MI-5 (2002–2011): Season 8, Episode 3 - Episode #8.3 - full transcript

MI-5 is called into action when a terrorist group takes control of a group of very rich entrepreneurs who are meeting secretly in London. The Security Service hadn't anticipated any difficulty as they had no intelligence indicating the meeting was at risk. As luck would have it, Ros Myers is on site planting a bug and so MI-5 already has an agent on the inside. The terrorists put the capitalists on trial, streaming the proceedings over the Internet and asking viewers to vote on whether they should be executed or not. The CIA want the UK government to launch an attack and even threaten to do so themselves, but Harry sees it as a sure way to get everyone killed. The Home Secretary decides it's the only way out and orders the attack. Lucas North meanwhile is trying to get information on the terrorists' leader in the hope of proving he is a phony. Separately, Jo Portman approaches Ruth Evershed suggesting she speak to Harry Pearce and rejoin the team.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
Your husband and the boy will die.

- Harry...
- I can't tell him.

- Kill the man.
- No! No!

This is all your fault, Harry!
If only you'd played by the rules.

What do you want from me?

We've missed you, Ruth. We've missed
you badly, but no one more than Harry.

- We need to talk.
- I'm glad you said that.

- What is that?
- Malcolm's replacement.

I'm the Agency's liaison officer,

so here we are... liaising.

- Hey, Lucas. My boss.
- Samuel Walker.

I've been approached.

- By whom?
- An American contact. High up.

He had great concerns about a plot to
challenge the world order as we know it.

He was scared, Harry.

Follow me, sir.

- What's Ros's status?
- Inside. Posing as Ashenden's security.

- What about the bug?
- She's just about to drop it in.

Heading for the main meeting room.

I was told the Bendorf Group
was just a conspiracy theory.

Not only does it exist, its meetings
dictate policy to half the governments.

- Including ours?
- The eight members of the group control

75% of the world's natural resources.
None of us can compete with that.

I was thinking
maybe I go to law school or something.

I'm surprised, Nina, you wanting
a desk job, working for me.

As I said, Uncle,

people change.

Your father would be proud.


It's for me. I said to my friends
to pick me up here.

It could be my driver, Nina.
I'm nearly ready.

- Yes, it's for me.
- (Gunfire)

Mr Gevitsky. Can I call you Leon?
Is it "Lay-on" or "Lee-on"?

Relax, Leon.

Think of this as a chance to get to know
your little niece a bit better.

- On se casse.
- Go, go.


Get up.

- Any news of Leon?
- He should be here shortly.

- Bug in place. Is it working?
- Clear as a bell.

Keep me updated.

I know. We've all been hit
by the recession, but now...

The public may not like it,

but you can't have a global economy
without leadership.

(Shots and screams)

- Ros, what's going on?
- We have a security breach.

At least five. Heavily armed.

Everybody, down on your knees!
On your knees!

?a va, mec?

Petit con!

On your knees! I said everybody!

I'm going in. I'm losing comms.

(Men speak in French)

Harry! Gunmen have stormed
the Bendorf. Ros has cut contact.

Get her back on the line.

Come, come, come. Stop.


- Anything?
- She's gone. Shall I call back-up?

We can't. This meeting doesn't exist.

Check everywhere. Make sure
we haven't missed anyone. Come, come.

Get Lucas and Jo over there.

Lucas, we need you on the ground.
Code alert Red.

Down on the floor against that wall!

- What the hell is this place?
- Panic room.

Sit! Sit!

- Down! Sit!
- Rudy, the lift.

It's manually controlled. No override.

No one comes down unless we let them.

You can thank your dear host and
his pathetic paranoia for this bunker.

Not exactly what you had in mind, huh?

What do you want?

Why don't we
make ourselves comfortable

and play a round of Who Doesn't Want
To Be A Dead Billionaire?

They must be there somewhere.

Pull up all traffic camera footage
from around the building.


Well, find me the Home Secretary.
I'd like to speak to him urgently.

- (Lucas) 'Tariq, give me the plans.'
- I'm on it.

Whatever ransom they ask for
will make the Lottery look tiny.

- We need to find out who they are.
- You're all flustered.

That happens sometimes,
like when armed thugs kidnap

eight of the wealthiest
and most powerful men on the planet.

- And on my first day back, too.
- It was that or a basket of muffins.

You really shouldn't have.
Someone grabbed the Bendorf Group?

They've also got Ros.
We don't even know where they are.

Harry, these are the floor plans.

Look here.
There's no tunnel, just this big space.

An underground rumpus room.

- Rumpus room?
- Panic room.

- An underground bunker.
- Get the plans to Lucas and Jo.

If Ros is down there,
she's without comms or support.

- Who else knows?
- Just us.

You're going to get angry calls
from very powerful people.

You come with me.

Take a seat.

Open it.

Welcome back to the world of the living.

It's a bit odd.

Being back here.

After everything that's happened.

Yes, I'm sorry. I hadn't intended
this to happen on your first day.

- But Ros?
- There wasn't any perceived threat.

We had no idea this was in the offing.

I sent her in because of something the
Home Secretary asked me to look into.

Which is?

Some rumblings he heard from an
American contact. Dangerous rumblings.

A high-powered meeting in Switzerland,
talk of the need for change.

- Change can be good.
- Not this change.

I thought the Bendorf Group
might be involved. Hence Ros.

Although she has no idea of
the exact reason she was put in there.

No one else does. Except you.
I'm going to need you today, Ruth.

- I damn well hope so.
- (Phone rings)

The fun begins.

- 'Harry.'
- We have a situation with Bendorf.

- A situation?
- Taken hostage by armed terrorists.

- All of them?
- We believe so. Ros Myers is with them.

You realise who we're dealing with?

'Those men influence political decisions
that affect everyone.'

We're doing everything we can.

Whoa, whoa! Calm down!

You'll get your chance, Ninotchka.

I don't know how much they're
paying you, but we can do much better!

We can double it! Treble it!

Watch and learn, Leon.

Today you will see the true cost
and the true value of money.

The world is changing.
We're not all for sale any more.

Some of us have woken up.

- Rudy, how are we doing?
- Almost ready.

- (Lucas) 'Tell me about this lift.'
- It goes 15 metres down to a panic room.

- 'Lt's sealed in reinforced concrete.'
- We need to know who's in there.

Get Harry to authorise
a satellite thermal sweep.

- There's got to be a phone down there.
- Tariq's running a GPS on that.

- 'Lt'll get every line within 100 yards.'
- Let's get set up.

- Yeah?
- Hey. You left early.

You know, evil masterminds to defeat.


I was hoping
you could come play hookey with me.

- Maybe now's not the time.
- 'Why? What's going on? '

Got to go.

The thermal image shows who's alive.

We know there are eight Bendorf
members, Ros, the security staff...

There's at least 25 people down there.

- What are they doing?
- Tariq, can you enhance screen right?

Looks like they're drilling
into the structural columns.

Rigging the building with explosives.

Harry, I've broken the encryption
on Ashenden's CCTV.

- The footage shows who arrived.
- BS Cheng, China's $60 billion man.

Then we get Simeon Tarasovich,
Russian steel magnate.

- Thomas Mickelson.
- New York's finest.

A big player in oil and gas.
Are all eight there?

- Yes. Gevitsky was last.
- How did the terrorists get in?

Through Gevitsky.
Specifically his niece, Nina.

- What about the others?
- The leader is Finn Lambert, 32, French.

- He doesn't care if we see who he is.
- Never a good sign.

Activist. Arrested for vandalising
the property of a disgraced banker.

- An anti-capitalist crusader.
- He's more than that.

His parents were in a French
left-wing terror group, Action Directe.

At 17 he won scholarships
to Oxford and the Sorbonne.

- He was thrown out for arguing.
- And his sidekicks?

The guy with the heavy arms
is Rudy Korn. A prodigy.

Won gold at the Moscow
Maths Olympiad two years ago.

They're inseparable since university.
We're running checks on the others.

How did he go from small-time protestor
to storming the Bendorf in under a year?

- What about the room?
- One way in - the lift. It's disabled.

- They didn't skimp on the specs.
- The walls?

16 inches of reinforced concrete.

Like a walk-in safe in a Swiss bank.
That's what we're dealing with.


Hang on. We have the phone number.

- That's the last one?
- Yes.

- How long?
- Three minutes.

Bye-bye, Hampstead, hey?

(Telephone rings)

I'm Simon Rose. I'm authorised to speak
on behalf of the British Government.

What do you want?

- How do you know we want anything?
- You're holding innocent people.

Is that what you would call them?

What would you call them?

Ever heard of a village in Somalia,

- No, I haven't.
- 'That's a shame.'

Because a year ago
280 people died there.

Because someone in this room decided

that their lives were worth less than
it cost to build a waste treatment plant

at his refinery upriver from it.

You call that innocent?

'I'm sure it's more complicated.'

No, it's simple. 1% of the world's
population controls 95% of its wealth.

And for 40 years
nobody's had the balls to do anything.

- Why don't you tell me what you want?
- 'Maybe some pizzas later.'

You'll be the first to know.

We're good to go.

Mr Mickelson.

If you would like to join us, please.

Please, join us!

Harry, some of the blokes monitoring
protest blogs on anti-globalisation

say they're going haywire.

- Saying what?
- To stay tuned. Hold on.

It's directing traffic to a website.


Not Facebook numbers, but impressive.

Everyone's posting links and they all
connect to the same webcast. Loading.


A lot of you will be familiar
with this gentleman.

'Our first guest - Thomas Mickelson.

'Born 17th November, 1951,
in New York.'

Graduated from Yale
summa cum laude, 1972.

Followed by an MBA from Wharton
three years later.

Currently ranked by Forbes
as number 23 on the world's rich list.

Interests ranging from, well,
pretty much everything. Oh...

'This is his mansion
in Greenwich, Connecticut.

'This is his yacht and his other yacht.

'Yes, this is another yacht.'

- What the hell are they doing?
- Putting him on trial.

- With the world watching.
- Can you stop it?

I'm figuring out how they do it.

- Can't you disable them?
- They're smart.

They're server jumping. They set up
thousands of mirror websites

using hundreds of servers. We shut down
one IP address and they're on another.

Just shut down all the servers.

They move connection five times
a second. I didn't know it was possible.

'And this is his personal plane
to get from one to the other.'

But Mr Mickelson's boys' toys
and other trappings of ultra-wealth

are not what we are here to talk about.

No, we are more interested
in how Mr Mickelson makes the money

to keep himself so amused.

And what the consequences
are on the mere mortals of this world.

Shall we begin?

How about we start with Cobalt Mining

and its role in keeping civil war raging
in Central Africa

causing the deaths
of thousands of civilians

and your company's relationship
to a militia

with the deceptive moniker
of the Free Africa Militia?

I-I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't know these people.

Tommy, Tommy, Tommy...

Are you really going to do that? Hm?

Are you really going to lie with
all these thousands of people watching?

Wait - don't answer that.

Have a look at Exhibit A.

These reports from human rights groups

and this one from UNIFIL's regional
director for Central Africa. And these...

Internal emails from executives
in your company that...

...leave very little to the imagination.

For those of you watching, the links
on your screen let you download these

and more for you to read for yourselves.

So what do you say, Tommy boy? Hm?

Do you want to take another stab
at answering my question?

I-I'm... a businessman

operating in an unstable region.

My company run development
and education programmes.

We have an outstanding record

sheltering civilians
from the worst of local conflicts.

- We are part of the solution.
- Bullshit.

Not all of the documents
are coming through. Heavy traffic.

Emails from the US State Department...

One practically authorises him
to back a coup.

Who the hell could have got that?

I wouldn't want to be inside CIA HQ when
the calls come from the White House.

The whole of Washington has ground
to a halt. Everybody is watching.

- 'I've been ordered to work with you.'
- We're doing everything we can.

You'll see me in five minutes.

(Phone rings)

- Home Secretary.
- 'We have to end this.'

This is highly-sophisticated terrorism.

I know, but you need to end it now.
I've had a call from the CIA.

Every skeleton in the Pentagon's
cupboard is being paraded.

- We can't take the rap for that.
- 'I understand.'

'Why don't we move on
to another of your little ventures? '

One where your generous involvement
is not advertised.

I'm talking about
the Foundation For A Greener Planet.

It's kind of bizarre
that it's being funded by you,

one of the biggest oil and gas barons.

But the name doesn't quite reflect
what your little foundation does, does it?

- Does it?
- The foundation is committed

to clarifying the climate change debate.

Your group pumps out disinformation
that discredits global warming

to frame it as theory, not fact.

It IS a theory! Not that long ago people
said we were heading for an ice age!

Climate change will cost millions of lives
and all you think of is money!

Can you not see the obscenity of this?

I checked immigration databases.

- And?
- Lambert's been out of the country a lot.

Most notably, two long stints in Russia,

where the trail ends,
thanks to a very unhelpful FSB.

Not an unusual pilgrimage.

He flew first class.

- So he's a rebel trustafarian?
- He doesn't have a penny.

- Then what?
- A benefactor.

- An offshore company.
- Of course.

- The lawyer who set it up is based here.
- Look into it.

- And Ruth...
- Yes, Harry?

- Good to have you back.
- Good to be back.

So, there you have it,
the case for the prosecution.

The life and times of a modern-day
robber baron laid out in all its glory.

Will the defendant add anything?

This is insane. What about
our malaria immunisation programmes?

All the work we've been doing
getting anti-virals to the population?

You know how much we lose
by subsidising drugs?

Helping an old lady across the road does
not give you the right to rape somebody.

You have heard our evidence and
Mr Mickelson gave his point of view.

It is now for you to decide

whether this man is... innocent

or if he is guilty of mass murder.

Of profiteering.

Of basically trampling over everything

that gets in the way of his
insatiable desire for power and money.

There should be two voting buttons
on your screen. Guilty and Not Guilty.

You have 20 minutes to review
the evidence and cast your vote.

You can be the jury for once.

My God. They're doing it.

People are actually voting.

Can't we at least hack in
and change the outcome?

It's virus-protected.

It fires a shutdown code to my terminal.
It could destroy the Ml5 mainframe.

We have some early figures coming in.

Guilty - 2,153.

Not guilty - 174.

Guilty - 3,892.

Not guilty - 984.

'Guilty - 17,341.

'Not guilty - 4,015.

'Guilty - 42,191.

'Not guilty - 7,280.'

OK, final figures.
The polls are closed.

Guilty - 98,327.

- This is what you call justice?!
- Shut up!

Sit down and be quiet!

Guilty - 98,327.

Not guilty - 11,479.

The people have spoken.

It only remains for me
to pass sentence.


Please don't do this.

- I...
- (Single shot)


The choice...

Your fate is in your hands.


denying what we can prove
will not help your cause.

Tell the truth, on the other hand,


lay it all out plain and use this camera
as your confession booth.

And maybe...

just maybe these good people out there
will see fit...

...fit to forgive.

Stay tuned. We'll be right back.

'Don't... Please don't do this.

'I... '

They're going to kill them all.

We don't want this turning into even more
of a media frenzy than it already is.

The fact that this is taking place
in London isn't public yet, is it?

No, but the press will figure it out
before the next trial kicks off.

- What are you doing to stop this?
- The situation is delicate.

- What are you doing?
- We have an officer inside.


Do you realise how this is going down?

The anti-American lobby is dancing a jig.

US policy in Africa is in tatters.

Our administration has been doing
everything possible

to improve America's reputation
and this is dragging us...


we had nothing to do with creating this
or the documents they have.

I don't give a shit. If you're not
competent enough to deal with it, we will.

I am confident we will halt everything
before the next trial.

If you can't and the only way we can
is by locating and launching an air strike

on this outrage,
then that is what will happen.

I understand.

Moscow and Beijing feel the same.

Of course.

You didn't expect it
to feel like that, did you?

You don't know what I was expecting.

Who's Gevitsky, Nina?

Is he your uncle?

My uncle will be fine.

Nothing will happen to him
as long as he tells the truth.


- You really believe that?
- Yes.

I know it.

Just like you know you were delivering
justice on Thomas Mickelson.

Lambert says Thomas Mickelson had
more blood on his hands than Idi Amin.

He wiped out whole villages
whenever it suited his interests.

He deserved to die.

What about my colleagues outside?

Those bodies that you stepped over
to get in here?

They were protecting a corrupt elite.

Two of those bodyguards
had children, Nina.

The Bendorf Group
have caused misery on a global scale.

Because your courts
and your governments

are so weak, so easily bribed,

so feeble, we have had to act.

You heard the votes. The whole world
agrees. They want this group to pay.


Whatever harm we do,

it is a tiny fraction of what these people
have been inflicting on us for years.

You keep telling yourself that, Nina.


(Whispers back)

Oh l? l?! Cherchez une chambre!

- Home Secretary
- Talk to me, Harry.

We've made a breakthrough
which may help shut this down.

The next trial is about to begin.
We can't allow it to go ahead.

- What?
- What do you think?

- Storming would be suicide.
- I'm ordering you.

There is one entrance. The room is rigged
with explosives. It'll be a bloodbath.

- And I've got Ros Myers in there.
- 'I'm sorry, Harry.'

If you won't order it, I will.


They'll never let us
get out of here alive now.

Here. If they storm the bunker,
one click and we all go up together.

Let's just get through the next few
trials. The whole planet will be watching.

They'll have to do whatever we ask.

We're making history, Rudy.

Just like we said we would.

Don't forget that.

Everybody agrees. You have no choice
but to storm that building.

If we do that, everyone dies.

The way to stop it is
to get to Lambert's backers.

Even if I knew,
is it the time to follow the money trail?

I'm not authorised to give up assets.

No one seems very concerned
about getting them out alive.

If those trials aren't crushed,
it's a green light to every Che Guevara.

It will be like '68 all over again,

after a ten-year masterclass from
al-Qaeda on how terror really works.

We have the money trail. Lambert's
connected to this lawyer Benson

who doesn't seem to do much lawyering.
If we can come up with this much,

I shudder to think what the world's media
will find once we tip them off about him.

Are you blackmailing us?




- Tim Benson's a corrupt lawyer.
- I think we deduced that.

- He has one client.
- Who?

This guy's really important to us, Harry.
A major European asset.

He's also our only chance
to make sure no one else dies.

His name's Vadim Robinov.

Thank you.

- Harry?
- 'Lambert is backed by Vadim Robinov.'

Robinov. What's a billionaire oligarch
doing in league with a Marxist?

'I don't know. You need to find out.'

- What, now?
- 'Time's running out.'

- Go.
- I'm on my way.

Why would Robinov fund Lambert?
To wipe out the competition?

He's already worth more than ?20 billion.

What if he wasn't just after
some other oligarch's oil fields?

- What if it's something much bigger?
- Explain.

If Lambert can make Gevitsky
and Tarasovich spill their guts,

embarrass their patrons...

It could cause a popular backlash in
Russia and bring down the government.

Do you think Lambert's crew know?

I doubt it,
but if they knew they were being played...

They might turn against Lambert.
How do we get this to Ros?

Straight from the horse's mouth.
We've no time for subtlety here, Ruth.

Speak to Jo, tell her the situation.

CO19 have arrived.
They're preparing to move in.

What about Ros?
She's still down there, Ruth.


What does everyone think?

Shall our good host go next?

Or maybe... your uncle

has a few things to get off his chest.
Is that OK with you?


What do you say, Leon?

- Do you want to try your luck?
- Wait, Finn, Finn...

Stick to the original plan.

You - up.

(Lambert) Sit! Sit!

You'd had your say. Stop staring at me.

Where does a group of revolutionaries
get the money to pay for all of this?

- Stop asking questions.
- Where?

One more word and I'll tell Finn to shoot
you and throw you beside Mickelson.

It'll be your uncle next, Nina.


He's just like the rest of them.

What are you going to do
when they're all dead?

It's not going to happen.


Don't let Finn make you do something
you'll regret for the rest of your life.

You're very pretty.
You really don't speak Russian?

Harry, I'm in Robinov's.

Last chance, Lucas.
The next trial is starting.

Hey! Who the hell are you?

I said who are you?

Tell me about Bendorf and Finn Lambert!


- Why are you backing him?
- I don't know who you mean!

All right, all right! I'll tell you!

- We have a mutual interest.
- In what?


Gevitsky, Tarasovich.
They are a virus destroying Russia.

- You want to scramble a little higher.
- No, this is about progress.


What about Lambert?

All right! I met him
at a political seminar in Moscow!

We disagreed about afterwards,
but both knew the old guard had to go.

- How convenient(!)
- No. For just making money,

it's better that things stay the same.
But someone needs to do something. Ah!

Anyone can see the mess our world is in.

You really think the men who created it
should stay in charge? Ah!

I don't think a Baader Meinhof groupie
will change anything!

Do not underestimate Finn Lambert.
He will not be stopped.

- Let's put that to the test.
- No! Please! Stop! Please!

You set him up, you can call him off.

Tariq? I'm with Robinov.
Patch me through to Lambert.

(Phone rings)

- Speak.
- Finn, it's me.

- What do you want?
- I've been watching what you're doing.

- It's excellent work.
- We've only just started.

You've sent a message to the world.
Now I want to rethink our plan.

'I can help to get you out of there.'


Who put you up to this, Vadim?


'I funded you! '

Now I'm ordering you to stop!

You can tell them we will not stop.

Tell them CO19 will storm the place
and everyone will die.

Listen to me, Finn.

I have been warned
that there are armed stormtroopers.

'Unless you back down now,
everyone in that bunker will be killed.

'Are you listening to me? '

This is your last chance
to get out of there alive!

Tant pis.


Who was that? What did they want?

They're scared.
They know we will never stop.

- Are we ready?
- Yeah, go.

'We will be moving a little more swiftly
through these trials.

'I know I talk for a lot of people... '

(Phone rings)

Home Secretary.

I'm calling as a courtesy to inform you
I have ordered CO19 to storm it.

- You're signing their death warrant.
- I have no choice, Harry.

'... huge chunks of South American
rainforests bulldozed,'

people forced into shanty towns,

even the murder of troublesome activists.

Tell me...
why do you even deserve a proper trial?

You seem reticent, Sir Robin.

You should know that people usually take
silence as an admission of guilt.

I may not have a perfect record,

but I will not dignify
your repulsive bullying with an answer.

How noble.

Now why don't we try again?

'Did you or did you not personally finance
the imprisonment and assassination

'of people who obstructed your
business interests in South America?

'You don't frighten me.

'Now, Sir Robin, here's your final chance
to defend yourself. Allez.

'Lt seems that your allotted time
has elapsed.'

- Jesus, Finn!
- What?


That is what you said. Not murder.

This is the only justice
that these people deserve.

Are you going to stand in its way?

No, no, no, no.

'Harry, Robinov's lost control of Lambert.
The comms are down.'

Harry, it's over. They're moving in.

Nina... Nina, he is insane.

He's going to do the same thing
to every single person. Help me.

- What can I do?
- You have to help me.

- No, I can't.
- Re-activate the lift! Do it.

Do it!


The lift's working!

This is our chance.


Go in there. Tell them what we know.

'Try to turn Lambert's group against him
before he blows it up.'

I'm moving in.

It is my unfortunate responsibility
to pass sentence on your crimes.

And as you know,
the sentence is death.

- Stop!
- (Gunshot)


This isn't right.

You activated the lift.


Don't shoot!
I'm unarmed! I'm unarmed!

Finn's been working with Robinov.

- All the money and planning was his.
- Tell me that's not true!


We had to fund this somehow.

We made it here!

We made it in here, didn't we?

How could you?
He's worse than they are! Robinov?!

We are using him to do what we want!
We can still do this.

No, we can't. That's it.
We're done. It's over!

(Exchange of fire)

Thank you.


There was a riot in North Kent.
One detainee escaped.

- What's he saying?
- I think it's someone's name.


- Lucas, he tortured you for four years.
- I'm fine.

- Was she the only reason you returned?
- What do you mean?

You know what I mean.

He's dropped his wire. What is he doing?

'Deliberately trying to lose us.'

- I'm out.
- Now we talk. A bomb in London.

Estimated loss of life, 3,000 people.

Someone in the CIA says
you're a double agent.

You're in love with your captor,
even though no longer captive.


What is he doing to you?

Lucas, you told me you were in control.

- Give me the money!
- You give me the code!