MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 6, Episode 3 - The Gun - full transcript

When a policeman sees a drug deal going down, he tries to arrest the ones involved and is killed. Later it seems that the gun used was used before to kill a Presidential Candidate and a mother. Witnesses place a boy whom MacGyver knows at the scene, he is arrested but refuses to say anything. At the same time, when news of the incident reaches a woman whose father had the gun, she learns that her brother an addict used it to buy drugs. At the same time an arms dealer is asked by his client who learns about the gun, to get it cause he wants to possess it. So they bail out the boy to get him to tell them who has the gun. When Mac gets him away from them, he convinces him to tell him what happened and they go to get the gun so they can prove his innocence.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Girl: And a lot of
people don't understand

or don't really know that
high above our heads,

a fragile, invisible
layer of ozone

shields the earth's surface

against dangerous
solar ultraviolet radiation.

But now, we are destroying
this protective shield

by releasing
chemicals into the sky.

This means you and your children

Could suffer radiation
burn from the sun.

What can you do about it?

- Yeah.
- Lots of things.

Stop using
polystyrene containers,

aerosols with cfcs in them,

And if you see your air
conditioner is leaking, fix it.

That way, you'll be cool.

This is the junk mail

That came to my
house in one year.

Now, the junk mail that
america receives in one day

could produce enough energy

to heat a quarter of a million
homes for that same day.

A quarter of a million.

Now, let's face it. Do
we want this stuff? No.

Do we need it? No.

Well, then, why not stop it

and put that energy to good use?

Heating homes.

MacGyver: Now, here you'll
find locations for recycling centers

and phone numbers for any
questions you might have.

MacGyver, where is breeze?

He's supposed to
be doing recycling.

You are supposed to be getting
volunteers for river and stream cleanup.

I don't know where he is, Pete.

Now, this flyer

Will tell you how to recycle
plastic, and glass, and paper.

As a matter of fact,

why don't you recycle this
when you're done with it, okay?

(All laughing)

You know, breeze and his
friends set this whole thing up.

It's gonna be a real shame
if he doesn't make it at all.

Okay, Pete, you're right.
I'll give him a call. Here.

(People chattering)

Here you go.


Talk fast, I got
a planet to save.

Yeah, well, you're supposed to be
doin' it from here. Where are you?

I had to work
overtime at the garage.

I'm on my way though. Gone.

(Traffic humming)

Hang tough, mother nature.

The breeze is on the way.

I don't like it.

The scales of
justice are balancin'

And not in my favor.

Get... get... Get
out of here, junkie.

You're gonna damage my image.

Besides, you don't have
enough bread for a loan.

I got this.

It's loaded.

And ready to go.
It's worth 10 nickels.


Take it...

Or you can leave it.

(Tires squealing)

(Police siren blaring)

Stop right there!

Police! Hold it!


(Tires squealing)

Officer down, officer down!

Requesting an
ambulance, 1600 Hastings.

Female dispatcher: All
units, all frequencies, stand by.

Suspects wanted for adw
against a police officer.

Last seen proceeding
westbound on Davies

In a beige 1976 dodge.

Suspect vehicle
license, letters only,

- (tires squealing)
- Nora, ida, ocean.

That's it!

(Sirens blaring)


Rudy! Are you all right, man?

(Siren blaring)

Oh, Rudy, man, what did you do?

You get out of here, man.

You don't even know
me, you hear me?

Hold it!

Mr. Cutter! Mr. Cutter, it's me!

Officer: 4-Adam-16.

Dispatcher: 4-Adam-16, go ahead.

I've got one suspect in
the 400 block pine street.

Requesting backup. The
suspect is presumed armed.

(People chattering)


MacGyver, it's me.

Hey, where are you?
You're missin' everything.

Breeze: Not everything.
MacGyver, listen.


I'm at the garage.
I'm in big trouble.


Help me, please.

Crawley: (On bullhorn)
This is your last warning.

The building is surrounded.

You've got 30 seconds left.

Come out with your hands up,

or we're gonna come in for you.

Sergeant: All right.
Break out the tear gas.

Okay, stand by to fire.

Wait! Hold it.

Who let him through?

Come on, I'm with the Phoenix
foundation. I know this kid.

Give me a chance to talk to him.

I'll get him to come out.

You're gonna get yourself
killed. Now, get out of here!

Okay. Do it.

Breeze! It's me. MacGyver!

Sergeant: Hold your fire!

What's that fool doin'?

Everything's gonna
be okay! Come out!

They think I shot
a cop, MacGyver.

It ain't gonna be okay!

Breeze, don't make things worse!

Get out of the
way! He's got a gun!

No! He does not have a gun!

He's comin' out!

Aren't you, breeze?

He's comin' out.


(Whispering) Oh, come on, man.


I'm right here.


Don... don't leave me, MacGyver.

I didn't do nothin', I swear!

I'm not goin' anywhere.

I'm here with you.

I'm here.

Female newsreader:
(On TV) In the news,

the bullet which yesterday took
the life of officer Richard cromwell,

was found to be fired
from the same gun

which was used 20
years ago by doman yashir

to assassinate then
presidential candidate,

senator David r. Harrison.

This startling discovery
was made by Dr. Lloyd Fisher

who was part of
the forensic team

which investigated the
assassination of senator Harrison.

Earlier this afternoon,

a press conference
was held by Dr. Fisher.

Fisher: (On TV) I realized
immediately that the bullet came

From the same kind of
gun that killed the senator.

It's an unusual gun.

Out of curiosity,

and because I was
so closely involved

in the investigation
of the senator's death,

I made a close comparison.

Fisher: As you see,

the striations of the
2 bullets are identical.

There is no doubt whatsoever,

They came from the same gun.

(Telephone ringing)

(Guns clicking)

(Machinery humming)

Evers: Yeah.

Who should I say is calling?

Right. Just a minute.

Zamora is on the phone.

Yes, Mr. Zamora?

Mr. Maddox,

did you hear on the television
about the Harrison gun?

The Harrison gun?

The gun doman yashir used
to assassinate senator Harrison.

Yes, I know that.

I just don't understand the
significance, Mr. Zamora.

A policeman was
shot with it yesterday.

It's missing. I want you
to get it. Find it for me.

Get it for me!


Pay you anything.
Whatever it takes.

Uh, Mr. Zamora,

i... i... I'm in the middle of
shipping you hundreds of ak-47s,

Grenade launchers,
sniper rifles.

Yes, you are, and I'm asking you
to add one more gun to that order.

Is that too much to ask?

No, no, no, of course not.

Uh, ahem, who am I
supposed to get it from?

They arrested a young
man for the shooting.

Get him out of jail, make
him tell you where it is.

I'll see what I can do just as
soon as I make your delivery.

Not after! Now!

Mr. Zamora, be reasonable.

You want me to drop
everything for a single handgun?

Since you are incapable of understanding
this, I will explain it to you.

Maybe all you can see when you
look at this gun is a piece of metal,

but this gun is
different, Mr. Maddox.

This gun changed the world
with a single act of violence.

It is a symbol. A holy relic.

Placed in the right hands,

It could be held up to desperate
men and make their blood boil.

This gun symbolizes anarchy,

Violent overthrow, a
change in the world order!

It could also be used

as a rallying point to
create new markets

And profits, for both of us.

Get me that gun, Mr. Maddox,

Or there will be no more
business between us.

Uh, there's a kid in jail for
that cop killing yesterday.

See if his bail is set.

I want to spring him.

What's this all about?

Zamora wants me to
get him the Harrison gun.

What? The guy's a nut.


He's a nut who can pull his
order and put me into bankruptcy.

Zamora's our only
connection to the middle east,

And sporting goods stores aren't
enough to cover the overhead.

So, get the kid out of jail.

Lots of information
to get through.

Yeah, well, I don't see any
other way to the real killer

except through that gun.

Yeah. Even that's a long shot.

Thornton: Twenty years' worth
of files on the Harrison gun.

I've never seen
anything like it.

Police records show
that the Harrison gun

was a very rare czechoslovakian

Seven-shot rupper,
7.5 millimeter.

And it was sold at a
police auction after the trial.


Isn't that kind of a weird
thing for police to do?

Yeah, well, some
departments still do it.

For the revenue, I guess.

Sold to a man named
Philip orwell, gun dealer,

And stolen a few
weeks later in a robbery.

MacGyver: What's that say?

Ah. Six years ago,

a Mrs. Mary dryden was killed

By a stray bullet in
a drive-by shooting.

The Harrison gun...

And it was released
and sold at auction again.

Oh, man, it's like that
gun has a life of its own.

Yeah, a very active one.

Who bought it?

A man named Martin Jenkins.

And that's it.

No mention of what
happened to it after that.


Well, listen, at
least it's a name.

Why don't you check
the telephone listings?

I'm gonna go down
and see our lawyers.

See if they had any luck getting
bail established for breeze.

Laura: Todd?

- (Knocking on door)
- Todd!


You swore to daddy.

You swore to a
dying man you'd stop.

You're a liar.

I tried.

Just... just leave me alone!

Todd, this is very important.

Listen to me.

You stole the gun.

Did you kill that policeman?

I don't know what you're
talkin' about, Laura.

It's in the newspaper, Todd.

A policeman was shot
with the Harrison gun.

I was hurtin'.

I needed to get straight.

I took the wrong gun!

- It's worth a fortune.
- Todd!

Todd, you can't go
out like that! Todd!

Well, any luck?

Well, Jenkins was killed in
a car crash four years ago.

His wife said he sold the gun,

but there's no record
of who bought it.

Well, I got one little
bit of good news.

They did set bail for breeze.

$25,000. Here.

Take this down, talk to
Bernie, and get him released.

Thanks, Pete.

Don't thank me.

I was born a warm and
wonderful human being.

Hey, he's out already.

H-Here's your
check for the bail.

'Course, I'm gonna have to
charge you $50 for my trouble.

- What do you mean, he's out?
- You know, out.

Like no longer incarcerated,
a prisoner no longer.

Somebody else
already sprung him.

I could take that $50 now,

- save you a lot of trouble.
- Bernie, who got him out?

Who got him out, uh...

See now, the check was signed
by some guy named Maddox

from a Maddox weapons.

About that $50...

Bernie: It's okay, MacGyver.

I'll bill Phoenix, no trouble.

Do you have an appointment, sir?

Yeah, with a Mr. Maddox.

Mr. Maddox is in
weapons assembly.

Didn't say anything about
having an appointment.

Well, that's up to
you, it's just an order.

Why don't you have him make
another appointment with me,

I'll see if I'm available, okay?

Hey, hey, not so fast.

Just asking.

In there.

(Machinery humming)

(Men chattering)

(Guns clicking)

I want the gun you
used on that policeman.

I'll pay you $1,000 for it.

Breeze: I never even saw
the gun till the shooting started.

All right, let's
say that's true.

You know who did
use it, don't you?

Same $1,000 if
you find him for us.

I keep telling you
I don't know him.

I wanna go home now, okay?

And don't worry about
that bail thing. I'll show.

MacGyver. That's
my friend, MacGyver.

It's okay.

He wants the Harrison gun.

I told him I didn't
know anythin' about it.

Wants it real bad.

Don't you have enough guns?

What do you need
another one for, huh?

Guns are my business.

When there's a
demand, I supply it.

Yeah, so I see.

It's in the constitution,
Mr. MacGyver.

People have a
right to bear arms.

The second
amendment. Yeah, I know.

You really should
read that sometime.

It has a lot to say about things
like the security of a free state

and a well-regulated militia.

But I'd be willin' to bet

This batch isn't headed for
the national guard, am I right?

I see, you're one of those.

Yeah, I'm one of those.

I just can't help it. You
know, I got this thing

about innocent people
bein' shot down in the streets

Or through the
walls of their homes.

You know, like babies, cops,

presidential candidates.

Well, you know what they say.

Guns don't kill
people. People do.

Is that anything like hydrogen
bombs don't kill people?

It's the people
who set them off.

Mr. MacGyver, I'm not gonna get
into this tired old debate with you.

I've offered your friend
$1,000 for the gun.

Well, he doesn't seem
to have it. Do you have it?

- No.
- He doesn't have it.

So I guess we'll be leavin'.

Come on, breeze,
let's get out of here.

Thanks, MacGyver, that guy
was workin' up to somethin'.

Who was it, breeze?

- Who was what?
- Who shot the cop?

I keep tellin'
everybody, I don't know.

- A car crashed, I went over to help...
- Oh, come on, man.

We've been friends a long time.

I know when you're lying.

Look, breeze, I
know you didn't do it.

But they're still gonna
try you for murder.

Well, I'll take my chances.

The only one you've
got is to find that killer.

I do not hand
brothers to the man!


People who shoot other
people down in the streets

are not your brothers!

You don't understand!

No, you don't understand!

That gun is your only chance.

This is not fair.

Life's not fair!

That gun killed a man

who might have been
president of the United States.

Last night, it
killed a policeman.

In between, it killed a woman
who was just crossing the street.

Now she probably would have
liked to see her kids grow up.

And they probably
didn't think it was fair

when their hearts were broken!

And that's not worth
being a snitch for?

Is that what you're tellin' me?

His name's Rudy Gibbs.

He's a pusher.

You were protecting a pusher?

We knew each
other all our lives.

Got sent to camp together.

- You ever wonder why I got
into all that - save the planet stuff?

It was a little
out of character.

It was that summer.

Me and Rudy got on that
bus, and we were tough, man.

Two weeks in the country
seemed like nowhere to go to us.

I saw all that green
grass and I was gone.

I couldn't get enough air
and water and green grass.

I'd lay down,
roll down that hill

10 times a day just to smell it.

(Sighing) Somethin' inside
of me changed forever.

But Rudy, he... he
was already crippled

From the pavement
and the ghetto.

It was like his insides had
already turned to concrete.

You understand what I'm
sayin' to you, MacGyver?

I know him.

It's hard, man.

Duke: It's the gun
you got from the kid!

Look at it.

It killed Harrison, man.

It's worth some big bucks.

What did you do
with it? You still got it?

No, I... I threw it down
a sewer on Collins.

All right, which one?

I... i... i don't know, maybe
near second Avenue.

All right, let's go get it.

No way. I'm not
goin' near it, man.

Look, I iced a
cop with that gun.


But if I find it, I'm
keepin' everything, man.

Go for it.



What are you doing here?

Trying to keep
you out of trouble.

Well, I don't need you. Go home.

You're still high on
crack, aren't you?

Todd, come home now.

What are you doing here?

It's the gun.

Don't you get it?

Oh, i... I'm sick
of your nagging

and I'm sick of your whining.

I'm sick of you.

When Rudy's not
hustlin' on the street,

he's in here hustlin'.

I'll go in and ask around.

(Car engine starts)



(Both grunting)

(Gun fires)


(Todd exclaiming)




It's Rudy, man.



He's got the gun.

He's got the gun.

(Rudy gasping)

Yeah, I'm holding.

Hey, what'd the doctor say?

It's not a concussion.

So unfortunately I'm
gonna live for the execution.

Yeah, Tom, go ahead.

Okay, thanks.

Well, I just got
the ballistics report

On the bullet that killed Rudy.

Oh, uh, let me guess.

You got it. The Harrison gun.

So, what are you messin'
with this computer for?

Rudy's dead.

And you can forward
my mail to death row.

Hey, you told me somebody
else was with Rudy.

We're not beat yet, okay?

Well, it wasn't the guy at the
wreckin' yard. I told you that, too.

And you know, you're not gonna
find either one of 'em in there.

Yeah? Well, I'm
not looking for them.

I'm looking for the girl I saw
outside the wrecking yard.

- What?
- Yeah, I think I've seen her before

And the car she was
driving, somewhere in here.

MacGyver: Yeah.

Laura Fowler.

She attended a ceremony
honoring her father

for his efforts on gun control

and other services to
the Harrison foundation.

Wait, now I remember.
Fowler, frank Fowler,

was one of the detectives in charge
of investigating the assassination.

He died about a year ago.

What does she got to
do with the Harrison gun?

(Sighing) Good question.


(Man chattering)


Word is on the street that, uh,

Mr. Maddox's interested
in, uh, rare guns.

Maybe one special gun.

Who is this?

It'll cost him $50,000.

He ought to be back
in a couple of minutes.

Uh, look, give me your number.

Uh, I'll call back.

(Truck approaching)


What's wrong?

Uh, nothin'. Uh, uh,
i'm... I'm not here is all.

All right? I... I'm just
not here. Understand?

What exactly did he say?

Special rare gun.

What else could it be?

All right. Did he give
you a phone number?

Well, he didn't
give it, but we got it.

Good. Trace it. Get the address.



Maddox: Mr. Zamora.

Mr. Maddox, I hope you're
calling about the Harrison gun.

As a matter of fact, I am.

You have... You...
you have the gun?

I will. Meet me here at 5:00.

You can accept
delivery of your shipment,

As well as the Harrison gun.

I'll be there, Mr. Maddox.

A-And, please,
don't disappoint me.

Laura: Yes, I was
at the wrecking yard.

MacGyver: Yeah, I know you were.

And a few minutes
later, a kid was killed.

I don't know
anything about that.

Well, the bullet came
from the Harrison gun.

Maybe you know
something about that.

I don't know anything.
Could you just please leave?

Do you expect me to believe

that you and the Harrison
gun being at the wrecking yard

At the same time was
just a coincidence?

Lady, they think
I shot that cop.

I didn't.

But if I don't find me a
witness, I'm gonna fry.

Please, lady.

Your father bought
the gun, right?

Is this where it was kept?


My dad loved senator Harrison.

When he found out he
was running for president,

he was so happy.

And when the senator died,

It was like losing a
member of our own family.

It broke dad's heart.

He worked 24 hours
a day to convict yashir.

It became so personal.

And when he finally
thought it was over,

when he could finally say
there was an end to everything,

the gun popped up again
and killed somebody else.

Daddy bought it and
put it here with the others.

It was like a superstition.

I think daddy thought
the guns were cursed.

He was guarding them.

He thought as... as long
as he could see them,

Nothing could happen.

I know that sounds silly.


I understand.

Where's the gun now?

Who's back there?

It's my brother.

Todd's not well. He needs help.

Laura: Please
don't hurt him! Todd!

(Car horn honking)

Maybe his sister knows
where he hangs out.

Any idea where your
brother might have ran off to?

What's the matter?

(Gun cocking)

It appears we're all
looking for the same guy.

Come on, get out.

What are all these
people doing here?


Her brother's the one
that called about the gun.

These two came in
while we were there.

Her brother never showed up.

Your brother has
my gun. Where is he?

Where is he?

I don't know.

He ran away when
he saw us, okay?

(Telephone ringing)

I don't believe this. This
is totally out of control.

Not only have you lost my gun,

you have identified me, idiot!

It's the guy with the gun.

Maddox: This is Maddox.

I called before.

- You have the gun?
- Todd: Yeah.

Uh, the other guy tell
you I wanted $50,000?


Pier 9 in an hour.
Bring the gun.

We have the Harrison gun.

I'll give it to you along with the
shipment at your freighter. Agreed?

They can identify me along with
the illegal shipment of weapons.

Well, what do you want from me?

Only your silence, Mr. Maddox.

I'll take care of them.
You get my gun.

Oh, I don't like this.

I didn't wanna kill anybody.

I'll do it at sea.

Away from you.

Have them put into
the cargo container.

Woman: No, Mr. Thornton,
still no word from MacGyver.

I'll let you know the
moment I hear something.

Breeze: Oh, man, this is great.

Maybe there's something we
can blast the doors open with.

Laura: What's he doing?

Breeze: He's trying
to get us out of here.

Just relax, that's what he does.


Yeah, right. Number
two cable over here.

Man #1: Ah, yeah, that's it.

A little more, though.

(Man chattering)

Man #1: All set?

Man #2: Yeah.

I think that's him.

I'm gonna go down and see.

Have you got it?

Laura: It's Todd.
He's brought the gun.


(Engine roaring)


You guys get these straps off.

- Okay, we got the straps off.
- What now?

Attach them on the back
wall and strap yourself in.

I'll be right there.


MacGyver? Breeze?
What happened to them?

The Harrison gun.

I promised you war
and profit, my friend.

This will contribute to both.

All right, ready?

(Electric buzzing)

(Both screaming)

(Doors clanging)

Thornton: Everyone
agreed that the problem

of crime guns finding their
way back to the streets,

(cameras clicking)

Required an aggressive

and so, through the good
offices of chief Cooke,

the police department, in association
with the Phoenix foundation,

is beginning a new program

of destroying, rather
than auctioning off,

weapons that have
been used in crimes.

- Chief Cooke.
- Thank you.

(People clapping)

This is a program

I've been looking forward to
implementing for some time.

Now, that's not to
say that there's not

a legitimate gun
market out there

for decent people
who want to hunt

Or get some private
practice in at the range.

But I've been convinced

that we don't need
to recycle crime guns

back into our community.

Hear, hear.

Now's the time for
the real ceremony.


(Cameras clicking)

I was born with guns.

I grew up with them.

I discovered green grass
and trees and clean air later.

So I guess I'm an expert.

On this subject at least.

We need to get rid of
everything that pollutes our planet.

So today, we're gonna get
rid of another kind of pollution,

'cause it will not do any
good to save the earth,

if there's nobody
here to enjoy it.

This is my friend, Laura Fowler.

To begin this ceremony,
I'd like to donate

my father's collection of crime
guns, including the Harrison gun,

which has done the
last of its damage.

(People cheering)

Well, that is about 1,000 guns

That nobody is gonna
use on anybody else.

Yeah. A 1,000 down.

Only a 100 million to go.