Make It or Break It (2009–2012): Season 2, Episode 8 - Rock Bottom - full transcript

Lauren is angry because his father gave the Kmetkos money. Mark comes home and questions Kim's candidacy. Sasha finds a new way to motivate Payson, but it has consequences. Austin has a talk with Kaylie. Emily faces a tough choice.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
? me to hide this from your father!

Please don't tell.

I want you to have this.
I'm just lending it to you

until you can replace
it with one of your own.

Steve Tanner had a private
meeting with Ellen Beals.

And he's running for head
of the Parents' Board.

- He can't win.
- Who can beat him

at this point? What, me?

Do you think you're over-training?
Don't risk a serious injury.

The Kippman Group who so
believes in you as a gymnast,

is my father.

[horn honks]

Would you please calm down?!

[Lauren] No! I won't calm down!

There was nothing wrong

with giving the Kmetkos a little money.

If there was nothing wrong, why were you
secretly funding her Kippman Group scholarship?

Because of this reaction, frankly.

Look, I donate to
charities all the time,

it doesn't mean I love
them more than you.

Emily Kmetko is my competition!

A little extra money wasn't
gonna make her a better gymnast.

Oh, really? Because it was your money
that bought Little Miss Charity Case

the best choreographer in
town right out from under me!

They're barely scraping
by, Lauren. They need help.

You didn't care about helping them
until you started helping yourself

to Emily Kmetko's mother.

[doorbell rings]

♪ Action, reaction
Action, reaction ♪

♪ I'm on fire but I know
so burn out the lights ♪


♪ You're in sight but I
know so burn out the lights ♪

Look who's back working at the Shack.

We didn't order one of your greasy pies,

so I'm guessing you're
here for another handout?

That's $1,243.

I'll pay back the rest of the
money you gave us as soon as I can.

- Emily, you don't have to do that.
- Yes, she does!

How does your mother
feel about all of this?

She agrees completely.

You lied to us and
there's no forgiving that.

♪ We're taking hits but you
missed now it's difficult ♪

That's one thing we can all agree on.

♪ And it's terrible ♪

Thanks, Summer. So can I get
that petition from you today?

Great. I'll see you then.

I'm sorry. I meant to discuss
this with you last night,

- but your plane got in so late.
- Discuss what?

It looks like you've already decided
to run for the president of the Board,

which, when we used to
make decisions as a couple,

is exactly the kind of
thing we would not do.

So are you saying you
don't want me to run?

Good morning!

- Hi, Daddy.
- Hi, sweetie.

[smacks kiss] I'll
wait for you in the car.

- What was that?
- She's been practicing ever since

- Sasha took her to the ballet.
- I meant the gold medal around her neck. Is that for real?

Sasha gave it to her his to wear until
she replaces it with one of her own.


Uh, thanks.

Your hands are freezing.

You know what they say,
cold hands, warm heart.

It's called air conditioning.

And I'm pretty sure your new toy has it.

Got it on loan for the day, the
company wants me to endorse it.

[chuckles] Lucky you.

Look, um... [clears throat]

I just wanted to say, uh,

that kiss, I want you to know
it didn't mean anything to me.

- OK?
- That's cool.

[Chloe] Lauren?

May I please have a word with you?

[laughs] You know, I would have thought

that with all the money
you took from my father,

just maybe you could have bought a dress

that actually fits your body.

You know, I'm not even
gonna waste my breath

trying to convince you that
I did not know that your dad

was behind Emily's endowment,
which, for the record, I didn't.

What's most important here
is this mess has shown me

that secrets cause more harm than good.

And that is why I can no longer
keep you and Carter a secret.

- But you promised!
- If you recall, I didn't promise.

I waffled. Maybe that was a bad call.

But I wanted you to accept me,

which is not your fault. It's mine.

OK, so let me see, now that
your meal ticket is gone,

- you're trying to punish me?
- This isn't about money, Lauren.

It's about doing the right thing.

So you have a choice.
Either you tell your father

that you and Carter are
sexually active, or I will.

make it or break it Episode 28.

I'm getting the hang of this
artistic thing, don't you think?

Yes and no.

I pointed my feet, extended
my limbs, lifted my chin.

Your movements are becoming
technically proficient,

but no, I'm still missing
the connecting fiber

- between your movements
- I don't get it.

I don't want to see the
technique behind the movements.

I want to feel the deep emotion
brewing behind the experience.

Keep working.

I'm not so sure I have any deep emotions

brewing anywhere!

Here's the petition for your candidacy.

According to the bylaws we just need 15
signatures from parents of current members.

- I don't think I can run.
- Why?

It's Mark. He doesn't
think it's a good idea.

He's got a point. We always vowed we
would never be those kind of parents.


You becoming president of the Board

is about protecting
the future of The Rock.

Steve Tanner has an
agenda, and trust me,

I know from personal experience,

his agendas can
sometimes be questionable.

- I know, I know.
- If Steve gets elected,

all he has to do is
convince enough board members

and he could get rid of Sasha.

I don't disagree with you, Summer,

but aren't you kind of biased,
since you're dating him?

Kim, my personal feelings for Sasha

have nothing to do with
my professional feelings.

He is a great coach, but more than that,

he is the right coach for these girls

and that's what needs to be protected.

[heavy metal music plays]

- Not bad.
- I love pleasing my fans.

Well, your fans were wondering if
you could share the training cam.

That is, if you're done
looking at yourself?

I'll never be done looking at myself.

- Do you want me to shoot you?
- OK, but only because it's vault,

- and I need you to follow my run.
- I'm your man.

Your camera man, that is.

You are my muse.

Let's see it.

I'm so happy you called.

From what Emily said,

I didn't think you ever
wanted to see me again.

She feels like you
made a fool out of her.

And how do you feel?

I feel like what you did was wrong.

But the reasons you did it
were actually... very sweet.

So you're not breaking up with me?

I'm not breaking up with you for
trying to do something nice for us.

And I wish Emily could see it that way,

but she's proud, Steve,

and I need you to respect
her wishes from here on out.

You got it.

[♪ Hit The Lights: Drop The Girl]

♪ Drop the girl She's
not worth the time ♪

♪ She's wasted on her back ♪

♪ Dragging other
boys into her lies ♪

What's up?

Chloe's threatening to tell
my dad that we're having sex.

I thought you convinced her not to.

That was when she was desperate
to stay in my good graces.

But now that she knows my dad was
behind Emily's bogus scholarship

and wants nothing to do with him,

she can care less about
what happens to me.

- Don't you mean us?
- Well, yeah. Of course.

- But I'm the one he's going to kill.
- OK.

Here's what we're gonna do. We're
gonna tell your father together.

We'll assure him we're being safe
and that we care about each other.

He might be more assured if
you told him you loved me.

Oh, but wait a minute, you're
still on the fence about that.

Hopefully, your dad will respect
us for coming to him ourselves

and being honest and adult about this.

Because if he doesn't
and he goes to Sasha,

I'm as good as kicked out of
The Rock, for real this time.

♪ She the only reason she's
got you believing it's love ♪

- ♪ Drop the girl ♪
- ♪ Whoa ♪

- ♪ The bridge is burning fast ♪
- Do you want to talk about it?

♪ So set her down in
flames and get up ♪

I heard your dad was secretly
behind Emily's endowment.

I... I can imagine how
that must feel for you.

I'm glad somebody does.

You know I'm always here for you,
if you ever need anyone to talk to.

- About anything.
- You know what I really need?

Is for you to marry my
dad and be my step-mom.

- Lauren, I...
- What?

You can't because Dad is dating Chloe?

But guess what? They broke up.

So now there's nothing stopping
you two from getting back together.

A-ha! No objections.

I knew you'd agree it
was a good idea. [laughs]

- [pop music plays]
- ♪ Speaking like I owned it for you ♪

♪ Keep the light
Now let it through ♪

- ♪ Speaking like I... ♪
- [grunts]

- [sighs]
- Are you OK?

[panting] Yeah.

Just a little distracted today.

Yeah, I, um, heard about Lauren's dad

funding your scholarship.

I feel like such a fool.

I really thought someone
out there in the world,

a group of professionals,
saw something special in me.

Thought I could make it all the way.

It really helped me believe in myself.

It made me feel like I was for real.

You are, Emily. Trust me, you are.

I thought we were working
my floor routine today.

- We are.
- Then what's this?

Your canvas.

I don't get it. What are we doing?

We are painting.

What does painting have
to do with gymnastics?

Just go to the middle.

All right. So, what am I doing?

The dance part of your routine.

But as you dance, I want
you to paint the canvas.

I want to see your movements
as fluidflowing lines.

[scoffs] OK, stop.

Look down at the lines you made.
They're all short and choppy.

Go again, back to the middle.

This time, I want you
to close your eyes.

I want you to think of something,

happy or sad, something
that made you angry.

A time when you were joyous or a time
when you felt like you didn't even belong.

Can you feel it?


Now, dance.

Open your eyes.

Look at what you just created.

Oh, my God.

I did this?

[Sasha] I guess you do have some
deep emotions in there somewhere.

Good job, Payson.


If you hadn't given every
penny we had back to Steve,

then you wouldn't be looking
through the cushions for change!

Oh, so now this is my fault?

I'm sorry that I need one
more quarter for the bus

so that I can get to work
so that we can pay our bills.

- Emily...
- Wait a second.

How did you know that I
gave Steve Tanner money?

I met up with him earlier today
and we talked things through.

You're still seeing
him, after he lied to us?

Yes, he lied, and I don't agree with it,

but I can't help but feel that
his heart was in the right place.

You know what? I don't
even care what you do.

- Well, it sure sounds like you do.
- I'm a slow learner.

You know what? After you moved us two
states away for a guy who turned out to be

a tax cheat, and after you gave our car
to the guy who pretended to be in the CIA,

- I should've stopped caring.
- Thanks, Emily.

Mom, has it ever occurred to you

to date one of the other
hundred thousand men in Boulder?

Maybe one whose daughter
isn't out to get me?

- The Rock is my life, too.
- Ugh!

Can't I have one thing that's mine?

I don't even have my own freaking room!

You know what? Here's an idea.

Why don't you spend a little
less time socializing at The Rock

and get a second job
to help out around here,

so that maybe, just this once,

I don't have to carry
this entire family!

If you even bothered to ask,

you would know that I
start my new job tonight!

- Great.
- Great!

I know we never joined
any of the Parents' Boards

at any of the other gyms
the girls went to because...

As long as we remained neutral,

we wouldn't risk
spoiling their experience

- with our political involvement.
- Which is fine

when the girls were little and
there wasn't as much at stake.

What happens if you don't win?

Now, it's awkward for
Payson at The Rock,

and Steve Tanner's certainly
not gonna keep you on as manager.

And what if he does send Sasha packing?

- [Payson] Then we go with him.
- What?

- What?
- Sasha is the only reason I haven't given up yet.

He's my only hope to
make it to the Olympics.

He believes in me and I believe in him.

Do you really think any
other coach would take me now?

Payson, we can't just pick up and
follow Sasha around the country.

You wouldn't have to.

I can find a host family at
another gym in another city.

So I work in another city,
you train in another city

and Mom and Becca live here in Boulder?

What happens to us as a family?

That's exactly why Mom needs to run

to be president of the Parents' Board.

To save Sasha and keep
us together as a family.

- She has no choice, Dad.
- Payson, I do have a choice.

And whether or not I run
is up to your dad and me.

- Not you.
- Fine.

I'm going to Kaylie's.
Can I borrow the car?

- Sure.
- Thanks.

Do you really think that
Sasha is her only hope?

Ellen Beals already sold her out

when talking her into petitioning for
the National Team when she wasn't ready.

Clearly, she wants to control the gym.

She's not a good person, Mark.

And we're The Rock's only hope?

If you don't want me
to run, just say so.

- Would it make a difference?
- Damn it, Mark!

I'm trying to make the
best decisions I can here.

Is it so wrong to save
The Rock? It's our home!

I thought Minnesota was our home.

Thank you, this looks delicious.

I am really good with salads.

It's just, beyond that, that
things get a little risky.

So I talked to Kim
today about our campaign.

She's having second thoughts,

but I told her how much we needed her,

with Steve Tanner running uncontested.

Anything is possible.

- What?
- Is it possible to share an evening together

when we don't discuss Steve Tanner?

I'm sorry, you're right.

No more mention of... he
who shall not be mentioned.

- I forgot the wine.
- No, no, you sit.

I hope you're not eating
cereal for dinner again

because in this bag I have
one garlic roasted chicken,

grilled vegetables
and julienne potatoes.

[Summer] I got it.

Payson! Hi.

- We were just, um...
- Having salad.

- Talking about business.
- Would you like to join us?

Oh, no. I don't want to...

I wasn't gonna stay. I was just
picking up food for my family

and thought I'd drop some
off for Sasha. And you.

- As a thank you for today.
- [Summer] That's very thoughtful.

Payson is onto my poor eating habits.

Well, I'll let you guys enjoy that.

And I'll... I'll see you tomorrow.

Thank you.

[clears throat]

She is very fond of you. It's sweet.

Yeah, we've been through a lot together.

Would you mind if I said grace?

Lord, thank you so much for this
amazing food you have placed before us,

and I thank you for bringing such a kind

and beautiful, thoughtful,
caring man into my life.


Thank you.

- Some wine?
- Sure.

[choral music plays]

Well, I'm still looking for one thing.

Who are you?

I'm... Payson Keeler.

No, when you're out there, who are you?

- A gymnast?
- That's exactly what I'm seeing.

A gymnast who has married
technique with artistry,

but is still missing one
crucial element: story.

When you're out there, you're
performing, for yourself,

for the judges, for the audience.

But you need to take them on a journey.

That's what a story is.
And story will transcend

your routine from good to great.

You need to become a
character in a story

that will allow your audience to escape.

- What's your favorite story?
- It's stupid,

but I've always loved Romeo and Juliet.

OK. Well, after practice today,

I want you to pretend you are Juliet.

I want you to imagine through
your movements seeing Romeo

for the first time, um,
experience that first kiss

that they have, allow me to escape.

[car revving]

Good afternoon, Ms. Cruz.

- [radio playing rock music]
- Ah, yes, the tortuous debate

of whether or not to be
the face of a $100,000 car.

Actually, it's more like $120,000,
if you get the imported leather.

Of course. What was I thinking?

I was actually wondering if
you could do me a huge favor.

- What?
- The company needs a decision by the end of the day,

so I was thinking maybe you could take a
quick ride with me, give me your opinion?

Why would you ever want my opinion?

- Because you have good taste.
- Hm...

- A quick ride?
- I'll have you back before you can say,

- "Austin Tucker is the greatest guy in the entire..."
- All right, OK, I got it.

[panting] Hey.

What if I come over later and we
talk to your dad? Like around seven?


Lauren, look.

I really do care about you.

Are you sure you don't just care
about getting kicked out of The Rock?

I love you.

I love you, too.

See you later then?


- Summer, can I talk to you?
- Of course.

I've been having sex
with Carter Anderson.

And that's not all.

- What else?
- OK, well...

This entire time that I've
been sleeping with Carter,

- Chloe Kmetko knew about it.
- Excuse me?

She totally encouraged it. She
talked to me about safe sex,

she bought me condoms,

she even took me to
the doctor for the pill,

- you know, as a backup plan.
- [laughs]

Let me make sure I understand this.

Chloe knew you and
Carter were having sex

and she didn't tell your father?

[sighs] You have to tell him, Lauren.

Would you tell him for me?

You don't have to tell him
that Chloe knew or anything.

I wouldn't want to get her in trouble.

I'm sorry, Lauren, I...

I'm afraid I can't promise that.


- [rock music plays]
- ♪ Get ready, here we go ♪

Why are wetopping?

God, I love Boulder.

Yeah. Yeah, I do, too.

Can we head back now?



Take in the nature.

- What are you doing?
- Having a picnic.

- But I'm not hungry.
- You work hard all day in that gym.

I just thought it'd be nice
for us to have a meal together.

Well, that's, uh, that's
very nice of you, Austin,

but, um, I said I'm not hungry.

- Did you hear me?
- I'm hearing you.

I'm just not listening to you.

Take a load off.

This one's one of my favorites.

I get it down at the farmers' market.

You know, actually, I just ate lunch

and I'm eating dinner
with my parents, so...

Come on, just take one bite.

One little bite's not gonna hurt you.

Why are you being like this?

If I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry.

- Kaylie, you had lunch five hours ago.
- So?

And you went through a really
grueling practice today.

My God, are you testing me?

- I'm just concerned.
- Concerned?

Concerned for what? Because I don't
happen to want your farmers' market salad?

All right, fine.

There, are you happy now?

Take me back to the gym.

Kaylie, wait. Just give
me a second to explain.

Please. I've had some personal
experience with gymnasts

who have gotten themselves into
trouble with eating disorders.

The pressure to shed all your body
fat and stay as light as possible,

it can be dangerous if taken too far.

That's funny, I thought
you didn't date gymnasts.

I'm talking about my little sister.

She was trying to
follow in my footsteps.

She had a lot of natural talent,

but the pressure just got to her.

She started over-training,
restricting her calories.

In a matter of a few months,

I couldn't even recognize her anymore.

- What happened?
- She wound up in the hospital.

They said at the rate she was going,

she would have been dead within a year.

And no one ever suspected that
my smart, level-headed sister

would get messed up with
something like anorexia,

but she did and it
ruined her gymnastics.

It ruined her life and it
almost ruined my entire family.

How is she now?

Today, she's OK.

It's all the tomorrows
that I worry about.

♪ Wait here with you ♪

Look, um...

I'm sorry about the way I
reacted back at the park.

You didn't deserve that.

And yeah, I have been
getting a little intense

with my training and my diet.

But I promise, it stops today.


You're right. I know you are.

I've been thinking
about this for a while.

I just don't want to
see you hurt yourself.

I just need to know...

...why do you even care?

I don't know, Kaylie.

There's just something about you.

Hi! I came as soon
as I got your message.

Hey. Is everything OK?

No, it's not OK.

I found out that

Lauren and... Carter Anderson

have been having sex,
and you knew about it.

You knew they were having
sex under my very own roof

and you didn't tell me?

Did Lauren also tell you

that I talked to her,

and I told her that if she
didn't tell you, that I would?

I haven't talked to
Lauren. But believe me,

I'm gonna have a very
long chat with her soon.

So... how did you find out?

[laughs] Summer told me.


What if it had been Emily?

What if I knew something
that could be damaging to her

and I didn't tell you right away?

How would you feel?

- I would feel like...
- You couldn't trust me?

Lauren is the most precious thing

that I have.

If I can't trust you with
her... with her well-being,

then I don't know when I can.

Steve, I would never,

ever do anything to hurt you or Lauren.

I just... I'm sorry, I just
thought it would be better

coming from her than me.
It was an error in judgment.

I'm so sorry.

Can you forgive me?

I don't think I can.

[sobbing] But Emily was upset about
the endowment and I forgave you!

[Chloe sobbing]

- What's going on?
- Lights are out. AC is out.

- Bill is not paid.
- I am so sick of this!

I'm so sick of
living hand-to-mouth.

I'm so sick of being
embarrassed in the gym.

And I'm so sick of my mom dating...

- What's wrong?
- My arm's tingling.

Where are your anti-seizure meds?

I forgot to get them refilled.

- Where's Mom?
- She's at her new job.

Let's get you on the floor.

[whispers] OK.

OK. I'm gonna get Mrs. Skomp
from next door to watch you

while I go to the pharmacy, OK?

- I know the drill. Don't worry.
- Hey, do I look worried?

I'll be right back.

Alrighty. 7414 Jefferson Street?
Is that still your home address?

- Yeah.
- OK.

- That'll be $220.
- What?

No, it's a $15 co-pay.

Um, the computer says your
insurance doesn't cover it.

Well, the computer is
wrong. It always covers it.

Well, why don't you wait until the morning
and you can check with your provider?

Because my brother is having seizure
symptoms tonight. He needs his meds.

I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do.

OK, look, how much for just two pills?

The prescription's for
20. I can't sell you two.

Come on! Please? I'm desperate!

I'm sorry. I could lose my job.

This is ridiculous!
His medicine is covered!

Can you please just go and check again?

- Miss...
- Please!


All right, just hold on one second.

No. No, I'm sorry. I
can't help you tonight.

- Hey.
- Come in.

[Carter] Where's your dad?

He's not here.

When's he coming back?

Summer already told my dad about us.

- Who told Summer?
- I did.

How could you do that?

You know she's gonna tell Sasha.

Which is all you care about, isn't it?

I told you I loved you.

Because you didn't want to
get kicked out of The Rock.

- That's the only reason.
- That's not true.

That's how it feels.

How long did it take you
to fall in love with Kaylie?

A week? A day? A moment?

I gave myself to you and you still
couldn't tell me you loved me.

Until your place at
The Rock was threatened.

I'm a lot of things, I know that,

but stupid isn't one of them!

[door opens, slams]

[woman speaking indistinctly over TV]

I know how hard it must
be to be here all alone

and deal with all this.

I know how hard it must be to be away.

It's just that sometimes,
when I come home,

it feels like you're a whole
different family, you know?

I can't imagine how tough that is.

But you have to know, you are
in our hearts, every second.

Do you really think that Sasha Belov
is worth falling on the sword for?

If it comes to that?

I think he's a great
coach and an honorable man.

And I trust him with Payson.

She's going through such a
vulnerable time right now.

She's started puberty, her body's changing
and her hormones have to be going crazy.

And she's completely
reinventing herself as a gymnast

while she's becoming a woman.

I think she'd be devastated to lose
the coach she feels so safe with.

OK, then.

It's OK with me

if you want to run for
president of the Parents' Board.

So I have your permission?

As if you need my
permission to do anything.

But you have my full support.

- What if I want something else?
- Like what?

Well, Becca's at a sleepover and Payson's
working late with Sasha at The Rock.

If you think you can buy my vote in exchange
for sexual favors, you're absolutely right.


[♪ Shelly Fraley: On Her Way]

♪ In her dreams She escapes ♪

♪ To a place she doesn't
know Someday she's gonna go ♪

That was it.

♪ With a fire under feet ♪

That was it! That's fantastic!

What you just did, the
story you just told,

it was... it was inspired.

It's you, Sasha. You inspire me.

♪ Is knowing where
her heart beats at ♪



[Emily] How are you feeling now?

Just a headache. I think
we caught it in time.


It was nice of the
neighbors to lend us light.

Yup. They brought cookies
over, too. You want one?

No, thanks.

So do you know where Mom's working?

She didn't say, just that it pays well.

- I hope it pays really well.
- Why?

Because we need $220.

[knocking on door]

Maybe Mom forgot her keys.

Are you Emily Kmetko?


Were you at Clute's
Pharmacy this evening?

- Yes.
- You're under arrest.