MacGyver (2016–…): Season 4, Episode 4 - Windmill + Acetone + Celluloid + Firing Pin - full transcript

As MacGyver works quickly to rescue survivors from a collapsed building in Germany, he discovers a new safety threat - an undetonated bomb from World War II hidden beneath the rubble.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The acetone I'm pouring
into this glass capsule

is the key to my design,
the linchpin to a three-step,

chain reaction.

Using this, my colleagues
and I have been able

to achieve the one hour delay
between payload deployment

and the firing pin release
that you gentlemen requested.

What of the, uh, failures
mentioned in your report?

We have cut

the fuse's
fail rate down

to approximately ten percent.Perfect.

There's an automobile factory
we can convert to put this

into production immediately.

Excellent work, Dr. Tutelman.


Hey, why the long face?

You know, it's ideas
like yours that are

gonna help us win this war.

You ever stop to think
about the cost?

I didn't become
a scientist

to dream up clever ways
to kill people. You?

Super cool, right?

The egg drop experiment
is all about decreasing

something called
"impact force."

When that egg
hit the ground,

it broke because
impact forces were high,

like in a
car accident.

But if my assistant Riley here

places the egg inside
of a cushioned container...

Thank you very much. RILEY: Mm-hmm.

The egg survives,

because impact forces
were low,

like when a car
pulls off the highway

and slows to a gentle stop.

Now, if you guys

want to earn your
Nova Science Badge,

you have one week

to build a container that allows
an egg to be dropped from that

exact same height
without breaking.

Got any questions?


Why do I have to learn
this science stuff?

I want to do archery.

MacGYVER: Because it helps
you solve problems.

Riley and I use
all this "science stuff"

in our jobs all the time. BOY: Your jobs?

Sound super boring.

MacGYVER: Actually, we do
all sorts of cool things

over at the
think tank.

Hey, babe,
now's not a good time.

I'm at a work thing.Ooh.

She's using her sexy work voice.

I like it. So what time will you
be home tonight, Miss Davis?

Uh, few hours. Why, what's up?

Oh, I'm cooking dinner,

Fusilli alla Vodka, and I needed
to time the sauce right,

so, uh, I thought
we could lay low,

watch a movie.

That sounds amazing.

I'll call when
I'm on the way home, okay?

I'll be waiting for you.Bye.

Everything okay? Uh, yeah.

Yeah, it's my dad.


What's up?

Our Matty.

Go handle this. All right,
kids, we're done here.

MacGYVER: Sorry,
got here as quick as we could.

Pay attention, Mac,

'cause this one's got your name
written all over it.

Riley was helping me volunteer
at the Cub Scouts,

didn't have time
to change.

And I for one am so glad
that you didn't.

Oh, that
makes two of us.

All right, if we're done
making fun of Blondie,

listen up.

Three hours ago,

there was an explosion
at a building

undergoing renovations
in Karlsruhe, Germany.

This is what's left.

We don't know what
caused the blast,

but CCTV of the surrounding area
suggests that it originated

within or below the building's
concrete foundation.

That's weird, right?

Super weird 'cause it means
it wasn't a ruptured gas line

or an electrical

and there are no subterranean
natural resources

in that part of Europe
with any combustible properties.

What we do know is that,
when the building collapsed,

dozens of construction workers
from the weekend shift

were trapped inside.

So it's a rescue op.

With some engineering
challenges, which you are

uniquely qualified to solve.

This is a highly

not to mention dangerous,

I want you to have
every resource

the second you need it,

so I'll be staying back
with Matty

to help coordinate.

Desi has experience
in search and rescue,

so she will be
joining you as well.

Now get moving.

Details on the building are
waiting for you on the plane.

Thank you for traveling
so quickly,

although I'm still not clear
on how your team can help.

The structure is still settling.
Every minute, it moves.

Attempting a rescue

before it's stabilized means
risking serious injury or death.

Tell them that.

MacGYVER: Problem,
our only entrance into the building

is blocked by a massive chunk

of concrete. All right, one...

two... MacGYVER: Solution,

insert a makeshift lever

and apply force
against a static point.

You were right, Mac.

This'll work to access
the basement levels.

I got the missing
workers' approximate locations

using their
radio signal strength.

You didn't tell me
you had any experience

with search and rescue.


I was part of the military group
assigned to find survivors

after the earthquake in Iraq.

Oh, I remember that one,

it was huge.

It was a magnitude seven,
wasn't it?


I need help! Mac, Desi.

We need medics over here.
Are you okay?

We're gonna get you out of here.

Everyone okay?


Kind of.

Matty, EMTs are treating a man
with minor injuries.

He's gonna be okay. MATTY: All right,

Split up and keep moving.

Ah. There you are.

Russ. The gang all right

in Germany?
Anything I can do to help?

That is an excellent question,
Bozer, and the answer is no.


there doesn't appear
to be anything you can do.

All right...

And therein lies the rub.
You see, that answer

has set me down a path
to other questions.

For example,

what exactly is the
function of this lab?

Why is it
so expensive?

And for the
love of God,

what the hell
is that?

This is Sparky, he's a... Hideous, agreed,

and very, very costly,
to the tune of, what?

$3.6 million. American.

I mean, he's a state of the art
artificial intelligence,

doesn't come cheap.
The thing about robotics... Oh, Bozer.

What is it that you do here?

Uh, I'm installing an upgrade

to Sparky's memory processor. No,
I mean here

at the Phoenix, in this lab.

What do I do here?

What do I do here?

All sorts of things, okay?
For your information,

from this very room,
which you stand,

I've saved the world
hundreds of times.

The best of
my knowledge,

it's been half a dozen assists,
at best.

Okay. All right.

But while we're
on the subject, sir,

exactly what is it
you do here,

besides write checks?

Are you challenging me, hmm?

To prove my worth?

Are you challenging me
to prove mine?

Oh, yes.

Then ditto.

Well, this
should be fun.

Hey, guys? I'm at the site
of the explosion.

Everything that I'm seeing here
supports the theory

that this blast came
from beneath

the building's foundation.

I just still don't understand
how it's possible.


That's weird, too.

What's weird too?

Shrapnel expelled from
the detonation point.

It's curved.
Heavily oxidized.

As in rust?

I know what
caused the explosion.

It was a bomb dropped on Germany
during World War II.

It didn't explode

and it remained buried
underground for decades,

until yesterday.

When construction
finally disturbed it,

and it went off.

How could you
possibly know that?

Because those bombs
were dropped in clusters.

And I'm staring at a second one

that could go off
at any moment.

You were right, Mac.

On November 5, 1944,

U.S. 8th Air Force dropped
hundreds of bombs

on Karlsruhe, Germany.

Their intended target:
One of Hitler's railyards.

MacGYVER: Let me guess:
That railyard was located

exactly where we are right now.

So this bomb fell here
75 years ago,

and it's just been waiting
for the right moment

to ruin everyone's lives?

That's insane. Where does finding
this thing leave our

search and rescue operation?
German EMTs managed to locate

three more survivors,

leaving ten
still left unaccounted for,

but finding them
could take days.

And if that bomb goes off,
they'll all be killed.

Therefore, Mac, Riley,
your new priority

is neutralizing the bomb threat

Desi? You'll continue
to search for missing workers. Copy that.

I'll send the locations of
their radios to your phone.

No pressure, but, uh...
please don't let us blow up.




so how do we
defuse this thing?

I have no idea.

Yeah, Army.

EOD training didn't cover
mid-century relics.

Everything you wanted to know

about World War II explosives,

but were too afraid to ask.

You see, thisis what I do.

Think outside the box.

Excuse me.

What the hell
are you doing?

And this is
what I do. Hello.

My name is Russell Taylor.
My friends call me Russ.

Uh, my associates and I
are here...

Well, we're here for your bomb.

I authorized
no such thing.

Yes, but as you can see,
the, uh,

Department of
Defense has.

No. This has
to be cleared

through the Office
of Antiquities...

there's no time,

which is why my associates

will have to cut through
this glass.

But I think we'd much prefer
yourassistance in this matter

rather than destroy your
very, very fine display.

So, if you could just

unlock the case for us,
then, uh...

then we'll be on our way.

I will not.

There is a protocol
to follow, and this

is in violation of
that... I... I understand.

I understand.

You're afraid of being fired,

thereby derailing
your career

in historical military

It's true.
Your wavering eyes

betray a lack
of self-confidence,

and judging by the prominent
display of "assistant"

in your title,
I can tell

that promotion has been
difficult for you to achieve.

How dare you. Chasing your dream

is never a mistake.

And while you suffer disrespect
from your superiors,

due in no small part
to the ungodly injury

that your Chicago accent
plays on the queen's English,

I for one...

I believe in you.

You... you do?

I do. So if you
hand over the keys to the case,

I'll make a few calls,
and we'll see if we can't

get you up a few rungs
of the ladder around here, hmm?

I miss Chicago so much.

And boom goes the dynamite.

As the saying goes.

Nope. No, it doesn't.

I think it does. Not at all.

Matty, David Kruger,
37 years old,

is on his way up
with a broken leg.

Vitals are stable.

Seven more to go.

Copy that. Comms are
back up and radio channels are clear.



I'm a rescue worker
here to help.

Do you speak English?

There's something heavy
on my leg and I...

I can't move!

Can you tell me your name

and where you are
in the building?

My name is Helen Beck.

I'm a project manager
overseeing the renovations.

I don't know where I am.

I was walking
to the mail room and then

I don't know what happened.

I woke up here.

Please tell my husband and sons

that I'm okay.

Matty? I made contact
with a survivor whose radio

isn't showing up on Riley's map.

Her name is Helen Beck.

Sounds like she suffered
a concussion.

We'll see what we can do. Helen?

We're getting in touch with
your family right now, okay?

Listen to me.

I'm gonna find you.

Just stay with me

and keep talking, okay?

Now tell me about your sons.

I've got the restored bomb

through teardown, and I've
pieced together how it works.

Yeah, it was my idea,
but whatever.

Team effort. The bomb you found

is a 1,000-pound AN-M65.
It's totally standard for 1944.

What's interesting about this
is the fuse inside it.

It was designed to create
a one-hour time delay

from when the bomb
was dropped from the plane

to when it exploded...

If it failed to detonate
on impact.

So why didn't this one blow up?

Well, believe it or not,

these fuses had a ten percent
fail rate, usually because

the glass capsule containing
the acetone didn't shatter.

Then the countdown never began.

There's a half a centimeter
of 75-year-old glass

between us and this thing
going off?



it's not all bad news.

Found a pamphlet distributed
to the Imperial Japanese Army

with instructions for how
soldiers should deal with

one of these things if found.

So you... you solved
how to defuse this thing?

Yes, after I translated it
into English,

so that we could all
make sense of it.

Point is, the detonator
can be removed

from the nose cone
using a simple tool.

Sending photos now.

Okay, yeah.

So we know how to defuse it.

Now we just have
to figure out a way

to lift this monster
out of the dirt.

Any ideas?

Got it? Yeah.

So, uh,
how's your dad?

From the call earlier today.

Oh, yeah, he-he's good.
You know Elwood.

You really want to play
catch up right now?

Honestly, talking keeps
my hands steady.

Plus, if this thing blows up
in our faces...

...I want to
make sure I get to

the bottom of this secret
you're hiding.

You don't smile like that

when you're on the phone
with your dad.

I've caught you doing it
a few times

since we've been back,

but I figured...
if things got serious,

you would let me know
who the lucky man was.

So, do you think things
will get serious?

We've been living together
for six months now.


Six months?

I mean, why would you,
uh, lie about that?

Lie is a bit of a strong
word, don't you think?

It's not like you've rushed
to tell me

why you and Desi broke up.

That's different.

Okay, well, we don't
owe each other explanations

about our private lives

just because
we work together.

Yeah, I'm gonna, uh,

start putting
these in here,

okay? Just keep
tension on the pole.

MacGYVER: If there's a
silver lining to spending time

in a half-destroyed building,
it's that there's lots of

heavy stuff lying around
to play with.

For example, chunks
of concrete rubble

to load into this
DIY crane and ballast

to lift this monster
out of the dirt.

Yeah, we should stop there.
That's enough.

Didn't Bozer say there's
supposed to be a hatch?

Well, yeah, but his has been in

a temperature-controlled museum.

Ours has been
corroding underground

for 75 years. It's rusted over.

This thing takes one hit
at the wrong angle

and everyone
in this building dies.

We can't wait.
We have to do something.

Okay, so the detonator is stuck

inside the bomb. The people
are stuck in the building.

The only variable that we can
manipulate is removing

the bomb
from the building,

but I don't know how.

This dinosaur weighs
half a ton.

Only one option,

take the bomb
with us.

Back the way we came in.

Okay, Matty, the bomb's
officially mobile.

Are German police on board
with our new plan?

Yes, they've arranged for

a construction crane to lift
the bomb out of the building

and then lower it
onto a flatbed truck,

so that it can be driven
out of the city.


The bottom floors
of the building

are all covered in rubble.
The closest point

where the crane can attach
is a window

on the south side
of the sixth floor.

That means transporting it
up 156 steps,

divided by
six landings,

plus 200 feet laterally
to the edge of the building.

Not to mention this
thing weighs half a Volkswagen.

And do we even know
how hard we'd have to bump

into it for it
to blow up?

Well, each of these

was manufactured by hand,
which means they're all

slightly different, not
to mention the degree to which

each individual fuse component
deteriorated underground.

The best I can tell,

the bomb that blew up
the building went off due to

vibrations from construction,
yet this one was

stable enough to survive
that blast, so

I think it's safe to say
that there is just too many

unknown variables
at play here to answer

that question with any
reasonable degree of accuracy.

So in other words,
you have no idea.

Just cut to the chase
next time, Mac;

Just say, "No idea."

So we need to find
a way to get the bomb

up the stairs
without bumping it.

Which is where we come in.

I attached electronic sensors
to the restored bomb's

mechanical parts,
so we could

crash test Mac's ideas
on how to lift it up the stairs

before you attempt with the
version that could explode.

I'm a big fan of that idea.

Which is why we came up with it.

So what is
idea nummer eins?

Helen, I'm near the mail room,
which means you can't be far.

You hanging in there?

Never better. Why do you ask?

Anyone who can crack a joke
at a time like this

is gonna be okay.

How often do you find yourself
in situations like this?

Last time I was in
a collapsed building

was in 2017 in Iraq.

There was an earthquake...

and I spent three days
searching for a survivor

in an apartment building,

but, hey,

they weren't lucky enough
to have a radio.

Then how did you know

they were still alive?

I heard them tapping
on a metal pipe.

Believe it or not,
that sound can carry for miles.

I just kept searching

because as long as I heard
that tapping sound,

I knew there was still hope.

And did you find them?

Of course I did.

And you just destroyed the
Phoenix Foundation yet again.

Maybe it's time to consider
letting sleeping bombs lie.

I mean, if we don't move it,

at least there's a chance
it won't go off.

I did not make
my considerable fortune

by playing it safe. I earned

every cent
with one mantra.

There is always a solution.

Well, I didn't get to where I am

letting people
second-guess my value.

Yes, well, the bar for covert
operatives is slightly higher

than short order cooks,
team mascots,

definitely indie filmmakers,

Delivery man.


I also used to deliver
appliances for a big box store.

There was this thing
my boss Carl gave us to lift

the refrigerators
and dishwashers up the stairs

to apartments without elevators,

so he didn't need to spend
the cash to hire a third guy.

Hated that thing. Well, we need that thing.

My good man,
I know what Mac needs to build.

That thing

is actually called
a tri-star stairclimber.

Used by most reputable
appliance delivery companies,

but mine will be built using
rubber elevator wheels,

metal plates, and a pair
of wireless power drills

for a little extra "oomph."

You know I didn't mean
what I said earlier, right?

Obviously, we don't
just work together.

Yeah, I know.

And, uh, you deserve
your privacy.

I just was

We all used to talk
about everything.

Things have definitely been
different since we've been back.

I'm such an idiot. I didn't
even ask what his name is.

Oh. It's Aubrey.


What kind of name
is that?

Okay, Angus.

That's... okay... fair.

Does Aubrey
know about the Phoenix?

If you mean
the think tank thing, yeah.

Had to call him
from the plane

and cancel dinner last minute.

Told him I had a meeting
out of town.

Can't be easy keeping
your story straight.

When Aubrey and I
got together,

I thought the top secret part
of my life was over.

Then Russ showed up
and got the gang back together.

Truth is,

reason I haven't
told you guys about him

is 'cause I knew
if I did, it'd be over.

Phoenix and relationships
don't mix.

That's funny, Desi and I
had the opposite problem.

You don't have to tell me, Mac.
It's all right.

Once the dust settled,

I just realized
we weren't right for each other.

Both clinging on
to something familiar

to fill the void left
after the Phoenix shut down.

It's, uh...

You know...

If I'm telling the truth,
living normal lives,

we mostly just
got on each other's nerves.

You think this job
screwed us up so bad

we can never have normal,
healthy relationships?



Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Well, that was insane. You okay? Yeah.

And we're not dead,
so that's a win.

Guys, I'm hearing
from search and rescue

that the building
just shifted.

Understatement of the century.

Yeah, but the bomb
just rolled back

half the distance we covered,
but it didn't explode,

so that's nice.

Helen, are you there?


Matty, I lost contact
with Helen.

You hear that?
Why is the bomb hissing at us?

The acetone capsule broke.
The bomb is going to go off.

Guys, crane's here.
What's your status?

I'm still looking for Helen.
I can't get her on the radio.


Okay, we finally
made it

to the sixth floor.
We probably have

about 40 minutes
before the bomb explodes.

Good news, though, now that
the acetone capsule broke,

we don't have to worry
about it breaking

and we can move
much faster.

Talk about looking
on the bright side.

On this op, I'll take
anything I can get.


Helen, can you hear me?


Oh, Helen, you're brilliant.

Right, it's too late

for the bomb to be
driven out of the city,

but it can still be submerged
in the Rhine river,

which is only a mile away
from your location,

and detonated

Just make sure that
you're both at the edge

of the sixth floor
with enough time

to secure it to the crane.

Copy that. We should
be in good...


We got a problem, guys.

How big of a problem?

Oh, about ten feet.

There's a section
of floor missing

from the middle
of the hallway.

It must've broken away
when the building shook.

Desi, you've got 32 minutes.

Start making your way out.

I can't leave, not yet.




Uh-uh. I got the wheels.

You keep looking
straight ahead.

Eyes on the
prize, Mac.


They're on.


There are some people
that want to talk to you.


Mama? Mama?


All right, Matty, we made it.

We're at the edge
of the sixth floor.

Okay. That's great news.

Once the crane moves
into position,

secure the bomb
and get the hell out of there.

Earlier you were asking me
if I thought that...

somebody could have this job and
maintain a healthy relationship.

Here's something I
never told anybody.

When we're on a mission

and I'm about to do
something really stupid...

I imagine it all going wrong,

and I see myself die.

Every time.

I can't help it.


every time I just regret
that I'm alone.


What's going on

down there, Matty? MATTY:
Search and rescue says

one of the crane's hydraulic
lines was punctured by debris.

It's out of fluid. Well, that's not good.

No, it's not, because now
it can't reach the bomb.

Our plan was doomed
from the start.

How many people are
still trapped in the building?

Four. But none of them
can be moved,

at least not in time.

Desi, you've got
less than 26 minutes

to get out of there. She's pinned,

and I'm not leaving.

Desi, when that bomb goes off,

it's taking everyone
in the building down with it.

I know that.

There's no reason
that you should be one of them.

I'm not leaving, Mac.

It's up to you now.

we need a Plan B.

All we have to do is get
the bomb down to the ground.

Then that truck
can drive her to the river. Well, yeah,

sure, but we don't know
how to do that first part.

We might.

Remember when that kid
at the scouts retreat asked

why he had to learn
all the boring science stuff?



All we have to do is decrease
the impact force, right?

What kid?

It's all about the impact force.

What's impact force?

We're gonna
egg drop the bomb

off the side of
the building.

What? No, no, no, no.
That's a bonkers idea.

That's a bonkers idea,
right? 100%

what he said. Could that even work?

I mean, yeah, the physics

are the same as
what's taught

to every middle school
kid around the world,

just on a slightly
larger scale.

wouldn't a fall from that height

risk breaking what's left
of the celluloid discs,

which could prematurely detonate
the bomb?

In a word...

yes, but..

This thing fell 8,000 feet
and didn't blow up.

What's 60 more?

I'm telling you,
we need to increase tension

on the bungee cords.

We already tried that. Then we need

to increase it more. Angus,

your egg drop design has leveled
the Phoenix Foundation

43% of the time
we've tossed it off the roof.

If you push yours off the side
of the building, it's basically

flipping a coin to see
if you'll be incinerated or not.

Yeah, well, that still gives
Desi and Helen a 57% better shot

at surviving
than if we walk away.

Well, we...

we could try increasing
the, uh, the tension

on the bungee cord here. MacGYVER:
No. We only have 20 minutes.

The benefit of improving
the design doesn't outweigh

the risk of running out
the clock. It's go time.


Count of three.




It didn't explode.

We're still alive.


Hey, Mac.

You're never alone, all right?

You neither, Riley.

And you definitely earned
your science badge today.

You're home.

I was trying not to wake you.

I figured you'd be starving,
so I put last night's dinner

back in the oven.


You okay? Mm-hmm.

How was
San Francisco?

I've already forgotten.Hmm.


Mac, Riley and Desi are back
home, safe and sound, and...

Helen is with her family
at the hospital.

Good news.

Yes. You, uh...

you did well today.

My good man.

weren't so bad yourself,

old chap.

Please, sir...

Okay. Stop.

So, I've figured out

what it is you do here.

I mean, good.

But if you could,
you know, like...

tell me, that... that'd be cool,
too, to-to know.

Little bit of this,
little bit of that.


A master of more
than one would imagine.

Apologies for before.

No worries, man.

I'm sorry for...

shutting down your lab. All good.

Wait, what? And my regrets
for putting

old what's-his-face, Sparky,
on eBay.

Good news, though,
is that he's up to $200.


No, no, no. What
the hell, man?

I found this photo in documents

in the Office of Scientific
Research and Development.

The man at the back far left
is Dr. Zachary Tutelman.

He's the designer

of the time-delay bomb
fuse. And the others?

Um, I don't know yet.

But take a look at the clipboard

that the man in the suit
is holding.

It's them.

That's the symbol
of the group

we've been looking for...
The organization

behind the L.A. water
supply, the NORAD attack.

Mm. But I don't understand how.

This is from the 1940s.Whoever they are,

they've been around a lot longer
than we first thought.

But that's not all.

I did some more
digging, and...

I think I know what
they call themselves.

This is
the day for which free people

- long have waited...
- This is D-Day.

You're not allowed to be in here
without clearance.

I know that you have
reservations about the...

goodness of this endeavor.

There are others
who think as you do,

fellow innovators
who hope that science

will make the world
a better place,

but fear that it
might end it.

I'm here to tell
you one thing:

There is a way for you
to continue your work

and find peace.

You just have
to be shown a...

different perspective.

Consider it.

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