Major Crimes (2012–2018): Season 1, Episode 5 - Citizen's Arrest - full transcript

The team investigates the murder of Ben Barlow, whose body is found in a barrel labeled 'hazardous waste'. He had been dead for only ten hours by the time he was found but had evidently been bound (judging from the rope burns on his wrists) and possibility tortured. He had also been shot, possibly when trying to escape from whomever was holding him. When the police try to inform parents Brian and Laurie Barlow of his death, it becomes apparent they have been dealing with a kidnapping and that their daughter Emily is missing as well. Brian Barlow works as a divorce attorney and the police quickly focus on Gerald Hall, ex-husband to one of Brian's clients. Meanwhile, Sharon learns that DNA may have identified Rusty's father.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
No wallet, no I.D.

Dead maybe 10 hours, unless
Dr. Morales says differently.

Print scan?


Sykes called missing persons.

Too early to tell.

What are these
marks on his wrists?

Rope burns. He was tied up.


I wouldn't rule it
out, but again...

I know... wait for morales.

I don't like this.

I don't like this at all.

I just spoke to the
property manager.

He said the drum in
which the victim was sealed

isn't one of his.

It looks too new.

Plus, his bill of lading
was for 38 drums.

That one makes 39.

This entire
property is surrounded

by chain-link fence
with razor wire.

If it's not one of his barrels,
then how did it get here?

I asked him that, sir.

He said that there's a
service gate in the back

that's kept unlocked
for late-night drop-offs,

things like that.

Or things like this.

If the contents of these
drums were gonna be recycled,

then whoever did
this had to know

that the body would
be found fairly soon.

No. No, all these drums
are hazardous material

people bring in
thinking it's recyclable,

and which they end
up paying the owner

to ship to a landfill up north.

Kill a guy,
put him in a barrel

that's gonna be buried
for a thousand years?

Not a bad way to
dispose of a body.

Or lots of bodies.

Damn it!

All right.

Sykes, call up a few patrol
officers, get some Hazmat suits.

Ask the fire department
to come over,

and then I want you to open each
and every one of these barrels.

We could have
some other victims.

So, what
are you thinking?

Mass murderer or serial killer?

I'm thinking about
what might be buried

in that landfill up north.

All right, uh, go
with the victim.

Meet raydor at the morgue.

And try to get an I.D.
On the young man

as soon as you can.

I have a sick
feeling about this.

Good morning to
you, too, captain.

We have a serious problem.

Seven broken
ribs, cracked sternum,

shattered left clavicle...

Dislocated jaw.

But the death was a result
of the rifle shot in his back.

Signs of sexual abuse?

I can't rule it out,

but inside the bullet
wound are cotton fibers,

so the victim wasn't
completely naked when he died.

I see residue around his mouth.

Duct tape.

And the rope-burn
patterns on his wrists

indicate that his hands
were bound behind his back.

He was being held
hostage and he escaped.

Doesn't look like
he escaped to me.

But, yes, he was probably
hit while on the run from this...

A .223 rifle round.

From over a hundred yards
away, wouldn't you say, lieutenant?

Otherwise, the bullet would
have gone straight through.

Oh. Kid makes a break for it

with his hands tied
behind his back,

killer fires at him with a rifle
from a pretty good distance.

Bullet enters his back,
and the kid goes down.

And without his
hands to break his fall,

his upper torso and
face take the impact,

thus the broken
bones and lacerations.

But no I.D.

What... what about
his fraternity brothers?

How do you know
he was in a fraternity?

Uh, this tattoo.

It's a fraternity symbol.

I see them on lots
of young men his age.

This one's from beta kappa.

Done fairly recently.

Hmm. Could this
be a hazing death?

Hazing is for students
trying to get into a fraternity,

not for students who
are already members.

His poor mother.

I cannot imagine.

So maybe there's a frat boy
who can identify our victim.

We can't show a photo
of him looking like this.

Give me an hour.

I'll, uh...

Try and make him
look presentable.

That's Ben Barlow.

Are you sure this is him?


We've been close
since he pledged.

What's going on?

Is Ben in some kind of trouble?

'Cause he hasn't called
me back in like a week.

That the last time
you saw him, Mark?

Um, we picked our claim rooms,

and then he was gonna
meet us the next night

at the arclight, but
he never showed up.

What is a claim room?

As graduates move out
of the fraternity house,

younger members move in
and claim their rooms, right?

You know a lot
about fraternities.

My son was in one.

Well, Ben picked a sweet
room, too... his dad's, actually,

which makes it kind of
weird he hasn't shown up yet.


Uh, Ben's father was
part of the fraternity thing?

He was president, class of '82.

Made Ben a legacy.

Lieutenant, I opened
the remaining 38 barrels

like you asked, and,
uh, no more dead guys.

What the hell's going on?

Did something happen to Ben?

He died.

That's what's wrong
with him in this picture?

Is this why Ben
hasn't been at school?!

Yes, Mark.

I'm so sorry.

We picked up Ben's
body earlier today.

Mark, has,
um, Ben fought with anyone,

made any enemies,
received any threats?



Everybody loved Ben.

He was a really good guy.

Does his father know about this?

'Cause when I
talked to him, he d...

Whoa, whoa. You spoke
to Ben's father recently?


I called their house,

and he said that
Ben was out of town,

but he didn't say anything
about the police being involved.

I got to go.


I have to let everyone
know what's going on here.

I got to set up a
memorial and...

Sir, right this way.

I... When did this happen?

Let's go to this
cubicle for a moment.


Whoever killed
your friend, Mark,

was hoping that he'd stay
missing for a long time.

What are you saying?

That you can't tell
anyone that Ben is dead

and that we need your
help in finding his murderer.

But I don't know anything.

You know more than you think.

We have to move.

So this is what
we're going to do.

Raise your right hand
and repeat after me.

I, Mark Howard...
I, Mark Howard...

do solemnly swear...
Do solemnly swear...

to protect and to serve...

to protect and to serve...

as a citizen officer
of the l.A.P.D.

as a citizen officer
of the l.A.P.D.

So help me god. So help me god.

Okay, this oath is good
for the next 24 hours.

Now, I need you
to sit at this desk,

and I need you to write
down every single thing

that you knew about Ben...

What he liked, what he
hated, who his friends are,

troubles that he had,
everything that you can think of.

Does his family know?

During the period of your
oath, you can have no contact

with anyone outside the l.A.P.D.

You'll be briefed on the
progress of our investigation

on a need-to-know basis.

Is this Ben's home address?

Yeah. That's where he lived.

Ben Barlow's parents
are Brian and Lori.

Brian has a family law
practice in Beverly Hills...

Lots of high-profile
divorce cases.

Mrs. Barlow works from home,

volunteers for
planned parenthood

and a battered-women shelter.

Other than a few parking
violations, neither has a record.

Thanks, Mike.

Let's regroup when
we're done here.

Captain, I know
our first priority

is to eliminate Mr. and
Mrs. Barlow as suspects,

but, uh, somewhere in here,

we need to notify
them about their son.

How would you like that handled?

You take the lead, lieutenant.

I will stand by to
help the parents.

Brian Barlow? Yes.

Lieutenant provenza,
lieutenant Flynn,

captain raydor, l.A.P.D.

Have you found them?!

Tell me you found my children!

The three of you have to
get out of here right now.

Do you understand me? Right now.

They're watching our house.

They're listening
to all of our phones.

Who's watching your house?

Did you say your
children are missing?

Yes. And unless you have
my son and daughter with you,

I don't care why you're here.

We didn't call you.

And you're about to get
both of our kids killed.

Listen to me,
Mr. Barlow... The l.A.P.D...

Here's a phone
they're not listening to.

I will text you a number.
Call me or I must come back.

You have to! Flynn:
I said listen to me.

Gentlemen, with me please.

Good god, we just
walked into a kidnapping.

If their daughter
is still alive.

Okay, it's
not just a kidnapping.

It's murder.

We're not ignoring that.

The son is dead, I know,

but the daughter
may still be alive,

and she has to
be our first priority.

Lieutenant provenza,
may I use your phone?

But Barlow knew his kids were
missing and never reported it.

What if he got rid
of them himself?

We should have at least
notified him of the boy's death

and then seen what kind of
reaction we got from the guy.

As difficult as this is,
lieutenant, may I remind you,

the l.A.P.D. Is under
no legal obligation

to notify anyone of
any death at any time.

And what if
they're telling the truth, Flynn?

Unless the mother and
father are terrific actors,

once they find out
their son is dead...

The kidnappers will
hear it in their voices.

We could lose the daughter.

Sykes is not just polishing
the apple this time.

The captain's got it right.

This is captain Sharon raydor.

This is Lori Barlow.

Thank you for trusting
me, Mrs. Barlow.

We want to help you try
and get your children back.

I need some information.

Can you tell me when you
first heard from the kidnappers?

Six days ago.

They called and said we
needed to give them $100,000

if we ever wanted to
see Ben and Emily again.

So we paid it.

And then they demanded
more money, and we paid that.

Mrs. Barlow, have you
spoken to your children?

My husband has.

And how many payments have
you made to the kidnappers?


We have paid them four times...

Hundreds of thousands of dollars

and still they just...
They make us wait.

They tell us to stay off the
phone and keep the line open.

And I told my husband
that we cannot handle this.

But he won't listen to me.

I'm listening, Mrs.
Barlow, from here on out.

Keep the line open,
as the kidnappers say,

and the next time
you hear from them,

you call this
number immediately.

Okay, okay.

I-I'll call you as soon as
we hear from them again.

Captain, permission to wire-tap.

Mrs. Barlow, I need
your permission

to attach a wire-tap
to your phones.

Of course.


Promise you'll find my children.

We will, Mrs. Barlow.

We will.

Lori? What
are you doing in there?

Uh, i-I'll be out
in just a minute.

I have to go.

Okay, I'll get a wire started.

Detective Sanchez,
four ransom drops.

I'll get a warrant for all
their bank accounts, ma'am.

Mike, uh,
you said that Barlow

practiced family law?

I'll call d.D.A. Hobbs,
get access to his cases

going back... Four years?

At least. In divorces
and custody fights,

sometimes people hold
grudges for a long time.

And, Mike, if you will, see if
we can obtain the passwords

for Emily and Ben's
Facebook accounts.

Will do.

Captain, if I may, s.I.S.
Has a lot of experience

in kidnapping cases.

So, in theory, this
would be a good place

for detective Sykes
to take the lead.

If Mr. Barlow is preparing
to make another drop...

Let's put eyes on him.

What sort of eyes?

There we are.

All right, it's up.

I think that's the Barlow
residence right there.

Yeah, from about
2,600 feet in the air.

Good eye, lieutenant.

We can take the
drone higher or lower

if the scope size seems good.

I think it's about right.

Any closer and we'll
lose the peripherals.

Half a mile's on the low
end of not being noticeable.

Hmm. I can't believe
that this is all live.

Isn't it great?

Must look really
different to you, huh?

Back when you were
doing surveillance,

we needed multiple teams
of detectives on the ground

to cover god only knows how
many square miles of terrain.

Big change from the blimp
and telescope you trained with,

isn't it, sir?

Now we can follow
people everywhere.

Yeah, as long as
they don't look up.

Just got confirmation.

Wire-tap's been approved,
and it should be functional.

Now all we need is
for someone to call.

These are Emily's
last few Facebook postings.

This next-to-last
one... Very interesting.

"Dad's office set up
a secret photo session

"for my brother and me

"for an anniversary
present for my parents.

So fun."

This was posted on Emily
Barlow's Facebook account

the day she and her
brother went missing.

I called her dad's office.

They didn't know
anything about it.

So this could have been
how the kidnappers arranged

to grab both children at once,

and they knew the
barlows had an anniversary.

More than that,
the kidnappers knew

how to get in touch
with each of the kids.

They knew where
the father worked.

That's a lot of
personal information,

so it had to be someone
close to the family.

Yeah, really close.

Barlow's credit report, ma'am.

Our victim's father

cashed in about a million
dollars' worth of stock

held jointly with his wife.

He also emptied all
of his bank accounts.

Possibly collecting funds
for the ransom drops?

Or possibly not. I also
pulled the entire family's

credit-card statements
for the last three months,

and one of Mr. Barlow's cards
had some strange charges.

Such as?

Two black 55-gallon drums
purchased 3 weeks ago

from stores in sun valley.

Plus a case of
prepaid cellphones.

The guy's a divorce attorney.

If he's leaving his wife,

he knows he can't
hide money from her,

so collecting his own ransom
payments gets him all their cash

and he can do
whatever he wants with it.

Plus, he didn't call the police,

and he sounds
like a control freak.

But killing both
of his children?

Though we have seen worse,

and he was very serious
about us not interfering.

And the two containers indicate

that someone was thinking
about how to get rid of the bodies

before the kidnapping.

You know, I think we
have to pick up Barlow.

You want to wait for the court
records? They'll be here any minute.

Lieutenant, I don't think
Emily Barlow has a minute.

We have two 55-gallon drums,

Mrs. Barlow is talking
about kidnappers, plural.

If this father was involved,

he is definitely not
doing this alone.

Captain, incoming call.

I'm not
delivering this money

unless you let me
talk to my children.

You don't
make the demands here.

I refuse to continue
unless I can talk to my kids.

Fine. Hold on.


Emily, is that you?

Daddy! Help me!

Help me!

Emily, are you and Ben okay?



Are you satisfied? I
want to talk to my son.

I'll get back to you. Stay
where you are. No, just...

Don't call the police.
This'll be the last drop.

If y...

Got a 661 number.

No GPS signal. Can't be traced.

661... that's the area code
on the prepaid cellphones

purchased with Mr. Barlow's
credit card, ma'am.

At least we know
the girl's still alive.

But for how long?

As soon as the last
of the ransom is delivered,

Emily's as good as dead.

Mrs. Barlow, this
is captain raydor.

You need to stay out of this!

If you or the FBI show
up or have anything to...

Don't worry, sir.

The FBI doesn't get involved
in our kidnapping cases

unless we ask them to.

You've been talking to my
wife after I told you not to.

Mr. Barlow, dealing with
kidnappings on your own

is extremely dangerous.

And what do you think
these people will do

if they find out I have
been talking to you?

"These people." Sir,
who are these people?

You are endangering
the lives of my children!

Mr. Barlow, wait!

Anyone else getting the feeling

Mr. Barlow knows
who the kidnappers are?

Should we pick him up?

Or do we follow him?


We call d.D.A. Hobbs.

No, thank you.

I've got the last of the
records here with me

and enough people
to sort through them.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Captain raydor is...?

Her office.

D.d.a. Hobbs, thank you for
expediting all these records

of Brian Barlow's court cases.

Well, I hope they help.

Meanwhile, I have some
news about rusty Beck.


As you know, rusty's DNA

ended up being in the mask
he pulled off Phillip stroh.

In our follow-up,

the lab found a
familial match to the boy

in our criminal database.

You're saying rusty has a
relative who's a criminal?

Paul Dunn.

He was arrested
for dealing cocaine

in San Diego
about six years ago.

Looks like rusty's
paternal uncle.

Paul has an older
brother, Daniel Dunn,

who, I bet, will test out
as rusty's biological father.

And I found the
birth certificate,

listing Sharon Beck as
rusty's mother, father unknown.

It's from a San Diego hospital.

Is there any physical
evidence saying that that was...

Sharon, what if I got my license

so that I can drive myself home

instead of being picked up
by patrol cars all the time?

It just... it looks weird,

my always riding
off with the police.

Where you gonna get this car?

Okay. What... What
about a bus pass, then?

And who would look after
you at home when I'm at work?

Oh, my god.

Ordinary people leave their
children alone all the time.

It's not like I'm a little kid.

And isn't it illegal for
her to be asking cops

to pick me up places?

You're a material
witness in a murder trial.

In a murder trial
that never begins.

Believe it or not, rusty,
you are not the only issue

the city of Los Angeles is
dealing with this afternoon.

I'm assuming you have homework.

They're making us read "Hamlet."

That should take some time.

Look, what you tell
the boy is up to you.

I'm not sure the father
has any legal standing.

And he may know
as little about rusty

as rusty knows about him.

Who are you?


I can't say.

You can't say who you are?

Rusty, this way.

I'm sorry for the interruption.

Who is that?

He's a sworn
civilian police officer.

Civilians can be
police officers?


Uh, well, y-yes.


Man, you
people lie about everything.

Ma'am, the credit
card that was used

to buy the barrels and
the disposable phones

was reported stolen by
Barlow three weeks ago.

Doesn't mean that
he didn't buy them,

but he was in court when
they were purchased,

and he's contesting the charges.

Ladies and gentlemen,
your attention, please.

As everyone knows, I have
seen my share of divorce papers.

It's true. He has.

But I have never
seen a filing this thin.

There's just
something not right.

May I introduce you
to one Gerald hall?


Mr. Hall didn't fill out any
of the required paperwork...

Not the statements,
not the approvals,

not even the custody papers.

And when Mr. Barlow
helped Susan hall

get a restraining order
against her husband,

he ignored that, too.

Patrol officers had to pull
him off of her property twice.

But Gerald hall
didn't ignore his guns.

They were impounded
during the divorce proceedings,

and he fought until he
got every last one back.

What sort of guns
are we talking about?

There were 58 of them,

and 16 of them are
high-powered rifles.

If we're looking for a
heavily armed someone

with a grudge...

Well, let me put it this way...

I remember my
ex-wives' attorneys

far better than I
do my marriages.

We may be looking for two
heavily armed someones.

Let's go by Mr. Hall's
house and pick him up.


No current address,
phone number, either.

Well, we may not have
an address for the husband,

but we have one for the ex-wife.

Susan, thank you for agreeing
to come down and talk to us.

Is this about Gerald?

Actually, it's
about Brian Barlow.

Then it's about Gerald,

and I'm not gonna
talk badly about him

in front of John and tricia.

Of course not.

Lieutenant Flynn, would you mind

taking Ms. Hall's children
to the break room?

We'll take good
care of them, ma'am.

Sure. Right this way, kids.

Right this way.

Ma'am, let's go to our
visitor's conference center.

Follow me.

3 1/2 years ago,
Gerald lost his job.

And, uh, then we lost the house.

And Gerald...

Blamed you.

No, he blamed the
government, but took it out on me.

And after a broken
wrist and a concussion,

I'd had enough, so I
packed up the kids,

and, uh... I went to Serenity.


Serenity... it's a shelter
for wives and children

of physical abusers, bullies,
whatever you want to call them.

I should have left
the first time he hit me.

Oh, your attorney's wife works
with domestic-abuse issues.

So Serenity's the
women's shelter

where you met Lori Barlow?

Yeah. She's a counselor there
and a great friend, and she's ...

She helped me accept
what I needed to do.

She asked her husband
to take my case... Pro bono,

which... that means for free.

I never could have
afforded it otherwise.

Seven months
later, I was divorced.

Still am...

No matter what Gerald says.

Yes. We saw in the court files

he refused to
concede to the decree.

It's because Gerald considers
himself a sovereign citizen.

Well, that's not good.

Sovereign citizen... Is
that some sort of militia?

Worse. They're a radical
anti-government group.

They disregard
laws, don't pay taxes...

Don't even stop for red lights.

Big player in
black-market guns, too.

And when he started
spouting all that stuff,

I didn't want my kids
infected with that kind of talk.

Do you know where your
ex-husband is right now, Susan?

Is that what this is all about?

Look, I know Gerald's not
supposed to come around

and that I'm supposed
to report it if he does.

Have you seen him lately?

Yesterday morning.

It was after the
kids went to school.

Gerald came by the
apartment, and, uh...

And he gave me $20,000 in cash.

What was the money for?

Two years' back child support.

He said he wanted to start

spending time with
the kids now and then...

Like, take them to a
movie tonight, if I'd let him.

Gives his wife $20,000 in
cash so she lets her guard down.

And then he drives
off with their kids.

Sir, we need to keep
Mrs. Hall and her children

here with us.

Maybe, uh, put some
people around her house

in case Gerald stops by again.

I don't know what to believe.

Where do you suppose
your ex-husband

got $20,000 in cash?

I don't know.

To be honest, I always thought,

if he had that kind of money,
he'd just buy more guns.

Maybe he decided 58 was enough.


That's how many of
your husband's firearms

were held during the divorce.

Gerald had twice that many guns.

He was buying more all the time.

From where?

A dealer, at a store.

I don't know.

I want that dealer's
name. Yes, sir.

Where does your ex-husband live?

With his father,
who has a trailer.

They're always
moving around, so...

Good luck locating him.

But if you do...


Please don't tell
my ex-father-in-law

I spoke with you.

He's twice as crazy
as my husband...

And twice as violent, too.

According to his
registrations, captain,

Mr. Hall and his father
purchased all of his guns

in the last three years from
a guy named Dale Fisher,

who works at a place
in north Hollywood

called noho guns and ammo.

I bet you this Dale would know
how to get in touch with him.

But why do they want to
buy all these weapons?

Normally, I'd say to sell guns
to other sovereign citizens,

but the volume and the trailer

suggest they're running
guns south of the border.

So he collects money from
these multiple ransom drops

and uses it to order
serious weapons.

He can triple his investment
by reselling firearms in Mexico.

But Gerald wanted to
pick up his kids tonight.

And he also has another
ransom arranged...

The last, he says.

Obviously, we're at the endgame.

My humble opinion...
As I've said before,

s.i.s. Handles most of
our kidnapping cases.

That means Sykes.

Julio here is our weapons guy.

I'd send them both
to the gun shop,

force Fisher to call
Gerald and his father,

and get them to come there.

But what if we grab only one
of the halls at this gun shop

and the other one stays
behind with Emily Barlow?

Hiding in a trailer
we know not where.

And they bought
two 55-gallon drums.

Which means they always
intended to kill both kids.

So the best way to finish this

would be to get Gerald
to appear at the gun shop

and persuade him to help us

before his father
kills the girl.

Persuade him how?

Dale Fisher?

Detective Sykes,
detective Sanchez.

We'd like to ask you
about Gerald hall.

Well, sure. Yeah. Good customer.

You mean he buys a lot of guns?

Look around, lady.

I'm not a florist.

Yeah. Him and his
father buy a lot of guns.

So... what?

Is Gerald in trouble?

'Cause if he is, you need
to know I just sell the guns.

Everything I do
is legit, I swear.

Sir, don't run if you're
not being chased.

Has Gerald or his father

purchased anything
from you lately?

Yeah. In fact, I got
a big order for them

coming in this afternoon
or tomorrow morning.


21 m4 semiautomatic rifles,
18 ak-47s, 28 shotguns?

What do you think they're
doing with this many firearms?

I don't know.

And the second amendment
doesn't require me to ask.

Sir, you're going
to call the halls

and tell them this
order has arrived.

I don't work for you people.

Mr. Fisher, Gerald hall
murdered a young man

and sealed him up in a 55-gallon
drum as hazardous waste.

He's preparing to do that
again with a teenage girl.

And he's working with someone.

And this...

This looks like a
partnership agreement to me.

If you don't pick up
the phone and call Mr. Hall,

I'm arresting you

for kidnapping,
torture, and murder,

and I'm gonna
feel great about it.

Look, these people
are a little crazy,

and they are heavily armed.

With weapons you sold them.

Either pick up the phone

or put your hands behind
your back and face the wall.



I put Susan in the
break room with her kids.

Any word from the gun store?

Still waiting to see if
Gerald hall responds

to the message
his dealer left him.

Meanwhile, we're keeping
an eye on the Barlow house

and their phones.

I finished "Hamlet."

So how much longer do
I have to be here today?

Can you tell me
what's going on or not?

I, uh...

I'm not exactly sure
how to explain this.

I already know.

The guy in my cubicle said
that his friend was murdered.

Seems pretty broken up about it.

Is that true?


His friend and his friend's
sister were kidnapped.

The friend was murdered.

The sister is still alive, and
we're trying to rescue her.


Well, so why are
you making that dude

think that he's some kind
of citizen police officer?

The parents of these children
know that they were kidnapped,

but we've yet to tell them
that their son is dead,

and we do not want
our guest informing them.

So you lied to the
parents about their son.

We withheld information, yes.

But you're breaking the rules.

No, rusty, I am not
breaking any rules.

I'm trying very hard
to make decisions

that could save
another child's life.

I'm sorry to interrupt, but,
captain, we have another call.

Okay. Um, you can play
chess on my computer

if you've done your homework.


6:00. Where?

western Metro station, red line.

Okay, the red line.

You come alone.
You understand me?

Yes, I understand.

If I even think that
someone else is with you,

your kids are dead.

6:00. Rush hour.

A lot of foot traffic around
the train that time of day.

Easy to blend in.

And the phone?

Same as last
time... Untraceable.

We still have a
bird's-eye view of the city.

We can follow Mr. Barlow
to the subway stop...

Well, that's all well
and good, buzz,

but the drop is being
handled underground.

We'll need s.I.S. Inside
and outside the Metro

everywhere we can put them.

Nothing's gonna happen
to that girl until they get their cash,

but then they'll kill her.

Well, Gerald
will go get his guns first,

which means it's all up
to Sanchez and Sykes.

Maybe. "Maybe"
is not good enough.

Lieutenant tao, while you're
keeping watch on the barlows,

order a tactical rollout
for major crimes.

I want thermal imaging.

I want mobile operations.

We need to be prepared
for a rescue just in case.

Should I pull the
car around back?

We'll take care of it.

Where are your keys?

Want to tell us
who you're calling?

Or you want to tell us
where the Barlow kids are?

Fish, what's going on here?

I have no idea, Gerald.

Concealed weapon.

Not good.

It's safe, ma'am.

Sir, you have the
right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you

in a court of law.

You have the
right to an attorney.

If you cannot
afford an attorney,

one will be appointed
for you by the state.

Mr. Hall, I'm deputy
district attorney hobbs.

I'll be prosecuting you for
the murder of Ben Barlow.

I have paperwork
for you to sign here

saying that you are
both defending yourself

and agreeing to a conviction

of kidnapping and
first-degree murder.

In exchange for taking the
death penalty off the table,

you will tell us where
Emily Barlow is right now.

Lady, I don't know
what you're talking about.

One second.

Mr. Hall, we know
that you're involved

with the kidnapping of
Ben and Emily Barlow.

We want Emily back alive.

Sign these papers and
you can save your life

and the girl's life, too.

Barlow took my kids from me.

So what do I care
what happens to his?

No one in the Van.
But I found this.

Got to be a couple hundred
thousand dollars in here.

Plus, there were
four cases of rifles.

Nothing illegal there.

You guys got Jack.

Mr. Hall, I'm in
a very big hurry.

I do not recognize the authority

of the district
attorney or any...

Okay! Okay!

Detective, since
captain raydor isn't here

and the suspect was
armed, I'll leave him to you.

See if you can talk him into
signing this plea agreement.

Mr. Fisher, come with me.

Julio, what are you doing?

You assaulted me.


You attacked me, we
fought, you tore my shirt,

you drew your concealed
weapon, tried to kill me.

I didn't do anything to you.


Looks like I have to
protect my own life.

Wait! Whoa!

Aah! Whoa, whoa!


Sanchez, stop! Stop!

He's a murderer, and
he's never going to help!

If the girl's going to die,
then he is going to die, too!

Y-You can't do this.

I know that you
killed Ben Barlow.

And I know that
his sister's alive.

You tell me where she's
at or I'm going to kill you.

Do you understand?!

I can't wait to kill you,
and I'll get away with it!

So you tell me right now
where the girl is or you go to hell!

It's up here, about 500 meters.

500 meters ahead.

Copy that, Julio.

Thank you.

Target is approximately
500 meters west

of the Van's present location.

Where are you people?

Lieutenant, we are
40 minutes from your action.


Okay, s.I.S. Is too far away.

We can't let Julio and Amy
drive in there without backup.

Detective, I may
need to relay orders

to lieutenants
Flynn and provenza,

who are all the backup
we have right now.

Where is my picture?

One last adjustment, ma'am.

I have your live picture,

and your thermal
imaging is up and running.

You screw this up,
Gerald, and I'll kill you.

My father's thinking
the same thing.

I didn't want
Barlow's kids to die.

None of this was my idea.

Right. You just
collected the money.

I tried to keep my father calm.

You people stole
his grandchildren.

He's not gonna go down easy.

Dad's lived his whole
life for a moment like this.

Me too.

Detective Sanchez,

someone is in the rear
of the trailer on the floor.

There is movement. She is alive.

Do not hesitate to use force to
protect yourself or the hostage.

You got the money?

Yeah, dad, it's all good.

You were supposed to call.

What happened?

Dad, uh, look...

You been made, haven't you?

Listen. I'm sorry, you know?

The police found me.

They came after me... dad!


Is the girl still
lying down?! Yes!

Act now! Crossfire!

Status! I need status!

He's down, but I
don't know if he's dead.

Careful. Watch for trip wires.

Hall's dead.

Very, very dead.

Emily, Emily!

Aah! Aah!

Emily! Emily!

You're safe! You're safe!

You're safe.

You're safe. You're safe.

You're safe. You're safe.

You're safe. You're safe.

You're safe.

Now, this is the kind
of "deal" I can live with.

So, you saved the girl.

Yes, we did.

And what about the parents?

They gonna be okay?

It's impossible to know.

We gave them their
daughter back, so...

We did our best.

And now we...

Can stop for dinner
on the way home.

How was "Hamlet"?

It's long.

Hamlet is haunted by the
ghost of his father in the first act,

and then his father
comes back for a minute.

And then nothing really
happens until the end.

So you actually read it.

What, you... you
think i, like, lied to you?

It's you police who lie
to everybody, Sharon.


How... how do I know
that you won't lie to me

if you think it's necessary?

I won't lie to you. I promise.

I'll tell you
everything I know...

As soon as I have had
a reasonable opportunity

to assess the facts.

What's this?

It's what we're gonna
talk about over dinner.