MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 2, Episode 3 - Twice Stung - full transcript

MacGyver is shocked to find Kelly Sutton, a Phoenix Foundation working bee, trying to commit suicide, saying it's to put his three kids through college after losing his life savings in a swamp land deal pulled by never convicted con artist James Crowe. Mac convinces Pete, who couldn't possibly involve the Foundation in such a murky business, to set up a scam to outsmart the crook and win $400,000 back; greenhorn analyst Joanne Remmings, who researches such plots, is grudgingly semi-admitted to take part. First they hook Crowe by pretending Pete is a dirty cop artificially made to win by Mac, thus lured into putting up the cash for a cocaine transaction, which they deliberately make go wrong, and ultimately promise to go steal a fortune in cash from police evidence custody, each time complicated with Joanne...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
( Theme song playing )

♪ ♪

MacGyver: I don't care
what anybody says.

Birthdays are important.

So when a good
friend's turning 60,

- and I'm returning - from
another government mission,

There isn't a much
faster way to get home

Than to catch a ride
on a t-38 ace flight.

It's a good thing they
didn't serve a meal

on this flight,

'cause my heart was
already in my mouth.

It may not have been
first class seating,

But who cares
with pilots like this?

The Phoenix foundation has

thrown some wild parties before,

But this time, Pete really
decided to do it up right.

Guests: Surprise!

Happy birthday, Kelly!

Guests: Oh...

Man: You're not Kelly!

Nice to know I'm so
appreciated. Thank you.

All right, everyone,
let's clean up the confetti

and the streamers right away.

And quickly.

And turn that map light off.

Kelly's going to be
here any second.

Mac, it's good to see
you, but you're a day early.

What are you doing here?

Ah, it's for Kelly.
I wouldn't miss it.

But to tell you the truth,
I'd show up anywhere

To see you wearing that hat.

So, how'd you con
Kelly into coming over?

I lied... I told him one of
our computers was down

and needed to be
fixed right away.

You know, it's not
like him to be late.

( Gas hissing )

( Hissing )

( Phone rings )

( Coughs )

No answer at his place.

Where'd that come from?

Listen to this, Pete.

"Dear Mac, if
anything will improve

Your game, this will. Kelly."

Well, your game could
stand a little improving.


You know that favorite pair
of hockey gloves I've got?

The old beat-up ones? Yeah.

Yeah, well, I'd never
give those away.

This is Kelly's
favorite cue stick.

Something's wrong.

I'll wait here in
case he shows up.


Kelly, it's me, Mac!

( Banging on door )

Open up!


( Coughing )

♪ ♪

( Grunts )



( Gas stops hissing )

( Gasps )

( Groans )

Come on!

( Coughing )

( Gasping )

( Coughing )

Happy birthday, Kelly.

I just can't believe you'd
do something that dumb.

What was going
through your head, Kelly?

Let it go, Mac.

No, I won't!

I want to know
why a guy I know...

A guy I thought I
knew... A man I respect,

would try and take his own life!

Kelly, you've got three kids!

Did you forget about them?

I did it for them!

I turned 60 years old today,

And you know what
I got to show for it?

Nothing! I'm broke.

All those years of
scrimping and saving,

I got nothing' left!

Do you understand?

How? You were always
so careful with your money.

It's gone, Mac.

It doesn't matter how.

I got two kids in college

And another one in grad school.

What am I going to tell them?

A man's not worth much

If he can't help pay
his kids' education.

That's what this idiot
stunt was all about? Pride?

I figured with my insurance,

I'm worth more dead than alive.

Kelly, you could've
come to me or Pete.

I don't like going to
people with my problems.

You don't go to people
with your problems.

You come to your friends.

Well, you don't
always remember that.

Yeah... I know.

( Sighs )

All right... how'd you lose it?

I was cheated.

Can you believe that?

I got nothing left.

He-he-he made it sound

so enticing.

Cheated how?

I invested in some
land development.

A swamp bottom,
it turned out to be.

( Sighs )

Give me a name, Kelly.

Forget it, Mac. This
guy is dangerous.

I found out he
killed some people.

I want his name.

Thornton: James Crowe.

I already had
research check him out.

He's a regular criminal
entrepreneur, this guy.

Stick-up man in
his youth, a fence,

a shakedown artist,

Even deals in cocaine
if the price is right.

Ah, a busy guy.

Yeah, but this latest
was a land fraud deal

That took Kelly for 35,000,
along with seven others.

Retirees... all of
them. $400,000 in all.

What do the police say?

They know he's a thief,

but the fraud is a
technical fine line.

The d.A. Won't file charges,
so the police closed the file.

Hi. Joanne remmings.


Oh, I've heard about you.

You're the guy who does
the whatchamacallits,

you know, macgyverisms:
Turns one thing into another?


Joanne is new here.
She just signed on.

In addition to threat assessment

and terrorist strategy,

she just happens to have written

a major research paper

on bunko scams.

Joanne: Here it
comes. James Crowe.

Seven indictments.
Zero convictions.

Every con in the book.

A man of many talents.

Yeah, he really gets around.

Oh, I'd really like to
get this guy Crowe

and hang him by his ears
for what he did to Kelly.

That makes two of us.

What else do you
know about this guy?

Well, he can't stay
away from the track.

Give Crowe a horse to bet
on, and he's in seventh heaven.

Oh, and silk.

He loves to wear

white silk suits

with a Panama hat every day.

Probably has a
closet full of them.

Well, whatever he wears,
the d.A.'S office doesn't figure

they've got a
guaranteed conviction,

So the police
have lost interest.

Maybe it takes a
con to beat a con.

I mean, I hate to toot
my own horn, guys,

But I know some great stings.

I'd love to help
you nail this guy.

Nah, I don't think so.

We could use the
Philadelphia flash

or the Toledo twist.

Thornton: No, no, no.

I kind of like this idea.

Oh, Mac, I can't get
the foundation involved

in something like this.

Absolutely not.

That's why it'll be
just you and me.

And me.

Come on, Pete, do it for Kelly

and all the other
people Crowe's cheated.

All we got to do is
get back 400,000.

That's all?

Listen, I could get
my head handed to me

for getting into
something like this.

Pete... guy...

You're dying to do it.

You know it.

( Laughs )



It would be great, wouldn't it,

To see if we could
out-bunko Mr. Bunko himself?

All right.

I want everything you
know about bunko scams

On my desk in half an hour.

Hey, wait a minute.
What about me?

Hey, I'm the one who
knows all this stuff.

Hey, guys!

Man ( Over P.A. ):
Ladies and gentlemen,

the horses are coming out
on the track for the fourth race

Which will be run at
a distance of one mile.

The last race was a bust.

You know, Benny's obviously
not a very smart trainer.

Smart trainers dope
horses when I tell them to.

I think we need to have
a very active conversation

with Benny.

Find him.

Man: Again, as a reminder,

scratches in the fourth race
are number three, paranormal,

and number seven, nomaly.

There's Crowe.

( Clears throat )

How do I look?

( Exhales )

You look good.


Now you look great.

Come on.

Man: The horses are
approaching the starting gate.

Mac, I don't know.

I'm tellin' you,

I had this hot flash

On Ireland's own last night.

What are you talking about?

Ireland's own is a mudder.

She only runs in the rain.

Well, so who did you
bet on for me then?

Now if I tell you that, it
won't come true, remember?


( Starting bell rings )

- All right.
- Let's go!

- Let's g...
- Go!

Hey, now...

Come on, run, baby, run! Hey...

Hey, buddy, knock it off,

Will you? You are
yelling in my ear!

Knock it off, or I'm
gonna call the cops.

- A cop? You want a cop?
- Yeah.

- You got one right here.
- All right.

Thornton: Don't yell
in my ear anymore.

- I'll run you in.
- All right, all right.

For disturbing my peace.


Man: As the three-quarter folds,

chocaholic moves up

and is now in plain position.

All right, let's go.

Man: On the rail,

Batter is red is in the lead.

Snow miss is second by
half a length over chocaholic.

( Loud crowd chatter )

Man: Chocaholic looks strong.

And now it's batter
is red and chocaholic.

Okay. Come on, let's go.

Man: As they enter the
wire, it's batter is red...

Hey, hey, look at him.
Hey, all right, all right.

And chocaholic neck and neck.

And at the finish, it's

chocaholic, number two!

Wins by a nose!

( Loud crowd chatter )

Well, so what happened?

Did I win?

When I'm hot, I'm hot, huh?

( Laughs loudly )

MacGyver, I like your style.


You and me are gonna
do things together, buddy.

- Yeah? Like what?
- Yeah.

Well, first of all, as
soon as I get a little cash,

I'm gonna give you a bonus.

And second, I'm gonna cut you in

on the deal of your life

if you don't mind
getting a little dirty.

A little dirt never
hurt anybody.

( Laughter )

Hey, I got to get
back to the station

Before they miss me.


( Laughs )

Deal of a lifetime, huh?

Name's James Crowe.

And that's a pretty lame
con you're running on the cop.

I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

Please, Mr. MacGyver, I
heard and saw the whole thing.

All the losing tickets,

making your idiot cop think
you have the midas touch.

All you saw was me
makin' a friend real happy.

That's it.

Maybe I can make
all three of us happy.

I don't mind getting
a little dirty, either,

especially if I have
the added protection

of a tarnished
badge in my pocket.

I'm listening.

Your cop mentioned

He had a certain deal
he needed some cash for.

Well, I might have
some ready cash.

Of course, I'd have to
be cut in on the action.

I might be able to arrange that.

Maybe you and I ought to have
a more detailed conversation.

Say, stables, 20 minutes.


( Screaming )


What are you doing here?!

What are you doing here?

- Following you.
- Why?

Because I'm tired of just
sitting in front of a computer.

I need field experience.

You picked a fine
time to try and get it.

But you guys don't
know stings the way I do.

I can really help you.

I mean, like-like,
finding the Mark

- and playing the con...
- Shh!

And roping the Mark
and telling the tale.

I know all this stuff like
the back of my hand!

I appreciate everything
you're trying to do...

Look, I want to be
where the action is.

Crowe: This way! This way!

Bring him over here.

( Man groaning )

( Grunting )

( Whispers ): Looks like
you just got your wish.

Ever hear of a
blind trainer, Benny?

Next time I tell you
to dope a horse,

I'll bet you do it.

( Groans )

MacGyver, they're
gonna kill him!

We've got to do something!


Take him down that way.

( Grunting )

Crowe: Bring him in there.

Tony, keep an eye on him.

( Groans )

Now we'll have a little fun.

( Benny whimpering )

Come here.

What are we gonna do?

Give me a couple of Bobby pins.

Bobby pins? Sure.



Let me borrow this, and,
uh, a couple of buttons.

- Make it three.
- Another macgyverism!


That's it.

And let me borrow
your glasses, please.

They're yours.

Yeah, thanks.

So what do we do now?

You just did it.

Huh, time to meet the bad guys.

( Punching and groaning )

Yo, Crowe!

Hey, I thought we
were gonna talk.

I thought I told you 20 minutes.

I guess my watch
is a little fast, huh?

Yeah. Let him go.

Listen, Benny, next time

I'm really gonna have to
do some damage, you know?

So don't let me down, huh?

I'll do better for you
next time, Mr. Crowe.


- I promise I will.
- You better.

( Laughs )


who's your friend?

She has an admirer.

A certain cop

you may have
seen me with earlier

who happens to be

in the narcotics division.


MacGyver: Now this cop has some

pretty heavy gambling debts,

and with a little persuasion

from joanne, might
be convinced to, uh...

To hook us into a
nice little cocaine deal

He has going down in
the next couple of days.

Right. Cocaine.

Like she says.

Well, I like a
woman with initiative.

Tell me, you think
you'll be able to

Talk our narc friend
into this little proposition?

Well, I've talked him
into propositions before.

( Laughs )

So, was I good?

Oh, I was great!

How'd you like the
way I hooked him

into the Toledo twist,

One of the best stings
I've ever researched?

Yeah, joanne, that's just great,

except after reading all the
research you came up with,

Pete and I decided to
go with the Boston bang.

Oh, that's all wrong for this.

The twist is much better.

( Whispers ): But that
wasn't your decision to make.

Listen, have you
researched this stuff?

No. Well, that's what I do.

I've got it nailed.

And the Toledo
twist is the one to use.

Could I have my glasses back?

You can keep the Bobby pins.



uh, you know Crowe
is gonna check on me,

so I just had data feed my cover

Into the police computer.

I'm a visiting narc on rotation.

That's great, Pete.

What's in the bag?

Oh, uh, everything
we're gonna need

for the Boston bang.

Mac, it's gonna be terrific!


Pete, how do you feel
about the Toledo twist?

The twist? Why?

I've had my heart set
on the Boston bang.

- Well, joanne seems to think...
- Joanne?

Pete, trust me. Don't
ask her to explain.

Just go with it.

I just bought all this stuff!

Besides, we'd need more people

for the Toledo twist.

I know, and I got just the guy.


MacGyver: Our old friend, Kelly.

Thornton: But Crowe
knows what Kelly looks like.

MacGyver: Don't worry.
He'll be wearin' a beard.

This better be good, MacGyver.

I got a busy day ahead of me

bustin' dingheads.

I'm sure there's a proposition
that'll be of mutual benefit

to both of us, Mr. Thornton.

So, you're Crowe, huh?


I'm listenin'.

I understand you
know of a certain deal

that's about to happen.

That you may be
willing to split the profits

for a partner with
some ready cash.


And that you're up to your

neck in debt.

What the hell are you doin'

Tellin' this guy my business?!

I ought to beat your brains out!

Pete, he's got cash,
and we need it. Come on.

Pete, get a hold of yourself.

- Come on, honey.
- Come on!

- Let him go.
- Pete...

Come on.

Okay, are we all
friends again here?

Sure we are.

Pete just gets a little anxious

sometimes, that's all.

Listen, I've been working
on this deal for a long time.

I don't want anybody
to screw it up.

I'm just here to help.

What can I do?

We need a pound
of 90% pure cocaine

to get the deal rolling.

Can you score it?

Yeah, but that's a
nice chunk of green

You're asking me to lay out.

You're a narc.
Why can't you get it?

I'm risking enough already.

Look, you don't want to buy
in, I'll find somebody who will.

Hey, Pete,

wait a minute! Come
on! What are you afraid

he's gonna bust
you for possession?

Never entered my mind.

If he tried, I'd Bury
him for entrapment.

Even he's smart
enough to know that.

I just don't want to be left
sitting on a pound of snort.

What, a guy like you can't
unload a pound of coke?

Is that it?

Maybe you're gettin'
a little too cautious.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

All right, tell your
hot-headed partner I'll do it.

All right, meet me tonight.

9:00 sharp at the Beverly
canyon hotel, suite 1611.

Bring the coke with you,
have it in a plastic bag.

- Now what's goin' down?
- I'll lay it all on ya when I see the goods.

Look, you show up, you
don't like what you see,

you walk away. It's
as simple as that.


( Laughs )

Hey, not bad.

You guys pick a nice place

For a sting.

Nothin' but the best
for our friend Crowe.

Everything set?

Yeah, fine.

Did you check your gun,

make sure you're
just firin' blanks?

Mac, I've already
checked it twice.

Come on.

Oh, I just love
this kind of stuff!

Well, I really do.


Show time.

I hope Kelly's beard stays on.

Everything ready?

Yeah, right down here.


( Laughs )

Two-way mirror.

Very nice.

This setup looks like
the Sacramento switch.

Is that it?

Yeah. So where's the stuff?

Patience, officer.

You're sure that hasn't
been cut with anything?

Top of the line
cocaine, my friend.

Tested it myself.

Oh boy, you got to
be a real bonehead

to snort this stuff.

That looks like the real thing.

What is that, powdered milk?

Among other things.

Then when your buyer
wants to test the coke,

you're gonna hand him my bag,

And it's gonna test
out 90% pure, right?

So the dimwit who's
payin' 300 grand

for this stuff gets one
pound of high-grade toot...

And nine pounds
of powdered milk.

( Crowe laughs )

You guys are okay.

( Elevator bell dings )

Ah, look at this guy.

It's like taking
candy from a baby.

All right.

Let's see what the money buys.


Pure as the driven snow.

Oh, hold on, son.

Let's not be too hasty.

This boy's mama
didn't raise no dummy.

( Laughs )

Where did that come from?

All right, just be cool.
Pete can handle it.

No, this is going down bad.

Put the gun away.

Get away!

( Lamp clinking )

( Gunshots )

Nailed him!

Well, what the
hell are you doing?

You want to be here
when the cops come?

Everyone, out!

- What about my coke?
- That is evidence!

I've got to have something
to show to internal affairs.

Come on, get out!

Not all at once!

I don't want it looking
like grand central station.

Crowe, you go first.

All right, but I want
a meeting... tomorrow

at the dam.

- We'll be there.
- Crowe: Noon.

We'll be there!



I may be dead, but I'm not deaf.

Joanne: Oh, thank
god Crowe missed!

( Laughing )


These blood capsules
look pretty real.

You know, you scared
the hell out of us.

Yeah, you and me both.

Oh, Kelly, you were terrific!

Yeah, I even surprised myself.

Well, this is one bag of coke

that is not going
to hit the streets.

It's as good as flushed.

Mac, help me pick up
this money, will you?

I want to get it back

to the foundation vault.

You mean all this money is real?

But you said it was fake.

I didn't want you
to get nervous.

Are you telling
me you let this man

carry around $300,000 in cash,

and he thought it
was fake money?

I didn't want to affect
his performance.

Do you think Crowe bought it?


And tomorrow, we tell the tale.

How'd it go?

Not good. I want
some insurance...

and she's it.

Now follow her. Find
out where she lives.

Okay, now let's go
through this one more time.

Thornton: Oh...

Come on, it's good to be ready.

Now, if Crowe asks
why MacGyver has to go

into the police property
room with you...

I just say that
it's a lot quicker

for four hands to pack up
two million dollars than two.


The rehearsal's over, kids.

I lost money last night.

I hate losing money.

How'd you like to make a
million bucks in one day?

( Chuckles ): You
kill me, MacGyver.

MacGyver: Come on, listen to me.

The doper's money
from last night

went into the
police property room

Which holds a whole
lot more money.

And I have easy access
to that property room.

If you want in,
all you got to do

Is come up with 400,000, cash.

We take your 400 grand
and turn it into two million

once we get into the
police property room.

Then we pull a switch.

Spend 400,000, you
make a million dollars' profit.

Why should I believe you?
You'vealready lost me money.

Now I should give you more?

Thornton: Hey, wait a minute.

You're the one that
blew it last night,

not us, Crowe.

You're lucky we
came back to you.

Hey, listen, if you're

not interested, I mean, we...

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

All right. Say I
give you the cash.

How do you pull this off?

Joanne, get the suitcase.

I put your money in a suitcase

with a false bottom

like this, see?

Your money goes on top,

because the watch
commander is going to check it,

naturally, to
make sure it's real.

And we put pop-up stacks

Of fake money in
the false bottom.

Just put the ends together
like this, and you got it, see?

It's terrific.

Looks good.

Oh, they look a lot better

with real money
stacked on top of 'em.

Now, by the time they find
out that the money is gone,

there'll have been so many
people in and out of there,

they'll never know who took it.

So tomorrow, Mac and Pete go

down into the police
property room with the suitcase

at exactly two minutes to 1:00.

Pete tells the watch commander

he got the money in a drug bust.

The watch commander gives
me the key to the property room,

and then he goes
to lunch at 1:00.

And he just leaves
you alone in the room?

I'm a cop! Cops trust cops.

MacGyver's not a cop.

He's the witness to the crime.

I have to take his statement

as soon as I'm through
in the property room.

And then MacGyver
helps me load the money.

Four hands are better than two.

Not bad, not bad.

Now, what are you going
to do about the two million?

You can't take it out in that.

The brockman trunk. It's
a case Pete was handling.

It's finally going
to trial tomorrow.

You see, Mr. Brockman
killed his fourth wife.

He hid her body in a trunk.

I have been subpoenaed
to take that trunk

out of the property
room tomorrow

and down to the
court as evidence.

MacGyver: And,
Mr. Crowe, here's the topper.

That trunk is just
about the right size

to hold two million dollars.

If I lose 400
grand on this deal,

you're going to wish you
never laid eyes on me.

What do you mean,
it's too dangerous?

This whole thing was my idea.

I don't believe you guys.

After all I've done,

you're not going to let
me be in on the touch.

I can't be responsible
for you out there

If anything goes wrong.

I'm not asking you to be.

No good! You're out of it.

My decision.

( Knocking )

A peace offering, huh?

Come on in.

Thank you.

Interesting breakfast.

I always photograph
strange things when I'm angry.

You must get angry a lot.

So, I'm still not going
with you guys tomorrow?

No, and you know it's
for your own good, too.

Joanne: My own good.

So, what's in the bag?

Pastrami on rye.

You call that a peace offering?

Oh, terrific.

I'm always blowing a fuse.

Come on, I have some
extras in the kitchen.

( Door lock rattling )


Phone's dead.

Got a flashlight?

This battery should do it.

I need some matchbooks, too.


Two of 'em.

All I have to do is connect
your floodlight wires

to this battery.

This should bridge the gap.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to try and
brighten their evening

a little bit.

( Door banging )

- ( Zapping )
- ( Man shouts )

( Grunting )

Come on!

( Engine trying to turn over )

( Gunshot )

( Screams )


( Chuckling )

What's going on, Crowe?

Well, let's just say if i'm
going to give you 400 grand,

I'm going to need a
little insurance policy.

What do you want?


Tomorrow, we'll meet outside
the Decker street police station.

You'll go in with my money,

you'll do the little switcheroo
in the property room,

you'll put the two million
dollars in the trunk,

and you'll bring it out to me,

and then I'll give you the girl.


Don't worry, MacGyver.

Girl's going to be with
me. I'm going to be nearby.

You'll get her
when I get the trunk.

What if I say no to your deal?

Well, then she's dead.


It's a deal.

She's yours.


Come on.

MacGyver: I should have known
Crowe would cover his flanks.

Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

Yeah. We got cocky.

Look, joanne is
going to be all right...

As long as Crowe needs her.


Crowe's always slipped
through the cops' fingers

by using legal
technicalities, right?


Well, what if the cops found him

in their property room

With his hand in the till?

That'd be a little tough
to explain, don't you think?

Well, sure, but our
plan didn't include

Taking Crowe into the
police station with us.

What if we convince him
that we can't be trusted

with his money?

Then he'd want to
go in, wouldn't he?

But why should he?

He knows we're not
going to do anything funny

as long as he's got joanne.

Unless he thinks we
don't care about her.

♪ ♪

You got the whole
400,000 in there?

That's all of it.

You got the fake money in here?

( Laughs )

Very good. Okay.

Yeah, I love the smell
of money, don't you?

Nothing like it.

Clears the sinuses,
you know what I mean?

By the way, your
girlfriend says hello.

Oh, yeah? Good.

Well, give us about,
uh, 20 minutes,

and we'll be back with,
uh, two million dollars.

Wait a second, wait a second.

You gentlemen seem
a little too eager here.

What about the girl?

You didn't ask about her.

How is she?

Oh, she's fine.

She's watching us right now
with a gun pointed at her head.

Oh, she's out here.
You're not going to find her.

Well, looks like
you got us, Crowe.

Hold it. Maybe this
girl doesn't mean

as much to you as I thought.

That girl... is my life.

Crowe: Yeah, right.

And everybody's got a price.

I'm going in with you.

Nobody's going to handle

my money but me.

Uh, now, wait a
minute. That's crazy.

My plan didn't include you
going into the property room.

Just MacGyver.

Instead of having one witness

To your supposed drug
bust, you're going to have two.

When you see me
come down with the trunk,

send the girl out.

Come on!

Man: Thanks, but no thanks.

( Indistinct chatter )

- Now move to that door.
- What?

Don't say a word. Move!

( Brakes squeak )

Crowe: Well, you know,

You guys are really
gonna get it this time...

( Muffled speaking )

I guess you don't remember
me, do you, Crowe?

But then you don't
remember any of the people

You conned out
of their life savings.

Look familiar?

( Click )

Do you hear that, honey?

'Cause if your boys don't
come up with the money,

then you're history.

Get him in there!

Get him

down in there! Yeah.

One peep out of you, Crowe,

You'll never live to
see daylight again.

Have a nice day.

All right, easy, easy.

( Soft grunt )

Got it.

Good luck.


Thornton: Come on.

( Grunting )

Oh, thanks.

How you doing?

Well, what can I do you for?

Sergeant Thornton.

I got a trunk here
with a lot of coke in it.

I had a lousy bust.

The guy got away,
but I got his stash.

Lucky you.

What about him?

Oh, the detective and I are
very attached to one another.

He's a pickpocket.

I got to get him downtown

for an arraignment hearing

As soon as we're through here.

So, are we gonna get
this booked in already?

I got a busy day ahead of me.

Sure, but you got to have
a 314, seven-two-a form

Before I can do anything.

( Sighs )

man: Okay, but I got to get

the watch commander's
John hancock on this.

( Door buzzes )

Wait here.




You readin' the sports section?

No. You-you want it?

Yeah, thanks.

I'll give it back to you
as soon as I'm done.

Uh, sure.

( Muffled mumbling )

( Indistinct chatter )

Uh, sarg, uh, I need your okay

On this, please.


Uh, Joe, I'm kind of in a hurry.

Could you get the
sarge to okay...?


I'm lookin' at two dead men!

Yeah, it's been a lot of fun.

You're dead meat, MacGyver!

You're both dead!

You're dead meat!

What's takin' 'em so damn long?

Take it easy.

Excuse me, I...

No, no, you first.


Give me your hand.

( Engine starting )

( Grunts )


Mac, this part, we
take nice and easy.

Sarge, I need your,
uh, autograph here.

Do you mind?

There's a line here. Hmm?

That's Crowe.

Come on.


What? Are you stupid?

What, are you gonna shoot him?

There's a million cops out here.

Where the hell's Crowe?

Who cares? Let's get the money.

Okay, I'll get the Van.


You know, you could
have been a doctor.

( Laughs )

( Explosive pop )

Who the hell are you?

( Stuttering ): I'm-mm-mm...

And what are you
doing in my cage?

( Alarm bell ringing )

( Indistinct chatter )

Gee, you're all tied up.

Maybe I should
come back a little later.



Yeah, the pants
could come in a little,

But they're not bad, huh?

Come on.

Quick! There were two
other guys here, too.

With a trunk!

20 years on the force, I
never had so much excitement!

You're not gonna
just let them get away!

No, I think the
bottom's about to fall out

of that plan.

Man: That's the guy.

( Indistinct chatter )

Man: Freeze! Hands up!

Get your hands up!

Come on!

( Brakes squeak )


So what do you think now, Kelly?

Hey, after helpin'
you guys pull this off,

I feel like I can do anything.

( Laughter )