Mad Dogs (2015–2016): Season 1, Episode 8 - Broodstock - full transcript

A charismatic entrepreneur named Aaron arrives with a promise to bring the boys home if they complete a mysterious and dangerous mission involving Lawrence, Jesus, and the duffel full of Euros.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Good fucking riddance.

What did I say?

I said if we come back
here, they're gonna kill us.

We're alive for a reason.

Lawrence owned the villa.

Milo scammed him out of it

and put it in our names.

What does that mean for us?

My guess is we'll be getting a visit

from his estate lawyer in the morning.

Till then, we may as
well just get some sleep.

Thanks. Thank you.

Thanks for coming back to get me.

I'm really sorry about this. I...

I don't know what else to say.

Shit. Hold that.

That's a really nice watch.

Anniversary present.

Got one for Ava, got one for me.


But like every other nice
gesture I've tried,

that one blew up in my face, too.

How come?

Ava's niece babysitting.

Lifted the damn thing.

Well, that's too bad.

- Ever get it back?
- Hell no.

Ava just accused me of pawning it

and blaming it on her niece.

Shit just kind of went downhill from there.

Really hasn't stopped since.

You're good.

- Thank you, man.
- Yeah.

You got it.


Aw, man.

How the hell is he doing that?

Early risers. My kind of guys.

Let's get you out of Belize, huh?

You're American.

Let me make sure I got this right.

You must be Gus.

Alexander... That's you?

- No.
- I go by Lex.

Okay. What happened? What happened there?

Oh, the guy, you
know, the cat, the one that...

"The cat" he calls the guy.

Little bastard ran out of lives, didn't he?

Anyway, that means you're Joel.

- Can you get us home?
- Yes, I can.

And Cobi?

Oh, no. I can't pound you.

You're lousy with berry bugs.

What? What is it?

Berry bugs. Harvest
mites. Nasty little guys.

They cling to tight
places, moist, sweaty places.

They're not... They're bad news.

Gus, Cobi, Lex, Joel. Got it. Perfect.

You guys are all from
Illinois. I grew up just north of there.

Like Milwaukee?

This is exciting.

You guys, you're gonna ace this thing.

- What thing?
- Lawrence will drive you.

I'm Aaron, by the way.

I'll meet you there.

What thing?

Oh, it's a wire.

It's always a wire.

What'd you do?

How'd you beat me? Barrel Boom?

Honey Camp.

I took Manatee Mountain. Goddamn it.


Welcome to Camp Chiquibil.

You guys are all perfectly safe here.

You're also free to
leave whenever you please.

Well, thank you.

You should know, Gus, that
there's very little chance

of you ever returning to
Chicago without my help.

Yeah? Why's that?

Well, one, there's DNA evidence

tying one of you to
your friend Milo's death.

Two, you guys are all
wanted in connection to the death

of a local convenience
store owner named Algrove,

who was found face first
in the same swimming pool

as, three, the murdered police captain.

And that one, I'm pretty
sure you guys actually did.

Oh, and let us not forget our
missing chargé d'affaires.

Just for the record,
that one was a total accident.

Well, even if you did manage to escape,

make it to the American border,

you'd just be detained at Immigration.

What is that?

What charge would Homeland
Security hold us on?

Yeah, w-we're Americans.

Are you fucking kidding me?

We drone-kill Americans in foreign lands.

Why don't you give them the good news?

The good news is I'm in a position

to make all this go away.
- Aaron has connections.

Not to mention your passports.

Yeah? What do you want from us?

To deliver a package.

In exchange, I'll make all
your problems disappear.

- What package?
- To who?

Those are great questions. I'll answer them

as soon as I know you're on board.

Guys, guys? This is bullshit.

It's bullshit! Let's go!

Too good to be true, huh?

You know what? Maybe it is. Maybe it is.

You guys discuss it internally.

I'll give you a moment to huddle up.

All right? Go ahead.

Why are we still standing here?

He said we're free to go.

- You believe that?
- Welcome to Camp Mind Fuck.

Should we even be talking
about this with her?

Coggah Rum? She's deaf as an adder.

All Aaron's workers are deaf.

But can I give you a
steer? If there's any way

you can get the rest of that money back,

then do it now.

Because if he finds out it's short,

things could very quickly
take a turn for the worse.

And you care because...?

I think we've seen
enough killing for one week.

If you tell me where it is, I'll fetch it.

And I'll also bring some paperwork.

You can sign the villa back over to me.

Put a line under the whole sorry business.


- This woman has it... Erica...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

She works at the pharmacy at the counter.

- Faber's.
- We went to her house.

She skipped town. It's too late.

What car she drive?

A shit blue Corolla, but
with a busted rear bumper.

That's all I need. I'll be in touch.

- You happy?
- I got my ass kicked

- defending those people.
- You just killed

- a fucking family.
- They had the money!

- You just killed a family.
- They stole it twice!

I want to go home. I don't want to die.

So I don't want to go
home? That's what you're saying?

- I don't want to go home?
- All right, good stuff.

Looks like we're all still here.

Are we all still here?


Let's take the tour.

Of the 103 small businesses that
my parent company founded,

only two of them have turned a profit.

This is one of them.

God, this thing stinks.

Are those women whacking off the fish?


Now, this is the secret weapon.

This is the broodstock.

Breeders... Healthy, lipid-rich mothers.

They help us to attain the highest
hatch rates and yields

per acre of any hatchery in the region.

So it's something we're,
uh... really proud of.

You guys can follow me this way.

This is really cool.

All right. Lex, Gus and Joel,

I'm gonna have you guys sit tight.

Cobi, you're gonna come with me.

We're going to take care
of that berry bug problem.

Oh, great.

What kind of sign language is that?

One of our own devising.

All my employees speak it.

So, uh, that private...

private sign language thing, it's, like...

it's, like, for secrecy, right?

You ran your own business, correct?


You know, I'm sensing

that you and I are on a similar wavelength,

but from your friends
I'm sensing dissonance.

Well, I know. You'd probably be the same

if you had the vacation we just had.

I am not fucking around right now.


- Okay?
- Yeah.

I know you went to Guatemala.

I know you crossed the border last night.

How... how'd you know that?

I'm the guy that makes
things work around here.

I'm the guy that
decides who comes and who goes

and who lives and who
doesn't fucking exist anymore.

Okay. Sure.

But, hey, you made it out.

That's saying something, right? I mean...

And when your friend
needed you, what'd you do?

You came back.

That's the stuff that leaders are made of.

So, listen, I'm gonna
need you to be like a...

I don't know, like a project manager.

Keep your friends
focused. Keep 'em positive.

It will literally be the difference

between life and death.

When we pull this off,

I'll make it worth your while.


Like how?

Let's just say you won't
be working in some office

in a shitty strip mall,
wearing department store suits anymore.

Yeah. I don't...

I don't work in a... like, a strip mall.

And if I were you,

I wouldn't mention
Guatemala to your friends.

But I came back, and you
just said that that showed, like...

Right. What we're looking
for is, like, an all-for-one,

one-for-all kind of vibe,

and I wouldn't want them
jumping to the wrong conclusions.


- You understand?
- Mm-hmm.

All right. This is gonna sting.

What's gonna sting?

Ow! Fuck! Ow!

Why is she wearing that mask?

Fuck! Ow! Ow!

Okay, guys.

This is the, uh... package

that we need to deliver to Jesús...

Along with his money that you owe him.

That we owe him.

What's in it?

I don't know.

Then why are we delivering it?

Plausible deniability.

They already tried to get Milo to do it.

Close. I outsourced to Lawrence.

I asked him to deliver a package to a boat,

bring the boat to a
certain set of coordinates,

and then leave the boat there.

He handed the job off to
Milo, and then it was, you know...

It was a miss-communication.

Miss-communication? A guy in a
cat mask blew his fucking head off.

Yeah, and this guy right here?

He's the one who finally took care of him.

So maybe we should hear him out.

Okay. Well, why don't you put an end

to all of our problems

and just FedEx the fucking thing?

Jesús knows that you were on the boat.

He knows you collected the money.

Therefore, you have to be the ones

to deliver the package to him.

He's kind of expecting you.

Hey, I didn't force you guys on that boat.

Whoa, Gus! What are you...?!

Hey, what are you doing?!

Peanuts! What is he, a fucking elephant?

How do you know there
wasn't anthrax in there?

- Shut up!
- Right?

You guys are missing the
point. This is good.

It's good to know the
weaknesses of your team up front.

That's why I conducted this
test with a dummy package.

Now, Gus, you clearly
have some trust issues.

Problems with authority, huh?

Cobi, you need to be way
more assertive, my man.

- Okay.
- And, Lex, if I might,

just a bit too trusting.

And, Joel...

You got some anger in there.

Am I right?

All right, follow me.

You guys are gonna have to
hike 15 miles across a rainforest.

No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.

Are there roads? Can we drive?

There is one road, but
it's crawling with bandits.

Follow me, please, gentlemen.

This is my sundries closet.

You'll find all the knowledge and supplies

that you'll need for your journey.

Pull this off and you're homeward bound.

Look, you said it was a day's hike.

Why would we need all this shit?

Maybe you won't. Your call.

Hey. Knowledge is power.

There are things out there.

Insects that can paralyze,

deadly terrain, unexploded ordnance fields.

But I guess you guys got
it all figured out, huh?

I'll leave you to it.

We need to be on the road by nightfall

so you can be in position by dawn.

You know, I may be going
out on a limb here,

but given the alternatives,

I just got to say, I'm
impressed with this guy

and his company.

This isn't his
company. This is the company.

This is a CIA front.

You think he's CIA?

That's good, right?

Lawrence has been CIA-sanctioned
drug trafficking for decades.

- He told you that?
- He works with Aaron,

right, wh-who's paranoid
enough to hire only deaf workers,

who creates his own
fucking sign language, right?

Who kills little people

with fucking crossbows and gets off on it.

Holy shit!

There's fucking rockets in there!

Well, he's the only person

that actually tried to
help us since we got here.

Yeah. Guess Rochelle didn't count.

Okay, second person.

Look how we fucked that up.

Okay, well, we'll try not to fuck it up.

Okay, should we mention the missing money?

- I mean...
- No!

Jesus Christ, no.

This place might... might be bugged.


Place might be bugged.

You have an electric cooler now.

The Lord forgives diesel.

I suppose he must also
forgive 4G LTE as well.

There's a car left Belize
City not so long ago.

It's traveling on one
of the three highways.

Your people have farms along
all of the highways,

and each of the farmers has a
wife with a phone stashed away.

We agreed to transport your
parcels, nothing more.

We are not a mafia,

and we do not want any part
in violent and treacherous deeds.

I think you've just given
me the title of my memoir.

No, thanks. I carry my own.

The terms of our deal were clear.

I helped you protect your
land against government acquisition

in return for small
favors. This is such a favor.

If I bend any further, I won't bend back.

I have strayed too far from righteousness.

That must feel really good.


Should I shoot Mommy...

or should I shoot boy-o?

Get out!

Much depends on me finding this car.

So what can you do for me?

Enough of this bullshit.

I'm out. I'm out.

- Where are you going?
- Belize City,

because a certain
family might be better off

if I got to them before Lawrence did.

Should we go after him
or should we stay here?

No, just let him go. He'll come back.

He just needs to blow off some steam.

He's not coming back.

Um, there's been a... a slight hiccup.

One of the team left, took off.

It was Joel, right?

Gus. Why did you think it was Joel?

Cobi, I asked you to manage your team.

Yeah. Um, I know.

Well, you know, I didn't
think he was gonna do it.

But then I was pretty sure that, you know,

he was gonna come back.

So I'm-I'm not exactly sure

if this, like, affects
things m-moving forward.

Yes. Yes, it does.

There's an expectation

that the four of you will arrive together.



Excuse me.

I'm sorry. Excuse me, sir.

Sir, excuse me.

Excuse me.

Sir, excuse me.


¡Corre! ¡Corre! ¡Corre!

What was that?

That would be the ordnance field.

There's a quarry out there.

In the colonial days,

the British Army used
it for artillery practice.

When Gus left, did he go east?



Sorry about that.

You must walk carefully.

Follow my footsteps exactly.

So you, uh, you work with bombs?

Yeah. Yes.

Scrap metal. Good price. Good price.


No, I need to get to Belize City.

Oh, Belize City, yeah.

Follow me. Step where I step.

No safe.

Hello. Efrain.

Wait. Hey! I need your help!

Come back here!




- Gus!
- Gus!



Hey, guys?

- Hey, man!
- No, no, no, no, no.

- No, no, no, no!
- What?

Do not take another step! Stop!

Do not take one step further.

It's a minefield. We've
already had an explosion.

Please do not take another step.

What are you doing?

- Lex! Stop!
- What are you doing?

I got it! I got it.

This was in my materials.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna use this as a demining needle.

Lex, you don't have to do this, Lex.

Hey, come on, man.

It's all of us or none of us.

I respect what you did.

It t-takes a lot of balls

to cross a minefield to save a girl.

I didn't know it was a
minefield when I started crossing it.


You're gonna hit one of
them with that stick, Lex.

No. I just need to be careful.

You know, a light touch does
not trigger the explosive.

Gus, Ava's watch.

It was me.


I stole it.

What do you mean?

I stole it, Gus. I stole it.

Why are you telling me this now?

If not now, when?

Look, it-it was a long time
ago. It was a different life.

I owed money all over town,

and-and it was an easy fix to
a very... difficult problem.

I'm-I'm ashamed and
embarrassed to admit it, okay?

But I can't... I
mean, we can't move forward.

So you're just telling
me some fucked-up shit

while you're saving my ass, right?

Didn't I tell you I was
done being manipulated?

I am sorry.

I just hope I can make it up to you, Gus.

That's all.


Here you go. Right here.

Come on.

You step on it.

Come on, man.


Follow me, all right?

I mean, maybe all this studying stuff,

maybe it's really paid off.

We're proving that we're an effective team.

Sounds like Aaron gave you

some really good fucking Kool-Aid.

No, I'm serious. This is great.

Something like that happens,

all your resentment
towards each other goes away.

You start letting go of secrets.

I mean, people pay a fortune
to do this at, like, retreats.

You plan on telling us
where you disappeared to

after you got out of quarantine?

Did you go to Guatemala?

You know what?

Yep, that's what I did.

I went to Guatemala.

Then I came back to help out.

What did you do in Guatemala?

I went to the embassy.

I was trying to get your passports back.

What'd you do?

Went for a walk.

Played soccer with some Argentineans.



Let's get back and
get this thing over with.

I'm entrusting this with you.

If anyone in this group is
a born leader, it's you.

I thought you made Cobi the leader.

Real leaders don't lie and
undermine their team.

They don't brown-nose either.

Real leaders take action,

save their friend from an ordnance field.

Hey, you're coming with us, right?


There's a surprise.

I like to keep a certain distance.

You guys are gonna need your car, though.

The car's at the villa.

Villa's probably teeming with cops.

Right, right.

You're too much.


This, uh, this payment
was in Euro notes, right?

500 Euro notes?

As far as we know.

It's light.

Well, um... um...

It's all the money we have.

So you don't... have all the money?

You don't have all the money?

Why did no one tell me this before?

Well, uh...

It was Lawrence.

Lawrence knew about this?

Fuck! Fuck! God!

Jesús needs all of that money!

By extension, you need all of that money!

Do you underst...

Christ on a fucking bike!

Goddamn it!

How much of it is missing?

Tell me right now.

- Half.
- We know who has it.

We-we just have to find it.

We're running out of time,

so this is what we're gonna do.

We're gonna get in this car,

and we're gonna think about how
we're gonna get that money back,

and we are gonna
think very fucking clearly!

We'll split up if we have to,

but we are going to get that money back.

Go! Go!

Yeah, go.

- What's going on here?
- My apologies.

But, please, there's a
path through my farm, huh?

Just back up.

Back up.

So she just didn't show up?

No notice at all?

You have any idea where she went?

- No. Sorry.
- Fuck.

I'm leaving my number.

I can't sell you any more pills.

Me? I don't... Okay.

I don't want any pills.

Hey, what you want, eh?

Xanax? Cialis? Viagra?

What? No, no. I'm-I'm fine.

I'm looking for somebody.

Oh, who?

Erica. She works here.

Erica! She me sister's friend.

She around here, you know.

- Come, come, come.
- Wait. Gus.

- Come.
- Well, wait, let me...

No, she around the corner havin' a smoke.

- Where?
- Come, come. Down here.

Wait, where are we going?


Ashenfelter Farms

on the Western Highway, and
you'll find the money.

Why didn't you tell me
half of it was missing?

I solved a problem you
didn't even know existed.

That's the benefit of having someone

who really knows the place.

It's called experience, Aaron.

I don't like secrecy.

The CIA man doesn't like secrecy?

Or attitude.

Oh, here's some attitude for you.

Go fuck yourself!

The whole lot of you smug, shiny wankers!

You'd be nothing without people like me.

Be careful now.

You killed my friend.

Yeah, well,

sometimes people stop being useful.

How much further?



Hey! Hey!

Go, go, go, go, go, go!

Hey! Hey!


Jesus Christ!

Hey, I'd wear that
shirt, okay? I'm serious.

All right, good news.

Lawrence really showed some hustle today.

Found the Diggs family,

which means we are one
step closer to the money.

Are they okay?

The family? Erica?

What in the holy crap are you wearing?

He got rolled by some teenage girls.

All right, we're gonna pick
up the rental car at the villa.

You guys will follow me from there. Copy?

Okay. So, apparently, they
are reluctant to reveal

where they're hiding the
cash, which is unfortunate.

Which one of you has the
most trust with Erica?

I do.

Hammer, safety, trigger.

Do not come out of there without an answer.

I'll go in there, but
I'm not touching that.

Okay, don't worry.

I'm taking it to make sure nobody uses it.

All right? Is the safety on?

You guys are gonna do great in there.

Wait. Aren't you coming in with us?

Plausible deniability.

In there.

And watch out for the old woman.


I came to Punta Gorda to save you.

Well, he crossed a minefield to save you.

Your granny stole half our money.
She's why you're here.

- Okay...
- The last time you came looking for me,

you said it wasn't your money.

Okay, okay! Guys, okay, listen.

I'm opening the gate.

It's still not our money.

Okay, we're not the bad guys here.

We are here to help you!

Will someone shut the fucking dog up?

Okay, we're all just trying to survive!

You, us, everybody.

Then why are you waving a gun at us?

Here, look. No waving, okay?

We're all intelligent people here.

You want to know the truth?

She won't even tell me where she hid it.

Does she underst... goddamn...

Does she understand

that her entire family could die over this?

Not to mention us.

Okay, look, you have to reason with her.

Enough of this shit!

What the fuck are you doing?!

Put it down! Put that down!

No! This ends now!

Shut the fuck up!

It's fine. Look, it's fine. It's fine.

- Where's the money?!
- Cobi!


- What is that?
- Give me this!

Shut up! Shut up!

Stop! Please!

Where's the money?

Okay, time to get back on track.

Just a car ride away, boys.

Victory... it's within your reach.

The five of us,

we all come from a long legacy of victors.

American exceptionalism. Don't forget that.

Our ancestors harnessed the
power of a fucking atom

and used it to bring an
empire to its knees.

History is on your side!

You're strong, you're dominant.

I look at each one of you,

and I see greatness.

He's on some bullshit.

We're gonna end up like that fucking dog

if we deliver this thing.

If we stay, we will.

What's in that package?

Okay. I want you to treat this package

as you would a child, all right?

Don't shake it, don't open it. Gus?

And remember, gentlemen, this is for Jesús,

and Jesús only.

What about our passports?

You can have them when you get back.

If we get back.

Hey, guys?

Safe travels.

- We good?
- Yep, it's all here.

Minus a few bills that
we spent along the way, but...

"Delivery of insufficient
funds will result in violence."

Did you see that?

See what?

Nothing. Whatever.
