Major Crimes (2012–2018): Season 1, Episode 2 - Before and After - full transcript

Growing pains within Major Crimes become apparent as the division works to obtain justice in a brutal homicide that turns out to be more complicated than expected. Raydor struggles to gain the respect of her colleagues while also trying to supervise Rusty 24/7. The changes within the department may become more than Provenza can accept.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

1x02 - Before and After

He's all yours. Good luck.

God, this is a crappy way to make a living.

Dealing with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.

- You weren't in charge for eight years. - Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.

Lieutenants, the victim is a personal trainer

who owns this gym, Chad Raber.

His first client showed up and found him hanging there.

What do you know? A hanging Chad.

Scented candle over there? It's been burning a couple hours,

so Mr. Raber was definitely here before 6:00.

No obvious sign of forced entry.

the gravity boots suggest he was working his abs when he bought it.

- Our murder weapon is this kettlebell. - Yes, I see it.

I mean, if you haven't been to the gym recently,

you wouldn't even know what it is, but it only weighs 15 pounds,

which means we can't rule out our client/P.R.

because she would have gotten a really good ...

Sykes. Sykes. You've got the job.

You can temper the enthusiasm just a little.

Why don't you just go, you know, track down the next of kin, please?


And you two cover up the body and take it down.

This is, um, this is just all too much, you know?

I can't handle the stress.

Ugh, and my therapist is on a bike tour in Napa.

- Okay, Ms. Shaw. - Call me Dee Dee.

All right. Once again, tell us what you told the other Detective.

Okay. I got here at 6:30 with a latte for myself

and one for Chad, and there he was, just... hanging there.

- He was your personal trainer. - And my wellness partner.

You should have seen me 20 pounds ago.

- You could throw up. - Well, Dee Dee,

um, given what happened to his face,

how could you be certain that the victim was Chad?

His tattoo. "Body soul self."

That was Chad's motto.

- What the hell was that? - The victim's wife is here.

- Chad! - Now?!

- No, no, no! Please let go! - Watch it. Watch it.



Who in the hell invited the wife to the crime scene?

Uh, she was on her way over, and you said to notify the family.

I said, "go."

"Go notify the family." "Go," as in leave here and...

- Chad! - Never mind. Never mind.

Get that screaming woman downtown.

And you, remove this Dee Dee person from my sight.

- Yes, sir. - Where's my cellphone?

Gentlemen. Ugh.

So, this murder is a major crime because...?

- Because we're west of the 405? - DDA hobbs, what can I do for you?

I don't know. Our bosses want me here.

speaking of, where's Raydor?

Excellent question. Just hold on one second.

For the love of god, Julio! Throw a blanket over the body.

I ... I can't look at it anymore.

Ah, Captain. Good morning. I hope I didn't call you at a bad time.

- Your division caught a homicide. - Yes, Lieutenant, I am aware,

but I am in the middle of something involving our material witness.

Yeah. Yeah, well, that ...

We've got a guy whose head has been bashed in.

I see. Did he die from the brain injuries or did he bleed out?

It's undetermined.

- Is the head still attached? -Well, more or less.

You see, this is no environment for a child.

Mm-hmm. These your clothes?

No. She makes me keep all of my things in trash bags.

That is not true. I have two grown children,

and they leave these things here for when they visit,

and the suit belongs to my husband,

and i've asked Rusty to bring his things in here, but he won't.

Your husband's not listed

in the application for emergency foster care.

Wait. Somebody married you?

My husband and I have been legally separated for two decades.

My husband does not live here, I assure you.

Uh, Captain.

As riveting as your life story is,

um, are you going to grace us with your presence

at the crime scene?

Uh, could you please excuse me for a moment?

I'm sorry, Lieutenant. Are you suddenly in over your head?

Do you see how bossy she is?

Look, I place kids all over town. You got a pretty nice setup here, Rusty.

- Clean, quiet, you got your own room, cable, DVR. - It's not my room.

- It's not my room. - I wouldn't mind living here myself.

You better not blow this. Seriously.

- Sorry. Cynthia, where were we? - Just finishing up, Captain.

And from what I can tell, Rusty is in good hands here,

and DCFS is very grateful to you.

No, you are happy to lock me up until I testify in your stupid murder trial,

which is why nobody is bothering to look for my mom.


You know, the first chance I get, I'm going to leave and find her myself.

Would you rather I spend my time looking for your mother or you?

He's not going anywhere this week

because technically Rusty is in emergency care.

What do you plan to do with him while you're at work?

Mr. Raber definitely did not see this coming.

No defensive wounds on his hands or arMs.

- Is it possible he knew his attacker? - Or maybe someone snuck up on him.

I count three reps, so your killer definitely got a decent workout.

Maybe you should look for someone with a good burn in their forearMs.


Well, all right. Ta-ta, everyone.

- Uh, ta-ta. Buzz. - Yes, Captain?

Would you set Rusty up with a laptop in the break room?

There's a school placement test, and he needs to study for it.

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, and, uh, would you monitor him while he's in there?

M-monitor? A-as in sit with him?

Yes. Thank you.

Uh, is there anything else we should know about the victim?

I'm on hanging Chad's website.

Looks like most of his clients are women.

There's a page of before-and-after shots.

- Pretty racy. - Yeah.

Here's a woman who claims he helped her lose 58 pounds,

but the diet is a little extreme.

All right, Sykes.

I need a full background report on Chad Raber.

Find out what we're up against here.

- Sykes! - Yes, sir.

Lieutenant. Captain.

The victim's wife is set up in interview 1.

Lieutenant Flynn, will you join me, please?

Yeah. Sure.

Okay. It's not just me. You can tell.

- Everybody hates her. - This way, Mr. Beck, if you don't mind.

Lieutenant Tao, could you watch the monitors for me, please?


I can't believe it.

Nothing seems real right now.

We understand. Believe me, we do.

And we're gonna find out who's responsible

for your husband's murder, okay?

We're very sorry for your loss.

Why would somebody do this?

Why? God.

Mrs. Raber, did your husband keep a lot of cash at the gym?

No. No.

Um, we dealt with really high-end clients.

They paid with credit cards and checks.

The safe was mainly for just business papers.

Well, it doesn't look like they touched the safe.

- How about computers? - No, I handled all the bills from home.

Chad was always on the move, so he put all of his ...

he put all of his work in his IPad and his phone.

We didn't find either of those.

Well, he takes them everywhere.

Then I can find them 'cause he's hooked up to a network.

How's Chad been feeling recently?

Has he mentioned any difficulties at work?


- What's Sykes doing in there? - I thought S.I.S. officers

were supposed to be good at sneaking up on people.

What? Ooh! Outside?

I don't know what's so important it couldn't wait.

- Chad was a suspect in a rape. - Sykes!

My husband was not a rapist!

That's not good.

That's a lie! That's a ... that's a lie!

Hang on, okay? Just hang on.

The woman who made that accusation against Chad

was one of his crazy clients.

- Excuse us. - You knew her?

Yes, she was always hitting on him at the gym.

All right, I found a month-old criminal complaint

- against Chad Raber. - Detective, we like to plan

how we share important information like that.

I am so sorry. My orders were to make sure ...

Were given by me.

And I was the person that you were supposed to report to.

Go help Lieutenant Tao figure out how to find our victim's IPad.

I am so sorry, again.

She's smart and dumb at the same time.

Oh, she's not dumb. She's choosing sides.

So maybe Detective Sykes' announcement

was ill-timed, but it gave you a lead.

She was following an order, actually, from Lieutenant Provenza,

who was angry with her for reporting directly to me.

Provenza will calm down once he accepts

he was never going to run Major Crimes. We'll wait him out.

I think, sir, one of the things confusing the issue here is rank.

You and Chief Pope did promise to make me Commander.

You do realize that there's a freeze on all promotions.

Except apparently on Assistant Chief.

You've had a great, long career ... in internal affairs.

And now you are being given this unique opportunity,

one that every Captain in this department would leap at ...

To run the most elite division of Detectives in the L.A.P.D.

The job is the promotion. And it's a gift ...

one that usually doesn't happen for people

after they've qualified for retirement.

So, considering how many people would like to replace me

and how old I am, I should just take this job and be grateful.

- Is that what you're saying? - The ability to hold your team together

should be a function of your leadership, not your rank.

Effectively concluding this case will demonstrate both

your capacity to command and your fitness for the job.

Now, is there anything else I ought to know?


According to Detective Copeland, west Los Angeles,

the alleged victim's father, Jim Martino,

came in last month to file rape charges

against Chad Raber on his daughter's behalf.

She wouldn't come in herself?

Her Dad said that she was too terrif file, and he got angry, too,

because there was nothing that we could do without her statement.

He said, "that son of a bitch ruined our lives, and I'm gonna ruin his."

Motive and confession equals murder one.

A father kills the man who raped his daughter?

That sounds like mitigating circumstances to me.

Juries don't feel much sympathy for rapists.

I might get manslaughter. What about physical evidence?

Did you find any fingerprints on the handle of the kettlebell?

No, but I've asked

to have the rest of the equipment in the gym processed,

- so when it's time to make a deal ... - Hold on. Just hold on here.

Let's make sure we've got the right guy before you offer him a deal.

While Tao and Sykes are looking for Chad Raber's IPad,

Flynn, Sanchez, let's split up and pay Mr. Martino and his daughter a visit.

Come on. We're getting close.

Hey, how come Lieutenant Provenza doesn't like me?

Provenza doesn't like anybody. Turn right here.


Any, uh, tips on getting along with him?

Uh, if I were you, I'd concentrate more on how you feel

about the victim and less on how people feel about you. Just saying.

- That's very wise. - Really?

Uh, just make the next right. Please slow down.

Afternoon, ma'am. Detective Julio Sanchez, L.A.P.D.

- I'm looking for Mr. Jim Martino. - Uh, he's not here.

Are you his daughter, Amanda?

- Please. I just want to talk. - No, I have nothing to say.

- It's about Chad Raber. - No! No, he will kill me.

No, ma'am, he won't. Chad is dead.

Really? Did he suffer?

Son of a bitch.

You know what he did to my daughter, don't you?

That's why we're here.

Follow up on the complaint you filed against Mr. Raber.

Follow up, right? After he's been found dead, you follow up.

You guys are right on top of things, aren't you?

What happened? A month ago, you wouldn't come near this case.

- Did that tick you off? - Do you have a daughter?

I wanted to make a banner

that said "Chad Raber is a rapist" and hang it in front of his gym.

But Amanda wouldn't let me. So I thought I'd sue his ass.

I went over to their gym to warn him and his wife

to expect a call from my attorney.

Guess I just saved a few thousand in legal fees, huh?

- Hey. What are you guys doing here? - We found something

in the dumpster behind Mr. Martino's business.

Any idea, sir, why a murder victim's IPad was in your trash?

That's a fascinating question.

- And the answer is? - The entire mini mall uses that dumpster.

- I didn't put it there. - Of course you didn't.

It was left there by the kids from the doughnut shop.

We want to introduce you to some people downtown. Let's go.

My name is Amanda Martino,

and I would just like to say

that Chad Raber is the best personal trainer anyone could ever have.

Because of you, Chad, I'm 118 pounds ...

Stop. Please turn it off.

Amanda, we found this video on Chad Raber's IPad.

Chad made me say those things.

You can almost hear him telling me what to say.

I know how difficut this is for you,

and I would never ask you to talk about something so awful

if it weren't absolutely necessary for us to get justice

for you and your Dad.

Six months ago, Dad bought me sessions with a trainer

as kind of an early college-graduation present.

I've always hated the way that I looked.

But Chad was so sweet about it. He took my picture,

and he just told me to say "so long" to that body.

That would be this photograph?

That's it. That's my "before" picture.

Don't I look so much better now?

One day, we were .

by ourselves at his gym. I was on my back doing sit-ups

and he he just climbed on top of me.

I didn't know what to do. I ... I ... he wouldn't stop,

and I just told him to stop, please stop.

He wouldn't stop.

And, uh...

After that, he said that I should be happy,

that what he did meant that I was finally ready for him.

"Ready for him?"

Like, he got me into shape so that I would be doable.

And then he forced me to make that video.

I-I-I felt that no one would ever believe me.

Your father believed you.

And he went to the police.

- He was so mad. - How mad?

My Detectives found

Chad Raber's IPad outside your father's print shop.

No. No, that ... that can't be right.

Can you account for your and your father's

whereabouts early this morning?

I was ... we were at home.

You know, at my Dad's house.

An alibi for each of them? How convenient.

She's covering for her old man.

She's been covering for all the men in her life.

- I know that girl. - How did you meet her?

I mean the type. Amanda has low self-esteem.

She's impressionable, easy to manipulate,

and women tell their personal trainers everything.

Like, "I'm single. I don't have a boyfriend.

I don't know what to eat. I don't know what to wear."

Chad Raber was probably hunting for someone like this girl.

You think she was the only one?

There's a lot of before-and-after pictures on that website.

There might be before-and-after videos, too.

Hold on. Hold on. Wait a second.

What? That mean something to you?

There's one video on the device, but there may be more on the network.

- Can I come in yet? - No.

I told you to stay at my desk until I'm done,

- and then I'll look over your exam ... - Hey. "No" is enough.

It's not like I'm desperate to spend time with you.

Ah. Gotcha. Here we go.

Hey, Chad. It's me.

Thanks for the workout. I really needed that. I feel ...

Here's another one.

Chad, you are ...

- Amazing. - Amazing.

I can't tell you ...

Ugh. And another.

Thanks for everything, Chad.

I don't know what I would do without you.

All these videos were on Raber's IPad the whole time?

No, they were recently deleted, but backed up on a remote server.

Someone removed the videos at 8:40 a.m. after hanging

Chad's murder, but they didn't delete them from the cloud.

- How many videos did you find? - Including Amanda's, nine.

Each one of these girls

represents lots of credible alternatives to Martino.

The Captain's not gonna be able to make a deal.

Well, that's her problem. Not ours.

No, Lieutant Provenzo's rules of evidence compel us,

to talk to each woman that the victim filmed, get their alibis,

and turn the information over to the suspect's attorney.

Yes. Yes. Good night.

Rusty! That's an L.A.P.D. computer.

Everything you do on it is recorded and subject to regular search.

Good, then it'll finally show that someone has been looking for my mother.

Okay, Rusty. Time to wrap it up.

10:30. It's lights out around here.

At my last job, 10:30 was rush hour.

About that.

Do you think it might be a good idea for you to talk to someone?

I don't talk to shrinks.

- Mmm. - You should see one, maybe.

Find out what happened to your marriage.

Nothing happened. We're separated.

Well, you still keep his stuff here.

Well, he needs to stop by sometimes. He's the father of my children,

and there's some very good things about him,

although I can't think of one at the moment.

Okay. You don't want to talk to a psychologist.

I understand that. Let's discuss how the spare bedroom ...

Will get me out of your way and make it that much easier

for you to forget about me and my problems,

which no one seems to care about, anyway.

Rusty, we're doing everything we can to find your mother.

I've got a want out on her and her boyfriend.

We are tracking the credit card they were using.

We are going to come across them any day.

Well, then why am I being asked to study for this stupid catholic school?

It's not a stupid school at all. Both of my kids went there,

and they got into great colleges. And that is something

I'd like you to start thinking about, as smart as you are.

Hey, hey! I am not your child. Okay?

And I won't be here long enough to go to this terrific school of yours,

and people like me don't get into college, and we both know that.

And, you know, to remind you how bad you are at your job,

I am going to be sleeping here in the den or the living room

or whatever you call this until you get fed up enough

to do something that is really going to help me.

I just can't go along with this.

- Please don't get me involved. - I understand, Ms. Barker,

and I'm not asking you to press charges against Chad Raber,

but we found the video you made for him.

I was just... thanking Chad.

You're making a mistake. Nothing happened.

Ma'am, you're not Chad Raber's only victim.

I kept wondering if somehow I gave him

mixed signals or something, you know?

Like, maybe I encouraged him, but, I mean, he's married.

Did he ever threaten you?

You have to understand.

Chad had this way of making you trust him.

I ... I told him things about my marriage.

And he said that if I made a big deal

about what he did to me, that... he would tell my husband

the things that I talked about in confidence ...

things that my husband can't know.

Ma'am, can you tell me where you were yesterday morning

between 6:00 and 9:00 a.m.?

Oh, my god. You don't think that I killed Chad, do you?

We just need to eliminate anyone who could be a suspect.

- We're trying to find his killer. - Why do you need to do that?

- Ma'am? - I mean, Chad's dead, right?

And he can't do this to anyone else, so...

why bother catching the killer?

- Chad Raber was a monster. - And a serial rapist.

I know these ladies he victimized supposedly increase our suspect pool,

but they all have really good alibis.

Martino shouldn't be able to use them

to get off with just a slap on the wrist.

- I mean, come on. - I've been thinking about that.

Martino knows hanging Chad raped his daughter,

so what does he do?

I've been wondering the same thing. You kill Chad, take his IPad.

Why? Toss it in your own dumpster? No, no. That's stupid.

- We've met dumber criminals. - But this criminal was smart enough

to go into Chad Raber's IPad and erase all his victims' videos.

Except for the one of his own daughter.

Which is the only video that would show his motive.

Maybe Martino thought that if he got caught,

he could use the video of Amanda to get sympathy from a jury.

Nine videos would get him even more sympathy.

Right. Right. Insightful, Captain.

Oh, god, Sykes. Would you just give it a rest for a minute?

Look, Martino had no reason to erase those other videos

except for the one of his daughter.

Then the killer is someone who is trying to frame him.

Which means it had to be

somebody who knew Martino would be a suspect.

There is really only one person who fits that description.

This way, Mrs. Raber.

I know that man.

- Which man? - In the picture out there on your board.

His name is Martino something.

He's the one who filed those insane charges against Chad.

We are very sorry. You were not supposed to see those.

Do you think he has something to do with my husband's murder?

- It's too early for us to ... - No, please! Just tell me!

Did that man kill Chad?

Mr. Martino did seem obsessed with your husband.

Filing those rape charges on behalf of his crazy daughter

and threatening to sue you to bankruptcy, so, yes.

At this point, we can say that he is one of our prime suspects.

One of them?

Mrs. Raber, another woman came forward ...

a client of your husband's who heard about his murder on TV.

She claims that Chad sexually assaulted her, as well.

This woman also claims that your husband

recorded videos of her and other alleged victims.

- Now, we can't prove that, but ... - Chad was not a rapist!

He made women feel better about their bodies.

He was a positive presence in people's lives, unlike that Amanda person,

who's spreading lies just trying to get someone,

anyone, to help her destroy everything that Chad built.

We absolutely agree that having these other women come forward

makes it easier for Mr. Martino to deny his involvement.

It's a sick way to poison the jury pool ... sick.

So what are you gonna do?

If you could locate your husband's cell, it would help us enormously.

- In what way? - Well, these so-called victims

say your husband videotaped them with his phone.

Now, if that's true, we can probably find those recordings somewhere.

But if we can't find them, then that proves these people are just liars.

You just need to stay strong

until we can arrest the man who killed your husband.

Come here. Come here.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh! I almost forgot.

We found your husband's IPad.

That's wonderful. Um, thank you.

- Um, where'd you find it? - We can't discuss that... yet.

- But it helps your case? - I am sure of it.

As long as we keep our signal on the device,

- I can follow her anywhere. - I hope it's not to Mexico.

As soon as she opens the IPad,

we should be able to mirror it on these monitors.

- There we go. - Come on. Come on, come on, come on.

Went straight for the videos. Not wasting any time.

No, no, no, no, no.

Except for Amanda, she's deleting them all again.

Put them back.

No! No, no, no, no, no, no. What's going on?

Okay. Okay.

- Not so fast, buzz. May I? - Be my guest.

So she is trying to frame Amanda's father.

And get rid of other possible litigants.

No! Why do they keep coming back!

Oh! Bastard! Why did you have to videotape them?!

I'd kill you again if I could! I'd kill you again!

- Take her. - God! What?

Ma'am, could you step out of the car, please?

- Why? - You know why.

What ... are you doing? Why are you doing this?

- Because you're under arrest. - What do you mean?

Another good arrest.

- You have the right to remain silent. - No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.

I can explain this. You don't understand. You don't understand!

Oh, yes, we do.

I don't have any physical evidence.

That's not strictly true.

She had her husband's cellphone in her purse.

Whoop-dee-doo! Prepare the lethal injection now.

Did it have a picture of her beating her husband's brains in?

Because otherwise ...

The print report from the gym shows what I thought it would.

There's nothing on the handle of the murder weapon.

But I think the prints that we did find could still help us make the deal.

Deal? W-what kind of deal?

Listen. They're only offering involuntary

manslaughter with probation and no time served.

- Are you actually considering that? - It seems more reasonable than homicide

since we have nothing linking annette Raber

to the murder or to the planting of the IPad.

She admitted killing him! We all heard her!

She said, and I quote, "if I could, I would kill you again."

And that might mean

if someone else hadn't already murdered her rapist husband,

she would like to do it herself. And even if her attorney

let her provide us with a complete confession,

once the defense calls all nine rape victims to the stand,

instead of convicting annette Raber, the jury will give her a medal.

Since when do we act on what the jury might say?

It's the evidence that matters.

And the evidence says she picked up the kettlebell

and deliberately pounded her husband in the head three times.

The first hit, we give her. They were married.

The second and third ... that was intent.

It's kind of hard 'cause I see everyone's point of view.

Before she can express her own opinion,

Sykes needs to hear it from you, Captain.

I think we should let annette Raber plead to involuntary manslaughter,

see what she says in her statement of facts, and negotiate up from there.

And the next time that we pick up a cold-blooded killer,

I'll be sure to say, "you're under arrest for murder!

Unless you have a good excuse."

Sometimes good excuses make great confessions.

Look, you want to arrest someone for murder,

then turn them over to the courts to decide their fate.

I want to walk them directly to their prison cell.

This isn't just about policy.

This is a chance for us to properly finish what we started,

and that is something that I really like.

Involuntary manslaughter is fair and reasonable.

Your own investigation shows that Chad Raber

terrorized at least nine women.

I would add Annette Raber to that list ...

more sinned against than sinning.

This is not a religious service. We do hope god forgives Mrs. Raber.

However, we speak for the victim.

Well, let's talk about how the jury will feel about that, hmm?

Because when I introduce them to this monster, Chad Raber,

and tell them what he did, they'll be asking my

client to autograph this little photo, and you know it.

Involuntary manslaughter, probation. She does no time.

Anything else, we fight it out in court.

- Where are we going? - I want you to see

what your new head of Major Crimes is doing.

I know what's she's doing. I approved it.

Look. Trials cost a lot of money. You want to spend $2 million

on a case where we might not even get a conviction.

Really? What are you trying to prove?

The suspect has the right to a trial. The state does not.

Nor do we have an obligation to go to court.

Let this lady decide what she wants. And give Raydor a chance.

... nine separate women ...

- - She lost control of her emotions. Oh, really?

Then tell me why my victim's wife surreptitiously deleted videos

which were evidence of those crimes?

You mean the videos

your Detectives surreptitiously placed on her husband's IPad?

Well, that's simple. She was ashamed.

Mrs. Raber discovered the videos, and because she didn't want

to face the truth about her husband, she tried to erase them all.

Oh, not all, counselor.

Mrs. Raber left the video of Amanda on the IPad,

and then she placed it in the dumpster

outside of Jim Martino's place of business.

Where is she going with this?

Mrs. Raber may not have known about her husband's crimes... - I didn't know.

...but when she discovered them, murdering Chad and framing Jim Martino

killed two birds with one kettlebell.

As long as no other rape victims came forward.

That was the real problem, wasn't it, Annette?

A solitary, unstable woman claiming rape you could probably avoid, but nine victims?

A civil action suit by all those women

could drive your business into ruin.

That's why she deleted all the videos

but the one that incriminated Amanda's father.

- She was protecting her finances. - This was not a crime of passion.

Mrs. Raber bashed her husband's head in,

then she very deliberately tried to frame someone else

for what she'd done to avoid financial loss.

Sounds like first-degree murder to me,

and those are the charges I'm going to file.

Tell me again ... your problem with this is what?

You have no evidence of premeditation.

Oh, yes, I do ...

The kettlebell your client used to end her husband's life.

- I was told it had no prints. - Oh, you're right, it didn't.

But all the other weights in her gym did,

indicating Mrs. Raber wiped the murder weapon clean

and used gloves when she killed her husband.

Well ... wait, wait, wait, wait.

Don't just go. Counter.

- Manslaughter. 11 years. - What?!

That's the maximum. Low term. Three years.

11 or I arrest her on charges of murder and we take our chances.

I'll parade Chad Raber's victims in front of the jury.

And I'll show the jury a video of your client erasing those

women as if they never existed in order to send an innocent man to prison.

Six years.

I'm on the train to 11, and that extremely gracious offer

depends on what your client will say to a judge.

And I want to hear it.

Right now.

I knew Chad took revealing pictures of his clients. It was his job.

And then a Detective came by and told us

that one of our clients had accused Chad of rape.

And I started to wonder, so I looked at his IPad,

and I found all of these...

horrible videos of these young girls.

And... I realized then in my heart that Chad was a rapist.

So, I went to the gym that morning and found him doing his workout, and...

while he was hanging upside down...


...I stopped him from ever hurting anyone ever again.

Thank you, Mrs. Raber, and the next

time you're in that situation, just dial 911.

So, having found that you are competent, that you know your rights,

and that your statement is voluntary,

I am going to accept your guilty plea to manslaughter.

Ms. Hobbs, Mr. Kelly, you have anything to add?

- No, your honor. - No, sir.

Okay. We're adjourned.

Counsel will approach. We'll set a date for sentencing.

I'd like to do it fairly soon since you already agreed on 11 years.

How about, uh, Thursday after next, 4:00 p.m.?

Well, a rapist marries a murderer. The Rabers were made for each other.

Hey, look at it this way ...

At least we don't have to come back here for a trial in another two years.

I hate court.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I like it when a jury decides.

Premeditated murder. Pled down to 11 years for manslaughter.

Is this the way it's going to be? Cutting people slack

for pretending to take justice into their own hands?

Major Crimes just closed the case

with no physical evidence and a rapist for a victim.

Suspect was found guilty two days after we discovered the body.

I just saved hundreds of thousands of dollars

that I can use for overtime and DNA tests.

I can't tell you for sure if this is how it's going to be,

but I certainly hope so.

Then I quit.

So, you're leaving?

Well, maybe you're a better Detective than I thought.

How'd I give myself away? Packing up all my stuff?

Looky here.

My whole career fits in one cardboard box.

You know, lots of older people enjoy retirement.

I mean, my grandparents, for example ...

y-you remind me of them a little.

They just retired to the Gulf coast of Florida, and they love it.

You should check it out.

It's terrific for active seniors, and they have singles night, too.

Maybe you could meet someone special.

- He's not retiring. - How can you be so sure, Julio?

- You can't afford it. - What are you so upset about?

Dirtbags get deals ... it happens every day.

It's not the deal, Flynn. It's that woman.

After four wives, five divorces, six Chiefs,

three partners, and two parakeets ...

who live a longer than I expected them to ...

I just don't want to be forced into

another long-standing, unhappy relationship.

I completely agree.

- I'm gonna get a cup of coffee. - There's a fresh pot in the break room.

- Can you get me one? Two sugars. - Come get your own, genius.

Lieutenant, should I say how much I appreciate

your service and your experience?

Should I remind you that we ... both of us ...

are probably dealing with misconceptions about each other?

Can we improve our work relationship through dinner and a drink?

God, no.

Look, Captain. This isn't just about you.

After all I've given to the L.A.P.D.,

anyone else besides me sitting in that office is an insult.

And it's not fair.

You have been a homicide Detective for how long,

and you're still expecting life to be fair.

Look, if I stay, I'll only complain and point out your mistakes.

Lieutenant, aren't you experienced enough

to speak your mind with me and remember my rank?

Well, of course I am. The problem is I don't want to.

This whole situation, it ... it just sucks.

It does a little. I know.


Why don't you agree to stay on at Major Crimes only ...

only till you find someplace completely fair to work.

Think about it.

Hey. Hey, what are you doing?

I still need those to study for that stupid test.

Your things don't belong here. You can study in your room.

It not my room.

But this is the living room, and it is definitely mine,

and your stuff needs to go.

All right. Well, then I'm gone, too.

How about that, huh? And I mean out the door.

You want to leave?

I am the best hope you have of finding your mother.

Okay, look, look. I will try not to make unnecessary demands on you,

but by 11:00 p.m., you're in that room.

You cannot tell me to go to my room.

I am not a child, first of all, and second of all, you are not my mother.

You're right. I'm not your mother.

And how do we know that? Because I am here.

I'm here. And your mother is not.

And you're gonna have to try and make the best of it.