Make It or Break It (2009–2012): Season 1, Episode 5 - Like Mother, Like Daughter, Like Supermodel - full transcript

With Kim Keeler as the new manager of The Rock, she and the other moms decide to have a mother/daughter fashion show to raise money so that the girls can go to the Nationals. The only one who isn't okay with it is Payson.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Make it or Break it.

- You ok?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Well, I have a secret.
I'm not a virgin anymore.

It's ok. They know about us.

Thanks for not telling Kaylie.

I didn't do it for you. I did it for her.

You wouldn't be interested
in managing the team?


I need someone who cares about

The children, not the politics.

I'm filling in for my buddy, Razor.

You know, I don't think she's
ever even been kissed.

Mom? You worked all day for me.

- You don't like me.
- I don't know you.

My first mother's meeting.

I can't wait to pitch right on in there.

And get to know the other ladies better.

Ok, mom, remember what we talked about.

The rock is not a social club.

And not everybody needs to
know all of our business.

Ok, listen to me. I am sorry I told Mr.

Hot boy at the pizza shack that
you were a gymnast.

I don't see why it matters.
He was very impressed.

It matters because I have
a lot going on right now.

Juggling a lot of different things,

It's just easier for me to keep the...

...Different parts of my life separate.

You know, organized. Separately.

Honey, you were always so organized.

Even as a baby in your high chair,

You had your little pile of crackers,

Your little pile of peas,
your pile of cheese puffs...

Wait. You fed me cheese puffs

- As a baby?
- They are food Emily

Look, I just don't like to mix it all up

You can understand that right?


Emily! Get to work!

That's the new coach?

He is one hot crumpet.

I still can't believe you had sex!

It's so not the big deal.

Uh, it's a huge deal. And I can't believe

You won't tell me anything either.

Did it hurt?

I've hyper-extended both elbows, I think

I can survive lose the virginity.

Tell me the truth. On a scale of one to ten.

How awful was it?

Ok, ok, ok, ok!

And what was he like?

I mean, you're never gonna forget the

First guy you did with, no way.

Truth? I couldn't be happier.

Even though he never called you?

I didn't want him to call me.

This wasn't about a guy, it was about me.

Losing my virginity was the final hurdle.

It's like it was holding me back
and I didn't even know it.

Holding you back how?

In every way. Watch.

You've got a front tuck mount now.


Carter's never pressured me to do it, so...

He just probably doesn't see you that way.

What does that mean?

You're the type of girl guys want to marry,

Not the kind they want to have sex with.

It's a good thing.

It's like you're the girl next door.

Three-nine-five, three-nine-two-one.

Hey, gym mama! Is this seat taken?

Oh! I can move my purse.

No way! We have the same bag!

Mine's a fake. But you
can't even tell the difference.

I don't buy anything without
a serial number.

Ok, ladies, thanks for coming.
I called this meeting

Because rock is in the red.

If we are getting our girls to nationals...

Wait. The girls need money
to go to nationals?

More than what we've got
in the couch cushions.

We, uh, late for book club?

Very funny, Steve.

I just heard there was a
meeting of the rock mothers,

And, uh, since Lauren's mom can't be here,

I'd appreciate it if Summer could,
you know, represent us.

We'd love to have her.

- Go away, honey.
- Right.

Well, uh, I leave the rock in your... Hands.

He's awkward but not evil.

Come on in.

So, my best guess is that we
have got to raise $10,000.

Holy bologna.

We can start with the old reliables:

Car wash is always an option,

- Bake sale...
- What a fashion show?

You know, we could charge for tickets,

Get items donated from a major
department store,

And then sell them in a silent auction! Hmm?

That's a great idea. That'd be perfect.

I don't know. That sounds
like a big production.

Well, do you want to get
the girls to nationals,

Or do you want to have a quilting bee?


Do you understand the term
"full range of motion?"

Yes. Of course.

Full range includes your face.

You just completed a perfect routine.

So, why weren't you smiling?

Drop it.

This sport is about more than perfection

And athleticism, it's about
grace and beauty as well.

And you are a beautiful young woman.

Let that shine through.

You want to be great?

Give me the beauty with the brawn.

It's just... That's not my thing, ok?

I'm about strength and power.

If you're looking for
a girly-girl, that's Kaylie.

So, what have you and Lauren been

Whispering about in the morning?

All right, if I tell you,

You gotta swear not to tell anyone.


Lauren lost her virginity the
other night at that party.

Let's just ask them.
They're gonna be doing it.

Guys, I don't mean to interrupt practice,

And Sasha, my apologies...

There's a lack of consensus among the moms,

And we'd like to, uh

Put it to the girls about some
fundraising ideas.

Right. So we need to raise
money to get to nationals.

Some of the ideas on the ballot are

A car wash or a bake sale

Or a fashion show!

All in favor of fashion show
raise your hand!

Mother-daughter fashion show it is!


We only have five weeks until nationals.

We don't need to be prancing around

Like a bunch of silly girls.
We need training.

Hold on.

Hair, makeup,

Preening, vanity?

I think it's an excellent idea.

Catwalk? Me-ow!

Wait, they're going to just give us clothes?

This is the last thing we need
to be focusing on.

I don't know why this
thing has to be mother-daughter.

Is there any way your mom could make it?

My mother's in Darfur doing relief work.

Lo's mom knows George Clooney.

Sadly, she can't stop saving kids so we can

Walk down a runway in matching jumpers.

Yeah, well, mine's busy
saving her glory days...

...One spotlight at a time.

- She was a pop star.
- And she still loves center stage.

Tell me about it. My mom
refers to her safety

Orange mini dress as the boring one.

At least you guys have moms.
I mean, in town, you know.

I guess I'll have to sit this one out.

Why don't you just ask Summer
to do it with you?

I'd rather choke on a tube sock

I'd rather chokeon a tube sock

That's too bad. It's gonna be fun.

This is so stupid and gross.

Why is Sasha letting us waste our time?

Well, I can't wait to rock the runway

And blow carter's mind.

Wait till I glam up, ladies.

This is my chance to set him on fire!

Maybe I should just stay away from the rock.

Give it time, she'll come around.

Lauren could use a female
presence in her life,

And I could really use you here.

Uh, look, my mom's in Africa,

So, uh, summer, would you mind

Doing the fashion show with me

Lauren, I would love to do the
fashion show with you.


I told you she'd come around.

Honey, I gotta jet back to work.

But, um, why didn't you tell me the

New coach is, like, Simon Le Bon hot!

- Mom.
- My bad. Eighties band reference.

That's why I didn't tell you!

The new coach is off limits.

I just said he was cute, honey.

Maybe just let the rock be my place, ok?

I heard you before.

I'll lay low with zipped lips, I promise.

From now on, I won't embarrass you.

- Emily!
- Crap.

Bye, sweetie!

So you're sure she was a virgin?

She's my best friend.

Is she ok?

Well, you know Lauren,

She's acting like it's no big deal, but...

...Losing your virginity to somebody
who doesn't love you?

- It's pretty tragic.
- Yeah.

And this guy sounds like a real jerk.

He hasn't called her or anything.

Luckily, when we do it for the first time,

You know, it'll be beautiful.
'Cause we love each other.


And hot.

'Cause you do think I'm hot, right?

Way hot, bunny.

We gotta get back to work.
Nationals are five weeks away.

Fifty-two, fifty-three, good...

Coach Belov, can I talk to you?

I'd like to be excused from
the fashion show.

- This is my last Olympic cycle...
- Obliques.

...And I need to dominate in nationals.

You're an Olympian, you get it.

I need to be focused right now,

Not prancing down a runway.

Back to ones.

So I'd like to concentrate on training.

You will participate in the fashion show,

Consider it part of your training.

Part of my training? I don't get it.

I know. Back to obliques.



You scared me.

What are you doing?

Well, we haven't talked since the other day.

And I just thought since we have

To see each other in the gym...

Look, I didn't know that it was your

First time that night. I'm sorry.

I was a jerk and I don't
want to be that guy.

Kaylie told you.

That must have made you sweat.

Talking to Kaylie about the
"mystery" guy I had sex with.

I'm really sorry.
If... If I had known that...

What? You would have restrained yourself?

You never asked, by the way.

I just thought that it's... That you...

- That I was a slut?
- No! I just thought...

You seemed like you had... Experience.

So, if I'd had experience,

It would still be ok to have
meaningless sex with me?

It's not like we have
feelings for each other.

And you're a great girl.

You're cute and you're funny...

And your first time should've been with

Somebody that you really liked, you know?

Well, how do you know
I don't really like you?

I love Kaylie. I'm with her.

The little lady let you get
to second base yet?

We're waiting until we're both ready.

However long that is.

Well, I just hope Kaylie never
finds out about us.

In the meantime,

If you want to be friends with benefits,

You know where to find me.

You're a delightful performer, Kaylie.

But you're not a little girl,
you're an athlete.

You need power.

Third chakra. Self-definition.


That kind of fire. Good job, Lauren.


You never sit still, do you?

I've gotta get these invitations
out for the fashion show,

Which is giving Payson an ulcer.

I don't understand why she's so freaked out.

She perform all the time.

As an athlete, not as a girl.

Payson... She isn't comfortable
with her femininity.

She equates it with weakness.

Wonder where she gets that idea?

It's been my experience that girls get their

Cues about their femininity
from their mothers.

From their strong, efficient,
midwestern mothers,

Who, uh, don't fully embrace
how lovely they are as well.

Well... You barely brought
that one back around.

Of course I could be wrong.

It's been known to happen on occasion.

And I'm fine about my femininity,
thank you very much!

I'm so happy Lauren asked me to

Do the fashion show with her.

I think this might be our chance
to bond a little.

The only good thing about a
rock fashion show

Is getting to see my sexy
girlfriend walk the runway.

Speaking of sex, do you think
Lauren has a boyfriend?

What? No.

She's not interested in boys.

She's an elite gymnast.

- That's her whole life.
- Well, she's also a young woman.

I'm telling you, it's not an issue.

Well, if not now, it will be.

When was the last time Lauren
talked to her mother?

I'm not really sure, it's been a while.

She's... Out of the country a lot.

You might want to have
"the talk" with Lauren.


Oh, jeez.


Do you think maybe you could talk to her?

- Here you go. Thanks.
- Great. No problem.

Who you waiting for? Your fancy

Rock posse coming in tonight?

I don't have a posse.

Really? What about the guy who picked you

Up from the party in the car

That cost more than a condo?

Well, I think he's back at the
family compound.

I wonder where he summers?

You're quite an artist with
the peppers, aren't you?

Deep dish is my medium.

No, it's not. You are a songwriter.

You think I didn't see you making

Notes on the take-out menu?

I'm not looking to date a rock girl.

- I wasn't asking you on a date.
- Weren't you?

I think all that hair product is
rotting your brain.

No, that's just my cynicism.

And I'm not your standard rock girl.

Oh, of course not. And you
wouldn't be embarrassed

If those girls knew you worked
at the pizza shack?

Scared to sing the songs he writes,

He hands them off to his best friend.

Ahh, of course, of course.

You were thinking of Razor.

Nice guy. You're nothing like him.

You're right. I'm nothing like Razor.

Would Razor do this?

- What the hell made you do that?
- That?

Oh, your mom said you'd never
been kissed before.



You told Damon Young I've never been kissed?

It's like my dignity is totally
disposable to you.

Kay bear!

I did some pre-emptive shopping
for the fashion show!

The early bird gets the peep-toe, right?


Oh! I have something to show you.

This would look gorge on us.

Chartreuse with a hoop earring.

- Mom...
- It's very Sophia Loren.

We're going to have so much fun together!

Hey, how old were you when you met dad?

- Young. Very young.

You must have had sex pretty
young too then, right?

Yeah, but we were in love and, you know,

We got married and there was that.

Well, how did you know you were ready?

- For marriage?
- N... That's...

Well, I'd had a career since I was 16,

I had traveled and seen the world.

I mean, I had a top 40 single.

So sure, maybe I could gone
on to bigger successes

And even more singles, but who knows?

Maybe then I would have missed
out on your father,

And having you and your brother.

So of course I was ready.

Lucky for you, you don't even have

To think about boys and marriage.

'Cause you have your gymnastics.

And someday,

When you are ready for boys and safe sex,

You know, just make sure

It's with someone you truly love.

Oh! Now there's something to think about:

Statement Jewelry!

Kay, you have a visitor.

That bible-thumping hutchie mama

Has invaded my life!


I'm losing my father to
Churchy mcchurchkins!

Lo, you'll be ok.

We went out to dinner

She made us say grace.

Like the entire restaurant has to know

How grateful I am for a Cobb salad.

Well, I have something to cheer you up.

It's a secret.

And I know how much you love secrets.

Finally! Something fun!


I've decided...

I'm ready to do it with Carter.

Ladies, you each need
to decide on two looks.

Two outfits? This is going
to be so much fun!

- Emily!
- Sorry.

Before I talk, I have to decide if

I'm comfortable with the
whole planet knowing.

Yeah. Two outfits. Super fun.

Team Tanner. Team Smokin' hot.

Not short enough.

Not low cut enough.

Can we just hurry up?

And not pretend like this isn't torture?

I think this would be pretty on you.

I think it looks like a piece of cake.

Ok, now look at this, please?

Look, it's, like, it's a little
"ladies who lunch,"

But I think with the right accessories

We can really spice it up, don't you?

Hey, Ronnie, do you have any more of these?

You know what Coco Chanel used to say?

"Elegance is refusal."

Yeah, well, I don't know anyone who

Could refuse these awesome bangles!

Whoo-hoo! They're fun.

What do you think this is, a funeral?

The idea is to be sexy. Just let me do this.

I just need you to walk down the runway, ok?

So glad we could have this bonding moment.

Mom, I can't believe

I cancelled resistance training for this.

Don't worry about her, I've pulled
her a few things.

- It was you I wanted to see.
- What?

I knew it. The Plum Chiffon.

I couldn't.

I never wear anything I can't tumble dry.

You can and you will.

Look at this Decolletage.

You have some dangerous curves.

I say let's make the most of them!

Whoa! Right. Can I have
some fries with that?

Maybe I'll get the boobie prize...

Better not get a chest cold.

Ok, there is nothing wrong

With strutting your stuff, Kim.

We're still gonna take you seriously.

And you have got some stuff!

- So love your body, baby.
- Right.

Mom, can you please help me...

Just a second, honey.

Drop the steamer! That is a waffle organza!


Hot potato. You have to try this on.

Oh, come on. For me, please?

Please, please, please, please?

- Ok, ok!
- Come on. Yay!

Ugh! All the best dresses
have so been taken.

There are still a lot of cute
things to choose from.

I'm sure you'd be thrilled

If we could wear turtlenecks.

Turtlenecks can be very sexy.

The question is, who are
you putting it on for,

- You or a guy?
- A guy. Duh.

Lauren, I saw you talking to Carter today...

Forget it. I'm not gonna be
udged by Church Lady.

Wait! I am not here to judge you.

- Right.
- I just... I wanted to say that...

I understand.

What could you possibly understand?

Listen, when I was your age,

I didn't feel like I existed

Unless boys were paying attention to me.

A lot of boys.

And that need led me to
some really sad places.

You did it in high school?

With boys? Plural?

In high school, I was voted "class flirt."

Boy, did I earn it.

All that attention from guys

Made me feel so popular and sexy.

And more mature than the other girls.

Until there was this one guy...

Tom Benson, who I really liked.

I thought the reason he hadn't asked me out

Was because he was intimidated by me,

You know, 'cause I was the class flirt.

So I thought I'd help him out,

And I'd ask him to dance at homecoming.

And when I walked up behind him...

I heard him talking about me.

And he was referring to me

As "one dirty summer, the class slut."

And it just...shattered me, actually.

That's sad.

Yeah. It was.

I was just a little girl,
looking for attention.


Look, Lauren, I'm...

I'm not that comfortable sharing
this part of my life.

- Your dad doesn't even know.
- Really?

I just wanted to have a chat with you

That no one ever had with me.

Because once I gave myself away...

I lost something so important

That would take me years to get back.


My self-respect.

I'm gonna go find us some dresses, ok?

Yeah. I'll be right there.

Honey, I'm sorry.

Just had to grab these. We can go now.

Training day's shot anyways.

My mother would hate this fashion show.

- Gran?
- In fact, she kind of made fun of girls

Who fussed with all that stuff.
She thought it was silly.

And I think maybe I do that, too.

I think I got the idea that
being girly was weak.

Maybe I just play down everything
just to protect myself.

I don't know. All I know is,

I do not want to pass any of this onto you.

I hate this stupid fashion show!

I feel like the Incredible Hulk up there

Next to all the pretty barbie dolls.

- Payson?
- Boys don't look at me the way

They look at Kaylie or Lauren.

I would just rather not
sell tickets to it, ok?

Payson, you are a strong,
graceful young woman,

And boys do notice you.

You're my mom. You're supposed to say that.

I see it. Here at the gym.

I just think you don't notice them.

Sasha said I need to marry
my beauty with my brawn.

I don't even know what that means.

Have you ever seen those
women in other countries

Who carry their children on their backs,

Who are farming and building a home,

And they're still just incredibly beautiful?

Some of those cultures celebrate

Those women like goddesses.

What could be more sexy

Than the combination of strong and feminine?

I guess.

Hop up there.

- oh, no.
- oh, yes.

We're gonna get fierce right now!

You look like such a nerd when you say that.

I don't care! I don't care!

That's the key to whole thing.

We need to let ourselves feel silly!

Ladies and gentlemen, stone cold fox,
Payson Keeler!

And her mother!

Also a stone cold fox!

Uh-huh. Come on.

Think we should tone it down a little bit?

- Maybe a little.
- Oh, all right. Come on.

But you're gorgeous.

Where are my two favorite women?

Lauren's back there.

- Things going ok?
- We had a really nice talk.

For the first time, I think
we're actually connecting.

Am I the luckiest guy in the world or what?

Hey, Emily?

Do I have panty lines?


You do not have panty lines!

Give 'em hell, gorgeous.

Ok, we are t-minus five.

I need everybody changing backstage now.

Let's make magic.

This whole thing is supposed
to be mother-daughter.

My mother's so wrapped up in the show,

I might as well be invisible.

But, hey, what else is new?

First up, it's a jungle out there.

Here's the lovely and delightful Kaylie

And Ronnie Cruz in urban safari!

Oh, my god. Did you see that?
It was so exciting!

I'm going to ask carter
to sneak into my room tonight!

Mom will have a glass of wine or six at

This thing and she'll be dead to the world.

Lo, tonight's the night,

And this...

...Is gonna start his engine!

Sporty yet refined,

Emily and Chloe Kmetko

Are ready for the links.

We are fire inside. We are an army asleep.

We are a people awaking
to follow their dreams

We don't have time for your games

We have our own goals to score

There are trophies to win
instead of being one of yours

Here's to the girls on their
boards with bruises and scars

Here's to the girls whose fingers bleed...

Oh, baby, I can't wait to see
you in that purple dress!

What are you wearing?
This is our business casual look.

- This is what I'm wearing.
- Isn't that Emily's dress?

We switched.

Lauren, I'm not walking in the show

With you in a dress you stole.

Ok. I'll walk alone.

Next, Summer Van Horn and

Lauren Tanner in business casual.


Not really sure what business this is.

Here's to the ones who don't give up

Here's to the ones who don't give up

Here's to the ones who don't give up

This is your anthem...

Here's to the girls on their
boards with bruises and scars

Here's to the girls whose fingers bleed...

Here's to anyone who never
quit when things got hard

You stole my dress?!

Sorry, it was in my section. I just

Thought you decided on something else

- Really?
- Really.

I've had enough of all of this.

Kim and Payson Keeler,

Or two supermodels who look a lot like them,

Are ready for the red carpet
in their dressy look.

Rock what you got. Rock what you got

Don't ever let them make you stop

Rock what you got, light up the lot

No one can rock the way you rock

No man, woman, or nasty blonde brat

Is gonna stand in your way.

You can't let the Lauren Tanner

Of the world pushing you around

I just want to go home.

We are part of this team.
We're not going anywhere.

Don't you get it? We are
not a part of anything!

They don't accept us and
I'm not gonna go out there

And be another butt of another joke.

Because, unlike you, I can see

When someone is making fun of me.

I'm not deaf, dumb, or blind, Emily.

I know Ronnie Cruz looks at me
like I'm a peasant,

But what she thinks of me is
none of my damn business.

Unfortunately, it's my business.

No, that's what you decide.

We label ourselves. We decide who we are.

If we let them decide,

We might as well fold up and go home, Emily

- That's my plan.
- Listen to me.

I know you like to keep all the parts

Of your life neat and separate.

And you would just love to
keep me out of here,

But I am your mother.

And sometimes your peanut butter

Gets mixed up in your chocolate.

Sorry. Eighties reference.

I'm not trying to keep you away.

It's just keeping it all separate,

That's how I keep it together, you know?

And... That's how I stay in control.

The way you keep it in control is
by knowing who you are

And not letting anyone else
decide that for you.

I'll tell you who I am. I'm a mighty Kmetko

With a kid who kicks massive tail

Who I intend to see at Nationals.

So now let's get out there and rock it!

How are we supposed to "rock it"
in business casual?

Well, we just have to think.

What would Carrie Bradshaw do?

This one's for originals

Who strike out towards the great unknown

Fear not the missteps, take the falls

The rock you find will be your own

Rock what you got. Rock what you got

Don't ever let them make you stop

Rock what you got, light up the lot

No one can rock the way you rock

Rock what you got. Rock what you got

Don't ever let them make you stop

Rock what you got, light up the lot

Next on stage, Emily and Chloe Kmetko.

Rock what you got. Rock what you got

Don't ever let them make you stop

Rock what you got, light up the lot

No one can rock the way you rock

Rock what you got. Rock what you got

Don't ever let them make you stop

Rock what you got, light up the lot

No one can rock the way you rock

Everybody, the night is still young. Ok?

So the silent auction will be...

Oh!...has wrapped up.

With the highest bid going to

Emily Kmetko's... Jacket-dress-thingy.

Here you go. Enjoy.

Thank you. Oh, could I have a Cosmo, please?

- Sure.
- Hi.

- Nice turnout.
- I know.

We made enough to get all the girls

To Nationals in under a week!

I meant you and Payson.

Oh. Yeah. Thank you.

I thought I'd wear this
to the office on Monday.

It's the confidence that's captivating,
not the dress.



- Lauren.
- Can we go, daddy?

These lights are giving me a migraine.

Lauren. Stop.

That was not right,

Switching your dress for Emily's like that.

Can you just mind your own business already?

And stop trying to be my shiny happy mother?


What do you think

She'd say about what happened?

Not much.

Because my mother doesn't
give a crap about me.

At least that's what I got the last time

She stumbled in.

Steve, what is she talking about?

Lauren's mother isn't a relief worker,

She's an addict.

The last time we saw her was at a...

At a county rehab

That she checked herself
out of the next day.

She loved getting high...

...More than her own kid.

Or me.

Wow. That's a pretty big
piece of information.

Why wouldn't you tell me?

Damon. How did you get in here?

They sell tickets to civilians. Not cheap,

But I gotta say, your little show...

- Was worth every cent.
- Yeah.

So, are those for me?

I just, you know, carry 'em everywhere.


But if you want 'em...

- Thanks.
- You know, you're right.

You're not a rock girl.

You're something else entirely.

Here you go, big spender.

Thank you for supporting our girls.

Any time, ma'am.

You... You bid on my outfit?

That must have cost you a fortune.

Are you kidding?

I consider it a wise investment.

Sell it on ebay when you
become a gold medalist.

- If.
- Hey. When.

Emily, sweetie!

And sometimes your peanut butter

Gets mixed up with your chocolate!

That handsome boy bought
your jacket, didn't he?

I guess it's a must-have item this season.

- Good job, Ronnie.
- Take care.

Lauren, was there a, uh,
little mix-up back there?

Look, there's something you should know.

Carter's sneaking into Kaylie's room

Tonight and they're going to have sex.

She won't listen to me,

So I thought I'd better tell you.

What's all this? Electricity goes out?

I want you to make love to me.


Ah, Jeez. Kay, listen, we need to talk.

- Talk?
- Yeah.


Can I come in?

- Kaylie?
- Give me a second.

Ok, come in.

Oh, it's, uh...

Nice in here with all the candles lit.

Yeah. Yeah, it's, um,

It's a new thing. Helps me relax.

You mind if I sit?

Uh... Sure.

Listen, I... I want you to know

That, you know, I do tend to get absorbed

In things superficial.

That's no problem. It happens.

And sometimes I have trouble seeing

What's right in front of me.

When you were born,

I was so excited to have a little girl.

I imagined having tea parties

And dress up and dollhouses,

And I just thought we'd be
best friends, you know?

Then you fell in love with gymnastics,

Which was your dad's world,

And then there wasn't
room for all that stuff.

Yet I love that you have your gymnastics

And that you get to share
that with your dad.

But there's just not really
any place in it for me.

And I just miss my little girl.

- Oh, mom, sorry...
- No, I'm sorry.

Sorry I didn't open up to you more

When you asked me about your
father the other day.

I stand by all the choices

I've made in my life, Kaylie.

But I was young. I was too young,

But I was in love and...
I chose your father.

You know, it took me years later to realize

That if it's real, love will wait.

But certain opportunities won't.

Like your gymnastics.

You know, you've got this one shot

At achieving your dreams.

If you lose your focus now

On, say, getting too involved with a boy...

You're gonna throw it all away.

I don't want to see you waste your talent.

Do you understand what I'm trying to say?


Ok. Come here.

Did I answer your question?

Sweet dreams.

- Good night.
- Good night.


You don't want to hear this,

But... She's right.

We should at least wait
until after nationals.

Do you not think I'm sexy?

Oh, Kaylie.

You're my dream girl.

You're all I want.

I think about being with you night and day.

I don't want us to be a
distraction before nationals.

You only get one shot at making
the Olympic team,

One shot.

I love you so much.

I don't want anything getting
in the way of that,

Even if it's me.

I am so lucky to have you.

Can't we just be together forever?


- No matter what.
- Ok.


Don't ever doubt it.