MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 3, Episode 12 - Early Retirement - full transcript

MacGyver's boss Pete oversees the disarming of a nuclear warhead. A deadly explosion at the disarming facility causes Pete to accept full responsibility and retire from the Phoenix ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
( Suspenseful
theme music playing )

♪ ♪

( Adventurous theme plays )

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

MacGyver: Mankind
is in the habit

of creating its own monsters,

and fortunately,
once in a while,

it also gets the
chance to destroy them.

A case in point: This
trident ii icbm missile.

The Pentagon contracted
with the Phoenix foundation

to come up with a plan for
permanent dismantlement

And disposal of nuclear weapons.

( Man speaking indistinctly )

This trident ii icbm was the
first of many more to come.

It was up to us to
make it harmless...

No small pass

but we'd been given a lot
of training to do it safely,

And to do it right.

I considered my small
part in the operation

As a hands-on chance
to do something for peace.

All right, we're lined up

Closer to the mount.

Pushing in.

All right, that's it.

Nice and easy.

We've got all day.

Slowly... All right, hold it!

Easy, easy, all right.

Let it down a little
bit, little bit... secure!

Warhead number t-47 exposed.

Missile, titan ii... secured.

All right, people, this is
what we've been training for

over the last three months.

The eyes of the disarmament
commission are on us today,

so look sharp.

Warhead disarmament
team into position.

MacGyver, Reese...

All right, Reese, come on.

( Lift motor humming )

Power cable.

Okay, here we go.

Gentlemen, you've asked

the Phoenix
foundation to work out

A fail-safe procedure for
disarmament and disposal.

We've done it.

We're now starting to apply it
to some of the older missiles.

Not that that matters.

Disengagement and
uranium-235 are deadly,

In any make or model.

Okay. We're connected.

We got juice?

Power on.

Initiator on line.


We're in.

( Exhales )

Our man MacGyver is now going in

for the bomb's
critical assembly.

It's a little bit like
reaching down

the barrel of a gun
to get at the bullet.

And then he has to separate
the bullet from the primer cap.

It's no easy task.

Don't fumble here.

This charge has got enough
to bring the whole place down.

You got the igniter?

I got it.

Detonation assembly removed.

Warhead t-47 is disarmed.

All right, clear for
the disposal team!

Commence transfer!

Thornton: The disposal
of the ignition assembly

is the most dangerous
part of this whole procedure.

Once it's secured,

We'll take it to an underground
bunker where it'll be detonated.

Thornton: Warhead secured.

What's our radiation level?

.0118 millirems per hour.

We're clean.

MacGyver, you have the honors.


The next phase is
De-fueling the missile itself,

For which we require a
delta-t weather condition.

You'll be notified as
soon as we have one.

Gentlemen, thank you.

Thank you, sir.

That was an outstanding...

Thornton: That's one down.

( Laughs )

Ed, the team on this
has been great, just great.

That's excellent, Peter.

You know, after spending
our youth helping the dsx

wage a cold war,
isn't it nice to be older,

wiser and part of
the peace process?

Yes, it is... well, for me,

that's what the Phoenix
foundation is all about.

And listen, I've got a project
I want to talk to you about.

It's right along the same lines,

and I think you're
gonna love it.

When can we get
together and talk?

Peter, you've been burning
the candle at both ends.

Delegate more.

At least on the missile
defueling phase.

No, ed, I can't do that.

The defueling process

is the most critical part of
the whole disarming procedure.

Besides, I'm the
one who laid down

The field operations
schedule on this whole thing.

It's my baby. I'm responsible.

Careful, Peter.

Burnout is not a
job requirement.

I just want you to
look after yourself.

Ed, who beat who
at the golf tournament

Last weekend by five strokes?

( Chuckles ): Don't remind me.


Kennan, do you want
to pass out the reports?

Thank you.

Now, first on today's agenda...

As you all know, the
Phoenix foundation

has been playing
an important role

between our government and
that of the republic of sambaka

over the last two years.

And I'm happy to report
that we have been able

to persuade their
president, yaman amunde,

To make a historic,
first-time visit to america.

Perhaps congratulations
are in order,

but can anyone here

explain to me exactly
why president amunde

would want to rub shoulders

with us, uh, "decadent,
mongrel dogs"?

I think he wants
to open a dialogue.

Maybe even take a first
step towards reconciliation.

No offense, Pete,
look, I know what we're

trying to do here, but...

Amunde and his thug cabinet

Have just been picking our
pockets for technical support.

The whole time he continues
to head up a worldwide

Terrorist campaign.

rhetoric and posturing

Is not legitimate proof
of terrorism, Mr. Webber.

Still, in all, sir, it just
leaves me to wonder

whether we don't have better
things to do than to mediate

with radicals who show
absolutely no respect

for our Democratic values.

Come on, Matt, don't
you think that our efforts

to move Mr. Amunde and his
government toward moderation

are just as important
as disarming

one more nuclear weapon?

Forgive my cynicism.

Uh, we will show the president

A good time.

Kennan, does advanced planning

have anything to report?

Uh, yes, sir.

You'll note in your file,

president amunde will
be arriving in ten days.

For security reasons,

everyone, including the media,

will think he is staying
at the garden Plaza hotel.

Meanwhile, he'll be staying

At union station
aboard his own club car.

Thornton: His own
private railroad car, huh?

A textbook case of
amunde paranoia.

Of course, he is the one
with a working knowledge

of car bombs and
plane hijackings.

You are really
dead-set convinced

that he's a
terrorist, aren't you?

Well, he's not front-line.

He's worse... he orchestrates.

Maybe, maybe not.

I'm going to reserve
judgment until I see real proof.

Two agents died on my
last assignment to dsx

trying to get that proof.

I know that, Matt, but
if we don't come up

With a peaceful solution,
more people are gonna die.

Okay, uh, what
part would you like

Your director of intelligence
to play in this amunde visit?

Well, just to make
sure we're both

on the same page,
why don't you tell me?

Liaison with the appropriate
government agencies,

cover all would-be

avengers, reactionary groups,

And, uh, pass on whatever
might put him in harm's way.

Good man.

Couldn't have
said it better myself.

Keep me informed.

All set?

( Grunts )

( Grunts )


Did you see that?

Did you see

what I did?

Well, what's the
matter, I didn't do it right?

You just stopped
three great shots.

It's pathetic, just pathetic.

Well, I'm sorry, but...

Whose idea was
this in the first place?

Not you. Me.

You were amazing.


( Yells )


Amazing grace.

Listen, I got a great idea.

Why don't we, uh...

Quit while I'm winning?

No way.

I want you to stay out here
and skate off some stress.

I don't want you
to be a burnout.

Now, wait a minute.

Is that what this is all about?

Is that why you
got me down here?

Boy, I get it from Farrell
at the board meeting,

and now from you here.

All right, let me tell
you something... I work

a lot.

I'm a workaholic, all right?

But I'm not a burnout.

No, you're not,
but you're gonna be

If you don't put
some fun in your life.


You call this fun?


At least it takes the edge off.

Especially after a
hard day at the office

Taking apart nuclear warheads.

Listen, in case
you've forgotten,

disarming those warheads
was only the first phase.

The defueling process...

Which you are gonna
help me run tomorrow...

Is equally critical,
if not more so.

Yes, I know.

All the more reason
why you should relax.

You want me to relax?

You want me to
skate off some stress.

Give me your best shot.

Come on!

Give me your best shot.

Come on! What are you

waiting for? Let's go.

I'm ready.

- Want your stick?
- Come on.

All right, now, let's go.

You think you're so hot.

I'll show you how
to get rid of stress.

Come on. Come on.

You ready?

Yeah, I'm ready!


I wasn't ready.


Well, hi.

What is this?

( chuckling ): That?
That is the head

of a former Phoenix foundation
bureaucrat who was eaten alive.

Cause of death:
Political infighting.

( Laughs )

Happens all the time.

Matthew, come on.

All right.

You want the real story?

This is my friend cheech.

The rest of him won first prize

At the annual cannibal cook-off.

Very funny.

( Laughs )

Speaking of which,
how about dinner tonight?

Uh, forget about
him, just you and me.

Oh, Matthew, I can't.

That would make it
three times this week.

Well... three's a charm.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Now, listen, you wanted
the investigative report

on subversive groups.

I got it for you.

Here it is.

- Back to business, huh?
- Oh,

Listen, Matthew, I'd love
to have dinner with you,

but I really must go over
the new security briefing

with president
amunde's advance men.

All right, okay, I...
I'll take a rain check.

And do me a favor...

Can I have a copy
of that briefing?

It would just help me
coordinate some stuff on my end.

Absolutely. I'll take
care of that for you.

It's a long flight from London.

What's so important

We couldn't discuss
it over the phone?

You know the opportunity

we've been talking about
for the last two years?

It's just been laid at our feet.

President amunde
is coming to town.

You don't say?

That's right.

The hierarchy of the
Phoenix foundation

has this idea that we can
help bring about world peace

by coddling terrorists.

You're working for a
bunch of idiots. So am I.

The official position of Pete
Thornton and the foundation

is not to cast any aspersions

until they have bona fide proof.

Proof?! On yaman amunde?!

Forget it. Just shoot the scum.

That's right, akers,

just leave it to
you boys at the dsx

to cut down on the paperwork.

Kelham, now what's the national
security agency doing here?

Defending the home front.

Who else is going to do it, huh?

We are.

Come on.

( Train whistle blows )

- All set.
- Come on in.

Kelham: Well, I see
we've got technical support.

Akers: How are you doing, Reese?

Reese: Great. Good
to see you guys.

Okay, what's this?

My favorite lady
at the foundation

was able to furnish
us with copies

of president amunde's
security arrangements.

All right.

Let's get down to it, gentlemen.

Bottom line... We all
know our government's

being held hostage by a
no-assassination policy,

and we all know it's
a weak-kneed law

that a bunch of
congressional cowards

is not about to change.

Meanwhile, a
kingpin of terrorism

gets to waltz right
into our backyard

and thumb his nose
at us and I don't like it.

I say we take him.

You mean, sanction him?

I mean, take him.

We take him,

and we shake him
until we get the name

And place of every lowlife
in his terrorist network.

Kelham: And then what
do we do with amunde?

Release him?

Yeah, exactly.

But not until our overseas
contacts have had time

To move in and terminate
every fanatic on his payroll.

That's brilliant.

He'll scream bloody murder,
point his finger at america,

Point his finger at
us, but who cares?

Who's going to believe him?

And his same old nasty rhetoric

Just winds up being
our best protection.

But what about Pete Thornton?

He sets the agenda
for field operations,

including amunde's security.

Funny you should
mention that, Reese.

I've been thinking about
making some serious changes

Around the Phoenix foundation.

What's the status on
our climate prerequisites?

They holding?

Delta-t weather
conditions holding.

Temperature and barometer
readings still the same.


And the fuselage is
just about tapped out.

Less than 30 liters to go.

All right, positions, everyone.

( over P.A. ):
Fuel pump shut-off

and line disconnection.

All right, standing by.

We at zero volume yet?


All 35,000 liters pumped out.

Zero volume is confirmed.

Shut down pump,
prepare for disengagement.

All right, commence p-2 shutdown

- and disengage.
- ( Beeping )

The meters are oscillating!

Hey, we've got a
charge reading here.

It's building up!

We got a 25-volt oscillation!

Man ( Over P.A. ): Emergency
alert! Emergency alert!

Evacuate area. Evacuate area.

Technician: Evacuate!

Move! Move!

( Over P.A. ): Shut
down all systems!

Bring in all backups!

Get the medevac choppers in!

Seal off this area, now!

( Technicians shouting )

Man ( Over P.A.
): Emergency alert!

Thermal incident
in facility three.

Thermal incident
in facility three.

Emergency alert!
Emergency alert!

The fumes, be
careful of the fumes.

Where's that truck?

Get that foam truck in here now!

We're damn lucky the
whole thing didn't go up!

- Third alert to burnwood over at city general.
- You all right?

Stand by!

He's conscious, and
breathing on his own.


Technician: Ready!

( Extinguisher whooshing )

Technician: This one over here!

Put this down over here!

Come on, come on.

What happened?

What in the hell happened?

Mr. Webber, any
intelligence report?

Uh, Mr. Chairman,

it appears to have
been purely an accident.

Um, there's not a whisper
of subversive activity,

and, uh...

it just appears to have been

a technical problem.

Mr. Reese, what does
technical review have to say?

Our preliminary findings
indicate that the, uh,

fuel pumping system
possibly gave off

an unexpected power surge

at the point of disengagement.

That can only be attributed

To an electrical
short in the circuitry.

The spark it emitted
ignited the vapors, and...

She blew.

That's our best assessment

at this point.

Didn't anyone do a pre-run
systems check on the pump?

I did.

But it should have
been re-checked.

Look, gentlemen, there's
only one explanation here.

That's a serious
breakdown in my safety

Review procedure.

It's my fault...

And I accept
full responsibility.

Webber, Reese, uh,

Would you excuse us, please?

( Door shuts )

Peter, this is the last
thing we expected,

particularly with something
under your supervision.

Yeah, I know.

I'm kind of surprised myself.

But I missed something, ed.

I should have backtracked
and backtracked again,

and I didn't.

Do you know how many
phone calls I've received

from the department of
energy? The Pentagon?

They want somebody's head.

Well, we both know whose
head that should be, don't we?

I should've listened to you, ed.

You warned me, didn't you?

And I just ignored you.

Maybe I am burned out.

Maybe your taking a
short leave of absence

Might see us through this.

( Wry laugh )

That's not going to work.

This is too important.

And too many people
have worked too hard

To build this foundation.

No one more than you, my friend.

( Sighing )

Webber's ready.

He's a good man.

He can more than fill my shoes.

And he's younger.

You have my resignation, ed.

Effective immediately.

I can't believe
you just took off.

Where you been?

Oh, I just took a long weekend.

Yeah, four days.

Thanks for telling me.

Oh, do I have to
tell you everything?

If you want your
plants watered, yeah.

I did.

Your landlady let me in.


I also cleared out

all the, uh, science projects
you had growing in the fridge.

Now, what's all this
bunk about you retiring?

Well, there's not much to say.

I uh, handed in my resignation.

I've retired, that's all.

You can't, Pete.

You're a type-a
personality; It's impossible.

Now, just call Farrell.

Tell him you overreacted.

Look, I didn't overreact.

As a result of what I
did, three people are dead

and eight more in the hospital.

Pete, it wasn't your fault.

I don't want to talk about it!

You don't ask for or
get a second chance

after something like that.

Forget it.

So, what are you going to do?

Oh, well...

( Forced laugh )

I'm going to carry
on, what do you think?

Listen, I've got plenty to do.

I've got more things to
do than I'll ever get done.

Like what?

Oh, like, uh... write my book,

work on my boat,

go fishing...

You hate fishing.


You hate camping.

I want you back, Pete.

It's not the same without you.

Look, MacGyver, times change.

Things change.

It's over for me.

Besides, I'm sure Webber's
going to do a great job.

Oh, fine.

Mr. Gung ho.

What have you got against him?

I recommended him myself.

He's not you.

I like being around
a guy who knows

His limitations.

Well, then, we can
stop arguing, can't we?

'Cause I've certainly
learned mine.

Oh, uh, listen,

turn in this security
pass for me, will you?

I just didn't want to go
back there again, that's all.

And, uh, why don't you
go see Webber, talk to him?

He's a, uh, he's a good man...

One of the best.

Well, do I look like

I need a baby-sitter?

Go on, get out of here.

Go on!

See you later.

( Door shuts )

Man: Would you like a
new desk, Mr. Webber?

Webber: No, no, I'll
just use Thornton's.

( sighing ): Look, Nikki,

president amunde's
special brand of paranoia

is only going to make
your life miserable,

believe me.

So, I'm going to be the nice guy

that you think I am,

And I'm pulling you
off this assignment.

What? No, Matt, don't worry.

I can handle him.

Oh, I know that; It's
not a question of that.

It's a question of what
else you can handle for me

As head of the
research division.


Webber: Oh,
MacGyver, how goes it?

That's what I came to find out.

Carpenter: Have you seen Pete?

How is he?

Well, he's back.

Give him a call; Find out.

I will.

Well, i'm sure you two

have things to talk about.

Always a pleasure, MacGyver.

Ooh, I hate to have her leave,

But... I love watching her go.

So, MacGyver, I guess
you want to be filled in.

I got a couple of, uh,
environmental projects

that I know that Thornton

would have wanted
you to commandeer.

Yeah, uh, maybe later.

Right now, what I want to do

is my own review of
that defueling accident.

Why? That's
yesterday's newspaper.

I know. It...

It's personal.

Hey, look, Pete
was my friend, too.

That's why I don't
want to see this thing

dragged through the mud
any longer than necessary.

( Chuckling )

I'm going to miss his
baldness around here.

But the bottom line is, he
let something get past him,

And it came around
and bit him in the butt.

Look, MacGyver,
between you and me,

I think maybe he knew
it was time to hang it up.

Just as I know this organization
has an agenda to meet

which includes those
environmental projects.

So, what do you say?

Are you in,

Or are you out?

I'm out, Matt.

I got to get some answers first.

( Brakes squeaking,
steam hissing )

Is all our security in place?

Yeah, we got a lock
on the entire perimeter.

Well, that makes our
plan complete then.

Well, looks like we just became

next-door neighbors.

President amunde, welcome.

I'm sure your visit here will
prove to be very rewarding.


MacGyver! How the heck are you?

I'm good, Sam.

You know, I talked to Pete, I...

I don't like the sound of him.

No, neither do I.

Sick in the heart from
watching the grass grow,

if you ask me.

Oh, by the way, Johnson,

That tech you
put the fire out on?

He's gonna make it.

Oh, that's great.

That's great. Um...

Sam, do you mind
if I look around?

No, no, I don't mind, but
the foundation honchos

Say it's off-limits.

Uh, Sam, I want to
poke around for Pete.

I think he needs
an independent look

At this accident.

Whether he wants it or not, huh?

Yeah, sure, go ahead.
What are friends for?


Oh, miss carpenter!

Good afternoon, Sam.

I just came to finish
my parts inventory.


Has he been cleared

To be in here?

As far as I know.

Sam, aren't you
supposed to know?

New assignment, MacGyver?

Thought I'd take a look.

This is my job.

Well, feel free to dig in.

Pete could use all
the help he can get.

You know, that
is the second time

that you have insinuated that I
don't care about Pete Thornton.

You know damn well that I do.

I care a lot, MacGyver.


I'm sorry.

No harm meant.

So, is the technical department
gonna reassemble this pump?

That's right.

You know, I just don't get it.

Pete trained these guys

to do no wrong,

and he went over every
piece of this equipment

with a fine-tooth comb. I know.

I watched him.


The answer is bound
to be here someplace.


That's strange.

This assembly shouldn't
be on this side of the pump.

It looks like something's
been patched in here

to act as an interceptor
between the pump motor

and the power source.

Whoever put it in here
was counting on it being fried

with the rest of the pump.

I've been over this with Pete.

This is not

A part of the original design.

You know, it's some kind
of an electrical booster.

In the pump
assembly? Impossible.

I know.

But here it is.

What are you
getting at, MacGyver?

When that fuel pump shut
down, this thing kicked in...

And ignited the
fumes left in the line.

This is what caused
that explosion.

Are you saying that
it was sabotage?

I'm saying it looks
like Pete was set up.

Thanks again, Mrs. Tooley.

Thank you.


Okay, he's not here.

Like I said, he's probably

Out enjoying his
retirement somewhere.

Yeah, I'm sure.

All right.

Look, I let you
have the first move.

He's not here, now let's take

The evidence and go
through the proper channels.

No, Nikki, I want Pete
to know about this first.


I've already stepped out of
bounds on my case report.

Never mind that
you're freelance.

I've got a chain of
command to adhere to.

You know, you are
sounding more like

a bureaucrat every day.

I am one, damn
it, born and bred.


Look, MacGyver,

I know enough to know
when I'm getting the runaround.

Now, why won't you
deal with Matt Webber?

Because I want to protect Pete,

and, believe it or not,
I want to protect you.

In case of what?

Well, who's sitting
in Pete's chair?


Who has a better motive?

That is a cheap shot.

Why am I talking to you?

You're dating the guy.

What has that got to do with it?

Have you read the man's dossier?

Have you? You should.

Read about all the special

assignments he did
for the dsx: Vietnam,

Nicaragua, the middle
east, Afghanistan.

We're talking about some pretty
nervous situations and places.

The man is capable,
Nikki, of anything.


you're forcing a
scenario for a motive,

And you sure as hell
haven't given me any proof.

It's a gut feeling, okay?


You follow your instincts,
and I'll follow mine.


Your miss carpenter is
in the station coffee shop.

Who let her through
the perimeter?

She showed her I.D.

And said she
needed to talk to you.

Said it was urgent.

You radio your people

and you tell them

nobody gets into
this terminal, period.

Are we about ready to go?

Ten minutes.

Miss carpenter
will take about five.

Akers: Security, come in.

( Laughs )

I'm sorry, miss,
but we're closed.

( Laughing ): Matthew.

Listen, I'm sorry
I bothered you,

But I wouldn't have
had it not been urgent.

Bother me?

( Laughs ): Since
when has coming

to see me ever
been a bother, Nikki?

What's up?

MacGyver and I found
evidence of sabotage

at the defueling station.

This was used to
mess up the fuel pump.

I have it all in my report.

( Sighs )

MacGyver, huh?

Well, I'm glad

You came to me with this.

You are going to tell him?

As soon as possible.

If you want to, I will.

God knows he's
been through enough.

I'll get to the bottom
of this, don't you worry.

Quite honestly, I think that

We should tell chairman
Farrell right away.

I just get the feeling

that you're not gonna
be able to let go of this


Now, sit down.

( Crickets chirping )

Hey, Sam, I got your message.

I appreciate it.

No problem.

He's over there.

MacGyver: Thanks.



Whatcha doin' here?

I don't know.

Couldn't stay away.

Maybe I'm doing
penance for my sins.

Well, you can stop
blaming yourself right now.

MacGyver, you don't understand.

Yes, I do, Pete.

That defueling explosion
was no accident.

It was sabotage,
pure and simple.


What are you saying?

Somebody planted
an electrical charge

In the fuel pump.

I wanted to keep
it just between us

so we could do our
own little investigation,

but Nikki's taken it to Webber.

I couldn't stop her.

Well, why should
you? It's his job.

Well, what are you saying? What
are you saying about Webber?

I'm saying Webber
got your job by default,

and it's yours to take
back if you want it.

MacGyver, you just may
have given me the best news

of my life, but
that doesn't mean

that I can go charging back
in there and kick Webber out.

Don't you understand?

There's protocol to follow here.

Listen, if there
has been sabotage,

he should investigate it.

It's his job.

What is this?!

Are you and Nikki
collaborating on the bureaucratic

Bible or something?

Let me show you

What your heir apparent
has been up to since you left.

Oh, MacGyver...

Is it protocol to fire
all your division chiefs

in a span of a week?


Is it protocol to scrap
your whole agenda

the day after you
leave the foundation?

The man has hired

and fired, Pete. Dive into

the computers.

See what I saw... come on!

Or have you really retired?

( Grunts )

( Groaning )

( Silenced gunshot )

( Grunting )


Good evening, your excellency,
it's bound-and-gag time.

Let's show the minister to
his new quarters, shall we?

Come on, come on.

Stout effort, gentlemen.

Like clockwork.

I brought us some
unexpected company.


Greetings, amunde...

and welcome

to this is your life.

( Sighs )

And you... you
should've taken that job

In research.

Hacking my way into
the foundation files...

Why do I feel like a criminal?

Well, you shouldn't.

You've still got your pass key.

Yeah, the one you were
supposed to turn in for me.

Yeah. That one.

MacGyver: Take a
look. The Webber sweep.

I don't believe this.

He fired renish? And hickson?

They've been with
me from the start!

And gelsey, no!

These are good men.

Why is he doing this?

Let's take a look at
his operations agenda.

Got a password?

Yeah... "agenda."

Where do you want to start?


Wait a minute.

Who's this new guy?

I put Nikki in charge
of the security detail.

Wait a minute. I know
some of these names.

These two are from the dsx,

and this one is from the
national security agency.

Why do you think
Webber's drafting them?

Oh, my god.

Amunde's private train!

Right next to a mail car.

MacGyver, these
are assault plans,

exactly the way we
drew them up in the dsx

for covert operations.

And Webber drew these up.

Amunde's his target, Pete.

Let's go.

Who handled the
consulate bombing?

Who was it?

I want names!

( Spits )

No, no, no, no.

I have a much better way.

You may have
primitive forms of torture

in your country,
your excellency,

But we're a little more
sophisticated here in america.

This drug is called
"the converter."

the reason we call it
that is because ten cc's

will make any man
pray to god or...

Or Allah, as the case may
be, for relief from the pain.

With 20 cc's,

the agony becomes so intense

That heart attacks have
been known to occur.

And it makes the
arteries in the brain

begin to swell...

Until you just feel like
they're going to pop!

Carpenter: Matt...

You can't do this.

Oh, yes, Nikki, I can.

That's what this is all about.

The drug takes effect

in just a matter of seconds.

( Sighs )

So you'll tell us what
we need to know.

Either on your own
or with assistance.

The choice is up to you.

You have ten
minutes to think it over.

( Sighs )

While I, unfortunately,

deal with another problem.

Sorry, Nikki.

Carpenter: MacGyver
was right about you!

Well, if you value
his opinion so much,

maybe I can Bury you

side-by-side, my dear.

( Grunts )

( Grunting )

( Screaming )

Back off, MacGyver!

Oh, hello, Pete.

Where's amunde?!

We're questioning him.

You wanted proof, right?

Well, this is gonna
be the biggest score

in counter-terrorism.

Do you even know
what you're doing?!

Why, for god sakes, why?!

Why didn't you retire
when you had the chance?

Find amunde!

Webber's mine!

Amunde's in the mail car.

Come here.

When I get on top,

wait for my signal.

( Both grunting )

You've got to run
faster than that.

( Panting )

Give it up, Pete.

You've been shuffling
papers too long.

Getting old...

And soft.

( Grunts )

Old and soft, huh?

Yeah, definitely.

( Grunts )

( Panting )

( Blow thudding )

( Spout squeaking )

Now what?!

Hey, hey, hey, what is this?

Open the door!

( Coughing )

( Grunts )

Take care of amunde!

( Slow, rhythmic
squeaking in distance )

( Squeaking continues )



Two more for the
unemployment line.

( Groans )

( Chuckles )

you know, maybe I am

getting too old for this stuff.


Looks like you
just hit your prime.

( Laughing )


( Groaning )

My tooth is loose!


Am I going to press
charges at the world court?

No, I do not think so.

( Camera shutters clicking )

Let me tell you something.

If I were in the
American's position,

perhaps I would
do the same thing.

Reporter: But we're talking
kidnapping and assault here.

Amunde: I love america.

You have such sense

Of do-good and conscience.

He didn't even say thanks.


Well, at least he got Webber

pegged as his kind of guy.

Matt Webber.

I came so close to
falling for his total line.

I-I'm sorry, Pete.

Well, don't feel too bad.

He had us all fooled.

Excuse me.

- I'll take care of this.
- Yes, ma'am.

I'm going to send this to
Webber at leavenworth.

He might like to
see a familiar face.

Well, Pete, now that you
got your old crew back,

What are you going to do?

Well, I've got Jarvis

getting the disarmament
program back on track,

and, uh, you're
gonna be on that.

And I'm gonna
take a little time off.

Time off? You just got back.

This whole experience
has taught me

I'm a little bit out of shape.

No, Pete, you're
not out of shape.

Yes, I am, and i'm
going back to school.


That's right.

Karate school.

This is the last time
that anybody decks me

with their foot.




( Chuckling ): Hey.