MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 1, Episode 21 - A Prisoner of Conscience - full transcript

When Pete goes to Russia, Mac follows him. Pete reveals he is close a Russian reformist and because Pete was helping him correspond with other people, he was arrested and executed. Pete is there to help the man's daughter who could be arrested also. But when they find her, she reveals that her father is not dead but being held in an insane asylum. So they have to come up with a plan to rescue him.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What the hell are
you doing here?

What do you mean
what am I doing here?

You take an emergency
leave of absence,

grab a Soviet I.D.,

a map of northern
Russia, and you split.

You didn't even
say good-bye to me.

Well, so you just naturally
have to follow me?

Pete... we're friends.

If you got troubles,
I got troubles.

Mac, this one is all mine.

Alexander karsov.

Candidate for the nobel,

led a civil rights protest
in Moscow a while back.

He's got a cabin right up
the river, too, doesn't he?

How do you know all that?

I, uh, pulled the operations
file from your office.

How else was I supposed to
find out where you were, huh?

So, is this karsov your problem?

Yeah. He died three days
ago, under police interrogation...

because of his contacts

with an American secret agent.

Well, that sounds like
the usual phony cover-up.

No, it's true.

I was the agent.

But there wasn't any spying.

I was his friend.

I was helping him
move some letters

from political
prisoners to relatives,

friends outside of Russia.

Somehow we slipped
and... They caught him.

Pete, you can't
blame yourself for that.

The hell I can't!

Alex is dead.

And now I've learned

they're gonna arrest
his daughter, too, marya.

So you came to
Russia to get her out.

Well, that's great, Pete.

How do we operate?

Mac, this is
personal, all right?

First person singular.

Just me.

I'm not gonna jeopardize
anyone else in this.

Hey, hold it.

I'm here. I traveled
10,000 miles to be here.

Now, like it or
not, you've got me.


But she's gonna
be a little nervous

About anyone arriving here.

Let me go in alone, all right?

You just wait here.


All right?







Oh, Peter!

God in heaven, are
you crazy coming here?

Don't you know?

Yes, I do.

Come in.

Marya, I... I can't tell
you how truly sorry I am.

Ah... I have no
time for weakness.

The police, in their
infinite sensitivity,

have ordered me out.

Peter, an American
doesn't simply drop in

In the middle of Russia.

Marya, I have come
to take you out of here.


Before you are arrested.

A car like that's
gotta be the secret police.

Three men in a black car.

Marya alexandrovna karsova!


You are requested to accompany
us to police headquarters.

There are some questions.

And the answer is she is guilty
and will be sent to the gulag.


Marya alexandrovna,

I am only a policeman.

Then find yourself
an honest trade.

I am not coming.

- Hi, Pete!
- Any ideas?

The boats, Pete.

Oh, right.

Stop them!

All this fun, and you
wanted to leave me behind.

Everybody makes mistakes.

After them!

Hang on!

Not much chance
of their hitting us.

unless they get lucky.

We got to get 'em

off our tail.

Give me a hand, Pete.

What are we doing?

Wrecking this blanket.

Going to build something
for them to run into.

That boat's got a jet drive.

You going
to jam their intake?

You got it.

Got 'em!

Clear the boat!

Well, all right.

Nice driving.

MacGyver, I am truly
happy to finally meet you.

Marya alexandrovna karsov.

Mac, I'm grateful.

You bet.

And I am...

To both of you.

Peter, you risked your
life coming here to help me.

And you, MacGyver.

Marya, what else could we do?

When I learned that
Alex was dead, I...

I rushed here as
soon as I could.

No, no, no, Peter, what
you heard was a lie.

My father isn't dead.


He is being held secretly
in a state mental hospital.

Well, wait a minute.

Why this death notice then?

Because he is known.

Because he is loved.

They announce
his death and wait.

If there is not too much
public protest, then he will die.

No. No, he will not.

Listen, I'm just
grateful he's alive.

And thank god you are free.

To leave Russia?

I thank you, Peter, but I
am not going to escape.

The hospital is near Leningrad.

I have friends there.

I'm going to get my father out.

No... we are.


What about me?

I've never been to
Leningrad before.

I hear it's a real...

Party town.

Listen, marya,
your friends were real helpful.

They are very loyal.

And I'll do my part.

Well, we've
now got travel permits,

identification papers
and medical certificates.

That's great.

So we'll just waltz right in.

There it is.

Kind of impressive.

Right in the middle of nowhere.

It's a psychiatric hospital.

It has to be isolated.

Are you certain we can do this?



Are you sure you can
handle your part of this plan?

My part is simple.

They take advantage of
cheap labor from the village.

But yours, MacGyver,
is... it's a bit mad.


That's the idea.

Let's go, Mac.

Good luck.

This is highly irregular.

I was not even told yu
were coming, doctor...


I'm no happier
than you are, doctor.

I'm required to stay here
for a week of observation.

Although there doesn't
seem to be much question.

Is he
really schizophrenic,

or is he political?

He's ill.

Why do you ask?

There are... Different
modes of treatment.

Dr. Suvarin specializes

in political patients.

I myself do not enjoy

acting as an agent

of the internal security.

We carry out an important duty.

But I can see that he
is a simple, good fellow.

He won't give us trouble.

No, absolutely not.

In fact, I planned
on putting him

in a minimum security
observation ward.

Doctor, you will
observe your patient,

Nothing less, nothing more.

But he will be
housed and treated

Under our rules.

Thank you.


Well, my friend,
welcome to ward k.

As long as you make an
honest effort, we'll get along.

He means take your
pills, do as you're told.

It keeps everything
under control.

Better to eat flesh
and drink blood.

Mm-hmm. This is lopat.

Just give him plenty of room,

especially at night.

So, if you belong here,
it's that side of the ward.

If you're political, it's here.

Still having illusions

that you're a political
prisoner, Dimitri?

That's what I am, you bedbug.

Please don't
provoke me, Dimitri.

Or I would be forced
to quiet you down...


No, this is just talk.

I belong here.

I really do.


What about you, sir?

Do you belong here?

I am political.

But I also drink... Blood.

Do you play?

I play both of you at same time.

I play all of you.

You're getting over-excited.

No. No.

Don't do it.

We must learn control.

I'm afraid I'm going to have
to take this for a little while.

Please, no.

Please, yes!

For god's sake, let him have it!

We all must learn
to live together,

don't we?


Yes, yes, yes, yes!

You're right! You're
right! You're right!

- Emergency!
- Quickly!

Yes, yes, yes, you are right!

We must do what we must do!

We must live together

and we must learn

to play together and
be what we must be!

You're right!

Thank you, my friend.

He has helped me. I
have a new friend here!

That's right. Thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Oh, what's this!
Oh, sorry, I quit!

I quit! I quit! I quit!

The patients eat in
here in small groups.


And the, uh, politicals?

With the others.

Medication in the food?


I strongly disapprove of
drugs instead of treatment.

Well, how do you control
the drug dispensing?

Mild tranquilizers
are kept in the wards

and the stronger
drugs are kept locked up

in my office.

Well, you're very wise
to be so careful, Natalya.

Dr. Torin.

Your patient became violent.

What? Where?

Oh, what do you mean?

What have you done to him?

I'm not laughing.

Big of you.

But it's not easy.

You know, with
the flip of a coin,

this could have
been you in here.

Will you just get me out?

My head hurts and my
body's about to turn numb.

All right, just stay cool.

I've located the, uh,
psychotropic drugs.

What about karsov?

There are three politicals
in the ward along with me.

They ought to
know where he is...

If I can get them to talk.

We're rolling, Pete.


Uh, there is one hitch.


I only brought in
one set of lock picks.


Well, I don't know if I
can get them back to you

after I open the drug cabinet.

Timing, Pete.


All you've got to do

is break into a cheese box.

I've got to break into a cell.

Change the timing?

Remember Belgrade?

Mm, don't change the timing.


Look, I'll get my
own set of lock picks,

all right?

Good. Let's go.



I'm here because
of a man named karsov.

Alexander Ivanovich karsov.

Never heard of him.

Dimitri, please.

I have to make contact.


By flying out of the window?

Or melting through the walls?

We have a plan.

Just tell me where he is.

He is in

Ward zero.

Knight to queen's bishop four.

That's the move I would make.

But I can't.

I can't.

Ward zero?

Who are you?

I'm here with marya karsova.

We were given help
and papers in Leningrad.

By andrei varsin.

Any good police spy
might know the names.

Knight to queen's bishop four.

But he wouldn't take a beating

just to save a poor
fool's chess set.

Ward zero is just above us.

But it's supposed to be empty.

Oh, he is in ward zero.

I saw.

I remembered his work
on differential topology.

Very sound.

How will you get out of here?

I'll just have to
get a set of keys.

Excuse me.

Every lightbulb has
tungsten filaments,

Two pieces of spring
steel, right size, right shape.

Let there be light.

It's the first
corridor on your left

and then upstairs.

I'll arrange a diversion.

Good luck.

Thank you.

A noisy diversion.


I'm going to need your help.

I will check on it.

Ward zero...

With one problem.

Caulking compound mixed
with the proper hardening agent

makes a unique version
of Russian crazy glue.

If I get out of this, I'll be
sure to mail them the recipe.

What is this?

What are you doing?!

Help! Security!

Friend. Fun! Fun! Fun!

Don't hurt him.

And if anyone else comes,
keep them out of here.

Secure all wards!

Guards to ward zero at once!

Attention! Attention!

disturbance in ward k.

Attention, ward k!

Sergeant borov, east
wing security desk at once.

Sergeant borov, east
wing security desk.


Alexander karsov?

Who are you?

Your daughter marya sent me.

I'll have you out
of here in a second.


Attendants to ward zero at once!

I am the only
patient in this section.

They will certainly
search this room,

and then they find you.

Ward zero security, report!

We're going to
get you out of here.


Please trust me, sir.

This is sergeant borov!

All guard posts on the left!

Patients are loose
in the east wing.

Secure all exits.

Voice on P.A.:
Attention! Attention!

Ward k has been secured.

Repeat, ward k has been secured.

All guards and
attendants report back

to your stations at once.

You think he's a hero then, yes?

No, leave it alone.

I want him restrained.

No, suvarin, no!

Dr. Suvarin, please.

Doctor. All right,

doctor, you'll cripple him.

Prolonged loss
of blood circulation

will frequently result
in permanent trauma

inflicted upon muscle tissue,

And may also entail
blockage to kidneys, and...

I didn't know you
had medical training.

I... remember things.

Oh. But then you
forget again, yes?

I? Yes.

Yes. Maybe I should
burn that chess set there

so you can think
about other things.

Do not touch

this chess board until
I give you permission.


We'll speak about
that again later.

But for now, clean up this mess!

It's all right.

He didn't use the needle.

It's clear.

This way, sir.

Dr. Torin.

Where in the hell have you been?

Outside. For a stroll.


The moonlight.

It's very important to me.

Come, I'll show
you the open gate.

Shouldn't there be
better security, comrade?

There are some
disturbed people here.

Just show me the open gate.

I can't see.

Comrade, it is night.

Wolves and owls can see.

Men and flowers
must wait for the sun.

You've been here

too long, comrade.

Go outside and look for yourself

if you don't believe me.

Can I get some medicine, please?

I can't sleep.

All right, all right.

But no more noise.

Oh, of course, of course.



Thank you.

We made it.

At some risk to my heart.

Now... who are you?

Just a volunteer.

Along with Peter Thornton
and your daughter.

Peter is here?



I don't want to make
trouble for people.

And marya... I pleaded
with her to leave.

Yeah, well, she's
a little stubborn

when it comes to you.


I am proud of her.

And I worry... Trouble
I may bring to her.

What's the plan?

Well, tonight was phase one.

Get you out of your cell
and leave them searching.

And then phase two
has marya in the village

passing as a local girl.

She's arranged to work
in the hospital dining room.

When the security
staff is eating,

She'll help us
take care of them.

And tomorrow
morning is phase three.

Pete will kick that
off in about five hours.

And I wanted to be a surgeon.

But for a woman, you
know, it's very difficult.

Suvarin, you'll give
me a heart attack yet.

My apologies, Natalya petrovich,

But I have the precise
medication for your condition.

This is a powerful
psychotropic drug.

I don't understand.

I'll explain.

It is worth a lot of money
on the black market.

And that is why you and
your coconspirator here

stole it.

Suvarin, have you
finally gone mad?

Perhaps it's just a
little bit of paranoia.

It's proof!

I have already
telephoned Leningrad.

You are both under house arrest.

You will see no
one, speak to no one.

You are prisoners.

Good morning.

The labor office in the
village assigned me...

To you.

To me?

Oh yes, well... yes.




What are your orders?


Of course.

Knife, fork, spoon

and napkin

on this table only.

O-Only this table?

Yes, for the staff, you know.

For doctors, nurses,

Security officers.

So it is important
that it must be correct.

Of course.

When do they eat breakfast?

In, uh, 20 minutes!

So quick, quick, quick, my girl!

Good morning!

When are we getting
out for our exercise?

Oh, you don't, Dimitri.

Not until the patient

that escaped last
night has been found.

And the criminal
plot that I discovered

in this hospital has
been fully resolved.

The criminal plot?

Yes, the theft of valuable drugs

By Dr. Petrovich,
the new doctor.

And I assume, until
proven otherwise,

Our new patient.

Good work, suvarin.

As it happens,

I've been investigating
this drug ring for some time.

I am k.G.B., and
this is evidence...

Stay where you are!

I am sure the three of you

will benefit greatly

from chemical interrogation.



I know where Dr. Petrovich is.

- I know where her office is.
- Good, show me.

Let's go!

Come on.

We know this plan.


Well, glad you could make it.

- Thanks.
- You are black market!

No, we're just

your basic revolutionaries.

Power to the people!

You bet!

Trust us, Natalya, trust us.


Come quickly, quickly!

Remember, I am mad!

Thank you.

Thank goodness you are here!

Well, seems to be working.

So far.

Here's the medication.

Now, it's all mixed.

What do you think
you are doing, eh?

Who are you?

What are you doing?

What is going on?


We're breaking out.



We wouldn't like
it if you interfered.

No, no, no.

You can lock me in the closet,

or the supply room,

or-or the cellar...

The closet'll do

just fine.

Yes, of course. Yes, yes...


This is a sedative.

It's a mild psychotropic.

They'll never feel happier.


I had talked
to him earlier about it...

What's that?

More tea, sir.

About time.

Queen to rook one.


Oh, I will make
the move for you.

Yes, here. Just


Clever move, yes?

Not so clever.




Incidentally, you are in check.

You must move king.

I'll move king for you.

You're welcome.

You play very well.

Marya! Marya!



Oh, papa. Oh.


Papa, thank god
you're all right.

Oh, a miracle!

You're a patient!

No, we were patients.

- What?
- Well, we figure it's about

Time for the patients

To take over the
asylum, old pal.

Natalya, we are leaving now.

We're gonna go.

And you can come
with us if you want.

You'll be able to
practice medicine

the way you want to. Join us.

I cannot stay here.

I-I do not know what I will do,

but I-I will help you.

- Ah.
- How about that, Pete?

All right!

I must get you some passes.

We-we must hurry!

Good luck!

Oh, yes!

Your papers, sir.

Oh, right.

Let's go, Pete.

Hurry, quickly!


This way.


Gwen... This way, this way...

It's not far, Alex.

We'll be across the
Finnish border in two hours.

Oh, no, no, Peter, no.

I don't go with you.

No, they-they...

They have made me too...

Too famous now to kill.

And now you give
me another chance,

I will take it to speak out.

Alex, they've had you
locked in a straitjacket!

That's the government, Peter.

Not Russia.

A government.


More people like you around...

Just about anything can happen.


Well, the word is out.

There should be a
lot of people here.

Oh, thank you.


No, masha.

We agreed.

But if you can
stay, why can't I?

If they take you,
then they have me.



Come, you are young.

You will see america.

You can be my voice there.

And then, maybe,

Some better time, you
can come home again.

Meanwhile, we will work

to make it a better time.

And what about you, Natalya?

Are you sure?

No, but hopeful.

Because he believes.

That government can change?

Oh, yes.


This cannot.

This land is-is part of me.

I am afraid I...

I was not designed for exile.

I owe you so much.

Also, you,


Well, speaking for
Pete and myself,

I think we've been paid in full.


Alexander karsov, it's you!

You're alive! Oh...

Everyone, look!

Oh, my... that's really karsov!
