Main courante (2012–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - La goutte d'eau - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Hey you, what are you doing?

Come back here!




Stop them, do something!

It was them. They robbed me.

Oh shit, we've lost them.

What are we looking for?


Okay, so, croissants?

Yes, and pain au chocolats,

Could you describe
your thieves?

Well, no.
They were like locusts.

They came, and left
before I had time to shout.

And the goods digested.
It's hard to arrest them.

Why do you think
I make my croissants.

I've a bakery to pay for!

At least you know they're good.

You don't give a damn.

You really are.

- Are what?
- You don't get it.

I work all day
and half the night,

and I don't manage.

I have loans, charges,
VAT, I don't manage.

If my goods get stolen,
then what?

We finish the pastries
at teatime.

This is a shortfall.

We'll sort out patrols.

What use is that?
You see them earlier?

We can't put an officer
in your shop.

This is useless.

If you don't press charges,

we definitely can't help.

- Sam.
- Yes?

Excuse me.

Why's that guy angry?

Stolen croissants.


Did you know Manon's man
was attacked?

Yes, I heard.
I nearly cried.

His statement, he now claims
he recognised the culprits.

Sounds dodgy.

Yes, take care of it.
He's there.

He's, there?

What came over you?

What are you doing here?

I'm not working today,
I'm with him.

I don't need you.

I am here.


Follow me!

You go where you want,
but not with me. Got it?

I have the right.

Manon, please,
don't complicate things.

We're getting married!

Do what you want
with your life. I give up.

Know why your future husband
is changing his statement?

No, I don't know.

Clear off.

Mr Vincent Lutrin,

if you want
to take the trouble.

I want her to be there!

She saw the attack?

- No.
- Then, it's a no.

So what exactly
do you want to declare?

I recognised my attackers.

Eight days later?

You have an unclear memory.


I was scared of them.

I didn't dare report them.

Do you have their names?

Manon told me.

He recognised his attackers.


Two Police Officers.

Your word against ours.

You have no chance.

Let's go.

I'll type up
your statement myself.

You can't understand?

You can't understand
that I love her?

It's true, we have problems.

I went to a Shrink.

I understood many things.

It's my father.

He beat me, that's why.

I'll kick the shit
out of you in heels!


I want to report it
to other cops.


I'll call someone else.

OK, let me live
and I'll buckle.


Either let Manon get married,

or I talk
to the Police of Police.

That's not part
of our duties, so.

Besides, we're getting

to know the IGPN well.

That's true.

We practically friends now.

We'll see.

As I'm going to marry Manon.

So just try one time
to piss me off, just once,

and we'll see.

Come on.

What's up?

What's going on?

What's going on?

It's your two crooked mates
who beat me up.

She's going to shout.



Is what she told me true?

- No.
- No.

I'm sure it is!

Leave them
to explain themselves.

You aren't smart.

What could we do?

At times the Police
and justice are powerless.

We should know.

I'm against all forms
of violence.

You use the same weapons
as that prick!

You put handcuffs on him
on Christmas,

is that not violent?


But if he starts
causing a ruckus.

We'll leave Manon alone.

After all, we can't save people
despite themselves.

She wants to get married.

What? Oh no, that, we can't.

Does no-one knock anymore?

It's not an office,
but a station hall.

What's up?

Poland's at the IGPN premises,
he's just fallen as crooked.

Commander Poland,
head of the Nantes Drug Squad,

is involved in drug trafficking

and pimping,
is being heard by the IGPN.

I didn't know
about the pimping.

It may be
a journalist's intervention.

They may not link him to us.
If Poland keeps quiet.

A cop caught as crooked has
been watched at least a year.

The IGPN knows
his entire agenda:

who he's seen, slept with,

who he ate with,

even what he ate
and how he paid, you know it.

- I don't want to.
- Don't freak.

The IGPN isn't interested
in you.

They have bigger fish to fry.

Did Poland give you presents?

He's not the elegant kind.

We'll have to see,
if Poland

was Coralie's pimp,
you're clear.

She didn't work enough
to pay for two.

I don't believe it's Coralie.

You no longer see her?

- No! I don't see her.
- Calm down.

Anyway, all we can do is wait.

We'll likely be interrogated.

I advise you
to tell the truth.

Kreusky, can I see you alone?

I'm watching TV
with the others,

you're all here,
am I excluded?

Don't make a scene, please,
it's not the time.

What do we do?

We wait
until lightning strikes.

I'm pissed off with you all!

I asked her questions
about her link to Poland, and.

I didn't know
you were suicidal, boss.

Commander Poland was referred
to the investigating judge

who served him
with his indictment.


No, Sam,
I wasn't saying shit to you.

Yes, it's 07:00, and so?

I haven't slept either.

Get Karine
and get a move on, wait.

What are you doing?

I work more than sleep.
What's up?

The Romanian gang did that.

Sam, the Foreman's waiting
for you.

A stroke of luck,
we've not yet

gotten the good stuff in.

We should get the copper pipes
within two days,

that's what they want,
they'll return, like clockwork.

That's the padlock they cut.

Get a guard?

And your patrols,
can't they take a look?

Yes, that's all we have to do.

Leave the doors open,
we'll get cops on each door.

You think you're at Disneyland?

It's not up to me to decide.

The boss,
you know the contractors?

They control

the purse strings,
guards must be paid.

Can you wake up?


What, don't you give a damn?

We don't stop thinking that.
But, no.

What do you want us to do?

I don't know, your job.

We can't catch
the Romanian gang.

Romanians have good backs,
when they steal, it's Kms.

Three pieces of copper.

There are Kms
of pipes envisaged.

Yes, a few metres.

Well if it's not them,
then who?

Romanians don't earn much.

There's no recent signs
of trucks, just cars.

So, Lieutenant,
not our usual thieves?

Sam doesn't think so.


- They take rolls of cables.
- You'll see later.

Watching it? By instinct?

Well, you hide.

Why, you think they'll be back
just for us tonight?

SNCF lost 35 million Euros
of cables in 2011.

If we could
catch some Romanians,

- it'd be good.
- It may not be Roms.

Kreusky, don't give me
a trial of intention.

All our thieves were Roms?


Almost all!
And we need success.

If we arrested some,
we'd seem

less stupid
in front of the IGPN.

Exactly. Sort it.

All night
for an unlikely theft?

send some uniforms.

We'll see.

- I won't sleep in a dump.
- You aren't there to sleep.

Well, I mean, hide.

Don't cry, we'll do
a real cops job,

like in films.

A thief!

We caught one!

It was me who caught him.

Don't move.

Calm down!

Don't move!

He's not indexed.

I've done nothing!

- You stole croissants!
- No!

- Why were you there?
- To buy a pain au chocolat.

So why run away?

The others, they pushed me.

Do you know them?

- No.
- So why did you run?

The Baker shouted.
This guy came out.

- Like a thug!
- Shut it!

Let him talk.

There wasn't a crumb on him.

Did you see him steal anything?

I told you!


I can't do anything.

We found nothing on him,
he has money.

His parents
will cause a scandal.

It's not possible.

I can report it, but.

Follow me!

I want
the little idiot arrested.

I want him cautioned.

They're just croissants.

They're goods!

You know how long it takes
to make puff pastry?

You know how many hours
I work?

All that for what?

Once all's paid,

I don't get much more
than minimum wage.

I can't take any more.

You're in charge
of respecting the law, shit!


Commander Kreusky.

Excuse me, I'll be back.

Lieutenant Laurent?

- Yes.
- Mail for you.

You get the same one?

Yes, I'm summoned for 18:00.

Me tomorrow.

You think Mercier?

We'll see.

It's with my friend,
Commander Distinleau.


Summoned to see the IGPN,
it doesn't sound good.

At least not straight
before a Judge.

- Don't provoke me.
- I didn't mean to.

I see we were all served.
OK, to my office.

When are you summoned for?

Next Wednesday, you?



Great! The last called
gets the pot they say.

I'll be blamed
for your bullshit,


What did I do with my meds?

It's not true.
I've none left.

You're done shooting up.

I'll end up
in a Guéret station,

or in the depths
of a sub-prefecture,

subject to the whims
of a neurotic failure

as I'm more qualified
than he.

Don't complain.

I'll end up in a shack,

among the dealers
I put away.

I'll spend a dirty
15 minutes in the shower!

Stop moaning like chicks.

Go on,
cry in each other's arms.

I'll take care of the Baker

on the brink
of a nervous breakdown.

I don't care
about your comfort jitters.


Dylan's father's here,
he's in a bad mood.

What type's he?

Doctor. Loaded. Radiologist.
Honourably known.


I don't care you're a Dr!

You could be the Pope
it'd be the same thing.

Your kid's a thief.

Stop shouting,
or I'll charge you both.

- Don't call him that!
- He robbed me.

What do you want me to say?

Will that do you?


You're witnesses,
he attacked me.

I saw you act the fool
in front of your kid.

Let's wipe the slate clean.

What do you think?

There's no way.

It's not definitely him.

Are you kidding me?


I need a coffee,
I'm just next door.

Excuse me.
I'll just be a moment. I.

I must get a machine
like this, it's practical.


Yes? Yes, sorry.

Excuse me.

It's this way.

I didn't sleep all night.

Nobody slept.
Not you, not Sam, not me.

But you take sedatives
on top of that.

Mild tranquillisers,
not the same.

- I know nothing.
- You can tell.

Sure you've no blame
in the Poland case?

What are you accusing me of?

- I don't know. I'm looking.
- Thanks.

We covered Sam.
There. That's all.

Cliquot's right, they have
bigger fish to fry.

But while waiting,
you didn't sleep.

What is that again?

The pipes.
When you pull the chain.

Don't pull the chain!

You're disgusting.

It's all falling apart.

It's time to do something.

I don't know,
call a plumber.

I can't take care
of the whole station.

People think
managing a station,

is just managing cops.

No, it's looking at statistics
and unclogging toilets.

Here, Commissioner,
deal with the loos!

He's not doing well.


Ma'am, they're back.

The kids.

They came as if crazed.
I've never seen it.

Surely his friends came
for revenge.

You have no tangible evidence.

- I saw him!
- No. You're lying.


We'll check who
your little friends were.

- Give me their names.
- Don't.


You can't oppose
an enquiry.

I'll oppose
those accusing my son.

We'll check. You've an odd way
for a Doctor.


Since you won't cooperate,
go, with your son.

Get out of here. Go!

You won't set foot
in the school, believe me.

You can't do anything.

I didn't realise
but I yelled at you.

It's like that,
we can't do a thing.

But yes.

We won't solve
your problem in five minutes.

It will happen.
Have a little patience.

I don't think so.

It's the kids
from Saint Nicolas' next door.

I'm sure. A private school!
Nothing can be done.

That changes nothing.
Don't bother yourself.

Let's go.


You do the paperwork.

So, the school?

You bet!

We asked the headmaster,

he refused to give us
their timetable.

Worse than a State secret.

He really annoyed me,
I nearly brought him in.

You should have done.

He wants to be the police
in his place.

Dylan's father must have caused
a hellish fuss.

Sam's an ex-pupil
of Saint Nichols.

I was kicked out
in third grade.

- Of course.
- Alright, Karine.

Ready to confront the dragon?

No, but as we'll surely
talk about you, I'll wake up.

Commander Kreusky?

Come with me.

- Hello. Come in.
- Hello.

Did Lieutenant Laurent

inform you of his relations
with a prostitute?

Yes. Well, his relations, no.

He said she was a girlfriend.

Who gave him money.

Who loaned him money.

That's what he told you?


Commander Poland's
personal collection.

I shouldn't be surprised.


Nice pool. It in a hotel?


Did you pay the bill?

No. He invited me.

And you weren't concerned
over who paid the bill?


We were at seminar
in Marseille together,

on Criminology,
he seduced me.

He invited me

to spend the weekend
in a hotel with him.

I didn't worry who paid.

You should have.

Who paid?

One of his friends
from Marseille.

Have you seen him again?

If you tailed him,

you already know, no.

Have you seen him again?

Only professionally.

You don't get attached to him.

You're married.

What do you know
about Commissioner Mercier?

She's coming.

Shall I wake him?

If you want him to function

best not.

He asked.

Who cares! He hasn't slept.

Yes, I know.

We were waiting for you.

It wasn't worth it.


Sam, Coralie,
the eternal refrain.

Nothing else?

What else do you want?

Only asking.
With the IGPN, we never know.

Is Mercier still here?




I wasn't sleeping, I was just.

Yes, I was sleeping.
I was asleep. So?

She questioned me
about your private life.

My private life?


What did you say?

The truth:

I know nothing.

Just you're divorced
and have a child.

She have anything on you?

No. Well, I don't think so.

Stop taking those meds.

Yes, you're right.

I'll go home to sleep.
I'm tired.

No, I don't need that.
I'm not working tonight.

Let's go.

Are you bringing your coat?

And the office.


And on your private life?

Well, just what everyone knows.

No new facts?



You didn't say anything
to Cliquot. Nothing new?


Your hair's sticking up.

Yours too.

- Oh, really.
- Sorry. Excuse me.

You hiding tonight,
on the work site?

Yes. Cliquot's right,
the bosses are all sadists.

Oh, well. Goodnight.


You awake?


Get the car
and come find me.

Are you nights?


Don't pull a face.

I didn't pull a face at you.

At Sam.

He beat Vince up,
he'd have kept on

if Cliquot wasn't there.

What are you saying?

The truth.


What's that?

My wedding dress.

You're pregnant.

So what, it's still nice.

I don't want to know,

I don't want to see
or have anything to do with it.


I want you to be my witness.

Are you completely oblivious?

You're my only friend.

My only real one.

If I was really your friend,
you'd listen to me.

I don't want you
to marry that prick.


We'll be a family,
like everyone.

I want my daughter
to be raised

in a family
like any other.

But Manon,
if you were like everyone,

he wouldn't beat you up

he has indigestion.


You never thought one day
he'll beat your daughter?

He'd never do that.

I want to get married,

and I want you there.



I expected you earlier.

I'm going to miss the match,
that's not clever.

So, we've,

we've received
our delivery.

We put the copper inside,

that way, at least we're sure
if a guy comes by,

he can't help himself.

And we locked it.

That gives you time
to hear them coming.

Or at least give them
some trouble.

We're going to hide

in this thing?

It's, it's just vile.

No, I'm not like that,
I sorted the cabin

for you, it'll be nicer.

Ah yes, super, the tin.

Well, I'll leave you to it.

Good night.

Good night to you.

Right, good night!

Have a good match.

Yes, thank you.

It's not bad.

You take the first watch.

I'll sleep.

You're a shit.

What will we do about Manon?


We aren't going
to let her get married.


That's not possible.

I'm sleeping.

You've tried to protect her
from the start,

against her wish,
it has to stop now.

You tried too.

Yes, I can't anymore.
I'd make a mistake.

Is it true you beat Vince up?


I thought you never hit.

Well yes.

I can't abide those
who hurt women.

But then.

- I don't under.
- Shh, I'm sleeping.

- Are they stupid?
- They think they're alone.

Well, shall we go?

Wait till they come out,
no need to rush.

Yeah, well I'm going.

OK, let's go.

Fuck, shit!

Where's the stopcock?

I don't know, fuck.

I don't know either.

You have
to find the stop cock,

before we all drown.

We didn't find it.

We had
to call the Fire Brigade.

You aren't gifted.

Yes, well, in the dark.

Their lamp had gone out.
It was a right mess.

Are they Romanians?

You already seen Romanians
stealing old pipes?

No, that, Boss,
is a French theft.

We left them drying
in a cell and went to bed.

Well then.
Who'll deal with it?

They aren't dry!

I'm leaving him,
I took all my things.

Can I go to yours?

He ripped up my dress.

What dress?

My wedding dress!

He said I looked slutty,

it was too short,
then tore it up.

We could never know
that was the final straw.


You really left him because.

I have loads.
I need help.


Haven't you slept?

No, I haven't had time.

I have to take the car back.
It's not mine.

He took the scooter to work.

He didn't think I'd do it,
well, I am.

Manon, not like that.
We'll get boxes.

Before anything, Manon,
press charges on him.

Look at that,

you seen your leg?

It's still not healed.

That's from Christmas.

You still have a scar.

Else, moving is useless, Manon.




I didn't do that.

I'd never have killed him.

I'd never have killed him.

Your weapon was loaded
in advance?


It calmed me.

I was enraged.

I wanted to take him down.

I wanted his father
to pay me,

then him too,
but it was just to calm me,

I imagined it,

it lifted my rage.

It did me good.

I work too much, I don't sleep,

it plays on my mind.

I told myself I'd do it,
but knew I wouldn't.

I didn't do it.
I didn't. I didn't do that.

I've got to wake up.
I didn't do it.

It's not true,
I didn't do that!

Calm down! Stop!



For a croissant?

I want to sleep.

I want to sleep.

He's in no state
to be interrogated.

Not now.

Not now.

It's not here fines are paid.

You lot issue fines.

You just need
to park correctly.

I owe 942 Euros.

I have it.

Clean up your mess

or I'll put you in jail.

Now! I'm not in the mood.

Who are you?

Commander Kreusky.

I can make you pick
you coins up with your teeth!



You supervise.

Why are you dealing

with this bullshit?

I deal with everything
in this place.

As soon as a nutter comes,
they call me.

And the pipe thieves?

Not had time today.

Only crap like this
to deal with.

I'd love to deal
with this kind of thing.

I'll do my report.

And, the Baker?

We sent him to hospital,

the criminal division
will do the rest.

Did you sleep badly
in the cell?

We didn't sleep at all, no.

Unfamiliarity. In a few days
you'll sleep like at home.

Julien Delprat,

and Laurent Guilbaud.



Technicians at the station
in Cordemais.

We're colleagues.

What's your defence?


We didn't realise that.

We made a mistake.

Why didn't you steal new pipes?

We were fed up of waiting.
They haven't arrived.

Yes, yesterday.


Why were you fed up
of waiting?

My wife moans.

About the house.

We're building his house.

Buying like everyone else,
the idea didn't come to you?

Yes, but I've no more cash.

I took a loan for the land,
the walls and roof.

The rest,
I'm doing it with Julien.

Seen the price of copper?

Oh, you have plumbing problems?

Don't you touch.

No, but, I didn't mean.

Anyway, I was against

stealing new ones,
it's dishonest.

I wanted to steal old ones.

These idiots
didn't even turn the water off.


You couldn't check?

Would you have thought
of checking?


The guy with coins.

No! I'll be back.

He's missing some.

Damn, I'm going
to kick his ass outside.

What are you doing?
You're still here?

I'm going to bed.


You need my keys.

Oh yes, thanks.

I feel like I won't sleep.

What's up?

I'm not sure I was right
to press charges.

If not, it's simple,
I won't put you up.

How will I find a husband
with a baby?

Manon, you're pretty
as a flower.

You'll find the man
of your dreams.

It's not that easy.

Yeah, she's right, as guys.

Oh, girls!

I told you, some's missing.

You must search everyone.

I told you I wouldn't leave.
I won't leave.

I said if you didn't,
I put you in a cell.

Some's missing. I'm sure.
Some's missing.

Well, let's go.

It's heavy. Come with me.

My bucket.

I'll give it to you.
There you go.

I'll make a complaint.

Go on, go.

Oh no, it can't be!

There, you'll just have
to start again.

I'm sorry.



Yes. I'm scared to death.

You're early?

I don't want to be late.

Sam, I wanted to talk to you.

- Now?
- Before you leave.

If she asks you questions
about me.

About you?

Yes. No. Nothing, nothing.

It's playing on my mind.

I'm a bit worried.

I'm looking. I'm imagining.

You alright?

I'm not dry anywhere.

You neither.

I don't know if I'll cope
until Wednesday.

Go on. The IGPN.
You don't want to be late.


Lieutenant Laurent.

You're early.

Yes. But I can wait.

Still the scooter?

Yes. Still the scooter.

Still looking
for the woman of your dreams?

Not so diligently these days.

What's wrong? A bit of stress?
Please. Come in.

Yes a bit.

I just arrested a Baker
who shot a boy of 14

for stealing a croissant.

You have a stressful job.

I understand
you need distractions.

Do you still see "Coralie"?

No. She left me at Christmas.

Always this way of answering

a question
you've not yet been asked.

It's not like you're a cop.

How long were you sleeping
with her?

Not regularly.

For how long?

From September until Christmas.

A short relationship.

Sit down.

Did you pay?


So she gave you her favours
for free?


Prostitutes don't usually
have free sex

other than
with their procurer,

with their pimp.

Coralie isn't the type
to have a pimp.

You think?

Not all girls are protected.
Not now.

You know the job well.

I'm a cop.

Antoinette Sebastien,
known as Coralie,

accuses you of being
her supporter, her protector,

her pimp, in short.

Did she accuse me
or did Poland?

It was her.

- She gave you money.
- Loaned.

That's not what she said.

Check my accounts, you'll see.

You pay in more money
than you earn.

I'm in my overdraft. Always.

The bank maintains me, it.
Why did Coralie say that?

Because it's true.


- That's a poor argument.
- I want to speak with her.

Well, we'll see.

First, let's start again

from the start.

Go fuck yourself,
Commander Distinleau.

Hello, Kreusky.

It's good to get some air.

I thought
I'd be in jail tonight.

Do you think she said it
to protect Poland?

She didn't hold him dear.

What do you know?

What do you know
about this girl, really?

Many things.

What she wanted to tell you.

We learn many things
when making love.


A weekend of fucking Poland,
you left him.

- I shouldn't have told you.
- Likewise.

There are days like that,
when we can't stop talking.

Why did Coralie leave you?

Because I'm loose,


and inconsistent.

That's part of your charm.

Except if...

Except if
she was in love with you.

She was in love, Sam.

I don't know.

And you?

I don't know.

But yes, you know.

It's too complicated.

Why, because she's a whore?

Maybe. I don't know.

Anyway, it's over.

Oh no, if it's the revenge
of a woman scorned,

your suffering isn't over.