Major Crimes (2012–2018): Season 2, Episode 6 - Boys Will Be Boys - full transcript

When the body of a missing transgender teen is found in a park, the Major Crimes team investigates the bullying and assault the victim suffered at the hands of her classmates. Jack attempts to get closer to Rusty but Sharon questions his intentions.

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Major Crimes 02x06
Boys Will Be Boys
Original Air Date July 15, 2013

911. What's your emergency?

My... my daughter is...

My daughter hasn't come home.

I-it's not like her
to stay out this late.

How old is your daughter?

She's 13.
She's only 13.

- And when was she last seen?
- What time did this call come in?

- Last night... two minutes after midnight.

She called my wife,
her mom, to get a ride home,

and then she wasn't there.
And we responded immediately.

We've called her friends.

We've looked everywhere
for her.

Where was your daughter
last seen?

Well, she called from
the mall, wanting a ride home,

but when my wife went to
pick her up, she wasn't there.

And where's your wife now?

Mom's out driving around,
looking for Michelle.

And... and she was...
She had a bully.

This kid at the mall...
He bullied her last weekend.

She was bullied?

This kid and his friends...

They followed her
into the bathroom last week,

and they assaulted her.

You told the 911 operator
that your daughter was bullied?

Yeah, last weekend
at the, um, at the same mall.

This bully...
he got a group of boys together,

trapped her in the bathroom

Pulled down her pants,
and took pictures.

We don't call that bullying,
Mr. Brand.

We call that
sexual battery of a minor.

Why didn't you report that?

Michelle begged us not to.

She... she didn't want to draw
any more attention to herself.

She already feels ostracized
enough as it is.

And why is that?

Does she have any
defining tattoos or birthmarks?

No, no, no, no.
She's a tomboy.

Just tell the police
to look for a tomboy

in a white skirt and pink top,
I think.

Is Michelle...
a boy?

She used to be Michael.

Now she's Michelle.

How long ago
did this transition begin?

Well, she was diagnosed
with gender identity disorder

in the first grade.

Other than
last week at the mall,

has anyone else
attacked Michelle

- or taken pictures of her?
- No, she was teased a lot,

but that was the first time
that anybody ever hurt her.

Any chance she ran away?

No. No, no, no.

Was your daughter

Did she ever talk about
hurting herself?

No, look, I already told you
that I was worried

that damn boy at the mall
might have attacked her.

I mean, that's why
she called home for a ride,

because she saw him again,
and she got scared.

I mean, maybe she's running away
from him.

Can you describe
this young man?

Look, I wish I
could, but I've never seen him.

Okay, what's his name?

Uh, he doesn't go to her school.

I don't know.

I can get his screen name.

Those pictures
from the mall bathroom...

- He posted them.
- Why didn't you tell me that?

Michelle didn't want you
to know.

I'm so sorry.

I would have told you,
but she was so embarrassed.

Oh, my God, you did it?
You called the police?

What did you
expect me to do?

John, you're overreacting.

- She's been missing since 7:00.
- She's probably at a friend's house.

No, I already called
all of her friends.

- Look, I can't just sit here.
- Shh. Excuse me.

Is this Michelle's computer?

May we take a look at it?

Yes, of course.

"Mr. T... the Tranny Hunter...

"Has sent your male junk
to every e-mail, Facebook,

Can you click on "junk"?


Oh, my God.

Freaking tranny, huh?
Oh, look at this.

What are you doing
in the girls' bathroom, kiddo?

What are you doing here?
You think you're a girl, huh?

Girls don't have this, do they?

girls don't have that, huh?

Who's seen this? How many people
has he sent this to?

These pictures
have probably gone viral.

You see, this is exactly why
she wanted to change schools.

What are we supposed to do...

Sell our house,
uproot our family

in the middle of Matt's
senior year of high school?

That's insane.

No, the harassment of
our daughter is what's insane.

Oh, my God.

We have turned our lives
upside down

to accommodate that child.

What else do you want from us?

Look, what do you
expect her to do...

go back to school after
that's all over the Internet?

Is there any way

you can take those pictures
of the kid offline?

I'm working on it, Andy,
but our bully is hiding

behind a moderately
sophisticated proxy server,

and I need him to log on
so I can trace his I.P.

Well, there's a large,
wooded park

between the house and the mall.

If our missing child
walked home

or tried
to get away from somebody,

it'd be a likely place to hide.

Well, I need evidence dogs
to search the park...

as many as I can get.

One second, lieutenant.
Don't hang up.

How long since
the child was last seen?

15 hours...
since 7:00 last night.

Okay, let's call it
a critical missing.

Give Provenza
all the resources he needs.

Thank you, Chief.

Just find her...
or him...

Or whoever he is.

I want
a 40-block grid search.

Half your guys start at the mall
where she was last seen.

The other half
start right here.

Am I supposed to tell them
to look for a boy or a girl?

Birth certificate says male.

a lot's changed since then.

Just find the kid alive, okay?

You know, when, um,

when Michelle was still
in diapers, and I kid you not,

she used to correct us
if we called her a boy.

He'd say, "God made a mistake.

He gave me the wrong body,

We fought it
for years.

I mean, you know, took away
toys that were feminine,

dressed her like a boy.

Nothing worked.

Excuse me, folks.

Um, we need some unwashed items

from Michelle's
laundry basket...

Something the dogs
can get a scent from.

He's logged on.
I have him.

I have our bully.

Lewis Gates.


Hello, Mrs. Gates.

Can I help you?

Is Lewis here?

L.A.P.D.! Stop!

L.A.P.D.! Stop!

Hey, watch it!

Go that way.

Looks like
a girl's scrunchie.

I'll get the Command Center
up here.

Call the captain.

Well, I don't know
if it's good news or bad,

but I'm pretty sure
it belongs to Michelle.

Oh, God.

Well, I may have the guy
who can tell us how it fell off.

How'd you scratch yourself, Lewis?

It must have happened
when you beat me.

- Any luck?
- Well, if you call

the mall having
500 security cameras lucky.

I downloaded a new
facial-recognition program.

Good. I'll need it.

Hey, Buzz.

Lieutenant, you remember Kris,
don't you?


Hi, there.
Work, work, work.


What are you looking at,

I'm sorry. I thought
you were in the doorway.

I'll get back to you,

Um, let's just...
let's just go study.

I uploaded a photo of our bully,

and now this new
facial-recognition software

will scan all the security-camera
footage for a match.

I don't know what
you're talking about, lady.

I wasn't anywhere near
that ugly mall.

Were you at the park
last night?

What park?

The park between the mall
and Michelle's house.

Michelle? Oh.

You mean Mikey...
the tranny?


I like to stay as far away
from that freak as I can.

Really? Is that why you attacked
her last week in the bathroom,

pulled her pants down,
took photographs?

And posted them
all over the Internet?

Look, it was using
the girls' toilet, man.

Guys aren't allowed in there.

That's sick,
and everybody thinks so.

I'm just the only person

that had enough balls
to do something about it.

You call Michelle "it"?

It isn't a girl...

And, uh,
it says it's not a guy,

so it isn't anything,
and it needed a lesson.

You call it a lesson?
We call it sexual battery.

How old are you?
15. How old are you?

Old enough to recommend
you get tried as an adult.

You could be going away
for a very long time.

- It was a joke!
- It wasn't funny!

This happened over a week ago,

Why are you guys
hassling me about it now?

Because Michelle is missing.

We got something!
Lieutenant, over here!

Right here!

Freak probably ran away.

Look, I have ran off
plenty of times,

and you guys
have never come looking for me.

Do you think they'll treat you
like a boy or a girl in jail?

I'm not going to jail.

And do you want to know why?

Because Mikey got
what it deserved.

There Lewis is...
7:09 P.M.

And look who's
right in front of him.

Captain, we have Lewis on camera
at the mall last night

within 15 feet of Michelle.

Okay, Lewis, you lied about
not being at the mall.

You lied about
not seeing Michelle.

What else are you lying about?

Sharon has to work late,
so after tense negotiations,

she has agreed that I should
drop Kris off at her house

and get you some dinner.

But no burgers.

Fine. Pizza, then.

Oh, uh, did you guys find
that trans kid yet, or...?

Her body.


Oh. Wow.

How old was she?


Oh, my God.

So, it's a hate crime?

Every murder is a hate crime.

You know, the last guy I dated
ended up being gay.


He wasn't, like,
a cross-dresser or anything.

He just liked other boys.

I think that's how it works.

Have you talked to
the victim's parents yet?

No, but they're on their way in,

Even tougher than
working Internal Affairs, huh?


Come on, kids.
Let's go.

Let's get
while the getting's good.

I'll save you
a slice of something.

Be careful on the way home.

Deanna, take a mold

of this impression
from the shovel, please?


take pictures of all of this.

It bothers me a lot.

How so, lieutenant?

Look at the way
the body's arranged.

Her eyes have been closed,

and she's turned
a little bit on her side.

Is that a tissue in her mouth?


It's like
whoever put her in the grave

didn't want the kid
to breathe in any dirt.

You mean she was buried alive?

That's unlikely.

The whole side of her skull
is crushed in.

Kendall, uh,
any chance that the child

was killed somewhere else
and then moved?

This was the place.

Blood here.
Blood there.

A little bit of bone
in the grave.

Okay, maybe our bully
secretly had the hots for her.

Maybe that's why he pulled off
her clothes last week

and took pictures.

Maybe it wasn't him.

Maybe it was a family member
who did this.

how she was laid to rest,

let's search the Brands' house

while they're with the captain.

Family first, as I always say.

Family first.

Is there, uh, any news yet?

Any news at all?

I'll let you know
the minute we confirm something.

Thank you.


Uh, right this way.

Okay, so,
Michelle called the house

a few minutes after 7:00
last night,

wanting a ride home
from the mall.

What happened next?

First I chewed her out

because she wasn't
supposed to be at the mall,

and then I put the dinner
in the oven,

and I got in the car
to go get her.

You were home, too?

I was watching
the Dodgers game.

I should have gone to the mall
with mom, but...

When I got to the mall,
Michelle didn't come out.

I-I waited.
I tried her cell.

I-I figured that
she caught a ride with somebody.

I wish I had
gone in to look for her.

I should have gone in the mall.

And you, Mr. Brand?

Just stuck on the 101 Freeway.

And what time did you get home?

Um, 8:30 or 9:00.
I don't know.

You know, by then
I'd already talked to Annie,

and she told me
Michelle was missing.

We all just started to panic.

Oh, my God, that's him!

- Matt. Wait, Matt!
- That asshole killed my sister!

Hey, asshole, what'd you do
to my sister, huh?

- Matthew!
- Son of a bitch!

Matt! Matthew!

Get up here!

Get off me!

- Stop!
- Matthew!


- Go! Go!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

What are you doing?
Let's go.

The victim's cellphone
run out of juice?

Battery's missing.


Yes, I want you
to go to the victim's house.

Bring a few boxes.

Go through their bedrooms,
gather all their shoes,

- and, Sykes?
- Yes, sir?

I want you to bag them
and tag them separately.

There were no signs
of sexual abuse.

Thank God.

Is it possible
that he was under a lot of...

Let's stick with "she."

It helps me to identify
with the victim, okay?


It sounds like this child

was in an extremely
stressful situation.

Is it possible
that she committed suicide?

And then buried herself?


I'm writing down homicide,

The murder weapon appears to be

something like
a heavy length of pipe,

only tapered at the end.

See how the wounds
go from narrow to wider?

You're describing a bat.

Oh, God.

An aluminum bat...
could be.

She's running.
She looks back.

The bat swings
to the side of the head.

She falls to her knees.
The bat swings again.

And one last time...
just to make certain.

Poor kid.

This kind of thing...
I can't get used to it.

Let's hope we never do.

Captain, do you have
a suspect in custody?

Yes, but I have issues
with charging him.

You have to,
or you have to let him go.

He's a juvenile.

We can't keep him
more than eight hours.

I'd like to hold him
a little longer than that, Emma.

- How much longer?
- Two or three years.

Lewis has confessed
to sexual battery.

And distributing lewd pictures
of a minor.

But his behavior
and his personality

are inconsistent
with our victim's burial.

If you look at the crime scene
where we found Michelle...

Somebody who cared about her
did this.

So, the brother or the father?

Excuse me, captain.

I just wanted to report

that I bagged and tagged all
the shoes in the victim's house

and took them to the lab
to be processed.

Thank you, detective.

Thank you.

Buzz, wire up
Detective Sykes and myself

with video cameras, please.

I want to document
this family's reaction

when we give them
the death notification.

I'm afraid we have bad news.

Oh, God.

Oh, no.

We found Michelle's body

less than a mile
from your house.

Oh, my God.

This is not happening.

You mean
you mean she's dead?


I'm so sorry.

We've confirmed it's her,
but while we're still

trying to make our case
against the murderer,

that's all I can tell you.

Was it that monster?
Was it... was it Lewis?

We are holding him,
but we can't say more than that.

I, uh... I want to see her body.

- Is that possible?
- John, please.

I want to see her, okay?

I-I have to see her.

- Him you want to see him.
- No, her.

I said "her,"
and I meant "her"!

For God's sake, John, I told you
that this would happen,

and you wouldn't listen to me.

Are you happy now?

Are you happy that you
bought him those dresses,

that you gave him makeup,

that you let him
grow his hair out?

- Mom.
- And they're off.

I'm not having
this argument again.

You let him
pretend himself to death,

and no one
could talk you out of it!

Would you stop blaming me?!

Oh, somebody's got a temper.

I didn't...
I didn't make her what she was.

Sorry to interrupt,
but to get out of your way

and finish up our investigation
against Lewis,

we need to hear
your timeline again.

Our times for what?
You already know who did this.

Could you just listen
to someone else for a minute?

Are you never tired
of getting it wrong?

what did I get wrong?

If you'd only stood up to him.

- Oh.
- If you hadn't encouraged him...

I tried to accept her,
which is more than you ever did!

Look, what are you guys doing?

Look, Michelle is dead,

so can you please
stop pretending

that all of your arguments
are about her?

You hate each other.

What's the dad's alibi?

Stuck in traffic.

Let's see what's going on
in his finances.

Even now, you're...
you're still calling her a boy.

If you had only backed me up.

Excuse us, please.

We'll leave you two
to talk this through.

We're very sorry for your loss.



I have a right
to see my daughter's body.

Oh. Mr. Brand, I
don't think you understand.

Your daughter is at the morgue,

and that is not a place
that you want to be right now.

I promise you.

I have the right to see her body
as a parent, don't I?

I want to see
my daughter's body.


I want to see
my daughter's body!

I think that transgender kid
was brave as hell.

It took a lot of guts to live
in the open like that,

and her father deserves credit
for having supported her.

Her father gave her dresses.

He might as well have put
a target on the back

that said, "beat me."

She asked for those dresses,
and I still say brave kid.

it could be just as dangerous

pretending to be
somebody you're not.

A lot of kids that
repress that kind of feeling

end up killing themselves.

You can't hide who you are,
as I'm sure you know.

Sure I know what?

Well, as you know from...


from being a foster child.

Am I right, or am I right?

Sharon, could that young lady
have hidden her identity?

From what I read,

gender identity dysphoria
in children is not a choice.


- Oh, um, yes, thank you.
- She only wants one.

- Who eats only one pancake?
- Uh, your wife.

Uh-oh. Incoming.

It's just Kris.

We're reading "Romeo and Juliet"
right now.

We both missed it in 9th grade,

and I-I think
it's making her emotional.

So, are you two dating now?

No, no.
We're just hanging out.

I mean, I like her a lot,
but it's... it's hard to date

when I have to take
a police escort everywhere I go.

Excuse me. You know what?
I'm gonna need to move, so...

- Uh, oh, you've got it.
- Okay, thanks.


I thought you told me he'd been
hustling men on the street.

Is he not gay?

He hasn't told me
anything about that,

and I am not asking.

Maybe he's confused.

I could help him
sort out his priorities.

Listen, I only told you about
the abuse that he went through

so that you could be
sensitive to his issues,

not so that you could push him
in one direction or the other.

- I never push people.
- You spent virtually no time

with our children
when they were Rusty's age.

Why are you
so interested in him?

Look, I am brutally aware that
I am not a good parent, Sharon,

but it's not necessary
to remind me every five minutes.

Oh, it is.

Well, maybe I'm interested
in the kid because you are.

I wish that you would
develop the same interest

in finding yourself
an apartment.

There was no wreck on the 101,

but even if there had been,

I checked with
Mr. Brand's office,

and he took
the whole afternoon off.

So, why'd he lie?

Well, maybe he spent the day getting
ready to kill his daughter.

Murders take planning.

He seems to love her.

- Maybe too much.
- Oh, God. Let's not go there.

I traced a credit check

from a landlord in Santa Monica
to Mr. Brand.

He signed the lease
for a one-bedroom apartment

the day of the murder.

What else is he covering up?

He moved money out of
his bank account... $80,000.

And he ordered furniture
for the new place online.

I need some way to ask Mr. Brand
about these things,

but first
I'm gonna shake him up.


By giving him
what he asked for.

You sure
you want to do this, sir?

'Cause who you see in there
is not gonna be your daughter,

and that image
is gonna be stuck in your head

for the rest of your life.

Have you ever lost a child?

Not exactly.

Well, then you probably
wouldn't understand.

What happened?

Her head was crushed in
with a baseball bat.

My baby.

Does he look like
he's bluffing to you?

No, he looks guilty.

A lot of murderers fall apart
when they see their victims.

What in God's name
are you implying?

You think renting that apartment
means... means what?

That I was having an affair.
Is that it?

We don't know what to think.

Maybe you can tell us
who the apartment was for.

It was for me and Michelle.

You two were planning on

moving in together across town,
away from your wife?

I was renting the apartment
to establish residency

so Michelle could go to
high school in Santa Monica.

After that Lewis kid
attacked her at the mall,

she begged me
to let her start over

someplace where
nobody knew her.

Did your wife know about this?

I signed the lease
the day that Michelle was...

I planned on... on...
telling my wife, but then I...

Oh, God, time has come
to a complete stop.

Do you know that?

No, you don't know that,

'cause you're all
running around,

doing this and doing that,
but for me,

the world has completely stopped
spinning, and I'm just...

stuck in
this one horrible moment,

this one terrible mistake.

What were you asking about?

My apartment. That's right.

I didn't tell my wife

because she already thought
Michelle was spoiled.

I was just thinking about
how to say it.

What about the money?

What money?

Oh, I gave, uh...

Gave them the security deposit
and the first month's rent.

You also cashed in
your joint-retirement account.

You took $80,000
out of the bank.

That was for Michelle.

For Michelle? Were you planning
on telling your wife about that?

Not right away, because
she was very much against

what we were gonna do
with the money.

What were you going to do?

Hormone-replacement therapy
is very expensive...

I mean, very, very,
very, very expensive.

And it's not just that
insurance doesn't cover it.

It's the whole idea of shooting
a Tsunami of hormones...

Hormones from
the opposite sex...

Into my son's beautiful body
before he started puberty.

Would you do that?

How much money
was this going to take?

Michael would have developed
breasts and hips,

and it's permanent.

That's a huge decision
for a 13-year-old.

How much?


Now, I know that
Michael wanted to transition,

but that's a lot of money
for an otherwise healthy child,

and who knows what
the long-term effects would be?

I didn't want him to do it.

I just wanted him
to wait until he turned 21

and his judgment was better.

Does that make me a bad mother?


But to me, this shovel

brings your parenting skills
into serious question.

That's not mine.

Strange... we found it
in the trunk of your car.

Your fingerprints
are all over the handle.

That's because I borrowed it
from the office.

I'm a realtor.

I used it to plant
a "for sale" sign the other day.


New listing,
not far from our house.

Why is that important?

'Cause the dirt
on the blade of this shovel

matches the dirt
in your daughter's grave.

And the dirt
on these shoes of yours...

It also matches the dirt
from your daughter's grave.

That's probably because

the house
that I told you about...

It backs right up to the park.

And I'm not a geologist
or whatever,

but I bet that's why
the dirt is the same.

You know, that's a really
good explanation, Mrs. Brand.

Now, could you also explain
how you know

that your daughter
was buried in the park?

Because we never told you that.

You... you said,
uh... you...

Mrs. Brand, we have arrived at
that point in our relationship

that the lying has to end.

I am a good mother.

I'm a good mother.

I'm a good mother.

And I want a lawyer.

You'll need one.

Because as of this moment,

you are under arrest
for murder in the first degree.

SID says the girls phone was
wiped clean.

- How Clean?
Let's put it this way...

the texts are gone forever,
and they might have been useful.

You'd like
"Shakespeare In Love."

I cannot believe
you haven't seen it yet.

It's such a good movie.

It's basically
"Romeo and Juliet"

crossed with
"Twelfth Night."

Okay, so, explain to me

how two boring plays
make one good movie.

Shut up.

It's playing at that place
you like... Hollywood Forever.

Oh, you mean "The Graveyard"?

Yeah. Rusty says
they take these movies

and project them
onto this big wall...

Kind of like
a drive-in movie theater,

only without the cars.

Everyone brings blankets
and lawn chairs.

- And pot.
- And beer.

it's more of a wine crowd.

And not everyone partakes.

I don't.

Ah, quoth the girl
in the cop shop.

Hi, Rusty.

Hey, Emma.

Have you met my, um...


Kris, this is
the always-creepy Emma Rios.

Creepy Emma, Kris.

- Hi.
- She's the prosecutor

in that murder trial
I'm supposed to testify in...

the one who's basically
wrecking my life.

You were doing a good job of
that before I ever showed up.

- Rusty.
- Jack.

Emma, I believe
the captain is expecting us.

And that lady's the reason why
I can't go with you

to see "Shakespeare In Love,"

unless you want to hang with
the really popular kid

who brings a police escort
to the movies.

I'm sure the potheads
would love that.

All right. Time to study.
This way.

And it doesn't help anything
to call Emma "creepy."

Aw, poor little Kris.

"Love looks not with the eyes
but with the mind,

and therefore is
wing'd cupid painted blind."


- You're weird.
- I am, indeed, detective,

and thus,
I take my leave of you.

There's nothing unique
about that shovel.

I'll tell you
what's unique about it...

Her prints are all over it.

You can buy a shovel like that
at any hardware store...

Is that unique enough?

That's what
her lawyer will say.

Well, what will her lawyer say
about the dirt from the grave

that's on the shovel,
on her shoes?

He'll say
what you already know...

That you can't prove
when the dirt got there,

and he'll go out and prove
that the dirt does not have

the unique qualities we need,
and it won't.

Couldn't you have waited
a little longer until she...

We pushed her to lawyer up.

Now, here we are.
Let's review.


Her daughter's body was buried

in the same position
that the kid probably slept in.

No, no,
don't you dare turn away.

Now, you want this case,
you grow up,

and you look at these pictures
side by side.

You know they'll
put the victim on trial...

The girl in the boy's body,
the gender bender, the misfit...

how much trouble she was
to her mom.

Where's Hobbs?

Captain, for the love of God,
call Hobbs.

It only takes one vote,
one juror,

to ruin the entire case.

I'd like a prosecutor who isn't
afraid of losing in a good cause.


Emma, y-you think I understand
boys who think they're girls?

I'm just as much at sea
as your jurors will be,

but I know when a kid has
had his head bashed in.

Now, capt... captain, are...
Are you even listening to me?

- Mm.
- What are you looking at?

Phone records.

Phone records?
What about phone records?

Kids don't call.
They text.

The only person that Rusty calls
on his cellphone is me.

Kris, he texts.

I promise you,
Mr. Brand,

we can prove
beyond a shadow of a doubt

that your wife
buried your daughter.

I don't believe it.

My wife could never,
ever murder her own child.

It's impossible.

Yeah, mom didn't kill Michelle.

We all loved Michelle.

Is that why you keep
calling her cellphone, Matt,

even though
you know she's dead?

But you didn't call her...

not a single time...

the entire month
before she died.

You texted each other a lot,
but you never called.

Until night before last,

when you dialed your sister's
number over 100 times in a row,

before you supposedly knew
she was missing.


I think I know why.

Your mother was in the park,
looking for Michelle's body,

hunting for where you left it,
by following the ringtone.

Is that how it happened?

- What are you saying?
- Mr. Brand.

And yesterday and today,
you've gone on calling

because you miss
the sound of her voice.

Is that it?

Hey, everybody,

if you're
talking to this phone,

you must be somebody I love.

If you love me back,
leave me a lovely message.


Matt, you want to tell us
what happened now,

or do you want your mother
to sit in jail

for the rest of her life?

What reason would my wife have
for killing our daughter?

Maybe because

you and Michelle
were leaving us.

Maybe because mom
didn't want you to move out.

No, no.

Your mother didn't even
know about that.

Oh, my God.


Michelle called the house.

Your mom was making dinner,
and you got into the car,

and you went to the mall
to pick her up.

What have you done?

Yeah, I picked her up.

Dad and I
are moving to Santa Monica.

She told me all about

your little apartment
in Santa Monica.

It's true. We're moving,

and I'm gonna start
at Santa Monica high school.

The kids there are so cool.

She was all happy.

She was excited
about tearing our family apart.

Dad's moving out?
Are they getting a divorce?

That's why she wanted
to go to the mall.

She wanted to say goodbye
to her friends.

I don't know. I mean,
who cares if they get a divorce?

She said, "I don't care
if they get a divorce."

We weren't divorcing.
She was just changing schools!

She was destroying everything!

I'm supposed to lose my family

she wants hormone shots?

- Matt.
- Everything...

everything has always, always,
always been about her.

It's been like
living in an insane asylum

from the moment she was born.

So you put a stop to it.

I mean, if you had seen
the expression on her face

when she told me
that you two were leaving.

God, why is everything
always about you?

- Why can't you be happy for me?
- She thought I'd be happy for her.

That's how crazy selfish
she was.

All those years explaining her,

protecting her, and I'd had it.

Just let me out.

I pulled the car over,
and she got out...

And ran toward the park.

I chased her.

- With a bat?
- With a bat.

I hit her with it.

And then after you killed her?

I wasn't trying to do that.

Oh, yes, you were.

You hit her in the head
three times.

You did mean it.

And then you went home
and you told your mom.

And she went out
and buried Michelle.

And took the battery
from her phone.

Hoping we wouldn't find her...
hoping to protect you.

Well, maybe... maybe...
maybe she thought

that we could just go back
to being a regular family again.

You chased
your little sister down,

and you beat her to death
with a bat?

Yeah, I chased her.

And you know what, dad?


She didn't run like a girl.

Okay, Matt.

We've already
arrested your mother,

and to let her go...
and so she can't continue

to act as if she's the one
who did this...

I need you to tell me...

where'd you put the bat?

Just one more thing to do.

I didn't murder her.

You murdered her family.

You made it your mission

to make this kid
feel like a monster,

but you're the monster.

And do you know what we do
to monsters, Lewis?

Kill them with a pitchfork?

That would be great,
but as it is,

we can only lock them up
in jail,

which is where you're going
till you turn 18.

What the hell
are you talking about?

I didn't do anything
to this freak.

Not true.

These pictures prove that
you committed sexual battery,

which is good enough
to put you away in juvie.

What? You can't.
You can't... you can't do that.

I can.

And, hey,
have a miserable life.

Hey, everybody,

if you're
talking to this phone,

you must be somebody I love.

If you love me back,
leave me a lovely message.


Oh, oh, oh.

I just had another flash

of what I modestly call

He has. What better, what safer,
what more trustworthy cop

to accompany our young students
of "Romeo and Juliet"

to the movies than you?


- Mm-hmm.
- They're showing "Shakespeare In Love"

at Hollywood Forever.

Blankets, picnic,
mistaken identities,

romance, role reversals,
outrageous fortune.

The kids really want to go,
but they can't without you.

What say you, madam?


My parents are okay
as long as I'm home by 11:00.


I can transport
our young Juliet home,

and you can return Romeo
here to his own balcony.

It sounds like a lot of fun.

Doesn't it?


Everyone wants to go.
Let's go.

All right, whoa!
Tallyho. Let's go.

Hey, it's just like
old times, eh?

Yeah, really, really old times.

Elizabethan, I think.

Tell me something...
was this your idea or Rusty's?

Oh, we're in it together,

and at our core,
we're really all alike.


We should hurry.

The Cemetery fills up early.