Madagascar: A Little Wild (2020–…): Season 5, Episode 1 - A Frog Tale - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Hey! I'm sleeping here.

Oh, my goodness!

I'm a frog!

I can't wait to tell the others!

‐ Come on! Move those legs!

Reel it in! Do you feel the heat?
Tighten those abs!

Come on! Time for double speed!

‐ Oh, no. Not double speed!

‐ Way to go, Carlos!

‐ Double speed!
‐ Wow!

‐ Hey! Guess what!

‐ Uh... is it your birthday?

‐ Guess again!

‐ Is it my birthday?

‐ No! I'll give you two hints.

Ah‐one and ah‐two!

‐ Lala, you're a frog!

‐ Congratulations, Lala!

‐ Now let's see some fancy footwork!


Oh, wait! Hold on, that's not all.

Now that I've got legs, I'm moving!

‐ That's right, Lala!
You are moving to the disco beat!

‐ No!

Well, yes.
But also, I'm moving out of the habitat!

‐ Huh?

All right, triple speed!

Oh, no! Not triple speed!

‐ Looking good!

‐ You're moving?
So, we won't be tankmates anymore?

‐ I wish I could stay.
I've had such a wonderful time.

You all took me in
and made me feel at home

when I didn't know what a home was!

But now that I'm full‐grown,

it's time to stretch my frog‐legs
in my natural habitat.

So I'm moving on,
to the Central Park Pond!

‐ Oh, I love that pond!

‐ Really? You like ponds?
‐ For looking at, not swimming in.

‐ It may not be ideal for a cat,
but it's what a grown frog needs!

Luxurious lily pads,
all‐you‐can‐eat fly buffets,

and more slugs than a girl could dream of.

‐ We'll miss you, Lala.
But it sounds like it's the right move.

‐ Agreed.
‐ What Marty said.

‐ Oh, hey.
I know this might be sad news, Gloria.

I sure will miss being your tankmate.

‐ What? What are you talking about?

If you're happy, I should be happy.
It's what friends do.

I'm not just happy. I'm thrilled!

Elated! Overjoyed!

‐ Uh.
‐ Uh.

‐ I thought she'd be sad.

‐ How about one last tankmate tea party?

- Yeah!
- Woohoo!

‐ The last one?

‐ Here you go, Miss Coral.

Gloria, don't you wanna come in the water
for the tea party, like old times?

‐ Oh, no. I'm super great right here.

‐ I remember you teaching me

how to diveouette
the day after I popped out of my egg.

Gloria was diveouetting like a pro,

but I was doing it
like I was born yesterday,

because I was!

Remember that, Gloria?

‐ Hey, you know what?
I don't think I'm up for a tea party.

‐ Oh, sorry, that was my favorite memory.
But if you'd rather share yours.

‐ Mine? Oh. Uh, let's see, uh.

Yeah, uh, well.

Hmm, uh.

Pshh! There's just so many!

‐ Who can choose?
‐ Hmm?

‐ Forget the memories,
this is a time to celebrate.

Which is why I'm gonna throw you
a goodbye party!

With fun and food and dancing,
it'll be a dance party!

‐ Yes! Finally bust out
my new disco‐cise move.

‐ You sure can.

Cause' there'll be
every kinda dancing under the sun!


Tap. Hip‐hop.

Hokey pokey?

‐ Huh?
‐ Maybe not that. But it'll be epic.

Huge! The happiest party
for the happiest occasion!

Because I'm so happy for you!

‐ Well, I can't say no to a party!

Did someone say "party"?


I'm okay!

Hiya, pals! Allow me to introduce...


‐ Huh?

‐ You missed a spot.
‐ Oh, thanks, man!

‐ As I was saying,
allow me to introduce my brother, Eddie.

‐ How you doing? Pleasure to meet you!

‐ Nice to meet you.
We've heard a lot about you.

‐ Ant'ney tells us, you're a dentist?

‐ I've spent some time at the New York
Dental Academy, no big deal.

‐ No big deal? He's been hanging
on the ledge of that classroom

since he was practically an egg!

Now, what was this
we heard about a party?

You know, Eddie and I have a side job
as party decorators.

‐ Wow, you have two jobs?

‐ I can relate. I see myself as both
a star actor and the king of the jungle.

To roar or not to roar!

‐ When you live far away, it's good
to have gigs that bring you together.

‐ Well, feel free
to put your skills to work.

We're throwing a super awesome
goodbye bash for Lala!

‐ I sure am gonna miss
seeing your frog face around here.

‐ You'll have to come visit me
at Central Park Pond!

Just don't eat any of the fresh bugs,
those are all mine, mister.

‐ Uh, I'll stick with bagels, thanks.
But I'll be sure to fly by.

‐ Aww.

‐ No time for "aww's"!

Come on, Ant'ney,
time to plan the biggest,

exciting‐est goodbye party ever!

Come on, everybody! Smile!

‐ There's something off
about that hippo's smile.

She needs a check‐up!

Listen up, party animals!

Here are your official
party‐planning jobs.

Party planning takes teamwork.
Each of you will have a job

and I expect you to do it
to the best of your ability.

Remember, we're doing this for Lala!

Alex and Marty,
you're in charge of entertainment.

This is a 25 act play
about the day Lala and I first met.

‐ Oh!

‐ Whoa!
‐ Whoa!

‐ I need you to memorize it. Now!

‐ Uh, question.

‐ Melman, you search the habitat
to find things that fit

our "dance party" theme.
‐ You got it!

Oh, like this stinky sock?

‐ Ugh. Good try, Melman, but no.

‐ Okay. I'll keep looking.
‐ Thanks, Melman!


‐ Ant'ney and Eddie, you're gonna be...
‐ Dentist?

‐ Proud brother of a dentist?
‐ ...the party decorators.

‐ Oh, yeah.
‐ Makes sense.

‐ We need tinsel, mirrors,
balloons, lights.

‐ Oh! And condiments!
We got mustard, ketchup, sweet and sour.

‐ Oh, sweet and sour! My favorite!

‐ We need to think
a little bigger than sauce.

Think fun. Think exciting.

Think happy!

‐ All of that describes
how I feel about sauce.

‐ Lala! Your party plan
is coming along swimmingly!

‐ Aw, thanks.

But you really don't have to go
through all the trouble.

‐ Oh, hush! It's no trouble at all!

Now you just pack
that cute little shellcase of yours

and don't worry about a thing.

Oh, wow.
It's the teacup that I found you in.

And there's the mermaid hair
you put on my head

when we were playing mermaids.

‐ Are you sure you're okay with this?

‐ No, Lala. I'm not okay.

I'm spectacular!

‐ Okay, well, uh,
wanna hang with me while I pack?

Maybe we can relive some
of our fun memories together.

‐ We do have a lot
of fun memories from this tank.

I'm really gonna...

‐ You're really gonna what?

‐ I'm really gonna...

put everything I've got
into this party, Lala!

In fact, I'm gonna put
all of our happiest memories

into the scrapbook for the party!

‐ Huh?

‐ Oh, so cute.

I remember that day.

We've had some good times.

‐ Keep it positive, Gloria.
It's a happy day.

- Arg, let go.
- No, you let go!

‐ What now?

‐ Gloria! You gotta tell Marty
to memorize his scene!

‐ C'mon, Gloria!

I'm an aspiring Ranger Horse,
not an aspiring actor.

Also, can you tell Alex
to get in the water

for the underwater scene?

‐ I refuse! I'm an aspiring actor,
not an aspiring goldfish!

‐ Whoa, guys,
let's not rain on the party, okay?

‐ It's gonna rain?
‐ What? No. Listen.

This is really important to me.
I mean, to Lala.

Alex, you can pretend to be underwater.
‐ Okay!

‐ And Marty, you can pretend to be
a Park Ranger Horse going undercover.

‐ Got it! Undercover as what?

‐ As me, meeting Lala!
That's the story of this play.

‐ Ah, I see. Deep undercover. I got you.

‐ Great!

Now I better go check
on the party decorations.

What on earth?

‐ Oh, hi, Gloria!
What do you think of our decorations?

‐ Bet you didn't expect this burst
of creativity from a dentist, huh?

‐ Um, correct me if I'm wrong,

but I think I asked you guys
to decorate for a party.

And instead, you made a mess?

‐ No. It's a nest!

‐ Well, we are pigeon party decorators.
Not sure what you expected.

‐ Okay. It's okay. We can fix this.

‐ All I need you to do is...

All I need you...

All I need you to do...

All I...



Ant'ney! Do you mind?

‐ Ugh.

‐ As I was saying, all I need you to do

is take all of this down
and start over from scratch.

Whatever this is, do the opposite.
‐ Copy that, boss!

‐ Sounds good!
‐ Thank you!

Want a sweet and sour sauce to go?

‐ No, thanks! And remember,
keep the decorations bright and happy.

We don't want our last moments
with Lala to be a downer.

‐ Careful, Ant.
That stuff will rot your teeth.

‐ Joke's on you, brother.
I don't have teeth!

‐ Would you like one?

‐ Okay, fine, I'll give you all
of my bedtime snacks for five years

if you give me that disco ball.

‐ Ten years of bedtime snacks, or no deal.

‐ Will I even like bedtime snacks
in ten years?

‐ Wow, Pickles and Dave
have a disco ball?

Nice find, Melman!
What else do they have up in that tree?

‐ The world may never know.
Now what's the word, Melman?

Deal or no deal?

‐ No price is too high for happiness.

We gotta get that disco ball
for the party!

I want Lala to be dazzled!


‐ Okay, fine!

Ten years of bedtime snacks. It's a deal.

‐ Hurray! Thanks Pickles and Dave!

Oh, that reminds me,
I gotta invite more guests.

Can I use the vines?
I'll invite you to the party.

‐ Be our guest!

‐ Here's your invite, hedgies!


‐ Come to the party! Okay! Thanks! Bye!

‐ Hmm!
‐ Hmm!

‐ Hey, Odie! See you at the party!

‐ What is it, Gloria?

‐ Party. Tonight. My tank. Don't be late.

Uh. Woohoo!


‐ Hey! Wanna hang out, or...?

‐ Maybe later, alligator.
‐ Huh?

Happy, happy,
it's gonna be happy!

‐ Oh!
‐ Oh!

‐ Ah!
‐ Huh?

‐ Dazzling, dazzling,
it's gotta be dazzling!

‐ Huh?
‐ It's gotta be perfect!

Gotta be fun!
Can't let anything spoil Lala's last day!

‐ Oh.

‐ Let's get this party started!

‐ And I said, "You can tune a piano,
but you can't tune‐a‐fish!"

‐ Right on, Ron!

‐ Sauce?
‐ That'll be a hard pass.

‐ Eh? More for me, then.

‐ Okay, Lala is going to be here
any minute.

So get ready to be
super, duper happy for her.

Let's see those smiles!



Well, almost great.

Let's put that disco ball
in a place where it catches the light.

It needs to be dazzling!

‐ Wow!
‐ Wow!

‐ There! Amazing!

Everyone get ready and smile big!

Even bigger!

This may be the last time we ever see her.

‐ Huh!


‐ Great!

Oh, Lala! We're ready for you!

‐ Huh!

‐ Happy goodbye party!
‐ Happy goodbye party!

‐ Wow! You did all this for me? It's...

Not perfect!

‐ Huh?
‐ Wait, it's not perfect yet!

One last thing.
All it needs is a little spin.

‐ Oh!
‐ Oh!

‐ Keep it spinning, Melman.
Everything has to be perfect!

Are you happy, Lala? Overjoyed? Dazzled?

Because I, for one,
have never been happier!

‐ Huh?

‐ Whoa, ah, ah, uh!

‐ No!

‐ Well, I'm dazzled, all right!

‐ It's okay! We can still make this work.

There's only a giant,
overwhelming mess to clean up.

No problem!

‐ Gloria, that mess looks like a violation
of Park Ranger Code 46B.

I'm not so sure the party can go on.

‐ Of course it will! It has to!

‐ Are you alright Carlos?

‐ Quick, Kate's here!

Great party!

Ugh! Ugh!

And I'm so sore
from doing this intense new work out.

‐ Must be a lot of heavy lifting.

What in the world is going on in here?

‐ My disco ball!

What? I've been using it
for my disco‐robics videos.


‐ From the looks of this mess,
seems like someone doesn't like disco.

Gotta put you in the Guest Habitat
while we clean up around here.

‐ Don't worry, Lala. We'll fix this.

I don't want anything getting in the way
of this super happy moment.

‐ It's no mangrove swamp,
but until you're back in the habitat,

this blow‐up pool will have to do.

‐ A pool? Perfect!
Even better than the tank!

‐ Looks more like a bird bath.

‐ Quick, throw up some decorations.
We can still save the party!

‐ Gloria, don't worry.
We don't need any decorations.

‐ Good, cause' we might
have forgot the decorations,

by which I mean we forgot them.

‐ But I grabbed some sweet
and sour packets. Will those work?

‐ No.

‐ Into the pool! Come on, everybody!

‐ Do I have to?

‐ Of course! It's for Lala!

‐ Okay, okay.

‐ See? We're having fun!

Best times for best, uh,
soon‐to‐be‐former best friends.

Although, we could use some upbeat music.

‐ Huh?
‐ Hit it, Alex!

‐ Melman.
‐ It wasn't me!

‐ Don't look at me. Uh!

‐ It's the blow‐up pool! It's leaking.

I knew we were violating capacity limits!

‐ It's fine! It's fine! Carry on!

‐ We really don't need to.

‐ It's still fine! It's totally fine!
Alex, keep the beats going!

Isn't everyone having fun? I'm having fun?

You're having fun? Fun!
Fun? Fun? Everyone fun?

‐ Oh!

‐ It's okay, Gloria.

‐ I don't want it to be "okay"!

I want it to be happy!

‐ I understand, Gloria. Let it out.

‐ Lala, I'm just so sad
that you're leaving,

but I'm also really happy
that you're happy,

and that makes me so confused!

‐ Gloria, everything you did
to make this day special,

it means so much to me.

But you should also know

that it's okay to be happy and sad
at the same time.

Not everything
has to be happy all the time.

‐ Yeah! It's like
my sweet and sour packets.

‐ Sweet and sour, hmm.

That's it!
That's exactly how I've been feeling.

When I tried to hide it,

I guess it made me go,
well, a little wild.

‐ A little?

‐ Lala, it's sweet that you found
a new home at the pond.

And I'm happy for you.

But for me, it's a little sour
because we won't be tankmates anymore.

‐ I was sweet and sour
when Eddie moved away,

but now we have lots
of fun adventures together.

‐ Like party decorating.

‐ Oh! The party!
What are we gonna do about it?

ANT'- Uh‐uh.
- Uh‐uh.

‐ Lala, what would you like to do?

Sweet? Or sour? Or sweet and sour?

Whatever feels right to you.

‐ I think we should patch up this pool,
turn on some music and dance.

‐ Yeah!
‐ Yeah!

‐ Aww!
‐ Aww!

Hey, I fixed the pool!

Now, could someone help fix me?

‐ I got you, Melman.

‐ Ready to take the jump?

‐ Together?
‐ Together.

‐ One, two, three!
‐ One, two, three!

‐ Lala, I love your new place.

‐ So does Coral!

Wanna have a tea party?

‐ Duh! But first...

‐ Huh?
‐ Ta‐da!

I made them out of the mirror glass
from the disintegrated disco ball!

‐ I love it. Now it'll feel
like my best friend is near,

even when she's far away.

‐ Huh! Millie, do you see that?

‐ Oh! How could I miss it?

It's shining like the top
of the Empire State Building.

Our anniversary is coming up, Murray.

‐ I'll add it to the list.

‐ Cheers to the best, best times.

‐ And all the other times too.

‐ Oops! We forgot Coral.

