Major Crimes (2012–2018): Season 2, Episode 11 - Poster Boy - full transcript

A failed wannabe reality star goes on a killing spree, and Rusty receives another letter right before the end of his summer break.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Major Crimes 02x11
Poster Boy
Originally Aired August 19, 2013




Man: Joe, I'm calling
your landline,

so you know I'm worried.

Come on, Joe.
Pick up.

When the victim, Joe Fox,

missed a Skype conference with
the east coast this morning,

his business partner came over

and found the body tortured
with bleach,

mutilated, and shut up
in the bathroom down the hall.


'Cause it smells like
it's here in the room.

was left on.

It circulates the odor.

Is that gonna be
a problem for you?


I'm just observing how horrible
it smells in here.

That's all.

[ Chuckles ]
[ Police radio chatter ]

[ Clears throat ]

Rios, just sit here
on the couch.

Buzz, let me film the body.

It's my job.

Trust me... it's nothing
you need to see.

Grab your extra camera
and meet me in the garage.

Good Lord.

What the hell is that?

Could be the Bible, sir.

Psalms 46:10...

"Be still
and know that I am God."

Yeah, well...

Message received.
[ Sighs ]

Body's out of rigor

with skin blisters
barely forming.

Today's Monday.

Dead since Friday, maybe.

Three days?
Smells like at least a week.

Sykes said something
about torture with bleach.


Right eyelid
is completely eaten away.

Victim runs to the shower
to try to rinse the bleach off,

gets hit from behind,
winds up in the tub.

Look at this.

He tried to cut
the guy's head off?

He gets halfway through,
drops the knife in the tub,

and walks away,
like he gave up.

Yeah, or something
interrupted him.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Flesh tearing ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Oh, hey, grandma.

[ Breathing heavily ]


Yeah, I just got back
from a run.

[ Laughs ] Got to stay fit.

Hey, I was, uh...
I was going to call you

and tell you about my, uh...

My potential new roommate.

You'd like him.

Uh, Caitlin?

No, no, her place
was so small, grandma.


Yeah, I didn't want to
be in her way.

But packing up
and moving stuff is a drag.


Joe's place... is bigger.

Uh, he likes video games,

so... that's good.

[ Laughs ]

Well, I need to go
grocery shopping,

because Joe doesn't eat anything
that hasn't been frozen first.

Oh, no, don't send me
any money, grandma.

Grandma, you already gave me
a car and a cellphone.

No, I'm doing great.

Either this guy
knows we can't I.D. him

or he wants to get caught.

I've counted
at least six good prints

between here and the bathroom.

Make that seven.


Killer made a snack
after the murder?

Yeah, but this box
was in the bottom of the pile.

All this other stuff
was on top.

So he hangs out here
all weekend

with a dead body in the tub,

I'm telling you,
this guy is a total...

- Nut job?
- Uh-huh.

Sykes: Lieutenant.

There's a second bathroom.

Victim have a roommate?

Not according to
the business partner.

Smell that?
[ Sniffs ]

Yeah, more bleach.

Now, why would he have...?

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

[ Liquid splashes ]

[ Exhales deeply ]

I can't believe I have to
try to look like you

when I'm twice as hot.


Nobody said life was fair.

Right, Joe?

Thank God you have nice clothes.

Our killer
changed his appearance.

He leaves
his fingerprints everywhere

but still needs a disguise?

You want to hear
something weird?

At this point, no.

The car in the garage is not
registered to the victim.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Joe Fox drives an Audi S.U.V.,
but it's not here.

This car belongs
to a guy in Ohio,

so I have calls in
to Akron P.D.


Flynn: Buzz.


That smells way too familiar.

Dried blood on the inside
of the trunk, lieutenant.




Good news.

Talked to Joe.

He said it was cool
for you to stay.

[ Thud ]

Hey. Have you lost weight?

[ Beethoven's
"Fur Elise" plays ]

Come on.

[ Grunts ]

Hope you don't mind the couch...

[ Grunts ] [ Thud ]

Even though you
kicked me off yours.



Sleep tight, princess.

[ Music intensifies ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Police radio chatter ]

[ Music continues ]

Tao, Sanchez.

What happened?

Better stand up.


Ah, sofa folds out.

Provenza: Oh!

Explains the smell.

Do not... scream.

[ Whimpers ]

[ Sleeping bag unzips ]

Okay, let's have a look.

[ Gags ]

She died at least a week ago.

Mr. Fox here probably
passed away only last Friday.

[ Camera shutter clicking ] We need to I.D.
the woman, doctor.

Uh-huh, well, her skin
looks like a waffle

from the mattress Springs,
and it's adhering to the fabric,

so I don't know
about prints yet.

Hey, captain.

I have Akron P.D.
on the line.

They're at the house
of the Ohio guy

who owns the vehicle that
we found at the crime scene.

What do you want them to do?

Let's keep it all about the car
for the moment.

Don't mention the murders.
This body is old.

This "Ohio guy" could be
who we're looking for.

Captain, our Jane Doe's
quite bloated.

I can't match her up
on Joe Fox's Facebook page,

but he's got over 500 friends,

lots of pretty women,
and quite a few men.

Relationship status...

I guess it's gonna
stay that way.

[ Sighs ]

I can say three things
for sure...

She's dead, she's in her 20s,

and she was stabbed
multiple times.

Plus, I think I could
get her prints.

How soon?

Well, after I remove her hands

and I soak them
in a salt solution,

it'll take a little while...
Two, three days, maybe.

Hold on. Hold on.

Okay, captain,

I may have an I.D.
on our female victim.

The guy in Ohio says that
he and his wife gave the car

to their daughter,
Caitlin Harvey,

to move out
to L.A. last year.

Oh! Oh!
Ask them for dental records.

Wait. No.
Don't alarm them.

We need to get Caitlin Harvey's
L.A. address first.

Yeah, one last thing...

Her parents say
that they've been

texting with Caitlin all week.

Today, even.

The killer has her cellphone.

Let's see if we can get
a warrant for that number

and have S.I.D. meet you at Caitlin
Harvey's apartment. [ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Engine turns over ]

Sanchez: L.A.P.D.!
We got a search warrant!

Sykes: Apartment's clear,

Buzz, why don't you
start in the kitchen?

I'll check out the bathroom.

Smells like he killed her
back there anyway.

Nut job likes pizza.

So now we have
two lived-in crime scenes.

And this one's older
than the last one.

Nut job has got us
going backwards!

[ Blows ]

I live right down the hall.

I told Bobby, the guy who was
staying with Caitlin,

that the smell was so bad
we should call the landlord.

Had to be some animal
dead in the wall.

Ma'am, did this Bobby
have a last name?

I don't know.

I met him the first time
a week ago in the laundry room.

Said he was
a friend of Caitlin's.

Flynn: Mm-hmm.
Can you describe Bobby for us?

Early 20s,
very good-looking,

brown hair, and his body was...
I don't know...


Ma'am, we need you
to describe him

to a sketch artist, please.


But I have a hard time believing
he did anything horrible.

I'm calling Caitlin's parents

to see if she had any friends
visiting her here in L.A.

Good... just make sure
they still understand

she's missing, not dead.

I do not want
this killer to know

we've found the bodies.


I'm not getting
any reception in here.

Let's go outside.

Any sign of a connection
between Joe and Caitlin?

Eh, they were both killed
in their bathroom.

Both of their cellphones
are missing.

Well, maybe Caitlin
had a boyfriend

who found out she was cheating
with Joe and went nuts.

Captain, found this
jammed into a crawl space.

[ Chuckles ]
Stabs one, clubs the other.

What's next on the hit parade?

Let's hope it's not a shooting.

This gun case we found
underneath Caitlin's bed...


Man: No, no, Joe didn't work out
the way I hoped, grandma.

He partied too much,
and he liked me...

[ Cylinder clicks ]

A little more than I did him.

[ Laughs ]
Yeah, that's no good.

But don't worry.
Don't worry, though.

I'll find a new roommate.

In fact, I have
five very good leads.

[ Dance music plays ]

Ladies' night, bro.
Back of the line.

Hey, big Mike.
He's with us.

Provenza: The killer's prints don't
appear in any criminal database,

but Tao's phone tree
has borne fruit.

There are zero numbers in common
between the two victims' cells,

but when I checked
Caitlin's landline,

I found a match.

Who belongs to that number?

High Crest Productions...
They do reality TV. I'm on hold.

They're checking for
the victims' names, ma'am.

This one's incoming.
This one's outgoing.

Right, High Crest called

Joe Fox's cellphone
Friday afternoon,

and then, an hour later,

someone called in to High Crest
using Caitlin's landline.

But it couldn't have
been Caitlin

because she was already dead.

Thanks. Uh, hang...
Hang on, hang on.

The... the people at High Crest
never heard of Caitlin,

but Joe Fox was a finalist
on one of their reality shows...

"Poster Boy."

Our victim, Joe Fox,
was gonna be on television?

Hey, captain... hold on.

Okay, Joe Fox's bank reports
a $400 withdrawal

by his ATM card
Friday at 10:18 P.M.,

which is around the approximate
time of his death.

I've got security video
on its way.

Detective Sanchez, get somebody
from "Poster Boy" down here.

If anyone other than Joe Fox
was making that withdrawal,

maybe they can tell us
who it was.

Uh, uh, uh, what the hell
is "Poster Boy"?

- They make you do all these interviews...
- Yeah.

But they only pick
like 20 guys.

So do they make you
take your shirt off?


Because that's
your secret weapon.

[ Both laugh ]

You don't think I'm too short?

Too short?!

Are you crazy?

You're perfect.

[ Chuckles ]

So, are you gonna be
on the show or not?

They called me Friday.

[ Laughs ] I knew it!

[ Laughs ]

Oh, can I... can I take
a picture of you?


So that I can at least say I knew you when?

You mean right here in bed?

Trust me.
It's a good look for you.

[ Shutter clicks ]

What are you doing?

Sending it to my friend...

A little photo brag.

Let me see it.

[ Sighs ]

Are you mad?

Just protecting my image,
that's all.

I gave up so much
to get here...

my job, my apartment,
my savings.

Just don't want to blow it now.

What the hell?

[ Chuckles ]


Send it.

Who cares anymore?

[ Laughs ]

Send it.

Do you recognize this man

as someone who may have
been involved in "Poster Boy"?

[ British accent ] I mean, other
than Joe Fox, I can't be sure.

Well, we think
that he may have changed

the color of his hair
to resemble Joe.

You know what? There's something
about the way he's dressed.

Hold on. I need to check
my casting website.

May I use
your computer, please?

Uh, sure.
Sit here.

Thank you.

Captain, how can you be certain
this isn't just Joe Fox

getting money
from his own account?

The bloody numbers
on Joe's bathroom door

turned out to be
his PIN code.

And we believe he was tortured
to give it up.

Ah! Okay, look!

This is a digital still
from Joe's audition.

I thought I'd seen
that shirt before.

Sharon: We know our suspect
stole some of Joe's clothes.

Now, I'm not exactly
an expert in men's wear,

but isn't that shirt
a little too big for him?

Definitely... I'm gonna look up
the rejects under 5'11".

You people have
a height requirement?

Well, modeling is pretty

you know what I mean?

Oh, Claire, what about
that one weirdo from Florida?

No, no, no.
That guy was already blond.

The one they want
wasn't blond when we saw him.

No, I'm telling you,
it's the nutter from Florida...

The one who did
the karate routine.

No, Bruce!
It's this guy.

Oh, yeah.
I remember him.

Cocky. Boring.

His name is Brandon North.

Okay, I think he was
from the midwest...

Maybe Pennsylvania.

No, Akron, Ohio,

and that's
the contact number he gave us.

That's Caitlin's landline.

Why would he leave Caitlin's
landline as a contact?

Oh, cell reception's
lousy at her place.

[ Telephone ringing,
police radio chatter ]

We need to release
his photo to the media.

He's out there.
He's possibly armed.

If we withhold this information
and he murders again...

Yeah, but these are
functional homicides.

He kills for food, money,
and shelter.

If someone can I.D. him,

he could start offing people
just to stay free.

You're forgetting the torture
and the mutilation.

What's functional about that?

No, he's
a public-safety issue.

But now that we know who he is,

we have a chance to locate him
and get ahead of him.

Best way to do that
is to put every citizen...

- in L.A. on the lookout.
- Uh... mm...

There's more than one
right answer here, captain.


[ Door opens, closes ]

This quick in and out to meet with his

former Chief of Staff
marks the President's...

- Rusty.
- Hey.

What are you doing up so early?

I-I couldn't sleep.

I-I thought you were
in your room this whole time.

Oh, no, I came back
for a change of clothes.

You gonna do anything special

on your second-to-last
day of freedom?


I figured I'd just
stay home, actually.

Hey, is this your case?

Yes, it is.

Woman: We're gonna roll
his audition tape now

so the public can get a sense
of his voice and mannerisms.

I've met every goal
I've ever set for myself.

Claire: Well, sure,
but there are some things

that none of us can change.

Mm. Sure, yeah.

Like, you say you're 5'11"?

Yeah, but because of
my long neck and torso,

i look taller, so...

Well, Brandon, uh,

those marks behind you
are measurements,

and you're barely 5'10".

Bruce: And just so you know,
the "Poster Boy" brand

is pretty athletic, so...

Oh, I... uh, I played football
all through high school,

and I-I can easily
put on muscle,

if that's what you need.
[ Chuckles ]

Oh, well, what Bruce
is trying to say, Brandon,

is that you're just too short,

and you're not quite
buff enough for our show.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm not buff?

[ Chuckles ] Really?

I mean...

I mean, really?

Have you people
looked at yourselves?

Wow. This guy's scary.

We have forensic psychologist
Dr. Kris Mohandie here

to talk with us about
what might drive someone

like Brandon North to allegedly
commit these murders.

Dr. Mohandie,
what... what is this?

This feels like a deliberate
act of humiliation.

Exactly. Good. If we could
speak to Brandon, he'd give us

another perspective... good?
This guy Brandon is a psycho.

Shh. Shh. Shh. ...The law-enforcement
community would love to hear.

Because right now,
all we know for sure

is that this young man
was treated unfairly

by the series producers...

It's not the show's fault
that he can't handle rejection.

Actually, Rusty,
Dr. Mohandie is helping us

try and talk to Brandon.

You can do that?

Yes, we can.

We need to try and reach Brandon
by every means possible,

although I hate that he gets
to see himself on TV.


Because if he's interested
in being famous,

and that is all
that he is interested in,

then he has accomplished
his goal by killing people,

and, so, he may
continue to do that.

Thank you very much.

And CNN will get
the names of the victims to you

as soon as authorities
make them available.

Woman: So you're trying to find
a new roommate online?

Yeah, so hard to know

if people are telling you
the truth, though.


You should just stay here
until you find something.

[ Water splashing ]

Thanks, Raquel.
That's nice of you.

Hey, we should go out
for some breakfast.

[ Chuckles ] Okay.

Where do you like to go?

There's this place on Fairfax,

and they have the most amazing
buckwheat pancakes.

Okay, but I'm, like,
only eating protein right now.

[ Laughs ]

Right. Mr. "Poster Boy."
[ Chuckles ]

We'll split one.
How's that?

[ Chuckles ] I'll be
like your food coach.

[ Laughs ]

Thanks for believing
in me... Raquel.

It means a lot.

[ Alert rings ]

That's my instant messaging.

I thought I turned it off
last night.

Oh, wait... I only turned it off
on my iPad, duh.

It's probably Sandy.

Turn it off
if she's bothering you.

She's fine.

[ Alert rings, water running ]

What's she saying?

Oh, she, uh...

She just wants to meet me.

I knew she'd go nuts

when she saw that picture
of you I sent.

You're so hot,
she probably exploded.

[ Brushing teeth ]

[ Alert rings ]

God, girl, get a grip.
I'm almost done in here.

What are you...?

[ Glass shatters ]
Brandon please!


[ Muffled screaming ]

Tao: First he searched
for his victim's names,

then he searched for himself.

That was two hours ago.

Two hours behind
is better than two days.

We're catching up.

Raquel's friend,
who called our tip line,

sent her this message

just before he looked up
his name.

Oh, my God.

We caused this murder.

That maniac caused
this murder, not us.

Kendall says
she was suffocated.

So he hasn't used his gun yet.

Probably too noisy.

She's got everything
in her purse...

I.D., credit cards, phone,
but no cash.

Tao: Maybe he's
running low on funds.

Hey, captain, victim's
parking spot was empty.

Her keys are gone.

I put an alert out
on her vehicle.

He's looking for
another place to stay,

which means another victim.

Taylor: But his face
is everywhere now.

No one's gonna take him in.

We need to find this boy
right now.

The only other person,
besides the L.A.P.D.,

who knows the names of all three
victims is Brandon North.

He's already searched
for the first two online.

If he searches
for the third one,

probably using
one of their stolen devices...

That's how we can catch him...

because he's hunting
all over the Internet

to see if we found his victims.

Let's serve warrants for every
search engine on the web.

I want I.P. addresses
and live access

to anyone looking for the names
Joe Fox, Caitlin Harvey,

and Raquel Newman, especially...
especially together.

What about
the victims' families?

We can't leave them
in the dark.

Captain, those three names are
going to get out to the public

sooner or later.
The ethical thing would be...

The ethical thing

would be to make sure
no one else dies.

We hold on to these names
as long as possible

because the only person
who can link them together

besides us is our murderer,

and this is the best way

to find him
before he kills again.

No searches
for Joe or Raquel yet,

but last week in
a public library in Glendale,

someone did a search
on Caitlin Harvey's name,

and then he searched for...

What is that?

It's an annual fashion show
for charity.

Top designers and models

from all over the world
donate their time...

happening tomorrow afternoon.

This is what he's saving
his gun for.

Buzz: Hey, h-hey, hey!

We've just been forwarded
a live search

for "Joe Fox +
Caitlin Harvey + Raquel Newman."

It's got to be him.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Lieutenant, do you have
a location?

He's somewhere in...

The Netherlands...
He's routing his device

through an offshore server.

Is that hard to do?

Not at all.

However, it does
indicate that...

He knows he's being watched.

But it's still him, look...

He's going back
to the fashion gala website.

Lieutenant Tao,
how long will it take

to work your way back through
the Netherlands' proxy server?

Tao: If he stays online
for another five minutes...

He just turned off
his wi-fi.

Oh, uh, excuse me.

D.D.A. Rios? Emma?


Kris Slater.

I'm friends with Rusty Beck.

Oh, right.

Kris. Hi.

What can I do for you?

There's something that
you need to know, and...

Oh, my God.

Are you all right?

No... no,
I'm not all right,

because, see, I swore
that I wouldn't tell anyone,

but if something
happened to him...

If something happened to who?

To Rusty.

In the past two months,

he's been getting
all these threatening letters

from some crazy person
who wants to kill him

and everybody he loves
because of the trial,

- and I just...
- Oh, no. Look.

I don't know
what Rusty's told you,

but he's only received
one letter,

and that was
a while back, actually.

No... no, no, no.
I saw them.

He showed them to me, and
there's like over 10 of them,

and he doesn't
want to tell you because...

Look, if you put him in
the witness-protection program,

he'll never
see his mother again,

and he will lose
everything that he has,

so please don't do that,
but you have to save him.



And could you tell me
where those letters are?

He can't know that I told you.

He will never hear it from me.

We found a search by someone

using the same
Netherlands I.P. address

looking for last year's
"Poster Boy" winner...

Carlo de Luca.

Do you think this de Luca
might be the target?

He is the only one
on the fashion event list

who embodies everything
that our suspect wants to be.

The least we can do

is to pull Carlo
out of the event

and try and keep him safe.

But discreetly.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Brandon North's grandmother

is being interviewed
on the national news.

Sykes, go ahead.

Get down to that fashion show
and find this Carlo.

- Captain.
- Yes?

There's something important
we need to discuss.

Unless you can find me
Brandon North right now,

it'll have to wait.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Brandon never hides
anything from me.

I gave him a phone,

and he calls me every
single day from California.

So he does have a phone.

Get Lorraine North's
number in Ohio

and all her call records

There's been
a terrible mix-up here.

Brandon's out there
in Hollywood

following his big dream.

But the truth is, in his heart,

he's really just a homebody.

Reporter: Mrs. North,
can you tell us

where Brandon's
been living in Los Angeles?

Does he have friends?
Is he staying with family?

I have grandma's number,

and I should have the number
Brandon's been using very soon.

Once we have that,
we can locate him?

If it's a cellphone
and it's turned on,

hopefully by tonight.


Brandon: This is complete
bullshit, Carlo!

You win "Poster Boy,"
you travel all over the world,

you get
an Abercrombie deal, even.

And this is what
you do with it?!

[ Laughs ]

[ Chair clatters ]

Where's the pool, Carlo?!

You're my last roommate,

and you don't even
have a freaking pool!

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Hey, grandma.

Wow, when did you learn
to use facetime?

Hi, Brandon, I'm Sharon Raydor

of the Los Angeles
Police Department.

W-what are you doing
with my grandma's phone?

Where is she?
Is she all right?

It's okay...
Your grandmother

let us place a call
through her number.

We have some important
information for you.

No, you're just trying
to keep me on the phone

so you can find me...
I'm hanging up.

Brandon, we are outside
Carlo's apartment right now,

so hanging up won't
do you any good.

We've already found you.
Here. Look.

[ Police radio chatter ]


Are you still there?

Still there, Brandon?


Yeah, I'm here.

Where else would I be?

First, I want you to know

that we found
Caitlin, Joe, and Raquel.

Yeah, that was, uh...

Raquel was a really nice girl.

That was a bad situation,
and I, uh...

I apo...
I-I'm sorry about that.

[ Sniffles ] Can...
can you tell her parents

I, um... I apologized?

Well, they'd rather
hear it from you.

[ Whimpers ] I doubt it.

I know you're upset.

A lot of people
mistreated you, Brandon.

Yeah, Joe...

Joe was at the interview
for "Poster Boy."

And he pretended
to be all nice to me.

He texts me when he gets
on the show to rub it in,

"let's go out and celebrate,"

like he didn't know
I hadn't made the cut.

What about Caitlin?

[ Chuckles ]


We went to
high school together.

She said I could stay with her.

But then the minute she hears
that I'm not on the show,

she's like, "Okay, Brandon,
you have to leave now."

And, man, I...


Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?


- Yeah, I'm here.
- Okay.

It sounds like a lot of people
have let you down.

But I can help you.

I don't see how.

I'll tell you how.

You are famous now.

And, you know, the world works
a little bit differently

for famous people.

You can't turn on the news
without seeing your face.

And people want
to know everything...

everything about you.

Hey, do you have
any news cameras

out there with you right now?

T-the news cameras?

Yeah, out there.

Just a second, okay?
Don't go away. Hold on.

You still there?

Okay, hold on a second,

Hold on. Okay. Now...

And you are live, Brandon.
Go ahead.


First, grandma,
if you're watching,

um, I appreciate all the help
you gave me to come out here.

Mom and dad treated me
like I was invisible,

but you always believed in me,

even when other people
thought I was crazy.

Hey, Brandon.

Brandon? Hey.
Brandon? You there?


I am really sorry,
but the network...

You there?
Hello? Brandon?

There you are.

Okay, listen, I'm so sorry,

but the network says
that this interview

would be so much more powerful

if you would just come outside

and you would
finish it in person.

Just you.

Could you do that?

No, that's okay.

I'm pretty much done.

Well, Brandon, hold on.

Can I just sleep here
for one night?

Why do you want to
do that, Brandon?

- I'm so tired.
Sharon: - Why?

I'm... I'm ti...

You know, Carlo and me
were gonna be friends.

[ Sniffles ]

That was a big goal of mine,

especially after
I got cut from the show.

Brandon, Carlo is right here

and he would really
love to meet you

and he is standing by...

Hi, Carlo.

Do you want to come out
and meet him in person?

All you have to do, Brandon...

all you have to do
is put your gun down

and come slowly
out onto the porch

with your arms raised.

Oh, I don't have a gun.

I don't even like guns.

Oh, well,
that's... that's good.

Brandon, what's going on?

Hello? Brandon?

Tell Carlo I'm sorry
I broke his chair, okay?

I have
a funny temper sometimes.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm just passionate
about what I want, I guess.


[ Laughs ]

But you know what?

You have to be passionate to be
famous in Hollywood, right?

Yes. That is right.

And if you really
want to meet Carlo, Brandon,

all you got to do...

is come on out.

Tell Carlo I expect
we'll end up in the same place.


No, Brandon.
Don't hang up.

No! Brandon!
[ Gunshot ]

Go! Go!

L.A.P.D.! L.A.P.D.!

Brandon, can you hear me?!

Can you hear me?

It's all over, guys.
You can stand down.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Flynn, we're coming in.

Copy that.

Lieutenants, this is Carlo.

Hello, Carlo.

Hey. What's going on?

Getting rid of
the worst house guest ever.

Mom and dad treated me
like I was invisible, but...

you always believed in me

even when other people
thought I was crazy.

I made him think
he was on television.

I gave him something he wanted

without getting something
in return.

But on the plus side,
none of us got hurt,

and you spared
the victims' families

from a long and nasty trial.

[ Knock on door ]

Listen, Sharon...

For whatever it's worth...

You did great.

Yes. Come in.

I, uh, think it might be better
if you came to my office.

[ Police radio chatter ]

What a great first day
of my senior year...

getting yanked
out of class by patrol.


These guys say they don't know
what's going on,

so what's going on?!

The captain and D.D.A. Rios

are waiting for you
in Chief Taylor's office.

What for?

You know what for.

Whatever happens next...

Know I love you.
