Major Crimes (2012–2018): Season 2, Episode 15 - Curve Ball - full transcript

Christmas vacation is interrupted for the Major Crimes division when a baseball scout is found dead in his RV. The squad works through the murder case, unfolding a complicated kidnapping scheme. Meanwhile, Rusty opens up to Dr. Joe (recurring guest star BILL BROCHTRUP) about his mom.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


[ Seagull cries ]

Major Crimes 02x15
Curve Ball
Originally Aired December 16, 2013

[ Chuckles ]

Nothing says Christmas in L.A.
like a string bikini.

Flynn: Why did I
let you talk me into

Christmas shopping
on Venice Beach?

There's nothing
for my daughter's

two new stepkids here...

Except the best kite shop
in Los Angeles.

Roxie's High Life.

Are you kidding me?
You said it was a kite shop.

That also sells bongs.

Come on.
Hey, Flynn, come on.

When have I ever
steered you wrong?

What are those boys doing?

They're breaking into
that R.V. Call 911.

- Flynn, we're off-duty.
- Hey! Hey!

- Hey! Get out of there!
- No!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Slow down there.
Slow down. Slow down.

I got two kids,
just broke into that R.V.

- You got it covered?
- Yeah, we're on it. Let's go.


Oh, Flynn, what are you doing?

Let's go.

The bike cops are on the case.

I'm just making sure
no one is hurt,

you know,
like a good police officer?

A body on the floor.

- Stop, L.A.P.D.
- Dude, what's your problem?

Dude, I need your board.
Come on. Come on. Give it up.


[ Groans ]

- Call it in.
- Oh, God.

What are we looking at?

Tao: Looks like
a murder and a robbery.

The vehicle's
registered to a Vince Massey.

According to his office
and his business cards,

he's a baseball scout
with the St. Louis cardinals.

No wallet, no phone.

There's wi-fi in here,
but no tech devices.

So if it's a robbery,
did they find anything

on those two kids who were
trying to break in? No. Not yet.

Sir, I just put the alert on the
victim's credit-card accounts.

They'll notify us
if there's any activity.

Good. Kendall?

Full rigor, so I'd say
he's been dead a good 12 hours.

12 hours?

Those kids didn't kill this guy

and then just
hang around here all night.

So, if those boys didn't do it,

does that mean
this is an open investigation?

I'm only asking because
my sister and I

are supposed to
go Christmas shopping today.

And my family just arrived
two hours ago because...

Look, I know
that we were scheduled

to take this week off
for the holidays.

Now, don't blame me
because we have a victim.

Blame Flynn.

All right, what else, Kendall?

Kendall: He took a bad hit
to the midsection,

and there's some
blunt-force trauma to the head.

But the cord around his neck
strangled him to death.

Sir, no forced entry
before Lieutenant Flynn.

Our victim
may have known his attacker.

He probably even
offered him a beer.

[ Tab pops ]

That's when the killer
hit Massey in the head.

With the toaster, most likely.

See that nice dent
in the side there?

[ Clang, thud ]

They fought, broke the table.

[ Crack]

Then the killer wrapped the cord
around Massey's neck,

pulled tight,

then has Massey climbing
the wall, struggling for air.

That's when
he kicked the window out.

So the killer had to be
strong enough to lift him off...

Wait a sec.
I just thought of something.

Hey, this is
the crime scene for sure,

but the murder happened
somewhere else. What?

Massey kicked out this window
during the struggle.

There's no glass on the ground.

Whoever killed and robbed him
drove the R.V. here.

All right,
let me call my family

and tell them they're gonna have to
take care of themselves for a bit.

Hey, lieutenant,
someone just swiped

one of the victim's credit cards
at the Target in Westwood.

Store security
is holding him for us.

At least someone's getting
their holiday shopping done.

Patrol pulled this bag from the
suspect's car when they arrested him,

and it has a video camera,
two watches, phone,

a wallet
belonging to Vince Massey,

oh, and a small wrapped gift...

- Contents unknown.
- Ho ho ho.

- Suspect's ready, ma'am.
- You see? Easy.

We talk to this guy and wrap
this thing up nice and quick.

And no one has to cancel
their Christmas plans.

We arrest a wacko homeless guy,
and happy holidays.

- Where's Massey's laptop?
- What laptop?

Andy, your crime report
says that

there was wi-fi
in the R.V.,

and Massey
had a laptop charger.

Well, maybe the killer
already pawned it.

We'll ask him.

This video camera's empty.

Is there a memory card
in there?


Alex: That bag
and everything in it...

Everything was in a dumpster.

Oh, yeah? Lucky you.
And where was that dumpster?

- In Brentwood.
- Can you be more specific?

Uh, behind La Villa.
It's a restaurant.

Is my wife
gonna find out about this?

Because I don't want her
to think that I, uh...

Find out about what,
Mr. Bennett?

I was in the dumpster
looking for food.

I used to manage La Villa.

We threw away decent stuff
all the time,

bagged to keep the rats away.


I got fired a few months ago,

and I haven't been able to
find a job since, okay?

Hey, Sanchez,
what did this guy buy at Target?

An electric train set, sir.

And we've got two little boys.

I only used that credit card
to buy them one thing

so they'd have something
to open from Santa.

Buzz: Oh, my God,
I didn't think it was possible,

but Christmas
just got more depressing.

I think the killer ditched
this stuff in the dumpster

to make it look like a robbery,

and this guy's just
having another bad day.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Was that
alert on Massey's phone?


Excuse us, Mr. Bennett,

Tao: Victim got a text.
Someone named "Hunt."

It says, "Waiting at terminal 8.
Where are you?"

I'm going through his contacts,
see if I can find

a picture we can use
to I.D. him.

- Bingo. This is Hunt.
- Great.

Julio and Amy,
will you pick him up at LAX?

Text him along the way
and make sure

- he knows someone's coming.
- Yes, ma'am.

Mike, the dumpster diver

was trying to
buy a train set for his kids

with the victim's stolen
credit card that he found.

Charge another one to my card,
if you would,

and make sure he gets it
before we send him on his way.

Sharon: Uh, Dr. Joe, uh, Rusty
should be back any minute.

In the meantime, why don't you
take a seat in my office?

And how much better
would you say

things are going with Rusty?

Oh... very.

Anything I should know?

Oh. Well, I think, after tomorrow,
I can write my evaluation.

No, no. I mean...
Oh, no, that's...

That's good.

Has Rusty said anything

about which you think
that I should be informed?

Oh. I see. I see.

Are you asking me to
set aside privilege

as the officer
in charge of the boy's security,

or as his legal guardian?

As the officer in charge.

Oh. Well,
that's fairly easy.

Just put your case for breaking

my confidentiality agreement
with Rusty before a judge.

And as soon as
he gives me the okay,

I'll tell you
anything you want.

How about
as the legal guardian?

Even easier.


Just ask Rusty to
write me a note stating that

he's okay if I share
our conversations with you.

Dr. Joe,
I was hoping, uh,

for a more, uh,
informal arrangement

which would allow me
some sort of window

into what Rusty
is thinking right now.

Well, that option's
on the table, too,

but it's
a little old-fashioned.

good with me.

All right, then, um,

what if
you just ask Rusty yourself,

"Hey, how's it going
with Dr. Joe?"

Or words to that effect
and see how he answers?

Excuse me, I should go...
I don't want Rusty

getting the wrong idea about
what we're saying in here.


[ Door closes ]

- What was that about?
- Oh, nothing.

- Your mother was just asking me about...
- What?!

Sharon is not my mother.

Oh. Sorry.

I-I didn't mean to upset you.
I was only...

Wait a minute.
Calling her my mother...

That's some sort of
shrink trick, isn't it?

Is it?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're trying to, uh...

What is it?

You know how important
my mother is to me,

and now you're trying to
minimize her to make me mad.


- No. But you're close.
- I thought today

we were supposed to be talking about
these threats against my life.

So why are you trying to
upset me over my mom again?

Sanchez: He's the victim's
son... Hunt Massey.

He says he was meeting his father
here for the holidays, ma'am.

What did you tell him?

That we were looking for his father,
and maybe he could help us.

Seem like a big coincidence
to anyone else?

Son just happens to
arrive in L.A.

The morning after
his father's murdered?

- Where did he fly in from?
- San Jose.

That's five hours by car... he
could have driven in yesterday,

killed his dad, and still made it
back in time to catch his flight.

See, we arrest the guy,

then we can all get back
to our Christmas vacations.

Let's get his story first,

and let's pull up
his financial records

and see if he used his
credit card in L.A. last night.

Sykes: Hi, Mr. Massey.
We appreciate your patience.

We're gonna
ask you some questions now.

What do you do in San Jose,
Mr. Massey?

Hunt: Physical therapy. I
specialize in sports injuries.

Apple doesn't fall far.

It falls far enough.

Any luck in finding my dad?

Sir, we're hoping you might provide
information that can help us.

- I mean, if there's anything, sir...
- I-I don't even know him that well, really.

He's been on the road
for years,

and he wasn't so reliable
when he was home, either.

In fact, the first thing I thought today
when he wasn't there to pick me up...

[ Chuckles ]
was, "Typical."

What's the reason
for your visit?

I just went through
a divorce myself.

My ex has our son till January.

Guess you could say, now I know

how the shoe feels
on the other foot.

Thought I'd spend
the holidays with my dad

since we're both
a little on our own now.

It's one horrible Christmas
story after another.

we found an ATM withdrawal

made to Hunt Massey's
checking account last night

at 8:17 P.M. in San Jose.

Well, assuming he's the one
who made the withdrawal,

that's a pretty tight alibi.

We're getting security footage
to confirm.

Okay, Buzz,
check your e-mail.

I gave the bank your address.

- Okay.
- In your recent conversations with him,

did he mention any new friends or
acquaintances he'd made?

Here it is.

No. He pretty much just keeps to himself.
Looks like the same guy.

So he's not our killer.

- Buzz?
- Right.

[ Beep ] Buzz: Detective
Sykes, happy holidays.

You can make
the notification now. Sorry.

[ Sighs ]

Mr. Massey,
first, I want to apologize.

We needed to confirm
your whereabouts last night

before we could
tell you what happened.

My whereabouts?

What does that have to do
with finding my dad?

We have some bad news, sir.

Your father...

was found murdered
inside his R.V.


Oh, my God.

- Sir, we needed to rule you out so that we
- And... and you thought I killed him?

This is unbelievable!

I rode in the back of that car
with you for half an hour.

You didn't say a damn word
about my dad being dead!

I understand this is difficult.
I'm sorry.

I got to go. I got to
talk to my mom and my sister.

Sir, we recovered several items

that were stolen
from your dad's R.V.,

and we have some questions...

And I know this is hard,
but if we are gonna

find the person who hurt your
father, we still need your help.

Will you help us?

Sharon: Your father's computer
is missing.

We figured whoever it was
that attacked him kept it.

Could there be anything on there that
the killer didn't want us to find?

I-I don't know.

I also noticed there's no
memory card in the video camera.

Any chance he could have
sent them back to St. Louis?

No, no.
He uploaded them. Always.

I know this because
I helped him set up

his Cloudsaver Account online.

[ Chuckles ] That was
a 40-minute phone call.

[ Chuckles ]

Anyway, uh, he takes the video
of the kids he's scouting,

and he uploads it to Cloudsaver

so his bosses in Missouri
stay synched up with him.

Are you able to
access that account?

As long as he didn't change
his screen name or password.

Try Vin underscore Massey.

it's my middle name, Garrett.

Two t's.

Ah! Okay, we're in.

- Buzz, can you do a thing?
- What do you want to see?

Yeah, go to the last thing
he had open on the site.

This is from yesterday
at 8:15 A.M.

Woman: - It's time!
Vince: - All right, guys, come on out.

- Merry Christmas.
- Look at the red one.

Yeah, look what Santa brought.

That's my sister and me.

[ Wrapper rustling ]

Hunt: Mom!
You're welcome.

Hunt, look in the tree.

Could you turn that off,

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Buzz, why don't you look at the
files from the date created

and go from
the last one of those?

Yeah, that's...
That's a good idea.

[ Indistinct shouting ] Yeah,
that's the game he was scouting.

Yeah, that...
that's what you want.

Oh, wait.
There's a marker on the film.

He highlighted... this.

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Man: Strike!


Man ♪2: Come on, now!
Get your head in the game!

Let's go!

Let's go!

All right, switch it up now.

Go. Go, baby.

Vince: Whoa. The kid's
pitching with both arms.

Man: Strike!

Fowler: My son's over there.
What are you doing?

Vince: I'm actually
taping all the players,

- so why don't you go back to the stands?
- That's my dad's voice.

Bullshit, you said this
was gonna be about my son,

and I see you
watching that other kid.

You're blowing off my son
for a switch pitcher?

Hey, you need to stay away
from me. I'm not kidding.

Where you going? I'm talking
to you. What are you doing?

This is the way you treat people?
I told you, stay away from me.

Sir, if you touch me again, I'm
calling the cops. Understand?

Here's what I understand,

We delayed our vacation
an extra week

- to play in this special exhibition game.
- Buzz, please stop.

- Now go back.
- Okay. Where?

I saw it, too.

After the camera
goes upside down,

- when he walked away.
- Um...

Uh, there.

- Can you flip the image?
- Sure.

Andy, is that
the victim's R.V.?

It is.

This is where
the argument happened.

And the crime scene
was up here.

Hey, guys, over here.

We got glass and lots of it.

Flynn: From the broken
R.V. Window.

So this is where
Massey was killed.

But why drive the R.V.
to the beach?

Maybe the angry dad
from the ballgame can tell us.

You know, you don't have to

go to all this trouble
for me, Sharon.

Don't you like Christmas?

Well, until you,

I never really
thought about it much.


You do seem a little down.

Is everything okay
with Dr. Joe?

Of course, you don't have to
tell me anything

if you don't want to.

I've been
talking about my mom a lot.

I don't know. I just...

I feel guilty
she's out there somewhere,

and I'm...
Here in this nice place

with a tree and...


Don't get me wrong, Sharon,

because you're... you're really
important to me. I just...

I-I also love my mom.

I understand.
I have two kids.

I love them both equally,

and if it turns out that
I have part of a third...

I'll love him, too.

I'm really sorry that your mom

isn't able to share
in any of this with you.


Well, I don't know how much
she'd really appreciate it.


God, you got
a lot of angel ornaments.

Oh, you can never
have too many angels.

Okay, where are we?

Bring me up to speed,

Flynn: Angry dad's name
is Craig Fowler,

known to have a temper,
the kind of aggressive asshole

who yells at his kid and
argues with all the umps.

Sounds like a prize parent.

Yeah, we had him brought in.
Got here about 10 minutes ago.

Told him a complaint had been

filed against him
after the game.

Fowler: Sometimes
I take it a little too far.

Other parents, they don't like
it when I yell at the games.

But I'm competitive.
What can I say?

It's really not worth
all this attention.

Ah, humor us.
Holidays are slow this year.

Mr. Fowler, you know who
Vince Massey is, correct?

Yeah, of course.
He's, uh, the baseball scout.

Tell us about the argument
you had with him.

What argument?
Mr. Fowler, we have video

of you physically assaulting
Mr. Massey.

Oh, come on.
I pushed him once.

Is he the one
who made this complaint?

Well, he's the reason
you're here.

What happened?

Massey called me last week.

Said he wanted to
come to this game...

The one two days ago...
to watch my son Jason play.

I said, "Great."

Only problem was
Jason's out of school,

and we had plans to visit
my wife's family in Wisconsin.

- So you canceled your trip?
- Of course.

You can have a seat right here.

You don't turn your back
on an opportunity like that.

Why is it so important
Massey see your son now?

Jason graduated
from high school early.

He's off to college in January.

Once he's there, pro scouts
aren't allowed to talk to him.

If a scout like Massey thinks Jason
is good enough, which he is,

they'll sign him
to a holding deal so he could

have a place on the team
after he gets his degree.

What happened at the game?

So, Massey was there, right?

And Jason, he's doing great.

He's got four hits, two runs.

But almost from the start,
I could tell

Massey's got his eye
on this other kid, Reed.

He's a switch pitcher
on the team.

And, all right, I admit, it's not
something you see every day.

But this kid Reed isn't anything special.
Sanchez: Reed Downy. That must be him.

Any idea why your father
may have been so interested

in the boy
this guy is talking about?

Well, now that I think about it,
that pitcher

didn't seem any great
shakes to me, either.

Mm-hmm. Can I look
at cloudsaver again?

You want me to go back
to the marker where Massey

started focusing on the
pitcher specifically? Yeah.

I was looking out for my son.

- No big deal.
Provenza: - Mr. Fowler,

Vince Massey was found murdered
yesterday morning.


So, actually,
it's a very big deal.

You're serious?

And you think that I...

That's why I'm here?

[ Laughs ] Come on.

We had a little altercation

at a baseball game...
That's it.

[ Computer beeps ]

Dead, huh? Wow.

There you go.

Is that Reed
in the number 9 Jersey?

Team website
says it's Reed Downy's

first year with the Rockets.

The rest of his information
is blank.

Maybe he throws better
with his left.

Did my dad have any notes?

No, it's kind of weird...
Your dad has pages of stats

on three of the other players
on the Rockets

but nothing on Reed Downy.

So if he wasn't impressed with his
game, why was he filming him?

There's some serious age
restrictions in a league like this.

Maybe my dad thought
Reed was too old.

And there's something
about this kid, though.


Well, the team posts birth
certificates on the website.

I'm checking out Reed's
reference number right now.

Flynn: You really think your
dad could have been murdered

because he found out that
this Reed boy was over-age?

I don't know why
people kill each other.

Your father also had
screen grabs of Reed, too,

tucked them in an untitled
folder on cloudsaver.

Sharon: Can you think of any
reason he would have kept those?

I can, ma'am.
Reed's birth certificate.

The reference number is a fake.

Well, that's confusing.

Let's see if Reed,

or whoever he is,
can explain it.

Sure, I'll explain it.
What do you want to know?

Can you tell me about
the game you played

the day before yesterday?

- Did you win?
- Mm-hmm.

Did you do go out anywhere
to celebrate afterwards?

We went and got pizza.
It's what we always do.

Why do you care?

How old are you, Reed?

[ Knock on door ]

Your dad's on his way.

[ Door closes ]

Should be here within the hour.

You hungry?

You're welcome.

Here we go!

[ Computer beeps ] Whoa!

Reed Downy's print belongs
to a kid who went missing

in Joplin, Missouri,
nine years ago.

Oh, my God. I-I knew there was
something about him.

I'm from Joplin.
I remember this kid. Rory...

Yeah. Rory Brooks.
Right. Right. Rory br...

H-he went missing
with his father, I think.

Says here
it was a custody abduction.

So he was kidnapped
by his dad? Is that it?

I'll call Joplin
and get their case files.

Hunt: We all
went to the same church.

I remember my dad helped
organize a fundraiser

for Rory when he disappeared.

I can't believe this is him.

Sykes: Article
in the local paper says

Rory and his father, mark,
went missing

on June 12, 2004.

Oh, and four days later,

their car was found abandoned
at the Mexican border.

- Any pictures of them in that article?
- Already printing them up.

Mr. Massey, I think
your father recognized this boy,

and that's why he was
filming him so closely.

Detective Sanchez,
when is Reed's father arriving?

Flynn: Should be
any minute now.

Could be that we get
a few days vacation after all.

[ Sighs ]
Never gonna solve this.

I should have bought those
kites when I had the chance.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Can I help you, sir?

I'm here to pick up my son,

Reed Downy?

Mr. Downy, this way.

You're right.

We're never gonna solve this.

[ Sighs ]

Dr. Joe: All right, while you're
thinking about your next move,

why don't we finish up with my
questions about your mother?


Um, tell me this.

What does my mom
have to do with

how qualified I am
to be in a police operation?

Because I want to talk about
the threats against my life.

Okay, but you don't seem to be
taking those threats seriously.

And this relates to my mom how?

Oh, I thought you didn't want to
talk about your mom anymore,

and now you're bringing her up.

Okay, that... see.
That is bullshit, Dr. Joe.

You are the one who keeps
bringing up my mother, not me.

What is the point of going
through all of that again?

Why do you keep
pushing her on me? Why?

- All right, you're mad.
- Yeah.

That's good.
Stay mad at me

and tell me what

the last few years of living
with your mom were like.

Well, they were
pretty terrible, Dr. Joe.

What else do you need to hear?

But terrible
with your mom... how?

Uh, terrible because
I never knew who

she was going to be when
she walked through the door.

Terrible because
she'd be sober for a few days,

but then she'd be so high that

she'd mistake me for somebody
she had broken up with

and kick me out of
wherever we were staying.

Terrible because, half the time,
the guys that she was with were...

[ Breathing shakily ]

They were dangerous, okay?

And suddenly we'd be running
from one town to the next,

and I never knew what was gonna
be coming at me or from where.

And... and... and I don't want
to talk about my mom anymore!

I want to talk about
these threats against my life!

Oh, excuse me.
I thought you were.

Because that sounds like a really,
really scary way to grow up,

don't you think?

[ Knock on wall ] Sorry to
interrupt the two of you,

but there's an issue
with this case

and, Dr. Joe,
I'd like your input.

You mind if we take a minute?

[ Breathes deeply ]

Tao: Joplin says their entire
case is based on the assumption

that the father
abducted his son.

Yes, but this man here
is not his father.

Sharon: If he was kidnapped
as a child,

could he truly think of himself
as this man's son?

Dr. Joe: Given what you've
told me, given what I've read,

living with the same determined
adult from the age of 6,

the short answer's yes,

especially if the man
was a decent father.

But the boy should still
have memories somewhere.

Would it be harmful
to push him for them?

When a child loses his parents,

he's gonna have trouble,
no matter what.

Do you have a picture
of this kid as a child?

- Mm-hmm.
- Show that to him.

Call him by his real name
and ask about his mother.

You'd be surprised
how effective that can be.

Do you recognize this boy?

His name is Rory Brooks.

Do you remember that name?

Do you remember your mother
calling you that name?

I don't have a mother.

Sure, you do.
She's right here.

My mother threw me out, okay?

She didn't want me.
My dad took care of me.

He's not your dad, Rory.
This is your dad.

No. Not anymore.

And don't...
don't call me Rory.

It's not my name.

My dad saved me.

What makes you think that
your mother didn't want you?

Since the day you disappeared,

she never stopped
looking for you.

She's looking for you
right now.

You're lying.

She disappeared on me!

She abandoned me!

No, she didn't.

Your mother created this
on June 15, 2004,

three days after
you went missing.

She still pays
to keep the hotline alive.

She continues to
post letters to you

at least once a month.

This... this isn't real.

She only has this up
to protect herself.

She thinks I'm dead.
[ Sighs ] She does.

The suspect really
did a number on this kid.

She thinks I'm dead.
She thinks...

It isn't real.

[ Voice breaking ]
I don't believe it.

I spoke to your mom
this morning.

She caught a flight
from Joplin.

She'll be here this afternoon.

I don't believe it.

Where's my father?

Where's my birth dad?!
My biological father!

If all of this is true...

Where is he?

He disappeared from Joplin
the same night you did.

I didn't disappear.

So you do remember that night?

Do you remember what happened?

Where was your dad?

Where was your mom?

[ Telephone ringing ]

[ Receiver clicks ]

[ Squeak! ] Don't go up there.
It's dark.

[ Whoosh! ]

Hey, bud, turn that off.

Get some shoes on. We're
gonna go for a ride. Okay.

[ Thunder rumbles ] Rory: It felt
like we drove around for a while.

I got tired
and laid down in the back.

I must have fallen asleep
'cause the next thing I know,

I, uh... heard a noise...

A loud clap.

[ Clap ] [ Thud ]


That's what woke me up.


[ Man grunting ]

[ Metal creaking ]

[ Trunk closes ]

[ Car door closes ]

Dad, what's going on?

Luke, what are you doing here?

Sharon: Luke Dalton...
that's your name, right?

This is a missing-persons report
from Tulsa, Oklahoma,

filed by a Mabel Dalton
on August 14, 2004.

- I'm assuming that's your mother?
- Captain, why don't we focus the discussion

on matters that occurred within the
state of California?

Of course, right after I establish
who your client actually is.

Rory's mother, Cassy,

will be arriving at LAX
within the hour.

I understand that
she knew your client

very well, and probably
would recognize Luke,

even now, nine years later.

I haven't gone by Luke
in a long time.

I'm guessing you changed it

right after you murdered Mark
Brooks and kidnapped his son.

Whoa, lieutenant,
these accusations

are out of your jurisdictional
authority and...

And directly related
to the murder of Vince Massey.

We know what you've done,
Mr. Dalton.

We just need you to say it.

And if you do,
then the D.A. has agreed

- to take death off the table.
- What?

First, we don't admit to
the murder at all.

And this is not
a death-penalty case.

There's no evidence
the killer was lying in wait.

No evidence at all
that suggests...

Life is the deal that
we are offering, Mr. Jennings,

and that is only provided
your client tells us

how he killed Vince Massey.

If you really care about Rory,

now would be
the time to show it.

Provenza: He is about to be
reunited with his mother,

and I assure you they will
not hang around here long.


I... I'd like
a little time with Reed.

Oh, well, maybe he'll
stop by your prison

when we extradite you
to Missouri.

- Goodbye, Luke.
- Wait, wait, wait!


Look, this was all...

A big... accident.

What do you mean?

I never planned
on taking the kid with me.

I had an affair
with his mom, Cassy,

while his father was in Iraq,

and I got
pretty close with Rory.

Then his father, Mark,
came home from overseas,

and Cassy said we were done.

I got angry, left town.

But Mark had issues, you know?

Crap he took out on his family.

And Cassy
sent me an e-mail,

said she was
scared of him again.

So, one night when
I knew she was at work,

I drove back to Joplin,
called Mark up,

tricked him into meeting me.

I was only trying to make sure
he never hurt anyone again.

I didn't know Rory was with him
until... afterwards...

When I got in his car.

The kid popped up
in the backseat,

and he knew me.

You understand?

I kind of changed my plans
after that.

I headed for Mexico
with the kid,

left Mark's car at the border.

What did you tell Rory?

I said his parents ran off
and weren't coming back.

I just kept repeating

that I was the only person
he could trust

every day
until it was in his bones.

Look, after what I did
to his father,

I had two choices...
kill Reed or take him with me.

I chose to take him with me.

I chose to take him.

So you go to Mexico,
change identities,

spend the next nine years
as someone else.

Okay, what happened
at the baseball game?

I saw Massey filming Rory
with that camera.

After the game,
he came up to me,

asked if
we had family in Joplin.

He said my son reminded him
of another kid he'd known...

a little boy who threw
with both arms.

And how did you
break into Massey's R.V.?

I sent Rory off
to get pizza with his team.

After he left,
I knocked on Massey's door,

asked if he remembered
the name of that kid in Joplin

or if he had a picture of him.

And he said, "Yes."

And then?

He invited me in
to see the photographs,

got me a beer.

And when he turned around
to get another one,

I hit him over the head
with something.

Then I wrapped a cord
around his neck

and pulled.

But he was gonna report me.
I could tell.

He was going to report me.

Why did you
dump his belongings?

I knew I couldn't
leave his computer,

- so I figured I'd make things look
like a robbery. - So that's it?

Except for putting him away
for life without parole.

Grabbed a bunch of his stuff,
tossed it in a dumpster.

Or I could
ignore the L.A.P.D.

And have him
extradited to Missouri.

Do you want to go through
the years of trials and appeals

- required to put him to death?
- Can I see my son now?

And have Rory on the witness
stand for the next decade

talking about how his dad died?

Or do we end it here?

It was evidence,
so we had to open it,

but I think your dad
meant it for you.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

So, how long does this
allocution process take?

If we find the body of Rory's
father where he said it was,

two days from now, Luke Dalton
will tell his story in court.

He will go to prison
until the day he dies.

And the state will arrange to
release your father's R.V. to you.

[ Clears throat ]

Mrs. Brooks,
I'm Lieutenant Provenza.

We spoke on the phone.

Please call me Cassy.
Is he here?

Yes, ma'am.
Right this way.

Rusty: What about
that stuff about my mother?

I-I mean, it felt like
I was judging her.

No, no, I don't think
you were doing that at all.

It's hard to know how to take
these threats against your life.

Sometimes we unconsciously
confuse what scares us now

with the things
that frightened us as kids,

so I think you were...

maybe storing some of your
anxiety in a familiar place.

That's it.

Is that bad?
I-I mean...

How do you think I'm doing?

I think...

you have a lot
on your plate right now,

and we're not even looking
at the whole plate, are we?

One last question.

Walk me out.

The last question?

If your mom came back today,

would you get in a car
and drive off with her...

Or would you stay
where you are with Sharon?

I don't know anymore.

I-I don't know.

Interesting. Okay.

Well, that's good, I think.

That's good.

Oh. Are you done?

Yes. I'll have my evaluation in
to Chief Taylor next Monday.

But if he ever wants to call me,
I'm back after Christmas.

And I'd love to hear from you,
Rusty. I would.

Thank you, Dr. Joe.


Why don't you hang onto this?

You may want it.

Oh, it's a hell of a thing...

reunited with his mom
after all this time apart.

Wonder what's going through
the kid's mind right now, huh?

It's impossible to say.