Maggie (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - Things End Where They Began - full transcript

Having accepted the loss of her visions, Maggie looks forward to Amy and Dave's wedding. But everything goes downhill at the rehearsal dinner when Jessie reveals that she knows the secret the whole group has been hiding.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

- Mm. You're being so good.

- Lou...

that dog has a huge wiener.

It's like half the size of its body.

- Whoa. You're right.

How is it not tipping over?

- Hey, beautiful.

I, uh, I think my Frisbee picked you.

- Oh, okay. Well, tell your Frisbee
to keep it in its pants.

- Okay.
- What was that?

That guy had rugby thighs. You love those.

- Yeah, I know,

but I'm actually swearing off dating
for a while.

Just want to focus on myself
and my yoga business

and stop wasting my energy
on 40-something life ruiners.

- I'm 28.

- Yeah, sure you are.

- Lou, that's awesome.

Business before bros.

- That's right. Happiness before a penis.

[both laugh]

Still nothing?

- I guess we're going
to be starting fresh together.

[cell phone buzzing]

- Good Thelma.

- It's the third time
my mom has called me today.

I haven't told her I lost my visions yet.

- Okay, calm down.

Maybe you'll get your visions back

before you have to talk to her.

- [scoffs] Hopefully.

But I am seeing her tomorrow night
at Amy and Dave's wedding,

so they better come back soon.

- Alright, you know what?
This is mine, okay.

This is mine now.

- Louise, it was that little girl.

- Oh.

Honey, I'm so sorry.
- So sorry.

- She's furious, Jack.

Maggie's not picking up my calls.

- Come on. Everything's fine.

- Everything is not fine.

I have tried so hard to get Maggie
to open up to me, Jack.

She finally does. And what do I do?

I spill the beans about her and Ben.

Have you seen this?
This is all from today.

This is stress.

- Yeah. You know, I read a news article

about somebody who saved that

and turned it into bangs.

- She's clearly avoiding me
because she knows

and she hates me.

- Oh, honey, come on.

You know these young kids,

they're all hooking with one another,

here, there, everywhere.

You know what they call that?
They call that hotwifing.

And there are hotels dedicated to that.

- Okay, this is not that.

- No, I know.

But did you hear what
I just said about the hotels?

- Jack, I have just
opened up Pandora's box.

- I know you're going to think I'm lying,

but that is actually
one of the names of the hotels.

- I'm gonna call her again.

I'm gonna call her again.

It doesn't recognize my face.

This is me when I'm upset.

♪ I just wanna dance for love ♪

♪ Celebrate it just because ♪

- Alright, party people.

I want you guys to try my family's twist

on traditional sipping tequila.

- Oh, what's the twist?

- Oh, you sip the whole thing at once.

Para arriba, para abajo,
pa' centro, pa' dentro.

- Alright.
- Okay.

- Let me go sign this guestbook
before I get too drunk.

LOUISE: Yeah, arriba, arriba.

- You didn't see Jessie arrive, did you?

- What do you mean?
You guys didn't come together?

- No.

She texted me last night saying
that she was staying at her mom's.

She usually does that
when she's mad about something.

- Ooh. Why is she mad? What did you do?

- I don't know.

I mean, I did eat carrots very loudly
next to her the other day,

so I'm hoping that was it.

- It's better than a banana.

- Oh, you don't want
to see me eat a banana.

I eat them with a fork and knife.
- Fork and knife

♪ I just wanna dance for love ♪

- They are so nice.

- These are real.

- Don't touch them.

- Are those real?
- Hi there.

- Friends of the bride or groom?

- Sorry, I'm not dating right now.

- Well, I'm glad we got that
out of the way,

because they told me they were seating me
next to their single friend,

and now I know who that is.

- Cucumber?

- Oh, I think I've had my fill.

- I haven't.

- I'm Sam, by the way.
- Debra.

- Maggie. Hi.

How do you know Amy and Dave?

- Oh, Dave and I used to work
at the same startup together.

Yeah, he had super good ideas,
and I couldn't get fired

because I ran all the fantasy leagues.


- Sorry, I didn't catch your name.

- Uh, you know what?
Old me would have fallen for that.

- Hey. You made it.

Everything okay?
- Yep.

Any better and I couldn't stand it.

- Huh.

Okay, well, let's get this party started.

DAVE: Coconuts.

[all laugh]

- I just want to say just a big thank you

to everyone for coming.

We're so lucky

to have such wonderful friends
and family here.

- Yes. I mean, a few rather loud absences,

but, uh, those contacts
have been deleted from my phone.

And today is a day to celebrate.

And we have some wonderful
new friends here at the table

and our amazing psychic Angel
who'll be marrying us tomorrow.

- Hi, I'm Angel. I do weddings now.

- Alright, uh, let's get married.

ALL: Cheers!

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

[indiscernible chatter]

- Does Jessie seem off to you?

- Off like how?
Off like meat that's gone bad

or off like families where
everyone has the same haircut?

- I'm not sure.

I feel like maybe
I should go check on her.

- Oh, Maggie. Okay.
- Oh!

- Let's get those toasts started.
- Maggie.

- Oh no, I was just rushing
to the bathroom...

which I have now told all of you.

And not rushing, just like a normal gait.

- How about I start?

- Yes. Thank you.
- Okay.


[door opens, closes]

- Jessie, hey.

Are you okay?

- Excuse me.
- What's going on?

Wait. I'm honestly worried about you.


- Maggie, nothing about you is honest.

[door opens, closes]

- Amy, Dave, congratulations.
I love you both.

Alright. Oh, Jessie's here.

Jessie. Speech! Speech! Speech!

- No, no.

[all cheer]

Oh, come on, Jessie.

Don't be a cowardly lion.

You got this.

- Okay. Okay, yeah.

Amy is right. I could be
a little cowardly sometimes,

especially when it comes
to speaking up, you know.

I tend to just bite my tongue
and soldier on.

Which is actually why
I came tonight because--

And truthfully, I did not want to come.

But I came for Amy
because I am your maid of honor.

And also, I knew
you would be counting absences.

- That's right.
DAVE: Mm-hmm.

- Hey, Jessie. What is this?

- Sorry.

It's a bit of a bummer
to be left in the dark, huh?

When a person has every opportunity

to tell you the truth and doesn't.

[people gasp]


- Hey! Hear, hear. Ha ha!

What a speech. What a gal.

- Dave. No.
- What?

- She knows about Ben and Maggie.

- Wait, you guys knew?

- Oh, we're sorry.

- I'm sorry.

- Jessie. Jessie. Jessie, wait.

- You and I were not together then. Okay.

- Well, who can keep track, right?

- Hey. Hey.

AMY: [clears throat]
Okay. Who's next?

Someone maybe from your side
of the family can say a few words.

- Debra, tell us about
your time in Dallas.

- Literally just talk would be great.

- I feel terrible, Angel.

I mean, that was truly
the worst outcome imaginable, right?

I wonder how Jessie even found out.

- Who knows?

I'm just impressed she didn't
throw champagne in your face.

Felt like a missed opportunity,
if you ask me.

- I just wish I could go back
to the beginning

before I met her and Ben

and ruined their whole relationship.

- Back when you still had your visions.

Because that's what you should be
focusing on right now.

Love is out of anyone's power.

Ooh, I like that.

- Are you writing your wedding speech
while you're talking to me?

- It's called having a beautiful mind.

I can also smell colors
and see the future.

- I can't just move past this, Angel.

I've jeopardized my friendship
with Ben and Jessie.

Not to mention made things
very awkward at the duplex. And--

- Don't forget, low-key
ruining Amy's rehearsal dinner.

- Oh god. It's like everything bad
is happening all at once.

This is it, right?

This is the bad thing
that made me lose my visions.

- That's one theory.

- I mean, it makes perfect sense.

I was told I lost my visions

because a bad thing was going to happen.

I was even with Jessie when I lost them.

I have to go talk to her.

She's still my friend, Angel.
I have to make this right.

Thank you. Good talk.

[door opens]

- That girl is right back
where she started.

[door closes]
Ooh, I like that.

Damn, I'm smart.

Ooh, I like that, too.

[knocking on door]

- It's open.

- Is this a bad time?
- Well, it's not a great time, Ben.

I'm about to get married in a low pony.

- Look, Amy, I'm sorry.

You were right all along.

About me, about Jessie, about the wedding.

I should have let you hire
that hair guy, Jazz Dirt.

- Oh, it's Chaz Dean.

- Cha--
- Chaz Dean.

And it's okay.

I'm sorry, too.

I was part of the secret,

and I feel terrible
that Jessie got so upset.

But the truth is,
is today is my wedding day,

and I got Botox in my armpits this week.

And if I get stressed, I don't know
where the sweat will come out.

So... I'm fine.

- See?

- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- Yeah.

So how are things with you and Jessie?

- Not too good.
- Mm.

- We spent all night fighting,
and today she turned off her phone.

- What? Oh my god.

Oh, she must be furious.

My phone has literally never been off.

- I just, I don't know what to do.

- Okay, well, what do you want?

- Well, I mean, I can't imagine
my life without her.

- Ben, that's not what I asked.

- It's not that simple, Amy.

It's Jessie we're talking about.

I spent most of my life
thinking she was the one.

Everybody did.
- Well, yeah.

No, I remember our abuela Rosie

giving you her wedding ring
when you were 15.

- Yeah.
- Which was a real slap in the face

because I had
a very serious boyfriend at the time,

remember, Marcus?

- Peter.

- Point is, is that
you shouldn't have to be

with someone because
you have a past with them.

You have to see a future with them too.

- You know, you're right.
I just always assumed

that Jessie and I would end up together.

But starting to feel like fate
should be easier.

- Well, if you are destined
to be together,

and if she comes back,

I would love that.

Just don't be offended
if I asked you to step out

of some of the wedding photos.

- Got it.

I'm so happy for you, Amy.

Dad would be happy too.

- Yeah.

- I love you.

- I love you.

Okay. Don't make me ruin my makeup.

You already ruined my hair.
So get out of here.

- Thelma, whose hot dog is that?

- Hey, Louise.

Small world.

- Oh, hey, it's you.

- I think your dog took my lunch.

- Well, unless you have the bun,

there's really no evidence
that that's yours.

- You mind if I sit?
I'm not trying to date you.

Though I think our dogs
might be courting one another.

- You have a pug?

Well, looks like they're doing
more than courting.

- Yeah. Wow. Looks like
they're about to round third.

Alright. You know what, guys? Break it up.

There are puppies around here.

[Louise chuckling]

So Dave tells me you teach yoga, huh?

That's so awesome. I'm terrible at it.

- Oh really?

Well, you're welcome
to come to my class sometime.

The rest of my students
can see how far they've come.

- I will do that.

But in exchange,
you have to help me out tonight

if I get cornered by Dave's sing-along.

- Oh. Sorry. Can't help you with that one.

That would be going against girl code,

and I am nothing if not a woman of my...

word. So--

Sorry, what shoe size
did you say you wear?

- Shoes?
- Yeah. You know what?

Don't, don't answer that
because I'm not dating.

- Oh. Okay.

- Ben's not here right now.

- I'm not looking for Ben.
I'm looking for you.

And for a place
to put these apology olives.

Apparently, they don't sell olive branches
at grocery stores,

and they give you weird looks if you ask.

Jessie, I'm so sorry.


Where are you going?

- My cousin's letting me stay with her.

She has pregnant chickens,
but it's still better than here.

- Aren't chickens always pregnant?

- Or are they ever pregnant?

- Jessie, please don't go.
This is all my fault.

I was the one that told Ben
not to tell you about it,

and I was trying to protect
your feelings and I was wrong.

I'm sorry.

- Look, I'm not just leaving
because of that.

I'm sick of being with someone
who can't decide what he wants.

I mean, it takes the guy two hours

to decide what he wants for dinner
and apparently 14 years

to decide if he wants to be with me.

He'll miss this? Right?

- He'll miss you.
- He always does.

But I need someone
who appreciates me when I'm here.

I want someone who's devoted
to building a future.

And look, if that were the case,
he would have told me the truth.

- Jessie, wait.

He'll miss this too.

- Were you in love with him?


- Well, lucky you.

[cell phone buzzing]

- Sorry.

That's my mom.

- Careful what you tell her.

[door closes]

[buzzing continues]

- Mom.

[Jack sighs]

- I just don't understand it.

How come he gets crayons?

- Because he's a kid, Jack.

- That's a stupid rule.

- Why are we meeting here?

- Well, honey, your mom
thought it would be safer

to meet in a public place
where things couldn't get so heated.

And who could be mad

with limitless baskets of breadsticks?

- Me. I can.

- Okay.
Well, Daddy tried.

- Mom, why did you tell

Jessie about me and Ben?

I told you that in confidence.

- Please don't be upset, Maggie.
I feel terrible.

I just assumed Jessie knew.

- Why would you assume that?

- Because when something
is going on in your life,

I'm always the last person
to know about it.

- Oh! I wonder why.

- Have we decided yet

or should I go away for the fourth time?

- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Yes. I would like some crayons.

Thank you.

Please forgive me, Maggie.

Haven't you ever made a mistake
and wished you could take it back?


- Yes, I can forgive you,

but how am I supposed
to trust you ever again?

- Well,

maybe you could see that
I won't make the same mistake again.

- I'm sorry. I can't.

- Oh, Maggie, come on.

Your mother's losing her hair.

You can't have two bald parents.

They make documentaries
about things like that.

- No, that's not what I meant.

I didn't want to tell you guys, but

I lost my visions.

- You what?
- Oh.

- See, this is what I mean.
JACK: Okay, honey.

- Oh, my sweet girl.

Oh, but it's your whole life.
It's your livelihood.

It's everything.
MAGGIE: I know.

- What happened?

- Supposedly, my mind
was just trying to protect me

from some bad event happening.

Obviously, the thing with Jessie
was the bad event.

- But if that was the bad thing,
then why didn't you get them back yet?

- I don't know.

- Oh, Maggie.

I'm so sorry you've been going
through this all on your own.

- Yeah. Me too.

I really want them back.

Ugh. Why am I losing everything?



[knock on door]

- Looking for this?
- Oh, yes.

- You were so eager to run away earlier

that this earring
somehow jettisoned off your body

and onto my carpet.
- Thank you, Angel.

You are a saint.

- Not officially. Too much paperwork.

- Did my psychic visions happen
to appear in your carpet, too?

- Oh, good. You are finally asking
the right questions.

- Well, I just don't understand
why they haven't come back yet.

I mean... the bad thing is over.

Yeah? So what am I missing?

- Well, maybe it's got nothing
to do with that.

Maybe your visions went away
because you weren't owning them.

- I literally put a sign over my door

that says "Psychic" in neon lights.

- Look,

all I know is you were given a gift

for a reason, to help people.

Now, if you're sitting
on that gift in any way

and not sharing it,

that might cause it to pack up and leave.

- What exactly am I sitting on?

- Have you ever heard that
when God closes a door,

they open a window?
- Uh-huh.

- Well, sometimes we have
to close our own doors.

- What about the windows?

- Oh my god. Sweetie, it's a metaphor.

[Angel sighs]

Or maybe it's a parable.

I guess that depends
on what you do with it.

- Huh?
- I'll see you tonight.

[coin clinks]

[door closes]

- Thought you decided on chocolate.

- Yeah.

Then I spilled it and made
a huge mess of everything.

- I'm really sorry, Ben.

I never, ever meant to

ruin your relationship.

- Maggie, you didn't.

The truth is

Jessie and I would never
even have gotten back together

if you didn't give me
that psychic reading.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

You said I would find love,

and I actually thought I might be with you

and it ended,
and... it was Jessie.

You know.

- There's something I have to tell you

about the reading I gave you.

- Yeah?

What did you see?

- I thought I saw us falling in love.

- You did?
- Yeah.

- And I also thought I saw
I was having a kid

and a whole life and road trips.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

- Did you want that?

- I was wrong.

I had a vision of you marrying Jessie.

She's who you end up with.

- You actually saw us--
- At the altar.

It's going to happen.

And you guys looked really happy.

- Wow.

- Mm-hmm.

- I guess it's just hard
to believe right now because

I have no idea where to find her.

- She's at her cousin's.
- Really?

- She's the one, Ben.

She's your future,
and all she wants is to know that.

You got to go and tell her that.

And you got to start believing it, too.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- Thanks.


[people murmuring]

♪ classical violin playing ♪

- I'd like to welcome everyone
to our ceremony.


We are gathered here to honor
something ageless and pure.

But enough about me.


Although you have to admit,
I do look good.

- Ow.

Okay, I'm going to be serious now

because we are actually here

to celebrate something
wonderfully profound.


♪ I'm not alone ♪

When Amy and Dave first met,

they stood at an altar in the desert,

declaring their love to one another.

And now, here they are again

right where they started.

[blows nose]

That's why this particular
exchanging of rings

is so poetic,

because a ring is also something

that ends right where it begins.

[cheering and applause]

[glasses clinking]

As a psychic, I can tell you

that love is out of our power.

It just shows up
when you least expect it to.

- Hey, I heard the valet
just crashed your car.

- What?
- They did?

- Mm.
- Oh, that's terrible.

I should probably leave here and go see.

- Yeah.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, you're so welcome.

- Mm.

Girl, you make divorce look so good.

I want to leave somebody.

♪ The best ♪

♪ Is yet ♪

♪ To come ♪

Love forces you to recognize

how miraculous it is

in all of space and time

to end up in the same moment

as the person you love.

- Hey.

- Hey. Congratulations.

- Thank you.

ANGEL: It's choosing someone
over and over again.

- Looks like I'm not going
to be needing this anymore.

Always returning to that first moment

when you fell in love.

♪ The best ♪

ANGEL: Because in love,
we always find ourselves

right where we started.

And yet, everything has changed.
