Magic for Humans (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Express Yourself - full transcript

School uniforms. Latte art. LEGO sculptures. Justin tackles the surprisingly magical ways people choose to express themselves.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Justin] Body modification.

It's the oldest way
to disappoint your parents.

The second oldest, magic.

- Can I try something? Come here.
- Sure.

Come over here.

- How long have you had your ears?
- Well, my whole life.

But stretched about ten years.

- Ten years?
- Yeah.

- Yours are big. How big?
- Three inches.

Come here.

- Are you single?
- I am.

- OK. Justin.
- Alan.

- Are you single?
- Yeah.

OK good. Alright.

- Stand right here.
- OK.

OK. Watch their ears closely.

Alright, here we go.
Solid through solid.

****, whoa.

Wait, what?

Holy ****.

[woman] What the hell, man.

Oh, no way.

So happy I could hook you guys up,

We all have a different way
of expressing ourselves.

Some play violin.

Some knit sweaters for cats.

Some paint cans of soup.

But, since I'm tone-deaf, allergic to cats
and color-blind, I do magic.

What we wear can also say a lot about us.

For example, here at Comic-Con,

people express their fandom
for all sorts of things

with carefully crafted costumes

that pay close attention to every detail.

Let's see if they pay attention
to my details.

Do you have good eyes?

I'm trying to find this panel discussion
on noticing changes in the cosplay world.

It's supposed to be this
afternoon in room 304 or 305.

304 or 305?

What time is it right now?

It's not a real watch.

I can look it up if you want.
Okay, sorry. Thank you

And nothing.

I'm looking for a panel discussion on
noticing changes in the cosplay world.

- And I can't.
- Sorry!

I'm sorry. What? OK. Hold on.

- My bad.
- Oh my God.

It was in...

It was in session 404. Or five.

What day is today?

Didn't you have something different?

- I'm sorry.
- No, I'm steampunk.

No, because I thought you had
something black a second ago.

- No. It's cool.
- I'm tripping.

Would you mind holding this?

Let me see which page it was on. It's a
panel discussion on the lost art of...

- Excuse me.
- It's alright.

...lost art of distraction.

It's either today or tomorrow,
but it's definitely in the afternoon.

Distraction or...

paying attention type of thing.

- Tomorrow at 10 a.m.
- Excuse us.

So, you don't know when it is?

Can I get a pic with you?

Excuse us guys, excuse me.

Just smile. What!
Awesome. Thanks mates.

Cheers, good on you.
Thank you so much.

That's awesome. Thank you.

Just pop a filter on that.

Wait a second that's not Justin.

In high school,
I could have used a little fashion help.

Every morning was
a panic trying to decide

what to wear.

I was always jealous
of the private school kids

with those sweet school uniforms.

I wonder, do those kids know
how good they have it?

- How's it going?
- Good.

School uniforms, what do we think?
Do we like them?

[teens] No.

- They're all the same.
- It's boring.

You didn't get to pick what you wear.
It was chosen for you.

You didn't pick the colors.
They just say wear this.

I'll let you guys choose the colors
and design a very unique school uniform

that truly expresses who you are.
Sound good?

- Yes!
- Let me show you the template here.

- Wow.
- Look at this, OK?

- Question?
- Can we have

equal rights and have
a girl template also?

I was just going to say that.

Listen. Great point.

However, this actually is a girl,
she just has short hair.

Okay, open your minds
and hold so we can edit this part out.

Here's what we're gonna do. I never got
the opportunity to wear a school uniform

like you guys did.

So you'll get to express yourself

and I will also get to experience
what it's like

to have an outfit chosen for me.

Good save? Before we start,
here's what's very important.

This envelope.

You'll never guess what this is.

- Prediction.
- It's a prediction envelope.


Yeah. It's a prediction envelope

that I'm going to seal shut,

so that... shoot...

so that the contents stay tamper-proof.

Who's the most trustworthy person
in this room?

OK. I was told to never choose
the person who says they're trustworthy.

So you didn't raise your hand.

- What's your name?
- Dominic

I'm gonna give you this envelope...

Hug it. Don't let anyone open it.
Don't let anybody try to take it. Hug it.

Hug it like your teddy bear.

Now. Since the drawing's black and white,

I brought some markers.

And I need some drawers.

Who wants to be my drawers?

OK, one, two, three, four, five. Got it?

Great. I'm going to count to three.

When I get to three, all five of you
stand up, come up here.

You're each gonna grab
a different color marker

and color in a different article
of clothing all at the same time.

Are you kids ready
to finally express yourselves

for the first time in your lives?

- Yes!
- Alright.

Three, two, one. Draw!

[girl 1] This is so...

Excuse me.

- [girl 2] This is gonna take forever.
- [boy 1] Just scribble-scribble.

[girl 2] I have the longest to go.


Glad you're putting your all into this.

You didn't know you'd be coming up here
to color?

You didn't know what article of clothing
you'd color or what color it would be?

Or that it would create this ensemble
that does not go together at all.


However, before we even began

I gave this man a prediction.

You've been hugging it.

I'm going to take it back from you now.

Because before we began,
I made a prediction

of how I thought you guys would color
the outfit in.

Would you be impressed if my prediction
matched what you guys did?


Yellow tie, blue shirt, green belt,
purple pants.

Red socks.

Hold on. I'll get it. Yellow tie.

Blue.... There it is.

Boom. Yellow tie, blue shirt, green belt,
purple pants, red socks.

[boy 2] There's a bunch in there.


Yeah, there are a bunch in here.

But I really wanted you to be sure
that I was very confident.

That's why I brought another one
that matched.

I brought a third one that matched.
I brought a fourth one that matched.

In fact, I was so sure

you guys would do it,
I brought all of them that matched

all yellow tie, blue shirt, green belt,
purple pants, red socks.

You want to know what's really crazy?

Before I left the house,

I was like, "What would kids today do
if they truly could express themselves?"

And that's why...

I put...

Oh my God!

...this on!

If this was my school uniform,
what would my school be called?

- Clown Academy.
- Yeah.

Couldn't get into Clown Academy.

- Justin.
- I'm Will.

Nice to meet you.

You're on the show. Trick Questions.

- Wow.
- I show you a trick.

I ask you a question. Ready?

- I hope so.
- First the trick.

- Alright.
- Four of spades.

Hold your left hand out

and pinch the card like this,
just pinch it.

- Pinching.
- Good.

I'm gonna tear off the corner
of the four of spades.

With your other hand.

Place that on my tongue.
Take it. Place it.

[Will laughing] What?

That's fantastic.

- Now the question.
- Alright.

During an eclipse, is it safe
to stare directly at Willem Dafoe?

It's never safe to stare directly
at Willem Dafoe.

Even people who don't have
"creative jobs"

always find a way
to squeeze in a little art.

Take baristas, for example.

Latte foam may not last long

but it's a tasty canvas.

Show the camera what you got.


A leaf. Why don't you think of
your favorite song in the world.

- Thinking of your favorite song?
- Yes.

Now for copyright purposes,

I can't have you sing your favorite song
on camera

but I want you to sing the first note
of the song.

Ready? The first note.

What song is it?

It's Ol' Dirty Bastard's "Got Your Money."

- That's your favorite song?
- That's my favorite song.

Let's see if the latte was able
to pick up the vibe.

- OK.
- Uncap it and just...

What the ****!

- I sang that good.
- Did you sing it good?

Can you just take the lid off
and show the camera what we got?

- Sure.
- That's good.

- Beautiful.
- A beautiful leaf.

Just rest the lid back on.

I want to try something, okay?

I want you to... We don't know each other,


I want you to think of something
that I wouldn't know, like...

Remember your first kiss?

I do.

You do? What was their name?

You want me to tell you? David.

David what? David--

- You want his last name?
- Is that too much?

- On TV?
- Just David?

David, right? David.

Lift the lid.

[laughing] Stop. Stop.

- How'd you do that? I'm scared of you.
- Weird, right?

- Can I see what you got.
- Sure.

Can I check it out? OK.

Look at that. A leaf.

It's mediocre.

I want you to think about

something that's really personal to you.

Okay? Like money.


Think about your...

ATM pin number.

Just say it on television.

- Right now?
- You don't want to say it?

- I can say it.
- What is it?

- I have to say it right now?
- Yeah.

You can change it.


This guy just said his pin number.
Check it out.

Wait, look.


- OK.
- OK.

5004. What bank do you bank at?

- Bank of America.
- Cool. Alright.

Have a great day.

- Thanks.
- I'd go change that right now.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome. Get out of here.

The human form.
The most beautiful shape in the world.

I never studied art myself,
but as a magician, I've studied people.

So today I'm going to attempt to

my first masterpiece.

Gonna try a little experiment.

Six art students will line up behind me.

The person at the rear will draw
a random image

onto the back of the person
in front of them.

That person will then draw what they felt
onto the back of the person in front.

And so on until the distorted image
is drawn onto my back.

I will then attempt
to mentally work backwards

in order to recreate the original drawing.

I handed out six backless aprons
and gave them a moment to change.

See you in a moment.

It's a combination of Telephone, the game,
and Human Centipede, the classic film.

Alright. Let's bring our volunteers back.

Welcome back.

Before we even move forward,

none of you knew you'd be
a part of this experiment today.

No one has been told what to do or say.

Correct? OK.

Each student chose a numbered marker
at random

which determined the order
they' would line up.

Assume your positions.

Shadia was randomly chosen
to draw first.

So I asked her to imagine she was
in a room of her home.

Zero in on one thing in that room.
Do you have a thing in mind?

- Yes.
- OK. Keep that in mind.

To ensure I wasn't cheating, my ears were
inspected for listening devices

and my eyes were taped shut.

Kind of just mash it in, Linda.

Everybody, markers up.

Caps off.

- Shadia, are you ready?
- Ready.


Is that it?

Everybody done drawing?

And nailed it.

It doesn't look like it, but this sketch
contains all the information I need.

Now I will mentally work backwards,
removing each artist's influence

in order to recreate what Shadia drew
in the beginning.

I'm going to attempt now, to...

to recreate it.

It's feeling right, but...


Yeah. Hold on.

I'm upside down. Hold on.


This isn't an object in your home.

Shadia, this is a...

Triangle. Yes.

Shadia, is this your...

is this your cat?

Did you draw a cat, Shadia?

Yes, I did.
- A cat?

I did!

I drew my cat.

Come on, keep it going.
They were fantastic.

Ron will play us out
with a royalty-free ditty.

Ron, that's my tune.

Pere, it's time for Trick Questions.

I'm going to show you a trick.

You have to watch that trick carefully
because I'm gonna ask you a question.

- OK.
- Ready?

- Pere?
- Yes.

Think of any animal in the world.
Don't say it, just think of an animal.

Hold your right hand, palm up.

Pere. What animal are you thinking of?

- A monkey.
- Monkey?


Turn that card over.


Ready for your question?


Should same height couples
be allowed to marry?

Can you repeat that?

Believe it or not,
all this was made out of Lego.

Those tiny bricks
you loved playing with as a kid

and hate stepping on as an adult.

The artist behind it all is Nathan Soweyo,
a Lego-certified Master Builder.

- This is the Art of Brick Studios.
- This is where the magic happens.

- And this is Boo.
- She looks so realistic.

Nathan, how did you become
the preeminent Lego artist?

I started when I was five years old.
I kind of never stopped.

I mean I did go
and be a lawyer for a while

and I needed some sort of outlet.

And Lego has named you
an official Master Builder.

They have.

To be a master builder, are you
only allowed to master build alone?

I can master build with others.


Let's see if my Lego magic can compete
with Nathan's sculptures.

Can I show you something?
Want to gather round?

OK. Check this out.

Ready? I'll start with my feet.

Real shoes.

- Lego shoes.
- Wow!

- What the!
- Wow.

- You guys like that?
- Yes!

OK, check this out.

- It was awesome.
- It was insane.

He pulled it up and he was all Lego.

One of my favorite magicians in the world is not a magician at
all. The graffiti artist Banksy is a mysterious wonder worker.

His art pops up on the streets all over the world,
yet no one knows who he is or how he does it.

[reporter] No one has ever seen Banksy.
He works at night.

He's never done an interview.

[Justin] He's inspired me to give
the fine art of vandalism a shot.

- Hi.
- How are you? I'm Justin.

- Jordan.
- Jordan, nice to meet you.

- Lanita.
- Nice to meet you.

I grabbed a couple strangers at a cafe
to be both my audience and my accomplices.

We walked to a nearby parking lot
where I'd already set up lights

and I unveiled my canvas.

- [Justin] Check it out.
- [What?

- Behold.
- Behold.

Come check it out. Look at this.

What are we doing?

This is what graffiti artists
refer to as a blank canvas.

This is the prize jewel,
to find an untouched wall.

No one's tagged it yet.
No one's touched it.

But you know graffiti people
operate under the cover of darkness.

No one ever sees them do what they do.

- Yes.
- Like ninjas.

Figured out how they do it.
Come back here and get a good view.

- Are you... OK.
- It's definitely a wall?

OK. Spray cans.

I'm trying to figure out
what should go there

and I figured maybe...

- you can be my muse, Jordan.
- Yeah.

What inspires you? Tell me something
about yourself?

I'm from Texas. I dance.

I don't eat meat.


No red meat?

No red meat.

- Not at all?
- Not at all.

OK. Getting my wheels turning.

So you love cows?

- You don't want to hurt the cows.
- They're cool.


OK, I think I got something.

I warn you, I paint fast so don't blink. I
only work under the cover of darkness as well,

so this is the light clicker.

- Jordan, I'm gonna give you the clicker.
- Alright.

- Don't hit that the green button yet.
- Don't hit it.

I'm going to yell lights off in a moment.

When I yell lights off, both of you
count backwards from three.

You're going to go three, two, one.

And then you turn the lights back on. OK?

Green button goes off, goes back on.

- You've got me nervous.
- I'm excited.

Lights off.

Three, two, one.

Oh my God!

No freakin' way dude!

- Come check it out.
- What.

- Touch it.
- It's still wet!

Yo, this is dope though!

- You did amazing.
- You like it?

- Oh my gosh.
- The details...

- are very good.
- You guys going to finish your drinks?

Heck yeah, you owe me a shot.
After this, yeah!

Maybe then we go out
and get a burger.