MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 3, Episode 2 - Lost Love: Part 2 - full transcript

Jack Dalton helps MacGyver to steal back the jade dragon statue in order to free his former lover being held captive. However, it turns out she may be working with the Russians.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The ming dragon.

China is very proud of it...

As a work of art...

And part of our history.

Jack Dalton?!

We have to cut way
back on that smoke!

What happened?

They sent me to the gulag.

To a prison camp.

There was only one
reason I survived... nicolai.

Nicolai kosoff? Ex-kgb?

She wants to defect.

She wants to bring her
husband. I want to help.

Get her away!

Come on. Let's go.


- Come on!


It's not jewelry.

Any unauthorized attempt

to open the necklace
once it's shut

will cause it to trigger.

You're our hostage.
So is nicolai.

The ming dragon...
Deliver it to me.

You want me to steal it?


Bring her.

Go fetch, MacGyver.


I used to be.

Why can't you just knock

Or say hello like
everybody else?

I didn't know it
was you. I'm sorry.

What are you doing here?

Playing deputy.

Pete was at the federal
building waiting for you

and your fun couple,

while the egg on
his face congealed.

MacGyver, what happened?

Oh, racoubian's people
nailed kosoff here.

Caught up with Lisa
and me across the bay.

They've still got Lisa.

How'd you get away?

Racoubian let me go.

He wants me to do him a favor

In exchange for Lisa.

I'm afraid to ask.
What kind of favor?

Steal the ming dragon.

That's his price
for kosoff and Lisa.

That's it?

The dragon for the lady?

No add-ons? No extras?

It's a gimme!

No pain, no strain, old buddy.

Just get the
combination to the lock.

Pete set that
combination personally.

He's the only one that
knows the numbers.

Call him and get it.

He's your friend.

He looks the other way.

You borrow the dragon,

use it as bait to get Lisa
and kosoff out, up and away.


You'll come up with something.
That's what you're good at.

Maybe. But we
can't involve Pete.

Any mistake, and his
career would be shot.

We can't ask him
because he'd do it.

So, we have to steal the dragon.

What you mean, "we", kimo sabe?

It's gonna take two, Jack.

I need help.

What the hey?
Nobody lives forever.

Thank you.

All right, Pete's
doing an all-nighter

getting the security set,

So we can't go in until dawn.

In the light?

In the daylight? In
the bright sunlight?


Ah, it was a long night,

but making sure that the
dragon is totally secure,

that's worth it.

Absolutely. You know, chu,

if this exhibit succeeds the way

I think it's going to,

it's going to mean
a lot of good will

Between the U.S. and China.

I'm in favor of friendship.

I know you are.

Right now, the friendliest thing

I can think of is some sleep.

And you deserve it.

Uh, Peter, Peter,

I noticed you were, uh, a
little bit troubled in there.

If it's personal, of course,

It's none of my business.

But if it has anything
to do with the exhibit,

I must officially insist
that you tell me about it.

It has nothing to
do with the dragon.

My friend, MacGyver,
is, uh, having difficulties.

Mr. MacGyver, ah.

I'm sorry to hear about that.

But you can well imagine
my being a little paranoid

about the dragon.

Not to worry.

The dragon is safe.

Who could break in there now?

Hang on a minute. I'll get it.

There you go.

Okay, later.

Wouldn't it have been
easier just to check in?

Yeah, but not half as much fun.

Let's go.

It's wired for sound.

What, you expect them
to roll out the carpet?

Looks like they're

Hang on a second.

All right, I'll hold it
down, you move it aside.

I'm getting hives,

You know that, don't you?

Just relax.

Relax? That alarm
pops when I shift this,

we're both in sing sing.

- Ready?
- Easy.

Tape. Give me the tape.


Let's do it.

What's our route?

We climb up two stories,

Then cross into the duct
over the exhibition hall.

How much further?

You studying Russian?

How much further?

A little bit.

Jack, doesn't this
remind you of the time

you were crawling through
that Mayan pyramid?

There were snakes and spiders...

I tell you about that?

In detail.

Well, actually, I didn't
exactly participate in that crawl,

but I saw the movie.

That's a comfort.

This is it.

Guard will be
here in one minute.

20 seconds to guard.

Got it.


We've got exactly four
minutes and 38 seconds.




Jack, be careful.

Remember the laser beams.

I know, I know.

Three-foot clearance
on all sides, right?

Well done.

Exactly where are
the laser beams?



- Great.
- Yeah.

Three minutes, 42 seconds

Before the next guard
pokes his head in here.

Three minutes, ten seconds.

That's plenty of time,

as long as I can figure
out this combination.

You don't know it?

Well, Pete set it.

He's the only one
with the numbers.

I can make a pretty good guess.

Three minutes before they
walk in here and hang us,

and you're guessing?

Yeah. Most people
set a combination

With the same number category:

Address, phone number,
birthday, stuff like that.

Month, date, year.

It didn't click!

Nothing happened.

Guess again!

That's funny.

I'd have bet Pete
would use his birthday.

Yeah, funny.

His phone number doesn't
work; Let me try his address.

Does he gamble? Bet the numbers.

No, Pete plays golf.



Fact is, he loves the game.

Arnold Palmer's birthday.

Pete's hero.

How in god's name do you know

Arnold Palmer's birthday?

Doesn't everyone?

Use this to clamp
down the pressure plate.

2:35. Let's do it.

In the name of Arnold Palmer

and all the other
giants of our time:

Magic Johnson, Joe Montana,
Arnold Schwarzenegger!

It worked! No alarm!

How about that?

So far so good.

Just what'd I tell you?

Count on the Dr. Dalton.

Yeah, we're gonna
need more than a doctor

if we don't pull this off.

It's slipping!

It's locked!

I know! Only two minutes left!


I don't know the combination!

I can't open it!

I don't know Arnold
Palmer's birthday!

MacGyver, I can't hear you!

Have you got enough air?

Oh, you don't have enough air!

You're choking! You're choking!

Oh, you're choking.

Oh, no, I'm choking.

I'm choking.

You're right. You're right.

The important
thing is not to panic.

Calm down.

The important
thing is, don't panic.

Okay, oh, what's the number?

It's ten! Ten...
ten? I got it. It's ten.

No, no, no, no.

Less than ten.

More than ten?

No. Oh, let me start with ten.

Ten doesn't work! Ten...

Oh! Oh, the air's going bad.

It's going bad.

The air's bad... Bad...

Time-out, right. Time...

Okay, I'm cool.

I'm cool. I'm good.


Nine! Nine!




Which? Nine or ten?

Both! Both!

Nine and ten.

19! 19! 19! No!

Nine and ten. Not 19.

No. Nine, ten.

Nine dash ten! Yes, yes, yes!

Now, we've got one
minute, one minute.


Nine and...


29! 29!

Nine dash ten dash 29!

Yes! Got it!

- Yes!


Sorry about that, buddy.

No problem. Listen,
we're out of time.

We gotta move.

I don't want to hear that.
What are we gonna do?

We're going to break
through that laser beam.

Are you crazy?

That'll set off every
alarm in this place!



What the hey?! Help!

What is it?

Down there. Cover me!

All right.


What are you doing?

Somebody cut the alarm...


Hey, the dragon's gone!

Quick, code five! Get
pettigrew on the phone!

Tell him the dragon's gone.

- Help!
- Code five!

Sullivan, get the squad...

GSomebody, help!

Help! Help!

Get me down!

Eeyoo! Got away
slicker 'n slick, compadre.

No. Take a look.

Congratulations, Mr. MacGyver.


You can pull up over there
and give me the dragon.

Where's Lisa and kosoff?

They're waiting. Safely.

But first, the dragon.

I'm afraid not, lady.

We'll make the exchange
where I say, how I say,

and when I see
Lisa and kosoff clear.


Jack, the light is green.

Meet me at the
great wall and fifth.

Follow me.

Excuse me.

Lost them.

Glad to see you, man
and dragon in one piece.

Now what about your girl?

The one with the
bomb around her neck?

We make the
exchange on my terms.

Let's get to a phone.

I need to talk to Mr. Racoubian.

Had to be a professional job.

They got through
the alarm system.

Even after we changed it.


How do you know there
was more than one thief?

Well, it would
take at least two.

One outside the case,

Another to go in
and get the dragon.

They had only minutes.

Yeah. So they knew
the guard schedule.

Two men... maybe
three, at the outside,

working closely together
could have pulled it off.

Any more than three would
be in each other's way.

That's a very astute
observation, Peter.

May I talk with you privately?

Certainly. Uh,
let's go over there.

Excuse me.

Why don't you, uh, go
have a cup of coffee, huh?

Yes, sir.

Peter, as it happens,
there were two thieves.

How do you know that?


I was impressed
with your security.

But I, too, am responsible

for the security of
the ming dragon.

And my government is
not lenient with failures.

So, I had a camera
installed in here

Triggered by any entry.

You've got a tape of them?

That's wonderful!

Is it?


Yes, and that friend of his,
the magician.

My god!

I demand an explanation.

I can't...

I don't believe it.

Why, Peter?! Why?!

Chu, I don't have an answer.

Was the theft political?

Was it an attempt to create
hostility between our countries?


Tell me the truth, Peter.

No! You know me
better than that.

And I'll tell you
something else.

MacGyver is not a thief either!

I'm not blaming you personally.

But the cultural exchange
is a testing of the waters.

If the ming dragon is lost

and our trust is broken,

It could mean a break in
our diplomatic ties, Peter!

Don't you think I know
how important this is?

MacGyver must have had a reason!

A good reason.

Give me some time.

He's gonna contact
me, I know it.

We'll straighten it out.

Give me 24 hours.


Look, until the world
knows about this,

there is no crisis.

Until it's official!

Give me the time.

We can make it right.

Make it right?

Can you do that, Peter?

Because there is more than
you and I at stake, my friend.

Well that's why
we've got to try.

All right.

24 hours.

Zou la!


General racoubian...

You're very late, MacGyver.

Yeah, well, that's
because dear, sweet Tanya

tried to hijack the
dragon from us.


MacGyver, believe me, I would
never plan anything so stupid.

I know nothing about this.

If it is true,

Tanya will be punished as
soon as she gets back here.

But, uh, we still
have an agreement.

I want to see Lisa
and kosoff first.

Oh, Mrs. Kosoff is fine.

But nicolai...
Attempted to escape.

A fatal mistake.

Are you telling me he's dead?


But I rather thought
you'd be pleased.

Just your Lisa now
for the ming dragon.

You want the
dragon, you listen up.

Meet me tonight, 10:00 at
the bayside generating plant.

And bring Lisa.

We'll do it your way.

I suppose we owe you that.

Yes. You do.

That was arrogant... And stupid.

MacGyver was doing
exactly as we had agreed.

Everything was proceeding
exactly as we had planned.

Then you... You
had a better idea.

They had the dragon.
They were alone.

I thought...

I don't care what you thought.

Now, you will meet MacGyver
at the bayside generating plant.

You will take the girl with you.

You will bring me
back the dragon.

And MacGyver?

You can kill MacGyver.

Hey, partner, come on back.

They coming?

Right on schedule.

They left one outside.

Surprise him.

Good luck to the good guys.



We brought the girl.

Where are you?

Right up here!

You all right, Lisa?

Yes, MacGyver.

I am all right.

In that case, Tanya...

Here's your dragon.

Be careful! What are you doing?!

Just making sure you
hold up your end of the deal.

You can see she's safe.

Lower the dragon!

Take that thing off her neck.

Take it off!


Deactivate it!


Your part of the bargain.

I'll let it down when
she's up here and safe.

Forget it, pal!

Unless you want to be
playing with Jade marbles.


Now send Lisa up here!

That's far enough, comrade!

Lisa, keep going.

Hold it, Lisa. Wait right there.

All right, buddy.

Come get your dragon.

What are you doing?

Be patient, Tanya.

What do you hope you'll gain

with this stupidity?

Lower it to him, MacGyver!

He can reach it.

Careful, Josef!

I said lower it to him!

I've got it, Tanya!


Kill him!


Shoot, they're getting away!

I got the distributor cap.

They're not going
anywhere tonight.

Go. Let's go.

You are both unbelievable.

Aw, shucks, ma'am,
you're just saying that 'cause it's true.

I am so grateful,

but when I think
about nicolai, I...

Lisa, I'm sorry.


Well, racoubian
told us how he died.



I saw nicolai not one hour ago.

Racoubian was lying.

He's alive, and
they're holding him.

Oh, I don't want to hear this.

Jack, we can't leave
the man there to die.

Which way?

Just follow this road

And we shall be
there by morning.

The general sleeps
in the back bedroom.

We can go through the study.

That's close enough, Jack.


Are there any guards?


Where's kosoff?

He's in the basement, locked up.

There's no chance
Tanya and her muscle

got back here, that's for sure.

Let's do it.

Lead the way.

This way.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

MacGyver. Welcome.


You made excellent time.

They had to use the helicopter.

Why do I get the feeling
you were expecting us?

I'm sorry... MacGyver.

My plan covered
every contingency,

and, as you can see, it
has all paid off. Hasn't it?

Congratulations... comrade.

I've boxed the
dragon for transport.

It's in the den.


We'll put them in the
basement until we're ready.

Sounds like maybe
they've got some big plan?

They're gonna kill us, Jack.

Of course.

What else would you do?

- Shut up!

I will take care of MacGyver.


Good question.

In case you have
forgotten, major,

we are not really married.

This is my business.

As you say.

There's a great
deal I want to tell you.

Why bother?

General, the dragon
is ready for transport.

I would like to take one look
at it before it leaves.

I'll be right down, major.

Yes, sir.

And my death was faked

so that your people
would believe

the information I gave you.

I had to authenticate
it by dying.

And now you come back to life.

To con me into
stealing the dragon.

Pretty complicated.

The ming dragon
is a major treasure

of the people's
republic of China.

And a United
States agent stole it.

Ah, but, brave Soviet
agents are going to recover it.

And, in a gesture
of socialist solidarity,

hand it back to Beijing, right?


Gee, that's neat.

General racoubian moves
up a couple of notches,

maybe to politburo,

and little Lisa
comes right along.

Good career move.

I was ordered to
attract you, yes.

It was my job.

But you must know, MacGyver,

it was not all lies.

There were real feelings, too.

I wish I could believe that.

You must go downstairs now.


Well, this is another fine
mess you've gotten me into.

You know, you and I have
different tastes in women,

But this time, I
gotta tell you...

What are you doing?

Where'd you get that?

Upstairs, just now...

From a friend.

You have all done
your work well.

Thank you, sir.

What do we do now?


Houdini was an amateur.

Good shot.

Come on, forget that
thing. Let's get out of here.


What is this?

What have you done?

What do you mean?

This is not the ming dragon.

This is fake.

A cheap, plaster imitation!

That's impossible.

He took the dragon from the
exhibition hall; We saw them.

I want MacGyver. Now!

Excuse me.


They're gone.

And they took the necklace.


You. You did this.

I knew she could not
be trusted with him.

Don't be stupid!

Can you fly that thing?


I don't know, I
had a lesson once.

Come on.


Against the wall.

You know, I generally
don't approve

Of hitting a woman,
but in this case...

Very intelligent.

You could be killed.

What were you
going to do with this?

Why don't you try it on?

It looks fabulous with
what you're wearing.

Move, Jack!

I'm gone!

- Go!

Come on, lady.


Let's see, let's see here.

Oh, sure wish I'd been
checked out on this baby.

The truth. You love him.

The truth.

You wanted to help him.

The truth!

Did you help them escape?

Come on, lady.

Now relax, will you?!

I took an oath, general.

I honor it.

Perhaps at first.

But to seduce this man,

you also had to seduce yourself.

Come on, baby.

The truth is, we can
no longer trust you.

You stay with me.

Take her up, Jack!

Let me go!


Shoot them!


Wait for me!

Take it down, Jack!

Coming down.

Hang on, Lisa.

I've got her. Go!

You're wasting your time.

Remember, MacGyver
has the necklace.

General, they're getting away!

Good-bye, MacGyver.


Shh, don't talk.

I do love you.

Well, the good news is,

racoubian and his people
are being sent home.

And they won't be too
popular when they get there.

Of course I'm delighted,
that is good news.

But, please, where
is the ming dragon?

Well, this is where
MacGyver said to meet him.

Wait a minute.

You switched it
for a cheap copy?

I was in a hurry.

What if somebody bought it?

Well, they would have
had to buy quite a few

to get to the real one.

Yeah, but what if they did?

You almost got
killed for this thing.

Worse. I almost got killed.

Will you relax?
It's right... here.

Oh, MacGyver, you're kidding.

Are you kidding? Huh?

He does have the dragon.

He certainly does.

Here you go, commissioner.

One priceless treasure.

As promised.

Thank you.

I'm glad to have it back.

I owe you an apology.

Not at all.

MacGyver, you're a genius.

That's a matter of opinion.


Hey, wait, that's $7.50

oh, sure, I can handle that.

I'd say that's a real bargain.

Those are twenties.

Keep the change.