Make It or Break It (2009–2012): Season 2, Episode 11 - The New Normal - full transcript

With the World's tryouts over, there is little for the girls to celebrate.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Make It or Break It...

That I was presented with clear evidence

of inappropriate conduct.

Here it is.

Come on, just take one bite.

If I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry.

That's what happens when
you starve yourself.

My brother is having
seizure symptoms tonight.

He needs his meds.

- Oh, my God, are they gonna arrest me?
- Yeah.

As far as The Rock is concerned,

you're suspended until further notice.

I failed them as a coach.

Maybe I'm not such a good man after all.

Now we have to practice both day and night?

This is so lame.

I'm usually in bed by now.

Do I have to remind you what's
coming up in a matter of weeks?



I didn't hear this much whining

when we missed school graduations

and birthday parties and spring break

and everything else that normal girls do.

I don't want to hear anything
about missing some beauty sleep.

At least the boys have to be here too.

Still with the boys?
Haven't you learned that...

Follow me!


I'm right here for you, Kaylie.

I never meant to hurt you.

Don't believe him, Kaylie.

It's another trap. Run!

Shh, shh, shh.

It's OK, Kaylie.

I'm safe.

Let me show you.

Kaylie. You can trust him.

Kaylie, get in! Get in!

Sasha, I thought you left?

No, Kaylie. I'm here for you.

I will always be here for you.

You're gonna get strong, get healthy again.

And I'll help you.

What do you think it means?

Other than I shouldn't have watched

that stupid vampire film at movie night?

I have no idea.

Sometimes all of the people in your dreams

represent a part of you.

For instance, Payson, in your dream,

was the leader that led
your team into a trap.

Is there a part of you that, as a leader,

feels you might have failed them?


No, not exactly.

You mentioned that each of your teammates

was in a personal crisis

leading up to the big show.

Trials. World Team Trials, OK?

And no, I don't feel like
any of that was my fault.


What about the part

where your coach says he's there for you,

then you bite him?

What do you think that means?

I have no idea, really.

I guess I'm just not that deep.

Tell me the first word
that comes into your mind

when you think of your gym, The Rock.


What do you think is
happening at home right now?

I think it's probably falling apart.

So, are you gonna start

working on your new vault for Worlds?

I have no idea if I'm still
on the team going to Worlds.

Honey, you did have something
to do with all of this.

You did steal and you did fail
to appear at your hearing.

I stole the meds to help
Brian because you were AWOL.

And I went to World Trials
instead of my court date

because I thought it was taken care of.

But thank you so much for the support, Mom.

I love feeling like I'm
all alone in the world.

♪ Are you ready to go

♪ When you're ready...

What? I don't want to go to practice

and I don't want to go to

some stupid exhibition
in Denver this weekend.

Payson, you need to move on.

With your training and with your life.

Sasha wouldn't want...

How do we know what he'd
want or wouldn't want?

We don't, 'cause he's gone.

♪ Only time will tell

Lauren, you really have to
move back in with your father.

No, I don't.

If you don't want me anymore,

I can find somewhere else to stay.

Your father loves you.

If he did, he wouldn't have
kept my mother from me.

Now she's dead and it's too late.

Lauren, honey, forgiveness is
the only thing that heals.

Not always.

Sometimes people do things that are so bad,

no one will ever forgive them.

Is Sasha for sure not coming back?

To tell you the truth, I have no idea.

I haven't spoken to my dad.

But I'm sure Sasha didn't

want to stick around to coach jailbirds.

OK, enough. We all know

that the picture of my
stupid attempt to kiss Sasha

is responsible for this mess.

Does anyone know how Ellen
Beals got a hold of it?

No clue. But Sasha won't
be totally off the hook

until they find the whole video
that shows what really happened.

How's Lauren?

She's OK.

We'll get her to move back home, Steve.

I'm not so sure.

I think she's capable of holding
a grudge for a lifetime.

So, how's the coach search coming?

Not so great.

How can that be?

This is The Rock.

Well, all the best coaches
are under contract,

plus this gym has a bit of a
stink on it at the moment.

Well, did you ever... get a hold of Sasha?


I left messages for him
everywhere I could think of.

Unless you know where he is?

I do have to ask you one thing, Steve.

And you have to tell me the honest truth...

OK, look, Steve.

If we're gonna work together,
I have to know one thing.

Did you leak that picture

of Payson kissing Sasha to Ellen Beals?


I can sincerely say, absolutely not.

Look, I was hard on the guy,

but I would never do such a thing.

And if I ever find out who did?

They'll be out of this gym.

I read your case file.

You've been leading a
pretty extreme lifestyle.

What with the restricted diet,

the intense training,
the scale at the gym...

Because I'm a professional athlete.

Peyton Manning and Kobe Bryant

are on restricted diets

with training schedules and weigh-ins too.

I don't see them here.

It's not the same, Kaylie.

You're in your eating disorder.

I used to live on Tic
Tacs and self-loathing,

but I have made so much
progress since I've come here.

It didn't happen overnight, but for real,

the best thing I ever did

was fully surrender and
admit that I belong here.

Kaylie, do you think you belong here?


I guess.

OK, you've got to get more height.

Right... now.

Hey, Austin?

Would you help Emily over
after the handspring?

OK, again.


Right... now!

Great. So if Austin does
the routine with me,

- then I'm in business.
- Only if we have matching leos.

Well, at least now you know

what it's supposed to feel like to nail it.

It's a start.

So, have you talked to Kaylie?

They haven't even let her call.

But we get to see her tomorrow

when we go to Denver for the exhibition.

So, they're letting you go.

That is up to her.

Who's that?

That is my probation officer.

As part of the probation process,

it's my job to interface

with the various authority
figures in Emily's life,

and assess how she's coming along.

You'll have to excuse me,

but in all my time with the
National Gymnastics Organization

I've never had to meet

with an athlete's probation officer before.

Gymnasts are usually

the most dedicated and
hard-working of young people.

I am dedicated and hardworking.

And defensive.

Frankly, Emily,

I'd think you'd be offering
nothing but contrition.

OK, excuse me, we were wondering

what the status of Emily's
World Team membership is.

Well, like Emily's probation officer,

we at the NGO need to do some investigating

and come to our own
conclusions on that matter.

How long does her probation last?

This seems kind of extreme for the offense.

We understand the
circumstances of her arrest,

but unfortunately, she stole drugs.

That falls under a new,
strict zero-tolerance law.

And on top of that?

She willfully failed to
show up for a hearing.

It wasn't willful!

Excuse me, but is Emily allowed
to go to Denver this weekend?

There's a big exhibition.

Denver is making a bid to
host the 2018 Olympics,

and all the future Olympians
from the area will be there.

It's important to us that she be there too.

We're supporting Denver's bid

to get the Olympics back to the U.S.

I'll be with her,

I'll watch her every step of the way.

Saturday, at least

I have to work on Friday.

I'll be chaperoning.

I'll take full responsibility for her.

Well, I did ask the court about Denver,

but since Emily is currently
restricted to home and gym only,

if she wants to go to the exhibition...

She'll have to wear this
ankle monitoring device.

I cannot do gymnastics wearing that thing!

I don't see how floor and
vault will be affected.

People will see it!

Perhaps you could wear pants?

Lauren. Honey, can we talk?

Oh, my gosh.

OK, nothing to see here.

Everyone back to practice.

Sweetie, it's gonna be OK.

Mom, please. It's only making it worse.

I'm doing the best I can, OK?

I think I know who you are.

You are our featured gymnastics team.

Yeah, we're from the Rocky
Mountain Training Center?

We've got a great weekend for you girls.

There's gonna be a fantastic private party,

and I've got your passes for
the Governor's VIP area.


That's all for the, uh,
Denver Elite Teaeaeam.


They don't even have any
girls on the World's Team.

Yeah, well, that's about
to change, isn't it?

With Kaylie wasting away
and Emily in juvie,

I think at least two spots
will be opening up.

And the ankle injury that

kept me out of the World Trials is better.

I have every intention of
going to Rio and winning.

We're the Denver Elite.

Great. Here's your press
schedule and VIP passes.

I'm sorry, but this is the team
I've been told to showcase.

If you just hang on, my
boss wants to meet you.

Excuse me.

Why on earth would they
showcase you over us?

Uh, let me guess.

Maybe because this is an event

to show the best face of
Colorado to the whole world

and your gym is a cesspool of controversy.

I wonder which one of your spots

on the Worlds Team I'm gonna take?

But I guess I'll let the National
Committee figure that out

after we rock the exhibition.

How do I hate thee's guts?

Let me count the ways.

OK, we cannot let Denver outshine us.

We have to up our game.

Do you guys seriously expect me

to be able to do gymnastics
with this thing on?

We don't have a choice.
You can wear long sweats.

Great. So I'll be the freak.

The National Committee's
gonna be here tomorrow,

so we all have to be flawless.
Especially you, Emily.

Speaking of flawless.

Mmm. Hunky.

- It's what's for dinner.
- Hey, you guys.

This is my old pal, Max.

This is Emily,


and Payson.

Hi, Max.

What? Do I have something on my face?

No, no. Your face is... fantastic.

For what?

For catching the light.

Max is into photography.

I love photography!

Where does Max come from?

Texas, but he's thinking
of moving to Colorado.

He's trying to decide
between Denver and Boulder.

Well, Boulder, of course, silly.

And why Boulder exactly?

See you guys later.



He was totally into you.

- OK, right.
- He was!

Believe me, the type of
guy that's into Lauren

is definitely not into me.

So, you guys seeing Kaylie today?

Yeah, do you want to come?

I don't think it's a good idea.

For her or for you?

This place is weird.

This whole thing is weird.

Says the girl wearing an
electronic monitoring device.

Why didn't we see Kaylie was in trouble?

I did. But then again, I know her
better than anyone else here.

I mean, we are best friends.

Were best friends.

Kaylie was feeling really trapped
by Sasha before he left.

He was onto her anorexia,

and she was starting to freak out.

Maybe she took matters into her own hands.

She and Austin were working
a lot on that video cam.

Are you saying that Kaylie sent
that picture to Ellen Beals?

- Hey.
- Kaylie!

So, what's it like in here?

They let you eat whatever you want?

What I would give for a
guilt-free red velvet cupcake.

Not exactly, Lauren.

Recovery is all about being healthy.

So, how are you doing?


I'm just trying to get out of here

so I can get back to my gymnastics,

and start working again, ASAP.

I feel so out of it.

Like I'm on the outside
looking in, you know?

I know the feeling.

Oh, my God! Emily, I didn't know.

I mean, I knew about Sasha, but not this.

Payson would rather we didn't
talk about her boyfriend.

- Shut up.
- Oh, is Austin here?

You know, doing the exhibition too?


He's actually practicing.


Oh, but he has a seriously
hottie friend named Max

who might be moving to Boulder.

Honestly, haven't boys
been enough problems?

Sorry, not all of us crush

on guys who get senior citizen discounts.

At least I'm not obsessed with
some stupid high school boy

with over-gelled hair.

A-ha! So you did sneak a peek.

Kaylie... it seems like you're really good.

We have to get back to
practice, and I'm sure

you have to get back to doing... whatever.

Thanks for coming.

I miss you guys, but I'll be back soon.

You better be.

We have a Chinese team
to destroy at Worlds.

If you're looking for the press,

there's like a ton of
them right over there.

Waiting for Kelly Parker, I'm sure.

Some things just never change.

Actually, I can care less about the press.

Do you guys think Max is here?

I really want him to see
me in my new dress.

- Kelly Parker!
- Kelly, over here!

Look at her just eating
up all the spotlight.

I cannot believe the Denver Elite

are back to being the girls of the hour.

After we kicked their asses.

Rock Rebels! Over here.

Show us those rebel smiles.


Thanks for throwing some love our way.

We're like press lepers.

It wasn't charity.

You girls are gorgeous.

Oh, you poor little things.

Are you sure you don't
want to take our picture?

You're the Denver Elite.

That's the gym you don't want to go to.

- What gym?
- Gym?

I didn't tell you? Max is a gymnast.

He's trying to decide which club to join.

Rocky Mountain or Denver Elite.

Well, of course you have to come to Denver.

At least there I'm not fighting
Austin for all the attention.

Please. Denver is so lame.

And with Nicky Russo gone,
your men's team sucks.

Yeah, not anymore.

We have a fantastic, new rings specialist.

In fact, we've become
quite the close friends.



Oh, my God!

Carter, what are you doing?

Ask Lauren. She knows why I left.

But I guess she did me a favor.

The Rock's going down.

Everyone knows Denver is the place to be.

You've got some serious moves, Lauren.

On the mats and off.

So, where's your friend, Payson?

Um, probably napping. She likes to rest,

and knit and bake cakes.

I, however, like to have fun.


Oh, it's on.


I said hold me closer.

I say, Max, is it?

As someone who's been at
both The Rock and Denver,

I have to tell you...

Girls at The Rock: Great.

But the women... in Denver.

Oh, I don't know, I mean,
the girls at The Rock

are looking pretty impressive right now.

You want to dance?

Thanks. Um, but my dance partner

is recording an album in Los Angeles, so...

I think I'm gonna sit this one out.

Yeah, I know what you mean.


I've got a shoulder for you to lean on.

Two if it's real messed up.

I'm just so scared,

that everything I've worked
my entire life for is...

just gonna be taken away, at any minute.

Hey, hey.
You don't know what's gonna happen.

And you can't control it.

So don't worry about it, right?

If I don't worry,

then the bills don't get paid.

And then the car gets taken away,

and my brother's medicine
doesn't get paid for.

My one shot at living a worry-free life

was winning gold at the Olympics.

So that my family didn't have to struggle.

And now... that one shot

might be ruined because
of one stupid mistake.

And I just can't help but
be so angry at myself

and at my...

Who else are you angry with?

At my mother.

I just... I can't help but think

that if she was just better at everything,

then maybe we wouldn't
be living hand to mouth.

So it's all your mom's fault.

She's the reason you stole the meds?

I know that you think that

being on a Wheaties box makes
you all high and mighty.

But you weren't there.

Yeah, you're right, I wasn't there.

But you had a choice.

And you let your teammates down
when you stole that medicine.

- Regardless of the reason.
- OK, but my mother...

OK, you need to stop blaming
your mother someday, Emily.

My brother was sick.

If your brother was sick

Then why didn't you just call an ambulance?

Thanks for the shoulder.

Mr. McGowen.

- May I come in?
- Of course.

Sorry to come by unannounced.

We thought it was best to get a real

and unbiased view of what
life is like for Emily.

Yes, well, I was just
about to leave for work.

At 9PM?

What is it that you do?

I work in an emergency response center.

- At the phone bank.
- I see.

According to our reports,
Emily also has a job.

You realize that's unsustainable

for an elite caliber gymnast, don't you?

Well, she did medal against China,

and made the Worlds Team over other girls

who didn't have jobs.

Is this where Emily sleeps?

She doesn't have her own room?

I know it seems a bit odd,
but Emily insisted.

What else do you let your daughter
insist upon, Mrs. Kmetko?

Look, Mr.
McGowen, I will do everything I can

to cooperate with your little inquisition

because I love my daughter
more than life itself.

I don't think you understand

how much specialized commitment it takes

to compete in this sport at Emily's level.

These girls are thoroughbreds,

and they need to be treated that way.

And I don't think that you people

understand that your sport

can eat a family up and everyone in it.

I have one special needs child

and another child that is in the top tier

of an incredibly demanding
and expensive sport.

I may not understand a lot of things,

but I do understand commitment.

So, please, excuse me.

Because I need to go to work.


I'm not here to judge you, Chloe.

I'm here to try to save
your daughter's dream.

I know how hard this sport
can be on a family,

but we both want the same thing for Emily.

Don't we?

Poor Payson Keeler.

First, a broken back and
now a broken heart.

You must have been
devastated when Sasha left.

There will be other coaches.

Yeah, but you only have one first love.

You don't know what you're talking about.

You know, it's ironic.

Everyone was gunning for Sasha,

but he was like rubber, it all
just bounced right off him.

But all it took was one
little kiss from you

to bring Sasha the Great to his knees.

OK, I don't know what
rumors you've heard...

Oh, I've heard delicious rumors.

All about how you and Sasha

have been carrying on for awhile.

I always had my doubts
about him as a coach,

but I never knew to peg him for a creep.

Sasha did nothing wrong.

If he did nothing wrong, why
did he run away from The Rock?

Why is he hiding out in Denver?

Sasha's not in Denver.

According to Marty, he is. So tell me... he as strict a coach in the
bedroom as he is on the floor?

Payson, stop. What happened?

- Let's go.
- What?

We need to leave this party
right now and go find Sasha.

He's in Denver.

You're not making any sense.

What makes you think Sasha's in Denver?

Kelly Parker said so.

Oh, Kelly Parker.

She'd say anything to mess with your head.

Mom! This is different.

Marty told her that Sasha is in Denver.

Maybe this means he's coming back.

I highly doubt that, sweetie.

Then why would he hang around?

Maybe he's just waiting for us to find him.

Does that sound like Sasha to you?

Maybe. I don't know.

But we have to find out.
Please, Mom. Let's go.

We have to try, even if there's
just the tiniest chance.

Payson, Sasha has made his decision.

And you have to respect that.

Let him go.

In time, you'll see that moving
on is the best thing you can do.

Other coaches do exist,

and so do other boys your own age.

I don't want some stupid boy my own age.

I want my coach back.
You were friends with him too.

You've really accepted that he's just gone?


I have.


Fine, I'll let him go.

I'll let my dream go.

I'll let the whole damn thing go.

Don't move.

Is this some sort of a stick-up?

No, it's the light.

It's perfect where you are.


You do know you're missing the party?

Yeah, but I seriously doubt
that the party's missing me.

I thought you were off with Lauren?

Yeah, Lauren.

Cool girl, but...

No. I'm not with her.

Hey, I got some great shots of Bode Miller.

- You want to see 'em?
- Yeah, sure.

OK, check these out.

Is it just me or is this a little awkward?

Just a little.

OK, confession.

I've... been a fan of yours
since I saw your video on-line.

On-line? What are you talking about?

- Really, you haven't seen it?
- No.

How did this get on-line?

Someone from the NGO must have posted it.

But why?

Probably so the world can
see how beautiful you are.

As a gymnast. In the video, I...

And just in general.

You must know that.

I didn't.

Not for a long time, but then a very...

...good friend, convinced me that I was.

He was right.

Lucky guy.

♪ If you see me there

Bruises are considered
medals of honor in this gym.

You must be quite the hero here.

How did you find me?


I can't believe...

He didn't have a chance against me.

What are you doing here?

I'm just waiting for my visa
to be straightened out.

I'm going back to Romania.

I wanted to clear out of The
Rock as soon as possible,

and let you all get on with your lives.

It's just not like you to run away.

Well, I didn't think it was
much like me to coach girls

into ambulances or jail
cells, but there you are.

Couldn't you have hung around
long enough to say goodbye?

Everyone is so confused. And heartbroken.

- No, I couldn't.
- Why not?

Because I'm heartbroken too.

I put every single thing
I had into those girls,

and into that gym.
I gave them everything I had,

and I hurt them.

Sorry, Sasha.

I had no idea you would take it this hard.

It's so extreme, the world we're in.

Don't you ever feel like giving it up, Kim?

Haven't you ever wanted to

just wake up at a normal hour

and to not press your
kids to be superhuman,

and not push them towards a goal

that only one in a million can reach?

Only once or twice a day.

Then you understand.

So you are not coming back, are you?

What about Summer?

Do me one last favor.

Don't tell her I'm still here.




OK, guys. We have to show Denver up.

I have a few ideas on how we
can spice up our routine.

Leg warmers? I'm not wearing these things!

Fine. You don't have to perform then.

So I'm not gonna be the
freak wearing sweats.

We will all be the freaks
wearing leg warmers.

As if we weren't the laughingstock
of the world already.

Thanks, you guys. You're real friends.

We've seen some amazing
athletes here today,

but none more amazing than

the group you are about to see right now.

From Denver, the pride of Colorado,

the Denver Elite Gymnastics Club!

♪ Get up on the floor

♪ They gonna need sticky paper

♪ You a star

♪ But I want to see you

♪ Wanna be right next to ya

♪ Wanna show 'em all

♪ You deserve a reserve spot

♪ Get up on the floor

♪ The way that you move

♪ Rhythm make the groove

♪ I'm lovin' your body

And now another Colorado club,

they've, uh, had a few issues lately,

but they're here. Let's give them a ha.

The Rocky Mountain Gymnastics Center.

♪ Feel the motion

♪ Round and round

♪ This is the part that keeps

Glad to have you.

OK, let's hear it

for all the gymnasts that
performed today, and don't...


Um... as everybody can see,

I'm wearing an ankle monitoring device.

I was arrested a month ago. For stealing.

I'd like to publicly acknowledge that

I made a terrible mistake.

I wasn't thinking,

and in one moment,

I did something that hurt me,

and it hurt my club,

and it hurt my team,

and it hurt my sport.

I need to apologize because
it's really important

that everybody know that The
Rock is a fantastic club,

and I disgraced it.

And Sasha Belov is a fantastic coach,

and I disgraced him.

And my mother...

She does her best. And, um...

...and I disgraced her.

And I am so, so sorry.

That's all.

You raised a great daughter.

I'm proud of you.


So that's it? You just say you're sorry

and it makes it all OK?

It's a start.

Maybe it will get everyone
off my back for awhile.

And you like, forgive your mom?

For everything?

Honestly? No.

But you and I, we only have one parent.

And if we push them away,
then what do we have left?

You came.

I've been worried about you.

Well, you don't have to be.

I'm doing great, you know,
working the program and all.

That's good. That's really good.

I just wanted to see you. That's all.

So I better...

Actually... Can I ask you something?

I need to know.

When you said you were falling for me,

was that serious?

Or was it just your ploy

to get me to admit I had a problem?

No, I was serious.

What if I said I was falling for you, too?

I would tell you to put it out
of your mind for a while.


If you've been paying
attention around here,

then you know you can't date
anyone for a long while

- when you're in recovery.
- But I'm doing better.

Then you should know that we
can't have anything together.

Not now.


I get it.

You are that guy.

What guy?

The kind of guy that likes the chase.
You're a player.

Once you've got a girl on the
hook, you throw her back, right?

Maybe that was once true,
but it's not anymore.

Well, it's OK, because I
am not falling for you.

So you can just run along now

because I have everything
under control here.

I don't think so, Kaylie.

But thankfully,

they're not gonna let you
out of here until you do.

♪ Fall face first

♪ Children praying

♪ Once more that they know

Did you switch our rooms?

Yep, I'm sleeping out here now.

You deserve it, honey.

♪ To learn in life

♪ Fall face first

♪ Fall face first

♪ To learn in life

♪ Fall face first

♪ To learn in life

♪ Fall face first

It's almost time for lights out.

I'm on it.

So. Who was that cute guy
who was visiting you today?

I don't want to talk about it.

But maybe if you talk...

In fact, I've had about
enough talking and sharing

and group therapy in this place

to last me a flipping lifetime.

I just want to stop with
the blah-blah-blah,

get my ass out of here and
start training for Worlds,

which, by the way, has been my
goal since I was five years old.

I'm sorry, Maeve.

I know you're the "Super
rehab camper" Here,

but my situation is a little
different than everybody else.

I'm not some screwed up teenager.

Being small is just part of my sport.

I get it.

It's part of my sport too.

What are you talking about?

If you've ever done runway
in six-inch Louboutins,

you'd know it's a sport.

I'm a model, dummy!


If you call an editorial
shoot for German Allure

in three weeks professional.

Wait, wait. So all that

"I'm more than just a number" stuff...

It's called acting.

I don't belong here
either, neither of us do.

I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier,

I had to be sure we were safe.

Thank God I'm not alone.
I thought I was going crazy.

You're not crazy.

We both have to be thin
as part of our jobs.

- Thank you.
- This is my third rehab.

Two years. I've got it pretty wired.

- I can help you get out.
- You could?

First, you have to learn
how to say "Shame swirl"

with a straight face.

Time for lights out, girls.

Tomorrow's a new day to get healthy.

That's right!

You bet!