Mad Dogs (2011–…): Season 4, Episode 1 - Episode #4.1 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Bienvenidos, amigos.

If you die before us,

can we have your villa?
It's all yours, man.

Seriously, put it in all your names.

Stay there.


Where are we?
South Africa.

I'll be waiting for you.

I'm arresting you for possession and
sale of cocaine.

Why don't you marry her?
Then you can stop kissing her.

Yeah, why don't you marry me
and take me to England?

The good news is that you are free.

The bad news is that you are dead

I'm so sorry, the tube.
Dad, you're here. Don't worry.

OK. OK. Just give me a minute.
A minute.

Are you nervous?
I am a bit, yeah.

Talking to her.

Dad, are you gonna barf?


Mum said I should be prepared
for you to let me down.

But I knew you wouldn't.

Come on.

Give me away before you pass away.

♪ Here Comes The Bride


Savannah Suite.

We go to both receptions.

There he is.
Oh, Christ, excuse me.

Hello, mate.

Come here.
How you doing?

I didn't think you were coming.

What, and miss Emma's big day?

Ey, we've known her since she was an
egg, pal.

You were supposed to RSVP.
Do you know what RSVP means?

Course we do. Sounds like you'd
Not at all.

She's thrilled that you've come.

I just thought we might have met up
on our own

rather than at my daughter's wedding.

I've been trying but you never
Sorry, mate.

It's been a bit mental.

What, good mental or bad mental?

Good mental. Very good.

Keeping busy, then?

Non stop. Non stop.

It's just... ah, so great to be back,
isn't it?

It is good to be back.

See? Told you it wouldn't take long.

Two months back,
Bax is already on his feet.

Hang on. I'm back on my feet, too.

Yeah, I know, I wasn't...
It's just you not on your feet.

I am on my feet.
I said I'm getting on my feet.




Oh, Christ, there's my back.

You look beautiful, darling.

Thank you.
How do I look?


So, little Emma is Mrs...

Whatever his name is?
Actually, I am not "Mrs" anyone.

You're not divorced already?

Keeping my name.

Good for you. Use it wisely.

It's like spending two and a half
hours in a lawnmower.



You probably know who we are.

Does this mean we get...?

We're not doing any questions, OK.

Are you giving us our names back?

Hey, what did I say about questions?

Why are they doing this now?

You think we "chose" to do this?

Nobody chooses
how these things roll out.

We might think we're making choices
but believe me, we're not.

The two you witnessed...


How shall we say this?

...standing down...

you guys thought they were one thing

and we thought they were something

Turns out we were all wrong.

What we in the company call,
shit in your hat and wearing it.

You might have even done us a

Jesus, do I need
to thank you for this?

Nah, screw that.

So, are we totally in the clear?

From here on in, it's all about what
you don't say

and where you don't go.

You got your names back.

Use them wisely.
Go home. Stay there.

Is it OK if some of us
want to stay here?

Yeah, that's a great idea, pal.

We'll get you some t-shirts made,
shall we?

"I heart Narco Finance."

How about that?

Get the hell out of here!

Thank you.


I'd like to start by saying...

That's actually for the toast, Rick.

Ah, sorry. I got another one.

Sorry, carry on.


I'd like to start by saying a big
thank you

to all of you

for being here today

to see my gorgeous daughter Emma


Now, I may not be the most...

...qualified person in the world
to talk about Trey.

As many of you know,

I've been abroad for a while.

Or so he says.

What? Now is a great time for him
to tell us where he's really been.


I... Thanks for that.

OK, maybe I should...

...clear a few things up
while I'm here.

You know, sometimes in life...

...things don't always roll out

the way they are supposed to.

I have been away.

Yeah, in the chokey.


I haven't been in prison.

No, I've...

Believe me, I've wanted to be
home for a very long time.

So for me today is like a whole

Well, more of a...

more of a second...

Sorry. Sorry.


Hello. Hola.

Can I call you back later.
Thank you.

Sorry. Yeah.

- To the bride and groom.
- The bride and groom.

Yeah, I'll call you back later.
Yeah, no problem.

OK. Thank you.


All right, Nina?

You look great.
You look thinner.

Did you get the letter from my
solicitor about the kids' visits?

Yeah, yeah.

It'll be good if they can...
stay the night.

It's not gonna happen.
As long as you are in a bedsit.

It's a studio apartment.

I'm not saying you can't see them,
just not stay the night, that's all.

I'm sorry but one of us has to be a
responsible parent.

It's just temporary
till I get back on my feet.

I just wanted to say...

Things happen. I get it.

Life goes in unexpected directions.

I get the fact that you were...

...that you were unfulfilled.

Maybe I was, too.

But I tell you this, I've moved on.

I hope you've found what you are
looking for.

I just wanted to say...

I'm sorry.


♪ When I saw you pass by

♪ I thought I saw you looking my way

Are you gonna dance with me, then?

You asking me,
because you feel sorry for me?

Or because you want to laugh at me?



How does it feel having a married

OK. I'm more worried
about having a miserable dad.

He's not miserable, is he?

Why doesn't he go back?

He liked Australia, didn't he?


So you're a liar, too, then?

He never went there.

Why did you say it, then?
Why did you agree with me?

Come here.

It's complicated, Linds.

I just want him to be happy.

He's got no work and lives in a
stinky B&B.

I thought he was working.

He's irritated all the time.

You know your old man.

Always been a bit glass-half-empty,
hasn't he?

When he was there.

Was there a time when he was happy?


Yeah, I think there was.

Then why doesn't he go back to her,

♪ I was made for you

♪ I was made for you

Hi, love.

White wine, please.

So where is the other one of you

Dance floor.

Not him.


I don't think he'll be coming.

How is he doing anyway?


Not seen him for ages.
We've kind of drifted apart.

How are you, Woody?

Got anything going on?
No. Nothing.

Just trying to find a bit of work

that, I don't know, means something,
I suppose.

Not just a job for job's sake.

I'm not asking you this time.
I'm begging you.

Don't leave me with Trey's parents

I was just asking about Alvo.


You still see him, don't you, Woods?

You just don't change, do you, you

Still lie for each other and think
you get one over on the rest of us.

Does it ever occur to you

that every lie you tell,
every stupid scam that you pull,

is gonna come back
and catch you out in the end?

Right, girls.

OK. We've just decided...

Since this is the first time you two

have been together in god knows how
And mum looks so gorgeous.

And Dad looks so... Debenhams.

You should have a dance together.
No, that's not a good idea.

If you love us, you'll do it.

Have a dance.

Come on.

Oi, where did you get that?

That wedding.


He only had sparkling wine.

They got an ice bar in there.

Got oysters.
I tell you, got everything.


Do they look happier?

The Bourasque Kravatamins?

Oh, they are.

Hey, it's superficial though, innit?

Your wedding, mate,
your wedding's got more...

You got some work then, Quinn?

Yeah. Yeah. No. Well...


Can't really commit to anything

Christiane gets here.

She needs to sort out our divorce,

All about...

She hasn't said it isn't.

So... yeah.

Just wish I could have stayed
there really.

What about Shani?

Ah, nightmare.

She can't get a visa.
Practically have to prove

you've a Swiss bank account.

She can't get here.
I can't get there.

I'm thinking the kindest thing to do
is break it off.

Yeah, I...

I'll tell her I've met someone.
No, you can't do that, Woody.

You love her.

Listen. Guys.

I mean...

it's great being back and everything
but I've got this great idea.

What the hell are you doing?

This is our daughter's wedding.

Yeah, I know. I'm just...

There are so few times

when she really needs her dad.

And you know what,
this might just be one of them.

You're supposed to be mingling.

You haven't said
a word to my mum an dad.


I'm all mingled out, to be honest.

That was horrible.

Pussy-whipped by your ex.

Might as well just leave his...
testicles on the buffet table.

Mind you, she is paying for it all.


So, this idea.

I really, really don't want to know
about it.

Well, you might when you hear it's
worth two million euros

to each of us.

Alvo left us his villa, right?

He said he was going to,
but did he really?

This is the proof. I was waiting for
us all to get back together.

Maybe now is not the time.
My daughter is getting...

Well, when can we meet?
How is your work schedule?


You're not working. Don't look at me
like that. Lindsay told me.

Why didn't you tell us?
It's all about face with him.

I suppose you've got a great job?

At least I don't pretend.
Cards on the table.

You're the one
who forced us all to come back.

What have come back for?
I'll tell you, if you want, Baxter.

Fuck all.
I'm delivering pizzas.

Oh, my god.


why don't we all meet up here
tomorrow morning for breakfast?

We can go through it in detail.
You going back to Sussex tonight?

No, I'm staying with Nina.


She invited you back? You tried to
dry hump her on the dance floor.

I wasn't trying to dry hump her.

It looked like you were trying to
dry hump her to me.

He stayed with her last night.

What did you tell him that for?

You told him about the job. I assumed
you wanted everything in the open.

Which is why

we need to talk about this.


I got in touch with the land
registrar in Majorca.

Are you fucking her?
Oh, god.

Are you and Nina fucking each other?
Can we stick to the subject?

I don't like seeing my name
on legal documents.

I'm not fucking your ex-wife,
who I remind you,

I have known longer than you have.

Not that it's any of your business.
So you have?

Hey, why is my signature on here?
This is all our signatures.

You forged our signatures?

No, no, no.

I merely inserted signatures
by proxy...

to get the ball rolling.

That's fucking fraud!

Ten seconds, explain, or I'll put
your head through that fish tank.

We legally own Alvo's villa.

That means legally I can sell it.

I mean WE can sell it.

You've just tried to sell the villa
without fucking telling us.

I just... listed it on our behalf.

So you have? You could have sold it,
buggered off with all the money

and none of us would have known
anything about it?

What else have you forged our
signatures on, Rick?

And what happened to
"Use your names wisely"?


Would you mind not looming?

That's right, shithead.

Fucking hell.




Whoa, Rick!

Come on, then! Come on!


Fucking twat!

Come on!


Eat that!



What the hell are you doing?

It's nothing, darling.
It's all right, Em.

I just slipped.
What is the matter with you?

Why don't we all just go back in?

Do NOT come back into the party.

I'll-I'll go get a dustpan.

You're not welcome here, dude.

Oh, fuck off,
or I'm having you as well.

Jesus Christ, shut up, will you?

Just get out.
All of you, get out, go!


Well, thanks a lot, Rick. Night in a
police cell, just what I wanted.

Criminal damage.

How much is that gonna cost?
More than I've got.

Right, well, this is me.

Look after yourselves.

Selling the villa...'s not such a stupid idea.


They are.

No, that's fine.



Come back, you!


How are you?



How are you?


If I knew it was like this,
I'd have stayed in Stockwell.

He had a knife. How do you know
he didn't have a gun?

I'm fine, for fuck's sake.
Stop worrying.

Actually, I'm not.
I'm worried about me.

I made a commitment to you, to us,

because you said you wanted
a normal life.

Shani, come here. Listen.

I've been working some stuff out

and I want to give another 30 grand
towards the clinic.

What? I thought you'd be pleased.

Giving him the house wasn't enough?
That was just setting it up.

We still need to maintain it.
That's how it's gonna be?

You'd prefer we keep it ourselves?

That's not what I mean.
I'm trying to help here.

I'm trying to do something.
Just forget it.

Do what you want
with your drug money.

I keep telling you,

it is not drug money.
We inherited it.

For fuck's sake.

All right?



Come on.

Come upstairs.
How was your flight?

Really good. Got some sleep.

Oh, that's good.

Hey, Bax.

I just got to show you this.

Check this out.

It's not just his room.
It's a room with gadgets.




Panic room.

In case you have a panic attack.

It's OK, Baxter.

It's OK.


So, here is your room.

And you can stay here
as long as you want.

It has a fantastic view. Come see.


Thanks, mate.

Thanks for kicking my arse,
making this happen.

It's time to make the leap, Bax.

Are you sure, it's...

you know... OK?


Being back here?

They did tell us...

It's fine, we're rich,
don't worry about it.

Do you know what we've got, Bax?

For the first time since college.


This is lovely.


Don't say a word.

Oh, man, I'm not cut out for this.

Yeah, we noticed.

I function best on...

carpet tiles...

close to beverage dispensers.

Tell you something,

you'll never make a landscape


Another dream shattered.



All right.

See you Monday, Magnus.

Stay out of trouble.

Whoo! Free at last.

Ey up. Good day at the office?

Oh, man.

Look. I got blisters.

How are you doing?
Yeah, all right.

Are you OK?

Why wouldn't I be?

It's so beautiful.

More than I imagined.

I love the light,

gardens, the mountains.

And you know what is so great?

My mother is gonna love it, too.

Your mother?

When she arrives. We agreed, right?

Your mother?

I'm making a joke.


One of those Spanish jokes, is it?

I'm just saying

it's a small price to pay.

Blisters in return for selling
cocaine to a cop.

I'd take that.

You turn up on Monday wearing
gardening gloves,

you'll lose what little respect
they've got for you.

I lost that ages ago. Oh!

Whoa, where's my present?

Hello, mate.

Mate, you stink.
That is the smell of honest toil.

How are you doing?

I'm good.

A toast I think.

As long as it's better
than your wedding speech. Jesus.

We almost slit our wrists.

I would like to say thank you

to Rick,

without whose forward-thinking, none
of this would have been possible.

To Rick.
Cheers, Bax.

Yeah, to me.

All right, mate.

I've actually made
15% of my money already.

Just by... I'm just saying.

I'd like to propose a toast to

for organising the sale of the villa
in Majorca

so we didn't have to do a ruddy...

Thank you.



Absent friends.

To Alvo.

Whatever he did or didn't do,

this is all down to his generosity.

To Alvo.



I'm gonna get a quick dip. Quinn, is
it all right if I get changed?

I'd rather you took a shower

I'll rinse it off in the pool.



there's something in the pool.

It's a creature!

I know what you're all thinking.

You think it's a sign or something.

It's a goat in a swimming pool...

Goats fall in pools.

So do birds, so do...

I don't know, insects.
It's a...

...a coincidence.

What coincidence?

Doesn't exactly bode well, does it?

I mean, how are you gonna keep
burglars out if a goat can get in?

I'm just saying.

Could someone
have just thrown it over?

It's just a goat. For god's sake.

Surrounded by mountains.
There's loads wandering around.

It's nothing. Really.

Let's not say anything to the girls,
right, about...

Well, that this has happened before.

You will drain the pool, yes?

Yeah. After we've eaten.

And disinfect it, please.


Carmen was saying

you've been talking about America,

Um... well...

yeah, maybe. Just need to work out
what I'm gonna do first

and then we can make plans.
No, no more thinking like this.

No more mortgage.
No more paying for utilities.

No more office hours.

We just go.

She's right, Bax.

You need to learn to loosen up a
bit, my old pal.

Shani and I might start a family.

Do you know how?

Where is Shani anyway?

She's doing the morning shift.
She'll join us later.

They've had a row.

Are you gonna spark up
the bright, Quinn?

Some of us have been working.
Yes, Rick.

Hey, Carmen.

Did I show you my blisters?

I think you did.

Jesus Christ. What was that?

It's just somebody at the gate.

Probably Shani.
She's forgiven him.

Nothing, mate.

'It's a delivery.'

OK, there's a slot to the right-hand
side of the gate.

Slip it in there, please.
'No. I need a signature. Here.'

OK, just hold on.

Everything all right?

It's just... post.

Thank you.

What is it?

It's for Baxter.

For me?

It's from Majorca.


A summons.

It's all in Spanish.
You're supposed to be in court.


Five days' time.

"Attendance mandatory."

Citizens have the obligation
to co-operate

with Justice Section 118
of the Constitution.

If you fail to appear in court..."
For what?

Hold on, I'm trying to see.

You rented a car two years ago
from Parma Airport.

You're being charged with
stealing the car.

That's nuts.

No, we did, didn't we?

They are also charging you
for 772 days' rental.

And a fine.

105 thou...

Hold on.
Somebody is making a joke here.

Right? Your friends?

I mean, this doesn't make any sense.

How would a Spanish court
know you are here right now?

You are playing schoolboy games?

We're not. Are we?

Hang on a minute. Let me just...

go and see if she's still there.

You know, if one was being strictly

you did rent it, Bax.

Yeah, well, we all rented it.

We all rented it, but you're the one
who actually rented it.

We're all liable for this, Rick.

Not by the letter of the law.
But I get where you are coming from.

Perhaps it has something to do with
the credit card?


Why does this always happen to me?

No stress. It's OK.

There's a number here.

Will you speak to them for me?

Quinn. Where is the phone, mate?

It's in the kitchen.

If it's Saturday today,
he won't get hold of him.

Go give him a call, Carm.

I'm afraid our Baxter has a little
bit of a persecution complex.

No, he doesn't.

Excuse me for knowing him
25 years longer than you.

Ey up, out of pop, Quinn.

There's plenty more
I'll get it.

I'll get it.
I'll give you a hand.

It's OK. Stay. I'll get it.
I'm sure you won't drink that much.

Really? I thought we were.

Forget it.

It's sabado, Saturday.


Listen to me. Look at me.

Look at me.
If you go out there, you'll be shot.

OK? We'll all find out what's going
on and all go out there together.


Jesus fucking Christ.

subtitles by Deluxe