MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 6, Episode 19 - Strictly Business - full transcript

After his sister dies in an avalanche, Murdoc decides to resume working for his former employer, HIT. In order to regain their trust, he has to take on MacGyver once again.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Woman: Right on time, murdoc.

We've been expecting you.

Kindly remove your weapons.

Now, proceed
through the entryway.


All your weapons.


Woman: As chairperson
of the board of directors

of homicide international trust,

I now call this
meeting to order.

Welcome back, murdoc.

Your talents have been missed.


The last time we were together,

you tried to kill me.

Things were different then.

You tried to retire.

We couldn't risk the possibility

That you might
compromise hit's operation.

Well, as you say, that was then.

Yes. And now you want
to rejoin our organization.

Well, unfortunately, murdoc,

there's a problem.

You're well aware
our organization

cannot tolerate
failure of any kind.

My record is spotless.

Not quite.

Name one contract
that I've failed to execute.



Well, MacGyver helped me
rescue my sister from you.

He saved her life and mine.

I owe him a debt

of honor.

There's no room for
honor in our business.

MacGyver has been a detriment

to our international
operations for years.

Well, you have a point.

All right.

You want MacGyver's head,

you can have it.

You've said that before.

Perhaps MacGyver's
too formidable,

even for you.

MacGyver is terribly
clever. But then,

So am I.

You see, I do have one very
definite advantage over him.

He fights fair.

I cheat.



Do you like it?

You know, this place always
lacked a sort of a formal touch.

What's the matter, MacGyver?
You don't look happy to see me.

Yeah, go figure.

What do you want?

Well, I simply wanted to
thank you for coming to my aid

When you rescued my
sister Ashton from hit.

You didn't give me much
of a choice on that, did you?

Details, MacGyver.

Why don't you sit
down? Don't look so grim.

Try the food, it's vegetarian.

Uh, this is a little more
than a simple thank you.

Go easy on me,
MacGyver, all right?

I've recently suffered a
personal tragedy. It's my...

my dear sister
Ashton. She was, uh,

killed while skiing
in Switzerland.

Was it hit?

No. No, no, it was an avalanche.

Poor Ashton.

She was the last of my family.

I'm sorry.

Yes, well, the death of
a loved one forces you

To evaluate your
life, make a fresh start.

Get back to business.


Is this how you keep
your promises, murdoc?

You didn't really think that I
would retire, did you, MacGyver?


I mean, do you
see me playing golf?

Can you see me fishing?

The world's problems
being what they are,

My talents are in greater
demand than ever before.

Also, you know, I
must confess, I...

I need the money.

That's why I asked hit to let
me come out of retirement.

They tried to kill you.

Well, business is business.

Forgive and forget,
that's what I always say.

Besides, hit asked me to erase

the only blemish on my
otherwise spotless record,

And, of course,
that blemish is you.

(Murdoc laughing)

Now this

Is a unique mixture of cyanide.

It's actually my own formula.



Better death through chemistry,
that's what I always say.

All right, MacGyver,

why don't you

Find a clever way out of this?


The death of MacGyver.

Scene one.


So, MacGyver, why don't
you tell us how you really feel

knowing that
you're about to die.

Well, would you like
to share that with us?

Come on, MacGyver, speak up.

What are you, camera
shy, MacGyver?



Admit it! I've won, haven't I?

All right!

You've got me! You satisfied?

Murdoc: Yes, I think I may be.


You know,

you... you don't know how long

I've waited for you to say this.

(Cuffs clicking)

Murdoc! Still playing
your sick games!

No games.

Strictly business.

You saved my life,

I arranged this to
pay off the debt.

We're even.


Now I can hunt you with a clear
conscience, MacGyver, but be warned.

You're a target,

And I don't intend to miss.


(Gun fires)

(Glass shattering)

Murdoc: Keep your
head down, MacGyver!

(Intercom beeps)

Helen: Mr. Thornton?
MacGyver's on line two.

Mr. Thornton?


Mr. Thornton?


Tell him I'll call him back.

He says it's about murdoc.

Murdoc? Put him through.

MacGyver? Don't tell
me that maniac is back.

And I'm his target. I'm
gonna lay low for a while.

MacGyver, did I have
a bad connection?

Did I hear you just say that you
were going to run from murdoc?

Pete, I just got to get out
of here for a while, okay?

I don't want anyone
gettin' hurt in the crossfire.

Now wait a minute, are
you talking about me?

Because I can
take care of myself.

Pete, are your eyes any better?

(Sighing) No.

MacGyver: You still need
your operation, don't you?

You know I do.

I rest my case.

Now, you know murdoc
will use anyone to get to me.

All right, listen. The Phoenix
foundation has a safe house

up on overlook mountain.
Go there for a while.

Thornton: And take a
pool car, not your own.

And, MacGyver,
stay in touch, okay?

MacGyver: No promises.

MacGyver, come on!

Thanks, Pete.

(Phone disconnecting)


Thanks, Pete.

(Birds chirping)

(Glass shattering)

So long, MacGyver.

Rest in pieces.

(Birds chirping)



(Bell tolling)

Amy: Mom! Mom!

Wait. I won't hurt you.

I'll hurt you, mister, if
you lay one hand on her.

Please, I need help.

Who are you?


I don't know.


I can't remember.

I'm warning you, stay back!

I just need to rest.

Did dad send him?

I don't know.

He's really hurt bad.

We'll put him in one
of the guest cabins.




Welcome back.

How long have I been out?

Not long.

Still can't remember
who you are?


I checked your pockets.

You don't have a wallet, no
driver's license, no ID, nothing.

I must have lost it in a...

The accident.


Yeah, I was, uh...

I was driving, uh...

And there was a crash.

(Tires squealing)


I just get flashes.

There was an explosion.

(Breathing heavily)

It's all kind of jumbled.

Suzanne: If there
was an accident,

Someone else may be hurt.

I should call the
highway patrol.

I should also call doc Colby,
get him to come out from town.

I'm afraid amnesia's a bit
beyond my first aid skills.

Lucky you were here.

I was afraid this
place was deserted.

Well, not much goes on
during the dead season.

Is this your place?


The owner hired me to
look after it over the winter.

I'm glad he did.

Uh, Mrs...

Walker. Suzanne.

This is my daughter, Amy.

- MacGyver: Hi, Amy.
- Hi.

I'm sorry I scared you earlier.

That's okay. I hope
you feel better soon.

Come on, Amy, let's
go. The man's got to rest.

I'll look in on you later.

(Lock rattling)

I like him, mom. I don't
think he works for daddy.

Can't afford to
take any chances.

(Door opening)

(Birds chirping)

Amy: Why can't
I just talk to him?

Suzanne: I want you
to stay away from him.

Maybe I can help him
get his memory back.

I said no, Amy. That's final.


It's not fair.

We haven't seen another
person since we got here.

Sweetheart, I
know it's not easy.

Someday we won't have
to live like this, I promise.

But until then, we have
to be very, very careful.



Oh, I love you so much.

I'll never let anyone
take you away, never.

I love you too, mom.

I'm gonna make the phone calls.

You go out and cover the canoes.

- Okay.
- Okay?

(Footsteps approaching)

(Labored breathing)




Did you have a bad dream?

Uh, somethin' like that.

Does your mother
know you're here?

Uh-uh. She doesn't like
me talkin' to strangers.

That's usually
pretty good advice.

Did my dad send you?

Your dad?

'Cause if you came to take
me away, you can forget it.

I don't want to live with him.
I want to stay with my mom.

So tell my dad to
just leave us alone.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Just take it easy.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Your dad tried to take
you away from your mom?

Ever since they got divorced.


That's why she wasn't
so happy to see me.

You won't tell on us, will you?

No. No.

Oh, my god. Amy!

(Screaming) Let me go!

Now stop. I won't
hurt you. Please listen.

This is a matter
of life and death.

Who are you?

My name is MacGyver.

I work with the
Phoenix foundation.

We're a private organization.

We work with the
government and the police.

- The police? Something wrong?
- I'm afraid so.

I'm on the trail of a
man. His name is murdoc.

He has blonde hair, dark
eyes, he's around 6'1".

What has he done?

He's a professional killer.

Now, I nearly had him on
the road a few miles back,

but he ambushed me.
Have you seen anyone?

My daughter, Amy.

She found a man that
matches that description.

Well, where is he?

He's in there.

And I think she's with him.

Well, if she's in that
cabin with murdoc,

your daughter is
in terrible danger.

Now easy!

This is no time
to lose your head.

If he hurts Amy...

She'll be fine, as long as he doesn't
suspect that he's been found out.

He says he has amnesia.
He doesn't know who he is.

Murdoc is full of
tricks. Now believe me,

The safest thing that you
can do is call the police.

I tried. The wires
have been cut.

(Birds chirping)

When we got divorced, the judge
said I could live with my mom.

But my dad just
wouldn't give up.

He moved to another state,

where the laws were different,

and spent a whole bunch
of money on lawyers.

And he won, huh?

One day I was coming
home from school.

The next thing I know, two men
jump out of a car and start chasing me.

They would have caught me, too,

if a policeman
hadn't stopped them.

They said dad had hired them.

And that's when you and your
mom started hidin' out here?

(sighing) You know, Amy,

for all I know, your
dad could have sent me.

Oh, no way.

The guys he sends are flashy.

You know, suits,
haircuts. Not like you.

Thanks. I think.

Definitely murdoc's handiwork.

I could fix it if I only
had some duct tape.

Now I know this is very
dangerous. Just the two of us.

So will you help me?

- What do you want me to do?
- Good.

I want you to go
up to that cabin,

And get your daughter
away from murdoc.

I think you should
leave that with me.

See, remember, if murdoc
suspects you in any way,

he won't hesitate in killing
you and your daughter.

Thank you.

Good. Just stay calm.

Everything's going to
be fine. I'll be close by.

Go ahead.

Don't tell my mom I was here.

MacGyver: Amy?

I called the doctor.
He's on his way.

Are you feeling any better?

A little.

Still no luck with
my memory, though.

Well, I'm sure it'll come back.

I was looking for Amy.

Have you seen her?

I've been sworn to secrecy.


I'm sorry if she bothered you.

She's stubborn.

Oh, I just think she's lonely.

She told me about
your situation.

It's okay, I won't tell anybody.

Thank you.

I'll let you know when
the doctor gets here.

Do you really think
playing hide and seek

With your ex-husband's
the best for Amy?

Or you?

This is no game, mister.

And it's also none
of your business.

Murdoc: No games.
Strictly business.

(Murdoc laughing)

(Door slamming)

(Lock rattling)

I'm gonna get my mother.

Amy? Amy!

Oh, are you all right?

You see, Amy, I told you
your mother'd be right back.

Thank god he didn't hurt you.

It's lucky that she
got away from murdoc.

Who's murdoc?

That's the man's
name, sweetheart.

He's a criminal.

No, he's not. He just
can't remember who he is.

No, no, sweetie, he
just said that to fool us.

MacGyver's here to arrest him.

That's right.

I'm one of the good guys, see?

Now we've been after
this criminal for years.

We're gonna get to put
him away, thanks to you.

There may even be a reward.

Mom, it's a mistake.

- He wouldn't hurt anyone!
- Shh.

I think it's time that you took the
child into town and got the police.

I'll make sure that
murdoc stays put, all right?

I'll call from the
general store.

It's just a few miles away.

The police will
get here quicker.

Good thinking. However,

I think you should leave
the keys to the cabin with me.

You'll be all alone. What
if he tries something?

Don't worry. I know
how to handle murdoc.


(Gravel crunching)

(Birds chirping)

(Car engine starting)

Amy, get in the car.

The man with the
gun. I don't trust him.

He smiles too much.

Amy, you don't know what you're
talking about. MacGyver's our friend.

No! We can't leave
him alone with that man.

He'll do something
awful, I know it!

Amy, get in the car.

Amy, get over here!

MacGyver? MacGyver?

Are you the doctor?

That's right. I'm here
to take care of you.

(Door closing)

I know you, don't I?

Well, I should think
so, after all this time.

But then your memory's
not what it used to be.

The gunshot...

(Camera clicking)

will activate the shutter.

And that will freeze the
exact moment of your death.

And of course, this work
of art will convince hit

That I'm not over the hill.

Why are you doing this?

Who are you?

Come on, at least
tell me who I am.

Murdoc: You know, I'd love to
stand around and chat about old times,

but I don't want to be here when the
police arrive. Do you know what I mean?

So, why don't you
say your prayers now?

That is, of course, if
you can remember any.

(Camera clicking)

No! No! No!

Amy, get away from the door!


(Gun firing)

Drop the gun!

You don't understand.

Do what I said.

Murdoc has your daughter. We
have to try and get her away from him.

He wasn't doing the shooting.

- Ms. Walker, please be reasonable.
- Stay back!




It's not safe to leave a loaded
gun lying around, now, is it?

- Mommy!
- No, no.

Now fair's fair!

You keep the little girl,

But I will require the services
of the lady a little longer.

Murdoc: Now, you know
the abandoned mine nearby,

that's where we'll
finish our business,

But don't keep me waiting.

Or the little girl

will be an orphan.


Hey, whoa, whoa!
Where are you goin'?

We have to do
something or he'll kill mom.

(Birds chirping)

Where does she
keep the shells for this?

In the lodge.


Come on!


This is perfect.

It was all lies, wasn't it?

Everything you said.

No. No, the facts were
true, I just switched identities.

You? You're murdoc?

At your service, my darling.

Let me go with you.


No, um, you ride to the
nearest phone and call the police.

I'll be all right.

So will your mom. Go on.

You can look,

but you better not touch.

Now if you cut those wires,
or put tension on them,

Those explosives
will turn you to rubble.

Oh, please go ahead. Shoot me.

Come on, do it!

You can't do it, can you?

It's not in your blood, is it?

Well, you do have

other urgent business at hand.


(Mechanical humming)

now if you don't
go past those wires,

this young lady...

(Suzanne grunting)

will drop out, permanently

To the bottom of the mine shaft.

Plus, there is a time limit.

Murdoc: You see,
this fuse is attached

to plastique explosives,

and they're strapped to the
cable above the elevator car.

When it goes...

(Laughing) So does she.

(Fuse crackling)

How do you expect
me to get through this?

Well, that's your
problem, isn't it?

Why are you doing this?

Call it my own amalgamation

Of beat the clock and jeopardy.

I mean, after all this time,

what, am I going to kill some
empty-headed amnesiac?

It's not really very
satisfying, is it?

Look, whatever
you got against me,

She's not involved. Let her go.

Well, you said yourself,

Sometimes innocent people
get caught in the crossfire.

Don't they?

Well, good luck.



(Loud popping)






Bravo, MacGyver.

Well, it seems like
my little obstacle

has brought you back
to your old self again.

You got what you wanted,
murdoc, now let her go.

Oh, I'm so sorry, MacGyver,
but if it's any consolation,

At least you won't be
around to see her die.

(Both grunting)








(Woman chattering on radio)

(Crickets chirping)

Suzanne: I was thinking
about what you said earlier.

Amy and I talked it over.

We decided to go home.

It's time to stop hiding.

What about Amy's dad?

Maybe we can
talk, work things out.

If not, he's in for a fight.


We've looked all over
the bottom of that shaft.

You sure this
fellow murdoc fell in?

Let me guess.

No body, right?

Well, we'll keep lookin'.

He's got to be down there.

No way a fella could have
survived a fall like that.

You don't know murdoc.