MacGyver (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 14 - Father + Bride + Betrayal - full transcript

An international crime boss offers to surrender if he's allowed to return to the United States to watch his daughter walk down the aisle; Mac and the team crash the wedding to ensure the crime lord doesn't run.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We have just received word.

Authorities are confirming 81
dead in the recent explosion

at the Budapest consulate.

Dozens of victims have been taken

to nearby hospitals
for medical treatment.

Hey, man, I got here as soon
as I could. What's going on?

They got it wrong.

- The attack?
- Yeah. Th-They're claiming

it was a terrorist attack,
but I'm telling you, man,

they got it wrong. It's Tiberius Kovac.

Tiberius Kovac.

He was behind the bombings in Croatia.

- I thought he was dead, though.
- Yeah, so did I.

My Delta unit tracked
him down for 12 years.

He's a bad dude, man,
the worst of the worst.

I thought I killed him.

But you never found the body, right?

Yeah, a-and then check this out.


...somebody sends me

this photo.

Well, yeah, that's definitely

Tiberius Kovac, but where'd

- you get that from?
- I don't know. A-At first,

I-I thought somebody
was messing with me,

sending me a photo from ten years ago.

And then I find out somebody in-country

sent this, confirming Kovac is alive.

This photo's from a few days ago, man.

- This is recent?
- Yeah.

So he's still alive?

But I-I still don't
understand what this is about.

Okay, okay.

The U.S. government has actionable intel

that Kovac has been
planning terrorist attacks

against Europe and the United States.

They're putting together a task force

to hunt him down. It's the
biggest operation since 9/11.

And they want you to be a part of it.

They want me to lead the hunt.

I report for duty in 48 hours.

All right. Get me on the task force.

- No.
- Come on, get the Phoenix on this.

No, no, hoss, I'm sorry.

I-I can't do that.

It's above my head.
This is a lean operation.

Every country is hand-picking
their own operatives

who's already been
on the hunt for Kovac.

They want, they want people that have

already dealt with this
guy, you know what I mean?

And hear me out on this,

I really need you here.

The Phoenix needs you.

Yeah, no, I, I hear you.

It's just kind of hard to
imagine you not being around.

What did the others say?

I haven't really told them yet.

I-I wanted to tell you first.

Oh, you invited me here...

To say goodbye to a good friend.

Matilda Webber.

I hope that your trip was comfortable.

Four hours in an SUV with bad
shocks and no air-conditioning.

What do you think?

And you may want

to spring for some
deodorant for your boys.

The one to my left was a little ripe.

- Apologies.
- Save it.

Why am I here?

I need a favor.

And why would I do you a favor?

Get out.

Because of what you'll get in return.

I'm listening.

I want you to provide me
safe passage into the U.S.

so that I may attend
my daughter's wedding.


you're the head of a
massive criminal operation.

You've been on Interpol's
most wanted list

for the last seven
years, the FBI's for five.

What could you possibly give
up that would be worth the risk

of letting you back into the States?


I see that you're skeptical. I get it.

I would be, too, if I was in your shoes.

But I'm serious. I'm tired of running.

In the last six months alone,

I've narrowly escaped an
assassin's bullet twice.

It's time.

Just you is not enough.

For me to agree to do this,

I would need intel on the Puebla cartel,

Al Barakat, and the NPO.

You would need to give up

all your clients and
your whole organization,

and I'll make this happen.

But short of that?

The answer's no.

That won't be a problem.

Do we have a deal?

Why me?

That's easy.

Out of all the federal agents
that I've crossed paths with,

I know that you're the only
one that would keep her word.

And while that's true,
I do need to remind you

that I work on behalf of Uncle Sam.

He doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

But would he negotiate with a father

that just wants to walk his
only daughter down the aisle?


do we have a deal?

Hey. What happened to you guys?

Not like you to bail on
game night last minute.

You know, Clue with only two
people isn't really a challenge.

Yeah, sorry about that. The, uh,

popcorn button on my
microwave was broken,

so I had to have Mac come
over and take a look at it.

Okay. That's...

...that's plausible, right?

Guys, you know the rules.

No talking about game night at work.


- do you recognize this guy?
- Yeah.

That handsome devil is Alonzo Olvera.

That is correct.

For those of you who are
not familiar with Alonzo,

he is the head of the
Olvera crime family.

Took over the business after his
father passed away 17 years ago

and is responsible for transforming it

from a midsized criminal operation

to a worldwide empire.

So he's like an evil Starbucks.

If Starbucks

sold illegal arms instead
of macchiatos, then, yes.

Phoenix has just been given

a rare opportunity to
put Alonzo behind bars.

Meet Camila Olvera, Alonzo's only child.

12 years ago, Alonzo escaped the U.S.

to avoid arrest and
he left Camila behind.

So this guy abandoned

his little girl just to avoid lockup?

That's harsh.

Perhaps, but leaving
Camila behind did allow her

the opportunity to grow
up outside of the sphere

of Alonzo's influence.

As far as our intel indicates,

she's had zero involvement
with the family business.

Pretty sure he did that on purpose.

Ah, world's greatest dad.

Actually, she might think so.

The two have a very close relationship,

which brings me to why we're here.

Little Camila is all grown up,

has fallen in love,
and is getting married

tomorrow night in Pebble Beach.

I'm still not connecting the dots.

How does Camila getting
married help us put Alonzo away?

Because Daddy Dearest wants to
attend his daughter's wedding.

So much so that he's
willing to turn himself in,

testify against his entire organization,

and hand over enough evidence

to tear the whole thing down.

And what has you convinced

that this conniving lowlife
is just gonna allow himself

to be taken into custody after 12 years?

No, I think old Lonny-boy's
trying to pull a fast one

to get back in the country
and then bail. I say no deal.

Jack has a point. I mean,
the last thing we want

to be responsible for is letting
a guy like that loose in the U.S.

Okay. Your opinions are all noted.


Does that mean you've already

accepted this guy's proposal?

Yes, it does.

Hey, look, your concerns are all valid.

Agreeing to Alonzo's conditions

does carry a certain risk.

And what if he decides not to
hold up his end of the bargain?

- Then this all falls on me.
- Okay.

But pulling Alonzo's whole
organization out by the roots

is one hell of a reward.

Which is why I'm willing
to roll the dice here.

Then, we are with you, Matty.

- What's the plan?
- Thank you, Mac.

Alonzo has agreed to turn himself

and the hard evidence into our custody

the day after the wedding,
which, as far as I'm concerned,

means he's ours at 12:01 a.m.

I'm not taking any
chances with this guy.

We need to make sure he holds
up his end of the bargain.

Sounds like we're crashing a wedding.



what's going on, Jack?

What do you mean?

Well, you never miss game night.

Mac can't stop looking at you.

And you haven't made a
joke about ice swans yet.

So what's the problem?

Are you kidding me right now?

Boze, are you crying?

Shut up, Jack. True love is beautiful.

Oh, is that what you think this is?

I think what Jack means
is: you're an agent

on an official op, Bozer.

Pull yourself together.

Squeeze it.


Man, I'm not holding your hand.

The pressure should be enough

to distract you from
the chemical reaction

that's going on in your hippocampus

that's making you feel
like crying. Science.

All rise.

Okay, guys.

Eyes on Alonzo from here on out.


Maybe Alonzo really is here

to see his daughter get
her happily ever after.

- Please be seated.
- Yeah.


But he's still got several
hours to think about

a lifetime behind bars.

Once the ceremony ends

and the reception starts,

people are gonna start moving around

and things are gonna get chaotic.

If Alonzo's gonna run, it'll be then.

Excuse me.

Okay, everyone, check in.

North exit's covered.

All clear by the food buffet.

I mean, I mean, the south exit.

Come on, Jack, it's right in my ear.

Could you finish chewing first?

All right.

All clear by the east exit.

Hey, here's an idea... how
about I take one for the team

and I just guard this
door the rest of the night?

Hey, hey, hey, gorgeous.


Don't tell me a pretty girl
like you doesn't have a date.

Actually, I do. His
name's popcorn shrimp

and he gets really jealous.


West exit's

full of cheesy sleazeballs.

But no activity.

Target's headed towards the balcony.

I got him.

Don't get any ideas.

I don't remember sending
you an invitation.

You didn't.

Well, that answers my question.

Is there no trust between us?

I trust that my people will be watching

your every move until
exactly 12:01 a.m.,

at which point today becomes
tomorrow and you become mine.

I give you my word,
I'm turning myself in.

But now, if you'll excuse me,
I'd like to spend as much time

as I can with my family before
I become a permanent guest

of the federal government.

Oh. Yeah.

Well, when are you
gonna tell everyone else?

About what?

Are you serious?

Oh. After this mission...

Uh, you can swallow first.

After this mission, I guess.

I figured one last hoorah
before I ship out, you know?

Man, kind of hard to imagine
the Phoenix without you.

Nah, I'll be back before
you even miss me, and, hey,

Matty let me handpick my
replacement to watch your back.

I think you're really gonna like her.

Or kill her, one of the two.

That's oddly specific.
Should I be worried?

No, man. You'll meet her soon enough.

And trust me, there's nobody

I'd trust more to watch
your back than this woman.

She is really good.

Well, other than me, obviously.

All right, but what about...

Do me a favor? Will you
take this tray of little...

I don't know... Weenie
thingies to, uh, Riley?

She's really been wanting to try one.

And word to the wise, the
grapes got seeds in 'em.


Now, watch yourself.


I thought Jack was gonna
polish off the whole buffet.

So what were you boys talking about?

Uh... you know... guy stuff.

Okay, so you were trying to explain

something science-y and Jack's head

was about to explode, as usual, right?

Yup. Something like that.


You know, you're a terrible liar.

One of my best
qualities. How we looking?

There's no activity.

Seems quiet.

You think he's really here for her,

or are we gonna have trouble?

Honestly? I don't know.

Something's up.

I just lost the hallway
in the north exit.

- Can you get it back?
- Yeah, I'm working on it.

Someone's locking me
out of all the cameras.

Matty, we got a situation.
Who's got eyes on Alonzo?

I got him. He's headed
toward the west exit.

I repeat: Alonzo's on the move.

Do not lose sight of him.

Yeah, we got him.

He just took a right
halfway down the hallway.

Any idea where he's going, Riley?

Looks like that goes to the indoor pool.

There's windows in there, Mac.

- I need backup at the pool ASAP.
- On the way.

You started the party without me?

I didn't really have a
choice. Let him go now.

Jack, did you see my tackle?
I put my shoulder into him

just like you taught... Mm...



Bad news, Matty.

One of these guys phoned a
friend before Bozer put him down

for a nap.

Okay, get this. No knives. No guns.

Just zip ties and this
bottle of chloroform.

We found the same thing on that guy.

All right, These guys
aren't here to kill you.

They're here to kidnap you.

All right, that's it.
I'm shutting this down.

Time to get Alonzo out of here.

All right, I'll get transpo.
Meet you guys outside.

Secure the perimeter.

Watch your six.

- Lock it up.
- North unit clear.

South unit clear.

Move out. Go, go, go.

We're clear.

Scratch that. I don't
think we're going anywhere.

Listen up. Party's over.
Everyone along the wall!

Hands where I can see
them. You hard of hearing?

I see you. Get up. Move, move. Back.

Back against the wall.



Nice tie.

Everyone, shut up.

If your name isn't Alonzo Olvera,

you can relax, we're not here for you.

Keep calm and you may keep your life.

Now, if your name is Alonzo Olvera,

I suggest you step
forward, make this easy.

Party crashers just took the
ballroom searching for Alonzo.

Tell me you have him.

Yep, he's with us.

Do you recognize these men?

- No.
- Hey. Hey!

This is no time to be
withholding information

- there, Alonzo.
- I'm not.

My only child and everyone
I love is in that ballroom.

If I knew anything about
these men, I would tell you.

Well, clearly they know you

and that you'd be here tonight.

I got an ID on our pool posse.

They come from a domestic
terrorist group called Chronos.

That name ringing any
bells there, Lonny?

Chronos? Small-time.

Well, they just upped
their game, big-time.

Any idea why they'd be after you?

We had a deal in the
works a few months ago.

They purchased hardware, a lot.

But the shipment was seized by customs.

They blamed me and they
wanted their money back.

And I take it you didn't get around

to giving them their refund.

Of course not. That's not how I operate.

The buyer assumes all risk.

I'm always clear on that.

Well, obviously, they
didn't like the fine print.

Matty, what's going on?

Everything okay?

These guys just realized
Alonzo's not in the ballroom.

Camila Olvera, congrats on your big day.

- You look lovely. Where's Dad?
- I don't...

- Look, this is her wedding day.
- I don't know!

You remember when I said
I wouldn't hurt anyone?

Well, I lied.

So, tell me where your father is

before I start really hurting people.

No. No, no, I-I told you, I don't know!

I don't know, please, I don't know.

Then I'll start with your family.

Where's Grandma? Let's get her up here.

No. I told you.

- I don't know. Please.
- ?Abuelita?

I don't know.


Two-man teams. Floor by
floor. I want him found now!


Help him. Help him.

Mac, ten hostiles just locked the guests

in the ballroom to search for Alonzo.

You got to get him and the
evidence he's turning over

out of this building right now.

All right, time to go.

Wait, wait, wait. M-My
daughter, my family.

Will be much safer when
we get you out of here.

Now, where was the evidence
you were gonna turn over?

On a tablet, locked
in a safe. Suite 811.

Okay, Riley and I
will go get the tablet.

- You two, take him.
- Wait, wait.

You'll need me to open the safe.


The safe is biometric. You
need a retinal scan to open it.

What kind of hotel safe
requires a retinal scan?

The safe is mine.

I brought it as an insurance policy.

I had to make sure that you
honor your end of the deal

before I turn the tablet over.

Okay. There's got to be
another way into that safe.

Here's an idea. We take the safe,

we throw it off the balcony,
and then we pick it up

once Alonzo's out of the building.

That will destroy the evidence.

My safe is packed with thermite.

It's rigged to shock and tilt sensors.

Anyone but me tries
to open it or move it,

that tablet will turn into a
puddle of metal and plastic.


I'm out of ideas, Mac.

Okay, Riley and I will go with Alonzo,

I'll figure something out.

You two, we have ten
hostiles in the area.

Think you can reduce that number?

- Yeah, we can handle that. Let's go.
- All right.

811, let's go.

Nothing here.

All right.

We got two bogeys in the hall.

We got a couple of bogeys,
let's turn 'em into birdies.

- Where'd you go?
- Found the pro shop, got us a couple weapons.

Figuring we need to
keep this nice and quiet.

A putter, Jack, seriously?

It's titanium and graphite...

Light in the hands,
bad news for the face.

Remember to keep your left arm straight.

I can't seem to...

find my key.

Course not.

- Um, any chance we can break it down?
- Well, no.

'Cause we'll make too much noise
and then draw them to our...


What is he doing?

It's better not to ask.

How is that gonna open the door?

Well, how familiar are you
with lever arm distance,

tangential force, and torque?

I'm not sure what any of that means.

Uh, it-it means...

physics is awesome.

- Well said.
- Hey!

All right. Alonzo, go
ahead and get the tablet.

Riley, help me with the furniture.

We found Alonzo, suite 811.

Repeat: 811.

- We're on our way.
- Let's go.

Hole in one.


Six down, four to go.

Pretty sure we'll find the
rest on the eighth floor.

Hey, hey.

What do you say we switch to guns?

- Hey, I like that.
- Yeah.

Let's go.

All right, we need an exit.

What about these windows?

We're eight floors up.

So, if the windows
and the doors are out,

how are we getting out?

I got a crazy idea.

Riley, I need toothpaste.

Alonzo, grab me that remote over there.

And, uh, see if there's any
chewing gum in the minibar.

Whoa, whatever your plan is,

I hope it's worth seven years' bad luck.

I'm only worried about
the next seven minutes.

My dad used to say,

"If one door closes, make another door."

When lit, thermite undergoes

an exothermic reduction
oxidation reaction.

Simply put:

It gets really hot.

But you need a way

to direct the heat.

Using this mirror, the
toothpaste as an adhesive,

and the thermite powder from the safe,

I can create a makeshift
breaching frame.

Wrap some tinfoil around
both ends of a battery,

use it to light the thermite,

and... boom.

You've opened another door.

Come on, come on, come on.

Almost in.

All right, let's go.

He's in here somewhere.

Hey, hey.

On my mark, throw that.



You never cease to amaze me.

Where's Alonzo?

He bolted.

And he took the tablet
with him. Come on, let's go.

Hold on, you're telling
me that you neutralized

the Chronos threat but then
you lost Alonzo and the tablet?

"Lost" may be a little harsh,

more like temporarily misplaced.

He couldn't have gotten far.

You search this floor,
I'm gonna head downstairs.


You know, Chronos
actually did us a favor

by locking all the exits. If
there's a silver lining here,

it's that we know Alonzo's
still in the building.

That doesn't make me feel much better.

I went way out on a limb to
make this deal with Alonzo.

- If he burns me...
- He won't, Matty.

We're gonna find him. Mac,
we're headed to you now.


Found Alonzo.

Excellent. Keep him where he is.

Well, that shouldn't
be a problem; he's dead.


What do you mean, dead?

I mean his heart's not beating

and his lungs aren't drawing breath.

It gets worse.

Whoever killed him...

also stole the tablet.

Hang on, hang on a second now.

I know I'm no math genius,

but last time I checked,
six plus four is still ten.

Bozer and I took out six goons,

Mac and Riley took out four.

That's ten scumbags on ice.

So, if we took them all
out, who got to Alonzo?

Well, he wasn't stabbed or shot.

Looks like he just fell over dead.


What's this right here on his neck?

Guys, I don't think this is Chronos.

Not unless they suddenly
changed their plan

from kidnapping Alonzo to poisoning him.

Wait, what are you saying?
Someone else killed him?

Someone unaffiliated with
the terrorists we took out?

That's what it looks like.

Okay, guys, listen up.

Our witness is dead

and his evidence is missing.

If we want any hope

of salvaging this op,

we need to find Alonzo's killer

and get that tablet back.

How are we supposed to
find this mystery murderer?

MacGYVER: All right.
First thing we need to do

is identify the poison.

Riley, can you get me
some laundry detergent?

Yeah, yeah.


Does this work?

Yeah. That is perfect.

It's difficult to identify

a poison without an actual la,

but I might be able to narrow down

our options with a few
household ingredients.

I just need to mix a few drops
of Alonzo's blood with vinegar,

baking soda, and a fluorescent agent,

shine a UV light on it,
and hope for a little luck.

Okay. That's a little weird

and unsanitary.

What does this mean?

Blue-green fluorescence
under a UV light

means he was killed with cyanide.

And how does knowing this help us?

Given his weight and how
quickly his symptoms progressed,

I'd say he was dosed 80
minutes ago, give or take.

Hold on. That would mean that Alonzo

was injected at the reception
while we still had eyes on him.

Before Chronos arrived.

But the only people here during
that time were guests and staff.

Was Alonzo killed by
someone at the wedding?

Well, whoever did it, they're
still in the building right now.

We just need to keep them here.

Well, that could be a problem.
The guests have already started

to notice that our bad guys
haven't checked in for a while.

They're getting restless.

There's no one out there.

They chained us in and left.

Clear this table off.
We're busting out of here.

The bride and groom are
mobilizing an escape.

We don't have a lot of time.

We need to keep the
guests in the ballroom.

If they get out, it's
gonna make it a lot harder

- to catch our killer.
- Might even provide a cover for them

to leave the building unnoticed,
take the tablet with them.

Yeah, we can't let that happen.

I know how to make the party stay put.

Dare I even ask, Jack?

Yeah, it's better if you don't.

Don't worry. Bozer and
I will handle the guests.

- Yeah.
- Fine. Go do it.

Mac, Riley, go get me
back that damn tablet.

Yes, ma'am.

Go, go, go.

Let's go.

Back! Back!

Get back, get back, get back.

Get back!

Everybody, settle back!

Get inside right now!

Get back! You want to die today?!

- Go, go, go!
- Get back!

I'm gonna go round up the
rest of the stragglers.

Keep your hands up!

Keep 'em up!

You, in the blue dress!

You look good.

I'm coming up empty in the lobby. Riley?

Hey, guys, I got it right here.

Riley, say again.

- You found the tablet?
- Yeah, I got it.

The tablet was right here in
the game room, on the table.

Wait, it's just sitting on the table?

I guess the killer ditched it.

That doesn't sound
right. I'm coming to you.

Riles? Riley?

Matty, we got a problem.

Back to the ballroom, Grandma.

All of you! Now, let's go!

Go, go, go.

- Keep your hands up!
- Go, go, go, go, go!

Get in there!

Let's go!


What's going on, Mac? I need an update.

Yeah, I found her, she's unconscious.

And her pulse is racing.

She's got a fresh
puncture mark on her arm.


Mac, Mac, are you, uh,

are you saying Riley's been poisoned?

Yeah. Whoever attacked Alonzo

also got to Riley.

How long does she have?

Well, considering she's half

his size, not long.

What's going on, Mac? How's she doing?

She's barely breathing.


Mac, but you can help her, right?

Yeah, I just need to
gather a few things.


please tell me all that banging means

you found everything you need.

I have everything except one thing.


Blood? Whose blood?


Do we even want to
know what you're doing?

Yeah. The key to making an antidote

to a cyanide-based poison
lies in the 3-MP amino acid

found in the human body,
which helps us process

natural levels of cyanide
found in fruits and vegetables.

Muriatic acid from tile cleaner,

sulfur from match
heads, hydrogen peroxide,

and blood... in this case, min.

Mix everything in a pot, heat it,

strain it, and though it seems gross,

you've actually made an
antidote for cyanide poisoning.

Breathe it in like a
nasal spray, and hopefully

Riley doesn't die.

Sorry, Riles. This is gonna suck.

What's happening, Mac?

Talk to us.

She's okay. She's okay.

I don't feel so good.

Yeah, it's because you've been poisoned.

The killer used the tablet

as a trap, and then they ambushed you.

Did you happen to get
a good look at 'em?

No, they came up from behind.

Well, whoever they are,
they still have the tablet.

And they're still in the building.

Riley, is there anything you remember?

I saw the tablet on the table,

I went to get it.

There was a flash of light.

Pretty sure I was hit by a stun gun.

A stun gun?

Guys, I think I know
how to unmask our killer.

Jack, Bozer, go separate
the wedding party

from the rest of the guests.

- Get over there!
- You! Over there!


why are we being kept here?

I don't know how to
tell you this, but...

your father has been murdered.

We still don't know who it is.

That's what we're trying to figure out.

That's why you're all still in here.

The building was full

of armed men hunting for my son.

You didn't catch even one?

Actually, we caught them all,

but none of them murdered your son.

- Alonzo was poisoned.
- No.

It was introduced by a
puncture wound to his neck,

which means that whoever did this,

they got close. It was
someone that he trusted.

You think it was someone
I invited to my wedding?

The killer had to have known

that Alonzo struck a deal
with the U.S. government.

Whoever it was had a lot to lose

if Alonzo shut down his organization.

My dad made a deal?


We were gonna take him into custody

after your wedding.

But why would he do that?

Because he was tired of running,

and because he wanted
to be here for you,

to walk you down the aisle.

S-So someone killed him

for wanting to do what's right?

Yes, but they didn't just poison Alonzo.

They also poisoned my
friend, and that second attack

is how we're gonna ID them.

- How?
- Well, when Riley was attacked,

there was a strange interference

on our comm channels...

which means the killer... using a stun gun.

But they were also carrying

a device that reacted

to the electrical charge in the stun gun

by broadcasting feedback.

Don't have a stun gun
on me, but microphones

pretty much use the
same frequency, so...

My grandmother? Is this a joke?

It's not. This medical alert bracelet

was what caused the
feedback that we heard.

That's a lovely ring.

A poison ring tipped with cyanide.

This is the murder weapon,
and this is the murderer.

Abuela? Please tell me

that this isn't true.

Your abuelo and I started
this business from nothing.


And I promised him years ago I'd
never let anything destroy it.

Even your own son?

Especially my own son.

He, of all people,

should have known.

Don't you see,

mi nieta?

This is your abuelo's legacy,

and your father was
gonna burn it all down.

I think you mean did burn it all down.

Your organization is going
to be completely wiped out.

You and everyone in it

are going to jail for
a very, very long time.

What do you mean, he's recalled?

But not for, like, ever, right?

Just a few days, maybe a week?

His assignment is open-ended.

He'll be gone as long as it takes

to catch Tiberius Kovac.

Kovac is one of the most

dangerous terrorists in the world.

Last time it took years to put him away.

You knew.

He told me a couple days ago.

You weren't gonna say anything?

He told me not to.

He didn't want, uh,

everyone to be distracted
when we were on the mission.

Okay, so when does he leave?

Right now.

Plane's, uh, wheels up in-in 20.

I just wanted to come by
and say goodbye to everybody.

Give me some, Boze.

Come on.

You be careful out there, Jack.

I will.

You're a good man.

And, hey, do me a favor and, you know,

keep track of my Bruce Willis collection

- for me, will you?
- I mean, of course,

but you know those old VHS
tapes aren't worth anything.

They mean a lot to me.

Now that I think on it,

they're probably collector's items.

Okay? I'll be sure to
keep an eye on them.

Thanks, man.


You come back to us, Jack.

That's an order.

Yes, ma'am.


- Why didn't you tell me?
- I'm sorry.

I didn't want you to worry.

But if something should happen to me,

I want you to know
that I love you, honey.

Honey, I lo... I love you so much

and I'm so proud of
the woman you've become.

I mean, pretty impressive, yeah?

You and me, pizza and Skee-Ball
when you get back, okay?

Yeah, I promise.

I promise.

Look, I know,

uh, uh, it's my turn,

but I don't really
have a speech prepared.

Why don't you just promise me

that you'll stay here at the Phoenix,

saving the world one mission
at a time, how about that?

That I can do. Promise.

I'll see you on the other side, I guess.


I'm, uh... I'm sorry I
got to leave like this.

Okay, look, you're hunting down a man

who's hurt thousands of innocent people

and plans on doing it to more,

so you wouldn't really
be yourself if you didn't.

You just keep thinking, Butch.

That's what you're good at.