Make It or Break It (2009–2012): Season 2, Episode 19 - What Lies Beneath - full transcript

Confidences are betrayed on the eve of the Worlds competition!

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on
Make It or Break It...

I know you made clear that you
only wanted to be buddies, but...

...I was just wondering

if you ever think you
might change your mind.

I just don't see it. You know
how focused I am on my goal.

If you want a more physical
game, then I want to go legit.

No more kissy kissy
until we go on a date.

I was presented with
clear evidence

of inappropriate conduct.

The spot on the World
Team goes to Kaylie Cruz.

You literally cannot afford to
share the spotlight with this girl.

I'll do whatever it takes to make
sure Kaylie's out of the picture.

Wait'll you check out
the swag bags

we have for everyone at our
Worlds send-off party.

Too bad it's for
Rock members only.

Too bad I couldn't care less.

I never socialize
with the competition.

You're our teammate.

You don't get the big
sponsorship bucks

for winning team medals.

The individual gold
is what makes you a star.

Which is what I am.

Kelly, can you
move to the back

so that Kaylie
is front and center?

You were saying?

No, no, no.

Excuse me. Excuse me.
Hi. Sheila Baboyan.

Gentle reminder, my daughter
is current World Champ.

And Kaylie Cruz
is the current National Champion.

I know. It's such
a shame, isn't it?

She has so much potential,
that girl.

Oh. I'm sure you've
heard the rumors about

her eating disorder.
God bless her.

The NGO doesn't
pay attention to rumors.

Excuse me.

Hey, camera lady.
Where is Kelly's key light?

Her eyes are recessed.

Come on, just give her
a little sparkle.

Give her a little help there.
All right, do your job, and we'll be good.

Who is that horrible woman?

It's Kelly Parker's

slash monster.

She is the worst stage parent
I've ever seen in this sport.

And all she cares
about is the money.

It's shameful the way
she exploits her daughter.

Well, that's why we've
never let Payson

accept any sponsorship money.

And we never will.

And FYI, the only reason you
won Worlds last year

is because Russia and China
brought their "B" teams.

Come on, Lo.

Well it's true. She's never
beaten Ivanka or Genji Cho.

Neither have you.

And I'm betting that Ivanka
and Genji will dethrone

the "Queen of the Beam"
again in Rio.

Yeah, well Sasha thinks
I can win the gold on beam.

Haven't you noticed how much
special attention he's been giving me?

No, but I do remember
how much his special attention

did for Payson.

Can everyone just shut up
and take the picture?

Coach Belov, can you
join the girls, please?

Girls, think you can stop flapping your
gums long enough for us to shoot this?

Sorry, Sasha. I was just telling
the girls that because of you,

I may get the gold on beam.

Sorry. One more.


Let's try that again, OK?


Hopefully she can get this
by Worlds and not

- the end of the world.
- Guess what I just heard?

Healthy Bar is going
with Kaylie Cruz.

Do you have any idea how hard I
worked to get you that endorsement?

And all you had to do was
to keep her off the team.

I did my best coaching
Tessa for the spot.

And, well, your best
wasn't good enough

since you let Kaylie
beat you at Nationals.

The only way to get her
off the team now

is to expose
her anorexia.

This sport cannot afford
another eating disorder scandal.

We need some proof.

Why don't you just
say it in English?

Oh, OK.

Hello Rio, my name is Payson Keeler
and I'll see you at Worlds.

Great. Kelly,
we're ready for you.

Just a second.
I've waited so long

my lip gloss has

Watch how a pro does it.

Hey, camera guy,
can you get in a little closer?

This is the world champ,
all right? Is that gonna kill you?

What's this?

I believe it's
the original camcorder disc

of Payson and Coach Belov's
training session.

When she kissed him?

And when, as the edited version
Ellen Beals received

didn't show,
he clearly pushes her away.

Where did you get that?

It was sent to
the NGO anonymously.

Why now?

Maybe whoever took it and cut it
to incriminate Sasha felt guilty.

I wonder if we could keep
this under wraps.

At least until after Worlds.

Payson has so much to worry about
right now without opening this wound.

However you
want to handle it.

So I'll see you in Rio.

Actually, we have
to miss this one.

That's too bad.
But, don't worry,

we'll take good care
of Payson.

So, are things
really that bad?

We can't even pay our mortgage,
how can we go to Worlds?

This thing is
postmarked Boulder.

I swear if I ever find out who
tried to humiliate my daughter--

And nearly destroy
Sasha's career.

I'll rip their heart out.

Not if I beat you to it.

Round off full, go.

Perfect. Back handspring
layout, layout, layout.


What did I tell you?

Fierce not flirty.

We want the judges in Rio to take you
as seriously as Ivanka and Genji.


XXX Arabesque.

Wow. Taking sexy
from Lauren is--

Is like giving her
a lobotomy.

There's nothing
left inside but air.

Hey, gorgeous.


Steady, stay focused.


Side aerial.
Kick front-flip.

Standing Arabian.


Double back dismount.

That's OK. We've loaded your
routine with a lot of skills.

What if it's still not good
enough to beat Ivanka and Genji?

You need to forget
about the past.

All great competitors
have one thing in common:

A short term memory. They aren't haunted
by their losses or their mistakes,

because they
don't remember them.

A short memory.
That's what you need to win. Got it?



You and I, we've had
a break through, right?

- Right.
- So trust me.

I do.

I trust you.

I trust you, too.

♪ Make It or Break It 2x19 ♪
What Lies Beneath
Original Air Date on May 23, 2011

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

- Do you speak Spanish?
- I do.

What did Kaylie just
say about me?

That you should be
the team captain

because you're the
current World Champ

and you've won more gold medals
than anyone else.

Why would she say that?

Because she's a team player

and a class act.

We're prepared to
offer you $250,000

against 500,000
if Kaylie medals at Worlds.

And then of course there are
the big bonuses based on sales.

How does that sound?

It sounds like
a starting point.

What's the product?

A new energy bar for
the fit young woman

who cares about her health.

You're not just the National
Champion of gymnastics,

but also of good nutrition
and positive body esteem.

You're the perfect role model
for young girls.

You would never starve yourself
to get the results you want.

Which is why,
when Kaylie Cruz needs energy,

she grabs a Grrrl Bar.


What do you think?

Uh, I think we need to talk it
over and we'll get back to you.

We'll show ourselves out.

- Thank you.
- A pleasure to meet you.

- Enjoy.
- Thank you.

Well, the good news
is, we've done a great job

of keeping my
anorexia a secret.

They obviously haven't
even heard the rumors.

Maybe we can get them
to tweak the campaign.

I hate this whole
ACL injury lie.

You're entitled
to your privacy.

You're under no obligation
to disclose

your condition to
the rest of the world.

It's not a condition,
it's a disease, Dad.

It's a hot button issue
in this sport

and I don't want you to be
treated unfairly because of it.

Look. It's a lot of money.

But, um, we can
say no to this deal.

It's entirely up to you.

Well, yes, Kaylie
is taking endorsements

that rightfully
belong to us,

but truly, our biggest
concern is for the team.

And how damaging it would be
for America at Worlds

if, you know, the public finds
out its National Champion is


Believe me,
I share your concern.

Here's yet another scandal ready
to blow up at The Rock.

I tried to get rid of Belov but
those idiots brought him back.

And they made him
coach of World Team?

I mean, it makes you wonder
who the idiots are, am I right?

Don't even
get me started.

Because I was burned by
that whole kissing scandal,

I am now under investigation
for ethics violations.

And nobody cares about the integrity
of the sport like you do.

Thank you.

I will be exonerated

but in the meantime I'm really
not in a position to make waves.

Without irrefutable proof
of Kaylie's condition,

there's nothing I can do.

But, I hope to see you at the Tanners'
send-off party tomorrow night?

Oh, we're not invited.

I'm surprised you are.

I don't think they expect
to see me there

but they did invite
the entire NGO

and I have some unfinished
business to attend to.

We're talking half a million
dollars here, maybe more.

I guess you're buyin'.

But how can I pretend to be the girl
who would never starve herself?

Do you want my advice or
my permission to say no?

Maybe both.

You have my permission
to be true to yourself.

And my advice is,
that's all that really matters.

And that's what my recovery
is about.

Thank you, oh,
divine sage one.

Namaste, grasshopper.

Seriously, thank you
for being here.

Hey, Pay!
Do you want to join us?

- Yeah, the more the monotonous.
- Back at'cha Mr. Exciting.

What's wrong?

My parents aren't
coming to Worlds.

They've never missed
a major meet.

Just, we can't afford it.
I don't want to talk about it.


If they just would've let me take some
sponsorship money before Nationals.

When everybody thought
I was ing to win.

I mean, might win.

If I hadn't broken my back.

It's OK. If you hadn't
broken your back,

I might've still won.

The point is,
I had offers then and now,

nobody's knocking on my door.

They should be.
You are the comeback kid.

What better role model
is there?

What are you
talking about?

I am talking about you being
the spokesperson for Healthy Bar.

Why not you?

I'm not the girl that
they're looking for.

But you, Payson, you are.

- I'm not the National Champion.
- Who cares?

You don't need to be a star,
because you have a story.

Yeah. An amazing story.

You're everything
that they're looking for.

They just don't know it yet.

- Who's going to tell them?
- We are.

Yeah, my dad's in advertising
and he's always saying

what the client really wants,
is to be told what they want.

You guys are really sweet
but my parents won't let me

forfeit a college scholarship
by taking endorsement money.

If you get this campaign

you could make
half a million dollars.

You can pay for college.

- Or buy a Ferrari.
- Shut up, Austin.

Look. It's our job to convince
the Healthy Bar people.

And it's your job to
convince your parents.

More pictures of Payson?

If I didn't know better
I might be jealous.

These are for a special project
we're working on.

Special secret project?

Top secret, actually.
OK, ready when you are.

- Awesome.
- Did you get what you need?

I always get
what I need from you.

- I'll see you later, OK?
- OK. See-ya.

So, now that Max and I
are serious,

you might want to find a new
"secret project" partner.

Don't you mean now that you and
Max are "casually dating?"

We're doing a lot more
than that.

Well, you're not having sex.

How do you know?

- Because Max told me.
- Why would he tell you that?

Maybe so I would know that he's not as
serious about you as you are about him.

Just sayin'.

That's the highest DOD
on vault I've ever seen.

It has to be.

Since I'm only competing
on one event at Worlds,

I really have to
wow the judges.

So, did you really mean it
when you told that reporter

you thought I should be
our team captain?

Yeah. With all your experience,
you make a great team leader.

Not like your friends would
ever let that happen.

Because you push
everyone away.

Look, I saw a different
side of you,

when you came
to my house that day.

If you would just
show the world that girl,

you wouldn't have
to go at it all alone.

Because gymnastics
is hard

and to do what we do we need each
other's support and sisterhood.

I know you must be lonely.

And I can be your friend
if you just let me.

In fact, why don't you come with
me to the send-off party tonight.

I wasn't invited.

I'm inviting you.

To be a part of this team.

So come with me
and make the first step.

I promise you, if you do, my
friends will meet you halfway.

What is a role model?

Excuse me for interrupting,

but you don't have to
pitch us on Kaylie.

We know you're the girl we want.

What if you're wrong?

What if there's
a better girl?

You want to pitch us
a better girl?

- Yes.
- Well, this is a first.

If you'll indulge us for
just a second I promise you,

you won't be sorry.

What is a role model?

A person worthy of imitation.

Who inspires.

And for young women,

looking to define themselves
and their dreams, you ask...

"Who can they look up to?"

How about someone who has struggled
against insurmountable obstacles,

to follow her dream?

Someone who the world had
written off, but who triumphed

because she never gave up.

And now,
less than a year later,

due to her courage
and determination,

she's back
and better than ever.

And so, if what you're looking
for is a role model...

Then here she is...

The bold, the beautiful,

and the very brave...

Payson Keeler.

They're offering $25,000 now and
250,000 if I medal at Worlds!

With that kind of money,
we could pay for college.

Payson, there's no
guarantee you'll medal.

But I will!

And the Healthy Bar people
could've chosen anybody,

but they're betting
their money on me.

Well, not all of it.

What were they offering
Kaylie up front?

Before Nationals we turned down
a $100,000 offer.

We don't want to forfeit your NCAA
scholarship eligibility for a puny 25 grand.

Your mother's right.

We can't be gambling
with your college education.

But, didn't we gamble when we went
into debt for my back surgery?

And what happens if I
get injured again?

Then college is off the table
and we've, what?

We've lost
the house? For nothing?

Payson, we don't want you
worrying about our finances.

Then let me get us out of
the hole I helped get us into.

Otherwise, I'm not
going to Worlds.

If we're in such big trouble that
you guys can't afford to be there,

then I can't keep
pursuing this dream.

Let's just keep cool.

And we can talk about this
another time.

Right now we have to get
ready for the Tanners' party.

Promise me that you'll at least
try to keep an open mind?

We promise.

Can you believe that?


We could sure use $25,000
right now.

Well, are you saying we should
let her forfeit college

so that she can
pay the bills?

Like Kelly Parker's

We're not like that woman.

I'm not talking about
exploiting our daughter.

But she is a
professional athlete.

We're holding on to this old
value system as if she were

competing on an amateur level.

Maybe we're wrong.

You must be relieved
to have that back.

Not that anyone who matters
believes you did anything wrong

but it completely
exonerates you.

It doesn't exonerate me from leading Payson
to believe I had romantic feelings for her.

Is there anything that
happens around here

that you don't
blame yourself for?

I don't blame myself for you
running back to Steve Tanner

because you found you'd almost
betrayed your vow of chastity.

Or maybe you were just angry
with me...

..because I
respected your values?

Why would I be
angry about that?

You felt rejected?

I can't have this conversation.

Why not?

You've always got all
the right answers.

I ran away from you because
you may respect my values

but you don't share them and
you are not going to change.

As Steve Tanner has.


You know the biggest
mistake women make?

Is believing their
love can change a man.

Though I seriously doubt
you love him.

I'm where God
wants me to be.


You're where
you feel safe.


So Kelly, don't think
just because Kaylie Cruz

invited you to this party
she's your new BFF.

She's still
the competition, OK?

She's also my teammate.

Well good then, why don't you
worry about being a team player

and just forget that I've
sacrificed everything

to make you a star.

Including my marriage.

Do you know why
your father left?

Because I was too busy
making your dreams come true.

And as long as Kaylie Cruz
is on that World Team,

it's over.

I gave up my life
and my happiness

and I have nothing
to show for it.

I am a total and
complete failure.

And my life is over.

But you be a team player.

It's not over.


What's that?

It's Kaylie's journal.

I took it...
today, from her gym bag.

"My name is Kaylie Cruz
and I am anorexic."

And this is her


Do you know what this means?

Kaylie Cruz is off the team.

And you, my darling daughter,

are the new Healthy Bar

I'm so proud of you.
What a good girl!

I want you to take this
journal to the party

and you give it to Ellen Beals.

And she will know
what to do with it.

All right?

This means that Kaylie
is finished.

And we are back, baby!

You are such a pretty girl.
Do you know that?

Momma did good, huh?

- Welcome!
- Hi!

You all look gorgeous.

Well, we clean up OK.

And speaking of OK,
nice dress, Payson.

I hope you guys are hungry, because
we have a fabulous buffet.

I'm all over that.

Oh, my God.
Look who's here.

Hey, nice party.

What's she doing here?

She's my plus one.
And she's our teammate.

I thought she didn't
believe in team?

Well, I'm here aren't I?

Lauren, why don't you
show KP your house.

Fine. Follow me.

So? I'm dying to know what your parents
said about the Healthy Bar offer.

Well, they didn't say yes,
but they didn't say no.

They should've been
there to hear Max.

- He was really incredible.
- I know.

Move over Don Draper.

I wonder if he's here yet?

Although if he was,
I am sure that

Lauren would be
licking his face.

Sounds like someone's jealous.

We're just friends.

So you keep saying.

Look who's talking.

You look beautiful.

Both of you.

Well, if you'll excuse me.

I'm going to see how much free food I
can shove in my purse, just in case.

Her folks said no
to Healthy Bar?

They haven't decided.

It's about time you got here.

Come on, I want to
show you something.

That was a very
cool thing you did,

passing all that money
on to Payson.

That's what friends are for.

Wanna take a walk
on the wild side?

I happen to know
the fox trot.

Is there anything
you can't do?


But, I'm working on it.


What is this?

My meditation room.

You got a bed in your
meditation room?

Sometimes, I like to meditate...

...laying down.

I thought we were
gonna take this slow.

We can take it
as slow as you want.

What's this?

A proposal.

I already said yes.

To the "what"
but not the "when".

Let's get married in Rio,

the city famous for the statue
of Christ the Redeemer.

It's perfect.

You're right.
It's perfect.

You OK?


It's just
that we're entertaining.

What's wrong?

Lauren, you're
seriously hot but

I'm not ready
to have sex with you.

You seem ready.

I'm not emotionally ready.

Is this about Payson?

Because she will never really be
able to give you what you need.

All she cares about
is her gymnastics

and the second you get in the
way of that, which you will,

she'll drop you cold.

But until you figure that out,
stop wasting my time!

Besides a college scholarship,

are there really any other cons
to letting Payson take the money?

Besides crushing
my male ego?

Come on. Mark.

You know, hoping for
a scholarship for Payson

is a gamble in its own way.

Maybe it's time we think about
striking while the iron is hot.

I wanted to be the parent who paid his
daughter's way through this sport.

Who doesn't
mortgage her dreams.

And who bankrupts
his family along the way?

Because that's
where we're headed.

Hey, what do you think
about that Healthy Bar offer?

I mean, it cost my kid a mil
but it's a good deal for yours,

coming off an injury.

We haven't decided whether
to let her take it.

Why wouldn't you?

College scholarship
eligibility for one. And...

And the bulk of
the Healthy Bar money

is contingent on her
medaling at Worlds.

Which is a big gamble.

It's not my place
to tell you what to do,

but you already made the gamble when you
let Payson become an elite athlete.

If you don't know in your heart
that she can go all the way,

what was all the sacrifice for?

I have a confession to make.


I'm dying to
kiss you right now.

I know we can't.
I just wish we could.

So do I.

Who invited Kelly Parker?

I did.

Be careful.
I don't trust that girl.

She's not so dangerous.

She's like a cornered animal.

She'll show you her teeth
but she won't bite.

Oh, speaking of someone
who will bite,

look who just walked in.

What is Ellen Beals
doing here?

Don't Panic, we invited
all the NGO members.

What if she tells someone that I'm
the one who sent her that video?

If she hasn't by now,
she's not going to.

Who knows, maybe
she's here to make nice.

Go. Mingle.
I'll handle this.

Ellen, so nice to see you.

Really? After I got you elected
President of the Rock Parents Board

and then never
heard from you again,

I thought I'd be the last
person you'd want to see.

- About that...
- Don't waste your breath.

Sasha won, I lost
and you switched sides.

Happens all the time.

But I'm still standing

and I came tonight to remind
everyone that I may be down

but I'm not out.

- Ellen Beals is here.
- Good for her.

When we invited the NGO members
we never dreamed

she'd have the nerve
to show her face.

All I'm concerned with right now
is finding a drink.

There's one. Excuse me.

There you are.
You guys having fun?

What's... what's going on?

We've made our decision.

About the Healthy Bar deal.

Why do I get the feeling
you have bad news?


I'm totally messing with you.
They said yes!

What! That's, that's great!

Oh my God.

My parents are coming
to Worlds and when I medal

we can pay our debt off and my dad
can take his time finding a job

and I owe it all to you.

What you did, and what you said
to those Healthy Bar people,

- you were amazing.
- Because you're amazing.

I love you.

And I always thought
I couldn't have a boyfriend

because it would mess
with my gymnastics,

but you've made me better.
You've made everything better.

And I would really like it
if you could kiss me right now

so I could please
stop talking.

Oh my God.

I am so sorry.

I just made a complete
fool of myself.

No. No, you didn't.
I'm just, I...

I wasn't expecting this.

Because you don't
feel the same way.

Payson, no, I'm just
a little overwhelmed...

It's OK. It's OK.
I get it.

We said we were just
gonna be friends.


Just please
forget that this ever happened.

We should get back
to the party.


Have you seen Max?

He's with Payson.

Hello, Lauren.

Miss Beals. I'm so glad
you came. How are you?

Not well. I'm under
an ethics investigation.

You know why?

Because for some reason
you decided to anonymously

send the original training cam
disc to the NGO.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Don't worry.
I won't out you.

Even though some people
are accusing me of

editing the disc myself so I could
be named the World Team Coach.

But personal ambition has
never been what drives me.

All I want is for
the American team

to win the Olympics in 2012.

And for now,
we need you to do that.

But you did burn me

and I'm sure I'll find
some way to return the favor.

Good luck in Rio.

- Hey.
- Hey!

Wanna go check out
the buffet with me?

Could I talk to you? Alone?

Oh, OK.

Uh, can I please
have your attention?

Look, I just want to
thank you all for coming.

I'm sure that you are all as
excited as I am

to kick some major butt
at Worlds!

And I have a very
special announcement to make.

After we win
the gold at Worlds...

I'm going to put some gold
on my fiancée's finger.

Well, a gold wedding band
that is.

Summer and I have decided
to get married in Rio,

right after Worlds
and we'd love you all to come.

I'm so excited!

I also would like
to make an announcement.

After Summer marries my dad,
she's going to adopt me.

She's going to be
my legal mother.

Daddy, I'm so happy!

It means a lot that you
invited me here tonight.

It means a lot that you came.
We're teammates.

And friends. I hope.

We are.

Which is why I wanted
to give you this.

What is that?

It's your journal.

Where did you get this?

I took it.

When I came over that one day.


Because it's
all about you being anorexic.

And I thought I could use it

to get you kicked off
the World Team.


I invited you
over to my house

because you were upset and
didn't have anyone to talk to

and you stole my most
private possession?

And you obviously read it.

I won't tell anyone
what you wrote.

And I'm giving it back
because I want you to know

that you can trust me.

Trust you?
Are you crazy?

I will never trust you.

And everyone
was right about you.

You are a horrible
human being.


Hey. What are you doing?

Uh, enjoying Mr. Tanner's
20 year-old scotch.

Although I have to tell you,

this two years, 20 years,
it all tastes like crap to me.

What the hell
is wrong with you?

That's a good frickin'
question, Austin.

Two girls threw
themselves at me tonight.

One offered me her body,
the other her love

and I couldn't say yes
to either one of them.

OK, Romeo, you're drunk.

I'm taking you home.

What was that, man?

That was a kiss.
I kissed you.


Because I wanted to.

So, what? You're gay?


- You just like to kiss guys?
- And girls.

Hey. Congratulations
on your upcoming nuptials.

Thank you.

I have to say,
I'm surprised.

I thought from the way you
so passionately defended Sasha

that you two had
something going on.

That's none
of your business.

And frankly I think
you have a lot of nerve

showing your face here
after you used that bogus video

to get rid of Sasha.

I had no idea it
was bogus at the time.

Or that the person who sent it
to me had tampered with it.

I suspect that person
was you.

I give you my word,
it wasn't.

Then tell me
who it was.

Why don't you
ask your fiancé?

So, if you're not gay
and you're not straight,

that makes you...?

- Bisexual.
- Come on.

A guy can't be bisexual?

Because that defies some sort
of stereotype of masculinity?

I don't know. I've never
known any bisexual guys.

Well, you know me.

Not as well as I thought I did.

So, you're freaked out?

I don't know.
It's kind of hard to understand.

Exactly. And if I tell Lauren or Payson
that I'm also attracted to guys,

do you think they'll understand?
Or be turned off?

Or like most people,
think that I'm gay

but I just can't admit it?

I wish I was just gay.
Life would be a lot simpler.

I don't know what to say.

Of course you don't.

'Cause it's so easy
being Austin Tucker, huh?

You have no idea what
it's like to be me, man.

Nobody does.

And can't explain why I'm
attracted to guys and girls.

But I don't want to hurt anyone.
Especially Payson.

I mean, how is a girl like that
not going to be freaked out?

You think she'd still love me
if she knew who I really was?

So that's why you
didn't go for it?

I think that if
you care about her,

then you have to tell her.

But you're not in any condition
to tell her tonight.

Come on.
Let's get you out of here.

I'm going to ask you,
one last time,

and I demand an
honest answer.

Did you have
anything to do

with sending that training
cam video to Ellen Beals?


Do you know who did?

You vowed, with God
as your witness

that you would never
lie to me again.

I deserve the truth.

Yes. I know who did it.


Who did it?

I did.

But it was only so
you would break up with Sasha

and marry my dad
so that you could be my mom.

Dad didn't know anything
about it, until way later.

He was just protecting me.

So you can still marry him.

Do you have any idea how
much pain you've caused?

I don't want to have anything
to do with your father.

Or with you.

Ever again.

I'll go after her.
I'll fix this.

Don't worry.

Hey, I just, uh, came
to get my jacket in here.

You OK?

Do you care about me at all?

Of course I do.

Then can we get
out of here? Please?

I don't wanna have sex,

I just don't
want to be alone.

Want to talk about it?
Tell me why you're upset?

I'm not upset.

She'll forgive me.
I know she will.

She didn't mean it.

She loves me.

Who are we talking about?

My mother.

I thought you said your mother
was... was dead?


Lauren! Stop!


Excuse me, I got a call
about Lauren Tanner.

She was in a car accident.

I'll be right with you.

- Are you her mother?
- What?

Uh, Miss Tanner said
her mother was coming.

Is she all right?

You're here!

Your daughter's very lucky.

Most people don't walk
away from a collision like that

with just a few bruises.

Unfortunately her friend
wasn't as lucky.

Max was with me.

He has a concussion and
a fractured collar bone.

We're going to keep him overnight
but Lauren is free to go.

- I'll just get her paperwork.
- Thank you.

- Lauren, where's your father?
- I had them call you first.

It was so awful!

I took my eyes away from the
road for a second and then BAM!

This huge SUV came
out of nowhere.

I thought I was going to die!

You should see my car,
it's practically totaled

and the other guy
just walked away.

Not a scratch.

Lauren, why did you tell
them I'm your mother?

Because I wanted you to come.

I need you.

I called Sasha.

Did you tell him
about the video?

You can't tell him, Summer.

He can't find out it was me.

I need to go to Worlds.

It's the most
important event...

What the hell did you do?

I'm so sorry, Sasha. I didn't
mean to hurt you... or anyone.

How could you do
something so stupid?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about you getting
into a car with a boy

the night before we
leave to go to Worlds

and driving like
a reckless teenager.

I'm sorry,
I made a mistake.

You don't get to make
mistakes that risk your life.

I didn't invest all this time in
you to have you throw it away with

impulsive, selfish behavior!

I don't know what to say.

You can tell me you'll
never disappoint me again.

Because one more strike
and you are out.

Do you understand me?

I understand.

You didn't tell him.

No. I didn't tell him because
you're going to tell him.

What? Why are you
doing this to me?

You're gonna tell him.

Before Worlds are over.

And I suggest you do it
sooner than later.

- Is she OK?
- Can she compete?

Yes. And yes. So go home, get some rest.
We have a long flight tomorrow.

- We just want to see her.
- And then we'll go straight home.

Well, see that you do.

Hey, what are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

Lauren was in a car accident.

- So was Max.
- We were together.

Oh, thank God you're OK.

Who was driving?

Not Max, I hope.
He was drunk.

I was driving.
And he wasn't that drunk.

- What were you doing?
- What do you think we were doing?

We were going some
place we could be alone.

- Is he OK?
- His collarbone is broken.

Great. So he's not
going to Worlds.

Nice going, Lauren.

Excuse me.

Are you the young woman who
was brought in with Max Spencer?

That's me.

He's sedated, but I think
he's asking for you.

I'm sure he is.

Be right back.

You heard the nurse,
he's sedated.

He doesn't know
what he's saying.

I should probably find his
doctor, see what's really up.

- I am such an idiot.
- No, you aren't.

- I told Max I loved him.
- Whoa. When?

At the party.
It just popped out.

And what did he say?

Nada. God, I feel
so embarrassed.

Just because he didn't say
"I love you" back

doesn't mean
he doesn't feel it.

He apparently left the party
to have sex with Lauren.

Who feels the need to
rub that fact in my face

the night before we leave for
the biggest meet of our lives.

What are you doing here?

Checking on my teammate.
Like you.

- Isn't that what teammates do?
- Cut the crap.

You're not fooling anyone.

Is Lauren OK?

Like you care.

Aren't you the one who said
we should give her a break?

I made a mistake.

She doesn't care about
anybody but herself.

Well, then she apparently
fits in perfectly around here.

I've gotta call my mom.

Look, I could've done a lot
of things with that journal.

But I gave it back.
Because I wanted a friend.

Because I wanted to be
part of a team.

You stole my most
intimate possession.

You will never be my friend.


If that's the way
you want it,

we'll go back to
everyone out for themselves.

That's where I shine anyway.

Good luck in Rio,

I'm right here, honey.

What is it?
What can I do?

Thank you for coming...

I'm sorry...

I'd never hurt you...


♪ Make It or Break It 2x20 ♪
Worlds Apart
Original Air Date on May 23, 2011

Mom, have you seen
my big duffel?

Pay! We leave for
the airport in three hours.

You've been working to go to
Worlds your whole life

and you haven't even
started packing?

Can you just spare me the lecture and
point me in the direction of the duffel.

What's wrong, honey?

You're not feeling the pressure of
taking the endorsement, are you?

No. I know you and Dad still feel
weird about it but I'm fine.

I'm going to kill it at
Worlds, end of story.

You don't look fine.
You look like you're about to burst.

Why don't you check in with one of
the girls and get a little pep talk?

- Thank you, no.
- What about Max?

- Why don't you give him a call?
- I do not need to talk to Max.

- Mornin', sweetie.
- Morning.

Becca's still disappointed she's
not going with us to Brazil.

Oh, well, frankly, it's a
luxury that we both get to go.

The Rock is paying most of my
way but yours cost a big chunk

of Payson's $25,000 advance.

That's what it was for, right?

That, and paying our
back bills and our mortgage.

Yeah, I just can't believe
it's almost all gone.

Along with Payson's college
scholarship eligibility.

I thought that we agreed that
we'd put our faith in Payson

and faith that she would
do well at Worlds,

earning her bonus,
which is more than enough

to pay for her
college education.

We don't know if she would've
gotten a scholarship, anyway, right?

You're right.

And I do have faith in Payson.

Will you grab that, Kay?


Hi. Come in.

I just wanted to check in on
the new US Team Captain.

- Good morning, Marcus.
- Good morning, how are you?

Good, thanks.

How ya feeling, Kaylie?

I feel great.
Ready to go.

You know, we've been getting
unprecedented interview requests

for Kaylie from
the foreign press in Rio.

She's a star.

They're going to ask you about
your fall at World's Trials

and your subsequent absence.

So, do you know what
you'll tell them?

I injured my ACL.

It's healed and
I'm ready to go.

You understand why we can't
mention the eating disorder.

And this strategy isn't
just for us, it's for you.

Your scores would go down because
you'd be perceived as weak.

Yeah, that's the funny thing,
because my recovery

has actually
made me a stronger person...

...and I'm sure
as a gymnast as well.

Yeah, but it wouldn't just affect your scores.
You're the captain.

See, you need to think of how your
whole team would be perceived.

We need to keep the focus on
how strong this team is;

how strong its captain is.

I won't let the team down.

You can count on me.

Genji, over here!

Ivanka! Ivanka!

Do you feel
the Americans are a threat?

Every scenario predicts a
three-way race between China,

Russia and the United States.

And every scenario
predicts we finish third.

Every scenario but mine.

We're not here to give sound
bites, we are here to win.

March up these stairs
like warriors,

and enter that arena as a team.

Speak to no one.

I'll see you inside
after I get our credentials.


- Payson, how do you feel?
- Kaylie, how's your ACL?

any challenge for you here

other than Genji Cho?

I do not think Genji
is a challenge for me.

This is Russia's year to shine,
with me at the helm.

Let's not forget who the
reigning World Champ is.

And I plan on beating
both Ivanka and Genji Cho.

But we each have our strengths,

and on beam?
Ivanka, Genji, Kelly, watch out.

- This is my year.
- Kaylie, bienvenida. Nice work.

I promised the Spanish-language
press a few words.

Kaylie, it's good to see you
back from your surgery.

On your ACL?

Oh, right, um... Yeah, I
actually didn't have surgery.

I rested.

There was physical therapy.

But, um, mostly, I rested.

Payson, Kaylie says the US
Team is strong and united. Is that true?

Payson, is this team tight
enough to take on China or Russia?

Yeah, I just went shopping.

I'm back at the hotel now.

All right, Dad.
Talk to you later, bye.

Kaylie, I thought we
had this down.

You were like a deer in the
headlights with those reporters.

I know. I'm sorry.
I've got it.

I don't think you do. This is
a huge year for you, Kaylie,

and a huge year
for USA gymnastics.

We can't afford a scandal.

What are you saying?

I'm saying, I don't
want you talking to the press.

- At all.
- Fine.

The whole team is
depending on you.

Your rooms will be ready soon.

Please enjoy these
complimentary piña coladas.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

This is the nicest hotel
we've ever been to... our lives,
on Payson's dime.

But Payson wanted us here.

We're not on vacation.

We're here to support her
in her dream, like we always do.

I forgot to ask.

Would you like to
book a couples massage?

No. And here,
take these back.

What's the matter?

Are we really supporting her?

Or are we selling her dream
to pay some bills?

We did need that money, Kim.
And we do believe in her.

And not just us,
Healthy Bar does too.

If Healthy Bar believed
in her so much,

why are they only
throwing out $25,000

until they see how she does?

They're not sure about her, Mark.
They're not.

We may have just
thrown it all away...

You are the Keelers.

I thought I'd find you tomorrow,
but look, you're right here.

- And you are?
- Katerina Paynich.

Stanford University.

Listen, I know that girls
who are on the Olympic path

postpone college.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't
recruit an athlete at Worlds.


Yes. I'm here to
recruit Payson Keeler

for a Stanford

Oh, God.

I just want you to know,

if Payson isn't quite
up to the Olympics,

with her injury and all,

she might have
a place at Stanford

on our team,
on scholarship.

Something to
think about.

Oh God.
Oh God. Oh God.

Oh God.

It's OK, honey.
It's OK.

Is it?

Stanford University is
here to recruit Payson

with a scholarship we can't
take because we took $25,000

to pay some bills
and our mortgage.

Now's your chance
to meet Mr. Kobalt himself,

Olympic gold medalist,
Austin Tucker,

wearing the new summer line
of Kobalt sunglasses.

Over here! Austin!

Are you ready for Worlds?

Do I look ready?

I've still got a few days.

The men don't compete
until the women are done.

What about training?

This is it, chief.
I only make it look easy.

What can you
tell us about your love life?

You have a girlfriend?

If I had a girlfriend
could I do this?

Sorry, ladies.
Gotta run.


- Kaylie!
- Who are you?

At the moment,
I'm... Mr. Kobalt.

No, at the moment
you're an ass.

Mr. Ass.

What happened to that nice guy
that I danced with in Boulder?

The guy who
made me think that I...

That you're special?
That I care about you?

I'm right here.

This Mr. Kobalt stuff?
It's an act.

- It sells sunglasses.
- It's pathetic.

My whole image is built on this,
Kaylie. My professional image.

Well, if being a fake
is what it takes,

then I'd rather
be poor.

Says the rich girl.
Look, I'm not judging you,

but you're letting the whole world think
that you've been out with an ACL injury.

So don't act like I'm
the only fake around here.

We all have to do
what we have to do.

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to the Gymnastics
Championship of the World!

Please welcome the teams

representing today's
competing nations.

The team from France.

The team from Spain.

The team from the
United States of America.

The team from Sweden.

The team from Russia.

The team from Brazil.

Good afternoon,
everyone, and welcome to

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I'm Danny Crowle.

And joining me today
Olympic gold medalists

and gymnastics legends

Nadia Comaneci
and Bart Conner.

So, what can we expect from
today's qualifying competition?

Well, the biggest challenge for the US in
the qualifying round today will be Russia.

Their star, Ivanka,

is one of the most exciting
gymnasts we've seen

since Genji Cho.

And, speaking of Cho, Nadia,

we're not going to see China
or Genji Cho today.

That's right. China is competing
in tomorrow's qualifying round,

so we won't see them go
head to head until the Finals.

The big question for the US:
Can they win the team gold?

Well, they're
a great team,

there's no question about it.

But I fully expect to see
China and Russia

competing for
the gold in the Finals.

But the US could definitely
be in the mix for the bronze.

And of course,
that's in the Finals.

But, first, they have to make it
through the qualifying round today.

Bart, tell us how that works.

Twenty-two teams compete today,
and 22 tomorrow.

The top four from each day
advance to the Finals.

On beam, from
the United States of America,

Lauren Tanner.

You are technically as good or
better than any gymnast out here.

The judges need to see that.
So, let them.

No flourishes.
No embellishments.

Just keep it simple.
Like we've practiced.

- But, they've beaten me before.
- Short memory, Lauren.

Forget it.
Put it behind you.

We don't need
all of your sass today,

just do the routine flawlessly.
Show them you're serious.

Trust me.

We're told that Coach Belov
has added some new combinations

to Lauren's routine to
increase its point value.

No doubt in response
to recent losses

to both Ivanka and Genji Cho.

Lauren always brings a lot of
sizzle and personality to her routines.

That's why she's called
the "Queen of the Beam."

This is gonna be
very entertaining.

Oops, a little
balance check here.

This is going to cost her
three-tenth deduction.

Come on, Lauren.
You've got this.

I'm surprised. I didn't
expect that from Lauren at all.

You're right.
No sparkle. No sass.

Just a very
lackluster performance

riddled with small mistakes.

OK. No harm.

From Russia,
Ivanka Kirilenko.

Wow. Ivanka.

It's hard to imagine anyone
doing better than that.

Just flawless.

So, after one rotation,

Russia is in the first position,
Spain second, and the US third.

There's no reason
to get discouraged.

We're in a good position and
still have three rotations left.

Vault's up next.

You should've
let me do it my way.

On vault, from
the United States of America,

Kaylie Cruz.
Good luck, you'll do great.

You know what? Stop pretending
you're a team player. You're not.

Here's Kaylie Cruz,
reigning US Champion.

It's been awhile since
we've seen her compete.

That's right. She injured her
ACL at the World Trials.

Nadia, what impact
could that have on her vault?

we are about to see.

Oh, a big step
on the landing.

Also not centered.

That's going to cost her
an eight-tenth deduction.

And this is the only apparatus
on which she's competing today.

Coach Belov has to be
expecting more from her.

It's OK, Kaylie. Relax.
You'll get it this time, OK?

C'mon, Kaylie,
you've got this!

You've got this!

Oh, that's not
the vault she intended.

That one-and-a-half twist

was supposed to be
a two-and-a-half twist.

That's going to cost Kaylie
one point too.

And so,
after two rotations

Team USA has dropped
into fourth place.

Wow. They can't
afford to drop any lower.

Not if they hope
to qualify for the Finals.

And, meanwhile,
Ivanka and the Russian Team

maintains its
commanding lead.

On floor, from the
United States of America, Payson Keeler!

A year ago many people
believed that Payson Keeler

was poised to become the
top gymnast in the U.S.

Then, tragedy.

A broken back.

- She's gonna do great.
- Healthy Bar loves her.

Today we'll see if she
can complete a full comeback.

Something's wrong.

She doesn't look like herself.

She needed more height
to complete that move.

She'll get a three-tenth
deduction for that.

This is not the performance
that the US Team needed here.

They could be finished.

We did this, Mark.
She's not herself.

We're the worst parents
on the planet.

after three rotations,

the US finds itself
in sixth place.

Bart, they're gonna have to be
flawless in that final rotation.

As well as perhaps
a little bit lucky.

In order to make the top four
and make the Finals,

they need Japan and Brazil,

currently in fourth
and fifth positions,

to stumble badly.

I don't care
if you like her.

I don't even care
if you hate her.

But as long as Kelly Parker
is on this team

you will damn well
support her.

So stop acting like
a bloody prom queen

and start acting
like a team captain.

Our whole future
is on the line.

He's right.
We're almost out.

On uneven bars, from the
United States of America, Kelly Parker!

You can do this, Kelly!
C'mon, you got it!

- You've got this, Kelly!
- You can do it, Kelly!

- Come on, Kelly!
- Whoo!

- Come on, Kelly!
- Get it, girl.


As incredible
as it sounds,

that performance
by Kelly Parker

has just moved
the US Team into fourth place!

By the skin of their teeth,
they move in to the Finals.

But Coach Belov can't be happy with
the way his team performed today.

Hi, can I please
get room service?

No. Hang that up,
and sit down.

No food. No phones.

until you figure out
what happened today.

- Well, I think that we just...
- Don't tell me.

Tell each other.

The four of you might have
tossed your careers away today.

And you have each other
to thank for that.

So go on, share.

We made the Finals.
Why are you punishing us?

You barely made the Finals

and you're not fit to carry
the sweats of China or Russia.

You failed because you
couldn't work as a team.

And you're not leaving
this room until you can.


That's for you to figure out.

OK, we all know
we sucked today.

Speak for yourself.
I saved all of you.

- You should be thanking me.
- The question is why.

I almost died in a car accident,

my boyfriend just got
out of the hospital,

Sasha took away my sizzle.
Hate me. Can we go now?

- I should've been captain.
- You know you don't deserve it.

Do you wanna tell them,
or should I?

She stole my journal.

I gave it back,
and I apologized,

but apparently
that counts for nothing.

Makes you wonder why anyone would
bother to apologize for anything.

You Rock Girls always think
you're better than everyone.

And some of us think that we can just
take whatever and whoever we want.

Look, I called dibs on Max
and you said it was OK.

- Well, maybe it wasn't.
- Wow.

Great job leading the team,
Captain Cruz.

Shut up.

And I never even
wanted to be captain!

- Then why are you?
- Because they named me captain...

What were you doing
with him in the car anyways?

You know what? I'll be the
first to say it. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I let myself become
an airhead like you three.

I let a boy get to my head
and mess with my game.

Aha. You do like Max.
Little Miss holier than thou.

You know what?
I'm sorry, too.

Sorry that you can't
handle boys and I can.

Oh, by handle, you mean
prance around in your underwear?

Just stop.

You know, on my last rotation,
I knew you were fake-cheering for me,

but it felt good, anyway.

I used to watch you guys cheer
each other on and I was jealous.

You were a real team
and I secretly wanted that.

Until now, until hearing you
guys tear each other down.

You're all even
bigger fakes than I am.

She's right.

Kelly Parker,
of all people, is right.

What if it's over?

Everything we've hoped for,
dreamed about...

How could we let petty things
bring us down?

But it's not.
It's not all petty.

I talked my parents
into going against everything,

everything that
they stood for.

I told them that it was OK for
us to sign away my eligibility.

I promised them
it would be OK.

God, they have to be
so wrecked right now.

I wish my parents would agonize
about letting me take sponsorships.

My mom sold my eligibility
away when I was nine years old.

You're lucky, Payson.

You lost your scholarship

but you have parents
that love you.

I know that you're pissed
at Sasha right now

for not letting you
do your sizzle your way,

but you have to trust him.

He cares about you
and believes in you.

And, as for Max,
I apologize.

You win.
You got the guy.

No. You did.

He likes you, Payson.
It's true.

Do you know at the hospital,
he called out your name?

He chose you.

Whatever. If there's anything I've learned
today, it's that it's about team.

It's always about team.

So can we
get through this?

I don't think I can.

Kaylie, I'm so sorry
I took your journal.

I'm no better than my mom,
and you should hate me.

No. It's not that.

It's just...

You guys are telling all
your secrets and coming clean.

I can't.

I have a disease,
and the NGO,

they won't let me
talk about it.

And I get it, but it would
just help so much if I could.

If I could be honest, like all
of you are being right now...

- Why can't you?
- You know why.

This sport
is judged on perception.

Anorexics are considered weak.

My scores will go down
and so will all of yours,

because I'm the captain.

- But that's not fair.
- That's reality.

Don't beat yourself up
about it, Kaylie.

Some secrets
are best kept silent.

Just know that we're
right here with you.

Whatever you decide to do,
we've got your back.

Kaylie, we agreed.
No more press.

Thank you all for coming.

I'm Kaylie Cruz,
US Team Captain, and...

And we're her team,
who support

and believe
in her 100%.

I'm here because
I want to tell you all...

...I have an eating disorder.

There was never
an ACL injury.

I lied.

And it's taken me a while
to realize there's no shame

in admitting
you have a problem

or in getting help.

I have,
and I'm better.

I will always struggle
with anorexia,

but my team's
behind me.

And after going through this,
I am a better gymnast.

- After this?
- I refuse to say I'm not.

They're done.

Team U.S.A.

On qualifying day
they appeared to be unfocused,

undisciplined and performed
without inspiration.

Yet, here they are.

It's clear this is a dramatically
different U.S Team today.

Energy, focus, desire.

I really like
what I'm seeing.

The Chinese Team,
led by Genji Cho,

dominated in the
qualifying round yesterday.

Is there anyone
in today's Finals

that can keep them
from taking Team Gold?

Well, injuries can heal
and routines can be adjusted,

but at this point I can't imagine
anyone other than the Russians

that have a prayer
of challenging the Chinese.

The US Team will need to b
near perfect from here on out

if they hope to win
a team medal today.

Lauren, you're up next on beam.

Now, I know you haven't been pleased
with the way I've had you...

I have to tell
you something.

We've all been honest
with each other.

It's time that
I be honest, too.

Go on.

The video
of Payson kissing you,

I found it
in the practice cam,

and I was afraid that,

that you would take
Summer away from me,

so... I sent it
to Ellen Beals.

It was me, Sasha.

I did it. I'm so sorry.

Please forgive me.

On beam, from the
United States of America,

Lauren Tanner.

The judges have seen
your technique.

Today, I want you to give
them the whole package.

Wow them.

I want everyone
in this arena

to see how magnificent
you can be.

Aren't you angry
with me?

Short memory.

Let this be
a new start for us.

I forgive you.

Is this because
you need me to win?

No. This is because
I care about you.

Because I know your life
challenges you,

and because I know you are better
than you show yourself to be.


I know you have the capacity to be
a better gymnast than you know.

But more than that?

I know you have the capacity to be a
better human being than you know.

Now you go get them.

You show them
the Lauren sizzle.

I don't know what
Coach Belov told his team,

but whatever it is,
it's working!

And with that routine,
Lauren Tanner has moved the US

into fourth place
behind China and Russia.

Amazing. The US is
in position to win a team medal.

On vault, from
United States of America, Payson Keeler.

She's going for a clean,
simple vault.

Her best chance for an
individual medal is on floor.

And when you do, please Pay,
make it the floor of your life.

This doesn't look good.
Payson Keeler is down.

OK, talk to me.
How does it feel?


All right, all right.

It's not broken,
but we need a doctor to see it.

Come on.

- I'm benching you.
- No.

I still have one more vault.

You can barely stand.

How do you plan on
sticking the landing?

On one leg, I guess.

Look, there's no way I'm going
to be able to compete on floor.

I have to do this, Sasha.

For my parents.
I owe them this, OK?



As your captain
and your friend,

give it all
you've got.

Today, you own the vault.

I don't believe it!

Payson Keeler
sticks a one-legged landing!

the best vault in the meet.

I haven't seen
anything like that

since Kerri Strug
in the '96 Olympics.

And that should move
the US Team past Russia

and into second place
behind China.

On floor,
from China, Genji Cho!

Unless the United States
can do something spectacular

it looks like China's
going home with the gold.

With Payson Keeler

I just don't think the United
States has any answers.

I'm glad you are better,
Kaylie Cruz.

I'm putting you on floor.

Payson's ankle
isn't strong enough.

You can do this.

Not today. I don't know why,
I just feel off.

You should use Kaylie.

She can bring it
home for us.

- You don't have to do this.
- Yes I do. For the team.

You're on fire today and
I'm not. So go. Get it.


Kaylie Cruz
of the United States

is substituting for
Payson Keeler on the floor.

Come on, Kaylie.

Just yesterday
Kaylie announced

she's been battling
an eating disorder.

Nadia, will that have any
impact on her scoring today?

It shouldn't,
but judges are only human.

It's heartbreaking.

Team USA was poised to make
the comeback of a decade.

And now?
It's hard to see it.


I don't believe it.
Could that have done it?

Could be.
The scores are being tabulated.


Oh, my God!
Team USA wins the gold!

With that performance,
the US has just pulled off

the comeback of a lifetime!

And accepting
their gold medals,

the team from the
United States of America!

Did you two think
we'd be seeing the US

getting the gold medal today?

I honestly didn't.

It was beautiful to see
them coming together as a team.

These young ladies have been
training their whole lives,

dreaming of this moment,

and today,
their dreams came true.

I'm so proud of you, honey.


What are you doing here?
Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?

Are you kidding?

You think I'd miss
my Grrrl Bar client

in the most heroic
moment of the year?


Why are you here?

I'm so proud of you.

You inspire me.

I think I might be
in love with you.

- There's one more thing.
- Stop talking. I don't care.

Austin Tucker!
There isn't anything between you

and Kaylie Cruz, is there?

Oh, Mr. Kobalt doesn't
have a girlfriend, right?

Yes, yes I do.

If she'll have me.

And she and I would like
a little privacy.

Excuse me, love bird.

To our girls.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==