Madagascar: A Little Wild (2020–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Fancy Fifths - full transcript

Marty plans an elaborate heist to return a pair of slippers and learns a valuable lesson.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


- Good morning, zoo crew!

Hey, kids, what's this?

- It's a picture of you. We
made them at zoo art camp.

- It's beautiful!

I tried to get
your smile just right.

Aw, thank
you! See you later!

He did get my smile just right!

This is definitely
going on the top shelf.

Ah, perfection!

- Aw!

You said it, Dave.

We gotta get something
on that shelf.

Oh, we got the smile just right!


No, no, no, no, no!



- What did you wanna show me?

Wow! That's a very nice
puddle! Thanks for sharing.

- Ow!




Huh? Ah, ooh?

- Whoo-oh. That's
gonna end with a...


- Oh! Phew!

- Don't worry, we all slip
up every now and then!

Ooh! Ow.

- Huh? Woohoo! Wake up!

- Ah!
- Yeah!

- Wha-what happened!

- It's a snowflake!
- Ah!

- Huh? What?

- Look! It's the
first sign of winter!

- I thought snowflakes were smaller.
And wetter. And made out of snow.

- This isn't an actual snowflake.
It's a paper snowflake.

The kind that announces
the new window displays

at Fancy Fifths
Department Store!

Check it out.

- Wow!

- It's the fanciest place in the universe!
- Even fancier than the garbage dump?

- Yes, Melman. Even fancier
than the garbage dump.

- Wow.

- Well, what are we
waiting for? Let's go!

- Huh, where are the
chimps? That's weird.

- Actually, that's weird...

- Hate to interrupt, but
can we, uh, do that thing

where we pay you guys
to use your tunnels?

- Must be doing something
really important.

- Huh.

- Can't you see there's
an artist at work?

You can pay us next time.

- Woohoo!

- Ooh!

- We need a disguise!

If we're going into Fancy Fifths,
we should be going in there fancy.

- Oh! I've got an idea.

Don't mind me, just
borrowing this carriage.

I'll bring it right back.

- Is this really necessary?
- You wanna blend into Fancy Fifths?

Ya gotta be fancy.

- Carry on, driver!
- As you wish, milady!

- So here's the plan.

We'll check out the window
displays and then...

- There's a then?

- We'll ride the escalators,
smell the perfumes,

play with the toys, and dance
across the marble floors!

- That's gotta be, what, at
least three or four toys?

- Are you kidding? There
will be thousands of toys!

Maybe even zillions!

- Maybe even hundreds!

- Let's take them all, make
a giant toy pit, and jump in!

- Great idea! If we were
going to a playground.

We can't just run into Fancy Fifths
like a bunch of wild animals!

I heard they have
an inspector there

whose whole job is to
keep the store fancy!

- Don't worry, Marty. We'll
make sure no one sees us.

We'll keep the lowest
of low profiles.

- I keep a great low profile.
- Good.

Cause if I wanna be the
first zebra Ranger Horse,

I've gotta make sure everything
in this city remains in order.

I can't get caught being
a bull in a china shop.

- Who's gonna tell Marty
he's a zebra, not a bull?

- All I'm saying is, leave
everything exactly how you find it.

- Oh, I can't
wait! Just think...

- Wow!

- I see your point, they
really are beautiful.

Almost makes you wanna touch it,
which, of course, we won't do.

I've come up with
a 12-point list

of "do's", "don'ts",
and "seriously don'ts"

for when we get inside the...


Gloria! Come back here!

- Uh! Murray, didja see that?
- No. What was it?

- That lady's hat!
It's fabulous!

- Wow.

Uh, why is fancy stuff
so tempting to touch?

- What do ya got, Smitty?
- The Fancy Inspectors!

- Atta boy, Smitty.

You always know when
something's out of place!

- Ooh! The rangers like
to keep the city clean,

but this place takes it
to a whole new level.

Seriously? What happened
to "keeping a low profile?"

- Relax, Marty! There's
no one in this section.

- Okay, just as long as we leave
everything exactly how we find it.

Huh? Are those grizzly
slippers? Pretty cool.

- They sure are. Go
ahead, Marty. Try them on!

- I-I-I probably shouldn't.

Wear me,
Marty! I'm so lonely without feet!

- Okay, I'll try on the slippers
if you stop doing that voice.

- Fair enough. Ahem.
I mean, fair enough.

- They're so fuzzy.
Like walking on a cloud.

Is this what it's
like to have paws?

- Welcome to the padded life!

- I mean, what are these
things made of? Air?

- I think they're just
made of slipper material.

But I could be wrong!

- What was that? Sounds like
something's out of place.

- Wow! They're comfy and
super-duper loud? Awesome!

- Ah!

Oh, no! We gotta get this
stuff back in place! Huh!

I can't leave these
slippers like this!

- You can fix them at home!
- Ooh! Fine.

- Nobody's here!

- Well, somebody's
gotta clean this up!

- I miss the mirrors
at Fancy Fifths!

- Yeah. It's too bad we didn't
get to have more adventures

at the store!

- It may be all fun
and games for you,

but I need to maintain
my spotless reputation.

I'm never going back
to Fancy Fifths again!

The Park Rangers pay
attention to every detail

and so do I. There.
All cleaned up!

- If you're never going
back to Fancy Fifths,

how do you plan on
returning those slippers?

- Uh! I guess I might've
missed that detail.

- It's okay, Marty. We'll take them
back and explain what happened.

You can talk to the Fancy
Inspector's dog, he'll understand!

- Yeah! It was an accident!

- We all spill a vase of
flowers on a pair of slippers

in the fanciest store
in New York sometimes.

- Uh, no way! Not me.
- But, Marty.

- Ranger horses are
supposed to clean up messes,

not make them!

If anyone finds out I did this, my
reputation will be in worse shape

than those slippers!

So we'll just forget this ever
happened. Consider this mess cleaned.

distinguished graduates

of the Park Ranger
Horse Academy!

- Finally!

I'm about to become a
real Park Ranger horse!

- Ranger Marty,
welcome to the force!

- Thank you, Ma'am!


- Ranger Marty! What
is the meaning of this?

- Uh! Oh, well. I had a little
accident with the slippers and...

- How are you supposed to
keep the parks safe and clean

if you're the one
creating messes?

- No! No! I can explain!

See, I took them from
Fancy Fifths so I could...

- First you destroyed the
slippers, and then you took them?

No Ranger badge for you!

You, you, you!

- No!

Snap out of it, buddy!

- Wake up, Marty!

- My Park Ranger Horse
dreams are ruined!

- Don't worry, Marty.
It was just a dream!

It didn't really happen. Huh?

- But it's gonna happen
if I don't fix this.

We're goin' back
to Fancy Fifths!

- Woohoo!

- You're gonna do the right thing and
come clean to the Fancy Inspector?

- Nope. I'm going to sneak into
Fancy Fifths before they open

and put the slippers back
before anyone notices!

- That plan sounds pretty complicated.
- Yeah, are you sure

you don't wanna just go back
and explain what happened?

- And be known as the
zebra who wreaked havoc

on the fanciest store in the
city? No way. Now, who's with me?

- I would love to check
out those mirrors.

- Yeah! And I still
wanna try on hats.

- And I wanna give Melman a makeover!
- Yay!

What's a makeover?

- No makeovers! No hats.

And above all, no more
messes. This is serious.

- Could be serious fun.

- Huh! Pickles! Dave!

Oh! Ooh! Ooh!

I need you to open the tunnels, so
we can get back to Fancy Fifths.

What's the toll?

- Considering you still
owe us for last time,

here's a short list of things
you can pick up for us.

- Hmm. Interesting list.

- Woohoo!

- Whoo!
- Let's make this quick!

- Phew!

- That was quick!
- Hush!

- We took a shortcut. We're in
the basement of Fancy Fifths.

- Guess this is the not-so-fancy part.
- C'mon, we got to get upstairs!

Uh! Hush.

Keep a low profile
for real this time!

Welcome to the "How to
Listen to Your Dog" podcast.

- Melman! Go, go!
- Hurry up! Melman! Go, go, go!

- Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!
- Melman, quiet. Speed Up! Speed up!

- Woohoo!
- Hush!

- I recognize that scent.

Sometimes your dog will
try to get your attention.

He may nudge you or
tug on your clothing,

bark at you.

- Good boy, Smitty. That's
right, Smitty. Good boy.

- C'mon! There's
no time to lose!

You get stuff for the chimps
while I return the slippers.

We'll meet back here at 0-800.

- I can't tell time,
but I'll see you soon!

- For Marty's sake, we need
to take this seriously.

And, for our sake, let's
have some serious fun!

- Yes!

Let's see.
Free makeup samples,

broken mop top, packing peanuts,
and a buncha old hangers.

A big pile of free
junk! Guess we're done.

- Do we have to go already?

- We've still got five minutes.
And you know what that means...

time to give Melman a makeover!

- Seriously, what's a makeover?

- Hmm, huh. Hmm...

I could have sworn the slipper
section was this way. Ah! Ooh!

Oh, well, looks like I
found the slippery section.

- Something's out of place here.
And I'm gonna find out what it is.

- Phew!

Slipper section, we meet again.

- Yeah! Yeah, yeah! Yeah, hee!

I like makeovers!

- I knew someone was here!

Huh? Who's responsible for this?

Uh! Ha!

Aha! Hmm?

Come out!

- It was me! I
messed everything up!

- Huh?

So you come into Fancy Fifths the
fanciest store in all of New York,

and just run around, messing
things up. Did I get that right?

- Wait! Oh! He didn't mean it!
- We can explain!

- Quick, offer him a makeover!

- My friends had nothing to do
with it, it was all my fault.

- Then why'd ya do it?

- I accidentally messed up
a pair of grizzly slippers,

and I didn't want
anyone to find out.

So I brought them home to fix them
and then snuck back into the store

before it opened to return the
slippers before anyone noticed.

- Well, that explains a lot.

- I understand if you'll have to report
me to the Fancy Fifth Authorities,

or Kate or Ranger Hoof.

- Hmm...

Anything else you wanna say?

- Goodbye, Ranger Horse Future,

guess all I'll ever be
is a mess-making zebra.

- Hmm, come with me, kid.

- Gulp.

- I wanna show you something.

what did you do?

Did you chew my favorite shoe?

Aw, puppy, no!

- Everyone makes mistakes,
kid. No one's perfect.

The best you can do
is just come clean.

- Wow, you did all that?
- That was just a shoe.

You shoulda seen what I
did with the toilet paper.

- And ya didn't
even get in trouble?

- Well, I mighta lost couch
privileges for the night,

but all told, I'm
a pretty good boy.

I learned to take responsibility.
And I hope you did, too.

- I sure did, Mr...

- Smitty! Call me Smitty.

And the next time you and your friends
plan on visiting Fancy Fifths...

- Gulp, yes?

- Let me know! I'll give you a
grand tour of the toy department!

Filed trip!
Oh, yeah!


- Ahem, I mean, that
sounds delightful.

- We all deserve a second
chance. See ya soon?

- You bet.

- Uh-oh. Store's about to open.

Y-y-ou and your pals better get
outta here before customers arrive.

- And before Kate
realizes we're gone!

By the way, thanks, Smitty.

- Hey, you just remember me when
you're a big shot Park Ranger, eh?

And remember, you
dog wants to be in charge.

- Rise and shine, my friends!
It's a beautiful new day!

- I think we pulled it off!
- Phew!

- Ya know, Marty, I'm sorry our fun
at the store got you in trouble.

- No, no, Gloria, I'm sorry that
my silly scheme got us in trouble.

- Well, I'm sorry that...
- No, I'm sorry that...

- But I'm really really sorry.
- No, but I'm really sorry!

- Marty!
- Fine. I accept your apology.

- I wonder why the Chimps wanted us
to bring back all that random junk?

- I guess we'll never know.

- Did you two make
this for me? Hmm..

Oh, this looks
amazing! I love it!

This is definitely
going on the top shelf.

- Whoo! Yeah! Woohoo!