Lucifer (2015–…): Season 4, Episode 6 - Orgy Pants to Work - full transcript

While Lucifer and Chloe search for a connection between a murdered auditor and a nudist colony, Amenadiel plays host to an unexpected visitor.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ We were better on the first time ♪

♪ Love was simple as a mother
And a baby child ♪

♪ Then you rocked our cradle
And we fell in love ♪

♪ Laying wide awake
Tell me how could I ♪

♪ Forget all the words to a lullaby
We've fallen, fallen in love ♪


There it is.



Just in time! You can take my place
on the sex swing for the second half.

Let's rather turn
that frown upside down on the rack.

- I'm sure Nigel won't mind.
- Seriously?

You haven't had a decent orgy in years.

I leave town for two seconds
and you Fifty Shades of betray me.

Actually, you've been gone for months.

But... no need to descend into orgy FOMO.

This, what you see here,
this is just a school night shenanigans.

Why don't you come back on Saturday
when things get really freaky?

Bye, Anna. Bye, Fred.

Everyone hydrates!

Hostess rules.

Nobody passes out unless they want to.


Who's the new girl?


I'm not new.

And you can't handle this.

Mm, you'd be surprised.

Calm down, Maze.
There's no need to get poky.


As in Mazikeen of the Lilim?

Wow! I am so grateful to you.

I mean...
This world is full of dumb-ass rules.

You know, "No drugs for breakfast,"
or "Put on some clothes," but you.

For years you have been the keeper
of Lucifer's devilish flame.

He just forgot to mention
you are so damn hot!

I like her.

I am so glad, because I'm going to have
to exit orgy left, I'm afraid.

- What?
- I know sugar plum,

but mandatory meeting at work.

Can't be helped.


♪ I got a hot knife ♪

♪ And a tight collar ♪

So, I'm standing there, buck naked,

and then, when I take my blindfold off,
I realize my naughty girlfriend

hasonly snuck us
into the aquarium after hours.

Next thing I know,
we are tangled in a touch pool

like a pair of randy merpeople.

It was so Shape of Water.

Wow! That just made my bucket list.

Oh, and Eve did this thing
with a conch shell. It was very creative.

- I'll draw you a diagram if you...
- No!

We are good. We get it.

I feel like I am right there with you.

Detective, when you said you were fine
hearing about my romantic life with Eve...

Still am. Super fine.

Fine with the aquarium story,

fine with the vat
of melted chocolate story,

with the boning the entire cast

- of Cirque du Soleil story.
- True.

And I, personally,
I can't get enough,

because it's awesome.

But right now, I'm trying to concentrate.

Lucifer! You brought donuts.

Oh, Rookie Joan,

I thought a few sweet treats
might help these pesky morning meetings

go a little easier.

Mondays, am I right?

It's Wednesday.

- Is it?
- Ah-ha.

So I completely missed the tutorial
on the new computer system?

Mm. It's probably for the best.


Oh gosh, no! I'm so sorry.

I seem to have picked up
the candy dandy rave donuts

instead of the regular glazed ones.

One bite of this and you'd be riding
the rainbow unicorn for days.

Come to think of it, I just realized
what happened to Monday and Tuesday.

Lucifer, if you'd really like
to help, we can get into these case files.

Why don't we do that?

Oh, I would love to, detective,
but I'm gonna have to rain check.

Promised Eve I'd be home in time
for the naughty raffle.

Honey, I'm home!

Who replaced my knife caddy
with this tiny... torture device?

Hello, Mazikeen.

I've been helping Linda out
with a lot of things

while you've been hunting bounties
for months.

I wasn't hunting bounties, Amenadiel.

Never mind. What else changed
while I was gone?



You're fat!

Well, good luck with all of this.

- Linda, I'll see you tonight at Lamaze.
- Okay.

What in... La-what now?

Lamaze. It's a baby class
for mom and partner.


Not mom, partner and demon.


Please don't get any ideas.

- Maybe you can come to the next one.
- Whatever.

You know what I've been hunting
all these months?


For the baby.

Hope you like it.

I'm sure Lucifer will be here soon.

Lucky us! Maybe this time he'll show up
with a kilo of coke.

Or another Mexican wrestler.

- That was a scheduling issue.
- More like a life issue.

As in you cannot live the life
that he lives

and still work with the LAPD.

Daniel, figure it out.

I know things have been off with Lucifer,

but when it comes to the job,
he's got it covered.

I'm sure.

Ella, what do we have?

John Doe.

Died on impact after being pushed out
of that window up there.

One day, he is just living his life.

The next, bam! Smashed.

Like a bug on a windshield.

Sorry I'm late,
got a little tied up at home.

But don't worry, I'll be all business
from here on out.

- Great.
- Right, what do we got?

And a party in the back!

Lucifer, we are at a crime scene.

Oh! Oh, dear.

I've worn my orgy pants to work,
haven't I?


Crisis averted, detective.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

Anyhow, Ms. Bassich here was telling us

- about our victim, Gary Van Blunt.
- Oh.

Best auditor I ever had.

Hard worker, detail-oriented...

bit of a bore in personality department

if you know what I mean.

And you said
that Gary's laptop was missing.

Do you know if there was
any sensitive information on it

or any reason someone would want
to steal it or keep it from getting out?

What Gary had on that laptop

could've shut down dozens of businesses.

Did you ever receive any threats
here at the office?

Gary did mention someone was actually
following him, though.

Home, work, home.

Work, home, work...

Yes, I understand.

Are there security cameras
here on the premises

or an overnight guard, possibly,
that could have seen anything?

- Lucifer.
- Mm.

I think we may have a lead.

LAPD. Detective Decker. Hi.

Oh. Sorry.

I know it's sad or whatever,

but Big Nose Brown Shoes in that pose
is the most artistically stimulating thing

I've seen out here, well, ever.

Big Nose Brown Shoes?

I don't know their names, so...

- So, do you draw here regularly?
- Every day on my lunch break.

You know, so my soul doesn't die
up there in the cubicle.

Do you happen to have
any more drawings of Mr. Van...

or Big Nose Brown Shoes?

Thank you.

So, this guy here.
He is in a lot of your drawings.

Square Jaw Buzz Cut.

What about him?

Do you know if he knew
Big Nose Brown Shoes?

I don't think so.

But I did wonder
if he had a crush on Big Nose, though.

'Cause he was always, like, watching him.

Your work is very good.

Do you ever do nudes?

- Couples, perhaps?
- Okay, thank you.

I will need to hold on to this one,
but we are done here. Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.

Okay, Lucifer, I need to talk to you.

Your extracurricular activities

are starting to hinder our job.

There is a dead man right there

and you showing up to his murder scene

in assless slacks...

is not only disrespectful to the LAPD,
it is disrespectful to him.

So if you can't take what we do seriously,

then maybe you shouldn't be here.

No, I understand, detective,
and I apologize.

I haven't been at my best today.

But I do take our work,
our partnership, very seriously.

In fact, I hereby promise

that the personal shall interfere
with the professional no more.


Yeah, I...

Silent from here on in,

you won't even know
that I have a personal life.

- Does no one need a demon today?
- I could use one.

Lucifer and I were supposed
to bake and Drake tonight.

You know...

Like, really bakes

and watch a Drake concert.

But he had to go back to work.

I'm really happy he has a job, I am.


I just didn't think
he would be there all the time.

Yeah, used to drive me nuts too.

Until I got a life.

Smashing heads, hunting bounties.

You know, my own thing.

I don't want to do my own thing.

You know, I happen to have
some free time on my hands today.

Why don't we do our own thing together?

I'm sure Lucifer will be back any minute.

Or maybe he won't.

You are Eve! You are the first
best party girl ever!

Are you gonna sit at home
waiting for your man...

or are you going to come and party...

with me?

Well, I do like to party.

Yeah, you do!

Something on that
pretty little face of yours.

Hello, brother.

It's good to see you, Remiel.

So, what brings you to Earth?

Silver City run out of stags to hunt,

you need a break from Castiel singing,

or you just miss your big bro?

I wish I was here
for such frivolous reasons.

But we have a problem.

For the first time in millennia

I've sensed a new Celestial.

A baby!

Right here in Los Angeles.

But you already knew that.
Didn't you, brother?

Oh, gosh!

Who is ready to bake and Drake?



Yes, well, I'm afraid
you've missed the festivities.

But if you like to come back Saturday...

I came because you've canceled
three therapy sessions.

I want to make sure you are okay.

Oh, no, I'm fine.
I'm more than fine, actually.

Living my best life on all fronts.

Balancing work and pleasure like...

like a finely calibrated machine.


You haven't seen
a tiny divine brunette, have you?

"You didn't show, so I went out with Maze.

Hope you are not dead. Eve."

Well, I admit there are still
a few kinks to work out.

Speaking of, if you'll excuse me.

It can't be easy all these years
upholding human law.

Eve will love this.

Exploring your caring,
altruistic side with Chloe...

" to enjoy together..."

...and now being in a committed
relationship with Eve,

who expects you to be your...

- old hedonistic devil self at all times...
- Apologies detective.

Now, how many times can he program
this thing to say "Ever"?

Thank you.

When you bifurcate your life this way,

good and bad,

crime solver and...

orgy host...

you're effectively denying
half of yourself all of the time.

Lucifer, if you don't stop
pulling yourself in opposite directions,

you're going to come undone.


That is preposterous.

I mean,
I finally got everything I ever wanted.

I've got a girlfriend who accepts,
nay, appreciates that I'm the devil,

makes every waking moment
a non-stop bacchanal,

and then, there's work.

And I don't need to tell you
how important that is to me.

No, you don't.

So you see why I'm no longer
in need of therapy, doctor.

Perfection achieved.

Is that why you spent the last few minutes
ordering apology gifts

for both Eve and Chloe?


Well, I'm sorry, but we're going to have
to leave it there, doctor.

There appears to have been
a break in the case.

My goodness.



Lucifer, get in the car!

Sorry I'm late, okay?

What have we got?

Ella ran a facial recognition
on the sketch of Gary's stalker

and got a hit.

I guy named Vince Walker, ex-marine,

and we couldn't get a physical address,

but his name is registered to that car.

So we're on a stakeout. Undercover.

Understood, detective.

You can count on me.

I'll not take my eyes off that vehicle.

Come now, brother.

We both knew it was only a matter of time
before this happened.

We did?

Of course, there was bound
to be a child eventually,

because of all the meaningless
sexual encounters.

I wouldn't say they were meaningless.

Please. Our brother Lucifer is a...
What do they call it here?

A slut.


You're here because you think
Lucifer has fathered a half-human child?

Must have been difficult for you.

Bearing the burden of Lucifer secret alone
in order to protect him.

But I'm here now, brother.

Together, we can put an end
to this madness.

Oh whoa, whoa, Remy.

What do you mean exactly by
"put an end to it"?

As we both know,

it's forbidden for humans and celestials
to intermingle in an amorous manner.

The child shouldn't exist.

The child is innocent.

Exactly! Which is why
we must find the child,

snatch it up and take it to Heaven
for the rest of eternity.

Remy, put your wings away!

Humans aren't supposed to see them.


I forgot!

Please slow time so these barely sentient
creatures won't see us fly away.

Well, I can't slow time.

Because that would be too easy.

Look, this is our first
brother-sister hunt in over a millennia.

Why not make it a proper challenge?

You are right!

To the challenge!

Where might we find
the kind of human woman

that Lucifer would impregnate?


I know exactly where to start.

But... perhaps we should begin
with a change of clothes.

Lucifer, I'm sorry
that I was hard on you before.

You know, we...

We all have our personal lives

and I go to parent-teacher conferences

and you host sex parties, so...

To each their own.

Look, as long as you continue to wear
actual pants to work...

then, if you're happy, I'm happy.

You know, I'm not happy.

Of course...

I want you to be happy.

But the way...

that you are happy...

It makes me uncomfortable.

It makes me feel sick, to be honest.

And yes, sometimes it makes me jealous.


I hate the way you are happy.


there it is.

Fetch me the goat!

No, in the hat.

We need to make sure this is the guy.

I think he is the guy.

Help! Fire! No, no!

There you go. Big, strong donkey kicks.
Now locate the trunk release.

LAPD. Step away from the victim!

And stop... giving her notes?

Vincent Walker.

You mind? We're kind of
in the middle of something here.

Is this a part of the scenario?

'Cause we haven't done
crossfire drills yet.

I need to give it a shot.

You can put the gun away,
detective. I run a K and R outfit.

Kidnap and ransom.

We offer abduction survival courses
for frequent travelers like Joyce here.

They are the best in the business.

My employer pays for everybody
in the Bogota office

to get kidnapped at least once.

It's my third time.

Quite a thrill-seeker, aren't you?

Okay, who payed you to kidnap
Gary Van Blunt?

As usual, you cops have it all wrong.

Our parent company payed Mr. Van Blunt
to audit us.

That was a formality.
Typical government red tape.

Then he accused me of paying off
Bolivian border guards.

- And were you?
- Of course he was.

Damn right I was.
To keep my clients safe.

Everyone in my line of work does.

I told Gary his goody two shoes routine
could cost real people their lives,

- but he wouldn't listen.
- So, you murdered him.

What? No.

I tailed him a little.

Hoped to scare him into shutting up.

From home to work and not much else.

The poor sav was the human equivalent
of watching paint dry.

Until he wasn't.
Couple of days ago he breaks routine.

Takes off in a Malibu Canyon. I lost him.

Cops pulled me over for speeding.

And I suppose you have an alibi
for last night at 12:30.

As it happens, I was on
a three-day mission to Cape Town.

Flew into LAX a couple of hours ago.

Are we good?

Mm-hmm. Okay.

Well, that was a bust.

But now we know how Gary spent
the last day of his life.

In the 5,800 acres of Malibu Canyon.

I'm going to go back to the precinct.

I'm going to work up a list of what homes
and businesses we canvas first.

Why don't you go home and get some sleep?

Nonsense, detective.
I've already had my cat nap.

I insist you go home and get some rest

and I'll burn the midnight oil
at the station.

You're offering to do hours
of tedious research?

I want to do whatever it takes
to secure justice for poor boring Gary.

Detective, recent missteps aside,
you should know,

when I'm on the job,
the job has my complete devotion.

Thank you, Lucifer.

That means a lot.

So, I'll see you tomorrow.

Bright and early.

Oh, girl, don't even start.

It's just that when he leaves me
hanging like this...

Reminds me of Adam.

You know I was his second wife, right?

Literally created for the guy

and our entire marriage
he was just pining over

wife number uno.

"Lilith tamed the beasts of the night."

Stupid, perfect Lilith.

She wasn't perfect.

Oh, my God.

My God. I'm so sorry.

I completely forgot
that she was your mother.

Yes, so did she.

I've got a package for Eve from Lucifer.

Oh, my God! What is it?

Oh, my...

I don't get it.

- You...
- Oh, this guy.

Okay, I know.

Oh, look. There is a card.

You really need a card
to know who that's from?




"For us to enjoy together"?

I mean, this must be for someone else.

No, for us to enjoy together.

The precinct.

That's why this young lady
would make a great decoy.

Or keep Daniel company
on long stakeouts.

- You know what? Enough!
- Hey, guys!

The suit doesn't fit!
Literally or figuratively.

The clothes Gary Van Blunt died in
were, like, two sizes too big

and a tax bracket more expensive
than anything else in his closet.

They weren't his.

Wait, so the killer forced Gary
to change clothes

before they pushed him
out the window, but why?

Er... No, I don't think
they made him change clothes.

I think they made him put clothes on.

Found something on the map last night.

If you combine it
with Miss Lopez's findings...

I think I know where Gary was
when the killer snatched him.

Oh, my gosh! Can I please come?

This is perfect.

Just perfect.

So cool!

Sorry, but rules are rules.

You want to go inside,
you got to get naked.

Either that or get a warrant.

Fine, I'll get a warrant.


When in Rome, detective.

Please, put some clothes on.

We are professionals.

Ella, see if you can get a warrant
from Judge...


- Bucket list?
- Don't worry, detective.

Miss Lopez and I are on the case.

You don't happen to recognize
this unfortunate-looking chap?


Don't recognize him.

Do you have any pictures of him
without his clothes on?

Of course I know Gary!
He is the sweetest thing.

He's almost as sweet as my mango coladas.

Do you want one or two?

I just can't believe Gary's gone!

He's only been coming
for a couple of months,

but he really found his happy place here.

And how could you tell he was happy?
Oh, don't worry. We know.

And he was to active in the community.

Chess club, book club.

He even offered to help us all
with our taxes.

Hold on. You are saying that Gary
was an avid nudist

and a devoted accountant?

Naturalists come in all forms.

In our community, we have teachers,

judges, scientists.

What about enemies?

Did Gary have anyone he butted heads with
in the community?

Oh, Gary didn't have a contrary bone
in his naked butt.

I can't imagine him saying
a harsh word to anybody.

Except maybe to Julian. Remember?

We saw them arguing
in the meditation yurt.

I couldn't understand exactly
what they were saying,

I didn't have my hearing aids in.

But it looked heated.

And Julian is...

Julian McCaffrey.

Son of the late Willow McCaffrey.

The founder of Willow's Glenn.

Julian inherited this place
after his mother died,

but he's nothing like her.

He's brought in drugs and prostitutes.

Well, we are not sure
they are prostitutes.

Come on, Annie, you know as well as I do.

That millennial pervert has turned
out little slice of heaven

into a devil's playground.

Well, I'll be the judge of that.

Welcome to the VIP lounge.

Speaking of which,
you two are not at all what I pictured

when I heard that cops were here.
Who knows?

- We're not cops.
- We're not cops.

- I'm actually a forensic scientist.
- And I'm the devil.

Oh, hey...

I wanted to say how sorry I was
when I heard about Gary.

He is going to be missed
by the entire community.

Cut the crap.

We know you two argued
in the meditation yurt the day he died.

Well, it's not what you think.

I hate to speak ill of the dead,
but Gary...

He was coming on pretty strong

to some of our
more attractive female members,

making them uncomfortable.

So I had to give him some firm advice.

Probably did him a favour, honestly.

How altruistic of you.

My point is that the last time I saw Gary,

he was alive, and well,
and still trying to bat out of his league.

So, if I can help you with anything else,

I'm starting to prune.

Yeah, you are.

What are you? A size 34 pant, 13 shoe?

Good guess. Why?

You are under arrest.

Oh, and the precinct has a strong
no-nudity policy,

so put on some clothes.

And you too.

How can human women wear
these torture devices?

- What are they called?
- Jeans.

How could Lucifer ever procreate
with these jeans-laden humans?

They are selfish and greedy.

And they smell wrong.

Well, Remy...

Perhaps Lucifer discovered
that not all humans are selfish,

greedy and smelly.

Perhaps he even met one
that was rather special.

One that helped him learn things...

about himself, and the universe...

that he never would have learned
without her.


Yeah. I'm just guessing about Lucifer.



Greedy humans.

Good job, you're doing a great job.

- Okay, honey.
- Alright, Courtney, push.

Hey, hey. It's all the way, honey.

There you go!

And that is what
the birth process looks like up close.

Any questions?


Can we see the part about
the torn perineum again, please?


Giving the time restraints,

perhaps it's best
we move on to infant care.

Let's feed our babies.

Now, whether your choice
is breast or bottle,

what's most important
is the intimate bonding time

you're spending with your little angel.

In your arms, your baby will feel safe,

and satiated

and, most of all, loved.

Your babies will only be babies
for a short time,

but the bonds they form with you now

are the foundation
for healthy and nurturing relationships.

That was beautiful, wasn't it?

I'm so glad you are here, Maze.


So it's a coincidence
that the shoes and clothes

Gary Van Brunt died in match your sizes
and favorite label exactly?

Not to mention you were seen arguing
with him on the day he was murdered.

Things aren't looking good
for you, Julian.

Yeah, I'm not too worried.

Oh. Why is that?



Judge's order. Release our client
on his own recognizance.

What happened to
the two million dollars bail?

Already paid in full.

Well, this was fun,

but I've got a naked limbo contest
to judge at four, so...

Hey, how did he get away with this?

Yeah, McCaffrey?
That's his mom's maiden's name.

- Guess who his dad is.
- I don't know.

- Jacob Tierning.
- As in Tierning Shipping?

That's right. The guy practically owns
every port on Pacific.

Well, that explains the confidence.

One whiff of trouble
and daddy bails him out.

Yeah, with the money they left behind,
the guy is practically untouchable.

No one's untouchable.





I got you something too for us to enjoy...


Look, I know you are angry...

I'm not angry.

I mean, I was.

But then I had a lot of time to think.

And I realize...

I used to be just like you,

with Adam.

I wanted Adam to love me so badly

that I devoted myself
to becoming something I wasn't.

In order to please him.

I wanted to be Adam's ideal woman.

But then I realized something.

I was never going to be Adam's ideal woman

because, spoiler alert...

I'm not Lilith.

I am me.

Yeah, I spent so much time

trying to be whatever Adam wanted me to be

that I never once stopped
to think what I wanted,

who I had been all along.

Guess who helped me figure that out?

If is not me, this is a terrible story.

It was you.

Lucifer, I was created
from someone else's rib.

I am literally a subset of another person.

But you helped me realize
that I can become my own person.

You set me free.

I just want to do the same for you.

I see you pretending to be
something that you're not.

You don't have to.

You're already perfect.

You think I'm pretending to be
something I'm not?

Don't you?


I have to go.

It's a break in the case.


What's the son
of a power broker like Jacob Tierning

doing running his mother's
hippy nudist retreat?

Well, according to Jacob's
super unauthorized bio,

Julian is the black sheep
of the Tierning family.

Out of control partying,
multiple run-ins with the law.

I mean this says Jacob
cut him off years ago.

Except for the fact that he keeps sending
lawyers to clean up Julian's messes.

What is any of these have to do with Gary?

I mean,
he wasn't auditing the nudist retreat

or any of the Tierning businesses, right?

So then what motive could Julian
possibly have to murder him?

Step aside, Daniel, because I've
just blown this case wide open.

Just found this note in this pocket.

And this is the suit that I wore

or, more accurately,
didn't wear at the nudist colony.

Someone must have put it in there
before I got my clothes back.

Miss Lopes, do you remember
a woman named Marigold?

Seriously? For all we know,

someone could have put it in there
at one of your latest sex parties.

Have you ever been to a sex party, Daniel?

- We don't pass notes to each other.
- I don't need to go to sex parties...

Guys, guys!

Marigold wasn't a woman.

It's one of Tierning's ships.

And the Marigold docks
in Saint Pedro tonight.

That can't be a coincidence.

You awake?

Very funny, detective.

You know, we wouldn't have gotten
this far without you.

You did good, Lucifer.

Do you think I'm different
when I'm at work...

to when I'm not at work?


I think we are all
a little different at work.

You know,
trying to put our best foot forward and...

But you think the person
I'm trying to be at work is...

Ah, I don't know, dishonest?

Do you like work?

I do.

I like work very much.

Work makes me want to be...

a better man, but...

if I've never been that man before,

is it even real?

Well, I mean, I think

people are growing and changing
all the time.

I mean, look at me. Fifteen years ago,
I was naked in a hot tub.

- Mm, still one of my favorite films.
- Well...

The point is...

I never would've pictured myself
as a detective or a mom,

or a person with so many
sensible brown shoes.

- So many.
- Yeah.

It just feels right.


I think...

if what you are doing

and who you are at work feels right,

then I think you know it's real.

- They're here.
- Good.

Here we go.

- Hey, Vince.
- Where are the ladies?

Let's go.

Come on, move!

So, Julian was using daddy's shipping
company as what, slave transport.

Detective Decker requesting backup in
what looks a human trafficking situation.

Gary must've found out somehow.

And Julian killed him
before Gary could expose the operation.

We can't let him get away.

We won't!

LAPD! Hands in the air!

Julian, cops over there.

LAPD! Drop your weapon!

- Don't move!
- On the ground, now!

Hands where we can see them!

Lucifer, Julian is getting away!

Julian, you're a slippery one, aren't you?

But then again, most cockroaches are.

No! No!

Hey, guys, listen up.

I need you all to fan out
and find McCaffrey. Now!

Medics, we got victims over there,
by the van. Go!

You are not so cocky now,
without daddy's lawyers around, are you?

Tell me, does he know
what you've been up to?

Do you think my dad is any better than me?

He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
I'm in a fancy suit and a big smile...

...but at least I admit I'm a wolf.

I mean, what kind of man
pretends to be something he isn't?

It's your lucky day.

I decided to leave
your punishment to the police.


LAPD, don't move!

No, no!


I can't believe you let him go.

For once I agree with you.

You think you're helping Lucifer,
but you're not.

You're a wrecking ball
and everything you touch turns to shit.

First Charlotte, now Joan.

When will you learn? Hmm?

You're not one of the good guys.

There's a house on their property.

Got it.

Thanks, Maze.

You okay?

What happened?

You may have been right
about me.

I tried to be something I wasn't
and a very bad man got away...

Killed again.

It was all my fault.

Sounds like it was the man's fault to me.

Who is this guy anyway?

Murderer, human trafficker,

destroyer of lives...

on the loose.

Well you can't let him get away with that.

He should be punished.

By me, you mean?

Honestly, I'm not sure I have it
in me anymore.

It's not true.

You will always have it in you.

You are the devil.


Yes, I am.

It's not her.

I think you're stalling, aren't you?

Don't tell me Lucifer's misplaced love
of humans has rubbed off on you.

Of course not.


The never-ending talk of free will
while you were in Silver City.

Brother, you are the one who taught me
that humans are inconsequential.

Well, I was wrong, Remy.

They are living, breathing beings
created by our father.

And I promise you I won't hurt the child.

Even if it is half human.

And what about the mother?

I know we are not allowed to kill humans.

So I'll be very careful where I cut.

You're not cutting anywhere.

You know this human, don't you, brother?

Are you protecting her?

Yes, I am.

I'm protecting her
and I'm protecting my child.


"To your baby."

It's a baby blanket.

My mother, Lilith...

Let's just say she wasn't mom of the year.

I was trying to think of something
to give your baby.

Something I would have wanted
when I was small.

Took me a while
to figure out what that was, but...

I guess this is it.


I know I'm not mom,

or partner or whatever.

But I...


No, you're not.

Come here.

You are Auntie Maze.

And you will always...

be a member of this family.

What is it with you?

Gotta made me kill somebody else?

Well, how many is it, then?

I mean, I know about Gary.

And Joan.

But what about the women
you've been trafficking?

How many of their lives have you taken?

How many have you destroyed
in service of your...


Those girls came from nothing.

Starving in their villages.

Sold by their relatives
or stupid enough to believe

that people are just handing out
fresh new lives here in America.

They were broken dolls
before they ever got on those ships.


Who... who are you?

I've been wondering
how to punish you, Julian.

And now I know.


You asked what I am.

I'm the devil.


This feels just right.