Luther (2010–2019): Season 5, Episode 4 - Episode #5.4 - full transcript

Luther's left reeling by tragic events but must race to save the others from a killer determined to complete his macabre masterpiece. Can the troubled DCI come to terms with the problems that threaten his career, life and those around him?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

All I wanted to do was disappear
and leave you in peace, but

George Cornelius put paid to that,
and that's why I'm back to rap his knuckles.

I can handle George Cornelius.

No, you can't, John.

Go home, Lee.

Witness hasn't a clue
as to what happened.

The victim's an ex-pupil, Lee Peck.

The killer chased him from
Ballarat Street? Vivien Lake.

You're being too reckless.
I'm sorry.

Hello, I'm Jeremy.

I think she cleans up for him
and she hates him for it.

My wife is very jealous.

If she finds out,
she will strangle you.

So, does that mean Vivien
doesn't know about Penny Leyton?

Go! Where is Jeremy!?

Where is he?

Now, I don't know what's going on
between you and Luther,

but you need to stay away
from my officer.

Yes? CORNELIUS: Mr Palmer?
Is it convenient to talk?

Leave him be.
None of this is his fault. Benny?

6'1", brown eyes, muscular...

Here, now. No more chat.

All right! I'm coming, I'm coming!

I'm going to send you
to a series of checkpoints.

You won't know the final
destination until you arrive.

Mark isn't a part of this.

I need to know that
he's walking away.

Do as I say, he gets to go home
and watch The One Show.

And Alice?


You know how it is.

I still need to know he's
all right. I need proof.

You have my word.

I said I need proof!

Stay by your phone.

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Yes, yes, I did. Organic, yes.
Excuse me?

And the kitchen roll.

No, no, I got Braeburns instead.

Sorry, excuse me!

In about ten minutes?

Yep, love you.

Yes. Yeah. Love you.

Sorry, excuse me.


I'm so sorry.

Er, I'm afraid you dropped this.

That's so kind. Thank you.

No, no worries. Happy to help.

# Love is like a sin, my love

# For the ones that feel it the most

# Look at her with her eyes
like a flame

# She will love you like a fly

# Will never love you again. #

Stay away from the door, he said.
He's not here, is he!

He's out there.

Preparing to kill John...

..and then you, and then me.

Well, if that's what he wants,
why hasn't he done it already?

John wouldn't come here
without proof of life.

Well, your life anyway.

Mine, not so much.

You'd make a good bag lady.
Thank you.

Listen, we need any scrap of
insulation we can find

or we'll have frozen to death
by the time he gets here.

Don't you give me the runaround.
Don't you give me the runaround!

Guv. Where are you? So, it turns
out Jeremy Lake was keeping,

I don't know, I don't know what
to call it - a scrapbook?

Look, Catherine, I need some help.

What sort of help?

I just need you to
find someone for me, all right?

His name's, er, Ronald Massey.

He works for a man I need to find.

I mean, Guv, I can't just...
I mean, who, is he?

Look, Catherine, I'll be there
as soon as I can.

I'll bring in Jeremy Lake

but I need you to do this first, OK?
Can you just do it?

Boss... Catherine! Do it!


Ronald Massey.

The mask's of Lake's own face,

which is new behaviour,
as far as we know.

But it is consistent with
some of the images in the diary.

His condition disinhibiting him?

Yeah, or maybe, he knows
we're breathing down his neck

and he's decided to go
all Carpe Diem on us.

Do we have the faintest notion
where DCI Luther is?

Sorry, boss.

Catherine, do you know
anything I don't know?

Sorry, boss. No.

Vivien Lake knows
her husband's mind.

She's the only one who can
help us get ahead in this.

Let's bring her in. Well, she's
being treated at the hospital.

I don't care. Wheel her in
on a gurney, if needs be.

Hey, guv, I don't know what your
other thing is but the big boss,

he's on his last nerve, and I don't
feel comfortable lying for you.

Things are really kicking off here.
We need you.

Hello, I'm enquiring about
the availability of Illeana...

..this evening.

Overnight, for preference.

Oh, good. Thank you.

Yes, hello, King of Plumbers,

I have a dreadful smell
coming from my drains.

Dr Lake. If you'd follow me, please?

Boss, we should probably go.

Nah, sod it. It's just a drill.

Well, they usually say
when it's a drill.

I will go when the hair on your
bollocks starts to sizzle!

I'll just... Let me go and check.
Yeah, yeah.

Call him off.

We're on schedule.

Luther should be here soon.
Er, yeah.

I actually need you to hold off
on that for a bit. Why?

Because that's what I want!

We entered into a contract.

Oh, you'll get your money.

Just, erm, tell me where they are
and take the rest of the day off.

Go to the pictures or something.

It's not that easy.

A police officer is dead.

I can't have that coming back on me. won't come back on you.

Just text me the address and then
pack your sandwiches and go home.

I'll make sure
everything's tied off.

He says a copper's dead.


That'll be your mate... Yes!

Well, for what it's worth,
I didn't ask for that. Didn't you?

Your mate chucked it in
for free, didn't he?

So, where does that leave us?

I came to off you for Benny.

I'm going to end this.

All this "eye for an eye" bullshit,

it's all just a game,
isn't it, George?

You don't want this!
You don't want any of it,

do you?
You lost your discipline, George!

You robbed Alice, she robbed you
back, now Alistair's dead.

That's not her fault,
that's your fault! Benny's dead!

That's not your fault,
that's my fault.

I couldn't shoot you in the head
cos I made a mistake.

But if you can shoot me
then go ahead and do it.

Doesn't change anything,
does it, George?

What I lost was my son!

Take it.

Eye for an eye.

You think I won't do this
and piss on your body after?

Go on, George.

Just do it!

That's it.

Stop there.

Do you have a gun? Oh, er...

So, where's Luther?

He's in the boot.


As a dodo's grandad.

How did you find him?

He came to me, as it happens.

How did he find you?

I'm not entirely sure, to be frank.

But there you are,
he was a clever old sausage.

But not bulletproof,
as it turns out.

Open the boot. Oh, come on!
Now, if you would.

Open the boot.

All right, all right.

As you speak, so shall it be.


I don't get it. Peace in our time.

I'm Adolf, he's Neville,
you're the Sudetenland.

You're going to go down,
you're going to go to prison

for killing my friend.
Do you understand that?

And if I don't agree?
I shoot you dead right now

and tell a story to my boss.


What did I tell you?

You're going to jail.

And you're going to...

Sorry, old bean.

I couldn't take the risk.

There we are.

You, smoking gun,
damning evidence and whatnot.

All in the cloud...

..whatever that actually is.

I'll have the gun.

I think it's one of mine anyway.

You're a clever one,
ain't you, George?

You would have been a good copper.

I'm too honest
to have been a copper.

Schenk came to me, John.

He knows something's
not right between me and you.

I'll sell this to Schenk.

He trusts me.

And so do I,
but only cos I've got this.



Is your friend in there? Yeah.

Aren't you going to call someone?

They'll find him.

We can't just leave him here.
We have to.

For God's sake! He's your friend.

He got himself killed
trying to protect us.

Do you think I want to be
doing this? Mark, do you think

I want to be doing this?!

Benny's dead,
the man who killed him is dead,

and all I'm trying to do is handle
it so that your name is clear.

What time does your wife get back?

Seven, quarter past?

I think we need to get back
and clean the scene.

What's happened to you, John?

What about the George Cornelius
problem? Have you dealt with it?

Yeah. Let's not be coy.
Is he dead, John? Yeah.

Because it's the only way.
He'll kill us both.

You do know that. Alice, it's done.

You wouldn't lie to me,
would you, John?

Not about something this important.


Because you're the only
person I ever knew

who always told me the truth.

Come what may, you never lied to me.

It's done.

That'll be your fancy lady
calling you in for tea.

Oh, why don't you just give it
a rest - I've got to deal

with this thing. Deal with it, then!

Just go home and we'll talk later?
Good luck with your whatnot.


Hello? Who's this?


I hope you're not too uncomfortable.

A young woman just stabbed me.

Of course I'm uncomfortable.

I'm afraid that a number of doctors

have certified you
fit to be questioned.

And, if there's one thing we can
all agree on is, well,

you can always trust a doctor.


We know your husband
is gravely ill, Vivien.

Jeremy doesn't have long.
One more Christmas, perhaps.

But he'll never see another summer.

Now, if we can find and detain him,

his case will never get to court.

He'll never go to prison.

The worst he can expect is
a few months in a secure hospital.

But he will stop.

This will stop.


..will stop.

And this.


I have no idea about
Jeremy's activities.

I'm as horrified as you are.

Oh, I doubt if you
have the capacity.

And, to be fair, we did catch
you in a plastic-lined room,

getting ready to disarticulate
Penny Leyton with surgical tools.

I'm afraid you misinterpreted
that situation.

Actually, I was there to rescue her,
get her out of there.

Poor thing.

But you were wearing
the surgical scrubs

and were attacking
her with a hammer.

I was defending myself from a very
confused and frightened young woman,

who, understandably,
given her state of delirium,

misread the situation
and believed, incorrectly...

..that I was there to do her ill.

I have to make a call.

We've had some urgent news.

Let's hope it's the news
we all want, eh?

DS Halliday,
if you would hold the fort, please.

Where have you been?

I got called away, erm, to
something that didn't pan out, boss.

Any news from Benny?

No. No, he...he called in sick.

I've been called away.

I want you in there
with Vivien Lake. On my way.

What do I need to know? Sir.

We were investigating
reported gunshots.

You might want to get
somewhere private.

I am somewhere private. Go ahead.

We found a disposable phone
in the glove box.

Call reports?

Most likely any calls
were made to another burner.


So, I will need you to determine
where that phone was last used.

See if you can find any CCTV footage
corresponding with the time

and place of that usage. Absolutely.

You have all the resources
you need but none of the time.

I want this now.

And this stays schtum.

Are we clear?

Nobody says a word. OK.

Sorry I'm late.

I've had a very busy day.


..where did you meet... and Jeremy?

Is that relevant?

I dunno.

We struck up a conversation
at a dinner party,

talking about Tony Blair,
over baked brie and raspberry jam.

That's not true.

You met at a "play party".

Basically a fetish club.

You really are bourgeois
little prudes, aren't you?

Thought police.

Sex police.

Erecting an edifice of speculation

on a foundation of
puritanical distaste.

No. That's not what I'm doing.

I'm basically trying to establish

whether you would lie
to protect your privacy.

And the answer turns out to be yes,
which I find very interesting.

Did you know that
Jeremy kept a diary?

Bit of a leap to conclude
that's a diary, isn't it?

It looks more like
a sketchbook to me.

OK. What about these?

These are actual drawings
of murder scenes,

which makes me think about these
other sketches, too, which were...

Well, I don't know,
I mean, are these real, too?

Clearly not! It's an explication of
Jeremy's fantasy life - an outlet,

a masturbatory aid, nothing more.

Yeah, possibly, could be, but it's
not just the drawings, is it?

I mean, it's the...the text.

Well, that'll be a ciphertext
of Jeremy's own construction.

Well, God knows what it says.

Do you think you could decipher it
for us? Well, I'd love to,

but, er, very much doubt
I'd be able.

You have to get rid of this stuff

No throwing it away in your own bin.

Well, thank heavens I'm here
with a criminal mastermind,

otherwise whatever
would I have done?

I have to go, Mark.

I promise you won't see me again.

Well, that would be a shame.

Some valedictory advice.

Don't let John Luther
back through your door.

Not under any circumstance,
or for any reason.

He's not what you think he is.

Alice... have to stop.

Oh, God knows you are what you are.
But you're not a psychopath.

You're not without conscience.

You cannot live like this.

I know.

Do you need help?
Is there something I...?


I had a boss, once.

Her name was Rose Teller,
really good cop.

She used to say,

"An assumption is something
you don't know you're making."

Do you know the assumption
you're making, Vivien?

Oh, I might be able help
to answer that.

You're assuming that Jeremy

doesn't want people to read
what he's written.

Then why employ a ciphertext
in the first place?

Because he doesn't want YOU
to know what he's written.

He doesn't want YOU to know
that he's written it all down.

Everything that you've done...




Cos that's the difference
between you and him, isn't it?

I mean, you are very private,
don't want anyone to know

the truth about you, not ever,

and he is very proud of
what he's done.

He's done with being anonymous,

he's done with someone else
taking the credit.

This isn't a diary.
It's a confession, isn't it?

And where does that leave you?

I don't know what you...

Yes, you do!

You do, Vivien, don't you?

You know exactly where that leaves
you, if Jeremy has implicated you

as an accessory to murder.

You know exactly what that means.

Well, obviously he wouldn't do that.

Are you willing to bet
the rest of your life on that?

No. Course you're not.

Because he has been letting
you down recently, hasn't he?

Come on, Vivien.

Help us and we can help you.

You are going to prison, Vivien...

..but for how long
is really up to you.

May I have a glass of water, please?

No, you may not.

Jeremy's most outre fantasy,

and I have to stress,
to the best of my knowledge

it was just a fantasy...

..was to play a game of
what he called Happy Families.

To sit in a house
and summon people to him.

Have them turn up at the door.

Lambs to the slaughter.


The phone was used here.

He arrives alone.

George Cornelius.

All right, George.

You wanted it old-school.

Thanks for coming so quickly!

Yeah, no worries.
Erm, so what're we looking at?

Oh, through there.

So, Jeremy Lake's gone to ground.

He's holed up somewhere,
getting people to come to him.

How are we supposed to find him?

There are like 60,000
streets in London.

And previous murders,
they don't tell us anything.

There...there's no pattern.
They're random.

They're not disorganised, are they?

I mean, everything he's doing,

he's doing to tell himself
how clever he is

and, oh, the audacity of that,
I mean...

..he can take out whoever
he wants, whenever he wants...

..he can have the police
run around in circles,

he can make the police blame
the wrong man,

and then he's come to an end...

..which means he's gone somewhere,
significant with meaning.

To who? To us.

To him. I mean, if you were him,

where's the most audacious
place you could go?

Er, if I were him, I would go home.

No, too big a police presence.

Where's the next best equivalent?

Well, if I couldn't go to
where the police are,

- I'd go to where they just...
- Left.

Right, yes.

Ballarat Street, the school teacher!

Should we tell someone?


Not until we've checked it out.

Are you sure?
I am sure. Come on.


Wow! You look lovely.


I'll Be Seeing You
by Billie Holiday

Put your hands above your head!

Move to the counter!

Do not move!

Martin, I think it's time

maybe we discuss getting me
some legal protection.

I can't put it together, George.

I've tried

but I can't work out what happened.

I need a show of goodwill,

an upfront payment, right now.

Now, I told you, Martin,
your lad's a wrong 'un.

Hey, boss. DS Halliday.

Are you with DCI Luther?

Yeah, I am.

Now, I need you to listen
to me very carefully.

Without alerting DCI Luther
to this order,

I need you to bring him back to
the station as soon as possible.

OK, yeah. If you alert him to this,

there's every chance that he
will run. Do you understand me?

Yeah. Got it.


Now, get him back to the station.

Tell him I have some...

..interesting news
that I want to give him...


Schenk has asked you to bring me
back in, hasn't he? Er, yeah. Yeah.

He said that he's got some news,
something he wants to tell you.

Fair do's.

I'm not going anywhere
until this is dealt with.

You think he's in there?
I know he is. How?

Plumber's van. Pest control.
Food delivery.

All people that will come to you.

We can get back-up
in nine, ten minutes?

Hm, we've got no evidence.

If we call it in, we'll have to
go through due process,

get a warrant,
it'll go on and on and on,

and what does that mean for anyone
that's alive in there now?

If you found out tomorrow
that if we went in there today,

you could've saved someone's life,

would you be OK with that?
Boss, that's not fair.

Right. Do what you have to do.

Pizza delivery!

Catherine, get rid of him.

But what about you?


Catherine! CATHERINE!

Stop, boss!


What did you think? Did you like it?

You OK?

Yeah, yeah.

You should know Schenk's on his way.

You called it in, didn't you? know they're
coming for me, right? Yeah.

What did you do?

Nothing I can't fix.

I just need time.

Are you...are you asking me to...
to let you go?

Catherine, I have to go, OK?

It's a mess.

But it's not what it looks like,
I promise you that.

Can I stop you from leaving?


Then I won't try.


Did you use me as bait in there?

Send me downstairs to lure him out?


I think you did.

I think you dragged me here
and threw me in front of him

so that you could be
the man to stop him.

That is not what happened.

So, what did happen?

Why are you making such a fuss?!

I mean, this is what happens,

isn't it, to those of us
who are no longer useful?

Who's next, hm?
Could it be me, I wonder?

Well, no, I...I...I
won't let that happen, John.

I can't allow it.

She did nothing to you, Alice!

Neither did my parents, really,
or Henry Madsen, or Ian Reed.

It never seemed to...

You never seemed to mind
really though, did you?

What are you going to do this time,
DCI Luther? Arrest me?

Well, yes, you should.
But you won't, will you?

You'll let me go.

Because think of the tales
I could tell.

But are you going
to cover this up, I wonder?

What lies can you tell?

Quick, John! Think of a lie!

Come on, come on! Think of a lie!
Put it down.

Make me! Liar.

Liar! LIAR!

Next one's in your mouth.

Put it down, Alice.
In a minute, liar. Stop.

In a minute.

Oh. Oops!

How many more bullets, Alice?

Come and see, John.

Honestly, I'm embarrassed.

I can't believe it took me so long
to see that Zoe was right about you.

You don't care about anyone, John.

Not unless they can feed
your compulsions.

Friends, enemies - it's all the same
to you. It doesn't matter.

Even Zoe, you loved her
so much more when she was dead.

You need to stop!
It gave you an excuse to behave

exactly how you wanted.
You need help!

It's just words, isn't it, Alice?

It's just words, trying to justify
what you really came here to do.

And what's that, please, do tell me?
Well, free yourself...

..from this.

From me and you.

You keep coming back...

..and coming back, and coming back,

but you're never going to get
what you want, Alice, never.

Because what I want doesn't exist.

So, how many more bullets, Alice?

Yeah, well, I've got enough. Enough.

How many more?

God! Ah!

What now, John?

Alice Morgan, I'm arresting you,
for the murder of...

..for the murder of
Sergeant Catherine Halliday.

Of course you are.

You have the right to remain...

The thing is, John,
you don't understand love.

You know, you can mimic it,
you can recognise it in others,

but you can never understand it.

Is this it?

Is this it - love?


Guess what? I lied too!

There's one bullet left.

I just needed us to be really close.

Goodnight, John.


You need to help me.

No! Alice.

Armed police!

Show me your hands or I will shoot!

Not like that.

# Baby, you understand me now?

# If sometimes you see that I'm mad

# Don't you know no-one alive
can always be an angel

# Sometimes I find myself alone

# Regretting some little
foolish thing

# Some simple thing that I've done

# I'm just a soul
whose intentions are good

# Oh, Lord, please don't let me
be misunderstood

# Don't let me be misunderstood

# I try so hard, so, please don't
let me be misunderstood... #