MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 2, Episode 1 - The Human Factor - full transcript

The military asks MacGyver to check out a new high-tech security system at one of their bases. Complications arise when the computer traps MacGyver inside and attempts to kill him.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
When James
Bond gets an assignment,

it's on the riviera, up
to his 007 in bikinis.

Me, I end up 80
miles past nowhere,

courtesy of my
buddy, Pete Thornton,

new operations director

Of the Phoenix foundation.

And the guy who conned
me into running a security test

at strada, strategic research
and development administration,

run by a military hard nose
named colonel Scott woodward,

who didn't like civilians

or civilian think
tanks like Phoenix...

Even after Pete's introductio.

This is the, uh, acid
test I promised you.

MacGyver, meet
colonel Scott woodward.

- MacGyver.
- Colonel.

Woody and I were
in combat together.

Follow me.

Strada was new,
not even open yet

And top-top-secret.

Guards, dogs,
alarms, electronics,

Gas, and maybe nuclear bombs.

All I had to do was
check the security out

by breaking in single-handed

into a high-tech mountain.

If I did, the military went
back to the drawing board.

If I didn't, woodward got

The Phoenix foundation's
seal of approval.

Don't worry, Woody.
This is the last test.

If MacGyver can't get in,

- no one can.


I hear doctor ludlum
designed the place.

Yeah, but to military

We have the ultimate
security system.

That's my little
contribution. You like it?

You're standing on a
pressure-sensitive floor.

You forget to deactivate it,
and the entire area's sealed off.

And if you are lucky
enough to break in,

You probably aren't
gonna break out.

Least not alive.

We don't take
chances with national security.


Entrance noted,
three individuals.

Surveillance unit activated.

Elevator descending
to central core.

This way.

Arrival noted.

Initiate proper procedure.

Palm reader.

Strictly state of the art.

Entry approved.

Right down here.

Welcome, colonel woodward.

This wing houses
the physics lab.

What's in here?

Exercise room.

There's one on every floor.
The scientists insisted on it.

Civilian overhead.

Well, now come on, Woody,

The scientists know
what they need, don't they?

I mean, they are
closest to the job.

That same old song?

Look, Pete, I did
what I had to...

Excuse me.

Mind if I look around?

No, no, go ahead.


So this is your main guy?

What makes him so special?

He doesn't even have any gear.

That's what makes
him so special.

Lab looked pretty normal.

Funny, security seemed
to stop at the front door.

radiation scanner.

Wonder what it was scanning.

Making waves
already, Mr. MacGyver?

Motion detectors?

Heat seekers.

They zero in on your
body temperature.

Do they bite?

30,000 watts of laser

Is a whole lot more
than a peck on the cheek.

Good dogs.

simulation completed.

All drones deactivate.


sometime consultant for
the Phoenix foundation,

alleged hockey
player, camel smuggler.


Jill Melissa ludlum.

Born in London,

Ph.D. systems design,
Oxford university, 1980.

1980 to '82, designed the
ludlum cybernetic circuit.

'82 to '83...

Took a year off

For personal reasons.

'83 to '86, immersed
in the strada project.

Hasn't come up for air yet.

Purported to be a
premier technocrat.

You've done your homework.

So have you. Is it true?

The, uh... technocrat part?

Let's just say that my, uh,

Faith in machines has created
a fifth-generation computer.

It's just a blink away from
true artificial intelligence.

A machine that
thinks for itself?

That's right.

I don't know,
Pete. I never figured that

you'd end up as director of
operations for a think tank.

I really believed
that the military life

agreed with both of us.

agreed with you.

Are you here to certify this
place or to open up old wounds?

Listen, why don't
we just forget it?

Why don't we?

So, tell me about Louise.

How's she doing?

She's all right... Now.

We split up.

Sorry, I didn't know.

It was coming.

Oh, there you are.

We were beginning to
wonder what was keeping you.

MacGyver ran into
our security patrol.

Nice guys... little
short, but nice.

Peter Thornton, I'm Jill ludlum.

How do you do?

This is Steven Lee,

- my assistant.
- Hello. How do you do?

And this is sandi,

The computer that runs strada.

Sandi, access the
facility schematic, please.

Voice pattern identified.

Good morning, doctor ludlum.

Complying with
schematic request.

We're going to give
you all the advantages

an insider would have,

though I doubt it would
make a difference.

Looks like this is gonna
be a tough lady to beat.

The complex has five
levels around an inner core.

100,000 square feet
of laboratory space

on each level.

I'd hate to be the one that
had to do the floors around here.

Sandi, would you
like to continue?

controlled, level three,

Surveillance maintained,
video monitors.

Laser drones programmed.

Doctor ludlum has
decided to go without guards

once the system is on line.

That's right.

We've completely
eliminated the human factor.

Now, why would
you want to do that?

90% of security breaches
are due to human error.

Machines don't make mistakes.

Come on, doctor.

No machine is invincible.

This one is.

I built her.


A quarter says she is.

I think the gauntlet
just got thrown.

Wouldn't want to take
the lady's money, Pete.

The bet is for 25
cents, Mr. MacGyver.

And you wouldn't be taking
it. You'd have to come get it.

It's a deal.


Level two. Physics lab.


The last security shift
leaves at midnight.

After that, it's just
you, me and sandi.

Man against machine.
How cozy, huh?

We're depending on your
human factor, Mr. MacGyver.

We'll be in the mobile unit

monitoring your progress.

Or lack of.

Oh, just one
piece of free advice:

I've already changed
the entry code.

I'll see ya later, doc.

Don't count on it.

The simulation program
is up and running.

My estimate is sandi will
catch him in... 15 minutes.

Wouldn't be so sure
this time, Steven.

Oh, come on, Pete.

He's giving MacGyver
the benefit of the doubt.

We got your last
expert in ten. Hmm?

Colonel woodward dumped me
a mile down the road,

just to make it a
little more interesting.

And that gave me a chance

to get the pattern of
the security patrols.

I was kind of
hoping to catch a ride

from a couple of the guards.

And here they were.

You ready?

Calgary lost again.

Map light.

That's a start.

Comes with its own
magnifying lens. Nice.

It took the human
race three million years

To invent the telescope.

I figure I had about 35 seconds.

On the other hand, I
knew it could be done.

Take the magnifying lens...

Add a watch crystal...

Roll them up in the
ever-useful sports pages,

And it ought to work.

Besides, I didn't
have much choice.

I got it.



Sandi, how's the
perimeter security?

Perimeter security intact.

All guards preparing
to leave premises.

Attention. All guards must
leave compound immediately.

All guards must leave
compound immediately.

Little problem here.

I had forgotten to
bring along a card key.

But you can't let
something like that throw you

just because of a laser trap.

One of the things I used to love

about the circus was
the way they worked

Without a safety net.

Scared me then.

Still does.

Especially with a
20,000-volt laser

ready to zap me.


Arrival noted.

Initiate proper procedure.

The view from the
second floor was terrific.

More of Jill's
patented security,

And my handprint wasn't cleared.

Lucky thing most people
have sweaty hands...

Even colonel woodward.

Enough plaster dust,

And I could pick up the
pattern of the last handprint.

Kind of like dusting
for fingerprints.

Cover the sensor plate...

Press down gently...

And what do you know?

An instant copy machine.

Entry approved.

Welcome, colonel woodward.

Thanks, Woody.

64 degrees? That's low.

Variable is within limits

of standard
deviation, Dr. Ludlum.

Readjust to 68, please.

Readjustment is not required.

Execute adjustment.

Very well, Dr. Ludlum.


Guess you owe me a quarter, huh?

I don't think so.

I got in, didn't I?

You came in with
the truck, didn't you?

Under it.


I've been arguing
with colonel woodward

about installing a
scanner outside the cave.

Now he'll have to spring for it.

Wait a minute, wait a
minute, wait a minute here.

You mean to tell me

this was a setup?

You let me win to make a point?

Let's call it a draw.

Unauthorized voice pattern.

Identify. Possible intruder.

Deactivate the
simulation, sandi.

We're done for tonight.

I want a rematch.

Without the truck?

You're on.

Unauthorized voice pattern.

Possible intruder.

I said it's over, sandi.


Sure you're up to it?

Someone once told me that losing

Is, uh, quite an
emotional experience.

I'll just bet you
it wasn't sandi.

How did you bypass
the number code?

Sports section.

Unauthorized voice pattern.

Exterior access denied.

Sandi, release the door, please.

Stage one security
alert initiated.

Sandi, this is Dr. Ludlum.

The game is over.

All vocal override
commands inoperative.

Uh, excuse me.

Would you let me know
what's going on here?

I don't believe this.

Sandi's initiated containment...

A stage one alert.

What does that mean?

You have 30 minutes
until air supply is withdrawn.

Does that answer your question?

Woody, come here.

What's that? What
does that mean?

Well, looks like

we got your specialist.

Only 37 minutes.

I don't believe it.

Colonel, we have a problem.

Sandi's gone to stage one alert.

Well, how could that happen?

It looks like a program
response error.

Sandi doesn't know it's
a simulation anymore.

She actually thinks
she's under attack.

Run the override codes.

I can't.

She's malfunctioning.

We're locked out.

Well, what about
our people inside?

Hey, come on, don't worry.

We're fully prepared for
every emergency situation.

Steven, go to Evac one.

"Access denied"?

It's simple.

All we have to do is
override the program.

Um... if sandi won't
listen to voice command,

what makes you think she's
going to listen to a terminal?

It's obviously
just a malfunction

In one of the audio processors.

User one-zero-zero-one identified.

Security clearance triple "a."

That's funny...

We're not getting a prompt.

This isn't right.

Um... I'd say look out!

This system must remain on line.

I am programmed
to defend strada.

She was never
programmed to do that.

Guess she doesn't
like to be touched.

Oh, no.

It's incredible!

I did it... true
artificial intelligence!

Sandi's not just executing
commands anymore.

She's, she's actually
thinking. She's...

She's deciding how
to defend herself.

Wait a minute, hold it.

You mean to tell me

She's trying to think
up ways to get rid of us?

It looks that way.

What can you do about it?

I built it. I can fix it.

I'd say our best shot is, uh...

Is the mainframe terminal
in the control room.

She shorts that one out
and it's good-bye memory.

I don't know
what your man MacGyver did,

but we'll straighten it out.

Evac one now initiated.

Your card key is invalid.

I thought this was supposed
to override everything.

It was.

Johnson, dismantle
the control box.

See if you can set
up a manual override.

Yes, sir.

We'll just bypass

this level of security.

We'll be inside in five minutes.

Is he all right?

Can you get up?

Yeah, I...

Here you go.

Get him over to the
infirmary right away.

I don't believe it.

She's programming
her own responses.

You mean to tell me that
the computer did that?

We're lucky it was
just an electric shock.

You can bet next
time she'll shoot to kill.

Which means we just
used up our one free turn.

And MacGyver's.

Steven, round up your
design team on the double.

We'll go to Evac two.

Wait. There's a power
substation at twin pines.

What if we shut it down?

Reserve generators

will just kick in.

No, they won't.

What are you talking about?

The control program's in place,

But I haven't activated it yet.

I was going to do that tomorrow.

Look, by my count,
we've got 20 minutes left.

What are we waiting for?

Twin pines supplies the power

to the only hospital
within 100 miles.

Besides, I'm not
going to risk the lives

of those two people in there

on some unproven procedure,

especially since Evac two
has been successfully tested

against every
emergency in the book.

Woody, for crying out loud,

you've got a computer in
there that's writing its own book!

Come on, Pete, it's a machine.

Looks like we'll have to find

another way to
sandi's control room.

Wait, I have a card.

Reject. Card invalid.

30,000 watts of
laser protection,

and no way to turn it off.


Let me see that.


Works good.

Listen, I thought you said
you could fix everything.

I said I could fix everything
from the control room.

I didn't say anything
about getting there.


Is there a ladies' room around?

A ladies' room?

What're you doing in there?

A mirror?

Oh, come on, MacGyver.

Well, I figure if I hit
it at the right angle,

I can blow out both
lasers at the same time.

They'll burn through
that in a half a second.

I'll buy you a new one.

Yeah, that's good.

Let's go.

All right, here we go.

Watch yourself.

You were right.

So were you.


Do not proceed
through inner core.

Now would you
be willing to admit

there's something
wrong with your program?


Let's go!

The system is
programmed to defend.

You have entered the
inner core without clearance.

procedures are in effect.

Come here!

This was a bad idea.

Why is that?

Excess waste is automatically
dumped into an acid bath.

How much do you weigh?

One seventy-five.

This is programmed to 280.

So if you weigh
more than, uh, 105...

We're in trouble.

I think we're okay.

I lied!

A hundred and eight.

must be eliminated.

It's not going to work!

Why are you taking
your pants off?

You got a better idea?

I'm still trying to figure out

what yours is.

Come here. Grab this.


How strong are your pants?

Stronger than your pipe.


Hand over hand, all right?


All right.

Hang on!



Oh, I can't!

You all right?


Hang in there.


Oh, hurry!


Here we go.

Are you okay?



Oh... I'm okay.

Twin pines power
station confirms.

They're ready to shut
down when we are.


Do it!

We'll do it when we get

the go-ahead from
general braddock.

General braddock doesn't
know what's going on in there.

We do.

There's a whole
town out in that valley,

and we do not black
it out unless we have

an official state of emergency.


Woody, two people
are going to die out here

if we don't do something!

Now, how much more
official do you want to get?

This is just like 'nam, Pete.

We don't do anything
until I give the orders.

Well, ol' sandi sure has a
mind of her own, doesn't she?

Yes, but she thinks like me,

so I should be able
to think it through

And find her pattern,
logically and rationally.

Without the emotion, right?

That's what gives her the edge.

People and emotion
can't get in her way.

Look... I say we
trust our instincts,

go with our gut.

You can't program that.

That's our edge.

A power disruption
has been detected.

The system must remain on
line during a stage one alert.

Pete, you old son-of-a-gun,

I knew you were
out there somewhere!

How do you know it's him?

Because I got a feeling.

Is the hospital on
emergency power?


I owe you one.

Sandi's trying to kick
in the reserve generator.

Reserve power must
be initiated.

The system must remain on line.


The whole mountain's out.

The power's out.

We're on emergency
battery lights.

Time to go home.

Sandi, we got you now.

Looks like you got lucky.

Reserve power must
be initiated.

All right, let's get those
people out of the mountain.

- Here, take it.
- Let's go, let's go!

Let's get it
on the other side.

You need to go with...

All right.

Now, what the hell is that?

She's coming back on!

No, no, it's just
a surplus charge.

It can't last more
than a minute.


Sandi's searching her memory

For the control command
to activate the generators.

Control command activated.
Control command activated.

Damn it! She's found it!

It's impossible,

but she's turning on
the generators herself.

Shutdown has been circumvented.

Shutdown has been circumvented.

What do we do now?

Start depending on
one another, I guess.


One of your little friends.

We'll never outrun it.

Aw, come on, where's
your sense of adventure?

♪ ♪

What are you doing?

Taking out the magnet.

What for?

Can you get that other one?

I take it you have a game plan.

More or less.

Would you mind
explaining what's going on?

Yeah, in a minute,
but I need paper.

Get me some paper.

Yeah, that'll do it.

Do what?

The drones zero
in on heat, right?

So we light these up, and
they'll zero in on each other.


All right, I need matches.

On the counter
behind the test tubes.


must be eliminated.

Intruders must be eliminated.

Look out!

I still need matches.

Over there.

must be eliminated.



must be eliminated.


Three down, one to go.

Come on.

One to go, remember?

It's leaving.

Sandi's calling it back.

Stage two has commenced.

Eliminate all oxygen.

Reduce environment to vacuum.

Final countdown commencing.

She's taking this kind
of personally, isn't she?

We've got 12
minutes of oxygen left.

The drone's gone.

Makes sense.

Sandi sent it to
the control room.

So even if we go
through this door,

It's gonna be
waiting for us, huh?

That's right.

And that shoots
down our only chance

To override sandi's program.

Are you sure?

Of course I'm sure.

Ten minutes of
oxygen remaining. Thank you.

I got an idea.

Sandi thinks like you, right?


Well, if you're sure
that our only chance

is to get to the main frame,

so does she.

But it is our only chance.

There might be another one.

Through the ventilation system!

Right to the oxygen
outlet and the exhaust fans.

Woody, these bypass
codes are never gonna get us

through the front door.

MacGyver's got to
know that by now, too.

I'm sure he's looking
for some other way out.

Pete, you can't be
sure of anything.

If you're right, Mr. Thornton,

MacGyver only has two
choices for another way out.

The maintenance shaft
or the exhaust outlet.

Well, now
we're getting somewhere.

There's a catch.

Both of them are
mined with explosives

from the outside access ports.

We only have time
to dismantle one.


So you're telling
me if Mac tries to exit

Either way before we
diffuse the explosives...

He's gonna blow both
of them to kingdom come.

Seven minutes
of oxygen remaining.

Thank you.

Vacuum pumps operative.

Oxygen being
withdrawn by outlet fan.

Six minutes of oxygen remaining.

Where is the power cable?

Over there.

If we can cut the
power to the fan,

She can't take all the air out.


The exhaust outlet is
not an authorized exit!

It worked.

The fan stopped.

Sandi's locking the complex!

The door's air tight.

I'm sorry, colonel,

but sandi's overriding
all Evac commands.

Run the displacement codes.

I did... twice.

There are still those
two possibilities.

The maintenance shaft
and the exhaust outlet.

We can't roll the dice
on something like this.

Look, we don't roll the dice.

We make a calculated choice.

It's time we tried to
think like MacGyver.

His mind doesn't
work like yours or mine.

We've gotta put our
gut to work, Woody.

Instinct doesn't cut it, Pete.

We've got plans.

They have been thought out.

They have been reviewed.
They've been approved.

Some of the finest military
minds in this country have...

we lost three good men in 'nam

because those military minds

were sitting behind some
desk 300 miles away.

I was under orders to spot
enemy troop movement.

Now, what the hell
did you want me to do?

We didn't have to be so close!

We were there, Woody.

We knew what to do.

Headquarters didn't!

And we're here now!

It's our decision.

These are our friends.

Four minutes of oxygen left.



All right, all right.

You know MacGyver best.

It's your call, Pete.

What about that wheel?

Will it manually
override the door?


but the whole exhaust outlet

Is mined from the outside.

You can't open that door
unless someone outside

Dismantles the explosives first.

Well, then we gotta get
back to the main entrance.

We'll never get anywhere
while sandi's still on line.

What about that control box?

Does that run to the computer?


Holds the control wires.

Well, then if we, uh,
overload the wires...

We override the program.

Yeah, that's the idea.

Where are you gonna
get the electricity?

Two minutes
of oxygen remaining.

Thank you.

90 seconds of
oxygen remaining. Thank you.

It's gonna be kind of a stretch.

Interference forbidden!
Increase power!

Look out!

She supercharged the cable!

All right, that's it!

Overload. Overload.

Intruders must be...



Intruders interfend...


Intrude system

defend... defend...

Come on.

Gotta get you to
the main entrance.

Let's go. Come on.

Oh, I can't.

I can't.

Come back, come back for me.

Not enough air.

Come on, Pete, be there.

No, MacGyver! It's mined!

If it's not disarmed,

it'll explode!

I got a feelin',

I got a feelin'...

They're in there!

They're alive!

Get the oxygen equipment
in there on the double!

MacGyver, are you all right?

Never felt better, Pete.

Looks like we guessed right.

Thought you might
be hanging around.

You know, I'm almost
sorry we had to short her out.

We were on the verge of a
major scientific breakthrough.

It's gonna take
me a while to get

The kinks out of the system.

Well, just don't take the people
out of the system, all right?

Well, they are unreliable

And they're
definitely irrational.

But I guess we do need them.

Thanks, Mac.

You're all right for
a camel smuggler.

I returned that camel.

Pete, it was good
seeing you. Real good.

If you ever get tired

of the easy life, you, uh...

Oh-ho-ho, not a chance.

Pete, what made you so sure
we'd choose the exhaust system?

You only had a 50 percent
chance of being correct.

Well, actually I remembered
that Mac had used

an exhaust system
to get out of a big fire

at brookhurst chemical last year

and I figured he'd
remember, too.

Take care of yourself, Woody.

Bye, Pete, thanks.

It was the elevator shaft.

What elevator?

The fire at brookhurst chemical.

I used the elevator shaft,
not the exhaust system.



It couldn't be.

It was.