Magnum, P.I. (1980–1988): Season 6, Episode 14 - All Thieves on Deck - full transcript

Magnum, TC and Rick are aboard a cruise ship guarding a wooden Hawaiian family God statue belonging to Robin Masters.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm leaving.
I won't be coming back ever.

Just because a guy takes a job,
he has to be as difficult as Higgins?

I think I can do the job.
With a little help.

Magnum. Zeus, Apollo,
Miss Malcolm, stay!

I have given up everything
to be here.

We all have a great deal to do
before we move out tomorrow.


ALL: Hip hip hooray!

Then we'll have to shoot him.

MAN: Detail. Stand ready.



SERGEANT: Present arms!

Cease fire!

Perimeter secure, sir.

Communications secure, sir.

SOLDlER THREE: Control tent
secure, sir.

Sorry we were late for the invasion,
Mr. Prime Minister.

But we had
to make a pickup.

More gifts
from the Chancellor.

When's he joining us?

Noon, tomorrow.

I guess the test went
pretty well, huh?

The maneuvers, Dan, please.

If you're going to become an
officer in our new government,

the least you can do is try to
develop a military vocabulary, hmm?

Most commendable, gentlemen.

Yes, you're ready.

We set sail for the Dothan
lslands at 0900 hours in two days.




ALL: Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!

MAGNUM: Sometimes I think maybe
I've spent too long in Paradise.

I sort of take it
for granted. Like pizza.

I mean, while I find a lot of
security in the knowledge

that Paradise and pizza
are always there.

It's awfully easy
to get complacent.

Pepperoni or sausage?
A perfect sunrise or a perfect rainbow?

Why not just have
all of the above again today?

Now, I can deprive myself of pizza
for a week and appreciate it again.

But Paradise?

It's always at my door

and while it can be
very pleasant,

it can also be
very predictable.


HlGGlNS: Magnum?



Magnum, please.
I must speak to you.

No! I'm sleeping!


I promise to be brief.

Higgins, out!
I was up all night on a case.

Yes, I know. I'm truly sorry
to wake you,

but there are certain duties you
must perform for Mr. Masters.

No! Whatever it is,
it can wait till this afternoon.

I'm afraid not. You see,
they're my duties, and I'm leaving.

Leaving? You didn't say
anything about going anywhere.

When will you be back?

I won't be coming back.

Today, you mean?

I won't be coming back ever.

Higgins, let me
brush my teeth...

There isn't time.
I have a taxi waiting.

My flight to London
departs in one hour.

England? Higgins...

Per Robin Masters, you are to
oversee the operation of the Estate

until my replacement arrives
this afternoon.

You're serious?

I apologize for waiting until the
last possible moment to inform you,

but I thought it best.

Just like that? You're gone?
This doesn't make sense.

Unfortunately it wasn't
"just like that."

It has been imminent
for some time.

I do have one rather
personal favor to ask,

and that is that you
care for the lads

until my replacement develops
a rapport with them.

Granted, your relationship with Zeus and
Apollo has not been altogether cordial,

but they do know you
and accept you.


Now, now, none of that.

Courage, lads. Courage.

Goodbye, Magnum.


Higgins, wait!


No, please.

I'll carry that with me.
Thank you.


Higgins, wait.



Higgins, you don't leave until
you tell me what's going on.

I've been dismissed
from my post.


Robin actually let you go?


It would never
survive the trip to England.

Please take it as a gift.

But I don't have anything
to give you.

You have been my friend.

I still can't believe it.

Yeah. It does feel
a little strange around here.

MAGNUM: Come on, guys,
snap out of it!

Here we go, come on.
Here we go.

Come on, guys, you always
chase me when I run.


Hey, Thomas, leave 'em alone.
Can't you see they're depressed?

They know that Higgins left this morning
for good and they want to know why.

Well, so do l. But I can't
find out until Robin calls me.

In the meantime, Higgins left the
lads in my care. Come on, guys!

Here we go!

Hey, hey, hey. Hey, the new
major-domo will be here soon.

Why don't you let him
worry about shaping them up?

RlCK: Better hope that
he doesn't shape Thomas up.

Or there won't be any more tennis
trade outs, and no more wine deals.

Hey, what if the guy
is a Ferrari freak?

no more wheels.

RlCK: You know,
you better face it, pally,

you could be in big trouble.

Hey, come on, I mean...

Give the guy a chance.
We haven't even met him yet.

He might be nice,

I mean, is there any law
that says that

just because a guy takes a job,
he has to be as difficult as Higgins?

Hey, don't knock him just because he
gave you a hard time now and then.

Now and then?

I mean, what am l
really saying goodbye to?

I'm saying goodbye to constant
complaints, constant arguments,

put-downs, threats, early wake-ups,
long boring stories.

And always, always somebody coming
into my house without knocking!

So let's look
on the bright side.

I mean, whatever this guy is,
he's not another Higgins.


I think I could talk Robin into
giving Higgins his job back.


Yeah, if I can reach him. I mean,
I've left messages everywhere,

but I just can't figure out
why he won't return my calls.

Maybe he just doesn't want
to talk about it.

I mean, why didn't he
or Higgins give you a clue

Iong before
the problem got out of hand?

I guess he didn't tell anybody but them.
And he knew that they couldn't blab.

Hey, could one of you guys kind of
hang around here for a couple of hours?

Oh, I gotta go to Maui.

And I ain't doing
no dog-sitting.

Rick, Rick, Rick.
Come on.

Higgins' replacement
will be here any time.

I just need
to talk to somebody.


Who else besides the lads loves
to listen to Higgins' problems?

AGATHA: He never said a word to me,
Mr. Magnum. Not a word.

In fact, we were to attend the
symphony gala tomorrow evening.

Wagner Under the Stars.

I'd bought a new gown.

And Jonathan had
already sent me a corsage.

I'm sorry, Agatha, to be
the one who has to tell you.

I kind of thought you'd
already know about it.

How could this happen?

Jonathan dismissed after
all his years of service?

And how could he leave
without so much as a goodbye?

All I could get out of him is
that it's some kind of problem

with Robin that's been
building up for a while.

The objets d'art?

No, surely not.

Mr. Masters knows how distressed
Jonathan's been about them.

Objets d'art?

It's French
for "objects of art."

I know what it means, Agatha,
but what objects are you talking about?

Some of Robin's?

Several expensive ones.

I don't understand.

I thought you were
conducting an investigation.

Investigation of what?

Oh. All this will make
more sense after some tea.

Excuse me.


Yes, Mr. Wright,
one moment.

For you, Mr. Magnum. Something to
do with Jonathan's replacement.

Rick, has he arrived?

The fact that I'm a woman
is not the problem.

The problem is that I'm an
actress and not a resort manager.

Why did Robin hire you for the job then,
Miss Malcolm?

I think it came up once
in conversation

that I'd had a three hour
course in hotel management.

I don't think it came up
that I flunked it.

What am I going to do?

Well, you're...
You're going to relax.

And when I reach Robin, I'll straighten
things out, and then you can leave.

Leave? Oh, no, no.
I can't leave. I need the money.

(STAMMERlNG) Well, it's just a
small stipend, but I need it.

And I think I can do the job.
I know I can.

With a little help.

You can fill me in
in no time. I'm very quick.

And I'm very busy.

I mean, there's some very expensive
items missing from the Estate,

and it's my job to find them.

But it's also your job
to help me.


Robin, why haven't you
returned my calls?

Why isn't Ginny answering
the phone, Thomas?

She hasn't arrived yet?

Uh, yeah. Yes, she's here,
but I had some questions...

Not about Higgins.
The subject is closed.

Now, I expect
your full cooperation

in orienting Ginny
to her Estate duties.

She'll be there until I can
get a permanent replacement

or get Ian MacKerras in
from London.

Well, that's what
I wanted to talk to you about.

Hello? Robin?

Look, I really feel like
I'm entitled to a little help

until I get the hang
of this thing.

But Mr. Magnum says he has to look
for all this stuff that's missing.

Now, if that's the way
you want it...

What missing stuff?

What missing stuff?

Well, there are some art
objects that have disappeared,

but I'm sure Higgins
meant to tell me about 'em.

I doubt that seriously.

Well, what does that mean?

I mean, can you tell me what's going on
here? I think I deserve an explanation.

Very well.

When Higgins refused

to explain a recent disappearance
of $50,000 from the Estate account,

he was politely dismissed.

But now that he's been
unmasked as a common thief,

he will have
to be dealt with my way.

You, Thomas, will forget
the entire incident.

And you will forget Higgins.


MAGNUM: The sunrise was
perfect and right on schedule.

The rainbows started showing up,
as usual, within an hour.

The pizza arrived cold,
and my bottle tops wouldn't twist off.

But despite all that
comfortable predictability,

Paradise was suddenly
very different.

There was an eerie quiet
all over the Estate.

Then there were
my two improbable roommates

who were now very reluctant
to let me out of their sight.

And then there was a situation
that nobody could have predicted.

Higgins dismissed
and accused of grand larceny.

The evidence was
stacked against him

and I began to wonder
how it got stacked so neatly.

I also began to wonder why Higgins
left no forwarding address,

which led me to wondering how
I'd ever pay my phone bill.

WOMAN: Operator.

Am I still on the night rate
for calling England?

T.C.: (LAUGHlNG) You tried
calling every hotel in London?

MAGNUM: Well, every one
I could think of

in between feeding the lads and
running interference for Ginny Malcolm.

Oh, yeah. Rick said she was
a little insecure. A little?

She hasn't let me out of her sight
for 20 minutes since she got here.

She never stops talking. She doesn't
know the first thing about security.

I had to leave your phone number with
her just to get out of the house.

I mean, every time I turn around,
she's under my feet.

Yeah, well, I'm sure
it won't be long

before you find Higgie-baby and
the universe is restored to normal.

I hope you're right.


Any luck?
Thomas, all of Robin's statues are gone.

They were sold to some fence
on Market Street.

They paid over $200,000
for that stuff.

You gotta be kidding me. What would
Higgie need with that kind of money?

They say
who brought them in?

Uh, a guy named Dan. Tall, kind
of young. That's all I could get.


Any last name? No.
But there is something else.

The accountant at the Club
called me this morning.

Higgins withdrew $10,000 from the
special projects fund. There's no reason.

T.C.: Yo, Thomas.


Ginny Malcolm.

Oh, for...
Tell her I'll call her back.

Uh, no, I think you'd better talk to
her. Sounds like a real emergency.



Hello, Mr. Magnum.
Thanks for getting here so fast.

We're all locked in.
My key won't open the gate.

Do you know
how to stop all this?

Oh, some sort of
override code, huh?

(STAMMERlNG) I have no idea what happened.
I was just trying to use the computer.

Do you think that I did something
to set off the alarm system?

Are you going to answer me?

Look, I'm very sorry
about this,

but I was just trying
to do my job.

Without any help!

How much is this stipend Robin's
paying you, Miss Malcolm?

I don't have much money,
but I might try to better the offer

if you promise to go away.

This was not my fault. If you had
been around here like I asked you...

You're not leaving again?
Are you staying?

Of course I'm staying.
Then I'm leaving.

In Robin's car?

Now, I don't want to have to
take your car keys, Mr. Magnum.

I just want to take
a little of your time.

But if I have to,
I'll call Robin and I'll take both.

You don't need help. You're
catching on to the job real quick.

I'm serious. I'll call him.
You're leaving?

I'm staying.

MAGNUM: What were you using the
computer for in the first place?

I was looking for a wine inventory.
Do you know how to punch it up?

No, that only exists
in Higgins' head.

But I do know the code for all the
employment records for the last five years.

Oh, that's just great.

And how's that going to help me find
my bottle of Chateau Lafite, 1938?

It won't.

Now, look, Robin wants me to serve that
to guests tonight, and I'm not going to...

What's that?

It's old employment records.
I'm looking for some information

on a tall guy
who used to work here.

Dan Davis?


Well, he can wait. Right now I'd like
the tall guy who's here to help me

with menu plans and room
arrangements and a certain bottle

of very expensive wine.

Just as soon as I come back.

In the meantime, if you talk to Robin,
tell him I said hello.

Wait a minute. Magnum.

Zeus, Apollo,
Miss Malcolm, stay!


DAN: You want to plant
that many in a row?

It's not a good idea,
Mr. Magnum. It drains the soil.

Fine, Dan. You just tell me how many
I need, and I'll have Kenji plant 'em.

You say Higgins got fired?

Yeah. Hard to believe, huh?

How many did you say
I needed?

What? Oh, plants.
I think about two.


If you don't mind,
what was Higgins given the sack for?

Oh, money misunderstanding,

and there were some things
missing at the Estate.

You're kidding. Mr. Higgins?

Well, you and I both know that Higgins
couldn't do anything like that.

But I'm going to have to come
up with proof of his innocence

if I'm gonna make
anybody else believe that.

You think you can do it?
Oh, I'm getting there.

I found out where
the stolen goods were sold.

But I don't think
Higgins was the seller.

I mean, would you describe
Higgins as tall and young?

But I mean,
who could believe a fence?

I mean, he probably just gave me
a fake name just to get rid of me.

Yeah. Oh, he gave you
a name, too, huh?

Yeah. Well, first name.

Will this be enough?

Yeah, sure.
Look, I'll go ring it up.

I'll go with you, Dan.

Oh, no, no. You just wait right
here and I'll be right back.

You weren't just going
to just run off, were you?

'Cause there's a couple of
questions I need to ask you, Dan.



Ginny, not now.

Let him go, Magnum.

Just trying to do your job?

Give me your car keys.

The keys, Magnum, now.
Before things get messed up any more.

MAGNUM: I decided to call the Actors'
Union as soon as I got back home.

But I didn't really expect to find a
Ginny Malcolm listed with any of them.

I had a feeling that her only acting job
had been as Robin's helpless house sitter.

Exactly what role Higgins was playing,
I wasn't sure.

But I was certain
that he was playing one.

The next step was to find
out if he was working solo,

or working in the same cast
with Ginny and Dan Davis.

Dan hadn't worked at the
Estate for several months,

so I had to wonder
if the address I'd found

on the old employment records
was still current.

I didn't have to wonder
for long.

And I just couldn't convince myself
that Ginny had followed Dan home

because she wanted to be
his house sitter, too.

I was convinced that she was right in the
middle of whatever had gotten messed up.

And if she was in the middle,

it was possible that
Higgins was right at the top.

Or the bottom.

DRAKE: Don't touch her.

She's dead.

DRAKE: Why did Ginny ask you to
meet her at Dan Davis' house?

Who are you?

Can I see some lD?

Well, I left it downtown. I'd be happy
to run you in and show it to you there.

You were going to tell me
about Ginny?

Well, she called me, left this address,
said it was important.

Come on, Magnum, you're bound to
have some idea of what she wanted.

Magnum? I don't remember
introducing myself.

But tell me
what you're looking for.

She may have said something
about it to me.

How much do you know
about her?

She told me enough.

Did she say if she talked
to the Chancellor?

Yeah, a few times. Why?

You can go.

No more questions?

No, Magnum, you get
no more answers.

You don't know what's going on.
This is over your head.

Now get out of here.

Oh, by the way,

welcome to
the local police force.

T.C.: What makes you think
they're Intelligence?

MAGNUM: What else?
They're definitely not HPD.

Well, there is another possibility.
They could have killed her themselves.

Then concocted some elaborate
investigation just to fool me?

When they could have shot me too?
No, I don't think so.

I think they were definitely
staking out the place.

Well, if they were there, why didn't
they just grab Davis when he killed her?

I don't know.
Maybe they were used to

Ginny sticking around
after he left.

You know, I think
she was one of their agents.

Hey, man,
what's going on here?

I checked with the British Home Office.
I mean...

Higgins' visa was canceled
when he lost his job.

He was ordered back to England
except he never got there.

I think Ginny put on a real
convincing act just to keep me here.

And those guys
at Dan Davis' house

were just
inheriting her job.

Why can't I get
that drawer open?

What are you doing?

This drawer's been fitted with
some kind of new safety lock.

I need
a very large pick.

The guys in that house were looking
for something. Something important.

Something they thought
Ginny should have.

Now either Dan Davis took it with him,
or it might be in this drawer.

May l?

I mean, there's a very simple and
scientific way to get in this drawer.

It's based on the principle
of leverage.

Could you stand back, please?




This drawer's been fitted
with a sleeve.

Well, there'd better be more in
there besides Higgins' memoirs.

There is.

Hey, you're right.

Ginny shouldn't have
needed any help.

No, Higgins told her everything.
Wait a minute.

"Chateau Lafite, Special Reserve."
No wonder she couldn't find it.

Robin's Special Reserve.
Two hundred bucks a sip and up.

Higgins wrote "Special Reserve"
in his instructions to Ginny,

but he forgot to tell her
where to find it,

which means he's probably
never made contact with her.

Oh, come on, nobody drinks
something worth this kind of money.

That's right.
It's just for investment.

So, what I'd like to know
is, why he had Ginny pull one

for some alleged guests who were
supposed to show up here tonight.

Oh, found it.
"Chateau Lafite, 1938."

Oops, wait a minute.

"Access code, Dothan 1332.
Virginia-Chancellor, 1400 every day."

Make any sense to you?

A lot. If Ginny is Virginia
and Higgins is the Chancellor.

I think they're supposed to
make contact at 1400.

Uh-oh. We'd better hurry.

T.C.: Right on time.




"Could not find wine."

Wine! Look, could you two
get on with this?

I have to answer him, T.C.

Kahalana Nursery. Dan Davis.

They're running weapons
out of that nursery.

Never mind all that. Could you just
ask this thing exactly where he's at?


He's gone.

"Takeover maneuver set."

Maybe it's an exercise. You know,
war games. Military-sanctioned.

Could be. In which case,
this'll all just be an exercise.

And if it's not?
I'll call.

Yeah. If we don't hear from you by
sunrise, we're coming in to get you.

I wish I had
a better fix on this location

other than
somewhere in the Koolaus.

You'd better let me out here.

Hey. You be careful.
They could be playing for real.

MAN: What's left?
DAN: Two more crates.

Let's go.


Turn left.


DAN: I did what I had to do.
I'd seen her talking to an undercover...

HlGGlNS: That didn't give you
the right to kill her.

The hell it didn't. She was on to us.
She could have messed up

the whole invasion plan.

You had no proof that she
was an intelligence agent.

I told you, I saw her
with a fed yesterday.

You know undercover agents
on sight, I suppose?

The weapons dealers do.

They fingered a guy Ginny was
talking to a few weeks ago

and pointed him out to me!

You still acted rashly
and without authority!

No, Jonathan.
Dan discussed the matter with me.

I gave him the order
to kill her.

Why wasn't I informed?

There simply wasn't time.

Besides, you might have
tried to warn her.

You believe this?

I don't want to. But you are the one
that brought her into the movement.

I have given up everything
to be here.

DAN: That's exactly
what Ginny said.

That's enough!

You're being insubordinate
to a superior.

We all have a great deal to do
before we move out tomorrow.

I have my duties
to attend to as well.

Yes. Yes, of course.

Tempers are always a little frayed
on the eve of a great undertaking.


Let's get out of here.
Come on.

Guards! Quickly!

What's the problem,

This man is an intruder
in the camp.

Is he?

Then we'll have to shoot him.

RICK: Ice Pick's
gonna have a little talk

with the gun dealers
Dan Davis bought from.

He said that he wouldn't do it for
the feds, but he'd do it for us.

You mean, the feds
are leaning on him, too?

Oh, yeah, real hard.

According to Ice Pick,
the Army's ready to move

just as soon as they get a
fix on the location. Yeah?

He said he'd call us on the shortwave
as soon as he found the camp.

And he also said that
he hoped that we'd enjoy

having a couple of friends
along with us on the trip.

(SCOFFING) Yeah, well,
we may need more friends than that.

I mean, Thomas would have reached
us by morning like he promised

if he wasn't in big trouble.

What're you doing?
Calling the cops?

Friendlier than that.

This is Niner Five Alpha calling
Army dispatch. Do you read me?

Niner Five Alpha.

JUSTlN: There is but one
landing strip in the Dothans,

Iocated here.

Just north of the military headquarters
and the Presidential Palace.

We shall land our plane there
at precisely 2300 hours.


Please leave us.

I'm not buying it, Higgins.
You as a second banana in a military dictatorship.

My proper title will be
Chancellor of the Dothan lslands.

I'm not buying that either.

What are you
really doing here?

Magnum, why, for once, couldn't
you have stayed out of my affairs?

I was worried about you.
I just wanted to help.

Yes, I know and I appreciate the
concern and the good intentions but...

But you were afraid
I'd blow your cover.

That's why you couldn't
tell me about it.

My orders were explicit. I was allowed
to tell no one but Mr. Masters.

You're back with Ml6.

I suppose that amuses you.

Uh-uh. No, I'm just relieved
to know the truth.

I am surprised they pulled
you back after all this time.

Precisely for that reason.

Justin was with Ml6 himself
after my days there.

There was some concern that he might
recognize an agent of more recent vintage.

I'm sure there were other
reasons, Higgins. You're good.

But you did make
one mistake, though.

You forgot to tell Ginny where
the Special Reserve wine was kept.

But you are good, Higgins.

Thank you. Likewise.

I had really thought I could
keep you from finding me.


Maybe we should
skip the compliments

and concentrate on getting me
out of here before they shoot me.

I can't help you escape,


I must keep Justin's confidence
until the invasion begins.

My orders are to lead him
into a trap.

(STAMMERlNG) It's not like
he's invading England.

He's trying to overthrow
a friendly nation.

An act which would be disastrous to
both our nations should he succeed.

My assignment is to stop
him and I must complete it.

We'll stop him here.

We'll get rid of the guards and make
for the truck while it's still quiet.

As soon as we get to a phone,
we'll call the police.

Justin might pull out ahead of
schedule before they would arrive.


You can just get out while he's
still giving his briefing speech.

Make a run for the truck.
Leave the guards to me.

You're gonna stay here
after you help me escape?

You're not only gonna lose
Justin's confidence,

you're gonna end up
taking my place.


That's my affair.

Magnum, I can't
desert my post.

No, I guess you can't.

What if
your post deserts you?

ICE PICK: And follow the
dirt road into Hanaki Valley.

RICK: Hanaki Valley. Got it.

Hey, thanks, Ice Pick.
We're on our way.

Now, I'll contact
the Army dispatch

and tell them
to get a move on.

T. C: Army dispatch,
this is Niner Fiver Alpha...

We read you, Niner Five Alpha.

There are light anti-tank weapons
in each machine-gun bunker.

Yes, I know what LAW is.
How many are there?

We're not sure precisely.

JUSTlN: General Higgins will make his...

Upon General Higgins' signal,
when Alexia has been taken, I shall move

onto the islands of Apurnia
and Napolea and secure them

with only a guard
and five men.


JUSTlN: We should expect...






I'll get the plane.

Get behind me!

T.C.: Hang on, Orville,
we're going in. It'll be tight.

Get the fuel dump.


Regroup, regroup.

Let's get out of here.

SOLDlER: Let's go!


Get the ammo!



I think a timely retreat
is in order, Chancellor.

I think you're right.

Let's go.

SOLDlER: Let's go now.
Come on!


Magnum, please go away.

Morning, Higgins.

For God's sake,
what do you want? It's 6:00 a.m.

You're always up at 6:00.

I spent the entire night
with the accountants.

I've been in bed
for exactly one hour.

With the accountants?


Claims were necessary
for the replacement

of Mr. Masters' objets d'art
and the missing funds.

The British
and American governments

graciously offered to cover
all losses from the outset.

Now, what do you want?

Just to tell you
I'm leaving.

Oh, well,
Molokai for about a week.

I thought it would be best
for Zeus and Apollo.

It's not an uncommon
thing to happen.

They lose somebody...
Oh, yes, yes.

They lose somebody
they care about

and they just lock onto anybody
they associate with that person.

What is your point?

The point is, Higgins,
they don't seem to be

adjusting back
to the real thing. You.

They keep hanging around
my place,

so I just thought
it'd be best if I left

and put temptation
out of their sight.

Thank you.

What would you
have done, Higgins?

Would you have let them
shoot me?

What I would have done,
Magnum, was what I did.

I put your bridge back
in the study.

Thank you.

And thank you for not taking the Chateau
Lafite-Rothschild, 1938. Very decent.

However, the wine you took
instead was a quite fine one.

But at least
not irreplaceable.

For God's sake,
don't drink it chilled.

Zeus, Apollo, stay.