MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 5, Episode 4 - Cease Fire - full transcript

While in Geneva, MacGyver is wounded during an attempted assassination. He is helped by an American girl at a Swiss boarding school who protects and assists him in nailing the people responsible. Mac's efforts even find him hanging from a ski lift half way up a mountain...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Control tower, all clear.

So, how did you do
this trip, MacGyver?

Do you think they'll
have a settlement today?

We're gettin' close, Danielle.

That's wonderful.

The azmirs have been at war with the
samadians for a long time, haven't they?


Why is the Phoenix foundation
running the peace talk?

Why not the United Nations?

Well, sometimes a
private organization

can come up with
a fresh approach,

kind of cut through
all the red tape.

So the Phoenix foundation
asked you to be part

of negotiating a settlement?

Sort of.

I volunteered.

Do all my questions bother you?


If they stopped, I'd worry.


I'd really like to
have a job like yours.

I mean, I'd like to do something
important for peace some day.

Well, Danielle, you are.

Consider what you're doing as

shuttle diplomacy.

Good luck, MacGyver.

The 9th
point of agreement

specifies the condemnation of

and the cessation of
all terrorist activities.

And the 10th, and, uh,
final point of agreement,

the establishment of a
neutral border corridor

between the azmir heights
and the samadian desert.

I think we're close.

Gentlemen, good news.

The republic of azmir

has agreed to sign
this peace proposal

With one amendment.

The immediate
withdrawal of all azmir

And samadian troops
from their present positions.

President habad, if you
can agree to these terms,

we have our treaty.

I would like a moment
with my advisors.

Good work.

Whatever happens, I
wanna thank you both.

You've given
a tremendous effort.

Listen, without
your organization's

funding and persistence,

we would never even
have gotten up to the table.

Right now I just
hope president habad

is listening to his own heart,

and not his minister of defense.

He doesn't seem
happy with the proposal.

Well, yanif thinks peace
comes from the barrel of a gun.

But the progress we've
made, Mr. President,

has been the result
of military pressure,

not some promises on paper.

If we sign the peace agreement,

We risk what gains we've made.

Perhaps it is time
to risk peace, yanif.

Now, gentlemen,

it seems that we have
benefited by the objectivity

of a private organization
promoting peace.

You have succeeded
where governments have failed.

Mr. Walker, your choice
of the Phoenix foundation

to promote this initiative,

it was very astute.

Then you'll sign?

Well, when, as you say, we finish
crossing the t's and dotting the i's,

I will sign.


Then with your permission, I
would like to arrange for a meeting

With the azmir delegation
for this afternoon.

We should be able to clear
up all the details by then.

That's fine.

I wanna push this signing
through as soon as I can.

We should be
through here by 3:00.

I'll make the arrangements
with the azmirs.

Gentlemen, lunch is
waiting on the terrace.

Ah, I am so happy
for this, Mr. Walker.

Sir, it's not such a hot day
that we need the umbrellas.

Take it down.


Well, the table looks nice.

MacGyver. MacGyver,
come join us.

I am told the hotel has
prepared an excellent lunch.

Oh, no, thank you. I'm
not very hungry, actually.

I think I'll take a little walk.

Excuse me.



Everybody down!

Everyone inside!

Move it! Move! Move it!

This is yanif.
What is happening?

I have MacGyver down
here. He saw everything.

Keep him there.

What's going on?

Your people know anything?

My men have spotted a sniper.

I'll notify the Swiss police.

Watch the trail. The
police will be here soon.

Aren't you taking your
differences with habad a little far?

Habad's decision proves he's
too weak to lead us anymore.

Give me the gun.

What are you doing?

Giving the police their sniper.

It's got his prints all
over the weapon now.

Shoot him.

This is yanif.

Put me in communication
with president habad.

What is it, yanif?

We have shot the sniper.

Is he an azmir?

An American.

It's MacGyver. He's dead.

What in god's name went on here?

We'll know more after
a proper investigation.

He used this gun.

No way. Not a chance.

MacGyver never fired a
gun at anyone in his life.

Where is he?

I want the full story
now, step by step.

I saw him take aim and I
tackled him as the gun went off.

I got the gun away, but he ran.

I followed and shot him.

- And he went down over the cliff.
- That makes no sense.

MacGyver is not an assassin.

He's been meeting on the
mountain with the azmirs all week.

They must have paid him or
even blackmailed him to do this.

Absolutely out of the question.

Then why did he suddenly
leave the hotel at lunch?

I don't know.

But I'll tell you one thing,
you've killed the wrong man.

Well, where is he?

He's gone.

Then he's still alive.

We must find him
before he tries again.

Is there another
way down this cliff?

There is a private road
by the international school.

It's the only way.

We must get to him first.

Ah, here's your
mother arriving now.


In you get. Bye-bye, now.

See you later. Bye-bye.

Hi, daddy.

Mr. Thornton,

the signing is set with the
azmirs for 3:00 on the mountain.

- But first,

President habad insists

On going over the plan
details with you personally.

Gentlemen, you are going to
have to handle this without me.


we need you.

You developed this proposal.

Right now MacGyver needs me.

He's been shot.
I have no choice.

If you refuse to see this
process through personally,

Then I will not
sign the agreement.

Mr. Habad, I can't
abandon my friend.

He may be dying.

The Swiss police will find
MacGyver, and take care of him.

Look, your friend may
or may not be a traitor.

But at this point, what
is more important?

The life of one man,

or the thousands of lives that
this agreement could save?

It's your choice, Mr. Thornton.

Peter, the best thing you can do

is to keep this
peace process going.

It simply won't
work without you.

All right.

All right.

Listen, when you find
MacGyver or if you hear anything,

call me immediately, will you?


I have a message
for you, my dear.


Your father just called
from his office in Zurich.

Don't you want to hear
what he had to say?

That's ok.

He probably just forgot
it was parents' day.

That's ok.

Your parents had an
appointment with a lawyer.

They couldn't cancel.

I know.

They're getting a divorce.

I guess I didn't help.

I got on their nerves a lot.

I'm pretty demanding, you know.

Sending me away to school

Didn't help them
sort things out either.

It just cost them
a lot of money.

If they get divorced,

you are not the reason,

they are.

Do you understand that?

Give it time, Lisa.

Mr. Blake,

May we speak with you
a moment, please, sir?

I'll see what they want.


Excuse me, miss.

Over here.

No, wait. Wait... wait. Please.

Give me a second to explain.

It's me the police are after.

Wait, please.

I need your help.

What happened?
Why are they after you?

Well, it's...

It's kind of confusing.

I tried to stop

A... a shooting and
I got shot myself.

Now the police
think I'm an assassin.

I'm not.

Please, believe me.

What's your name?


What's yours?


Thank you, Lisa.

You need a doctor.

I think you're right.

You know any that make
house calls out this way?

Then I guess it's up to you.

What's up to me?

I need you to help me.


Oh, no, I couldn't. I'm sorry, I
can't. I'm no good at anything.

Whoa... whoa...
whoa... whoa, wait.

I'm not the right
person, really.

I never know what I'm doing.

Says who?

Well, you know, everybody.

Well, everybody used to
say the world was flat, too.


you can do anything
you want to do

if you put your mind to it.

Does your school have a nurse?


I need a first aid kit.

I can't do that.
I'll get caught.

There's the police and
the headmaster and...

Lisa, please, I
really need your help.

But what if I'm caught?
What if they stop me?

Well, then at least you tried,

Didn't you?

What do you say?

All right, I'll try.

Thank you.

You'd be safer hiding
in the boathouse.

It's just over there.


No luck. Nothing.

There is no sign of him here.

We should go back
and search the school.

Oh! God!

I made it.

Yeah, you sure did.

- What's that?

Well, it's the reason
this boat won't start.

It's a broken spark plug.

The electrode is snapped off.

Feel like giving
me a little hand

with some medical attention?

I'm kind of lucky you
were around today.

It's parents' day.

I'm always around
on parents' day.

Mine never make it.

They had an
important appointment.

They're getting a divorce.

Yeah, so I heard.

What do you think about that?


me you can talk to.

I'm a captive audience.
You got nothin' to lose.

It doesn't matter what I think.


If you got somethin' to
say, you should say it.

Or it's just gonna
tear you up inside.

I think their divorce is
taking the easy way out.

It's like sweeping
dirt under the rug.

They're not
dealing with the dirt,

they're just moving it around.

Did you tell them that?

No, they're too busy
yelling at each other.

If they'd just listen,

Then maybe they'd hear what
the other person was saying.

Or how they were feeling.

How are you supposed to
know what another person needs

If you don't even
listen to them?

I mean, you can't just
talk about your problems.

You have to look for solutions.

Sounds like pretty good advice.

You really think so?


I also think you should tell your
folks exactly what you just told me.

It's probably too late to stop
them from getting a divorce anyway.

Yeah, probably.

And it's probably too late
to try and fix this boat, too.

You aren't just gonna
give up, are you?


Are you?

Good choice.

My men will continue
searching the school.

Could I ask that you and your men
help us and check the grounds again?

Now what?

- I'm gonna need a nail.

What for?

Well, if I can weld
it to the spark plug,

it'll replace the electrode.

How're you gonna weld it?

With wire, battery
and jumper cables.

How do you come
up with this stuff?

Oh, the stuff's already here. I
just find a different way to use it.

Wanna grab me a
piece of that wire?

They're here.

He's coming in.

Oh! You scared me half to death.

What are you doing here?

- I go to school here.

Maybe I should ask
you the same thing.

Lisa! Go back to the
main building, please.

These men are
looking for a criminal.

Check the boathouse.

I saw somebody earlier.

He didn't look like
one of the parents.

Over there. In the clearing.

I'll show you.

I'll go and tell the police.

He was right over here.

Search over
there in the trees.

This is
getting us nowhere.

There's no sign of him.

If habad learns the truth,
we'll face a firing squad.

Habad won't reach the
top of the mountain alive.

The bomb will take care of him.


How did this blood
get on your scarf?

Hurry. They're right behind
me. I'm coming with you.

No way.

Yes way, go.

It's 2:00.

We have only one
hour to stop habad

From signing the treaty.

Are you all right?

I feel great.

You do understand
you could've been killed?

I know. But I've never
had so much fun.

It was not a smart thing to do.

It was your idea.

My idea?

I had something
important to tell you.

You said if I had
something to say to say it.

It would have been
kind of tough to tell you

if you were halfway
across the lake, wouldn't it?

Well, yeah, but...

What could have
been that important?

You tell me. Who's habad?

He's the president of samadia.

The one I'm accused
of trying to assassinate.

Well, I heard those men talking

and they're
planning to kill him.

Is that important
enough for you?

One of them said habad would never
reach the top of the mountain alive.

Does that mean anything?

They're meeting at the summit.

Anything else?

Something about a bomb.

- Any word on MacGyver?
- Nothing.

They're conducting a
thorough search, Peter.

Just keep your mind
on the peace accord.


We're too late.

Lisa, listen to me.

I want you to tell the police
exactly what you told me,

but only the Swiss police.
Nobody else, all right?

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna try to get to
the tram before they do.


- Excuse me.
- Where did you come from?

There's gonna be another
assassination attempt on the president.

- He won't reach the top...
- I see.

Now, how did you get here?

Did you hear me? It's the truth.

They said the bomb would...

Tell me, how does
a young girl like you

Find out about an assassination?

If you'd be quiet and
let me finish, I'll tell you.

I'd like to conduct
a security sweep

of the gondola, please.

Thank you.

- We've just conducted a sweep of the area.
- All right.

- All secure.
- Ok.

I'll take the next car.

Is the president in that car?

- Yes, he is.
- Let me use your radio.


I'm calling to
warn the president.

There's gonna be another
assassination attempt.

My friend MacGyver
came here to warn you.

Your own men
are trying to kill you.

That's a lie.

That's him. That's the
man I told you about.

I'm sorry, sir. You'll
have to come with me.

That's MacGyver.

No, no, no.
Don't shoot, please, please!

I'm sure he's trying to help us.

Or kill us.

Listen to me.

MacGyver is climbing the
tower towards this car right now.

You've got to tell the
president everything you know.

They've got a gun
aimed at MacGyver.

I go to the
international school.

That's where I met him.

I heard this man yanif
say he had a bomb

and the president
wouldn't reach the top alive.

Please, listen to her.

I trust that man out
there with my life.

You can, too.

Put away your gun.

There's a bomb
under this gondola.

The explosive could be unstable.

Stop the car.

All right, where's
your emergency rope?


What are you going to do?

I'm gonna have a look at
the bomb. Undo that, will you?

MacGyver, you're
wounded. Are you all right?

Yeah, i'm all right, Pete.

Feed that rope
through those straps.

Come on.

Give me the end.

That enough?

How much slack do you want?

That's all right.

What is it?

He's got a thing about heights.

All right, let me
down a little at a time.

A little more.

You ok?

Yeah, fine.

Let me down a couple more feet.


How's that?

That's good, right there.

Can you defuse it?

I can't even reach it.

Oh! Man!

Anybody got a knife?

I do.

It's got a
lot of different blades.

I know.

Way to go, MacGyver.



Listen, I stopped by the
school to say goodbye

And they told me you were here.

Thanks. How are you feeling?

Um, I'm better. How about you?

Great. Guess what?

My parents are here.
Both of them. Together.

They heard everything on
the news and came running.

How are they gettin' along?

Well, I told them
what I told you,

and I've got them to sit
down at the same table.

- It's a start.
- Yeah.

I kind of lifted a few
principles from you

and Mr. Thornton's
peace proposal.

Yeah, like what?

Well, for starters,

everybody's got a right to have
a place they can call home, right?

And the right to live there
peacefully, without fighting, right?


So I told them I wanted
to live back at home.

The three of us
on a trial basis.

What'd they say to that?

We're negotiating
the fine points.

They've agreed to a cease-fire.

That's terrific. Good for you.

Thanks for caring, MacGyver.