MacGyver (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - Screwdriver - full transcript

Using a screwdriver and bug spray, MacGyver must find the U.S. government mole who is leaking classified intel to the organization that is trying to take down The Phoenix Foundation. Also, Sarah returns to help with the mission, and Nikki reappears, but Mac can't tell which side she's on.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ You know you make me want to shoop ♪

♪ Shoop ba-doop, shoop ba-doop ♪

♪ Shoop ba-doop, ba-doop, ba-doop ♪

♪ Shoop ba-doop, shoop ba-doop... ♪

- Hey.
- Are you ready to talk?

Heck, yeah.

This is some good stuff, man.

What do they call it?

Sodium Pentothal.

Truth serum?

- Correct.
- Sounds good.

Not for you, I am afraid.

Now I'm going to ask you

the same questions... as before.

What is your name?


Come on, man. I'm just kidding with you.

It's Jack Dalton. Jack Wyatt Dalton.

Wyatt's my middle name.

My dad was a big fan of old westerns,

but he died recently.
It's sad. I miss him.

Who do you work for?

Phoenix Foundation.

It's a covert little outfit

masquerading as a think tank
in Los Angeles, California.

U.S. of A.

Home of the World Champion Chicago Cubs,

soon-to-be-champion Dallas Cowboys

and lots of fat infidels.

Tell me about this... Phoenix.

Well, we're the guys you call, you know,

when nut jobs like you threaten
to kill a bunch of people.

Who else knows about me?

Let's see.

Riley Davis.

She is a firecracker.

She can clear your name off the
planet with three keystrokes.

And there's Wilt Bozer.

He's new to the organization,

so you don't really have
to worry about him too much.

Plus, they're back in L.A. Oh.

There's my boss, Patricia Thornton.

She likes to go by "Director Thornton,"

but I call her "Patti," you know,

to get under her skin a little bit.

You know, she's a
good-looking woman, you know.

No sense of humor. Zero.

I mean, come on, you got
to have a sense of humor...

about all this, right?

I mean, even Miss
Terrorist, Mrs. Terrorist...

she must crack a smile
every now and then, right?

Is that everyone?

No. No, there's one more.

He's my boy... MacGyver.

Dude is so smart.

He's the smartest guy
I've ever met in my life.

Met over in the desert
fighting guys like you.

No, I really...

I really love the little guy. I do.

He's like... he's like a brother.

And where is he?

- Now?
- Yes.

Well, if he's following the plan,

he should be... right
outside that door...

right now.

I mean, come on, man.

You didn't think he was just gonna
leave me in here like that, did you?

Hey, Mac, long hallway, last door

- on the left marked "ugly room."
- Shut up, before I kill you now!

Copy that. Shutting up.

Oh, I think that's for you. Hmm.


Oh. Oh.


How did you do that?


Ink from red pens.

And a bottle of chocolate sauce.

Not the good kind, either.

- The cheap, high-fructose kind.
- Oh, man.

It is good to see you, buddy.

Man, I-I really screwed up.
I let the cat out of the bag.

I told him all about
the Phoenix Foundation.

Thornton's gonna be so mad at me, right?

Ah, it doesn't matter.
He's going to jail.

Oh, yeah.

All right.

- Time to go.
- Hey, it's really good to see you.

You, too, man.

A big hug?

We'll save it for after
the flight, all right?


I love you, buddy.

I love you, too, big guy.

Hey, Mac...

how old do you think I look?

Your age.

No. I mean, how old do you think
I can get away with looking?

Don't lie on a dating profile, Jack.

You're only setting people
up for disappointment.

All right, I'm just gonna
man-rupt you right there

'cause you're killing the vibe.

This is supposed to be fun.

I'll just finish this
on my own, thank you.

Just saying, tell the truth.

You'll feel good about it.


And a half.

So, why the sudden interest
in finding Miss Right?

Well, I got this weird
thing about dying alone.

And I've been thinking

it might be nice to see some
little Jacks running around.

All right. Next section.

"What do you look for in
the perfect companion?"

Someone who likes bad
karaoke and getting shot at.

I already got you for that, sweetheart.

Can you get that?

I can, but I won't.

Are you serious? Why not?

House rules.

House rules... what does that even mean?

It means it's your house.
You got to answer the door.

What's the matter with you?
That's proper etiquette.

- Now you're Emily Post?
- Whatever.

I'm trying to teach you something here.

You're trying to make up an excuse

'cause your lazy ass doesn't
want to get off the couch.

Hey, if you don't
believe me, look it up.

I'm obviously in the
middle of something,

and if you wouldn't mind
getting up, that'd be great.

Okay, fine. Be a rude host.

Hey, welcome to the rude house.

Can you put a little hustle into that?

You're so bossy.

Who is it?

Hey, Jack, who is it?

Jack, who is it?

Hey, Mac.

Sarah. Nice to see you.

What are you doing here?

Nikki Carpenter was a former member

of your ops team, is that right?


Six months ago, she escaped custody

after failing to deploy a WMD?

That's right.

And before her betrayal,

she was also your
girlfriend for two years.

What does that have to do with anything?

Sarah found Nikki.

We finally get to catch her.


Nine hours ago, the CIA
intercepted a message

about a dead drop to
an unknown recipient

being made by a woman whose
alias has been traced back

to Nikki Carpenter.

I recognized the name,
asked my superiors

if I could put together
a team for the grab,

then immediately
tracked down Jack and Mac

to recruit them to my op.

Thank you, Sarah, but
Nikki's family business.

We'll go ahead and take it from here.

Like I said, it's my op,

and because of your
relationship to the suspect,

I'm offering you the
opportunity to assist.

And we're super-duper grateful,
but you're still not coming.

- Jack, is there a problem?
- No.

No, there's not a problem. It's just...

Sarah's getting married this weekend.

I don't think now is the best
time for a new field assignment.

And here I thought you just
didn't get the invitation.

Uh, we could give you
guys a minute if, uh...

I got the invitation.

Then why didn't you respond?

We better get moving,

if we're gonna intercept
Nikki. Let's go.


What the hell was that?

- What?
- I'm going.

No, you're not. I'm
not gonna be responsible

if something happens to you
a week before your wedding.

I don't need that.

Let's give them some privacy, shall we?


It's soundproof, too.

I know what this is about.

- What?
- Your invitation.

So what about it?

I can see receiving it upset you.

Look, I-I didn't even
know if I should send it.

Held onto it for a long
time, but then I thought,

if you weren't invited,
you would be hurt.

At least this way, you
could choose to RSVP "no."

Instead, you just didn't respond at all.

What are you really
doing here, Sarah, hmm?

I mean, Nikki... she
doesn't mean anything to you.

But she means something to you.

You've been thinking about me?

- Uh...
- Huh?

I am here because Nikki Carpenter

is a threat to national security.

And it's a great excuse
to get to see Jack.

Do you ever think before you speak,

or do you just say the first thing

that tumbles through
that thick head of yours?

Nikki's capture will yield
valuable intel that we can...

We can gather together,

side by side, arm in
arm, just like old times.

Teaming with operatives
who know the suspect

gives me the best chance
of mission success.

Yeah, and if you think about
it, it gives us really...

really quality time together
before you walk down the aisle...

I'm just gonna stop you right here

before you say something we both regret,

because you'll be sterile,

and I'll be in jail.

I am just here...

to catch Nikki.


Sarah's coming with
us. Isn't that great?


Two hours until Nikki gets here.

Secure the perimeter and take positions.


Oh, it's not so bad.

You, me, walking down the aisle.

Dads walk their daughters
down the aisle, Jack.

Does John know you invited me?

His name's Jeff. And...

- he thought it was a good idea.
- Hmm.

What fiancé tells his bride
to invite her much-better ex...

to the wedding?

The kind that's not insecure,

and thank you Jack, for
being so mature about this.

My mistake thinking we
could still be friends.


Tell me about the dress.


Hmm? Is it white?

No, it's black Kevlar
with a comm package

and an ammo belt.

There's no reason to be sarcastic.

Unless you're not being sarcastic.

You look great in black.

It'd be a hell of a look.

- It's white.
- Mm.

And you can see it if
you come to the wedding.

Oh, if I'm not dead by the weekend,

I'll certainly consider it.

You guys okay?

Oh. Peachy.

Okay, Mac,

I got a live satellite
view of your location.

Copy that.

Getting into position
for Nikki's arrival now.

- Hey, Mac?
- Yeah.

- That's you, right?
- Who else would it be?

Um, all right. I'm just
checking. I can't see you.

Is everything all right... my son?

- Oh, very funny.
- Yeah.

Uh-uh... and no,
everything's not all right.

I'm pretty messed up, actually.

Couldn't tell.

I just don't know how much longer

I can keep pretending
I'm fine with all this.

Oh. This is you
pretending to be fine, huh?

Yeah, uh-uh. Pretty good
at hiding my feelings, too.

I know I should have told
you about the wedding,

but when I got the invitation,

I just didn't want to think about it.

So... I threw it out.

- I don't even know why I did it.
- Oh, you know why.

We both know why.

You still have feelings for Sarah.

And you don't want her to get married.

I wish I could tell you
to say a few Hail Mary's

and it'll all be better, but...

it won't.

There's a reason they say "speak
now or forever hold your peace."

I think maybe it's time
you told her how you feel.

Okay, Mac,

I got a vehicle approaching,
and our target making entry

Hello, Nikki.


Nikki, stop!

Wait. Wait. Wait.

Take that door.

Hands up. Go on.

Altiora Petimus...

Bravo Seven.

What does that mean?

Altiora Petimus... Bravo Seven. It's...

it's an agency code for...

It means Nikki isn't a terrorist.

She's actually a deep
cover agent for the CIA.

What the hell is going on?

Six months ago, right before Lake Como,

I was recruited by the
CIA for a deep cover op.

Really? Was this before
or after you stole

a deadly virus and tried
to kill everybody with it?

That was my buy-in.

I had to convince the Organization.

Releasing a WMD as initiation?

You expect us to believe
the CIA approved that?

They did.

'Cause I assured them Mac would
never let the virus be unleashed.

What's your mission?

There's a mole in the U.S. government

leaking classified intel
to the Organization,

keeping them one step ahead
of all efforts to stop them.

This whole thing is about a mole?

Okay, fine.

Who's the mole?

Someone high up in the
intelligence community.

I... The closest I've got to ID'ing them


I was making progress,

getting close to
ID'ing the mole until...

Until they hired Murdoc to kill me?

I realized the op had gone too far.

Putting people I care about in jeopardy.

So I contacted my CIA handler

and asked to be pulled out.

Two days later, he
died in a car accident.

Since then, I've been on my own.

And no one else knew
you were undercover.


There was no dead drop, was there?

You let us intercept the message.

You wanted... to get caught.

That's right.

And you just got an answer
for everything, don't you?


I can't finish this on my own.

I need you to help me find Chrysalis.

Do you still have the key I sent you?

You know I do.

All my intel on Chrysalis is in
a lockbox four hours from here.

It'll prove everything I've said.

Yeah, all this sincerity
is killing me...

she's lying, Mac.

We're talking about a high-level mole

inside of our government.

If there's even a chance she's
telling the truth, we need to know.

Sorry, but did you just say

"and don't tell Thornton"?

I know I just started
working here, but...

isn't this the sort of thing
you're supposed to tell the boss?

Ordinarily, yes,

but if Thornton finds out,

she'll say Nikki's playing mind games

and order us to bring
her in immediately.

Okay, but is she playing
mind games with you, Mac?

I don't know.

This "Organization" of hers

has been one step ahead
of us at every turn.

We can't ignore the possibility
Chrysalis may be real.

Okay, I'll see what I can
dig up on that code name.

And I'm almost afraid to ask,

but what will you guys be doing?

Going dark, and taking
Nikki to the lockbox.

This is crazy.

If Chrysalis is real, whoever they are,

they are really good at
covering their tracks.

If I start poking around government
systems trying to find them,

I might accidentally tip them off

and put our guys in more danger.

Okay. I know this probably
breaks four or five spy rules,

but... if we can't search
inside the government,

what if we start with someone

who was inside Nikki's Organization?


You're not seriously
suggesting we go talk to...



What a lovely surprise.

- How long has it been?
- _

Since you tried to kill us all, Murdoc?

Not long enough.

You've lost that deer
in-the-headlights look, Wilt.

I take it roomie filled
you in on everything.

He works with us now.

You do know your life just got
a whole lot shorter, don't you?

As long as your crazy ass is locked up,

I'll be just fine.

I'm missing Guiding Light.

So if you don't mind,
let's cut the chitchat.

Tell me why you're here.

Hey, what are we doing here?

Gathering supplies.

No, what are we doing here?

Our... job?

No. No. Our job is to find Nikki.

I drive to the middle of nowhere

based on a pack of lies fed
to us by a known traitor,

who's already betrayed
us, like, ten times over.

Yeah, Jack, I know what it looks like.

But you can't just ignore actual
intel on a possible double agent

- in the government.
- Oh, my God,

you actually believe her?

Come on, Mac, we both know
that she's your kryptonite.

She's playing us, just
like she did before.

A-and Thornton's gonna have our hide

when she finds out what we're doing.

All right, then go home. I got this.

I... Yeah, that's just
crazy talk right there,

'cause you know wherever you go, I go.

So you're Sarah.

The Sarah.

Jack used to talk
about you all the time.

The one who got away.

Funny, I heard the same thing about you.

"The one who got away."

After trying to murder
a bunch of people.

We've been over this.

All right? I did it for the mission.

Don't give me the "God
and country" speech.

You could have found another
way into the Organization,

one that didn't get your boyfriend shot

and put millions of lives at risk.

Even if everything
you've told us is true...

and I'm still not sure it is...

I don't trust you, Nikki.

Look... I'm just saying

you're wearing Nikki-colored
glasses here, man.

Every time you two
get around each other,

your big brain gets all mushy.

She could be leading us into a trap.

Yeah, that's what the
cheese puffs are for.

Hey, you still got her phone?

If I give you this phone,

you're gonna be leading Nikki's people

right to our location, man.

Okay, fine. It's your funeral.

Mine, too, by the way, so
thanks for that. Send flowers.

It'll only be on for
a few minutes, and...

it'll be worth it...


Now we have her code.

No, what we have are five tries

till that cell phone wipes itself clean,

and four digits that
could be in any order.

Now, I'm no mathematician...

that's not really my strong suit...

but that's a lot of numbers, brother.

If you think...

How'd you do that?

Nikki's code is my birthday.

See, that's exactly
why I don't trust her.

You two are like Taylor Swift

and whoever she's dating
right now... it's...

tragic, messy, and never ends well.

On the other hand, those are
log-in codes to Langley...

that any... deep cover
CIA operative would have.

Maybe Nikki's telling the truth.

Okay, let's go pop her stupid
lockbox, see what's in there.

Oh, man!

Chrysalis, eh?

I may have heard the name.

I'm just not sure I
feel like helping you.

Just say what you want, Murdoc.


A window?

Some fava beans and a nice... Chianti?

A book, actually.

Paradise Lost.

The original print
with the Doré etchings.

Not a second edition, not a reprint...

original cloth.

Let me guess.

Out of print?

Extremely hard to find?

So what's this book mean to you?

Oh, what this book means
to me is inconsequential.

What matters to you

is that this book is the
key to unlocking my lips.

Until then...


It's clear up top.

It's clear.


Where is it?

In there.

- What game are you playing?
- None.

I swear.

Chrysalis must have got here first,

picked the lock and then
destroyed all the evidence.

- Did you set us up?
- No!

Either way, we need to go...

we just walked into a trap.

Get down! Everybody, down!

What do we got, Jack?

Looking at, uh, two three-man teams.

Leap-frogging from the tree line.

They're here to kill
me for betraying them.

Or maybe they're here to kill us

'cause you led us into a trap.

- I didn't lead you into a trap, Jack!
- Yeah, you did!

- Guys! Now's not the time.
- He's right.

We're outmanned, outgunned,
and nearly out of ammo.

We need an exit. Any ideas?

Spaghetti? Really?

Eyes on the bad guys, Jack.

Okay. Jack, open the door.
I'll roll out the stove.

The explosion should
knock these guys back,

and once that happens,
run like hell for the car.

Run to the car. Good plan.
Anybody needs to stretch out,

go ahead and do it now.

Oh, there's one catch.

I need someone to shoot a bullet

straight through the
grill of this stove.

While-while it's rolling?

Well, yeah. Only a well-placed
shot will trigger the explosion.

Otherwise, no boom.

Right. No-no boom, no bueno. Okay.

No problem. I got this.

No, no. Who says you're
gonna take the shot?

I mean, we want to hit it, don't we?

Oh, that's hilarious. Okay, uh...

All right, ready? Let's do this.


Nice shot.

Thanks, Jack. That was
big of you to admit.

No. I was complimenting myself.

Let's move, people! Get 'em!

Go! Go! Go!

You're lucky.

A couple of inches to the left

it would've shattered your collarbone.

All right, I think we're clear.

I'd like to circle back
to my earlier comment,

about Nikki leading us into a trap.

If that was a trap, Jack, why
am I the only one bleeding?


She's right. They were
shooting at all of us.

Nikki was a target, too.

I hate to admit it,
but Mac's got a point.

That was a kill squad,
not a rescue team.

Okay, fine. Against my better judgment,

I will concede that it's possible
that Nikki's telling the truth.

But if there is a mole,

then how did he know
where Nikki's lockbox was?


And-and while I'm asking
unanswerable questions,

if Chrysalis destroyed
all of Nikki's evidence,

what's our next move to catch him?

- Can you still contact Chrysalis?
- Yeah.

Operatives use a special encrypted
network to communicate with each other.

- I can still access it.
- Good.

You're gonna reach out
to him and blackmail him.

With what?

He destroyed all the
evidence I had against him.

We know that; he doesn't.

You can tell him you have another copy,

and he'll have to believe you.

Okay, fine.

Even if he believes
she made another copy,

he still has to believe she has
a good reason to blackmail him.

Well, luckily, she does.

Her CIA handler is dead.

Which means she can't prove
she's been deep cover for the CIA.

Right. And if she can't
can't come in from the cold,

and the Organization wants her dead...

Then she'd have to go on the run.


Which is why Nikki will offer
to sell the evidence to Chrysalis

for $2 million.

And if Nikki demands to meet in person,

I'm guessing Chrysalis will
try and show up and kill her.

Oh. Yeah. Okay, I gotcha.

Oh, good.

We're gonna use me as bait.


We just turned Paradise
Lost into Paradise found.

That was not easy to get ahold of.

What led you to believe that
any of this would be easy, Wilt?

Okay. You got your moldy book.

Now tell us what you
know about Chrysalis.

S. A.

37, 41,

19, 11,

65, 14,

96, ten, ten,

double zero,


What the hell is this?

International bank account number
the Organization used to pay me.

If Chrysalis is in
fact working for them,

that is the account that the
money will be coming from.

A bank account?

That's your lead?

Guard. I'm done.

Oh, guard...

Wait a minute, Murdoc, you can't just...

Your naiveté is adorable.

You made a deal with the devil.

Did you really think
it was gonna be fair?

Oh. Here we go.

I found the financial institution

the Organization is
using to wash their money.

Can you hack in?

Depends on your definition
of the word "in."

I'm on their network, but I
can't get root kernel access.

Okay. Now I just feel like
you're hazing the new guy.

What does that mean?

Well, it's bad.

Even if I could hack in,

this company protects their
clients from cyber theft

by deleting all transaction
records every 24 hours.

Murdoc just sold us a dead-end.

Actually... maybe not.

Where's this place located?

New York.

Then we're all good.

U.S. law requires financial institutions

to maintain records for three years.

Which means somewhere
in that company's HQ,

there has to be paper
copies of every transaction.

How do you know all this?

My uncle used to own an accounting firm

and my mom made me
work for him... a lot.

Wasted many a summer filing.

Well, when this helps
us bring down the mole,

remind me to thank your mom.


This is the location
you trust for the sting?


Clear lines of sight to every
entry and exit, plenty of cover.

And this way, if we get
double-crossed again,

we do it in style.

Hey, there... Charles.

My friends and I need
a room for the night.

Had to be the honeymoon suite.

So, how do we contact
Chrysalis, anyways?

You don't have a computer.

Sure we do. I'm good
with a keyboard, remember?

What do you want the
message to Chrysalis to say?

The lockbox was a copy.

If you want the originals,
price is $2 million.

In person. Non-negotiable.


Now what?

Now we wait.

Between us, we have about three,

three and a half clips.

Give or take a round.

So we're running low then.

Yeah. Yeah, we're running low.

Not Naples low, but low.

You remember Naples?

Of course I remember Naples.

That's where you bet
me you'd save my life

more times than I'd save yours.

And I believe I won that bet, didn't I?

You absolutely did not.

We were tied... and then I
pulled you out of that Jeep

before the Minigun shredded it.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's right.

I still owe you dinner
in Positino, don't I?




It's never too late, you know, Sarah.

I, um...

Positano's where Jeff's
taking me on our honeymoon.

That's great.

No, it is, you know? You...

you always wanted to go there.

I wanted to go there with you.

I should... go inside
and check the windows.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Sounds like a...

a good idea.

Or we could just stay
on this balcony forever.

Sorry. But I got to do it
or it's gonna get infected.

- Ah.
- Sorry.

Mac, I never got a chance
to tell you that I'm sorry.

I never meant for you to get hurt.

I wanted to tell you.

I just thought about
telling you so many times.

It's the hardest op I've ever worked.

I could pretend I turned,

I could pretend I didn't care...

but I couldn't pretend
that I stopped loving you.

Are you sure this is gonna work?

Oh, hell no.

I've never done anything
like this before.

But, in theory, it should,

as long as you're 100% sure

the employee ID photos
you stole off their network

belong to people who still work here.

Yes. They still work here,

but I'm not 100% sure
the e-mail I sent them

saying the office is
closed for fumigation

will keep them away.

- Is it always this itchy?
- Yes.

But don't scratch.

No way to explain why
your chin fell off.

Hold still.


Have a nice day.

An hour late.

Whoever Chrysalis is,

punctuality isn't one
of his strong suits.

Anybody want to take bets
on what this dude looks like?


Don't worry, Mac, if he's a big fella,

I'll take him. I got a
lot of sleep last night.

What is that supposed to mean?

Nothing. You just looked a
little tired this morning.

Like you didn't do too much sleeping.

Jack, let's keep this line open

for mission critical communication.

I second that.

Yeah, sorry, Nikki,
you don't get a vote.

Okay. Here we go again.

Come on, let's go.

Let me see your hands!

Go! This way!

I thought she told him to come alone.

I did.

Wait, we know these guys.

They work for us at the Phoenix.

What the hell's going on?



Whatever this is...

it's over.


I hacked this door and their
security cams to cover our tracks.

But that's where the hacking ends.

So, what's your plan for finding

the Organization's financial
records in all of this?

I don't have one.

But this is literally why
everything is digitized nowadays.

You can't run a keyword
search on a box of files.

You can't, but I can.

I may not be much of a spy yet,

but I was one hell of
an accounting file clerk.

I'm about to show this terminal
digit filing system who's boss.


Two hours ago, Phoenix
intercepted six encrypted messages

between Nikki and her Organization.

This whole mole hunt has been a ruse

cooked up to waste government resources,

destroy the careers of three top agents.

That's impossible. Chrysalis
could have faked those texts...

There is no Chrysalis, man. Didn't
you hear what Patti just said?

Nikki's been lying to us the whole time,

just like she did before.

So just how screwed are we?

All I know is Nikki is going to prison.

As for you three...

I would postpone your
wedding, Agent Adler.

You'll be in mandatory
debriefing for weeks.

All right, let's go.

My first official mission,
and it was a success.

I can't wait to tell Jack and...


Whoa, whoa.

What's going on?

Nikki was lying. There is no mole.

Nah. That's impossible.

Trust me, tried that. Didn't work.

No, Bozer's right. There is a mole.

We found proof.

The Organization has been paying someone

under an alias established
by the U.S. government

for at least three years.

We just don't know who it is yet.

You're making my brain hurt.

If there really is a Chrysalis,

then how come nobody
showed up to our sting?


I think I just figured
out who the mole is.

I just got word from Oversight.

They're coming in person
to discuss your situation.

I'm afraid I won't be allowed to
see you again afterward, so I...

I wanted to wish you both good luck.

Good luck.

That's-that's funny.

We were about to say
the same thing to you.

Oversight is coming,

but not for us.

What the hell is going on?

Well, you were right, Patti.

We screwed up. Big-time.

Disobeying orders, harboring a fugitive.

But you did get one thing very wrong.

Our sting operation worked.

Someone did show up.


Ever since Nikki escaped, you've been
trying to keep me from going after her.

You said, "Let other agents handle it."

I was concerned for you.

You were being emotionally compromised.

And then there was the cookout at
the cabin. That was a lot of fun.

We took great pains

to make sure we weren't
being tracked or followed.

And I'm pretty good at that.

Yeah, we all are.

But you could've been listening in

when Mac called us about the
evidence in Nikki's lockbox.

And... when I turned on Nikki's
phone at the gas station,

our current location popped
up on Phoenix's radar.

Your radar.

Just for a moment.

We were still a few
hours away from the cabin.

So not many people could've
guessed where we were headed.

The only other person that
knew our history there was you.

So you sent operatives
from the Organization

to destroy Nikki's evidence
before we got there.

I can't believe you're buying
into this conspiracy theory

without even a shred of proof.

But we do have proof.


The Organization has wired millions
into a Cayman Islands bank account,

which we traced to a holding
company which led to an alias.

And a little birdie at the
NSA told me that that alias

belongs to you.

You are Chrysalis.

Turns out Nikki was telling
the truth the whole time.

The only person lying was you.

Patricia Thornton,

you have the right to remain silent.

I know my damn rights.

Then let's go.

I'm gonna just come out and say it.

That was some freaky, dark
side, Snowden stuff right there.

I didn't know Thornton
as long as you guys did,

but I never thought she'd
be arrested for treason.

What in the world would make
her do something like this?

Money. Ideology.

Nah, I think it's a mixture of both,

with a whole lot of
disillusionment thrown in.

She's smart. She's
not gonna say anything.

So we may never know the truth.

So instead of Nikki being a traitor

for a few months and me not knowing,

it was Thornton for a few years.

Don't feel bad. None of us had a clue.

Yeah. That's a lot worse.

But at least we caught Thornton, right?

So... partial credit?

Oh, I think there's
more guilt than credit

going around on this one, Bozer.

Any idea what happens now?

That's up to Oversight.


Maybe Oversight can help
you figure that one out.

Good luck.



That's it?

You always did have
a way with words, Mac.

You got me shot,

broke my heart, made me
feel like I was crazy,

and now you're gonna make fun of me?

And I'm really gonna enjoy it.

So, what's your current status?

I mean, are you gonna be joining us?

Not until the job's done.

You got Thornton.

My assignment was to take down the
Organization, not just the mole.

But we're not really
talking about work, are we?

I'd say we should go to the cabin
for a little weekend getaway,

but... it's full of bullet holes now.

And it needs a new stove.

Maybe we just take it one day at a time,

see how that goes.

Whatever happens,

we'll always have Cairo.


Please be seated.

Dearly beloved, we
are gathered here today

to join in the sight
of God Sarah and Jeff

in the holy bonds of matrimony.

You okay, man?

We can split anytime you want.

Man, I been shot at by terrorists,

tortured on three different continents,

and landed a plane with
no wings and no engine.

I ain't fleeing some wedding

just 'cause I'm... a
little uncomfortable.

And now, if anyone can show just cause

why these two may not be joined,

they may speak now or
forever hold their peace.

Then, by the power vested in me,

I now pronounce you...

husband and wife.

Hey, can I be honest with you, man?

Of course.

This week has sucked

for me, man.


Yeah, it has.

Want to go order pizza
and watch Die Hard?

O.G. or the sequels?

O.G. I know how much
you like the original.

Yeah, yeah. Welcome to the party, pal.