Major Crimes (2012–2018): Season 4, Episode 3 - Open Line - full transcript

A supermodel is killed and the suspects include her MMA fighter ex-boyfriend and an obsessed photographer who put a virus on her computer. Meanwhile, Rusty's interview in the Jane Doe case could jeopardize the people's case.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Dog barking]
I hear you, Chella.
Just let me finish this e-mail, all right?
[Typing continues]
[Doorbell rings]
[Dog continues barking]
[Door opens] What are you doing here?
[Object thuds] [Gasps]
[Grunting, object shatters]
[Loud thud] [Panting] Ah!
[Door thuds] [Barking continues]
[Thud] [Dog whimpers]
[Grunts, gasps]
[Kicks landing] [Grunting, gasps]
[Panting continues]
[Kicking continues]
[Sheets rustle]
[Coughs, gasping]
[Gasping, coughing] [Kicking]
[Labored breathing]
[Gasping weakly]
[Door opens, closes]
[Gasping continues]
[Dog panting]
[Whimpering, gasping]
[Dialing] [Coughs]
[Line ringing]
[Gasps, exhales]
Woman: 9-1-1, what's your emergency?
Laptop screen is cracked. Could've been from the fight.
Did the dog wake up the neighbors?
No, Hollywood responded to an open line 9-1-1 call
at 7:34 A.M. from the cell phone she's holding.
[Dog barking] Victim's name is Christa Cook,
24 years old, originally from Buffalo,
and she's been in L.A. about six years.
So I-I take it from these pictures up here
that Ms. Cook was some kind of a model?
Supermodel. I googled her. She worked a lot...
Magazines, commercials...
[Barking continues]
So many dogs. Maybe we should get animal control
to roll out with us.
Why do you hate dogs all of a sudden?
- Oh, it's not all of a sudden. - Lieutenant Provenza?
What is it now, Buzz?
Captain Raydor's arrived... with company.
[Vehicle approaches, tires squeal]
[Barking continues]
I can just... I can Uber from here.
We have hours.
Yeah, but I-I know Hobbs really well.
I can probably just go by myself.
The meeting is for both of us, Rusty.
Captain, can I borrow your son for dog duty
till animal control gets here?
Twice around the block and then check in and see where we are.
[Dog growls] Oh, and...
I think she may need to do her business.
- Oh, wonderful. - Oh, and you might try to scoop up
some tips from your media peers
behind the yellow tape down here.
Okay, great. Thanks, lieutenant.
[Dog barking]
Have we found anything suggesting robbery?
- [Cell phone rings] - Doesn't look like it. Yeah?
Excuse me, captain,
look at all these pictures I found in Christa's nightstand.
All with the same guy. They look pretty recent.
And, uh, these 5 shots are from Sunset 71.
They're time-stamped, uh, two months old.
- I saw this guy. - Hmm?
In some of the Google photos of Christa at a red carpet event.
He's... hold on.
Okay, well, whoever her boyfriend is,
he doesn't live here.
I just got off the phone with the landlord,
and Christa's name is the only one on the lease.
And there are no men's clothes in the guest bedroom.
Which means she knew her attacker well enough
to open the front door.
[Exhales] Mike, how's her laptop?
Uh, I can probably pull contacts, e-mail, but...
Oh, I should also get a warrant
for her social media accounts as well.
And not just the Facebook and the Twitter
and the Instagram, but the dating ones, too.
Uh, you know, like... Tinder? Hinge?
Okcupid? Coffee Meets Bagel?
What? I'm single.
Yeah, well, thank you, Casanova, but no one cares.
Ye gods.
Name of the boyfriend is Felix Koster.
His picture matches the ones Lieutenant Tao found.
Oh. And he's a mixed martial arts fighter.
Andy, you and Amy go find this Mr. Koster and, uh,
inquire as to his whereabouts this morning.
- Will do. - And, Buzz?
I would like to go with Christa.
If you would drive Rusty back to the office, please?
Sure, no... no problem.
Thank you.
I'd say, "you're welcome," but it was Chief Taylor
who moved your victim to the front of the line.
I just got the X-rays back.
Could any of this have been done with a weapon?
Maybe, but from the bruising,
I'm guessing the killer used his hands and feet.
There's at least six points of contact.
Her face looks like it was bashed into the floor.
And this is the impact that killed her.
Broke the fourth rib down,
which penetrated her right lung.
Would she have been able to speak?
Not with her lungs filling up with blood.
That explains why she couldn't talk on the 9-1-1 call, ma'am.
Detective Sykes was able to I.D. a possible boyfriend...
A Felix Koster.
- Apparently, he's an M... - M.M.A. Fighter.
Felix "Hammerhead" Koster.
You know him?
Well, not personally, but I've watched him in the ring.
He's got a chance at a big title coming up...
Lots of money, endorsements.
Hard to believe he gave that up
to go a few rounds with his girlfriend.
Anger's a funny thing.
Well, when you meet Mr. Hammerhead,
look for bruises.
'Cause the victim... fought back.
[Punching, rhythmic grunting]
Man: Get in there!
Watch that left side.
So much for bruises we can tie to our victim.
I'll run video. We can pull screencaps later.
Good idea.
It's closed to the public, guys.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's time for a break.
I'm Lieutenant Flynn.
This is Detective Sykes, L.A.P.D.
We need to ask Felix some questions.
What's this about?
Where were you this morning?
Got up at 6:00, ate, ran, got here about 7:00.
Let me guess, by yourself?
No, no, no. I was here before him.
I own the gym, by the way, and I'm Felix's trainer.
Okay, Felix.
You're Christa Cook's boyfriend, right?
Ex-boyfriend. Wait a second.
Is this about returning her parking permit?
'Cause, look, man, I put that in the mail, like,
- a month ago, all right? - All right, bro, the cops
aren't gonna hunt you down over a parking permit.
All right, you guys, I got a few lawyers who work out here.
I'm gonna go give them a call, huh?
Well, be sure and tell them that Christa Cook
was attacked and killed in her apartment this morning.
What? What do you mean?
Someone beat her to death... With their bare hands.
[Breathing heavily]
Beat her to death?
Who? Who would do that?!
Hey, hey, calm down. "Who" is our job, not yours.
Yeah, just sit down and shut up, man.
You wanna know anything else? Huh?
I feel real sorry for the girl. I do.
But Felix... he don't need this distraction right now.
God! What else? [Velcro rips]
How long did your brother date Christa?
Over a year.
In the same city, maybe half the time.
God, this is terrible.
When they were away from each other,
did Christa see another guy?
What? You think she's just gonna walk up to him and say,
"hey, while you're out, I was messing around with some
pretty boy I was posing with or some photographer?"
All right, look, you know what? I gotta go take of my brother.
- Anything else, guys? - Okay, you're his trainer and his brother,
and we're supposed to just take your word
that Felix was with you?
Hey! Christa has a dog, Chella, in her apartment.
- We know about her dog, Felix. - They've been to her place.
Didn't you hear what they said, man?
Just... let me handle this.
Guys, I don't care if you trust me or not.
My brother... he was with me. Anything else?
Tao: No texts, calls, or e-mails
between Felix and Christa since the breakup.
Radio silence.
Plus our prime suspect has an alibi.
And, to me, he looked a little small,
but, of course, so was Christa.
Sir, M.M.A. fighters don't need to be big.
And there are weight classes like in boxing.
Since his brother is vouching for him,
what about the other men in Christa's life?
She wasn't flirting with any men on these devices.
What she was doing in the real world...
I haven't found her on any dating web sites yet.
Well, I doubt she needed one, Buzz.
There's nothing on the Facebook or the Instagram
that shows she went out last night?
Uh, you don't need to put a "the" before Facebook
and Instagram, and it looks like she was at home.
Um, online activity was heavy between 8:20 P.M. and 12:34 A.M.
Four e-mails, and plenty of trips to... the Facebook,
the Twitter.
[Telephone ringing in distance]
Oh, okay.
I come bearing subpoenas for the two of you.
The State vs. Greg "Slider" Rasenick?
I-I don't understand. Why would I get a subpoena?
I'm not part of Alice's murder case.
You became one when you visited Slider in jail.
When did you visit Slider?
Last week. I-I... why... why? Is that... is that a problem?
Oh, my God. Is Slider's defense attorney
suggesting that I had Rusty ask Slider questions
- regarding the murder? - Of course he is.
Do you want me to go over all this twice,
or should we go straight to Taylor?
Holy crap! [Chimes]
What? [Typing]
"Can't undo." "Can't undo"?!
[Chimes] "Can't undo"?!
"Can't undo"?!
Lieutenant, what is going on?
Shut down the captain's computer right now.
Everyone, shut down your computers.
[Head thuds] Ohh!
Mike, tell me exactly what's going on right now.
Christa's laptop has spyware
that infected my own computer,
and there's a chance it could be inside
the entire L.A.P.D. network.
Christa had someone spying on her?
Yes, and thanks to me, spying on all of us.
[Dialing] Yes.
Lieutenant Michael Tao, Major Crimes.
I need an immediate shut down of the entire L.A.P.D. intranet.
Immediate! Yes.
Thank you. [Receiver thuds]
Oh, man...
First you take the L.A.P.D. offline.
Now you're telling me the prosecution
of a cold-blooded killer is in jeopardy?
I don't understand why interviewing Slider
was such a big deal.
Because you're the son of the supervising detective
on this particular case.
And the defense claims you were sent to question the suspect
in Alice's murder in order to circumvent Slider's
constitutional right to remain silent.
It was an innocent mistake.
Rusty had no idea he was bumping up against
such a gray area of the law.
It's not gray.
Family members of L.A.P.D. officers are not allowed
to interact with criminal defendants
once they've asked for an attorney.
Andrea, what kind of blowback are we looking at here?
The defense wants the judge to review Rusty's conversation
with Slider and any recordings or transcript he may have made.
- What? - That's nothing.
You just went to see Slider to ask him about Alice
and find out her real name, right?
Well, y-yes, but... But first he insisted
that I-I get his version of the murder.
[Clicks tongue] Why didn't you tell me
you were going to see Slider?
You were busy, and I-I just finished watching
his confession... And hey, hey, guys.
Criminals have rights, yes, but so does the press.
- The First Amendment states... - Unh-unh.
I am not going to talk about the Constitution with you.
All right, Hobbs, I will e-mail the correctional service's chief
for video of the visitation from my phone
because I cannot use our network.
- Damn it! - You don't have to wait.
I told you, I videoed my interview
with Slider on my phone.
I could just show you guys right now.
No! Stop! Don't play that video.
The captain and I cannot hear that.
Listening to that video could cause us
to recuse ourselves from the trial.
Which would further damage the prosecution.
As the D.D.A., right now, I'm the only one here
who can listen to what Slider said to you.
And I'm gonna need your cell until we can find time
to see the judge tomorrow.
Oh... n... no, you're not, like, you're not taking my phone.
Don't you need a warrant for that?
Not if you just give it to her.
Until further notice,
data services have been shut down
to determine and ensure that the system as a whole
remains unaffected.
Only a precautionary measure.
The malware on Christa's computer is probably
limited to keylogging, file access,
and webcam override, but there is a slight chance
that there's a more complicated virus that could
propagate in our network.
More complicated?
Can we reverse follow the spyware
- to the person who sent it? - Possibly.
I put Christa's hard drive in an airgapped computer.
One not connected to a network.
And I'm running an anti-virus program
to find the entry point of the malware.
Uh, translated... will that give us our cyber stalker?
I hope. Let me keep looking.
What is the likelihood the ex-boyfriend
used the spyware to check on Christa when he was out of town
or after they broke up?
Well, it could be that Hammerhead saw Christa
with another man over the webcam.
Might be motive, ma'am.
Mr. Hammerhead didn't strike me as a hacker.
He doesn't need to be.
- In my reserve officer training class... - Oh, God.
F.B.I. agents showed us spyware
that can be downloaded for 40 bucks.
How I miss the days of perverts peeking through windows.
Found it!
Three months ago, someone e-mailed Christa
this photo with malware attached.
When she opened it, the malware nested itself
- on her computer. - Who sent the photo?
The body of the message says,
"see the huge mistake you're making?"
Looking up Melissa Zara Management,
which I assume is a modeling agency.
Buzz, if we bring Ms. Zara in to explain herself...
I hardwired a camera in Interview 2, off network.
You wanna see?
Thank you for coming in.
I'm Lieutenant Provenza. This is Detective Sanchez.
Usually, we are not quite so obvious
about recording our interviews.
[Door closes] But I'm afraid you've caught us on a bad day.
Now, uh, just so we're clear,
you were Ms. Cook's modeling agent, correct?
Yes. When I switched from modeling to management,
she was one of my first clients.
And I-I rescued her
from a very bad family situation when she was a teenager.
And I took her to Paris and Milan, New York.
[Voice breaks] You know, and for a while,
she really appreciated that.
She looked to me for almost every decision she made.
But lately, I've been losing my influence with her,
and it has come at the worst possible time, too.
Always the worst possible time.
Is that why you wrote her this e-mail saying
she was making a huge mistake, ma'am?
Yes. [Sniffles]
Christa wanted to take her savings and go to college.
She was leaving an enormous amount of money on the table.
I sent her the e-mail to remind her of how good she was.
Well... [Clears throat]
Attached to the photo that you e-mailed her,
there was a program
that installed spyware onto her laptop.
So were you looking to try to reestablish your influence
by watching her through spyware?
No, no, of course not!
I wouldn't even know to do something that awful.
Photographers sometimes send us copies of shots
they're not using,
and I forward them to... Oh, my God.
That son of a bitch, Malcolm.
Who is Malcolm, ma'am? Malcolm! Malcolm Rich!
Great photographer, awful, awful human being.
Is there a reason that this Malcolm
- would target Christa? - Of course.
He knew Christa and her boyfriend
had broken up and he wanted to ask her out,
and she was very firm about telling him no.
Check with Mike. If the spyware really originated
with Mr. Rich, we have probable cause and enough evidence
for a search warrant.
And then they want to touch the fantasy.
It's an issue that my clients have to deal with.
[Smacks lips]
And I guess Malcolm... He took it a step too far.
[Soft music playing] [British accent] Chin down, Clancy.
There you go.
All right, let's see, it's your wedding night.
Come on! You lie!
You're looking at each other like you're museum pieces.
Come on! Let's get out of your heads, yeah?
Come on, girls, there you go. Have fun.
That's it. Come on.
Feel something.
Touch each other, damn it.
There. Now, that's it.
Handheld. A couple here.
Um, excuse me, can I help you?
I'm Lieutenant Andy Flynn.
[Music stops] This is Detective Amy Sykes,
If we need your help, we'll let you know.
- Meanwhile, stand aside. - Malcolm Rich.
From L.A.P.D.'s Major Crimes Division
- and we need to talk to you. - Oh.
I like your face.
Great figure, too.
Heather, why am I not working?
- I'm sorry. I tried to stop them. - Not hard enough.
Unless you're placing me under arrest, I have work to do.
Heather, give them the number of my lawyer.
That's it, Ashley.
You got it, girl. That's it. Perfect.
Keep it there, right there.
Sorry, we're investigating the homicide of Christa Cook.
And we have a warrant to take all of your computer equipment.
So we'll be doing that starting right now.
Oi! Oi! You can't take that!
I'm in the middle of a very important photoshoot here.
No, sir, you're at the end.
We have a car waiting for you outside.
So cancel the rest of your day,
'cause you're spending it with us.
This way.
[Chuckles] You've got to be kidding me.
Don't worry, ladies, I'll be right back.
Okay, let's go. Call that lawyer.
[Chuckles] God.
[Laughs] I like you.
Sykes: Let's go.
Is that all your Alice research?
Yeah. I still...
I don't... I don't know why the judge wants to see it.
Well, the materials in that box confirm
what we call "journalistic intent."
So if you're called as a witness, then you...
A witness?
Okay, look, I-I just want to be sure you know
I wasn't trying to see Slider behind your back.
I-I was trying to do something...
On my own initiative, something that a good reporter would do,
and I... damn it.
I... I guess I got it all wrong.
You may have made a mistake, but you've done nothing wrong.
Can you... can you just come with me?
I'm really, really glad you asked, but no.
Until I have permission from Judge Grove,
I can't hear what Slider said.
Look, not only can you stand up for Alice,
you can stand up for yourself.
And Andrea will be there. Cheer up!
You're being represented by the best trial lawyer in L.A.
My client took photos of Christa Cook,
but Malcolm had nothing to do with her tragic death.
Holding him overnight without charges...
Is well within our rights.
First of all, by his own account,
your client was home alone watching television
when Christa Cook was murdered.
So he has no alibi.
And according to the victim's manager,
Malcolm recently displayed highly inappropriate behavior
towards Christa that we'd like him to explain.
What... highly inappropriate, how?
Did you strip down to your underwear,
push Christa Cook up against a wall,
and hold her there against her will?
- Oh, that. - Yeah.
Well, in hindsight, that might've been too aggressive.
But look... anyone can have their picture taken
and claim to be a model, okay?
It was only after she told me off
that I got anywhere near the emotion that I needed.
And the pictures prove it, by the way.
And they also prove that he wanted to see Christa
take her clothes off every night.
You think he's the only one he did this to?
If this creep did it once, he did... eh.
Victoria: Malcolm has no record of violence.
Sharon: He does have a certain reputation.
For example, Rosario Moore.
[Laughs] After he broke up with her,
Mr. Rich harassed Rosario for months.
Okay, look, Rosario photographed like a stoned chipmunk.
When she stopped getting work, she made stuff up,
trying to blackmail me into paying for her coke habit.
You're talking about civil claims against my client,
not criminal charges, and the charges were dismissed
when the police found 6 grams cocaine in Rosario's home.
Heh. Hello.
Yeah, I wonder how they knew where to search for it.
We should look at pictures he e-mailed Rosario, too.
[Door opens] Victoria: It's past business, captain.
Sharon: Okay, well, then, let's talk about the present.
Mm, Ms. Ng, did your client tell you about the spyware
he e-mailed to Christa Cook allowing him to remotely operate
the computer camera in her laptop?
Without her consent, in case that's not clear.
I'm sorry. Can you explain?
Certainly. While your client was spending the night with us,
I was up with our Internet Crimes unit
tracing spyware illegally installed
in Christa Cook's laptop to its point of origin...
A computer owned by Mr. Rich.
Oh, whoop-dee-doo, that's a misdemeanor.
You got anything better to hold him on?
Your client cyber stalked the victim,
watched her doing God knows what,
figured out all her routines, went to her house,
- and beat her to death. - No, no, no, no.
I'm not a killer, all right? Hold on.
We're done here. If this is a murder charge,
there's nothing else to say.
You can leave, but your client has to stay.
- Malcolm Rich, you are under arrest. - For what?
For spying on Christa Cook.
If you think his reputation is bad now,
wait till the L.A.P.D. releases details...
Wait, wait. You can't make that public.
Oh, we can, and we will. You murdered Christa.
No, no, no, no, no, look, I didn't kill her.
I'm... hold on. I'm a...
Damn it, I'm a witness. All right?
I watched it happen. Understand?
On her webcam. I watched it.
Malcolm, don't say another word. Hold on.
He doesn't identify this killer
until you agree not to press charges against him.
Victoria, this is not a negotiation.
Unless your client immediately provides me
with verifiable information on the murder of Christa Cook,
I am arresting him for murder!
No, no, no. Hold on. Um, in the fight...
In the fight with Christa,
I didn't get a good look at the guy's face,
but... but he was wearing sweatpants.
Like her ex-boyfriend wore when he used to come
and pick her up from a shoot.
And he... he pummeled Christa into the floor several times.
It was...
It was brutal. It was horrible.
And yet, somehow he managed not to call 9-1-1.
Sharon: Can you corroborate this story
with any other details?
Christa's computer got hit sideways on the floor.
Uh, and later... You...
You picked the computer up, and then, uh, you found,
uh, when you were at your desk, you found the spyware,
you shouted, "can't undo, can't undo!"
I mean, I have it all recorded.
Okay, look, um, I recorded everything she did
for the last three months, all right?
It's all on a file, it's password-protected.
- I need that recording right now. - Hold on.
Malcolm's helping you. He has video of the murder.
So no charges on the spyware. Period.
First, how many are there?
How many? How many what?
How many computers did Mr. Rich infect with the spyware?
How many models is he still watching undress?
You want a deal? We have a deputy D.A. waiting.
But first, you need to make a list
of all the people you were spying on.
And the list needs to be complete.
You leave out even one person's name,
and the deal's off.
42 women?!
This has been going on for years!
I don't want to use his statement of facts,
because this guy shouldn't have a deal.
He needs to be prosecuted.
Well, not for killing Christa.
If he watched the murder, obviously he didn't commit it.
And he's implicated the ex-boyfriend.
Come on. We have nothing else on Mr. Hammerhead
except this Malcolm pervert?
The video he claims to have of the murder
was made illegally,
and the defense is going to try to exclude it.
Patrol checked security cameras in the area.
No footage that would break Felix's alibi.
And here's a little extra instruction to go along
with your reserve officer training.
You see that gray thing over there?
That's a phone.
This... is a shoe.
They are still the best tools that police officer has.
We need to widen the search.
To where, professor?
Dillon is holding a coffee cup.
Caffeino Angeleno.
Aha, and if stopped by one of their locations
on his way into work yesterday morning...
Great call, captain.
These pictures are from my camera. I'll follow up.
Come on, Hobbs.
Let's just go through with the deal.
Fine. Here.
Malcolm wrote down the names and passwords
for all his protected files.
If his statement of facts holds up,
I guess he goes free.
Hope we don't end up with buyer's remorse.
Okay, Buzz, look for the folder "Christa at home,"
password, "richpics," all lowercase.
Hobbs is right.
I can't believe this Malcolm pervert just walks.
Sharon: Andy, first we have to arrest the person
who murdered Christa Cook.
Then we take care of the dirtbag later.
Okay, so there are three months of video files here.
I'm opening one from the morning of the murder.
[Taps key]
[Dog barking] I hear you, Chella.
Just let me finish this e-mail, all right?
[Doorbell rings]
[Barking continues]
Christa: What are you doing here?
[Grunts, object shatters]
[Door thuds]
Uhh. Can't even see the guy's face.
And you can't make a positive I.D. from sweatpants, either.
And yet he says it was Christa's ex-boyfriend.
It could be. It's definitely a guy.
[Exhales sharply]
[Door closes]
[Labored breathing]
[Line ringing]
[Key taps] Okay. Well...
That was a terrific use of the deal-making process.
And now, on to my next video crisis.
Hope it turns out better than this one.
Play it again, Buzz.
Maybe Rich heard something that we didn't.
[Key taps] I hear you, Chella.
So... so some guy illegally recorded 42 women
without their permission,
and I videoed a confessed killer at his request,
and I'm the one in trouble?
Just tell, uh, Judge Grove the truth.
And what he hears on the video... oh.
[Doorbell rings, dog barking] Oh. Oh.
What he hears on the video will lead him
to the right decision. Good luck.
She just tells her dog to wait and then,
when she gets to the door, she's too far away.
Well, Dr. Morales said she couldn't talk
after the attack, and during the 9-1-1 call,
- her lungs were filling up with... - With blood, I know.
But there's three months of Christa in Malcolm's files.
Buzz, take this computer into Electronics and set it up.
I need to review Christa's conversations.
Why? If the video turns out to be inadmissible,
and the girl didn't speak while she was dying...
It doesn't matter when she spoke, chief.
She needs someone to listen to her.
Excuse me. Mike.
Out of curiosity, Mr. Beck,
in how many murder trials do you intend to be a participant?
Sir, Your Honor, I-I had no idea that talking to Slider
is something that would interfere with this...
Well, let me be the last to tell you, it was.
The defense alleges you spoke to Slider
as an agent of the police.
- Were you? - No, Your Honor,
I didn't even tell anyone I was going to do this.
Well, why not? What's this collection
on Jane Doe No.38 all about?
I'm a journalist. I-I have my own vlog.
It's kind of like a podcast, called "Identity,"
and my first story is an attempt to learn
Jane Doe No.38's real name.
It looks like you had significant access to this case.
Did you encourage this young man?
Because traditional news outlets were ignoring you?
Far from it.
Right now, I have an incredibly sympathetic victim.
Who knows what opening up her past would reveal?
I have no interest in doing that.
Makes sense, okay.
Let me review these materials and I'll get back to you.
In the meantime, young man,
do not record anything else about this case.
But... but, Your Honor, I post stuff about Alice
- almost every... every... - I just said
do not record anything else about this case!
Was that unclear to you?
No, Your Honor. We understand,
and we will conform with the court's order.
Let's go, Rusty.
One second.
Wh-what's the name of this vlog of yours?
It's posted on YouTube.
Okay. Come back tomorrow.
We'll see.
Mr. Hammerhead and his brother Dillon say they started
training at 7:00 A.M., but the camera doesn't lie.
Can we risk opening this on your laptop
- while we're still offline? - Let's do it.
Look for a file marked "Caffeino Angeleno,
Santa Monica," yesterday's date, 7:25 A.M.
Santa Monica... that's on the other side of the world
from the gym.
And Christa was attacked at 7:34 A.M.
Here we go.
So what?
I took a little morning break.
Felix is waiting for me in the car.
You didn't buy him a coffee?
No, Felix doesn't drink coffee while he's training,
and I can't leave him at the gym.
Every idiot wants to see how they do against the Hammerhead.
It's just... it's a bad way to lose members.
Anything else?
Yeah, there's something else.
[Door opens] Problems?
We may get away with one amused judge
and one very irritated college freshman.
- How about you? - We're about to see.
[Dog barking]
Christa: What are you doing here?
Felix, what are you doing?!
[Grunts, object shatters]
Get out! [Screams]
Felix! [Door thuds]
Stop! [Screams]
She didn't speak during her murder.
No. But I had access to over three months of recordings.
I just moved the audio track from an argument
Christa had with Felix,
so that it played when she opened the door
of her apartment off-screen.
Unless you have a better way to get Dillon to turn
on his kid brother. [Line rings]
Woman: 9-1-1, what's your emergency? Hello?
Mr. Koster, we understand you wanted to protect Felix.
You can't do that anymore.
You can, however, protect yourself.
If you withdraw your statement,
we won't charge you as an accomplice
after the fact to murder, and we'll make sure that...
No, look, you have to understand,
Felix didn't mean to do this.
Okay, for a moment, he lost his temper.
And he hit her and...
And what?
She fought back.
Flynn: All right, look, how did this all start?
Can you tell us that?
He received this weird text in the middle of the night.
He wouldn't show it to me.
What text? Not from Christa.
It made him so angry, that I thought...
[Sighs] God. I don't know.
H-he told me that he just shoved her,
that it was an accident.
What text? Christa did not send him a text.
Sykes: Tell us where Felix is.
He's working out.
Getting ready for the fight
that was supposed to change our lives.
Yeah. He already had it.
[Punches landing]
[Punches continue landing]
[Police radio chatter]
[Static crackles]
Felix Koster, you're under arrest
for the murder of Christa Cook.
Spread your legs and put your hands behind your head.
All right, man, be cool, all right?
I ain't fighting you guys. I ain't fighting.
Okay, just stay put till they get the cuffs on you,
and no one's gonna get hurt, all right?
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you...
[Grunting] Flynn: Damn it, Felix!
Don't be stupid!
I ain't going to jail, man!
You drop the gun, or I will shoot you!
Drop it!
Listen to me, Felix, no one wants to kill you, okay?!
Let go of the officer! Get down on the ground!
Hands up in the air now!
I swear, it was an accident! I didn't mean to do it!
I never meant to hurt Christa. I loved her.
Okay, let go of him and get... Julio, no!
Uhh! [Gunshots]
- Oh, shit. - Damn it.
Holy shit. Holy shit!
Sykes, where is everyone?
Officers, officers request assistance.
Suspect is down and needs immediate medical attention.
Man: Medical unit en route.
[Gasps, coughs]
[Horn honking]
Buzz: The interview room cameras are up,
and the L.A.P.D. network is back online.
Well, that's good news. Right, Mike?
Tao, you been to see the shrink yet?
I have a session tomorrow.
I was up with F.I.D. all night.
Damn it!
Something on Hammerhead's phone?
[Sighs] The text Felix's brother was talking about?
You see this?
[Chair wheels roll]
This photo was sent to Felix from a burner phone
purchased by your client at 2:42 A.M.
The morning of Christa Cook's murder.
The message reads...
"Look who I've been bangin'."
The photo was stolen from Christa's webcam.
Sent to provoke Felix into attacking his ex.
Well, that's a very interesting conjecture,
but we have a deal, and you can't use the webcam
against Malcolm, so why are we here?
Because Mr. Rich lied in his statement of facts.
And as you know, a lie invalidates the deal,
but not the evidence.
I did not lie.
I gave you the names of every girl on that list.
I'm not a girl... sir.
Excuse me?
My computer was infected as well with Malcolm's spyware.
What? [Laughs] I never meant to spy on you.
You didn't list Lieutenant Tao
in your statement of facts, nor the L.A.P.D.,
and I told you, sir,
I warned you that if you left off even one name
from the list...
Okay, you're talking about a single misdemeanor.
I don't wanna bring up bad faith...
Then allow me to bring up the PATRIOT Act.
Because spying on a police station
is by legal definition, an act of terrorism.
And a conviction for terrorism comes with
an automatic 10-year prison sentence.
I've already been on the phone with the U.S. attorney's office
and they are ready, willing, and able to take Malcolm,
and I think that that's a perfectly good idea.
What... you're charging me with terrorism?
Not yet. What's the alternative?
What? E-excuse me? Alternative?
He writes another statement of facts
admitting that he texted this picture of Christa Cook
to her ex-boyfriend in the hopes that Felix would attack her.
Hobbs: Let me be very clear about this.
I could try your client for murder,
and you could maybe defend him
if he could afford you for that long,
but the jury would probably wind up
at involuntary manslaughter, so let's cut to the chase.
I'll take eight years,
which would be six for good behavior,
provided your client is capable of good behavior.
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Wait.
These... these can't be the choices.
Two people died because of you, sir.
I killed one of them myself.
Oh, you're going to jail.
It's just a matter where and how long.
You want a ride to the F.B.I.?
I'd be delighted to drop you off.
If you sent that text to Felix, Malcolm,
this is...
It's not good.
Manslaughter will look better
on your release papers than terrorism.
But... but I-I mean, I never intended to...
Felix was out of control. [Chuckles]
What... what about my side of the story?
You don't have a side. You have a choice.
Manslaughter or terrorism? It's entirely up to you.
Manslaughter. We'll take...
The manslaughter.
The police, they... they railroaded me.
I told them what they wanted to hear.
I said I shot bug by accident. And the cops told me that
that would get me out of trouble.
And Alice? Bug killed Alice.
Not me. I only said I did it because the cops told me to.
Okay? And... and before that,
they talked me out of an attorney.
That's unfreakin' American.
What they did to me is so freaking unamerican.
Rusty: And is that all?
[Video continues indistinctly]
Y-yeah, this is just another suspect saying,
"I'm innocent. I didn't do it."
I find no cause for sanction here.
Still, kid, you didn't ask permission
to talk to the defendant, and that caused
a ridiculous waste of everyone's time.
Tell me, have you thought about changing stories?
Moving on to something else?
No, Your Honor, I couldn't do that.
Really? Why?
Well, because Alice... Jane Doe No.38, she needs me.
I-I don't want her to be cremated
as some anonymous girl
and dumped in a pile of ashes.
Judge, I assure you that
Rusty will be coordinating all of his research
with the L.A.P.D. so that it doesn't step
on the people's case against Slider.
Your Honor, may I post my video of Slider on my vlog?
No, no, no, you can't prejudice the jury...
Why not?
Yes. Post it. It's no big deal.
But do not talk to him again.
Here's all your stuff.
And I look forward to not seeing you for a long time.
Good night, Mr. Beck, Andrea.
Uh, Sharon, could you stay for a second?
Thank you, Your Honor. Thank you very much.
Smart kid. [Door closes]
Tougher than he looks.
You got your hands full.
And my heart.
Thank you for letting him continue
with his story about Alice.
Anything that keeps him hanging out at the P.A.B., right?
Where you can watch over him?
Have you seen his vlog?
He's working like a professional.
And so are you.
Just make sure that his professionalism
doesn't interfere with yours.
I say that as a friend.
You've helped him with this story enough,
and maybe don't watch the vlog.
But what if he identifies the girl?
Well, then, let it be a big, big surprise.
In other words...
Stay out of it, mama.
Don't you know who this Alice girl really is?
The victim.
Here. I'll walk you out.