MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 2, Episode 9 - Silent World - full transcript

A teacher of the deaf, who is a friend of MacGyver's, is plagued by nightmares. MacGyver thinks these unexplained nightmares are connected to a plan to hijack a missile-guidance system.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ ♪

Our subject is David crane.

Is everything on schedule?

Yeah. He will arrive

At Charles degaulle
in 20 minutes.

He requested to go shopping.

Shopping? For weapons?

We don't know.

Our men will accompany
him and then bring him here.

David crane.

A last assessment, gentlemen.

Is he capable of
meeting our needs?

Yeah. Stealing a moloch
missile from the U.S. military

without any traceable
connection to our organization

is a major task indeed.

Sometimes I get into some
very bizarre situations,

Even for me.

Stuffed dogs, plastic babies
and a mannequin father...

A weird population
for a very typical town.

All of which makes
a perfect target

To test the moloch missile.

The simulation's good.

The patterns are realistic.

It's a good job, Pete.

Thanks. How's the clearance?

I'll tell you, that's not
a lot of room for me

to guide a missile through
without hitting anything

but that target.

If you have any doubts...

We developed this
guidance system.

We tested it.

Don't you think it's
about time we trusted it?

It will require a
first-rate operation,

superior skills
both in organization

and execution.

His qualifications
do seem excellent.

They meet virtually every
requirement we have.

I agree,

but I am worried
about his attitude:

Too cavalier and
strange... Very strange.

We are in a strange business.

The man is an
international thief.

Never caught, convicted
or even suspected.

It is rumored that he
is the moving force

Behind that munitions
theft in Cairo last month.

Good. Send him in.

Crane has arrived.

How are you?

Nice of you fellas
to invite me over.

You come well
recommended, Mr. Crane.

Former CIA agent,

Trained in all
aspects of espionage.

You also indicate
training with the panthers.

Was that the black
panther radicals?

No, the Littleton panthers.

State champs, '65.10 and 0.


I was a quarterback.

I had the best
arm in the league.

We had a great backfield.
I've got 'em with me now.

I've got a good
game plan for you.

This is not a game.

The moloch
missile is top secret.

Only when it's all together.

Its parts are scattered
in various points

all over the country,

And in pieces, they
think it's harmless.

But your army relies on precise
paperwork and procedures.

Then we'll use the
red tape against them.

Test series one:
Project earache.

Prepare for vehicle launch.

Guidance system activated.

Man :
Attention, all personnel.

Clear the area.
Prepare to launch.

We're going to aim
and control a missile

by translating human
speech into electronic code

so I can talk it through
the center of town here

without busting up
anything or anybody,

If we're lucky.

That man has no sense

of military discipline

Abel, cool down.

MacGyver, are you
aware that your comments

Are being entered into a
permanent project archive?

Ooh! Well, then we better
get cracking, eh, general?


Paris is a great city.

You can buy anything here.

I got this transmitter

In a little shop in
the Latin quarter.

I found this circuit board
in the champs d'elysee.

A little shop on the left
bank carries these batteries.

All harmless.

Would you set a chair up over
there where we can all see it?

Indulge me, gentlemen.

I'm going to give you
a little demonstration.

Unrelated items,

and each one
innocuous in itself.

That's how bureaucrats tend

to view component parts,

even when they are combined

to create something substantial.

Now, then,

harmless little pieces,

but you put them all
together, and there's a certain

je ne sais quoi.

I also arranged to have

My people stop here earlier.

They fixed the chair...

And you may have noticed
that I didn't touch anything.

We are all impressed, Mr. Crane,

but how do we know
we can trust you?

The same way that you know

there are no surprises
under your chairs.

That's right.

You don't know.

Let's keep it that way.

There are the coordinates to
a lake in southern California.

A rendezvous, mes amis.

Get a seaplane. Be
on time. Bring cash.

We will be on time, and
our plane will make one pass

over your rendezvous lake.

If you are not there, don't
make plans to grow older.

Hey... you're in the best
hands of the class of '65.


Commence launch.

Man :
Commencing countdown.

19, 18, 17...

16, 15, 14...

Telemetry systems on.

12, 11, ten...

Tracking mode.

Eight, seven...

Guidance system activated.

Four, three, two, one.


On control mode. To me. To me.

West 16 degrees, 15 meters.

East ten degrees, five meters.

West two meters.

Lock on target...


Come on, baby,
thread that needle.

All right, right on target!

Nice shot, huh?

Congratulations. That
was amazing! Amazing!

Well, what's really
amazing is how well

These translation circuits
work for our project.

Okay, the component is in.

What is that?

This, oh, uh...

It-it's a gadget for...


Uh, Carrie?

Carrie, how do you say
"electronic translation device"?

You know I can't hear you, Mac.

I've got to see your lips

- to read them.
- Ah, forgot.

Electronic translation device.

Wait a minute.


What? What'd I sign?

- What's so funny?
- Oh, you don't want to know.

It's not that bad, Mac.

The kids just
think you have, um,

a weird accent.

Who, me?

Get out of here...

Get out of the way!


Pete's calling us.

We're ready.

Don't jump around.

Just watch, okay?

Ready, Maria?

Is she a little nervous?

She's terrified.

Tight as a knot.

Maria's completely
deaf... Since birth.

She's afraid of what
she's never known.

Yeah, who wouldn't be?

Maria, do you trust me?

I don't blame you.

All right, then,

I won't turn it on.

You will.

We start with the headset.

You can do it or not.

It's up to you.

That's terrific.

This is just another
way of hearing.

It converts sound
into electronic pulses

so it's the right kind
of sound for you.

This is the sound

of a spring rain in a
forest and birds singing.

So, whenever you're ready,

push this button.

I can't imagine
what it would be like,

Hearing for the first time.


"I feel it!

It tickles."

What's the problem?

We have a report

of a missing military vehicle.

Can I see your
license and registration?

And I'd like to see your
travel orders, soldier.

Make sure all the
paperwork checks out.

We'll also take a look
at your vehicle number

see if it matches
up to our report.

You want to call this in?

This isn't stolen.

I'm on assignment.

Well, then your papers

will prove that out,
won't they, soldier?

Just give us some cooperation
and we'll be on our way.

Yeah, it looks okay.

Welcome to south Carolina.

Drive carefully now.

Have a nice day.

Piece of cake.

Well, it's only the first slice.

And nobody's going
to even know it's gone.

Yeah, well, just keep
those ideas coming, buddy,

And we'll follow you
all the way to the bank.

Well, we're not rich yet.

We've still got 4,000 miles
to go in the next two days.

Drink that.

- Mac...
- Ah.

Whatever is bothering
you can wait two seconds.

Take a sip.


- Better.
- Okay.

So what's bothering you?

I had a dream about you.

Oh, yeah?

Not like that.

You were killed,
and I was watching.

I mean, I've had
nightmares, but this was real.

- Carrie.
- I know how crazy it sounds.

But I had to tell you.

I learned something
a long time ago...

Never laugh at
what you don't know.

It was so weird.

So tell me about the dream.

You were almost
hit by a lightning bolt.

and then you and I
were being chased

by this moorish warrior...

past a steel skeleton.

And then you were
hit by this old car

that came at us
right out of the lake,

And you were killed.

And what does this
all sound like but crazy?

No, no, not crazy.

Dreams come from what
we've seen or what we've done.

They're a way we have
of piecing things together.

I've had this same
dream three times.

I can't get rid of it.

Well, I've kind of
been pestering you

to test that hearing device.

Maybe that's tied into it.

Maybe I'm just
wasting your time.

Lightning in the
middle of a sunny day?

Let's just forget it.

Ah. Carrie...

This is "talk."

So is this.

Dreams are just
another way of talking.

I know, but it scared me.

That's because we
don't understand it yet.

The foundation's doing
some sleep research.

I have some experts
I'd like you to talk to.

No, that's okay.

I think I just needed
a friend to talk to.


You gentlemen can tell
your constituents

that this exhibit was set up

With their
hard-earned tax dollars.

We're presenting the missile
shown here in its actual size.

This display contains a replica

designed by the
Phoenix foundation.

We call it the moloch missile.

Now naturally, this
model lacks a warhead

and an arming system,

but the propulsion package
is absolutely authentic

and in all other
aspects, gentlemen,

You are looking at a genuine
state-of-the-art weapon.

The design has been modified.

- What is going on here?

Slipped off the Dolly.

That was one of the exhibits.

Oh, man,
I'm real sorry. Really.

The thing's a mess now.

Let me see if I can find
something to clean it up.

I'll be right back.

You do that.

Fortunately, nothing
important was damaged.

We'll have this squared
away immediately.

Come on, hurry it up.

And be careful.

Yeah, it's a big piece

Of $10 million.

What's next?

On to California and
the guidance system.

It's in a think tank called
the Phoenix foundation.

I was there a month ago.

Nice people.

What about security?

Soft. But that's okay.

'Cause tomorrow's our last da.

Six months of planning,
three slices cut,

and we are 25 hours and
eight minutes from gold.


So how do you like
Indian food, Pete?

Oh, I'll tell you the truth,
MacGyver, I don't know.

My taste buds burned
out after the second bite.



Look, MacGyver, I can't spend

the foundation's money
on a series of tests

just because Carrie
had a nightmare.

Besides, I've never
been a big believer

in the dream research
project anyway.

Pete, you got no curiosity.

Carrie's dream
was really intense.

And I just know
those researchers

would love to have
another subject.

And they might be
able to help her out

with some pretty heavy anxiety.

All right, maybe. Okay?

I'll talk to the project people,

- and see what they say.

As long as you say yes.

- I'm not saying that...
- Pete!

Hey, are you guys all right?

Yeah, we're okay.

I'm really sorry.


Lightning bolt?

First part of Carrie's dreams.

Now that is a coincidence.

That's a coincidence.


But doesn't it make
you the least bit curious?

Just a little bit?

All right, we'll run the tests.

I mean, the dream did
start with a lightning bolt.

And, uh, it ended
up with you dead.


This must seem kind of
strange to you, huh?

worry, MacGyver.

There's absolutely no
medical risk to Carrie.

This will just take a moment.

Carrie, we want to thank you

For showing up on
such short notice.

After you almost got
hit by a lightning bolt?

Well, it was on a truck.

I mean, there could
be other explanations.

I hope this is the
way to find out.

The sedative will begin
having an effect very quickly.

You'll go into a
relaxed, drowsy state.

So you just tell us the
dream, actually visualize it,

and we'll compare your brain
waves with a normal pattern.

What will that prove?

Perhaps nothing.

But there has been
considerable research in this area.

Patterns have been identified.

You're making
this sound so real.

Well, it is actually.

See, your brain is
a kind of computer.

Everything you've
ever seen or read or felt

Is all locked up
there somewhere.

The problem is retrieval...

Your memory.

You think I'm
remembering something?

Or a few somethings.

The experts tell us

that we put these things
into patterns, Carrie,

Sometimes a dream pattern.

Like a map showing us the way

to something real.

You ready to show us the way?

Just try to
remember how the dream began.

Your first image.

We're already
getting a base pattern.

She's entering a
highly receptive state.


Think back.

Tell us what was in your dream.

You and me,

we were running through a forest

And then lightning struck.

It was as if something
was chasing us.

And I then I saw

- some kind of a moorish
warrior, -

I guess.

No... older.

I mean, from the past.

We jumped into a grave.

There was a
steel skeleton in it.

- There was a shot.

Someone was shooting at us.

I don't know why.

Look at the pattern.

Nothing like standard
dream waves.

Much more intense.

The car out of the lake...

I saw the driver.

He was coming after us.

He hit you.

It's all right.

I'm here.

I'm all right. I'm all right.

Carrie, can you tell
us what you just saw?

MacGyver... killed.


A... a car hit you.

You had quite an
intense reaction, Carrie,

right off the scale.

It wasn't like any
dream I've ever had.

It was like a memory,

a terribly painful, real memory.

No more tests today.

Sorry, Carrie, we put
you through a ringer.

But I want to know.

What in god's name is happening?

You and MacGyver are
very close in your dream.

When did you first meet?

The first test on the
hearing translation device.

Yeah, at the test site
about a month ago.

Maybe you saw
something out there

that came back up in your dream.

That's all a dream is.

The residue of the
day's events... changed,

Rewritten in a different
order sometimes, but there.

We're doing guidance
system tests out there all week.

Why doesn't Carrie go
back out and look around?

Maybe something
would jolt her memory.

You're getting curious, Pete.

Yes, I am.

And worried.


All right, check your badges.

They real?

Better believe it.

We're gettin' us a pass to
the last piece of this missile.

Hi. How're you doing?

Pretty good. How are you?



Okay, go ahead.

Thank you.

The dream could have been keyed

around a structure or a person.

Does anything look familiar?

Exactly the same.

But there weren't
so many technicians.

Carrie, the basic
setup is still the same.

Do you want to walk around

and see if anything
jogs your memory?

Ah, miss linden,
it's a pleasure.

I understand that,
uh, our system is going

To be a great help
to the deaf community.

Frankly, general, I thought
it was our hearing system

That was going to
help your weapon.

Carrie, would you like to start?

What do you say we
start at the test site?

Gentlemen, I brought
you a new schematic.

Here, help me here,
would you, a second?

Just pull it out.

Hold that end.

Dr. Blake up at headquarters

wants you to take a look at it.

Said there might be
some problems with it,

especially in this area here.

See the end of
the link selection?

One here and one right in here.

When you're done
with it, he wants you

to write up an opinion report

On any problems you may see.

I'm sorry, I just don't...

That's him!

From my dream!

That's the man who killed you!

Behind the shed!

Shoot the tires!



Don't stop. Keep driving!

What about brown?

He's dead.


You all right?

Yeah. He's dead.

So's our radio.

And all the vehicles
are out of commission.

You recognized that guy, Carrie.

Yes, but why was he in my dream?

It makes no sense!

Why steal just a
guidance system?

It's state-of-the-art.
It's classified.

Damn it, Pete, it is going to
be my career in the shredder.

I have lost a key part
to a top secret missile.

I think you lost more
than just one part.

This is junk.

It's pieced together to
look like one of our devices.

But why do that?

So we wouldn't miss it.

I think they were trying
to make a quiet switch

When Carrie spotted 'em.

But they didn't get
the rest of the missile.

Maybe they already got it.

We're not short any missiles.

No missiles.

What about parts...
Like this is a part?

I still don't get it.

I think they're trying to steal a
moloch missile piece by piece

From different places,
and covering their tracks.

That's impossible.

No, no, it isn't.

In fact, they would've
gotten away with this

without a trace if Carrie hadn't

blown it for them.

Yeah, it's a great idea.

No fuss, no muss, no
tracks for a long time.

Put all the pieces together,
you got yourself a missile.

I'll start tracing
every warehouse,

supply line and
facility that we've got.

Your dream gave us the
connection... and the man.

Maybe I saw him out
at the test site before.

Yeah, that's possible.

So why don't we keep
workin' on your dream?

See what else we
can dig up, huh?

Now was the lake round?

No, it was more of an
oval shape.

Well, why don't
I start drawin' it?

The shoreline of the
lake was more irregular.

There was a little inlet.

With a bite out of one end.


It's kinda weird
lookin' at a dream.


And that's what it
looks like... if it's real.

It's time to find out.

I'm patched into the
Phoenix mainframe,

Into a topographical
search program.

It'll match your
graphic of the lake

Against about, oh, 20,000
map sections in California.

It's checking for
size, shape, contour...

What if it isn't in California?

Then we got a problem.

My god. It's real.

I really do know this place!

I remember...

Yes, I've been here... hiking.

And I must have remembered
it and put it in my dream.

Carrie, what about
those guys at the test site?

Do you remember seein'
them out here any time?

You see a lot of people
when you're hiking.

When you can't hear,
Mac, you compensate.

I look at everything.

What about a man on a horse?

Or that, uh, what
was it, the antique car?

I don't think so.

And what about the rest of it?

A steel skeleton, a
car driving on water?

Yeah, well, it's in
dream code, Carrie,

But it's based on reality.

So you wanna show me
where this dream started?

I don't know.

But those trees...

There was a shot, gunfire...

And we were running
in that direction.

What's that?

I don't know. Let's see.

Looks like a mirror.

Off a car.

Or what's left of a car.

Look, the skeleton face!

This must have been what I saw!

A metal skeleton
in sort of a grave.

Hi. Hope I didn't scare ya.

Moorish warrior, right.



We were just wonderin'
if you might have seen

a big antique car
drivin' around here.

Around here? There
aren't any roads.

I exercise my horses
here every day.

I sure would've noticed.

I must have seen you riding.

Up toward the north shore.

Did you ever see
any cars up there?

No, just some junk machinery.

I saw some men hangin' around
up there, but nobody lives there.

Same damn girl that
was at the test site,

the one who recognized you.

And the guy who jumped brown.

Run 'em toward the water.

I want that girl!

This can't be happening!

Well, it is, and it's no dream.


MacGyver! MacGyver!

What happened?

After you got hit
with the hovercraft,

They took off across
the lake with your girl.

Where's the nearest phone?

In town, about
five or six miles.

Okay, listen, my name's MacGyver
and I need a favor from you.

Go call Pete Thornton

at the Phoenix foundation.

Tell him what happened here
and that I've gone after the girl.

Pete Thornton!
Phoenix foundation.

- Go, please!
- Gotcha!

Thank you.

Mac was right.

They ran scams all
across the country

picking up parts
in different states.

And we know where
they got the guidance system.

I am going to end up

commanding a penguin
watch in lower Antarctica!

All right, arming,
guidance, propulsion...

But how the hell do
you steal a missile body

Without being noticed?

Simple. You don't. You buy it.

No, no, no, no, even those
casings are highly restricted.

Yes, they are.

So these people used a
forged purchase authorization

to buy one troop carrier,
two $600 toilet seats,

And one missile body from the
general armament corporation.

Then they got the whole package.

Yeah. And apparently
they're Americans, local boys.

In it for the money, they're
gonna want to unload fast.

There's a world full of buyers.

So we don't have much time.

Hurry it up.

We're runnin' late and
the buyer's on his way.

And be careful
with that section.

It's the last part
for the missile.

Did you find
anything in her wallet?

Yeah, her name's Carrie linden.

She's a teacher for the deaf.

All right, Carrie.

How the hell did you recognize
me at the Phoenix test site

and does anybody
else know about us?

Dave, why don't we just take
the missile and get movin'?

To where? The
buyer's rendezvous?

I want to find out

If they're on to us before
we move anywhere.

She's gonna tell us.

Aren't you... Carrie linden?



Now look!

Maybe you can't
hear, but you can talk,

And you will.

Believe me, you will.

Crane is CIA?

Was... they threw him out.

And the man he killed
out at the site, Peter brown,

Worked for general
armament as a security guard.



Where is he?


Braden lake.

30 miles north.

Got it.

The only way
I was gonna find Carrie

was to locate that hovercraft.

It had to have landed
somewhere along this shoreline.

The problem was finding where.

Careful with that.
It's delicate.

Are you sure she
was with the same guy

we saw at the Phoenix test site?

I'm sure.

He was the one
that tackled brown.

So, now he shows up
here. That'sno coincidence.

Does the man you're with
work for the Phoenix foundation

or military intelligence?

I told you...

Yes, I know. He's your friend.

I've heard.

Go get the hovercraft ready.

The buyer'll be here
in a half an hour.

Move it!

Yes, sir, Dave!

Little touchy?

Look, the buyer is
gonna fly over the lake.

One pass, 7:00 sharp.

If we're not there,
he keeps on flying,

and we're out six months
work and $10 million.

Sheriff, MacGyver and the
thieves are at Braden lake.

It's right in your backyard.

Good. Thank you.

We'll have choppers in the
air right away, full search.



Shh! Be quiet!


Sorry about this.


Why do I do that?

What's he doin' out there?

He's got to be getting
the reserve fuel.

What are you gonna do with her?

Find out if anybody
else is on to us,

if anybody is watching
the pick-up point.

If there's not,
if it's just her,

and there's no
problem, we just kill her.

It's all right.

She's deaf. She can't hear me.

I still don't like it.

Well, we got to be practical.

Give me a hand with this.

As soon as we get our money,

I want to be ready to leave.

So where are
we gonna hold the party?

Name it.

Paris, London, wherever.

It's gonna be first class.

Now playtime's over.

All right. I'll tell you.

Smart move.


It's complicated.

I had a dream...

The hovercraft could make a
perfect diversion

if I could start it
from a distance.

All I needed was
a timing device.

What I had was a bunch
of plastic trash bags...

And three different
kinds of fishing line.

Not too promising.

But with a little
bit of imagination...

anything was possible.

I must have seen you

out at the Phoenix
test site last month.

When you were casin' the place.

There must have been
50 people out there.

How did you remember me?

I think I saw you again here.

Just put the two
memories together

into my dream,

Saw you driving that
thing, hitting MacGyver...

The Egyptians invented
the water clock.

It's not a bad idea if
you needed a timer.

And I did.

A couple of good things
about a water clock.

One, a bag of water's
real cheap, and two,

it's easy to build
a balance beam.

The thing I was
balancing was time.

I needed to start the engine
when I was 50 yards away

and five minutes
into the future.

So, by creating an
imbalance, one side

of the beam would lighten up.

And the other side would
pull the starter switch.

I hoped.

And that's how I
recognized you...

From the dream.

Well, I'm not a dream.

Now what's this

about the Phoenix
foundation and the army?

I have a very real
missile of theirs.

What do they know and
what did you tell them?

Let's go over
this again, Carrie.

And remember, this is real.

Crane and company were
still in place.

If my water clock worked,
they'd come out in a hurry,

so I had to figure a
way to handle 'em.

A guy hook and a rope
made for a good beginning.

All they have are
pieces of a dream.

They did some testing.

That's it!

Well then, we're
about through with you.

Where the hell is throne?

When I was a kid,

my grandfather taught
me an important thing

About snaring wild game.

They have a great
sense of smell.

They can run fast,

but they usually don't look down

to see where they're stepping.

I was countin' on these
guys to act the same way

when the water
clock stopped ticking.

Throne just started the engine.

I'll bet you he saw the
buyer comin' in early.





He's okay.

He's just dreamin'.

Just hold it right there!

Don't move!

Shouldn't you take this?


Don't drop it.

Okay, I won't.

Now all we have to
do is wait for Pete.

Good timing!


You all right?

Mm-hmm, just daydreaming.

Yeah? No lightning
bolts or moorish warriors?

I'm okay?

Oh, you were fine.


You know, we may
never figure it out,

but it's a little strange

how all the pieces of
your dream fit together.

Not all.

I was wrong about you dying.

Thank goodness
we all make mistakes.

Well, sorry I'm late.

I, uh, think you'll
both be happy to hear

that the missile
has been recovered,

and the three goons that
took it are very busy right now

Pointing the finger
at each other.

That's great!
What about the buyer?

Well, he was just putting
his plane down on the lake

when the choppers came in,

So they grabbed
him along the way.


But, best of all,

I got the foundation to
cough up another $50,000

To continue
funding this project.

- That's terrific, Pete!
- Wonderful!



What's goin' on?

I think someone wants
to tell you something.

Go ahead, hon.

Thank you...


You're welcome.