MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 3, Episode 4 - Ghost Ship - full transcript

While mapping some wilderness in Alaska, MacGyver discovers an abandoned ship. On it, a Russian stowaway tells him that the crew were all scared off, by Bigfoot!

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Great place to start
day one of your vacation.

Vacation, nothing.

This is a Phoenix-sponsored,

mapping expedition,

and don't you forget it.

Just ask the department
of interior over there.

That's right.

This is a highly sensitive
electronic boundary marker.

You've got five of them
to place in your sector,

About one every ten miles.

Don't expect a straight line.

The satellite will
line them up for you.

Now, I've got to count on you

To make sure that
marker is stationary.

If it slips or falls or gets
washed away by rainwater, our

satellite is gonna go berserk.

We need topographical
reference points to chart with.

They'll be solid as a rock.

Works fine.

This is the
tungus weather station.

As far as you're concerned,
it's the last frontier.

So have fun.

I'll see you two in
a couple of days.

MacGyver, take care.

I usually do.

This untracked
wilderness reminded me

of my Minnesota backwoods.

Full of the beauty
of old Indian legends.

I was only too
happy to be a part

of the Phoenix foundation's
effort to map it out

and make it a national preserve.

And to be honest, it
was just nice being here.

Winslow and dockins should have
set their second markers by now.

Your man MacGyver
picked the toughest sector.

I hope he's up to it.

Ha! MacGyver? Are you kidding?

The man is in his element.

Well, I hope so.

'Cause I just spent the
last five years of my life

making this preserve happen.

Here's that status report
you wanted, ma'am.

Thank you.

Ah, looks like Sorenson just
placed the second marker.

Dockins, winslow, Riley...

Right on schedule,
contact point two.

- Roger?
- Yes, ma'am?

Will you print up that
quadrant for me, please?

Right away.

Looks like your man
MacGyver's got some catching up to do.

Don't worry, in a little while,

they'll be chasing his tail.

Hmm. You sure have
a lot of faith in this guy.

What makes him so special?

Hmm. You know, I've known
him for eight years now,

And I've never quite been
able to put my finger on it.

He just, uh, always
comes through.

No matter what.

Kind of a strange
place to see a totem pole.

Unless this one served
as a warning of some kind.

But a warning of what?

The ancient skeleton
had been placed there

to look out over the land

and protect it.

Whoever the old soul was,

I think he'd be happy if he knew

we were doing the same thing
with our modern technology,

Protecting the land.

One down, four to go.

So, there you are, MacGyver.

Well, what did I tell you?

Right on time.

Must be in good shape.

Well, he, uh, plays
a lot of hockey.

- Ow.

Now, where did you come from,
and what are you doing here?


Hello, the ship!

One of my biggest problems is,

I can never leave
a puzzle alone,

And this ship sure qualified.

Hello, the ship!

Anybody home?

Who are you, and what
are you doing here?

Hold on. Not going to hurt you!

Hold it. Ah!

Come on!

Come on. Stay with me.

Trust me on this.

What the heck is that thing?

Hey, come here!

Settle down, settle down.

Now, look at me.

Look at me.

There's nothing but a
hundred miles of raw country

between us and anything

Except that.

I think it's time you
started to trust me,

Or I'm not going
to be able to help.

There's another marker.

Okay, good.

MacGyver, right?

No. That's Sorenson's quadrant.

That's his third marker.

Now, if we can just get

MacGyver in gear,

we might have the makings
of a survey by morning.

He should have gotten to his
next marker point by this time.

Hey, relax, Pete.

You said your man
would come through.

Still not talking yet?

Not English, anyway.

How about French? Française.

Êtes-vous française?


Sprechen sie deutsch?

Thirsty? I am.

Sometimes, when
you're in trouble,

you just got to
tap mother nature

for a little help.

Want a drink?

Ready to talk?



Let's get out of here.

Well, we've tried
French, Italian, German...

I'm starting to feel
like a tour guide

At the u.N., you know.

A joke.

How about Russian?

It is.

It's Russian, huh?

Well, that's great.

Well, maybe not so great.

You're gonna have to put
up with my lousy accent.

Ochen plohko.

By the way... Name's MacGyver.

Put this on.

It's a little nippy up here.

You're gonna be all right.


Yeah. MacGyver.

That's right. And you?

Um... kak vas zovut?

My name is karin.

Karin graff.

You speak English.

Of course.

I am educated.

Tell me,

who is karin graff?

I am from... the baltic.

But my father is here in Alaska.




Did your dad send for you?

No. No. When my mother
die, I write to him to come.

But he writes to me to wait.

He is arranging things.

But-but I want to be with him.

So, my-my cousin, Alexander,

he heard about this
ship going to Alaska,

And... he have an idea.

What, to, um, hide on the ship?

Stow away?

Yes. Yes. We bringed
food and-and blankets.


What happened?

We were safe...

The whole trip...
Alexander and me,

until the ship stopped.

The ship stops where you saw it.

then it came aboard.

I-I hear the sound, like
animals... and the men

Are yelling and running and...

Alexander go to look...

And it killed him.

What killed him?

I don't know!

Did you get a good look at it?

No. No, I...

I saw once a shadow...

Bigger, higher than
a man, and, and...

And once I saw a hand.

I know.

I saw it, too.

And I'd sure like to
get a better look at it.

But not until you are safe.

So, I want you
to eat your dinner

and get to bed.

Got a big day ahead
of us tomorrow.

You sound like my father.


Hey, hey, take it easy.


We didn't mean to shake you up.

I'm Joe whales.

This is Dave, my brother,

And len. He's our uncle.

We've been out
checking our trap lines

and saw your fire.

We didn't mean any harm.

Thought we could
warm up by your fire a bit.

If you don't mind.


Thank you.

You guys came
up kind of quietly.

Anything in particular
you were looking for?

They know about the creature.

I caught a glimpse of a...

Kind of an oversized animal.

Did you see it, too?

No, we didn't see it.

But we saw signs.

And we heard it.

And it got at our trap lines.

And the animals we caught?

It ate them.

Like eating candy.

Hey, anything could have

Been at those traps.

Mountain lions,




As in bigfoot?

Hey, that's just old man talk.

Yeah, maybe.

But what we saw was big, hairy,

and kind of cranky.

When he was little,

he saw sasquatch.

There is a story among
the west coast people

the sasquatch comes in the night

to raid our traps

and steal our children.

Well, what we saw
killed her cousin.

Then it's back.

And it doesn't want us here.

You call that old man talk?

Well, I don't believe in ghosts.

I believe in explanations.

Reality's strange enough.

Well I don't want
to understand it.

Not if I'm gonna
have to face it.

I just want to get out of here.

You get no argument from me.

I'm supposed to be
20 miles northeast

Setting survey markers.

Okay, maybe we should

stay here tonight.

But we got to get moving,

early in the morning.


Oh, what is it?



Oh, yes.


They're gone!

Where did they go?

The creature, did it get them?!


They probably just

moved out early

To check their trap lines.

That's all.


It's got to be a fast breakfast.

I want us out of here.



Our visitors last
night were on foot.

That means
civilization of some kind

can't be too far off.

You'll be with your
father in no time.

Thank you, MacGyver.

I'm sorry I was so afraid.

Are you kidding?

Did you see me
jump off that ship?

I hit the water running.

But you took me with you.

I needed company.

Now, hustle.


Any sign of him?


Coffee's hot.

Winslow just set number four.

Oh, there's Sorenson.

Now all we need is
dockins to check in,

and we can start putting
more of the pieces together.

Things are still at a
standstill in MacGyver's turf.

Well, maybe it's some
kind of weather problem.

Electrical disturbances
in the atmosphere

have been known to interfere
with satellite transmissions.

I already checked that.

Things up in MacGyver's segment

are crystal clear.

Or should I say, where
he's supposed to be.

Well, now, what do
you mean by that?

Face it, Pete, your
man dropped the ball.

He's probably out
there fishing someplace.

I did happen to notice

That he took his fishing
pole along with him.

Well, did you also
happen to notice

that he took next
to no food or water?

The man is an experienced
woodsman, he travels light.

Survives on what he
can find along the way.

All right, maybe
I'm out of line,

But answer me this.

If he's a modern-day
Daniel Boone,

what is keeping him

from reaching that
next marker location?

I don't know.

Hear that?



Oh, I hear. What-what is it?

It's your ticket to Juneau.

Come on.


Come on, peel,
you're holding me up.

How are you coming
with that pipe?

Yeah, I'd say that's
part of the crew

from the nanooket
pipeline. Come on.

No! No!


Those are the men from the ship!

Old welding rod...

The crew?


I thought they were
killed by the creature.

I want them, after you
get that pipe hooked up.

They look pretty healthy to me.

But what are they doing
here, working on a pipeline?

Not working, but stealing.

They've tapped
into the pipeline.

They're pumping
oil into the ship.

They are stealing the oil?

That ship's hold
could be filled,

and they could be long
gone before anyone

at the other end figured it out.

And that welding equipment?

Look at the glow.

That explains the lights we
saw the other night to me.


Okay, I've got an idea.

I want you to stay here.

No! No...

Karin, you'll be safer
here than anywhere else.


I've got to get in a position
to send a signal for help.

I'll be back.



Look what I
found up on the Ridge.

- Who are you?

How did you get here?
Who brought you?

I... I... I-I am lost!

Hear that accent?

She must have been with
the other one, the Russian.

There's more than
you, isn't there?

N-no, i-i-i am alone.

Ah. Stowaway and a liar.

What'll we do with her?

I don't want any
disruption here.

Take her down the footpath
to the ship with Murphy.

And be sure she's safe.

Are you sure?

- Oh, yes.
- What are you

Going to do with me?

Move it.


Do you have to kill her?

She's a little girl.

She's a little witness.

Where are we going?

- The ship.

Just keep moving.

You are not taking
me to the ship. The ship is

A long way from here.

It's just up ahead. Now quiet.



It's all right.

Come on!


- Bench!

It's tenon!

He's down!

Come on, move it!


Tenon's out cold.

It's not important.

She's gone!

Never mind him.

Find the girl!

Murphy, go that way.

Peel, up through the trees!

I knew she wasn't alone.

Oh, what-what will we do?

Well, I'm gonna do
what I started out to do.

Send a signal for help.

What now?

Now we find a place
to wait for the cavalry.

Come on.

Got here as soon as I could.

What have you got?

Three of MacGyver's
markers just showed up.

At the same time? Where?

Yeah. Now look,
this is the weird part.

They moved at
high speed from here

To about a hundred
yards into this inlet here.

You mean in the water?

Well, either he's just
hooked a big one, or...

Or he's trying to
tell us something.


Listen, he's in trouble.

What are the exact
coordinates there?

It's about a mile south
of the nanooket pipeline.

Call the ranger stations.

Tell them I'm
flying up right away.

I'll have a printout for you

In just a second.

Where are we going?

We're going to try to
get to the top of the hill

so he can see us better.


A friend of mine.

He should be on his way by now.

You're so certain.

He's a good friend.

Oh, boy!

Let's go, take her down!

Look out, MacGyver!



What is that?

It's a long story, Pete.

I wish that you
could come with me.

I-I think my father would
very much like to meet you.

Karin, I think my visit to
Juneau is gonna have to wait.

I've got a little unfinished
business to take care of.

Thank you, MacGyver.

You're welcome.

Chopper's ready in 15 minutes.

Think you can get
these planted this time?

Yes, ma'am.

As long as I don't run into any
strange detours along the way.

you didn't really
fall for that guy

in the monkey suit, did you?

Oh, I don't know.

What with all the evidence
piling up over the years...

Sightings, footprints,
stuff like that...

Yeah, the guy had
me going for a while.

Are you kidding?


Why not?

Legend has to start someplace.

Pretty slick, huh?

They found this connected
to the P.A. system on the ship.

The pirates used it

to give new life to the,
uh, sasquatch legend.

The making of a legend?