the Chumlees.

(Jacob laughing)
- I'll cut you off there, Zac.

Wow, what a family business.
- Mm-hmm.

- We'll say three points for Zac.

- Yes!

- Jacob.
- Again, thanks for having me.

- A surfer, using a
bunch of surfing lingo,

recollects his gnarliest ride.

- Honestly, it was the most harrowing day

of my life, all right?

I got up, I smacked down two El BJ

special C bean and cheese burritos

'cause you wanna get those
carbos in, all right?

And then I was floating out to the gully.

Everything was looking
flat, smacked, and glossy.

Then outta nowhere a big
set starts to ramp up

and I'm like, "Is that
gonna be a 30-minute set?

Is it gonna be a 40-minute set?"

Then all of a sudden a pod of
porpoises, they come through,

and they're saying,
"What's good, my dude?"

And I'm like, "Absolutely nothing.

I'm trying to crank, rustle
and trying to flip stacks."

Then all of a sudden this big bongo baby

comes crashing in and I'm sinking in

and it's barrelling and it's
crushing and it's foaming

and I'm stuck in the beam!

Then all of a sudden the
porpoises they're like, "Come on!"

They give me a little extra
push through the tube.

The tube squashes, I'm out.

I go back to the shore,
finish my second bean and chee

from El BJ's, and I'm cruising
life feeling like a gremlin.

(cast and crew laughing)

- Nothing says surfing
like a big bongo baby.

(cast laughing)

Wow, Jake. Way to bring it.

We're gonna say two whole points for you

bringing you into the lead
at this particular moment.

- Fuck!

- You know who I'm playing for.

(cast and crew laughing)

- Kimia.
- Yeah.

- A gym coach substitute teaches

art class.

- Uh, how's it going, everybody? Uh,

Ms. Pataki couldn't be here today,

and I guess no one was else was available

so I'm here, Coach P.

All right everyone, so take
out your art books, I guess.

What the fuck do you guys do here?

All right, so everyone take
out a piece a paper and doodle.

(Sam laughing)

I'm sorry. All right, yeah.

I'm sure you guys are creative and stuff

and your parents are proud. (laughs)

(Sam and crew laughing)

All right, oh man.

Um, don't cry. I'm sorry.

One of you's crying. You guys
are a bunch of weenies, okay.

Just watch this movie and
I'm gonna sit over there.

- Also doing a convincing portrayal

of my dad discussing my career.

- Okay, yeah.
- Oh, oh.

- So well done. Very well done to you.

I will say one and 9/10 points for that.

- Hm, watch out.
- The scores are pretty tight.

- Yes.

- A dying person's last words,

but they realize they have a
little bit more life in them

so they have to vamp.

- I just want you to know...

that whatever you make
of your life is worth it.

(Zac exhales softly)

(Jacob mimics heart
monitor beeping normally)

And also...
(crew laughing)

For me, I never really got into jazz?

(cast laughing)

(Jacob mimics heart
monitor beeping normally)

And what, I don't, I'm
not a hard shell taco guy.

- And I'll cut you off there, Zac.

Words to live by.

A skip-boppity-boop
amount of points for you.

Jake, you still happy to be here?

- So far my opinion on
being here hasn't changed.

- A monster truck voiceover
for a peaceful Sunday.

- Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

You wanna relax? Well
guess what, it's possible!

Strap in, tighten down, and chill out.

We've got a Xanax-level vibe

for you today, ladies and gentlemen.

We're gonna go to the park,
but before you go to the park,

you're gonna grill, chill,
and bill your therapist

'cause we're talking about our heart,

we're talking about
our past relationships.

We're learning a little bit ourselves.

Hey, and we're not gonna give
in to capitalism this Sunday.

You don't need to work. You need to chill!

Sunday, it's the Lord's day.

(crew laughing)
(Sam clapping)

- Oh man, bringing you firmly
into the lead. Holy shit.

- Mm-hmm.

- A clickbait newsie.

- All right, all right, what do we got?

Let's look at what we got going on here.

A-ha-ha-ha the 10 hottest
bikinis you've seen.

(cast laughing)
All right, okay.

That's pretty good. That's pretty good.

Okay, let's see, let's
see. What do we got?

You won't believe what
George Lopez looks like now!

(cast laughing)

And what do we got in the opinion section?

We got three places to
eat with your parents.

(cast laughing)
Wow, we love that!

We can green light all of this.

Make it! Poof, poof.

(cast laughing)
- Poof, poof!

- That's right! Yes, excellent, Kimia.

All sorts of points for you.

It's time for the mini game.

The mini game is a tossup.

You will notice the buzzers
now in front of our players.

The game we're playing
today is Name That Dog.

I am going to present you
with an imagine of a dog.

You go ahead and name that
dog for me, make sense?

- [Kimia] Mm-hmm.
- Your first dog.

(buzzer buzzes)

- Ricky.

- Ricky's a pretty good name for that dog.

I'm not gonna lie.
- [Zac] Thank you.

(Jacob trills)

- Is the name of that dog?
- No, that's my buzzer sound.

- Got it.
- [Jacob] Yeah.

- (laughs) What's the name of that dog?

- Zac Oyama.

- I really like Zac Oyama for this.

- There's so much character in his eyes.

- You know, it's just, you know,

I think there's a
complement inherent in it,

but I'm also like, I think it's uh,

I wanna be right, so...
(cast laughing)

- I'm gonna say that point goes to Jake.

- Yeah.
- Shit!

- [Sam] Next dog.

(buzzer buzzes)

- Biscuit?

- (laughs) Biscuit's pretty
funny for that particular dog.

(Jacob trills)

- A police officer.
(cast and crew laughing)

- That is really good, Jake.

(buzzer buzzes)

- Chuck Liddell.
(Jacob laughs)

- One more time.

- Chuck Liddell, an MMA fighter.

This dog is all..

- Yeah, that's pretty good too, Zac.

I'm gonna say that this one,
once again, goes to Jake.

Next dog.

(buzzer buzzes)

- Shart.
- Shart?

- A bit of a oopsie nature to him.

- Yeah, pretty good name for that dog.

(buzzer buzzes)

- I don't mean to do this,

but I do think that dog's name is Shart.

- Listen, when you're
right, you're right, right?

(Jacob trills)

- I gotta back my boy
up. That's Shart as hell.

That's Shart there, truly.
(cast laughing)

That dog is Shart.

- Shart and so this point goes
to Zac. Congratulations, Zac.

- Thank you and thank you.
- For sure, for sure.

- Next dog.

(Jacob trills)

- I'll be devastated in seven years.

(Sam laughing)
(Someone off-screen: Oh no)

- That's dark as hell!

- That dog's not living
long. It's a small dog.

- Small dogs live long.

- But that's one of those
dogs that's like, been GMO'd.

- Yeah, I don't know about that breed.

- [Jacob] That dude can't breathe.

- Yeah.
(buzzer buzzes)

- Grimbly.

(Jacob laughs)
- Grimbly.

- Hey, little Grimbly. It's Christmas.

- Yes, pretty darn good.

- [Zac] Christmas for my little Grimbly.

(buzzer buzzes)
- [Sam] Go for it.

- Scrooge McDog.
- Aw.

- Scrooge McDog!

Come on now, everyone!

This point goes to Kimia, right?

- Wow!
- [Sam] Absolutely it does.

- Snuck it in there.

- Next dog.

(Zac snickers)

(buzzer buzzes)

- Cyrano.
- Oh, yes!

(Jacob trills)

- Don't know his name,
but I know he's swanging.

That dog's swanging.
- That's a swanging dog.

- So you're saying that
dog has a big dick?

- He's hogged out.
(cast laughing)

That's one of those dogs you
see 'em walking you're like,

that's a human-sized cock.

(Sam laughing)
- Yeah.

- See, I tried to leave
it with just swanging-

- I felt like there was some confusion

and I wanted to clarify.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, are we clear?

(cast laughing)

- If anything, too clear.
- Do you feel clear on it?

- I feel clear on it.

- [Kimia] I can see it, you
know? - No question, I think
that dog's got a big cock.

- 'Cause it's a small dog, but
most of its body is its wang.

I get it.
- Mm-hmm.

- You know what Jake's
talking about, right?

- Tweet me, send me
pics of your dog's hog.

- [Sam] Anything?
- Um, rose.

(cast laughing)

- This point goes to Zac.
- Oh, wow.

- Last dog.

(cast laughing)
- Oh...

(Jacob trills)
- Jake.

- Gorf.
- Yes, absolutely.

- Could be a double G.

- I like that even more.

(buzzer buzzes)

- Conspiracy Dearest.
- Conspiracy Dearest.

- He's my little Conspiracy Dearest.

(buzzer buzzes)

- Bunker!
- Bunker's good.

- Aw.
- That point goes to Kimia.

(Cast mimics being blasted)

(Zac screams)
- No!

(cheerful music)

- That brings us to round
two where our players

will now test their
talents in teams of two.

Zac, Jacob.

- What's up?
- What's up, dude?

- A boxing coach gives bad
advice in between rounds.

(Zac panting)
- All right, Buds.

All right, Buds, I need
you to go out there.

Okay, I need you to piss your pants, okay?

It's gonna knock off his kilt.
- Got it.

- He's not gonna understand what it is.

Who you fighting for?
- I'm fighting for you.

- That's right, you're fighting for me.

You gonna let me down?
- He's killing me.

- You gonna let me, an old, sick man down?

- [Zac] I'm not gonna let you down.

- My heart's on the line. Get out there!

- Okay, any other advice?

- Okay, listen, listen, listen.

After you're done pissing
yourself, kiss him on the cheek.

- Okay, okay.
- Who you playing for?

- I'm playing for you.

- I'm getting, they told
me it's not good. It's not.

(Sam laughing)

- I'm gonna piss my pants
and I'm gonna kiss him

on the cheek and then you'll live forever.

- Yeah, I'll live forever
if you do that, all right?

- Okay.
- I'll cut you off there.

Oh, what an emotionally
manipulative boxing coach.

Piss your pants for me, I'm dying.

Quite a few points for both of you.

- Good, that works out.

- Jake, no rest for the weary.

- Don't need it. You know why?

- Why?
- Somebody's got my back.

- That's right, and Kimia.

Tennis match grunts
(Jacob laughing)

get out of hand.

(Jacob grunts)

(Kimia grunts)

(Jacob groans)

(Kimia grunts loudly)

- Sick, sick!

- Nice one!

- You're playing great!
- Wanna come over later?

- I'll bring tapas!
- Yes!

- Are you a red?
- Yeah!

- Or a white?
- What?

- Wine!
- Oh!

- Person!
- Red!

- Great!
- Cool.

- Kiss?
- Kiss!

- Kiss! (laughs)
- Kiss.

[Kimia] Kiss!

(Jacob grunts)
(Kimia screams)

(Jacob grunts)
(Kimia screams)

(Jacob grunts)
(Kimia screams)

(Jacob grunts)
(Kimia screams)

(Jacob grunts)
(Kimia screams)

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Yeah, see you later then, yeah?

- Okay, cool. Good game.
- Great, great.

- (laughs) If only tennis
could be that civilized.

- I'm tired.

- Points as far as the eye can see.

- Yes.

- And Zachary.
- Yes?

- Tourists in Hawaii enjoying the novelty

of being melted by lava.

- Hmm, wow.
- Oh gosh.

- Look at this.

- Okay, so we're in the right area.

Take a picture because when
are we gonna be back here?

- Never, right?
- I know, right?

- I mean, we can't afford that. Nope.

- Yeah, look at this, wow.

Oh, we are...

- It's getting warm.
- We're hot.

- It's getting real warm in here.

- And is that flowing
that way and this way?

- Yeah, it's coming on both sides of us.

- It's completely encircling us.

- (gasps excitedly) Look,

- it's behind us, too.
- This is rare. Oh my God.

- Shit, oh my goodness.
- Oh my God.

Planet Earth,

- here we come, you know?
- Yeah, they said we wouldn't

see something amazing and yet-

- No, and here we are.

- Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch,
ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.

- Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi.
- Ah, I love it, I love it.

I love it.
- Oh, look at this.

Look at this.
- Wow, wow!

- Oh my Gosh, when we
get back to the hotel,

if we get back to the hotel, I guess.

- Right, I don't know at this point.

- It's gonna be like, everybody's
gonna be really jealous.

- Yeah.
- Yeow!

- I lost the camera, but that's okay.

I've got it all in here, huh?
- You got it in here?

Well, that's good.
- Uh-huh, that's good.

- Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot.
- Ah, ah, ah, ah.

- Cool though. It's cool and hot.

- Tight, tight, tight, tight, tight.

Tight, tight, tight, tight,
tight, tight, tight...

- [Zac] Terminator thumbs!

- (laughs) Yes!

Beautiful, the two of
you! That's excellent.

Quite a few points.
- Great.

- For the two of you as well.

- Yes.

- And Jake.

Olympic swimmers talk
trash between strokes.

(Zac mimics water splashing)

- Fucker.
- You're a little bitch.

- Little bitch says what?

- What?

- Oh!

- Oh, damn it, damn it, damn it!

Hey, did you call Mom yesterday?

- Did I call my mom?

- Yeah, did you call your mom yesterday?

- No.
- She called me.

(cast laughing)

- She didn't...she didn't...

Get back in the pool, dude.

- (laughs) I'll cut you off there

just to make sure nobody passes out.

(Sam laughing)

You know, I think as
far as trash talk goes,

Jake did hand it to Zac a little bit more

than Zac handed it to Jake.

- Fuck.

- We're gonna say lopsided
points for that round.

Jacob and Kimia.

Two NYC-ers who were born
in NYC, raised in NYC,

and have never left NYC

bump into each other on
the sidewalks of NYC.

- Hey.
- Ooh!

- You gavone?
- What?

- You acting like a
gavone, bumping into me.

- Hey, shut it, you big bambino,

I didn't mean to bump into you.

Don't call me a gavone.

I was walking backwards for
some reason so leave me alone!

- Hey, stop acting like
a little cugine, okay?

- Okay, get outta here!

I'm gonna down to the bodega, okay?

If you don't mind, you're in
the way of the bodega to me.

- Are you going to Adam's Bodega?

- Yeah, I'm going to Adam's Bodega.

- You gonna get a BEC with some S and P?

- I don't do the P, just the S, you know?

- Oh, you're not a big pepper gal?

- Makes me sneeze.
- Achoo-choo-choo.

- Yeah, choo all the way home, you know?

I live on 4th and Main.

- I live on 4th and Main.
- No way!

- Are you the West side, the East side,

South side, North side of the tracks?

- Yeah, south-northwest of 4th and Main.

- Did you go to Hunderry Elementary?

- Hunderry, absolutely.

- With Mrs. Bronx?
- Gosey.

- Mrs. Gose Bronxy?
- Gose, yeah.

- Yeah.
- We called her a ghost

'cause she never there.
- What year did you graduate?

- Oh my God. On the count of three.

- [Kimia And Jacob] One, two, three.

- 1970.
- 1969.

- Okay, we don't know each other.

- Close, close. We
coulda been right there.

- [Kimia] We don't know each other.

- [Jacob] Yeah, but you probably
missed it. - [Kimia] Kinda
thought we knew each other

- All right, buddy.

- Okay.
- Okay.

(Sam laughing)
(Sam clapping)

- Just, we are two
people who have grown up

in Southern California.

- [Sam] I know, it's a bad fit.

- We are...
(crew laughing)

- That is absolutely why
I gave you this prompt.

Of all of the streets that
you could possibly have named

I am almost positive
there is no Main Street

in New York City.

- I can't wait to just
send that clip to Brennan.

(cast laughing)

- Last but not least of this round,

Kimia and Zac.

A werewolf who only turns into a wolf

when their account is overdrawn.

(Jacob and Sam laughing)

- Oh God, that was a great
meal. We really went for it.

- It's only fair if we split it.

- Okay, cool, yeah.
- Okay, sure.

Pop it down.
- Pop down.

- I'll just go and run that.

- Thank you.
- Great.

- So what are you doing after this?

What's the rest of your day?

- I have it open in
case you wanna go do a-

- Oh, okay.
- Do you have another card?

- Sorry?
- Do you have another card?

- Do I have another card?

- Do you have another
card? It didn't go through.

- Well, uh, let me look. (gasps)

(Zac growls)

No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no! (growls)

- You can just put it all on mine.

- We started the transaction.

- And you can't stop the-
(Zac growling wildly)

(Zac howls)

Just put the whole,

please just put the
whole thing on my card!

- We started it.

- You're seeing this though, right?

- Yeah, I'm seeing it.
- Yeah, and you can't-

- This is so embarrassing!

- I'll cut you off there.
(cast laughing)

Absolutely brilliant.

That brings us to our final mini game.

This mini game is called Make it Sing.

I present our players with an object.

They must make that object
make the corresponding noise.

Players, your sound is:

(bell dings)

- Okay, great, well...

(bell rings softly)

- Interesting.


(Sam laughing)

(bell rings)

- [Jacob] Thank you.
(Sam laughing)

- My stapler. You took one of my staplers!

- Yeah dude, that's mine.

- [Sam] Zac.
- Okay.

(Sam chuckles)

Trying to make that noise?
- Uh-huh.

- The one we heard earlier?

- Yep.
- Okay.

(hammer pounds)
(bell clangs loudly)

- Holy shit, Zac!

- I don't give a fuck what the noise was!

(Sam laughing)

- [Jacob] That shit ripped, Zac.

- Wow!
- [Sam] That was impressive.

- Ooh.
- Thank you.

- All the credit in the
world to Kimia and Jake

for their clever responses,

but I think for sheer force of will alone

that has to go to Zac Oyama.

- There's no other option.
- Wow.

It was that or go over to
the computer and press play.

(cast laughing)

(cheerful music)

- That brings us to round three

where our players will now hold hands

and jump into the abyss all together.

- Tight.
- It's been nice knowing you.

- Nice, see you on the other side.

- Before you jump,

there's somebody that
you should probably meet.

- Zac, Jake, and Kimia.

Those trick-or-treaters
who are way too old

to be trick-or-treating.

(Jacob knocking podium)

(Jacob and Zac, sounding elderly) - Hey

- [Kimia] Trick or treat.

- [Zac And Jacob] Trick or treat.

- We gotta get some
candy from you, please.

- I'm dressed as a Gundam.
(Sam laughing)

- I'm, (chuckles) I'm dressed as a Gundam.

- Oh, I'm also a condom.

- Not a condom, a Gundam.

- Oh no.

- Two condoms and a Gundam here.

- Only fun-sized?

- You don't got any of the good stuff?

- Don't worry, we've
got three sets of teeth

so we're covered.

- (laughs) I'll cut you off there.

I absolutely expected
for you to be teenagers

and what a delightful surprise.

Points for sure.

Next up, three sports announcers

doing a play-by-play of each other.

- Chuck, Jake, and Tim here again.

Here we are. Looks like
Chuck wore his dad's suit.

It barely fits on-
- Strong start from Chuck

naming all of us here in the booth today

as we get our mics set up,

real good tightening of the microphone.

- Looks like we got a little
bit of a delay of game.

The other two hosts are still
plugging in their cords,

and they're still setting their levels,

but I'm hot, I'm live,
and I'm ready to roll.

- Tim is ready to roll!

- That was a great defensive move by Jake,

supporting what Tim said
to save his own feelings.

- Chuck's sounding exceptionally dry

in the mouth this evening.

Probably hasn't had any
water in a couple days or-

- Chuck parched as hell!
- Chuck's dehydrated.

- Out there on the
field, taking a big sip.

- I'd say Chuck did a slam dunk there.

- And Chuck is announcing himself in this.

He is announcing what he is doing.

That's a bit of a meta commentary.

Really exciting stuff for the match.

- I gotta be honest, this game
is all tied up in the booth.

- Well Tim says, what's that?

The tiniest glasses in the world.

Just cleaning them off there.

Yikes, can you even see anything
out of those? - [Zac] Putting
on a smaller pair of glasses.

- [Kimia] Look how small
those glasses are, yikes.

- Looking at a miniature piece of paper.

- Oh, I see. Small glasses,
small piece of paper.

Makes a lot of sense, huh?

- Sorry folks, I forgot to
announce everybody's numbers.

Tim is number six and Chuck
is number 12, all right.

- Tim is six.

- Tim's number six.

- Folks at home who might be wondering

what my name is, I also forgot.

- Jake, it's Jake. Your name is Jake.

- [Zac] My name is Jake.
- Why doesn't everybody

just take a quick second

and say what they think their name is.

- Okay, here we go. My
name is definitely Chuck.

- I think my name's probably Jake.

- And I'm pretty sure
that your name was Tim.

(cast and crew laughing)

- I desperately want to
keep this going forever,

but I'll cut you off there, incredible.

What were those numbers again, Zac?

- Six.
- [Jacob] Six.

- Seven and nine.

- We'll 679 points for the three of you.

- Whoa, 679 points.
- Nice, nice.

- Wow, should we just take
a breath, recover from that?

(Zac, Jacob, and Kimia inhale softly)

♪ Jesus ♪

(Sam laughing)

- Are you gonna convert all of us?

- That's up to you.

That's up to you and what
you want with your souls.

- Okay.
(crew laughing)

- Last but certainly not
least, the final prompt.

- I've had so much fun.

- I'm so glad you had a good time.

Can you give me one last,
"I'm so excited to be here."

- I'm just so excited to be here.

(Sam and Zac laughing)

- Zac, Jake, Kimia.

A quirky educational theater troupe

teaches you a bittersweet life lesson.

- What's up, Abbot Elementary?

How's everybody doing today?

(Zac grunting)
(Kimia beeping)

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

- Whoa!

- Can we all get a big group dab going?

Let's dab on 'em!

- One, two, three!
- Three!

- [Zac, Jacob, And Kimia] Dab!

- All right, nobody did it. That's okay.

- We're here to teach you a lesson.

- We wanna let you think about something

that you're not normally thinking about.

- That's right, it's something
that we experience a lot,

and we now need you to also experience.

- It takes a little bit of
growth as a human being.

- It's called grief!

(Sam laughing)
- I know what you're thinking.

Isn't grief just a big thing?

When somebody dies you feel grief? No.

- It's a little more
complicated than that,

and it really sucks.

- It's honestly probably the hardest thing

you'll ever have to deal with,

especially when it's
somebody close to your heart.

- That's right, there is
the big death of grief,

but there's smaller griefs

just when something doesn't
go the way you want.

We work on it in therapy.

- And sometimes when someone dies,

they were the person you
wanted to talk to about it.

- The thing I grieve the most is the idea

that us as humans could just
be chilling at waterfalls

acting like mermaids,
but we don't get that.

We have to work.
(Sam laughing)

- Everybody, we're
still doing okay, right?

Let's get another group dab.

One, two, three.
- Group dab!

- Okay, no one did it.

- I'm still grieving
capitalism, yeah, yeah!

- I'm grieving the relationship
that I thought I would have

with a bunch of different people.

That's a lot of small griefs.
(Sam laughing)

- The last conversation I
had with my grandfather,

I called him a coward.

- And if you like how this sounds,

what you're gonna like even more

are all the yo-yos we've got to sell.

(Kimia cheering)

- (laughs) And cut! Holy shit!

For the record, Kimia,
I dabbed both times.

- Oh, nice.

- Fuck those kids.
- That's right.

- So many points.
(calculator keys clicking)

So many goddamn points.
- Oh, look at all the points!

- He's gonna run outta paper!

- Oh shoot, and points.

- That brings us to the end of our game.

Our winner tonight, Jacob Wysocki!

- All right!
(Zac clapping)

- Jacob, you are the
recipient of the Golden Ear.

- Wow, thank you. I've had so
much fun being here tonight.

Thank you. Praise Him.

- That does it for us
here at "Make Some Noise."

Tune in next time for
more of the game samer.

I am Sam Reich, and that
sounds pretty good to me.

Good night.
(audience applauding)

(cheerful music)