MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 4, Episode 13 - Runners - full transcript

A teenage prostitute is trying to leave her pimp and return to her family. As MacGyver helps her to do this, it is revealed that she is also being abused by her father who blames her for the death of his wife.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Boy, you don't know
how glad I am to see you.

Gee, thanks.

You know how much
I love conventions.

What's the big emergency?

Well, I wouldn't have called,

but they haven't hooked
up our display yet.

It takes five unions

to change a light
bulb around here.

And the convention
starts in three hours.

You called me down
here to change a light bulb?

Uh, not exactly.

How's my girl?

I'm just a little nervous.

I mean, this place
is pretty fancy.

You can do it.

You are beautiful.

There's something
special about you.

You got class.

You can be working
places like this all the time.

You're my number one girl.

That's why I expect
the best from you.

What do you got for me?

Is that it?


You've been in there
almost two hours.

The convention
doesn't even start

for a couple of hours, okay?

There's a lot of
business in there.

You just ain't been
working it hard enough.

Oh, oh...

Don't sit on the car, baby.

I'm sorry, skin, okay?

I'm hurtin' a little.

I need to get fixed up.

Come here.

You're my special girl.

I know you can do it.

I believe in you.

That's what love's all about.

Prove you love me
as much as I love you.

Five bills by tomorrow morning.


Thanks, skin.

You got to do better, kandy.

There ain't gonna
be any more of this.

I'll do better, I promise.

♪ ♪

MacGyver, how's
it going back here?

Who made this mess?

Why, is it terrible?

Well, I tried to fix it myself.

I was desperate.


Hi there.

You want a date?

A date?


Let's go for it.

Are you kidding?

How about you?

Shouldn't you be in school?

I'm on a field trip.

Do you want to help
me with my homework?

I don't think so.

You believe that?

She can't be more than 16.

Yeah... going on 40.

Oh, you got it! You got it.

Oh, nice work.

We're back in business.

We're not the only ones.

Oh, no.

Yeah, right.

I've only been here an hour,

But I can tell this
is a real party town.

I guess so.

Yeah, we're gonna
have us a good time.

Listen, uh, you've done
this before, haven't you?

Sure. I mean, what do you think?


'Cause i'm, uh,
kind of particular.

Listen, maybe you
should find someone else.

Tell you what, I'll
pay you double.

Leave me alone, you sicko.

Let go of me!

Is there a problem, sir?

Yeah. What kind of a
hotel are you running here?

That girl there, she
just propositioned me.

I'll take care of it, sir.

What's going on?

A trick just turned weird on me.

Please, just cover
for me. Please?

Seen a young
lady in a black mini?

Uh, yeah, a little
while ago. She went upstairs.

He's gone.


Trouble just never
lets up, does it?


So, now what?

I don't know.

I'll think of something.

Good luck.

Where are you going?

I was going to grab
something to eat.

Do you want some company?

I didn't mean company-company.

I just...

Just forget it.


Buy you a soda?

The name is MacGyver.

It's crystal.

Nice to meet you.


No, thanks.

I'm trying to watch my figure.

So, you know what I do.

What about you?

I work for the
Phoenix foundation.

Well, so like, what do you do?

I mean, as your job?

Well, I guess you could call me

a, uh, troubleshooter.

I, uh, help people.

Like people in trouble?

Something like that.

Good money, huh?

You know...

I would be the
perfect date for you.

I mean, no commitment.

The perfect business

you know?

Maybe once a week.


Would you stop the hustle?

It really doesn't
look good on you.

Look, I'm just doing
this for my boyfriend.

Yeah, right.

He needs the money to
get new mags for his car.

It sounds like he loves his car.

He loves me.

Sometimes you love somebody,

You get into things you
wouldn't ordinarily do.

That's not a boyfriend.

That's a pimp.

He has other girls, right?

How do you think
they got started?

I'll bet you have to
bring in $200 tonight,

or he'll turn you out. Right?



By tomorrow morning.

Listen, I got a friend
who can help you out.

You can get a decent place
to sleep, some good food...

What's the catch?

No catch.

What do you say?


They're all real nice people.

You can stay as
long as you want.

Oh, man.

What's the matter?

It's snakeskin, and I
don't have any money.

Maybe that place is a good idea.

Come on, get in.


She's with me.

Sorry, pal.

She's working the hotel.

Why don't you just
get back in your car

And forget about her, all right?

Oh, whatever you want.

Customer's always right.

I'll pluck your eyeball

like an olive.

Capisce, pal?

- Yeah.

I capisce your whole game, pal.

My car!

Oh, man, what are you doing?!

Come here.

You'll pay for this, pal.

Well, this is it.

Why are you doing this?

I mean, what's in it for you?

Does there have to be
something in it for me?

Hey, you must want something.

All right. Yeah, I
want something.

I want to go home and
sleep, which I cannot do

if I know there's a little
girl roaming the streets

with her face all
painted up like a clown,

turning tricks for a lowlife
reptile with a switchblade.

Why do you care
what happens to me?

I don't know.

I just do.

Come on.

He has a new tooth.

Show your tooth, babe.

Hang on a second.

Hi, there.


Any room at the inn?

You know us.

Nobody ever gets turned away.

Who is she?

Her name's crystal.

Never could say no

To a stray, could you, MacGyver?

All right, all right. Come on.

Hi, crystal.

I'm Cynthia.


How long have you
been on the streets?

About a month.

Do your parents
know where you are?

My mother is dead.

She died in a car accident.

I'm sorry.

It's no big deal.

And your father?

I don't know where he
is, and I couldn't care less.

Well, we have to tell
him that you're here.



This is crystal.

Introduce her

around, will you?


I'll see you later,
huh, crystal?


Yeah. I promise.

Thanks for everything.

You bet.

She's working for a
pimp name of snakeskin.

Oh, I've heard of him.

Specializes in little
birds with broken wings.

Don't worry.

We'll take good care of her.

Thanks. Good night.

Good night.

Tonight you got a warm,
clean place to sleep,

and tomorrow you can stay or go.


House rules: No hooking
while you're here, no dope,

And no contact with snakeskin.

Yes, I know him.

How did you get mixed
up with trash like that?

Listen, crystal.

So far, you don't have
any tracks on your arms,

and nobody has
rearranged your face.

You still have a chance.

If you stay here,

We'll give you all
the support you need.

The choice is yours,
not snakeskin's.


Now, about your father.

Please don't call him.

All right.

That can wait until tomorrow.

My mother is dead.

She died in a car accident.

Mr. Harry Jackson?


Your wife Celia Jackson?

Son-in-law James MacGyver?

What happened?

I'm sorry to tell you, sir.

There's been an accident.

Car went off the road,
down into Miller's creek.

They both drowned.

They both drowned.

♪ ♪

What's the number?

Yes, I got it.

Yes. Thank you. Bye-bye.

I had to hock my watch to
get out of the gas station.

Crystal picked my pocket.

You should be more careful.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Come on.

- Crystal?

Ten to one she's gone back
to that pimp with your money.

Any idea where he lives?

Yeah. 210 second Avenue.

On the corner.

Listen, would you mind
putting out some feelers?

See what you can
find out about her.

She's from riverton.

I'll call their
police department.

Maybe she's on the
missing persons list.


Hey, be careful down there.

That girl's got more
guts than brains.

Skin's not gonna be too happy
to see your face around here.

You shouldn't be
coming back here, crystal.

You ain't number one no more.

Skin doesn't carry

that blade 'cause
he likes to shave.

I didn't do anything.

That's the thing, sweetie.

You shoulda been working.

I've got some money for skin.

Give it to me.

I'll make sure he gets it.

You don't get nothing.

I did pretty good, skin.

I got some money.

Look, I didn't want
to go with that guy.

I did it for you.

Look, don't you turn on me, too!

I need you!

That's right, baby.

You need me.

I took you in.

But I don't think

you've been showing
your appreciation.

Give me another chance, skin.


What's this?

Doesn't look like enough
to make a car payment.

Are you holding out on me?

It's all there. Honest.

I'll get more.

I promise.

But you keep letting me down.

How am I supposed to trust you?

This ain't enough.

Skin, don't be mad at me.

I love you.

Now, you got a flaky
way of proving that.

I'll get you
the rest of the money.

I'll tell you something.

You listen

or I'll cut you!

Where do you want me

To cut you? Here? Here? Where?

Skin, please! I'll get you

the rest of the money! Please!

Somebody's messing with my car!


Come on! Get in!


What are you doing?

Trying to save
what's left of your life.

Get in.


What are we doing here?

That should be obvious.

I don't want to go to jail!

You should have thought of that

before you picked my pocket.

I was scared.

I had to give
snakeskin something.

Please don't take me to jail.

You won't stay at
the challengers club.

You won't go home.

You go back to
the street, you'd be

lucky to survive a week.

Now, I don't see that
I have much choice.

I want to go home, but I can't.

Why not?

I got stuff to work
out with my dad.

It's all my fault,

But I just... I just
got to work it out.

Yeah, well, that elegant
palace where snakeskin lives

is no place to
work anything out.

Can I go home with you?


Not to party.

I need someone to talk to.

You're the only one who seems
to care what happens to me.


I once knew a
guy who had a houseboat.

He said he liked the
feeling of... being, uh...

On the water?


That's the word. Detached.

This is nice.

Well, it's home.


I know about people
who live on houseboats.

They like to drift around.

Uh, shower's upstairs.

There's a robe and some clean
towels in the laundry hamper.

I never seem to get
around to folding.

You need a woman in your life.

Get up there.

You hungry?


I'll see if I can
whip something up.


Hey, I like the change.

Nice uniform.


Hey, you really can cook.

Well, I wouldn't be
too quick to judge

until you've tasted 'em.

These are my
world-famous whole wheat

and banana pancakes.

Are they okay?



How come you're so willing
to get into trouble for me?

I don't know.

I guess it's just the way I am.

Oh, I'm just the opposite.

I'm always running
away from trouble.

Problem is, I just
can't get away from it.

Caught in a loop, huh?


Same with you, right?

Except you're always
running to trouble.

So your scene's just
a different kind of loop.

Yeah, I guess.

Yeah, we're both runners.

Yeah? What are you running from?

I don't know.

Maybe myself.

My mom died.

And my dad's a cop.

He just works all the time.

Don't you think
he still misses you?

He's glad to have
me out of his hair.

We have problems.

What kind of problems?

You wouldn't understand.

Now you.

What about your parents?

My mom died of a stroke.

I was in Afghanistan at
the time, on assignment.

I didn't even hear about it
until the day of the funeral.

Never had a chance
to say good-bye.

What about your dad?

He died in a car accident,
with my grandmother.

I was seven.


How old were you when
your mom was killed?

It just happened last year.

Do you ever feel like...

Like your dad abandoned you?


Kind of the opposite.

It's like I abandoned him.

What do you mean?

I can't help but wonder, that
if I'd gone with them that night,

I might have been
able to do something.

So you mean you feel guilty,

Like you're being punished
for not doing something?

I guess.


Me, too.

I always... feel like I
did something wrong.

I just can't figure
out what it was.

Does it have something to
do with your mother's death?

The accident, maybe?

I'm really tired.

Why don't you crash upstairs?

I'll take the couch.


You know,

for two people who
seem so different,

We sure are a lot alike.

By the way...

My name's Jennifer.

Good night, Jennifer.



Sergeant reiner.

You called me last night
about my daughter, Jennifer.

Oh, yes.

Come in. Sit down.

She's fine.

She's staying with a
friend named MacGyver.

We'll give him a call.

So, how long has she been gone?

About a month.

You know, if the officer on duty

hadn't recognized your
daughter from my description,

I wouldn't have been
able to contact you.

Well, I'm very
glad that you did.

I've been worried
sick about her.

Why is it you didn't
report her as a runaway?

I don't need a lot of questions
from the people I work with.

I see.

Well, what's she
told you so far?

Not much, I'm afraid.

Can't believe what
she says anyway.

It's been one lie after another

for so long,

it's like she forgot
how to tell the truth.

Excuse me.

Hello, challengers.

Hi, MacGyver.


He's here with me now.


Well, that's good.

Yeah, uh, I'll see
if she's up to it.

Thanks, Cynthia.

Yogurt, sprouts...

Your taste in
food is pretty grim.

Cynthia found your father.

Oh, yeah?

What'd he say?


No, actually, he said
he wanted to see you.

Yeah, right.

Hey, you said you
two have problems.

Aren't you in the least bit
interested in working 'em out?


Yeah, but I don't
think he's ready for it.

He came into town to find you.

It sounds to me
like he might be.

Maybe it's you
that's not ready, huh?

You going to carry
this around with you

or you going to try

And deal with it?

Thanks for getting
me these things.

How do I look?

Like Jennifer.

Come on.

He's in my office.

I'll be okay.

Hi, Jennifer.


Those people... who...?

They're okay.

They're nice.

What did you tell them about me?

What do you mean?


About, uh, about you and me.

Is that all you care about?

What people might
think if they find out?

Look, I came here
today to try to talk to you

about everything.

Why did I even bother?!

Please, please be quiet.

No, I won't be quiet!

Just get away from me!

You're my dad!

You're supposed to protect me!

You don't care about me!

You're just afraid

all your cop buddies
will find out what a sick...

Nothing's changed.

You'll never change!

What's going on here?

- Honey...
- Hey!

I'm sorry.

Every time you beat me,
you said you were sorry,

but you never stopped!

Tell them about the night
when mom was killed.

Tell them about that!

Jennifer, please!

Her eyes were so full of tears

that she drove off the road.

I didn't kill her!

It wasn't my fault!

Jennifer, wait!

What's going on here?
What'd you hit her for?

Look, it's none of your
business, now back off.

That's MacGyver.

Look, it's a misunderstanding.

I'm sorry.

It's family.

Great. Now where's

she going?

back to snakeskin.


Her pimp.

Her pimp?

You're telling me my
daughter is hooking?

Some dirtbag put
my kid on the street?

I'll kill him.

You're not going to do anything.

I'll find her.

Where do I find this
guy, this snakeskin?

Where is he?

I'm not telling you anything.

You need help,

as bad as she does.

Make sure you get it.

This is sergeant
reiner, riverton p.D.

On clemars to Metro p.D.

This is Metro clemar.

Go ahead, sergeant.

Request you access
vice-prostitution moniker files

for a pimp whose
aka is snakeskin.

I need a last known address.


I want to see him.

Yeah? Well, he
wants to see you, too.

♪ ♪

Yeah? Who is it?

It's me. It's crystal.

What happened?

My dad.

He hit me.

Excuse me...

Back off or I mace the face.

That's not mace.

It's hair spray.


What do you want?
This is my bin, see?

Well I was just
looking for something.

You're lookin' in the
wrong place, Jack.

Get your own
route. This is mine.

How are you fixed for cash?


I'm the heir to the
rockefeller fortune.

Ah. Well, then I guess
you wouldn't be interested

in an extra...

Twenty dollars?


In case the inheritance
doesn't come in right away.

Skin, don't.

She doesn't need that.

I think crystal and I want
to have some time alone.


Why'd your old man
knock you around?

He blames me for
my mom getting killed.

And it wasn't my fault.

I know that, baby.

Hey, what are you doing?!

Get away from that car!

I'm not leavin' until
I pick up my stuff.

That wreck shouldn't be here.

It's an eyesore.

Do you know how
much this stuff's worth?

I got some good stuff here.

Get away or I mace the face.

Think you can get fresh
with me, young punk?

Keep your hands to yourself

or you'll be sorry.

Where is she? Where?

On the top floor.

Second door on the right.

You better hurry.

He's gonna give her some heroin.

Be careful. He's got a gun.

If he sees you, he'll use it.

One time when my
dad was beating me up,

My mom finally stopped him.

And he hit her, too.

So she took me away.

She shouldn't have been driving.

She was crying so hard

That she couldn't see the road.

He said it was my fault.

Don't cry, baby.

You're with me now.

I'm gonna take good care of you.

♪ ♪

Hey, man, where do
you think you're going?

Anywhere I want to.

Now turn around.

Assume the position.

Lighten up, man.

Against the wall!
Now spread 'em!


Now, where's snakeskin's place?

Stay cool, all right?

I don't know.


He's got my daughter, all right?

Now where is he?



I'm gonna fix you up
with something.

It'll make you feel better.



there's a cop on his way up.

It's crystal's old man.

Your old man's a cop?

You didn't tell me?

Come here!

Come on!

Police! Open up!

Go away!

Want your daughter, man?

It'll be piece by piece
unless you back off!

We're going down
the fire escape.

She's the last kid you
ever put on the street.

Don't do it, daddy!


He turned you into a whore.

No, he didn't!

You did!

Wow, I can't believe it!

So you heard from her father?

He's in counseling.

The courts are gonna work out

some supervised visits.

They'll have to
take it from there.


What about Jennifer?

Counseling helping her?

At least she understands now

that her mother's
death wasn't her fault.

She isn't guilty of anything.

I'll catch you later, MacGyver.

You know, I finally
got you figured out.

Why you're always
on the brink of disaster.

Yeah? What's the
conclusion, doc?

Well, part of
you is still trying

to stop your dad and grandma
from dying in that car accident.

And another part of you is
still trying to get home in time

to say good-bye to your mom.

Those things weren't
your fault, MacGyver.

The first step's realizing that.

Maybe so.

Bye, MacGyver.

See you around, Jennifer.

You need help?

Call national runaway
switchboard: 1-800-621-4000.