Maine Cabin Masters (2017–…): Season 7, Episode 15 - A Medieval Maine Makeover - full transcript

Deep in the forests of Maine, Masters of Cabins, Chase and Ashley, have been summoned to Burgundar, a medieval live action role playing community in need of the builders' aid. Burgundar's market tent, fire pit, and gathering inn a...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You cannot enter
until you are
dressed appropriately.


Hey, guys.

How's it going?

Welcome to Burgundar.

LARPing stands for
live action role-playing.

We're kind of
looking for something...

that will really pop.

They are the owners
of this 11-acre compound.

Fix this up,
make some nice, tall benches.

Today, we are
stripping off the old,
open-air market.

These guys have done
a heck of a job
building this whole thing.

Now if that roof
would just get here,

we could all
be out of the rain.

That acted
like a sponge,

it sucked all that water up,
it's rotted.

Come on up.

Holy moly!

My brother said
to hike down this trail.

It's pretty though.
Hike through the woods!

I can only imagine.
Look how nice it is.

It's a beautiful forest.

This is a cool forest.

I know.
Which way does the path go?

Right this way.


Oh, what are you doing?

Where are we?
And what are you doing?

Welcome to Burgundar.

You cannot enter
until you're
dressed appropriately.

What's wrong with
what we're wearing?

Your attire is right there.

Oh, am I a queen?

Yeah, get dressed up
and we'll...

Are you allowed to explain
what's going on?

I'll let you know
once you're dressed.

Are there any cabins involved in this?
Of course.

I'm Queen Ashley
of West Gardiner.

we are in Harrison, Maine

in Burgundar Village.

It is a LARPing community.

And we are here today
to meet Doug, Dave
and Kristina

and some of the other LARPers.

They are the owners of this
11-acre compound, really.

LARPing stands for
live action role-playing,

where people dress up
in costumes

and have a lot of fun
doing it.

It's a place where they come
just to get away from life

and relax
and enjoy themselves.

All right.

Get on?
Nice ride, Chase.

Step on in.



Wow, this is cool.
This is so cool.


Oh, my God. Look at this.

Look at...

Wow, we just went back in time.
We did.

Hi, guys!

I'm Doug and this is
one of my co-owners, Dave,

and one of my co-owners,


Hey, guys!
How's it going?

There's so much going on.
This is awesome.

So many questions,
this is so cool.

Welcome to Burgundar!

Burgundar is
a live action role-playing
event site

that people come and rent out
and spend the weekend
playing their game.

And what does a game
consist of?

There's a person
who has a story to tell

and that's the world
that the game takes place in.

And the players
have to react to that world.

It's an escape.

Uh, it's like a good book

and you're a part,
you're a character
in the book.

And you play that character.

It's really fun.

I assume there's
no electricity in Burgundar.

There is a rudimentary system

'cause we have nothing
out here.

About eight years ago,
this place got started.

The original owner
built a lot of the stuff
with community help.

But it was pretty,
pretty rural back then,

I think there was
just two buildings.

So, tell us what...

What do you have in mind?

We're kind of
looking for something

that will really pop

when you come up the road
and say,

"Wow, this is better than
a nice theme park!"

Or something like that.

Is this place used all summer,
like, is it
a seasonal type of...

We try to use it all year.

Our market tent is, uh...

No longer a tent.

Seen better days.
I was just gonna say...

We were imagining,
like, timber frame

and metal roofing
for the tent, yeah.

You need something permanent.

That's a place where,
when it rains,

you can find shelter.

And if you are
a merchant character,

you can sell your wares,
lay 'em out.

And then, the inn.
That's where
everyone meets up.

It's just become
clustered and...

the inside is not finished.

The siding is not complete
around the building.

And the roof itself
is rough on the edges.

The metal didn't
extend far enough.

The front porch
is kind of rickety.

It's a place where new people
generally will come in,

sit down, take a breath
after a long fight
or a long battle.

And it's a good place to relax
and just get to know people.

Our fire pit, which is
really kind of the hearth
of the community,

is, uh, you know...

Had a good eight-year run,
but it's crumbling.

And get
what I call super bench,

so that it's no longer
a tripping hazard
and can sit more people.

You know,
it's the hearth of the town.

So, how much do you have
to fix up this village?

We have $20,000.

About half of which was raised

directly from
our community fundraiser.

Nice. What is your
timeframe, really?

So, we have a community event
that we're trying
to get off the ground

to get more in touch
with the locals.

So about 12 weeks.

I think 12 weeks
and $20,000

to focus on the inn,
the open-air market,

the fire pit...

That's doable.
We just need a key.

This is the key to Burgundar.

All right.
I'll leave it in your hands.

And I'll get all these guys
out of your way.

All right.
All right, guys.

See you in 12 weeks.

Welcome to the inn.

There's no doors
on the inn.

There are no doors on the inn.

This isn't
bad construction.
Good pitch on here.

So, they were talking
about putting a porch
out here.

Hey, it wasn't
a farmer's porch back then.
What was it then?

A lancer's porch?

A knight's porch?
A knight's porch.

This is gonna be fun.
Fun thing.

Yeah, this is
pretty straightforward.

Let's go check out
the outback.

So, I can see
some issues.

The roof not coming down
all the way
to the edge of there.

And, you know,
they know all this
but that's an easy fix.

It is amazing
a lot of this stuff
hasn't rotted.

It is.

Onward, m'lady.

We will be able to use
a lot of old stuff we have.

We can get
some recycled stuff,
we can call some places,

like, "Got anything you just
want to get rid of?"

You know, 'cause this truly
is function over fashion.

You know, make this
comfortable for them
when it's raining out,

at night, and you know,
just get the most use
out of it.

Oh, that's funny.
That's a tarp.
I thought that was canvas.

So, yeah,
we'll come up with a pole barn

style for this.

Open underneath,
so it's just, again,
a covered area.

Super simple but lots
of covered space for 'em.

And then the fire pit.

I like this fire pit.

Can we fix what it is
or do we have to start over?

Repoint it?
With a steel ring.

Oh, that's a good idea.
With stone.

On the inside?

And then
some slab benches?

What if you had
four of 'em?

Oh, yeah. Four of 'em.

You know, one on each side
with space in between

to get into 'em.

On the inside
of the inn, our goal is
to put down new pine floor

and some new front doors.

On the exterior,
we'll finish the walls off
with live edge siding

and add a covered porch
on the front, back and side.

Onto the open-air market.

It's basically
a lean-to shelter with
a few posts and roof.

The fire pit is definitely
the main hangout area.

Our goal is to re-cap
the whole thing,

add a new metal liner
to hopefully absorb the heat,

and one of Doug's big requests
was some good-sized benches

that a lot of people
could sit on
and stand behind.

Community supports 'em,
so this is a good project
to get involved with.

But we are not wearing this gear the whole time.

I think our LARPing days
are over for now.

We are
back at Burgundar.

We're here today to start demo
and kind of tear things apart

to make a plan
for rebuilding it.

This is a LARPing colony.

I'm sorry, what?
LARPing. Live action role-play.

So they dress up in, like,
medieval costumes?

Medieval, fantasy,

They wear, like, tights and stuff?
They do.

So, we're here
to finish off the inn,
the fire pit.

Definitely need some stonework
and safer benches.

Well, cool.
Where do you want to start?

Really, I think
the focus is the inn

and this area...
Okay., just to kind of see
what's going on

and come up with a game plan
for that.

So, just basically
cutting the tarp down?

I think so.
All right, let's do it.


We're about to get medieval
up in this bad boy.

So, the thoughts were
to do a shed dormer.

This kind of becomes
the outdoor kitchen area.

First step is just to get
all the material that's been
stacked up behind it

out of the way.

Looks like they like tea.

My main goal today is
to get it clean around
all sides of that inn.

And there's a lot
of undergrowth here,
it's very up and down.

A lot of tripping hazards.

So this is gonna really
make it a lot safer for them.

Ryan's clearing land
so that we can extend the roof
on the end.

And that way, it'll give them
just even more space,

in case it rains
or it's bad weather,

to be able
to still be outside.

This whole thing's
coming down, right?

Yep. Rip it down,
slice and dice.

You really cutting it
or are you just
role-play cutting it?

Look at you, in your throne.

I didn't have to
dress up today

but, of course,
I'm still the queen.

Next steps are get all this
scrap wood that's
been stacked up

behind it out of the way.

Jousting rods!

That looks dangerous, Dixie.

It's, like, wiggling.

Heads up.
Watch yourself.

That looks dangerous,
Dixie. Dixie!


Heads up.
Watch yourself.

Got it!

We are
back at Burgundar

and today we are
stripping off the old,
open-air market.

Hard drop!

Ryan's got the mini-ex
and he's levelling out

and clearing back some land

in order to kind of
get access to the inn.

There was actually quite a bit
of room behind
the open-air market

so I think we can
cut up that roof section,

clear out some trees

and go back into the woods
a little bit
with the structure.

Come on!

So close.

It's that medieval...

It's that medieval plastic!
That medieval plastic!


The inn right now
is just pretty rustic.

Stuff doesn't really
fit the time period,

the things
that they have in it.
The old couch.

This is an atypical cabin
for me because
it's all fantasy.

I gotta put myself
in the life of Burgundar,

even if that means
I have to sit on the couch,

watch some movies
to get inspired.

I'll do what it takes
to get the job done.

They call me
the stump slayer.

Burning stumps out.

We've got a good base
till next week.

We've got a good open area.

Room to work with.

I'm gonna come back
another day
and really get it flat

and then we're gonna
bring in some gravel.

Sumping is easy.

Are you pedaling?

Coming through.
I'll give you guys some lunch.

Do you want lunch, Jedi?
What are you pedaling?

Hold onto it.

I got some hot soup.

You guys over there.
You guys good over there?
You need anything?

Got any potions?
Oh, I got tons of potions.

I'll be back when you guys
finish my open-air market.

This thing's getting
a little heavy to push.

You better not go
down a hill on that thing.

Do you want
to dig holes over here?
Flatten it?

Yeah, I say get the machine
in here and just
scrape that and just...

Even just kind of level it out.


We're gonna do something
to this, fix this up.

Make some nice, tall benches.

These are kind of a hazard

'cause there could be times
that fights take place
at nighttime.

So he was hoping for, like,
a taller bench.

And it would be kind of
protecting you
from falling in the fire.

Big wraparound benches.

For knights
of the Round Table!

Sounds to me
like you guys are
really getting into this.

We're putting
a team together.

What is with
you boys today?

Let's think about,
think about what we're
gonna do for the benches.

So, the plan
for the open-air market...

If we clear out some trees,
Ryan kind of levels it out
with the mini-ex,

we can set posts and do
a slight-pitched shed roof.

Ryan can down
the remaining posts

while he finishes up
the excavation.

On the inn, we're going
to get a materials list

for building the wing
off of that side

and off the back of it.

I mean, between
the open-air market,

fixing that up,

dealing with the fireplace
and benches...

You know, if we have time
and the budget allows,
we can do some small features,

but I think we'll leave
most of the decorating
up to the design team.


So, we've got a plan.
We got a plan.

We got a plan.

All right, so you're gonna keep going with the machine...

And that's about it for today.

I'll have it ready
for next week.

He was having
too much fun anyway.

It's week two at Burgundar
and Jedi and I are here
playing excavation guys.

We have our mini here
and we have
the tractor here.

And our goal today
is to get it cleaned up

and get some nice gravel
spread out.

I'll pull that stump out
and I'll come back,
I'll back into here

and I'll scrape this back.

Then you can start work
on the path there over
to the new marketplace.



There's gonna be
eight posts at
the open-air marketplace.

40 feet long, eight feet wide,
where the old spot was.

And then we're gonna have
a nice, smooth surface.

Next time in we'll come in,
we'll put the four posts
back in.

Four other posts on the side.

That's gonna have nice gravel
and a pathway out back

where we're gonna have
a new roof system.

on the side of the inn
and roofs on the end.

It's week three at
the Burgundar LARP community
and today we are

setting posts for
the outdoor-air market.

Trying to get all
the roof systems,
kind of, figured out.

And I am working on
starting to repoint
the firepit.

So the outdoor firepit,
you know, it's a big area.

It's definitely the central
group hangout area.

You take back
the rocks,

try and get rid of
all the loose debris.

And for now I'm just,
kind of, setting the stones

back in place
to give me
a general idea

of where they're
gonna go.

I could take it all the way
down to the ground
and rebuild it

but, we don't have
that time or budget.

Oh! That's what I didn't
want to do.

So I'm just getting it solid
to recap the stones

so, at least, the water will
shed off of it and it won't
deteriorate any further.

These guys have done
a heck of a job
building this whole thing.

But there are some things
that should be fixed
over time.

And a lot of it's
just from shedding water.

Over here, if you look,
they're sheathing boards.

They used, uh,
sheets of plywood

where, you can see,
the roof didn't quite
come down the whole way.

So what we're
gonna do here is
we're gonna fix that.

Tips are on it
but we don't need
to replace it.

If we wrap it
the right way after this,
it'll last forever.

The guys are working
on the roofs that are gonna
come off for the inn.

And you see the posts
that are in right here,

there's gonna be
a roof system
that comes off.

The inn and the deck
were built as
two separate components.

So we want to put
a covered roof over it.

But we don't want it
to separate so

we need to get
the deck squared up
to the building so that,

when we build off from it,
everything is in line.

Jedi and BT were
working on the back,

outdoor kitchen area,
on the end.

We are lopping up
some rafters live,

this is live
and this is
some action.

We get all these rafters up,
we can get ready,
get some strapping on there

and get ready for roofing.

One of
the big requests from
the Burgundar community

was to have more
hangout space
on bad weather days.

So by putting in all
the covered porches

and that open-air market,
it's just gonna give them
a lot more space.

to just, kind of,
set up when the weather
isn't that great.

All right, let's go bring
the guys some lunch.
Come on. Come on, get out.

I wanted to, kinda, get eyes
on the project, the build,
see what was going on.

And Chase asked me
to bring lunch.

Mutton stew for
everybody today.

So I figure this is
the perfect time to play
a prank on the guys.

Oh, boy!

Who's in the mood
for some mutton stew?

Hey, what's going on?

I brung you, I brought you some lunch.

I went to the store and got
a bunch of canned soup,
canned beef stew,

um, and then I put it in a pot
and rolled it on up
and said,

"Hey, Chase told me
to bring lunch.
Here you go, guys.

"I got some nice cold soup
and cold bread for you."

Anybody want
some cold soup?

I don't think
I can, guys.

Look at this,
I cooked it
all morning.

walking away from me.

Nobody wants any
of my soup? Chase?

Stone soup.

Uh, all right,
I'll have some of it.

What do you think?
You told me
to bring lunch.

Are you kidding me?

Is it edible?
I brought butter.

Cold soup and butter!

Of course she would
show up with cold soup...


...and no bowls,
no spoons.

Yeah, that's how
she rolls.

I'm also offering pizza!

Pizza party!

There you go, guys.
Help yourselves.

Yeah that...

They're eating it.
Can't waste it.

I think the joke's
kind of on me.

Where's the costumes?

We're back at Burgundar
with a full crew today.

We got a lot of work to do
and, really, a short time
to do it.

I'm overdressed
at the moment.

Better take a layer off
until it starts raining.

We have a huge nor'easter
coming in so we are trying to
get as much done as we can.

Last time we were here,
we got the inn
all framed up.

Chase and Jake and Andy
and Josh are working on
putting on the strapping.

Behind me, you've got
the guys finishing up

the new structure
for the marketplace.

They're gonna do
half lap timber frame style

so, uh, roofing
should be here
any minute now

and hopefully we'll be
prepped up and ready to go
when it gets here.

Brad, BT and I are working on
setting the rafters
for the open-air market.

We're doing just beamage
so, basically,
we're cutting out birdsmouths

out of the, the rafters.
We're setting a rafter each
on top of the posts.

Okay, so this one's
all good to go up.

That's awesome.

Slot it right in.

Yep, yep, yep.
Anchor it.

So we're
getting the inn
set and ready.

Getting the rafters finished,
braced off.

Getting the strapping on
up here.

Again, once the strapping
is all on we can start
throwing up some roofing.

Which will give them
more area outside
on bad weather

and we, definitely,
need it today as well.

It's gonna be
pretty awesome.

They can be in the inn,
do their thing,
eat and whatnot.

Love it.

So we are going with
live edge siding
to cover over this place.

And it's easy to use
and will fit the time period
that they're going for.

Hi, guys.

What a big crew.
This is gonna be great
for selling all my merch.


Looks good.
What's the plan
for in here?

Uh, not quite sure
how much we're gonna do.

Um, our main focus is,
definitely on the exterior.

Can I tell you what
my plan for in here is?

To at least sheet up the walls
I'd like to see some
nice decorations on the walls.

It really depends on
how far the budget carries

but hopefully,
we'll at least
be able to dress it up.

Usually, I use
about 15% of the budget
on design and decorating.

Since this is a small budget,
I need to get creative.

There's not a whole lot
to decorate on the inside.

So I'm thinking maybe
I can get

some live-action decorations
to help fill the space.

This is great.
They have so much more
outdoor space now.

Now, if that roof would
just get here we could
all be out of the rain.

A rain jacket's great
but you can't
get at your tools

and you don't want to get
your tools wet
so I'm just gonna

make myself a little poncho.

Then I'm gonna reinforce this
with a little duct tape
right there.

Just because it's gonna
have a tendency
to ride up on me.

I'll duct tape that
and I'll be good to go.
Give me one second.

We have got
about 75 rain jackets.

Once again,
he's gonna wear
a trash bag.

Did you send everybody
a message saying,
"Bring your rain gear?"

And we have so many raincoats
at home, we have about
75 raincoats at home.

I call this
Maine ingenuity.

How do you like that
for timing?
Roofing's here.

Now that
the roofing material
has arrived,

we're working on getting
the strapping up on
the open-air market.

And get as much done
as we can.

Here comes
the heavy rain, man!

Well, this is starting
to go downhill quick.

Wrap it up,
we don't need
to keep going.

Even you're soaked!
Come on in
out of the rain.

We are trying
to beat the rain.
We failed, miserably.

Everything's ready
for roofing, roofing was
late to show up.

Next steps are keep
moving forward on
getting the roofs up.

Finish off some trim
and siding.

It's gonna be beautiful.

It looks pretty good
for what we went through
the other day,

you know?

That would have been
snow if it was today.

We're back at Burgundar
and it's a great day
to be here.

When we left last time,
we had all the post
and beam structures up

and all the strapping.

Our goal today is to get
all the roofing on.

Josh, Andy and Sarah
and Dakota are over there

and they're working on
the shorter roofs.

BT, Jedi and Scotty
are over here.

They're figuring out,
where exactly we want
the panels to land...

There we go.

Looks good.

...on the end. They're gonna
put those 10-foot panels
on the gable ends.

They'll get the roof down
and they can keep siding.

Nice job!

Wet, soggy, OSB. Ew!


You know, one of
the major problems
I knew I was facing was

where the OSB went below
the roofline,
that acted like a sponge.

It sucked all
that water up
and rotted.

It's only rotted
about six inches up.

So I'm just gonna
cut it back here.
It'll start drying out.

I probably,
could cut that
with a butter knife.

Oh, yuck!

We're gonna cut
these tails back at
90-degree as well

so water will come down
and then drip right off.

Really, you want your tails
to either be cut at
a 90-degree or plumb.

What we like to do now is,
our drip edge,
we put out an inch

and then we put our roof out
another inch so you have
two inches overhang.

Looks like someone
did it with an axe.

That's what I'm going for,
you know.

Um, right now we're just
making our own flashing

for this old,
existing roofline.

Um, just to cover up where
our new roofs coming into it
so water will drain off,

not get back into
the building and drain
down the roof.

We'll make our bend.
It'll slide right into place.

This is called
Mainer ingenuity. Beautiful.

Looks a lot better already.

You're not gonna see
the old rot.

It's gonna dry out
and it'll be fine.

You know, now everything
is protected, water is gonna
come down,

hit that drip edge
and drip off.

We're coming in, cleaning up
some great work
by non-carpenters

and making it last forever.

That place is gonna be
open for business
next time they're here.

So it's week seven
at Burgundar
and today is

a lot of just
wrapping things up.

We need to put
some bracing on
the outdoor market.

Finish off some trim
and siding on the inn.

Brad and Ryan were working on
finishing off the trim
on the roof.

And then, there are
a bunch of two-by-tens

that we need to figure out
a good way to use.

And Justin and Scott
suggested building a bench.

Really, it's perfect.

Good seating area,
out of the weather,
good use of material

and lot more outdoor area
for people to hang out,
stay dry.

Once they got that
wrapped up,
Justin, Scott and I

assembled the front doors
and got those installed.

Jeez, that looks good.
Nice work.

I think the exterior
of the inn is looking
really good.

One of the requests of
the Burgundar crew is that
they would love some

large benches
around the fire pit.

So they want something beefy
that you can sit on,
stand behind.

So I've got some old
chunky beams that
I can use to build this.

So these are the pieces
for the Burgundar benches.

This is one of the uprights.

I've got the legs and uprights
out of, just,
random short pieces

of beefy beam
that I have
kicking around.

Then, those are the pine slabs
I'm using for the bench top
and backs.

I'm thinking just
keep it really simple.
Do a cross brace,

lock it together and then
slab on the seat,
slab on the back,

one half a slab
across the top
and should be good to go.

Um, just needed to notch out
where they overlapped.

Um, it's, basically,
just a 2-inch depth gouge.

So I'm just notching this out
with a chainsaw.

Hammering it out.

In order

to get these notches cut.

And then, just,
finish it off with
that mini grinder.

So these are
the two legs.

Then, those two
should go together.

This is just so that
they overlap, I'll still
lag screw them together.

The bench base will sit here,
back will go against that

and then I'll have
a top piece for there.

They fit together well.
They're pretty big so I'm
not gonna assemble them here.

Um, by the time you add in
the pine slabs, it's gonna be
a lot of weight

so I'll just get
everything cut,

take it all over to Burgundar
and assemble on site.

One down,
three to go.

We're finishing everything up
at Burgundar

and today our goal is
to get the benches built

and get the floor
sheathed over.

And we bought
a unit of pine.

Ashley was hoping to get
the wall sheathed in.

At the beginning
we weren't sure,

you know, it was
a small budget,

we were gonna take it
as far as we could.

So we'll see
how far it goes.

Firepit's all fixed up.

They wanted some
nice benches for
around the fire pit.

Everything's been cut.
Now it just needs
to be assembled.

Hi, guys.

Oh these are
the super benches?

Something like that.

Chase, can I
steal Andy today?

I wanna try
to fix up that cart.


You know,
I spent a lot of time
with the cart.

So I thought,
why don't I take

and put a little bit of time
in and try to fix it up.

Where is this cart?

Winter wonderland
around here.

You know, the last time
I used it, it was not pretty.

It wasn't in good shape.

Ah! No!
We just broke it.

No, no, no.
Oh, no!

Hey, Ryan, can you just
help us for one second
real quick?

You need a hand?

Things were breaking
left and right just by

moving it over
to the workplace.

All right, Andy.
Well, we just created
even more work for ourselves!

So, you know, we just,
kind of, put the wheels
back on, tightened them up.

How am I doing?
This is not in my wheelhouse.

Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. She's all tightened up.

With a little bit of
more stuff added to it,

it's gonna be
the cutest little cart.

I helped Chase
do some benches.

Once again, you know,
Chase never ceases
to amaze me.

At all the jobs lately,
we've been cutting slabs,

we've been cutting down
big pine trees,
we've been keeping slabs.

Oh, no one's gonna steal these. That's good.

You know,
it's a live edge pine.
It's still, fairly, green.

So I decided to just
torch it just to seal it up
for the winter.

We've got all these
extra crushed stones

so I thought it might be fun
to try to see if I can get it
to imprint Burgundar

into the live edge pine.

Now that we've got
the floors done, we've got
a bunch of leftover stuff.

So what we're gonna do is
we're gonna use it all up

and we're gonna close in
what they have insulated.

You guys!
You made it all the way!

Yeah, we still got
a bunch of boards left.

Yeah! I wanted sheathing
to the top and boom.

The inside is now brighter.

It's got those beautiful
double doors on it.

And with my decorations,
it's gonna look great.

♪ Somebody who's Chase's
sister got her way ♪

Next step is for me
to come in
and do some decorating.

It's just gonna bring
the space to life.

♪ I got my way ♪

The guys were
able to sheath in
the interior walls.

So now, I'm gonna make
some nice medieval
decorative flags

and really brighten up
the space.

So I found this
awesome fabric.

I chose colors
that would have been
with the time period.

In the medieval times,
they used to dye their fabrics

with things that they'd
find in nature.
Berries, flowers.

Now, I gotta
get to designing.

Now, I was thinking, like,
this would be one color,
this would be another color.

So what I'm thinking,
blue and red
for the background

with a yellow "B".


The next thing I need to do
is just flatten them out
with my iron

and then, um,
get to sewing.

Okay. There we go.

I wanted to add a little
bit of detail to it

so, um, they've got
a big sign when you first
roll up to Burgundar.

So I took that "B",
which is pretty ornate,
drew it out, cut it out

and then used that
as a template

and then cut it out
from there.

There it is.

Oh, look at this. Does it look good?

The "B" will tie
the whole thing
back into the property.

All right.
There we have it.


Now I have about
20 more to make.

Set the throne.
The mighty, mighty throne.


I'm in costume. Hold on.
I'm in costume.

No, no, no.
You get to be
the king for the day.

Well, you always are, actually.
Yeah, right.

Well, I think the greatest
design piece I did was this.

I mean, come on,
look at this outfit.

We're in the 12th week
at Burgundar.

Over the last 10 days,
my team has come in,

and we have, really,
just knocked it out
of the park.

You know, I've made
all the flags, put them
throughout the property.

They really add nice color
and they're time period appropriate.

If I didn't know any better
and walked into it,

I would really think
that I was back
in the medieval times.

You know, with the $20,000
we, definitely, were able
to go over and beyond.

Little details are gonna
really make it believable.

In the open-air market,
we have a lot more
seating space.

Lots of ways to hang up
the merchandise.

I'm extremely happy
with how the cart
came out.

The inn looks great.

The inside is now brighter.

It's a full functioning inn
for any type of game
they want to play.

I enjoyed decorating
all the camps,

but this one is right up there
as one of my favorites.

I enjoyed building
all the camps.
I'm not playing favorites.

I like them all.

Oh, I do have one little
last surprise.

I'm bringing in some
live-action players
as live props today.

Perfect, that'll fill
this place right up.

Can you
call in the extras
for me?

Oh, there they are.
Holy cow.

All right!

Yeah, everybody,
if you guys just
fill your spaces.

Do what you do.

All right, if everyone's
in their places,
we're gonna call

Doug and the rest
of the gang in.

Come on up.

Holy moly!

Look at the fire pit.

Look at the benches
'round the firepit.

Hey, everyone!


Welcome back.

Holy moly!

What I was
looking for was
the wow factor.

If somebody comes up
the road, I want them
to say, "Wow!"

Boy, are they gonna.

We've done a lot
since you've been gone.

Yeah, I can see that.

You fixed me cart.

Yes, we did!
Thank you for noticing.

My name's Garrett
and the person
I'm representing right now

is Kiln Forgehand

And I'm overcome
by the fact that,

something so small,
you guys put
some time into.

It really means
a lot to me.

We started out
working on
the open-air market.

Took down
the existing structure.

And then reset some poles
and gave you
a nice metal roof.

Good beefy beams,
so it's solid.

It'll protect you from
the elements.

It's so beautiful.
It is, yeah.

And it's so key out here
because, you know,

when it rains, it's like,
we don't stop playing.

Yeah, and we kept
that in mind
the whole time.

You know, same thing
with the inn.

You know, we...
Look at all the roofs!

...added a couple
of roofs off every direction,
just to give you more space

for sitting down, covered,
out of the elements.

And we know the fire pit's
really important, you know,
central meeting area.

So we, basically you know,
recapped it,

added a steel inner-ring
to try and help
deflect some of that heat

so it doesn't break down
as quickly.

And we know mega-benches were big for you so...
They were! Super-benches!

Those are, definitely, some super-mega-benches.
Super mega benches.

You're not gonna
flip over backwards
on those!

Yes, yes.
That's for sure.

I see more seating
and more seating
and roofs.

The players will be
comfortable now.

They redid
all the floors.

Oh, wow.
Oh, wow.

Holy smokes!

Oh, my goodness.

"Live, laugh, LARP"

I love that.

The inside being
finished walls feels
much sturdier

than what we had there.

My focus was on the exterior.
I didn't even know if we'd
make it to the interior here,

but then we were really
able to stretch that budget
pretty far

and we got a unit of pine.

So we put a new floor down
and we had enough material
to get the walls walled in.

Doors, so you can
close this place up.

A bench on the side
over there.

The guys just, you know,
got creative and used
material they had.


Yeah, I had fun
sewing all these flags.

We kept your prep-kitchen
outside, under the roof.

Added more seating area
out there, as well,

just to give you
more space in here.

Ashley's flags really,
really, uh, pop for us
because it's a reminder that,

you know, in the Middle Ages,
everyone thinks that it was
dark and depressing, but no.

They showed their pride.
They flew their colors.

I'm so happy.
I love the fact that you've
taken what we have

and just made it
so much better.

So we had, you know,
12 weeks and $20,000
to really ramp this place up.

The open-air market
was important, um,
getting covered area,

just places for people
to get out of the weather.

Fixing up the inn,
getting it re-sided.

And the fire pit.

I mean, we stretched
that budget as far
as we possibly could

and, hopefully, it's what
you were looking for.
What you imagined.

It is--
Everything and so much more.

Just having,

you know, everything out here, essentially, level up

Is just so critical
to the comfort of everyone

who comes out here
to enjoy the site.

We won't keep you
from your game any longer.

All right, that's my cue. Here's your key.

Thank you, guys, so much.
All right, guys.

Thank you so much.
Enjoy, have fun, Thanks everybody.

Thank you!

Come on.

Thank you.

Well, come on in, everyone.

This community
is everything to us.

Thank you, guys, so much,
Maine Cabin Masters.

I think they went
above and beyond
and stretched that budget

to a limit that we could
never have achieved.

You know, I was so nervous
when we started
the fundraising

that no one actually cares
about this site.

Um, but you've proved me
way wrong.

It's just incredible
having you all here

and, uh, I couldn't ask
for a better community.
