Lucifer (2015–…): Season 5, Episode 5 - Detective Amenadiel - full transcript

Amenadiel helps Chloe investigate a nun's untimely demise. Meanwhile, Lucifer lends Dan a hand, and Linda reveals a painful part of her history.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Thank you for finally agreeing
to meet with me, Detective.

Well, after 57 phone calls,
twice as many texts,

the billboard off Sunset,

and the ill-conceived stripper-gram...

In my defense,
Roberto came highly recommended.

Lucifer, I am ready to talk,

and yes, thank you for being patient,

but I really don't know what you can say
that's going to make a difference.

I agree.

I don't think a gift is going to fix this.

We are, once again, in agreement.

Hold that, please.

What are you doing?

Years ago, I faced a similar sense
of helplessness,

a lack of control in my life,
so I came here

to this very spot.

This is where I burned my wings.

Now, you don't have wings,
obviously, but...

as a Devil who has learned
to embrace metaphors...


One gift burning another.

I hope it brings you
the same catharsis it did for me.

Well, I appreciate this, Lucifer,
but, um...

this is not what I need.

Well, then what do you need, Detective?

Please, just tell me what I can do
to fix things.

There is one thing you can do,
but you're not going to like it.

Well, tell me.

I need time...

and I need space.

I don't have time.




My apologies, Doctor. I don't mean
to barge into your home like this,

but you weren't at work.

It's 7:00 a.m.


It's good that you're here, actually.

I need to speak with you
about the detective quite urgently.

She doesn't want me around
as she's dealing with her identity crisis.

Lucifer, you should know...

I should know better,
I need to be patient. Yes, I am aware.

Not what I was going to say,
but it's a good point.

The problem is,
if the detective focuses on work,

then she's just going to avoid
dealing with her issues.

I need to speed her along to
where everything's good again.

Yeah. Thing is, Amenadiel...

Is down in Hell waiting for me to return,
yes, I'm aware.

Why do you think
I'm in such a bloody hurry?

- Lucifer...
- Doctor,

I need to clear things up
with the detective before I go home,

because once I relieve my brother...

who knows when I'll be back?

It's... It's not like I can just
leave Hell unattended and...



Hey, Lucy.

Why didn't you tell me he was here?

You know what,

just give me the baby.


why are you here?

There I was...

wandering the corridors of Hell, when...

I heard a voice.

A voice that I never expected to hear
in Hell.

Who was it?

Mother Teresa, Mr. Rogers?



Dad spoke to you?


Well, go on, then.

What did he say?

He told me that Hell no longer
requires a warden.

- And?
- And that's it.

So I came up here to see my son.

I've only been back a few hours, Lucy.

I was going to find you next.

Let me get this straight.

I just spent millennia down there

diligently doing everything He asked
without complaint,

and you have one sleepover in Hell
and Dad tells you your watch is over?

You know Father works in...

If you finish that sentence, I will
punch you in your "mysterious ways."


Well, first the detective, now this?
Talk about salt in the wound.

What happened with Chloe?

Is she all right?

Oh, I wouldn't know.

She's been keeping me at arm's length

ever since Michael told her
she's a gift from God.



Wait a minute, does she know that...

You're the one
who delivered the gift?


Her brain was already plenty melted
without adding that to the mix.

I found the bitch.

Well, hi, Maze,
and good morning to you, too.

You were right.
That abandonment stuff you talked about?

Definitely her fault.

You found your biological mother.

Like I said,

the bitch.

Maze, I know your mother abandoned you,

but it might help
to understand her perspective.


Maybe she was too young to handle it.

My mother was 12,000 years old
when she had me.


Parenting at any age can be terrifying.

Nothing scared Lilith.

Not then, at least.

Well, no matter what, I'm sure
she feels terrible about the whole thing.

She said she was happy she did it. Why...

Why are you defending her?

Because I get it.

You're a great mother, Linda.
You would never do that to Charlie.


Not Charlie.

What are you saying?

When I was very young...

I had a baby.

A girl.


And you abandoned her?


You have to...


Amenadiel, you're back.

Wait, does that mean that Lucifer...

No, no. He's still here.

Everything in Hell has been taken care of.

Well, I have no idea what that means,
but just add it to the list.

Yeah, I heard. Um...

Chloe, how are you doing?

Did Lucifer send you to see how
my gift-from-God spiral's going?

He doesn't even know I'm here.


Well, luckily, I have this
to keep me busy.

You know, following clues,

catching bad guys.

Makes me feel like I have some semblance
of control, even if I don't.

Okay, Chloe.

Listen, if there's anything
that I can do to help,

- please, just...
- Detective Decker,

we caught a body down in Silver Lake.


I'll take it.

And, um...

Thank you for the offer.

But for now,
I'm going to stick to police work

and avoid anything God-related.


She looks like an angel.

Vaya con Dios, hermana.

Mm. What do we have?

Victim is Sister Victoria,
a.k.a. Victoria Reynard.

She was a novitiate who hadn't even
taken her final vows yet.

Cause of death, blunt force trauma,

back of the head.

Looks like it happened during a struggle.

Contusions on her neck indicate

that she was yanked from behind
by that necklace.

The bruising on her neck
doesn't match the cross.

I know. It's got me stumped, too.

Maybe there was something
on the necklace, and the killer took it?

Who were you talking to?

Over there.

Excuse me.

- Uh, which one of you found the body?
- I did.

I was the first to leave my cell
this morning.

Cell? Oh, sounds like a prison.

Oh, yeah, "cell."

That's an old-school term
for their rooms.


Longtime fan, first-time visitor.

Almost signed up myself, actually.

- I was just wondering...
- Excuse me.

Uh, Sister Victoria.

Had she been upset lately
or had a falling-out with anyone?

Well, Sister Victoria did just find out...

That she was being accepted
into our order.

She was so happy.

We're so blessed God sent you here

to find who did this, Detective.


Mm, yeah. Well, yes.
That's what God does. Yep.

Mm. Sends me here, sends me there,
kills a nun,

just so I can meet all of you, and...


- Excuse us, we'll be right back.
- Frustrating.

Yeah, one second.

- What?
- What are you doing?

You can't insult them like that.

I'm sorry. That was unprofessional.

Yeah, well, more importantly,

you're making me look bad
in front of the nuns.

They're hiding something. It's obvious.

Well, I don't see them
opening up to you now.

Fair point.

Hey, I know I said that I needed space,

but I could really use your expertise
on this case.

I'm at a convent in Silver Lake
off Cole and Galvin.

How long do you think until you can...

Get here?

Oh. Of course.

Angel and all that.

How can I help you, Chloe?



The detective doesn't want me helping
on her case right now.

I really can't imagine why.

You can't, actually,

but, uh, I need to speed along her work,
which is when I realized

that you, for once,
could be the answer to my problem.

Bracelet bros for the win.

No. Regardless,

I thought that you and I could help
her case along from behind the scenes.

- Hmm.
- Mm.

Well, what do you think you're sitting on?

This is Chloe's case. I mean, I'm digging

through background checks,
witness statements.

This is what you do every day?

What did you think I did?

Well, I don't know,
solve your own bloody murders?

Daniel, you're just a glorified librarian.

I do solve my own cases, Lucifer.

But we also support each other, and this,

all of this,
this is what real police work looks like.

Right, well, real police work
looks very boring.

Look, you want to help
speed along the case or not?

Standing in these walls, it...

reminds me of being in the Silver City.

Wait, this is what Heaven looks like?

No, but there's so much love
for my father here, it feels similar.

And yet also so very different.

How can I help you, Chloe?

I do have to remind you that, uh...

I can't slow down time like I used to.


I didn't even know that
that was an option.

Wow. Well, what can you do?

Well, I am God's greatest warrior.

Well, as much as I love the mental image
of you punching a bunch of nuns,

the issue is they're freezing me out,

and I thought with you
being an angel and all,

maybe you could use that.

Chloe, I can't expose myself to them.

No, not...

My angelic side, I mean.

That's not what I meant. I was thinking
more along the lines of, like,

Lucifer's mojo.

Do you have the same effect on people?

I'm sorry, I don't.

Are you sure?

Thank you for coming back,

for being willing to listen.


I haven't told anyone this.

I got pregnant when I was 17...

and I spent the entire pregnancy
in denial.

Even when I started to deliver,
I thought...

there had to be a mistake.

But then...

after the birth...

when I held her...

Well, there was no denying that...

...she was mine...

and I was her mom.

But then they took her to the NICU and...

the whole thing...

seemed like a dream.


One that I was completely
unprepared to handle.

Your baby was a nightmare. Got it.


God, no.

No, she was perfect...

and beautiful, and...

And I didn't have the strength
to raise her.

And I didn't have the strength to face

giving her up.


So when the nurses were away...

I left.

So you just...

You just walked away?

Is that why you think
you're going to Hell?

I thought I could pretend
it never happened, but the truth is...

The truth is, Maze...

I think about her every...

single day.

I've even tried to find her
a couple of times.

I wonder where she is now.

How she's doing.

She seems good.


We really appreciate you talking to us.

Oh, absolutely. I...

I feel like I can tell you anything.

Uh, do you know of anyone who would
want to hurt Sister Victoria?

Do you know of anyone who would
want to hurt Sister Victoria?

Well, I...

I'm not... I'm not sure.

Do you know of anyone who would
want to hurt Sister Victoria?

Yes. I do.

- Who?
- The Devil, of course.

Anyone else?

You are the most beautiful person
I've ever seen.

Thank you.

The question was, do you know of anyone
who would want to hurt Sister Victoria?


Right. No, I don't. Sorry.

I don't know who would want to kill
that wonderful soul.

But you're hiding something, aren't you?


It's a secret.

But who can lie to those gorgeous eyes?

So the mother superior of the nunnery
is a murderer?

Mm-hmm. Apparently, Mother Angelica
committed the crime years ago,

and then ran away and joined this convent.

She's been here ever since.

Most of the nuns knew about it,
but they were just protecting her.

Well, until you gave them
some of your mojo.

Yeah, I can't explain that.
That's never happened before.

Well, they're nuns, you're an angel.
Maybe they sense that.


Maybe. I'm just glad it helped.

Well, maybe our victim found out the truth
and wanted to go to the police,

Mother Angelica tried to silence her?

I'll have Dan dig into it,
see if that helps.

That won't be necessary.

I'm sorry that my sisters tried
to hide my past sins.

It's only out of concern for me.
Please do not judge them too harshly.

Shall we?

I can't believe there's so much paperwork
for one single convent.

I mean, they're nuns, after all.

How many interesting things
can happen to them, really?

A single convent? Mm-mm.

These are all just the files
on Mother Angelica.



- This is going to take forever.
- Yeah.

It'd be much faster in person, Daniel.

I could seduce the truth out of them.

Bro, there are 30 nuns there.

I doubt that's faster.

- Well, it's certainly more fun.
- Come on, this is fun.

Is it?

A murder, man, it's like a...

It's like a gigantic puzzle,

only you don't know
what the corner pieces are,

or what it's going to look like
when it's done.

You just described torture.
Trust me, I know.

It could take hours, days,
years even, man.

Definitely torture.

I see all your self-help nonsense
has gone for naught.

But nothing in the world feels better
than when you find that one piece,

and then boom!
Suddenly it all clicks together.

Oh, hello.

Oh, I think I found the piece, Daniel.

Let me talk to them.

Shortcuts are not the answer, Lucifer.

Hard work...

...pays off.


The detective already has a suspect.


Oh, Lucy.

What on Earth are you doing here?

Chloe asked me to help on her case.


You're not joking.

But I need this case solved quickly.

Much as I appreciate you
playing Detective Amenadiel,

perhaps you should leave it
to the professionals.

Like the Devil?

I'm a consultant.

I understand human desire. You're just...

Just the one who found our latest suspect.

Oh, really?


You know...

Chloe and I actually make
a really great team.

I can see why you enjoy working with her.

If you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna...

I grew up in Puerto Rico,

in the worst neighborhood
you could imagine.

When I was 16,

I killed a man in self-defense.

I fled here to escape retribution,

and eventually found reconciliation
in the arms of God.

But Sister Victoria found out the truth.

She did.

I informed her last week.

But she didn't accept it, did she?

She was going to report you,

and you felt like you had
to defend yourself once again, didn't you?

She was so understanding,

as all my sisters have been.


I didn't kill her.

In fact, I was leading prayers
when Sister Victoria was murdered.

Well, unfortunately,
your alibi is a bunch of nuns

who have proven
that they'll cover for you.

Are you sure there isn't anything else
you want to tell us?

I can see why my sisters were so eager
to talk with you.

If there was more to tell, I would,

but that's all I have.

Everything else is in God's hands.

If this is the path He wants me on...

He must have his reasons.

You're really willing to give up
your free will, just like that?

I am willing to have faith.

Oh, come on.

I know that look in your eyes.

Over the years our convent has taken in
many women like you,

women who feel powerless, adrift.

You have more control than you think,
my child.

Which is it?

Control or faith?

You can't have it both ways.

I have faith in you, Detective.

You help the helpless.

It takes great strength to do that,

and I think you have the strength
to find who really did this.

What is taking so long?

Did you spike my coffee?

It's the only way to get through
yet another tedious and useless task.

You're welcome.

Phone records.

Come here.

They give us a sense of who she was,

or who might have had
a reason to kill her.

It's all about paying attention
to the details.

Well, how about this detail?
The detective already caught the killer.

You sure I'm the one
who's not paying attention?

Look, this number right here. Come here.

This one, it keeps showing up.

First at regular intervals,
then with increasing frequency

leading up to the time of her death.

Then on the day before her death,
it's all missed calls.

Victim wasn't answering her phone.

Maybe somebody got tired
of being ignored.

Well, that can't be right.


That's Destiny Page's number.

No one in their right mind
would ignore her.

Wait, Destiny Page, the pop star?

- Mm.
- How would you know her number?

- Funny story...
- Never mind, don't wanna know.

I gotta tell Chloe.

Well, as long as it speeds things along.

It actually might be a new lead.

Great work, Lucifer.

Take that back!


Destiny Page.

So you know the name.

Why am I guessing it's not 'cause
you're a fan of her music?

'Cause she wanted to buy our convent.

But I didn't think anyone knew about it
other than me.

You turned her down?

Yeah, she was very upset.

Wait, do you think she had anything
to do with Sister Victoria's death?

We don't know.

Why would Destiny Page be calling a nun
at a convent that she wants to buy?

Well, her latest album was a testament
to a new-found faith,

and the one that she's working on
is supposed to continue in that vein.

Please don't tell Lucifer.

Your secret's safe with me.

So if Destiny is a new convert,

we should go talk to her.


Her name is Adriana.

I always wondered what they named her.


Here she comes.

Hello, great to see you.



I can't believe it.

Excuse me?

That you look exactly like you do
on the bus posters.

That's sweet, thank you.

This is Linda.

- She's your...
- Potential buyer.

I'm sorry,
I know we don't have an appointment.

It's fine, come on in.

Okay, great.


- Welcome.
- So pretty.

Oh! Thanks.

If you ladies wouldn't mind signing in,
thank you.

Seeing a house for the first time
can be very overwhelming.

I just need time to warm up to the space.

Take all the time you need,

and if you have any questions as we go,

- feel free to ask.
- I do.


Yea or nay?

What my partner is trying to say is,

uh, how's the school district?
Because we're considering adoption.

Schools are great.
All the way through grade 12.

And personally, I think it's wonderful
that you're thinking of adopting.

I was adopted, actually.
Best thing that's ever happened to me.


Yeah, but do you have a problem
connecting with people?

Over Wi-Fi?

How's the signal?

I don't think there's been any problems.

How about maintaining relationships?

I'm not sure what this has to do
with the house.

This is...

Sorry, you're right.

This looks like a beautiful home.

It really is.

I wonder why someone would abandon it.

- Okay, can you give us a minute?
- Of course.

What are you doing?

Trying to get you
to connect with your kid.

Oh, really? 'Cause it seems like
you're making it about yourself,

while trying to torture me in the process.

Or I am trying to get you
to tell your daughter the truth.

I can't.

You tracked down your mother
because you were ready to see her.

But who knows when...

or if
Adriana will ever be ready to see me?

I'm realizing it needs to be up to her.


I'm not Lilith.

If you have something
you need to say to your mother...

you should say it to her.

Ah, wrong suspect. Rookie move.

You sure your powers are gone?

'Cause it feels like
you're slowing down time.

Because you always get the first suspect
right away?

Well, I've certainly never arrested a nun,
that's for sure.

Lucifer, I want Chloe to resolve
her issues just as much as you do.

Because you're feeling guilty?

Why would I feel guilty?

Because you're the one who performed
the miracle on the detective's mom

in the first place.

- That wasn't my...
- You what?

Go ahead, talk.

Years ago, at Father's behest,

I came down to Earth to lay a blessing
on one...

Penelope Decker.


When my mom and dad were...

trying to have kids,
they said they'd just about given up.

And soon after my visit,

you were born.


You're my dad?

Of course not.

So "laid a blessing" isn't a euphemism?

Well, not in this case, at least.

No, Chloe, no. Lucy, stop.

Listen, Chloe,
your parents are still your parents,

and I'm so sorry that
I didn't tell you any of this earlier.

- I just...
- It's okay.

It's okay.


I'm the only one immune to Lucifer's mojo.


Do I have any powers, or...

anything cool?

I don't know, laser beam hands, something?


No. Of course not.

They were just concerned with creating
the perfect Mrs. Morningstar.

Why me?

I don't know, Chloe.

Detective, when I found out
about this... manipulation,

I felt the same way as you.

But then I realized
that it's far from a curse.

It's a gift.

I only hope that...

in time, you come to see it that way, too.

There is a huge difference, Lucifer.

You were given a gift.

I am that gift.

I mean, I'm not even a person.

I'm just a thing,

created for someone else.



I got to get back to work.

Well, that went well.

On five, six, seven, up, and go!

Give me some life.

Walk, one, two, three, four.

Try and stay on the beat, two,

three, four, and up, six,

seven, eight.

Come on, you guys. Two, three, four,

and five... Oh, my God! Cut!

Kill the music.

Destiny, you're great, but, guys,
we've done this 45 times already.

It is so bouncy.

Um, Detective Decker, LAPD.

I need to speak with Destiny Page.

I'm afraid Miss Page needs total privacy
while she prays.


Well, Hank, uh,

as much as I respect that,
I need to talk to her.

Well, her schedule is pretty packed.
Uh, maybe next Saturday?


Unless you have a warrant.



It's all right,
I've listened to your music.

I know you're a person of faith, so...

I'm pretty sure that I should have
a, um...

calming effect on you.

- That's right.
- Hank!


Hey, what are you doing in here, pal?

- What's going on?
- Wait!

- Wait, he's with me.
- Is he?

What's he doing in here?

What are you doing in here?

I thought she might tell me
about the murder,

given how pious she's supposed to be.

But her recent music is clearly
just a collection of beautiful lies.


Was someone killed?

Yeah. Victoria Reynard.

- Destiny, you do not...
- It's okay.

That's why she stopped taking my calls.

- So you admit to knowing her?
- Yeah.

She's my assistant.

So Mother Angelica refused to sell,

and what, you sent your assistant
to gather intel?

It seemed like a good idea at the time,

until Victoria fell in love with the life.

And then what?
You killed her 'cause she betrayed you?

What? You think I killed her?

I loved Victoria,

and I was happy for her.


But if it was all an act,
why were you praying when I came in?

I wasn't.

I've been sober for a month.

I was so tempted.

I guess I should thank you
for stopping me.

Where were you yesterday at 10:00 a.m.?

AA meeting.

Got my...

one month chip and everything.

Can anyone vouch for you?

I go in disguise.

Black bob wig, pink hoodie.

What about that one-month chip?
That would prove you were there.

I went to goat yoga after.

It fell out of my pocket, and you know...

they eat everything.

Are you saying a goat ate your alibi?


I need a favor.

I suppose I deserve this.

Deserve what, exactly?

The humiliating tasks,
the tedium, the stink.

I shouldn't have tried
to rush the detective.

But you, on the other hand,
could move faster, Daniel.

Lucifer, if you want this to go faster,
you could actually help, for a change.


Very well.

Put it in the box.

What is this?
You don't need to wrap everything.

Can you put that in faster?

Excuse me.

Uh, where's the woman that lived here?

Lily Rose? She died a couple days ago.

Left a ton of junk.

Was she someone to you?

You want any of this stuff?


Maybe, uh...

Can I just...

have a minute, please?

Sure. Hey, guys, come on.

We're... We're clearing the room.
Let's get out of here.

Nice bracelet.

I wouldn't normally wear it,

but my friend Daniel said
he needs his chakras realigned,

so I'm doing it for him, really.

This is how you help?


Daniel! I'm...

What do you call it? Canvassing.

And it pains me to say you were right.

I put in the work, and it paid off.

What do you mean?

Well, I interviewed everyone,

and when I spoke to lovely Amberley here,

she confirmed that someone attended class

with black hair cut into a bob
and wearing a pink hoodie.


Well, according to the transcript
the detective sent over,

that's what Destiny Page was wearing.

Wait, you actually read the transcript?

No shortcuts, Daniel.

Well, perfect timing,

because we just confirmed
that Destiny Page isn't our killer.

So we're back to square one.


Daniel, would you stop staring?
Can't you see the woman's engaged?


That's exactly what I see.


Thank you.


I admire you.

Oh, yeah?


You hit dead end after dead end,
but you still keep on searching.

Doesn't deter you.

In fact, it only drives you to try harder.

You make me sound like a sadist.


You see, for eons,
I was God's right hand, you know?

And for most of the time, I had no idea
why I was doing what I was doing.

But watching your perseverance,

to see you keep digging
for the truth, it's...'s inspiring.

And I wish I would have had
the same curiosity, because then...

maybe I would have had the answers
that you're asking for, Chloe.

But unfortunately, I don't.

And neither does Lucifer.

- I know who the killer is.
- We know who the killer is.

- We.
- Yeah.

Okay, so that mysterious contusion
around Victoria's neck?

It's consistent with a ring.

An engagement ring,

which you wear around your neck to stop
goats from eating it off your hand.

Or when you're undercover in a nunnery.

Those aren't the only two reasons,

Bracelet bros for the win.

Well, I could see why a fiancé would be
upset she had embraced the life of a nun.

However, we have no proof,

no idea who the fiancé is.

We don't even know if the fiancé
is a "him."

- Right.
- So for now...

- Excuse me.
- Yeah?

Is there somewhere we could speak
in private?

- Of course.
- I... I meant with him.

You're nervous.

It's all right, Sister Francine.

You can trust me.

I've wanted to do this
ever since I met you,

but I'm scared.

I understand.

I do, but listen...

once you admit the truth, you are
gonna be amazed at how good it feels.

I've never done anything like this before.

I haven't, either.

It's just...

I'm a woman of faith.

Well, you see, that's all the more reason.

Because you, Sister Francine,

you of all people know
what you need to do.

Right here?

Right now?


Just let it all go.



Remember, Daniel, there are no shortcuts.

Let him put in the work.

Good point.

What are you doing?

I'm letting go.

Like you said, I...

I'm admitting the truth
of my feelings for you.

That's... That's not what I meant.

This is wrong.

I'm a nun.

I love God, it's just...

when I look at you, I...

get this feeling
that I've never had before.

What does that say about me?

What are you feeling?

It's going to sound absurd, but...

I feel as if I'm closer to God.

But that's not exactly it, it's...

Like your love for God
is being reflected back at you...

through me.


That's exactly it.

How did you know that?

I didn't even know that
until you just said it out loud.

I'm starting to understand something.

Wait, this is what you came to talk about?

What did you think I came for?

The murder of Sister Victoria.

I wish I could help.

Maybe you can.

Did she ever mention a boyfriend?
A fiancé?

What about any visitors?

She usually liked to be alone.

She did say that she discovered
a secret room no one knew about, and...

she liked to go there to be by herself.

Thank you.

So if Sister Victoria knew
about a secret room...

Seems like the perfect place
to meet a secret fiancé.

Find the room, maybe we can find
some evidence to ID him.


Lucifer, I know what you're thinking.

That once this case is solved,

I'll have magically figured everything out
and it'll all be fine, right?

Well, I'm definitely not
thinking that now.


I want us to be together.

I really do.

I just don't...

I don't know how long
it's going to take me to get over this.

- I may never...
- I understand, Detective.

You do?

There are no shortcuts.

Just... take all the time you need.

Are you sure?


It's gotta be here.

It's gotta be here somewhere.

How'd you find this?

Well, I realized that Destiny Page
might have the blueprints

since she was interested
in buying the building.

And since Victoria worked for her,

that's how she knew
about the secret place.

Yeah, and one call to her reps,


Secret cellar.

Okay, so what are we looking for here?

Something out of place.

Something new.

Something a nun wouldn't have.


with fingerprints.

I really wish you hadn't found that
before me.

Hi, Hank.

I guess when I asked for the blueprints...

you figured out what I was looking for.


Did Destiny Page know
that you were engaged to her assistant?

Nah, she was too busy working on
her religious image all day,

getting hammered all night to notice.

Not much of a believer, huh?

Oh, it's such a scam.

Victoria thought so, too,
until she came here.

She broke up with you, and you killed her?

I just wanted to talk some sense into her,

but we started to fight,

and I wanted the ring back. I...

I didn't mean to push her so hard.


Why would she choose this place over me?

We had something real.

Instead, she left me for

made-up nonsense!

I think we've heard enough, right?


Now, that is very gentlemanly of you...

to die first.

How the hell?

What if it wasn't fake?

What if it was more real than even
she could possibly know, and you, Hank,

- you took that away from her?
- No, no, no...

It's impossible.

Oh, God.

Have faith, Hank.


Get him away from me.

Stay away from me!

I thought you weren't supposed
to expose yourself.

Oh, I'm not.

But for what he did, it felt appropriate.

Yeah, well...

When you find out that it all
really does exist, it can be punishing.

Trust me on that.


I wanted to talk to you about that.

Chloe, I think I know why
the nuns were drawn to me.

Why is that?

Sister Francine said she felt God's love
more than ever when she was with me.

You know, when she was in my presence.


Yes, you are an angel.

I am, but I'm pretty sure that
she was seeing her own faith

reflected back at her.


Why... Why do you say that?

Lucifer, actually.

Men, women, they're all drawn to him
because he pulls out people's desires.

But what if the reason that
they're drawn to him

is because of that?

So you're saying Lucifer...

reflects people's desires back to them?

Well, who wouldn't want to be
with their greatest desire?

Well, yes, I...

I agree, but when I look at him,
I-I-I don't see that.

Which would mean that...

That you're the only mortal
who sees him...

for who he truly is.


So everything we shared and...

Everything I was afraid
was a manipulation...

Is as real as it gets.

You're not the gift, Chloe.

That is.

Yes, but I...

But I make him vulnerable.

That's something else
I wanted to talk to you about.

What's this?

A database release form
for biological parents.

So that their adopted kids can find them
if they want to.

It's like bounty hunting
for your mother and father.

Thank you, Maze.

This is perfect.

You need to give your daughter
the choice...


You have to.

You saw your mother, didn't you?

What did you say to her?


I didn't get to say that "I hate you."

I didn't get to say that "I forgive you."

I didn't get to say anything.

Because she's gone.

She died, Linda.

Hi, Lucifer.


You mind if I sit?


Well, I had a...

interesting conversation with Amenadiel.

Please tell me you're not making him
police consultant.

Anything but that.

No, actually. He has, um, a theory

about why I make you vulnerable.

Oh. Do tell.


His theory is that...

I don't.

Well, I have many scars
to prove otherwise.

He thinks that...

you choose to be vulnerable around me.

I choose to...

Well, I'll be damned.

I think he might be right.




If that's true...

If you choose to be vulnerable
around me...

then I choose to be vulnerable around you.