Mad Dogs (2011–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - Episode #2.1 - full transcript

The trio in the car spot Dominic approaching the villa and run him over,thus saving Quinn. The lads decide to return to England via the mainland but get on the wrong ferry,which lands them on Ibiza. Here they plan to swap the drugs money for legitimate money by gambling it at the casino but Baxter is approached by a mystery woman,who appears to take a shine to him. She is well aware of the nature of their cash and agrees to launder it for them,for a commission. However,no sooner have they received the laundered money than their car is blown up.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
He's always been there for me.

I really appreciate that.

- Here's to you, Alvo.
- Cheers.

Special UK Team

I bet you miss the booze
at times like this?

Out with your mates having a laugh.

You mean do I miss waking up
covered in sick?

- What's {\*all }that about?
- Mind your own business.

Dominic said we were good.

I'm not having it!

We nicked it.
I knew it.

We're scared of getting into trouble.

You no need to clean today.

I'm not the housekeeper.

We're screwed.

It's drug money, three million euros.

{\*I think }We should hide the money
until we're ready to leave

then we {\*go back to the villa and }carry on as normal.

We've been played.

It's obvious he's watching us.

We'll be fine.

As long as we leave the money
{\*in the villa}for them to find, nobody can touch us.

You've killed a fucking cop!

You {\*lot }are going to get on that flight{\* and go home}.

You're gonna get on with your lives.{\*all of you.}

Go. Get out!

We can't {\*just }leave him.

Who the fuck is that?

That's Dominic.

You're going the wrong way,
what you doing?

{\*Watch t}The gates!

Found the bleeding keys.

My wife blames me.

She's the one who loses them.

Where is he?

Stick all our stuff into the car.
Anything that's ours, take it.

Why did you come back?

It felt like the right thing
to do, mate.

Come on, move it.

Rick, let's go!

What's that?

It's Alvo's, might bring us luck.

- We should take the gun.
- What about Quinn's?

- Where is it?
- It's by the pool.

It'll look like he shot her.

Woody, pull over.

Fucking pull over.

There is no way
we can risk going to the airport.


They'll check passports,
security and all that, won't they?

What do you mean?

He just killed a copper, Rick.
Do you understand that?

We're gonna go with the port instead.

Get the first ferry to the mainland,
we need to get off the island now.

- What's the safe doing in here?
- Phones are in there.

Traceable, aren't they?


What are you doing?

Getting on the ferry.

- He pointed to that one.
- No, it's this one.

I'm pretty sure he meant that one.

This is the boat to Barcelona,

It's not.


Four, please.

Pay him.

Why am I doing this?

That's my phone.

My wife.

Wondering what time I'll be home.

Welcome aboard.

For this service from Palma, Majorca,

to the island of Ibiza.

What did I say?

Don't worry.

Main thing is, we're off the island,
that's what matters.

Going to another fucking island.

We're all gonna have to find a way
of dealing with what we've done.

We'll help each other out.

Like Vietnam vets.

Only those that live through it
understand it.

We have to make sure
we are there for each other.

You know what I think?

I think this

right now

is the start of a whole new life.

For all of us.

Why do you say that?

I put the money
in the back of the car.

{\pub}Three beers and a water, mate.

Four beers.

Is that a good idea?

You having a laugh?

He's just put three million euros
in the boot of the car

and you{\*'re} ask{\*ing} me if it'is a good idea.

Seriously{\*, Woody}.

You shut the fuck up
or you're going over the side.

Another one, please.

It's free money.

I'm not touching it.

I'm definitely not touching it.

- I'll have it then.
- Hold on.

Why should you have it all?

- {\*You said }You didn't want it.
- Don't mean you should have it.

Why can't I have it{\*if you don't want it}?

I don't know.

Maybe we should do something with it.
I don't know.

Give it to charity.

That is so you, Rick.

Who are you gonna give it to?
A donkey sanctuary?

Or maybe something closer to home

like a refuge
for bewildered accountants?

For the last fucking time,
I am not an accountant!

I'm a financial consultant.

Christ's sake, sit down.

Little prick.

What are you {\*fucking }staring at?

Where did that money come from?

Drug deal gone wrong, yeah?

- How do you know that?
- Because we were there.

We were the ones
that made it go wrong.

Instigated by a bent cop.

Any legit cop's not gonna know
anything about that money.

Even if they do, they're hardly
gonna admit it, are they?

What about Dominic?

- He's dead, isn't he?
- Do you want to say that a bit louder?

I think somebody on the top deck
missed it.


What about Dominic's boss?

- What boss?
- He must have a boss.


Because they all do.

Maybe he was his own boss.

No, she was the boss.

Wasn't she?

Or am I missing something?

Nobody knows who we are.

Nobody knows we took it.

And nobody knows where we've gone.

We could get away with this.

You're mad.

And if you two go along with him,

you're mad too.

I went to Ibiza once in my twenties,
did the whole clubbing thing.


Yeah, I know.

I was with you.

Course you were.

Do you think we're just destined

to always go on holiday {\*with }each other
for the rest of our lives?


You can't just fly home

with three million euros
in your hand luggage, you know that?

There's always a way though{\*,isn't there ?}.

There's a way.

{\*But do You }Wanna be looking over your shoulder
for the rest of your life?

Why not look at it like this.


just maybe, something good
might come out of all this.

How did you work that one out?

Law of averages.

Our luck has got to change some time.

There is only one way
to go with this, lads.

Either we all do it or none of us.

- Why do you say that?
- Because we all know what happened.

We can only be safe
if we're all on board.

What if we're not?

It's going over the side.

How many men of our age get
the chance to start all over again?

- You're just gonna leave it here?
- As opposed to what?

Don't you think
we should dump it or something?

- Why would we want to dump it?
- Because it's a clue, it's evidence.

It's got fucking DNA all over it.

- It's just a car with a broken window.
- That's gonna draw attention to us.

You're the one
that's gonna draw attention to us.

Get a grip, Rick.

Get a grip? Get a fucking grip?

Says the man
with a safe under his arm

who put us on the wrong fucking ferry
and he's {\*now }in the middle of a relapse.

- I'm not the one losing control here.
- One day at a time.

Pack it up, that's enough.

Try to act...


Take that.

- Where's my bag?
- Up your arse.

I need new glasses.

- What do you think?
- This will tie me over.

Don't make me look
too middle-aged, do they?

We need somewhere to stay.

Let me in.
Let me in!

There's a dead bird out there.


That might as well say,

"Please, fucking launder me"
in the watermark.

{\*British }Banks{\*, they } don't take this.

{\*What are you saying, }The money's no good?

{\*I'm saying, }We can't deposit in 500s.

What do we do?

One thing we don't do
is try and spend them.

It's all sequential.


It doesn't help, does it?

What are you doing?

Nina, it's me.

What {\*the fuck }are you doing?

No, I'm still in Spain.


Nina, listen and I'll tell you.
Just hold on a second.

- She's expecting me back today.
- So?

Eventually she's gonna go
to the police.{\*, isn't she?}

- Who's he on the phone to?
- Nina.

- Is Amy expecting you back?
- Cos we're not at Alvo's any more.

{\*Maybe you should call and }Tell her
you're not gonna make it today.

A business thing.

{\*What do you mean }Alvo rang you?


An hour ago?

What did he want?

He wanted to know what?

He wanted to know if I was back?

Nina, are you sure it was Alvo?

Did it sound like him?
It didn't.

Did it or didn't?

Did it sound like him or not?

I'll explain all that
when I get back.

What about tomorrow night?

Why can't your mum babysit?

For fuck sake.

I've got to go, darling.

I can't talk now, got to go.
Love you.

She must have made a mistake, right?

He couldn't have called.

Could he?

We buried him.

There's got to be somewhere
we can change this up on the island.

I've got an idea.

Oh, joy.

{\pub}Two go to the cashier.

We change cash into chips,
hang out, have a drink.

Change it back at a different cashier
and ask for smaller denominations.

We keep going.

The more we change,
the more clean cash we get.

What was your excuse?

Hit your forties, mid-life crisis
and nick three million euros?

It was either that or a Harley.

- How lucky am I?
- What are you doing?

I'm fucking winning, mate.

What, five euros?
Cash your chips, let's go.

Do you want to talk about it?

I can't remember much.

Do you think she suffered?

It was self-defence,
you do know that, don't you?

We all would have done the same.

Would you, Bax?

You mustn't feel guilty.

You saved our lives.

Where have they gone?

Something's not right here,
I'm gonna go look for them.

May I?

Be my guest.

I've been watching you.

I've been{\* watching you} too.

I've been watching your friends.


- Do you work here?
- Here?

But I know what you're doing.

We've got to go,
the boys have been slung out.

And maybe...

I can help you.

It's not as if we're overflowing
with options, is it?

{\*What made}Why you think you could trust her?

I don't know,
just got a vibe off her.

Yeah, nice one.

Your instincts
have been spot on lately, so...

She knew what we were doing.

She was fucking watching us.

The way I see it,
we risk her going to the police

or we keep her close.

{\*Would you like to}You come in?

Do you know what this is?

Rape alarm.



I've used it before.

After you.

You go first.

You want a glass of wine, love?

Anyone else?

Nobody wants a drink.

You know you said you were
a club promoter or something?

We don't know that.

You'd be working for fucking Interpol
for all we know.

You need to change money.

I can help.

- But we don't know who you are.
- And I don't know who you are.

You have to trust me
but I have to trust you.

That's just it, you see.

We don't trust you.

That's fine.

I'll go.

I think that was
the best thing to do, don't you?

Send her packing.

I feel... better about it.

What d'you think?

Hold on, love.

It's three million.

Too much?

What's in this for you then?

- 10 %.
- Hang on, that's 300,000.

He won't change for less.

- How does this work?
- I take it,

if my contact is able,

I'll bring it back tomorrow.

Let you walk out of here
with our money?

I don't think so, love.

I will leave you something.
A guarantee.

This way, you know I'll come back.

Give me 15 minutes.

Wait a second.

How do we know
you're not gonna go to the police?

Or fetch some scary bloke
with a big fuck off knife?

You don't.

It's me, Carmen.

My mother.


You have my mother
as your guest for the night.

So you know I will return.

Take care.

{\pub}Jesus Christ,
she's not carrying anything.

What did she say then?
Why did she say my name?

Where's out money?

We know where it came from.

It's drug money.

We're not drug dealers.

Then if you stole it,

how do you know the person you
stole it from won't come after it?

They won't.

We didn't...

Look, a friend gave it to us.

A friend in Majorca.

He's very rich.

Your friend?

Okay, since it is such a large amount

and we cannot be sure
where it came from,

we'll need to charge
a higher commission.


What if we say no?

Then I'll give you your 500s back
and we shall say goodbye.


- 25.
- 22 and a half.

Okay, done.

I'll get in touch with my contact.

My contact.

What do you reckon?

- Bit gorgeous, isn't she?
- I meant the money, for fuck sake.

We've just given a complete stranger
all of our cash.

What if she's lying?

What if matey boy on a bike
fucks off straight to the police?

No, they're involved now.

They're handling the money.

Whatever way you look at it,
it's gonna be a gamble.

We don't have a lot of choice now.

My colleague Hector

will call you{\* at your apartment}
when the money is ready.

Then you must go to this village.

And when you have your money,
perhaps you can take me out?

- Really?
- A thank you.

As long as you bring your mother.

How about tonight?

Tonight I work.

Maybe I could meet you afterwards.

We could go for dinner,
what time do you finish?




Yeah, I like breakfast.

So do I. Okay.

See you.

Yeah, see you then.



What is it?

Directions and a map or something.

Let's have a look.

I don't like this.

Anyone could come round that corner
and blow our heads off.

{\*Come on, l}Let's go back.

Check the money.

Yeah, it's real.

You sure?

Loads of it.
I don't believe this.

Come on!

We've done it, boys.
We're rich, man.

Come here.

We've done it, Bax.

Let's go home, boys.