MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 7, Episode 8 - Good Knight MacGyver: Part 2 - full transcript

After outwitting the evil Sir Duncan and escaping the clutches of Morgana, MacGyver and Merlin search for the kidnapped Cecilia. They not only free Cecilia and bring Morgana's wizardry to an end, but they find MacGyver's ancestor as well. Here, the first name of our protagonist is finally revealed...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Narrator: Last time on MacGyver.

The MacGyver name disappears
somewhere in the 17th century,

but the m'iver
clan can be traced

All the way back
to the 14th century.

Yeah, but that could
be coincidence, right?

Aye. But, both
men gave their son

the same first name as you have.


MacGyver: Look out!


Man 1: Look at the
clothing on that bloke.

He's a common stranger.

Man 2: Move, fool.

All right. What's the joke?

Who are you guys?

You dare interrupt sir
Duncan in knightly combat?

Knightly combat?

Come on, where am I?

Camelot, you fool!

Let the contest begin!

Oh, man.

Balladeer: His
majesty, king Arthur.

Galahad, now what have
you to say about this stranger?

When he saw I
could not fight, sire,

he risked his life to save mine.

I have another...


He's been poisoned!

But we have reason to believe

that Merlin the magician himself
conspired to assassinate you.


MacGyver: Merlin is not guilty.

Whoever poisoned you used
an ore that is found only in...

In caledonia.

The highlands.

- That's morgana country.
- Yes.

Merlin has never been there.
None of my people have.

Except Duncan.

Duncan is the guilty one!

You have countermanded
an order of my king!

Your king gave me his seal as
authority to stop this execution!

(People chattering)

He knows who
the guilty party is.

Give me your hand.

I would bestow
knighthood on you,

So you can ride with
Merlin against morgana.

The rumors of her new weapon
were much graver than I dared report.

As my knight, you
can help to stop her.

- But your majesty...
- And in so doing,

Find your ancestor,

Clear your name forever.


Merlin: The only passageway
to morgana's kingdom.

They say it holds
unspeakable dangers.

Duncan: Help me, please!

Merlin: Speak of the vermin.

I'll help the traitorous scum!

(Water dripping)

You're mine, Duncan!

(Stones crashing)

Well, well.






You and your friend are going
to need some strong magic.

I only hope you're up to it.

If it gets too
difficult, remember,

you can always let go.








(Both grunting)

MacGyver: That's it.

Grab on to the slat, Merlin,
I can't pull us up alone.

I'll fall!

You will if you don't
help. Now grab the slat!

MacGyver: Pull! Pull hard!

And hope this blade holds.

Let's go.


Come on, Merlin, help.

Pull, Merlin! Please.

A little more and we can tip it!

A little more.

All right.

MacGyver: (Exclaiming) Stop!

Hey, Merlin.


Follow me.

I'm gonna swivel around
and lay across the pivot point.

Swivel? Pivot point?

Speak English!

Just work with me
on this, will you?

Yes. That's it.

Stay centered.

That's it, all right.

Now crawl over me.

But don't shift your weight.

Why do I have to go first?

Because you're on top
of me and I can't move!

Now just crawl, will you?


Man, you could use a deodorant.


Never mind! Just crawl.


Will you tell me when
you're gonna move like that?

You just about dumped me!

A just fate, if you ask me.

I find you despicable!

I just saved your life!

Of course you did. Show off.

You're always
grabbing attention.


Don't deny it. I have eyes.

Who ruined my
dancing rope trick?

Humiliated me in
front of my own king?

Who discovered the poison?

Proved this, solved that.

Then, you had the
gall to come riding up

and spray me with
that disgusting potion!

You were being
burnt at the stake!

I put out the fire!

I know, that's just the point!

I was about to do it myself!

I am Merlin, king
Arthur's magician.

Those are the feats they
expect me to perform.

I've never had to
contend with a rival!

Wait a minute!

Let's get something
straight, right here and now.

I am not your rival.

I do not want your
job. Believe me.

All I want to do right now
is to clear my family name,

and help you keep morgana from
using that new weapon of hers. Okay?

Fine. The sooner
we get that done,

the sooner I put you behind me.





Fall asleep, and I'll
have your eyelids.

Yes, magnificence.

Open it.

(Keys jingling)

How is my beautiful target?

Losing faith, are we?


Galahad will come, you'll see.

He'd best hurry.

Before night falls

You will become
a part of history.

The first test for
my killing machine.

Oh, you should
be proud, my dear.

My triumph will be
your glorious doom.

(Water dripping)

You don't mind if I walk next
to you for a while, do you?

Of course I don't, so long as
we're clear on who's leading.

Merlin, this is your party.

I'm just here to assist, okay?

Is that water?

It's wine.


That'll kill you
on a trek like this.

Merlin, I'm serious.

Science has proven that alcohol
actually depletes your energy.

I'm not interested
in your instruction.

Keep your science for morgana.

We'll need all we can get,

Since you're not offering much
in the way of armament, hmm?

(Thunder rumbling)

Soon I will write
the pages of history.

Yes, magnificence.

When I arm the lowly
visigoths with killing machines,

the mighty moors will fall.

All hispania will be mine.

Then, we will march on Rome
and demand their surrender.

And I will control all the
trade routes to China.

A fair beginning,
don't you think?

- (Thunder crashing)
- Yes, magnificence.

Today, the western Roman empire,

Tomorrow, the world.

Yes, magnificence!

You don't even know
what I'm talking about.

(Thunder crashing)


We have made it, maciver!

There's our way out.

I've safely led us through
the cave of darkness.


(Merlin screaming)

Merlin, it's all
right. It's just a rock.

How was I to know that?

In the face of danger,
one must react.

Reacting's good, yes.

I certainly wasn't frightened,
if that's what you're thinking.

I wasn't thinking that.
You did the right thing.

Of course.




Merlin, whatever you do,

Don't react.


What manner of creature
has morgana brought forth?

I think it's a dog with a mask.

A devil dog. Morgorgonidum!

Merlin, I don't
think he likes that.

What are you doing?

I used to be good at this.

Please, Merlin, don't do that.

You are right.

A miss might go badly for us.

Uh, wait.

Now what?

An alchemically
strategic maneuver.

Uh, brilliant, if I do say so.

This ploy will repel
any creature on earth.

You can say that again.

This ploy will repel
any creature on earth.

Never mind. Never mind.

Spread this on your skin.

Are you kiddin'?

I'd get arrested for
puttin' that in a sewer.

Besides, I think the stench
is making him madder.

What are you doing
with the king's amulet?

You just hang on, I
think this will work.

Naturally. It's your idea.

It must be superior.

Merlin, I swear to you, if this
doesn't work, I'll try your muck.

We could be dead
by then. Try it!

(Soft pounding)

Maciver, we have
no time for this.


Hurry! It's getting loose.

I don't mean to rush you,
but whatever you are doing,

could you please hurry?

Or that monster is
going to get loose

and have the two
of us for supper.



I knew it! It doesn't work.

I've just got to
find the right pitch.

Pitch? Are you mad?

It's not making
any sound at all!

We can't hear these
notes, but the dog can.

If I can find one high enough,
it might scare him away.

This is madness.

An invisible music. I've
never heard such foolishness!

Maciver, we're truly done for!

(Low growling)





(Thunder crashing)

Morgana: Proportion
is everything.

Proper proportion
is all that stands

between me and immortality.



(Dog yelping)

(Zeus whining)

Zeus! You've come
to mama, my baby boy.

Now, what made you run home?

Did something get by
my baby boy? Hmm?

Guard! On your feet, fool!

Yes, magnificence.

Take Zeus to the feeding pen,

and reward him with a prisoner

- before returning him to his post.
- Yes, my queen.

Come, Zeus. Good dog. Nice dog.

(Zeus barking)

(Guard screaming)

(Zeus barking)

This means we're
having unexpected guests.


There it is.

Morgana's castle.

The heart of evil.

Looks real hospitable.

I think it only
fair to warn you.

I'm not the magician I once was.

Seeing how you
vanquished morgana's beast

made me realize

I'm getting old.

Things don't work
like they used to.

Some things not at all.

Oh, you don't give
yourself enough credit.

This is no time for
blowing my own antler.

You should know, you're about
to confront the evil morgana

with a used-up sorcerer.

I don't think so.

I think you're better today
than you've ever been,

because now you have
the magic of wisdom

To go along with
everything else.

Merlin, you gotta
trust me on this.

I know. History
will bear me out.

You'll go down as the
greatest magician of all time.


The greatest

of all time.


it is only natural, I suppose.

Now what?

(Lock clicking)

(Lock snaps open)

I always wondered
who invented that.

I was thinking,

as a gesture of goodwill
and of camaraderie,

You go first.

What a guy.

(Thunder crashing)

Look at this.
Morgana's laboratory.

Oh, how I've hungered
for her journal.

I don't believe it!

It smells like gunpowder.

What's gunpowder?

Nothing you'll ever miss.

Oh, it can't be. No...


She's done it.

God forbid, she's done it.


Morgana's discovered gunpowder

hundreds of years
before the Chinese.

This is bad, uh, for us?

Yes, Merlin, I think it is.

It could be very
bad for all of us.

This gunpowder will give morgana

even more dangerous magic?

No, it's not magic. It certainly
is dangerous and destructive.

(Thunder crashing)

Looks like she's got enough
here to blow up half the kingdom.

Cecilia: Water,
please. I need water.

That's Cecilia.

Guard, please.

(Guard snoring)

I will die without
water. I beg of you.

(Tumbler rattling)

We've got to get the
keys from that guard.

I have an ancient potion

which will deliver
him to deepest sleep.

You sure?

A fool could administer it.

Centuries old. Have no fear.



I told you. Centuries old.

Yeah, yeah. Let's go.

(Guard snoring)

(Keys jingling)

You came.

But where is Galahad?

Galahad awaits
you in the forest.

Uh, this is my assistant.

I... i will explain when we
have escaped with our lives.

Thank you, sir.

Uh, MacGyver.

Glad I could help.


Are you related
to iain? Iain m'iver?

Why, yes, I believe I am.

Might we continue this
conversation after we escape?

He's right. We
should get out of here.

No, please. I cannot leave.

Cecilia, my dear, we must
escape now or we may never.

No, you do not understand.

Iain kept me alive.

I cannot leave without
trying to help him.

Wait a minute.

You mean he's here?

Iain m'iver's here now?

Yes. Ever since
morgana stole his land

And started a terrible
rumor of their alliance.


I don't know how he can
possibly be alive after her cruelty,

But I have to
find out for myself.

So do I.

(Keys jingling)

Morgana did this.

She stopped his food and water,

And shackled him
up like this to die.

How long ago?

Many days.

Cecilia: He's alive!


Do I know you?

Merlin: We are friends.

My son lives in hiding, scorned.

Your son?

Find him, please.

Tell him to walk without shame.

He must know

The m'iver name is unsullied.

I did no wrong. Tell him.

I'll do my best,
iain. I promise.

What's your son's name?

I must know his name.

His name...


(Thunder rumbling)

He's gone.

Dear friend, farewell.


Morgana hated the fact that
iain's will was as strong as her own.

It drove her mad.

No matter what she'd do, he'd
always figure out a way to escape.

I was told

his son and I had
the same first name.

Guess I'll never know now.


Iain tried to write his son a message
while he was still in neck shackles.

Yes. Here.

There's something.
It feels sticky.

MacGyver: No, I
can't make it out.

I don't mean to alarm anyone,

but we shall be slain
if we are caught here.

No, please. There must
be something you can do.

I could burn the lettering
out, but that'd take time.

We must. I don't care.

If we don't find iain's son,
he'll live out the rest of his days

like a thief in hiding.

Cecilia, please.

We are rescuing you

so you may live out
your days in happiness

with your Galahad.

Merlin, do you not understand?

If it were not for iain, I
would not be alive to rescue.

There can be no
happiness in my freedom

if we don't at least try
to carry out his last wish.

Do what you can. We must.

How's that guard doing?


Dead to the world.
As we soon shall be.


What an amazement. Fire.

Yeah, it comes in
handy once in a while.

It's working.

But what does it say?

Uh, some kind of code, maybe?

Cecilia: The writing.
It's so strange.

Perhaps it's another language.

Then it's done.

Can we admit defeat
and move on, please?

No, wait, wait.
Why, wait, that's it.


Your barrette. Is it silver?

- Yes.
- I'll need it.

- Please.
- Merlin, do you have ammonia?

- What?
- Ammonia.

Uh, uh, spirits of hartshorn?

Why didn't you say so?

Of course I have
spirits of hartsorn.

Good, dab a little on there.

Now shine it up real well, I
want to be able to see myself.


Just do it, Merlin.

We might as well clean the
dungeons while we're at it.

I'm sure morgana
would appreciate it.

I think it's a mirror image.

Iain reversed the lettering on
purpose so it would be hard to read.

But why?

It's a message for his son.

MacGyver: He knew
if his son ever found it,

He wouldn't quit
until he figured it out.

I trust this meets
with your approval.

That's great, Merlin.

"Walk in love.

"Walk in service.

"And you will walk in honor.

"My beloved son...


Malcolm was right
about everything.

We have the same first name.

Oh, it's a beautiful name.

Maybe in your time,

but where I come from...

(Gate slamming)

(Key clanking in lock)

(Lock snapping shut)

Well, well, what an
unexpected pleasure.

I'm impressed.

My brother's buffoon sorcerer

And the knight I've
never properly met.

My name is MacGyver.

I'm related to iain.


Pity for you,

but nice for me.

Morgana: Guard, the glass.

(Snapping fingers)
Within the hour,

You can all participate in
my crowning achievement.

The world's most
advanced killing machine.

I'm sure you'll make
most interesting

And handsome targets.

(Guard groaning)

So, this is my fate.

Merlin the target.

It is my fault.

I brought this upon both of you.

Hey, wait a minute,
we're not done yet.

Merlin, I want you to start cutting
your robe into one long strip of cloth.


Here, use my knife.

It's got scissors.

Uh, Cecilia, are those quills
in the top of your dress there?

Why, yes, I believe so.

Good. I'm gonna need
about six or eight of them.

Oh, of course.

As many as you
need. Anything else?

Uh, yeah. I'm afraid I'm
gonna need the silk, too.

Hmm, scissors.

Two connected blades
that cross on a pivot point.


I swear to you, magnificence,

I love the new long shifts.

As always, you were right.

Uh, two hours' sleep
is... is more than ample.

But how could I anticipate such
a cowardly attack from the rear?

Cecilia: What was that noise?

Morgana's new weapon.

Sounds like she
found the formula.

Work fast. You got that full?


MacGyver: Pack in
as much as you can.

We only got one
shot at this door.

Merlin? How are you doing?

How does it look?

I am naked, I am humiliated,

And I have cut up my
robe like some witless fool!

Well, trust me on this.

Another great wizard named
Ben Franklin perfected this trick.


Never heard of him.

There we are.

We're getting much closer.

Guard: So I humbly
beg that you consider

how fiercely I struggled,

before succumbing to their superior
numbers and their vicious blows.

Your story has touched me.

I've decided to give you the
chance to redeem yourself

By assisting me in my research.

Oh, thank you, thank
you, magnificence!

I am so honored.

Of course you are.

Merlin: I don't suppose you
care to tell me what you're doing.

If we can get the kite up
through the window in the turret,

conduct a bolt of electricity
through the wet string,

we can blow the door and
start a fire in morgana's lab

at the same time.

But might I ask how you intend

To persuade this bolt of
yours to perform this task?

With your robe, my friend.

This is definitely
gonna take luck.

Morgana: And now, I have
a very special task for you.

Guard: At your
command, your highness.

Go to the table.

Pick out one of the lead
balls and bring it to me.

Yes, highness, one of the balls.

Take your time.

I want it to be your
personal favorite.

Guard: Here, a perfect sphere.

One worthy of your magnificence.

Morgana: Thank you. Now...

All right, now I'm gonna
mix up some chemicals.

Pour out your
wine, I need the bag.


Why not? You've stripped
me of everything else.

Ah, no! No,
drinking. Just dump it.


We have vitriol.
You have any zinc?

Second pocket down.

You're putting
zinc with vitriol?

What do you expect
from that combination?


A vapor we call hydrogen gas.

I have relieved
it of its contents.

All right, get
ready to put it over

the mouth of the
bottle when I say.


Cap it.


Now then, a little
bit more to the left.


See, we want you
perfectly aligned

with your own
chosen metal sphere.

If my calculations are correct,

You will soon become part
of the new history of the world.

Oh, well, thank you, highness.

All right, keep your
fingers crossed.

Uh, he says strange
things like that all the time.

Cecilia: It's working.

It's still got to catch
that breeze up there.

That's it. It's up.

Merlin: Maciver, I
forgive you for everything.

You are indeed a
very great wizard.

This is yours.

Why don't you hang
on to that, Merlin?

It might come in handy some day.

Maciver, you mean it?


Think of it as a
token of friendship.

I am honored.

Stand erect.

Big smile.



I've got it.

Forgive me,
magnificence, but I...

You're just in time.

We were practicing.

Practicing, magnificence?

Yes. Now, you load that one.



Like this.



It's time to make history.

When is it going to happen?

Well, soon, I hope.

What is this?

Some of your
feeble magic, Merlin?

I'm afraid those days are over.

Uh, morgana,

you're standing in a
very dangerous spot.

The best you could
do right now is run.

Yes. The m'iver defiance.

I knew there was something
about you I despised.

I wouldn't have
it any other way.

Then it pleases
me that you will be

the first official
victim of the weapon

That will ultimately
conquer the world.

I bid you a fond farewell.



My research!

You! You did this!

You will pay!


Morgana's journal! Wait!

MacGyver: Merlin!

But all that knowledge. No!

I must have it!


(Sirens blaring)

Thornton: MacGyver?

(Police radio chattering)


No. It's me, Pete.

Thornton: Are you all right?

Uh, yeah, I think so.

A little dazed.

You had me worried there.

I'd recommend going
home and getting some rest.


You got a pretty good
bonk on the head.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

Paramedic: You want to stand up?


- Wow.
- I wanted to thank you, sir. You saved my life.

Thank you, from both of us.

Um, I'm glad I could help.

Here, let me finish this up.

You okay?
