Love Now (2012–2013): Season 1, Episode 28 - Episode #1.28 - full transcript

Cai Rong and Qi Ming become official. Yi Ru finds out that she may have cancer.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Episode 28


Fulfill them?



That's great!

So, our proposal was chosen?

Is that right?


I will. I will definitely work very hard.

I will definitely work hard.

Thank you.

So how?

Do you know that

the proposal I wrote for Han Lin

was chosen?

Boss. You are becoming more awesome.

Let me salute you this time.


Boss, I knew you had the capability.

Should you do it, you'd amaze everyone
with your first attempt.

Uncle Kang.

You treat me the best.

You have always been supporting me.


This way your Manager Yang

should be satisfied.


Take your medicine.

Stop scolding me, alright?

Who's scolding you?

Didn't you tell me to remind you to take medicine?

You caught a cold, right?

Oh right!

I got excited and forgot.

You cannot forget.

Your body is most important, be healthy.

Right, I'll go take my medicine.

Wait, did you eat yet?

Not yet.

If you didn't eat, how are you going to take medicine?


My granny told me not to take medicine on an empty stomach.


Your granny knows that too?

Of course.

Eat food.

Then take medicine.

That won't work.

A sick person

need to eat more nutritious food.

A bun is not enough.

I'll go buy something nutritious for you.

Uncle Kang.

What do you want to eat? I'll go buy.

What, no...


Before, even if it's a beverage

you'd still want me to go buy it.

That's right, boss.

You said the elderly should exercise more.

Forget it, no one understands me.

What do you want to drink?

Black tea, thank you.

Ok, you?

Milk tea, thank you.

Uncle Kang?


cola for me.

Wait for me.

we'll party.

Thank you Boss Sun.

I think Boss really changed.

I think he really should take his medicine.

Did he bring money?

Will he call later

and tell us to help him pay?

Great that you're back.

Here, the keys.

Let me take that.

What now?


What's up?

I'm a bit reluctant to part from you.

It should be fine.

Alright, I'll go upstairs.

You should rest at home if you're sick.

Why did you come to work?

There's nothing to do at home.

I came here to find something to do.

Qi Ming.

I'll go the convenience store to buy somethings.

Sun Qi Ming

I want to buy coffee,

I'll go with you.

Ok, then I'll go call a cab.


You're not well yet,

why are you buying snacks?

Eat something nutritious, ok?

We're together.

I know.

I've been working hard

and I've been serious.

I know you're serious.

So I must give you a reply,

and tell you what I think.

You are very important to me.

Important just like family.

I believe

you also treat me like family.

But I think this is just a habit.

In your life, you're too used to...

It's not a habit.

Moreover it's not fiercly

battling with Lan Shi De.

I worked hard to change myself.

I learned to be serious.

I wanted to become

someone reliable

to let you depend on me.

That's all.

I'm sorry.

It's fine.


You were right.

I'm just like

a child that keeps wanting candy.

But what I want

is just an opportunity.

Will he come?

He's so against marriage,

won't going to a wedding give him stress?




Do you have a red envelope?

What do you need a red envelope for?

Today is Pei Shan's wedding.

I forgot.

Will Yan Kai accompany you?

He's busy with work, I told him not to come.

I think

being busy is an excuse.

He's really avoiding.


How can that be?

Shi Yun is important to him.

Shi Yun, let Grandma see

how pretty you are today.

Is it the outfit Yan Kai helped to pick out?

Yes, he helped me choose it.

Come sit down.

Come sit down.

It's not me giving you pressure,

Grandma's been living several decades

and I've never heard

people who love each other don't want marriage.

When people love, they can't bear to part.

They want to quickly marry.


Yan Kai didn't say he won't marry.

Young people have their way of thinking.

Give them some more time.


Women have everything,

except for time.

Shi Yun,

Grandma knows

you bet with your readers

what you often say... you need to wait for true love.

Grandma wants to remind you

You cannot use today

to think of the future.

No one can predict the future.


regardless if it's like or don't like,

compatible or not.

You must carefully think for yourself.

Don't hurt yourself.

If you're hurt,

it's not only me who will be sad,

the saddest one

will be your mother.


it's almost time.


or you'll be late.

Grandma, Mom.

I'll leave first.

Be careful on the way.


Grab everything.

I'll leave then.

Sorry I'm late.

Sorry I'm late.

Get in.

Thank you.

Usually I can go anywhere by myself,

but today, I need some more courage.

Seat belt.

You're meeting my friends for the first time today, are you nervous?

My friends are very easy to get along with.

They're all bringing their partners,

so you men can chat happily.

Right, Pei Shan said she especially prepared French wine so we have to get drunk.

My friends are very excited.

Don't think that they're always elegant,

once they drink, they forget their image.

It's still early,

you don't have to rush.

Are you alright?

I'm fine.

But you...

That car just now was too rude.

It's fine if you don't join me at the wedding.

I promised to accompany you.

You're not happy, you're stressed.

The focus is not me today,

isn't that right?

How is the focus not you?

Pei Shan and the others are looking forward to meeting you.

But I want them to see the happy you, not like now.


I'll be more cautious.

Go in first,

I'll park the car and then find you.

Good thing I made it in time.

Why are you here?

I think Yan Kai

probably wouldn't like this kind of event.

So I especially came to accompany you.

I don't need you to accompany me.

Don't feel pressured,

think of it as me thanking you for returning my cell phone.

Let's go.

I don't need you to ...

Don't give yourself too much pressure.

Just regard it as I'm thanking you

for returning my cellphone.

Let's go.

Thank you for your kind intentions

but I don't need you to escort me.

I know that in terms of accomplishment,

I haven't caught up with you yet.

In front of your friends,

I won't let you lose face.

Thus, I especially groomed myself

like this.

Being like this today,

I should be worthy of you.

If you are worried that I'm much younger than you,

it's okay.

I can pretend to be mature.

You don't need to worry when you are with me.

Zheng Yu Xiang.

Frankly, you don't need to do this for me.

Don't tell me after we have known
each other for so many days,

in your heart, I'm

still only a crazy fan?

I can understand your

reason for not wanting to attend the wedding.

Hence, I came here to specially escort you

to the wedding.

But if you are going to force Yan Kai this way,

it's useless too.

You will only

create unhappiness between the both of you.

Is anything wrong?

He's here too?

What am I doing here then?

Both of you, go in then.

It's almost time.

Let's go.


Yan Kai doesn't like unfamiliar people

to touch him.

Why are you explaining to him?

Enough already.

Don't fight because of me.

Attending a wedding

is a happy event.


If you fight this way,

everyone would think that

she forced you to come.

Let's go.


If you don't want to be here, don't come.

Why are you throwing your temper at him instead?

Shi Yun!

Shi Yun. Listen to me, okay?

I didn't intentionally do that.

I really don't know why.

You may not know but I do.

From your expression,

I could already see it very clearly.

I wanted you to attend this wedding with me

but you are not very happy about it.

I just didn't know

how to face this.

And so, you throw your temper at another person?

If you really didn't want to come,

why didn't you tell me?

You are giving me a hard time by doing this.

You only made me feel

that I was being very selfish.

I didn't take into account your emotions at all.

I didn't consider what your fears are.

Did I need to force you into coming to this wedding?

Let's break up.


It's because of how I behaved today?

I know why you don't want

to attend this wedding.

You are afraid that they would talk about our wedding.

You are afraid that they will ask you

when you are going to marry me.

If you can't even withstand

this kind of pressure,

how do you expect me to believe that

you'd strive to change mind on
not wanting to get married for me?

Shi Yun. Trust me.

I can do it.

I can do my best for you.

Don't talk any more about a promise
you can't keep.

Don't let me, after I have trustied you,
have you ruthlessly

throw cold water at me.

It's because I really like you very much.

I care for you.


can you give me

another chance to work hard at it?


Do you know

when you care about someone,

what you are pretending in your heart

will lessen?

After that, you will slowly

lose your self-centredness

and change into someone who will only live for others.

I know

perhaps I had too high expecations of you.

So, whenever you manifest

your true self,

I would be disappointed.

I know that I'm unfair by doing this to you.

about disguising your other appearances.

So ...

just go back to being yourself.

Why did he do this?

What's wrong with Han Lin's proposal?

It was boss who told me last night

to email this to him.

He was sick.

Why didn't you let him rest more?

Why did you email this to him?

He said he wanted it urgently.

Subsequently, when he came in the morning,

he kept working at it.


But you could have stopped him.

How could we stop him?

He wouldn't listen to us.

That's right.

The state when the General Manager
digs in his heels.

You should know that too.

Why did he do this?

I'm just like a

child who is always asking for candies.

But I only wanted

an opportunity for me.

That's all.

Xiao Wei Wei.

Our boss,

why did he take so long to buy refreshments?

I already called him several times

but he's not answering.

What's going on?

Did he go to the States to buy refreshments.

The States?

Why would he go to the States?

Uncle Kang. I was just using it as a analogy.

He went to buy refreshments for such a long time
and he's still not back yet.

Could he have fainted on the streets?

I'm just telling you both

not to tell him to buy refreshments anymore.

They are very heavy.

When the refreshments are back later,
you better not drink it.

How is that possible?

How could he faint from buying refreshments?

He's not a woman.

Wait a minute.

Could it also be possible that

when our General Manager went out,

something could have happened?

And hence, he couldn't come back to the office?

It's a possibility.

You guessed correctly.

It's impossible.

You are imagining too much.

He's probably too tired

and went back to rest first.

Don't worry too much.

Then ...

in any case, there's nothing to do in the office today.

You can go back early and rest.

You can knock off work.

Hello, what's wrong?

You are downstairs?

Who's downstairs?

Waiting downstairs?

Could it be our General Manager?

He finally bought the stuff back.

Uncle Kang. I don't think so.

Because from what I know about Sister Yi Ru,

she has never spoken to the General Manager

in such a gentle tone.

That's right, Uncle Kang.


Who could it be then?

Who knows?

Let's knock off work first.

I haven't knocked off work yet.

I still have some work to do.

So how?

It's nothing. I only just wanted to say that

I'm going for my class and wanted to
send you home at the same time.

Little Princess has never used

such a gentle tone to talk to boss.

Who is she talking to on the phone?

I'm guessing it must be that with that ...

I'll wait.

Okay, Bye.

General Manager....!

It's not him, already.

Little Princess has never used
such a gentle tone to talk to boss.

Who is she talking to on the phone?

I'm guessing it must be that with that ...

I'll wait.

Okay, Bye.

General Manager....!

It's not him, already.


Please take your time sitting down.


Why has he come and sitting over there?

What exactly is the situation right now?

Why else would he be sitting over there?

Uncle Kang, you've hit it.

I've hit it?

What have I hit?

I didn't buy Lotto.

It can't be that the little Princess has really

decided to eat ice, right?

To eat ice?

The weather is so cold, what ice to eat?

Uncle Kang!

How come you don't understand my figure of speech?

What I mean is that

has our little Princess

decided to be together with

that ice-sculpture, General Manager Lan?

If they're really together,

then there's a very big problem at hand.


Then what about our General Manager?

For the whole afternoon, he's

not been to the office.

It can't be that he already knows, right?

He's been jilted.

He has been

knocked out.

What to do?

What to do right now?

What can be done?

The matter of love can't be forced.

Since the little Princess has already decided,

then, we'll have to

give our Big Boss Sun

lots of tender loving care.

This is a very painful realisation.


Our General Manager must certainly be

very sad right now.

I'm also very sad.

We're all very sad.

I'm sorry!

Letting you wait for such a long time.

Not at all.

It's I who turned up too suddenly.


What is it?

What thing are you hiding?

Let me se.

For you.

Thank you.

No problem.

When a man gives a woman flowers,

it means that he has done
something wrong.

What have you done wrong?

I haven't done anything wrong.

It doesn't matter. Tell me honestly.

I really haven't done anything wrong.

I really only

wanted to give you a surprise.

Really. I really haven't done anything wrong.

Okay. I was just kidding.

How could you be so serious

in everything?

So very adorable.

Okay. We'll leave first.

What is it?

There’s a matter I wish to discuss with you,



Can you accept Sun Qi Ming's existence?

You, too, know that

my relationship with him is very special.

He’s my friend, my superior,

like a family member

and also ex-boyfriend.

I don’t wish,

after we’re both together,

to just let my sister loose

an older brother who loves her and

to let my Dad loose a son.

I, too,

can't be short of

a friend who understands me.

I understand.

I will regard him as a friend.

A friend who exists because of you.

I won’t impose restrictions on your life.

Whatever status Sun Qi Ming has

in your life,

only you alone can decide.

But I have a stipulation.

When the weather is cold,

you must put your hand

in my pocket.

Yi Ru, promise me one thing.

No matter what happens later,

good or bad,

you must let me know them all.

I won’t influence any decision of yours

because I love you.

I choose to trust in you.

So from this moment on,

I want to be responsible for your happiness.

I want to be responsible for your future.

There's a security camera.


At the back.

Then we should go to your house

and learn how to cook.

It doesn’t matter.

Anyway, at that time,

when you sought my Dad to learn cooking,

you didn’t really want to learn.

You only wanted an opportunity

to get near me, that was all.

Now that we’re already together,

you don’t have to learn anymore.

I sincerely wish to learn cooking.

Then how come you still cook food
that’s so unpalatable?

That was bitter gourd. A small accident.

Anyway, I also want to be like your Dad,

using fine food to satisfy the one I love.

Isn’t there a saying which goes:

To captivate the wife’s heart,

you must capture her stomach.

I'm very hungry!

Okay. I'll cook for you.



I really feel that I'm almost going to die.

Can you save me?

Pull yourself together a bit.

In the world of love

you won’t necessarily be able to hide
through avoidance.

Facing it may not necessarily be
the hardest thing to bear.

Sorry. There's really nothing I can do.

Apart from choosing you,

I’m willing to try all other means.

So long as