Magnum, P.I. (1980–1988): Season 6, Episode 18 - Who Is Don Luis Higgins... and Why Is He Doing These Terrible Things to Me? - full transcript

Higgins hosts the Hawaiian Islands World Class Invitational Chess Tournament reception. Meanwhile, Magnum investigates death threats to the president of Costa De Rosa, who is at the islands attending the tournament. Higgins' life is turned upside down when a man claiming to be his half brother Don Luis Mongueo - and rightful heir to the throne of Costa De Rosa - appears. And as Magnum investigates the death threats against the president of Costa De Rosa, he discovers there may more to Don Luis Mongueo than meets the eye.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We're talking about
a grown man
seducing a 17-year-old girl.

If you believe the gossip.

But I don't think
getting back at him is
gonna make you feel better.

I don't want to get back
at him. I want to find him
because he has Jesse.


There is no baby.
Just a lonely girl's fantasy.

Where is Jesse?

I really think you'd
better be going now.

I don't believe
that my son is dead,
not for one second.

Because if my son
were dead,
I would feel it.

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LYDlA: You've already taken
$3,000 of my money.

McKENNA: Yeah, and it's
going to take another grand
to keep things going.

Look, that's the way it is
in this business.

I have got
a dead-solid lead
going here.

You've told me that before.

You don't want to
screw things up by
letting the trail get cold

while you stand around here
trying to make up your mind.

At least let me see
what you've found.


Then you take my lead
and go off without me.

I'm sorry, honey.
Doesn't work that way.

The only person looks
at Joe McKenna's files
is Joe McKenna.

It's my way
or not at all.

Then I guess it'll
have to be not at all.

If that's the way
you feel about it.

LYDlA: I'm not gonna leave
without my property.

Your property?

Let me tell you something,
young lady.

You're kidding me, right?

It's mine.

I paid for it.

Please give me my file.

Give it to me!

Okay, okay.
Just stay calm.
Like I said,

I'll give you your file.

Thank you very much.

Yeah, you're welcome.



where to now, lady?

Come on, lady.
Where to?


MAGNUM: I must've seen
a hundred rainbows since
I've been in the islands.

But each one just
seems to take my
breath away.

Despite the best efforts of
Mr. Corkill, my high school
science teacher.

He used to lecture
our class on light
reflections and refraction,

polarization and prisms,
but I knew.

I knew that
that really wasn't what
rainbows were all about.

So when I got a C-minus
on my midterm,

Mr. Corkill told me that
he was really worried
that I would go through life

not understanding
the importance of
geometrical optics.

But to tell you the truth,
I was a lot more worried

Mr. Corkill might go through
life not understanding
the importance of a rainbow.

I'm sorry.
Did you say something?


I was just talking
about the rainbow.

GlRL: It's very pretty.

You know, I must've seen
a hundred rainbows since
I've been in the islands,

but you know, each and every
one of them just...

It just takes my breath...
LYDlA: Mr. Magnum?


Lydia McCarthy.

I'm sorry
I'm late.

Oh, well,
that's okay.

I got held up.

GlRL: See you around.

Can you still see me?

Of course.

I've been interviewing
with private detectives
all morning,

and when I asked
who was the number one
investigator on the island,

your name kept coming up.


That's very flattering
to know that my

fellow professionals
told you I was the best.

Well, actually, your
fellow professionals
told me they were the best.


You were number two.

Number two?

Yeah. It was

Well, almost

And human nature
being what it is,
I think that means

you're probably
the best.

Thomas, do you still
want that order?


okay, Rosine.

Oh, please. Have
whatever you want.

Bring Mr. Magnum
whatever he's ordered
and I'll have one of the same.

MAGNUM: No, no,
she will not have the same.

Mr. Magnum, believe me,
I can afford it.
Don't worry about it.

No, I wasn't
worried about the money.

Oh, you think I'm not
old enough to drink?

No, I didn't say that.
That's not what I meant.
Because I'm 21 years old.

That's old enough to drink
in any state in the union.

I'd appreciate it
if you wouldn't
treat me like a child.

I wasn't. I wasn't.
I wasn't. I'm not.

It's just that...

I just don't drink when
I'm meeting with a client.

Bring her whatever she wants.
I'll have a cup of coffee.

LYDlA: Thank you.

I want you to find this man.
His name is Donald Burns.


Why are you
looking for him?

He stole some
jewelry from me.
A strand of pearls.

I was told
he came out here
from New York.

Well, why don't you let
the New York
and Honolulu Police handle it?


I don't want him
to go to jail.

He's a thief.

Mr. Magnum,
maybe there's something
that you don't...

He was
our family chauffeur
for nearly 10 years.

And I just...
I don't want him
to get in trouble.

What is this?

Your beer.

I hate beer.
I didn't order beer.

Well, yes, you did.
You said, "Whatever
Mr. Magnum is having."

Mr. Magnum is
having coffee.

I think I can solve this.

Mr. Magnum,
this necklace is
a family heirloom.

It's very important
that I get it back.

Here's $500
to get you started.
Oh, no.

Please, don't give me
any money now.

All right.

I understand that
he came here to work
for a Loretta Vanderpost.

Loretta Zachary Vanderpost?

Do you think you can
get in to see her?

MAGNUM: I know
what you're thinking,
and you're right.

Why was I taking on
a mundane case about
a missing string of pearls

and a client who had
an annoying habit of treating
the world like hired help?

Not that I couldn't use
a quick $500, that was
certainly an incentive.

But the chance to get into
a Loretta Vanderpost party,

something Higgins had
assured me would only happen

when snow fell
on Diamond Head...

I suppose that's what actually
finalized my decision.

Oh, my God!

Higgins, don't. Don't.
Don't do what I know
you're going to do.

Leave the premises
immediately before
someone sees you.

See? You're getting
all worked up again.

I have a perfectly
valid reason for being here.
Don't you want to hear it?

Certainly not.

SUSAN: I do.

Hi. I'm Susan Brandes.
I do volunteer legal work

for this little band
of juvenile delinquents

that Lally
likes to think of
as "under-encouraged."

And you are?

Thomas Magnum.

Come on, Higgins.
I'm sure if Lally knew me,
she would've invited me.

This is an inexcusable
breach of decorum.

Please leave immediately.
LALLY: Yoo-hoo!

Oh, Jonny!


Oh, good.
You've met Susan.

Now isn't she everything
I told you she'd be?

And he's even more charming
than you said he was.

LALLY: Oh, you little rascal.


Thomas Magnum.

The little rascal
brought me, too.
I hope you don't mind.


What a delightful
sense of humor.

Why, thank you, Jonny.
How thoughtful.

LALLY: Camp Kauhale will be
an extraordinary opportunity

for this handful of
young, underprivileged boys.

It was always
a big dream
of Chester's.


Chester Zachary lll.

Your late husband.

My first
late husband.

He used to say,
"There's no such thing
as a bad boy."

It was Father Flanagan
who said, "There's no
such thing as a bad boy."

Though I'm
not convinced
he was right.

LALLY: Really?
I could have sworn
it was Chester.

Now, Gerry,
on the other hand,
was entirely opposite.


Your latest
late husband?

HlGGlNS: Colonel
Gerald Vanderpost.

A very well known
and respected man
of great vision and energy.

He was more like those
young fellows over there.

He couldn't sit still
at a party, either.

I'm going to put
a stop to this.

LALLY: Oh, Jonny,
sit down.

They've got
the rest of their lives
to behave.

I don't know who
would be more proud
of us now,

Chester or Gerry.

Oh, now, what is so
noble about letting

half a dozen young boys
run amok for a week?

Stop trying to be
cynical, Susan.
It doesn't become you.

I propose a toast.

To Susan Brandes,
for donating hours
and hours of legal work.

And to Jonny,

for generously offering
the use of Robin's Nest
for Camp Kauhale.

Robin's Nest.

Bright and early
tomorrow morning.


This has gone
too far.

Oh, Jonny,
it's only caviar.
Only caviar?

Only caviar?

You! Young man!
Let go of that immediately.

Let me.

I've got plenty of
experience myself
with egg on my face.

My first late husband,
Chester, used to say,

"You can spot
an honest man

"the minute he walks
into a place."

Do you think that's true,
Mr. Magnum?

Ms. Vanderpost...


I didn't exactly...

Well, Higgins didn't
really invite me
to your party.


I know.

Well, I mean,
we are friends. Well...

We're sort of
friends, but he...

You know, he...

That's what I mean
about an honest man.

They can't hide deception
even when it's
for a good reason.

I assume you were
lying for a good reason.

I'm a private investigator.

Well, I have a client
who believes

that you might know
the whereabouts
of a Donald Burns.


Is your client a young girl
by the name of Lydia McCarthy?

I'm not surprised
she's looking for him.

Though what she's
going to do when she
finds him, I don't know.

Well, I'm pretty sure
all she wants is for him
to give back

what he took from her.

I'm afraid
that's impossible.

If you believe the gossip.

Now, why do l
get the feeling

that we're talking
about something other
than a strand of pearls?

Because we are.

We're talking about
a grown man seducing
a 17-year-old girl.

LYDIA: But you told me
you'd find him.

And you told me you
were looking for
a strand of pearls.

Look, I'll pay you

Money's got
nothing to do with it!

I don't work for clients
who lie to me.
It's as simple as that.

Look, I mean, I can understand
why you want to find the guy.
No, you can't!

But I don't think
getting back at him is
gonna make you feel better

I don't want to
get back at him.

I want to find him

he has Jesse.

Donald stole
my little boy.

You should go to
the police, the FBl.

I did.

But a child being stolen
by one of his parents...

They'll look. But they have
so many children to look for.

You're married to Donald?

My relationship
with Donald is really
none of your business.

I'm willing to pay you
$1,000 to find him,
no questions asked.


In advance.


It's dangerous
for you to carry
this much cash around.

I'll have the desk clerk
lock it in the safe for you.

T.C.: Green 45.



BOY: Yeah!
Go get him! Hurry!

T.C.: Go that way!

No! Go that way!

That way!


HlGGlNS: Magnum!
How could you?

Well, I didn't.
I mean, we were just...

My most prized specimens.


BOTH: Breakfast!

ALL: All right!

BOY: Oh, I'm starving!

BOY 2: Come on,
let's go!

Remember, Higgins,
"There's no such thing
as a bad boy."

T.C.: T.M.,
you just weren't watching
where you were going.

The thing is,
your mind just obviously
was not on the game.

Yeah, he's still worried
about the case he gave up on.

What case?
I did not give up,
and I'm not worried.

All right,
guilty, then.

I'm not
guilty, either.

Oh, it sounds
so mysterious.
What is it?

Drugs? Espionage?

Missing persons.


A young girl asked him
to help her find her baby.

I'm not sure what
she's looking for.

And you never
will be now.

I'm sorry
I mentioned it, okay?

I'm not going
on some wild goose chase

for a client who lies to me
because she thinks money
can buy her anything.

I'm not going to do it.

Magnum, telephone.

It's the manager
of the Kolona Reef Hotel.

Something about
a Lydia McCarthy

giving your name as
a credit reference.

I assured him
that must be some sort
of bizarre practical joke,

but he was
most emphatic.

T.C.: Lydia McCarthy?

I thought she was
the one with all the money.

So did l.

Actually, she's probably
not the real client anyway.

You know, Thomas,
you should be working
for that missing kid.

He's the one that
really needs your help.

Your surf ski lessons
are scheduled for
right after breakfast.

I'll be back.

What about
the telephone?
Have a flapjack.

MAGNUM: I've always thought
that a certain amount of guilt
can be a healthy thing.

Sometimes it can give us
a reason to do things

that we've told everyone
we didn't want to do.

Even if maybe we did.

I'm looking
for Donald Burns.

And thanks to an address
Lally had given me,

I knew I had a shot at
checking up on Donald Burns

before I went back
to see Lydia.

Donald Burns?


Donald Burns?


I was given your name
by a client.

Oh, yeah?

All right.

Sorry about this,
how're you doing?

Thomas Magnum.

So a client
recommended me, huh?

Well, actually,
the client is mine.

Lydia McCarthy.


Private detective, huh?

Private investigator.

How is she?

Well, why don't you come
see for yourself?

No. No, I don't think that
would be a good idea.

She's gonna have
to get over this.

I don't think
it'd be helpful
if I agreed to see her

every time she came
running after me.

Well, I think she'd be
willing to leave you alone
if you gave her back her son.



When I went to work
for the McCarthys,

Lydia was a very pretty,

very unhappy
17-year-old girl.

She was desperate
for attention.

For love.

I knew I wasn't the guy
who was gonna make her happy.
I'm a driver.

I like my job.
I make a good living, but...

I don't think
I would exactly fit
into that social circle.

Besides, I'm 15 years
older than her.

I tried to tell her she would
find somebody someday.

She took it as rejection,
tried to get back at me.

Convinced her father

that I had had
my way with her.

He dismissed me.

I moved as far away
as I could.

She keeps
coming after me.

When she's not
tracking me down,
the gossip is.

Do you know how difficult
it is to keep a job

with the long arm of
old man McCarthy reaching out?

There's no baby.

Just a lonely girl's fantasy.

LYDlA: I'm afraid
I can't tell you
the nature of the case.

You'll be well compensated.
You don't need to know
the details.


I think anybody you hire
is going to want to know
what he's looking for.

Professional ethics.

How did you
get in here?

Professional secret.

You changed your mind
about the money.

Yeah. Yeah.

I figure

that I'll take you
back on for...


three thousand.


$3,000, cash.


I don't...
I can get you
$3,000, but...

Why don't you tell me
what's really going on?

I didn't think
I'd see you again.

Neither did l.

Why did you come back?


All of a sudden,

I got this
really strange idea.

I got this idea
that you don't have
any money at all.

I'm Lydia McCarthy.

Oh, I know. I know.
I didn't mean

that your family
doesn't have money.

But I figured, maybe,
for some reason...

Like maybe your family
doesn't want you
doing this?

Looking for your boy?

And that you didn't
have any money
right now,

and that you were almost
out of cash and you were
doing your best,

trying really hard,
to hold it together
and not ask for help.

Not really
ask for help.

Is this close?



I thought to myself,

"What kind of person
would do something
like this?"

And I came up
with two possibilities.

Either somebody who
was a little bit crazy

and was making
the whole thing up...




somebody who was
very courageous.


is Father Damien,

or Rocky Balboa.
I just want to find my son.

Why don't we go
talk to Donald Burns?

Why didn't you tell me
that you'd seen him?

I had to make sure
you didn't make
the whole thing up.


You did lie to me
a couple of times.

Meanwhile, you
let him get away.

I did not
let him get away.

They said he
went home sick.

Well, it's possible.

Lot of flu going around.

At least you got
his address.

Maybe he's around back.

He's still here.

LYDlA: Mr. Magnum! Look!

His favorite toy.

Lydia, a lot of kids
have teddy bears.


There's only one of these.

We've found him.

LYDlA: How long do these
stakeouts usually take?


He's gotta come home

Jesse loves rainbows.

Of course, there aren't
too many of them
in New York,

but one day
after a summer storm,
there was a giant rainbow.

Jesse said he had to
have one just like it
for his very own.

He kept saying,
"Mommy, find me a rainbow!

"Find me a rainbow."

So I went out
and bought him one.

Yeah, I kind of like
rainbows, too.

Are you hungry?

"Heavenly Meadows
Nature Bar."

I really hate

You don't have any
chocolate chip cookies
in there, do you?


Rolled oats, soy beans...

I guess granola
is an acquired taste.

LYDlA: The yard looks
quite nice.

I'll bet the house
is clean, too.

Well, I'd hold off
on giving Donald
the Good Housekeeping Award.


there is some evidence to
indicate that there might be

a lady of the house.

Why didn't you tell me?

Well, the evidence
was pink and frilly,

and it just didn't
seem important at the time.

Did you think I'd be
jealous that Donald
has a new girlfriend?


But I thought
you might be jealous
if Jesse had a new mother.


MAGNUM: Excuse me.

My name's Thomas Magnum.
Can I talk to you
for a minute?

What's going on here?

GEORGlA: What do you think
you're doing?



Mommy! Mommy!

You okay?

I'm sorry.

I thought he was my son.

Thank you.

I can't talk very long.
I've got to put the groceries
away and finish making supper.

Well, we're not gonna
take up much of your time.

Do you have any idea
where Donald went?

Well, he's usually at work.
If they said he was sick...
I don't know.

Did Donald
ever talk to you
about his son?

I really think you'd
better be going now.

I'm not leaving until I find
out what's happened to Jesse.

Donald has been really
good to me and my son.

And I'm not about
to let you come in here
and start making trouble.

Where is Jesse?

He's not here!

I can't tell you any more
than that. Now would you
just please leave?

if you know something
you have to tell us.

I don't!

Please, tell me!

All right! He's dead!

I'm sorry.

Donald told me he died.

Don't worry.
You'll still get paid.

Just send me a bill
and I'll send you your money.

I don't care about the money.
But don't think because
you're off the case

that I'm going to
quit looking.
Who said I'm off the case?

You can believe her
if you want to.

But I don't believe
that my son is dead,
not for one second.

Because if my son
were dead,
I would know it.

If my son were dead,
I would feel it.

Oh, God.

What if she's right?

Now look,

Donald lied to you,
he lied to me,

and probably
lied to her.

And I think
we should find out.

But it's not
going to be easy.

You think
you're up to it?

I don't know.

I think you are.

HlGGlNS: Kanaloa,
lord of the ocean
and ocean winds,

most commonly
took the form

of octopus
and squid.


And from time to time,

took the form of the banana.


RlCK: Man,
this is great.

Wish I had a camp like this
in my neighborhood
when I was growing up.

Yeah, you could've use
a Lally Zachary
in your life.

Oh, it's all a lot
of flash and show.

Round up a bunch of
scruffy adolescents,

declare them

and we all just
fall all over ourselves

trying to make life
okay for them.

Methinks the lady
doth protest too much.

Oh, please.

Hey, you got any kids
of your own?


Camp Kauhale.

Yeah. She's here.
Hold on.

It's your office.


How do I look?


(CHUCKLlNG) Calvin Klein
ain't losing no sleep.

I'll be right there.

RlCK: Hey, you'll be back
in time for the luau,
won't you?

You bet.
I sure will.

...and with him
died the old Hawaii.

Ruled by Ku, Kane,

Lono, and Kanaloa.

At the same time, of course,
many practices ended,

including human sacrifice.


Though there are arguments
for its reinstatement.

HOWELL: Looking at photos
of deceased kids is
tough duty.

It takes
a special kind of guts.

She's just
a kid herself.

Well, that's
all the files we have
from the coroner's office.

Where do we go from here?

My guess is, if the kid's
not with your husband,

there's a good chance...
He's not my husband.

If he's not with
the boy's father,

there's a good chance
that he's been
put up for adoption.

What kind of an agency
would take him
without my consent?

Well, this Burns may not have
been entirely honest about
the status of the mother.

Or maybe he didn't
go through an agency.

I'd say
that's a more
likely scenario.

There are two or three
law firms in town
that deal with these

difficult adoptions.

You mean illegal.

Not exactly.

Well, what, exactly?

Well, say a couple
wants a baby.

Can't get one
through the agencies.

This attorney
knows of a baby,

so the couple
pays 10,

Medical expenses.
You understand?

Attorney's fees.

Fifteen thousand dollars.

That's not medical expenses
or legal fees,
that's buying babies.

Can you give me any
of these lawyers' names?

We're not talking
about any crime
being committed here,

in the strictly
legal sense.

Well, Lydia never agreed to
put her baby up for adoption.
Not at any price.

Did you find something?

I think so.

SUSAN: It's just not
a good idea for you
to come to this office.

I told you that.

This exchange
was supposed to
take place on Tuesday.

Yeah, well,
something came up
and I can't wait.

You know if anyone
connects me with you,
I could be disbarred.


All right, you'll get
the rest of the money

when you drop the child off
at the center.

Thank you.


I also think it's a good idea
if we terminate our
professional relationship.

Don't worry.

I'm taking the next
stage coach out of town.

Come on. Let's go,
let's go, let's go.

LALLY: You see, Jonny?
Everything's going just fine.

At least for the moment.

The boys will all be
returning to their own homes

in approximately
120 hours.

Jonny, you're not
gonna believe this.


Camp Kauhale...


We've raised
enough money to do this
all over again next year!




Camp Kauhale.

Yes, Mr. Magnum.
He's right here.

Magnum, where are you?

You promise
to teach the boys
how to surf ski

and then you
simply disappear.

Have you no sense
of obligation,
or responsibility?

Higgins, I'm sorry.
Something came up.

What could be so
important that you
would break your word?

I don't have time
to explain right now.

I need to talk
to Susan Brandes.

Luckily for her,
she's not here.

Do you know
where she went?

No. But someone else called.
She said it was urgent.

HIGGINS: She said
her name was Georgia

and that you would know
what it was all about.

GEORGlA: I should have never
told him you were here.

He got real mad.

He took Ben away.

Your son?

He once told me that
if I ever did anything
to cross him,

he'd take away
everything I loved.

Where would he go?

if you know something,

Mr. Magnum
can help you.

But he can't
find your son

unless you
tell him the truth.

Well, I don't know
if this means anything,
but a couple of weeks ago,

I found this telephone number
in his pants pocket.

I called it.
A lady answered.

I figured he was
seeing another woman.

I don't even know
why I kept it.

I thought if he ever left me
I'd know where to get him.

I don't think
she's a girlfriend.

Susan Brandes.
May I help you?

Hello? Who is this?

MAGNUM: All the way
back to Waikiki,

I kept telling myself
we were going to find
the end of the rainbow.

That no matter
what Mr. Corkill had said
in ninth-grade science,

there was a pot of gold
at the end.

And right now
its name was Jesse.

And that this time,
the rainbow wouldn't vanish
into air and mist

as soon as we got close.

That's what I kept
telling myself.

Even though I knew
the chances of that happening
were pretty remote.

There was no question
in my mind that Donald Burns

had recently taken
Georgia's son
to Susan Brandes,

just as he had taken Jesse
to her some time ago.

But I had no way of knowing
what had happened
to the boys from there.

And no way of
protecting Lydia from
what I might learn

if it was bad.

Beautiful Saturday,
and here you are, working?


I don't mind
working hard.

It's the only way
to get ahead.

What are you
doing here?

I could have sworn
I locked that door.

I believe we have
a mutual client.

Donald Burns.

You probably met him
through Loretta Vanderpost.

You know, if this is
a business call,

I'm afraid you're
gonna have to make
an appointment.

Oh, I'm sure you can
make some time for
a friend of Lally's.

I mean, she set you up
in your law firm here,

sent you one or two
influential clients

to kind of
get the practice
off the ground.

And what if she did?

Well, I just figured
that once she found out

you're dealing in the
black-market baby business...

That sounds remarkably
like blackmail, Mr. Magnum.

Blackmail's such
an ugly concept.

Like selling babies.

If you had anything,
you'd go to the police.

Only as a last resort.

Well, what do you want?
Donald Burns.

Well, I can't
give him to you.

Well, then I guess
I got no other choice.

Oh, you've got it
all figured out, don't you?

The world is so
black and white to you?

Some things are.

Well, it's not so simple.

Let me tell you a story,
Mr. Magnum.

It's about
a 16-year-old girl who
got herself into trouble.

This is a girl
from a big family,
no money,

no chance of keeping the baby
and giving it any kind of
a decent life.

So she found a lawyer.

A guy who knew of
a very wealthy couple

who desperately wanted
their own baby girl.

The couple paid
all of her medical expenses
plus a little more,

a little gift

for carrying the baby

and taking good care of it
till it could be adopted.

Now I ask you,
who's so hurt by this?

The baby,
who has a chance
at a decent life?

The couple, who finally has
the family that they've
always longed for?

The girl, who has
an opportunity to make
something of her life

before she has children?

You left one thing out.

You made that choice.

They all do.

I mean,
they may carry on a bit,
pull out all the dramatics

to convince everybody,
mostly themselves, that
they don't have a choice,

but they do,

and they've made
that choice.

LYDlA: I didn't.

I'm sorry
about the other people
who want him.

But he's my son.

I'm not giving him up.


Do you have any idea
what this means
to my career?

To my life?

1567, Puuhonua Road.

There's a holding house there.

Mr. Magnum, l...

I only did what I thought
was best for everybody.

What if...

What if he doesn't
remember me?


you'd be surprised
what kids remember.


LYDlA: It's Ben.

LYDlA: Hi, Ben.

You having fun
on the swing?


It's okay. It's okay.
Enough. Enough.


BEN: Where
are we going?

WOMAN: We're going
home, okay?

Donald, where is Jesse?

It's too late, Lydia.

He's not here.

They already took him away.




MAGNUM: For the first time
since the day I sat
in ninth-grade science,

I began to consider
that Mr. Corkill was right,

that rainbows
may be nothing more
than optical illusions.




Hi, Mommy.

But if rainbows
are optical illusions,

in order to see them
you have to have
the sun at your back

and the rain in front of you.

The rain was all
behind Lydia now,

and she could be content
with something even better.

Holding on
to a little rainbow
of her very own.