Madagascar: A Little Wild (2020–…): Season 5, Episode 4 - The Losing Game - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
‐ Places!

‐ All right, Pickles and Dave, very funny.
Now give me back my ball.

‐ We don't know what you're talking about.

‐ I just saw you stick it up in the tree!
Zebras have outstanding peripheral vision.

I can reach it!


My neck has failed me.

‐ Let me give it a try.
This always works with vending machines.

‐ It's my ball.
I should be the one to get it.

I knew I should have sharpened
my claws this morning!

‐ Maybe Gloria can help.
‐ Gloria? Do you think you could‐‐

‐ You know the rules! No distractions
when Sadie Swish is playing.

‐ Once again,
star player Sadie Swish shoots and scores!

‐ Go, Sadie! Woohoo! That's my girl!

‐ It's just,
we're trying to get Alex's ball

out of the tree and‐‐
‐ Yeah, yeah, gotcha.


‐ Gloria, how did you...?
‐ I learned it from Sadie Swish!

‐ Whoa!

‐ And she's done it again!

‐ Sadie Swish leads the Super Novas
to another victory!

‐ Woohoo!

‐ Tune in tonight for our post‐game
interview with Sadie Swish,

live outside the stadium.

‐ She might even sign a few autographs!

‐ Has Sadie Swish
ever missed a basket in her whole life?

‐ Doubt it! She's never lost a game.

‐ She's the MVP.

‐ What does MVP mean?

‐ MVP stands for most valuable player.

It means she's the best player
on the team.

‐ Whoa!
‐ Cool trick!

‐ You're so good at that, Gloria!
I bet you'd be an MVP.

‐ Thanks. All I need is a basketball hoop,

and I'm on my way
to being the next Swish. Watch this!

‐ Hey, Kate,
have you seen my moped keys?

Wait! How'd this get here?

Must've bounced over
from the sea lions' habitat.

I better return it before they get
their flippers in a tizzy.

‐ Oh, no! I was just about
to practice my new trick.

‐ And I was just about to watch it!

‐ And I was just about to put that ball
in the Lost and Found.

Guess my job's done for the day!
‐ You know,

I have a sudden urge
to go say hi to the sea lions

and see if I can borrow
the ball just a little bit longer.

‐ I get to see the sea lions today?

What are we waiting for? To the zip vines!

‐ Pickles, Dave!
We need to zip to the sea lions habitat!

‐ We're in the middle of something
very important. Okay, Dave. I'm ready.

‐ At this rate,
we'll be here 'til baseball season.

‐ I'll take care of this.

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

‐ Now just a second, Gloria, I thought‐‐


‐ Wow, Gloria!
Is there anything you can't do?

‐ Not that I'm aware of! Woohoo!

‐ Wow! Check out those hoops!

‐ The crowd's going wild!
Maybe I should take up basketball, too.

‐ Nicely done, you three!

‐ Great show!

‐ Lou, Ziggy! It's our friends.

‐ Oh, my gosh, Ronathan!

That was the best performance
I've ever seen!

I mean, second best.

‐ Even I gotta admit, it was pretty good.

‐ I'm still working on my smibble.

That's my smile‐n‐dribble. Check it!

‐ Mind if I give it a try?

Of course!

‐ Wow, Gloria! You've got skills!

‐ Thanks. Someday I wanna play
in a real game, like Sadie Swish.

‐ Why wait for someday?

‐ Yeah, how about a friendly game?

A Little Wild
versus A Little Wet, that's us.

‐ Ugh. Sorry,
but I think your basketball court

is a little too wet for me.

‐ Oh! We could play on land, if only‐‐

‐ It's okay, Lou. You can tell them.
‐ Tell us what?

‐ You're not gonna believe this,
but sometimes when the zoo's closed,

Ronathan, Ziggy, and I
sneak out of our habitat.

‐ Really?

‐ You don't say!
‐ Wow.

‐ Where do you sneak to?

‐ You know the area
where the employees go?

They have a basketball court there.

‐ A real basketball court?
Like the one the SuperNovas play on?

‐ Exactly!
‐ Let's meet there tonight,

and we can play a game of basketball.

‐ I'll referee.
I've already got the stripes for the job.

‐ Then it's settled! Me, Ziggy, and Lou
versus Gloria, Melman, and Alex.

‐ This is gonna be fun!

‐ Wow!
‐ Wow! What a shot!

Looks like Gloria
is gonna be tough to beat.

‐ At this rate,
she'll be the next Sadie Swish.

‐ You think I'm the next Sadie Swish?

‐ Totally!

‐ Oh, no. I missed.
‐ It's okay, Gloria!

‐ Yeah! It was a really good try.

‐ But Sadie never misses.
She does whatever it takes to win...

and so will I.

And Sadie dribbles past the point guard,

fakes, drives towards the basket,
and shoots!

‐ Alex, Melman, are you ready
for our basketball game?

‐ Sure am! Just one question,
how do you play basketball?

‐ Uh, you're kidding right?

Do you know how to dunk?
Or even dribble?

‐ Of course I know how to dunk! Woohoo!

And no‐one dribbles better than I do.

‐ Ugh.

‐ Melman, dribbling and shooting
are things you do with the ball.


But that stuff's easy.
The most important part

is figuring out your victory dance!

‐ Looks easy enough to me!

‐ If I'm gonna be like Sadie,
my winning streak's gotta start tonight.

I better get you two
into tip top shape, so we can win.

‐ Aren't we just playing for fun?

‐ Sure. But it'll be
even more fun if we win.

Let's go!

‐ Hey kid! I heard you're gonna be
the referee for the big game tonight.

‐ You heard right.
That's why I'm looking for this!

Foul! What do you think?

‐ Eh... Let me give you some advice.
I've seen hundreds of basketball games.

You gotta keep
your movements precise, like this!

And you gotta yell real loud, like this...


Most importantly,
you gotta demand respect.

No one's gonna follow the rules
unless they respect the ref.

‐ Wow, you really know your stuff.
Will you be my referee coach?

‐ I don't know, I got a lot to do today.

Ref class starts now.

‐ Oh, my gosh, I'm so exhausted.
Even my ossicones are tired.

‐ Me too. How about it, Gloria?
Are we done practicing?

‐ Done? We're just getting started


‐ Yeah!

‐ Yeah!

Training complete.

‐ My legs are sore.

‐ My everything is sore!

‐ So what do you wanna do? Quit?

‐ Um. No?

‐ Is quitting an option? 'Cause...

I definitely don't wanna quit.

‐ Good, cause winners don't quit,
and quitters don't win!

And if I'm gonna be a winner,
I need my teammates to be winners, too.

‐ Can't Wait.
‐ What's next?

‐ That's the spirit!

While I do laps,
you guys can do a hundred push ups.

‐ Ugh!
‐ Ugh!

There she is! The next Sadie Swish!

‐ Hi Gino and Gina.
So you heard about the game?

‐ News flies in the pigeon community.

‐ Huh?
Those are our cousins.

Looks like they're heading to the court
early to nab some good seats.

‐ I told them all about
the next Sadie Swish.

I'm your biggest fan in this whole world!

‐No, I'm your biggest fan!
‐ Are not!

‐ Am too!
‐ Are not!

‐ Am too!
‐ Enough, Gino!

Don't embarrass me
in front of the next Sadie Swish.

‐ Eh, we better fly anyway.
Almost game time!

‐ Time to get back to work.

‐ Alex, Melman!
‐ 98, 99, 100!

‐ Huddle up, team! The zoo's closing.
It's almost time for the big game.

No more slacking off or goofing around,
and no more victory dances.

‐ Um, you might wanna see
my victory dance before you write it off.

‐ First, I wanna see a victory.

‐ Uh...

‐ Melman, you're the only one
tall enough to dunk.

You gotta make those shots, okay?
‐ I'll try, Gloria.

‐ We have to do better than try.
We have to win.

Like Sadie Swish. She always wins.

It's time for the big game.

Let's go.

ANT'A referee's gotta be
as fast as the players.

Go, go, go!

‐ Marty, Ant'ney, c'mon!

‐ I'm the referee.
I decide when we leave for the game.

‐ Huh?

‐ Okay, let's leave for the game.

‐ Go right ahead, A Little Wild!
No toll needed for our home team.

‐ Thanks! We'll make you proud.

‐ Yeah!
‐ Woohoo!

‐ Whoa. This court is the real deal.
‐ Yes!

‐ Melman, over here.
I gotta borrow that long neck of yours.

Okay, stop right there
and stand up straight.

‐ Check once, check twice,
check three times, and we're good.

‐ Hm.
‐ Am I standing right, Marty?

‐ Yup! Regulations state
that the hoops have to be the same height.

So we'll use your neck to measure.

‐ Looking good! Now on to the other hoop.
A ref's work is never done.

‐ Alex! Time to warm up!
‐ I am warming up!

I'm practicing my victory dance
for when we score a touchdown.

‐ That's football, Alex.
‐ You say tomato, I say to‐mah‐to.

‐ You can do this, Gloria.

‐ All right, gather around!
I want a good clean game.

Follow the rules, play fair,
and above all, respect the referee.

‐ Melman, how are my jazz hands looking?

‐ I think they would be even jazzier!

‐ I said respect the referee. Got it?

‐ Got it!
‐ Got it!

‐ Good. Let the game begin!

‐ What was I worried about?

‐ Traveling!

‐ Good call! Excellent volume.

I taught him everything he knows!

‐ Sorry, sea lions.

‐ Cut the trash talk, Gloria.
I'll be watching you.

‐ Bring it on.

Haha! Woohoo!

Great job, Gloria! You're the best!

‐ I've got this win in the bag.


I scored a basket!

‐ Way to go, sea lions!

What? It was a nice basket.

‐ Haha! Let's go!

‐ Uh... Here you go!

Ha! Woohoo!
‐ Melman! What are you doing?

You're not supposed
to give the ball to the other team!

‐ Sorry! I panicked.

‐ Wii!

‐ Great shot, Lou!

Come on, Gloria, pass it! I'm open!

‐ I got this, Alex!

‐ You're not getting past me
this time, Gloria!

‐ Oh yeah? Watch this!

‐ Yeah!
‐ Huh?


‐ I can't believe this. We're losing.

‐ Only by one point. No big deal!
‐ It's a very big deal.

If I start my first
real basketball game with a loss,

I'll never be like Sadie.

‐ Not today, you pesky butterfly!

‐ That's it! Melman!

We need a dunk to win
and I'm not tall enough to make the shot.

‐ Just tell me what to do!

‐ When I pass the ball to you,
dunk it in the hoop.

Go, Melman!

‐ Okay, Gloria! I'm ready to dunk!

‐ Melman!

‐ Huh?

‐ Ugh.
‐ Ugh.

‐ Ugh.
‐ Ugh.

‐ Time out!
‐ Melman! Are you okay?

‐ I'm great!
But why do you have six heads?

‐ C'mon, Alex,
let's help Melman to the sidelines.

Gloria, can you straighten that hoop?
‐ Ugh...

‐ Ziggy! Lou!
We gotta keep the crowd entertained.

‐ On it!
‐ On it!

‐ Okay hoop, let's get you fixed
so I can win this game.


Hm. That's too low!

Too bad I can't leave the hoop this low,
to make it easier for my team to score.

That would be unfair to the sea lions...

But I bet a real MVP
would do whatever it takes to win...

‐ Hey Gloria,
how's it coming with that hoop?

‐ I'm all done with it!
I'm sure no one will even notice.

Okay, ref! Ready to go.

‐ Melman?
‐ I'm ready to go, too!

‐ Okay! Great.

‐ Come on. Let's do this.

‐ Oh, yeah!

‐ And A Little Wild wins the game!

Oh, wow!

‐ Way to go, Gloria!
‐ You did it, Gloria! You dunked!

‐ Told you we'd need a victory dance.

What a win! Gloria's my MVP.

No, she's my MVP!

‐ Dancing is my favorite part
of playing basketball!

Ouch! Not again!

‐ Uh...

‐ Melman, you okay?

‐ I thought for sure I ducked low enough.

‐ Hm. Something's different
about this hoop.

Something is different.

Hey, Melman,
can I borrow your neck to measure?

‐ Huh?

‐ That hoop is way too low.

And the last one to touch it was...


‐ I can't believe you'd accuse me,
an MVP, of cheating.

‐ I didn't. But... did you?

‐ Uh...


Okay, fine.
I might've lowered the hoop a smidge,

but I was just looking out for my team.

‐ Gloria, Gloria, Gloria.
This hurts me more than it hurts you.

Seeing as A Little Wild's team
did not play fair and square,

I have no choice but to declare
the sea lions the winners.

‐ Say it ain't so, Gina. Say it ain't so!

‐ Come on, Marty, you've been making
tough calls on me the whole game.

Can't you let this one thing slide?

‐ Hey, now, don't blame the referee!

‐ We were counting on you, Gloria.

‐ That's why I did it!
To help our team win.

‐ But it's not a real win
if we didn't earn it.

‐ I've got an idea.
Why don't we have a rematch?

‐ That sounds fair.
‐ Fine, we'll have a do‐over.

I won once, I'll just do it again.

‐ Actually, Gloria, I think we'd rather
play without you this time.

‐ You can't do that.
I'm the star player. The MVP.

‐ Sorry, but maybe
you should sit this one out.

‐ Fine!
‐ Whoa!

‐ I didn't want to play again anyway.

Nobody understands.

When you're an MVP,
you gotta do whatever it takes to win.

‐ Wait, Gloria!
‐ I'm not in the mood, Ant'ney.

You've all made your point.
‐ I just want to make sure you're okay.

You've always been competitive,
but you've never been a cheater.

‐ I'm not a cheater.
I was just doing what I had to do to win.

ANT'Where are ya going?

‐ To see someone who'd understand.
I'm going to meet my hero.

‐ In just a few moments, we will interview
the one and only, Sadie Swish!

‐ I can't wait!

ANT'Excuse me.
Pardon me. Pigeon coming through!

‐ There she is!

‐ Sadie! You just lost
your first professional game ever,

ruining your perfect winning streak.

‐ She lost? Sadie Swish never loses.

‐ Let's play that footage back
for anyone who might've missed it.

When the Mustangs' point guard
tripped and fell,

you had a clear path
to score the winning basket.

‐ Tell us why you gave up
the winning shot.

‐ I just did what I had to do.

And in that moment, it meant
helping someone up when she was down.

Being an MVP isn't just about winning,
it's about being a good sport.

Now, who wants an autograph?

Hey, kid.
‐ Huh?

‐ Keep your chin up.

‐ She cared more about being a good sport
than winning the game?

‐ The most valuable player
needs to be valuable to the whole game.

‐ So what does that make me?
A bad sport, a cheater, and a sore loser.

I'm the least valuable player.

‐ Hey, you can always
pick up the ball and try again.

It's okay to want to win,

but you still gotta be good
to your pals and play fair.

Now where are you going?

‐ To be a real MVP. Come on!

‐ Yeah!

‐ Set me up, Melman!

‐ Oh, wow!
‐ Woohoo!

Way to go, Alex! Nice assist, Melman!

‐ Gloria! You came back.

‐ Just to cheer you on.
And to tell you all I'm sorry I cheated.

I was so focused on being a winner
that I forgot about being a good sport.

Forgive me?
‐ Of course!

As long as you don't make us do
any more push‐ups.

‐ We're still a team.

‐ I love a good comeback story!

‐ Well, you all should get back
to the rematch.

‐ It would be a lot more fun
with our whole team.

Thanks for subbing in Dave.

‐ Really? You'll take me back?

‐ Why wouldn't we?
You're still the zoo's star player.

‐ Hm. Well, I better start acting like it.

Let's play! Except this time,
everyone should come play with us!

‐ I'm gonna score a touchdown!
‐ Oh, Alex.

Everyone knows it's called a home run!

Put me in, coach!


‐ Hey, I wanna play, too!