Love Never Lies: Destination Sardinia (2022): Season 1, Episode 7 - Libre, libre, quiero ser - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
["Spring 4 Seasons" by Music Beyond plays]

[Paloma] Whoa! Hey, yeah!

[Álex 2] Whoa!

[Rocío] You go, girls!

[intriguing music plays]

[Inma] Wanna play a game?

Do we need to get drunk?

I think it's about time.

But we need to do it properly.


[María] So handsome, oh my God.

I'll look you in the eyes
just like I do when I suck Javi's cock.

Like this.

[Rocío] I'll do a sexy dance for you.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

What I like most about me and Javi

is that everything's so natural between us

and that's very special to me.

Yeah, well done, man.

[Alejandro] Hey, hey...

Javi's often on my mind,
but I'm learning to love myself now,

to enjoy myself,

and to be fine without Javi.

[Inma] Whoa, wow, wow.

Yes! Yay!

[Alejandro] Hey! What a show!

Show us a full moon, it's good luck.

[group] Yeah!


[María echoes] Javi, behave yourself!

["Lágrimas de un Ángel"
by Mónica Naranjo plays]

[in Spanish] ♪ Tears of an angel ♪

♪ Fly in the air ♪

♪ Tears of an angel ♪

♪ Will rain ♪

["Lágrimas de un Ángel" fades out]


[light pop music plays]

[in English] I woke up with a bad feeling
this morning. I dunno why.

-[Inma] About what?
-Like he's done something.

You're just like a summer love.

[Rocío giggles]

I like that.

Do you?

One you never forget.

I want to make the most
of every moment with Javi

because we don't know what'll happen
when we get out of here

and I wanna take good memories with me.

[rhythmic music plays]

[Antonio] Whoa, Mónica...

[Vicky] The way she walks, I just can't.

[Paloma] She's so elegant.

[Javi] So elegant, oh my God.

Everything about her is elegant.

[rhythmic music grinds to a stop]

[Mónica] Guys!

Come over here!

["Sexy Little Dance" by X-Ray Dog plays]

-How are you doing? Everything okay?
-[group] Very good.

Good? It seems like
you're having a lot of fun.


And some of you have developed
some strong feelings?

[clears throat] And we see
a little spark here

or maybe even some fireworks.

-[group laughs]

Yeah, honestly,
I feel very comfortable with Rocío.

I wanna meet her outside

and see what happens.

I hope you've enjoyed the company.

[sad piano music plays]




José Antonio,


The time has come.

You have to leave the villa.

[sad piano music continues]

Well, guys,

-it's been a pleasure.
-Nice to meet you. Same to you.

Vicky, thanks so much for everything.

I felt very comfortable with Álex.

I think we've built
a long-lasting friendship.

-See you outside.
-[Raúl] Thanks for everything.

Thank you, babe.

Raúl has taught me so much,

especially my worth
and to stand up for myself.

[Raúl] Whatever you decide,

be kind to yourself and be happy, okay?

I hope that
when Miguel talks to Alejandro,

he'll realize that he's not good for him.

I'd like to think
that he'll wanna be with me

in the future.

Near future, I hope.

[Javi] I hope everything goes very,
very well.

[Rocío] Same to you.

[Javi] Thanks for everything.
I've loved meeting you.

You taught me so much.

Remember to be strong and know your worth.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, okay?

[sad piano music continues]

I don't have any plans right now,
but that's fine by me.

I'll let my heart guide me
and once I'm out of here,

I'll do whatever it tells me.

[Rocío] You can never say never,

but I surprised myself here meeting Javi.

I didn't think I would like a boy,

but, well, I went with the flow

and I really liked it.

[sad piano music continues]

I have to talk to you, Javi.

Should I just sit here?

Did you say goodbye to Rocío?

[Javi] Yeah, yeah.

Sit down here.

Talk to me, Mónica.

How are you?

Great, to be honest.

I feel free now.

Free. Free how?

Because I got rid of some bad feelings,
some bad thoughts I had,

things that I don't want in my life.

You mean María?


You don't want to stay with her?


[Eye Detect] Attention. Countdown.

-[tense music plays]

[Alejandro] Oh God!

It'll be a bomb,

someone kissed.

I think it'll be Mónica.

I've realized
that I don't wanna be in a relationship.

I need to talk to her
and explain everything I'm feeling.

I don't wanna be tied down right now.

I need to feel free,

I need to get to know myself,
I need to keep meeting new people.


I wanna get out of here and be free,
live my life the way I want.

[group] Five, four, three,

two, one...

[María] Time's up!

-[Inma] A message.
-[Asier] A message...

-A message.
-Let's see.

[Inma] "María,
you have to leave the villa."


Javi cheated on me.

-[Alejandro] I don't think so.
-[Inma] No, girl,

don't worry.

I think it's something good.
You'll see him today.

Today's the day.

I love you.

No, I'm not gonna see him today.

[Inma] You have to think positive.

[María] I don't get
why I need to leave now,

so it must be something bad.

I won't forgive any more infidelity.

No more.

I prefer to admit my mistakes

and not be selfish.

I prefer to think more

about her happiness and mine.

I hope she'll understand

and that she'll appreciate
that I've found myself.

You know that means
that you have to leave Love Never Lies.

-This is a couples' show...

...and you don't want to have a partner.

That means that you also

have to give up on the prize.

Yeah. No amount of money
could buy what I've learned here.

Enjoy. And as a great woman used to say,

"You will survive."

[Javi laughs]

[Mónica laughs]

Thank you, Mónica.

I realize that I'm too young.

I have my whole life ahead of me.

I'm looking forward
to closing this chapter

of my life and starting another one.

Oh my God, María has to leave the villa.

-What's it about?
-I feel sick.

-[Inma] I don't know.
-I feel really sick.

-[Alejandro] You're gonna see Javi again.

-No. I don't think so.
-I think you'll see him today too.

-[Alejandro] Then?
-Maybe he quit.

-[Inma] Why would he?
-[Alejandro] No. It's almost over.

-It makes no sense for him to quit.
-He wouldn't quit now.

You know what? This'll be good for you
so you can clear up your doubts.

You aren't having a nice time.

[Alejandro] For sure.

[María] There are some times
when I'm really happy

and I trust my partner
and other times when I'm worried

and I don't know what's going on.

-I'm very happy.

-What did she say?

I told Mónica that my relationship
with María is over now.

I said that

I don't wanna be with her.

That means my adventure here is over too.


She's someone I love a lot

and I don't wanna hurt her,

but honestly, it's a very strong feeling.

And if she really loves me,
she'll understand that I've changed.

I'm sad.

-This is so sad.
-I'm so bummed, man.


but I couldn't be prouder of you,
Javi, honestly.

Me too. You've changed so much.

-You've done everything the right way.
-I'm happy.

-As you should be!
-I look forward to talking to her...

You did fucking great, man.

-...and putting an end to this.
-You did fucking great.

-Flying free, having a new life.

You know that if you wanna try new things,
I'm here.


[Mónica] Let me tell you, Javi,

that you'll soon get to see

if María understands

or freaks out about your decision.

We'll see who has the last word
in your relationship.

[María] I think I'm gonna see Javi
and I don't know

if it's going to be good or bad news,

but I think that just by seeing him,

it'll clear up the doubts I have

and I'll finally feel at ease.

[Javi] I don't think
María will understand,

but I'm sure about what I want

and that makes everything easier, really.

I don't know what to expect.

I just wanted to thank all of you so much

for all the time
that we've spent together here.

Not gonna cry, not gonna cry.

For all the time we've spent together,

for everything we've shared,
which has been great.

-And I love you so much.
-[Asier] Babe.

-Come here, you.
-Oh my God.

[intriguing music plays]

How are you doing, María?

Nervous, anxious.


Why? Because I really don't know
why I'm here.

I guess it's something bad.

I've had a bad feeling
since I woke up this morning.

The reason why you're here, María,

is because Javi wants to talk to you.

Are you looking forward to seeing him?

Yes, very much.

You'll get the chance
to see him very soon, María.

Okay. Perfect.

But first,

so that you have all the information
when you talk to him,

I'd like you to see
Javi's last moments in the villa.



There's a lot of things
on my mind right now.

I'm feeling more comfortable with Rocío.

No one's ever looked at me like that.

[Rocío] I don't need words.
I say everything with my eyes.

I've never felt like this before

and I feel like I can't stop.

I'm feeling really good about things.

I like it a lot.

I don't want it to end.

It's mutual.

[Javi] I have a hard time
stopping myself from kissing Rocío

because I feel attracted
to her physically.

On top of that, we've really connected,
and I really like her.

I could do this for hours.

Me too.

One, two, three.

I can't get out of the water.
Just saying... No.

I just got a bit excited,
and that's easy with Rocío.

What are you thinking
when you look at me like that?

I don't know
whether to follow my head or my heart.


Stop, please.
Stop, stop, stop, stop it. Please, enough!


[Javi] Listen to me.

I'm sorry.

María, listen to me.

[María] Javi, please.


-Listen to me.

-No. No, no.
-We need to talk. Calm down.

-Calm down.

Listen and calm down, please.

[breathes heavily]

Breathe, please.

-[repeats] I can't...
-[Javi] You can, María.

-You can.
-I'm telling you I can't.

I'm telling you I can't, Javi.

-María, please, you can. Let me...
-No "María, please" me, no, Javi.

-I can't believe it, honestly.
-Let me speak

and you'll understand everything, okay?

[breathes heavily]

Calm down. María. Come here.

-You don't love me?
-I do love you, María.

-You don't love me.
-I love you. I'm in love with you.

-Then? What happened? Explain.
-Will you let me explain?

When I came here,

I was feeling awkward.

I came here feeling

incredibly self-conscious.

I didn't know
I could hurt someone so much.

The first few days I wasn't myself, María.

But I've realized here

that love isn't just about wanting

and loving.

I realized here
that love is much more than that.

You need to understand your partner.

You need to understand
what both of you want, at all times.

And I've realized here

that I can't be
in a relationship right now.

-No, no, no, no, no.
-Please, María. Let me explain.

No, no, no. No.


You told me you loved me
more than anyone else ever.

-[Javi] It was true. It's true.
-What's going on?

But it's just not my path right now.

-Javi, don't say that, please.
-I... María.

You can't be saying this.
After all I went through for you.

I treated you so well. You can't do this.

-I'm telling you, honestly.
-I don't know. All I know is...

It's impossible
that you've fallen in love.

-I'm not.
-[María] What's going on, then?

What's going on with that girl?

I felt a strong connection and I just...

-And the connection we had?
-Listen to me.

Please listen, and I'll explain.

[sad piano music, no dialogue]

I found out what I want in my life.
I want to be free.

I want to meet lots of people,
I want to go out, I want to...

-Don't say that, Javi, please.
-It's true.

-That's not what you said before we came.
-Because I didn't know.

-[Javi] I'm not denying...

-You can't do this to me, I swear!
-[Javi] It's true.

You just can't.

No, Javi!
I trusted you every fucking time!

I'm even wearing a ring,
I'm still wearing it.

I've never been so clear
about things in my life, María.

-I know that I'm in love with you.
-If you're in love with me,

then why do you want to be alone?

Because I want to be.

Because it's something I need to do
so I don't hurt you anymore.

-Because my life...
-If I want to get hurt, it's up to me.

You need to understand that.

If I want to, I want to.

If I try again, it's because I trust you.

You can't be saying this right now!

-Fuck! You just can't! You can't!
-Yes I can, because...

What about getting married,
living together?

That can't have been a lie.

-It wasn't a lie.
-There's no way you didn't want that.

Didn't you want it?

-Yes, I did want that.
-Then what's going on here?

I realized that I also want other things
and I don't want to keep hurting you.

Look, María, I came here because
I wanted to prove something to you

and I'm leaving here totally changed.

-I've been thinking a lot about it.
-It can't be true!

-And if I didn't love you... Listen to me.
-It can't be fucking true!

If you say you love with me,

-impossible you suddenly realized this.
-Yeah! Yeah.

I've realized I want to be with you
even though you cheated on me.

Even worse,
I've spent the last few days thinking,

"I'll forgive him,
I won't, I will, I won't."

"Forgive him, you love him."

"You also made mistakes
and you've changed."

"He can change too because,
in the end, you're the same."

What do you want?

For me to tell you one thing here

and in two years
tell you I want something else?

I can't believe this!
I just can't believe it!

You're not the same Javi I came here with.

You're fucking not.

-I'm not.
-[María] So what happened to you?

-I'm telling you.
-Which Javi is coming home?

I found out what I want, María.

-I love you. I'm...
-Why did you do it? Why did you kiss her?

-We said no kisses!
-I really felt like it.

I felt it in my heart.

-I wanted to.
-So what's wrong with me?

-I love you too, María. It's just...
-You love me too? How?

I love you in a way...

-How do you love me?
-I love you

for the rest of my life,
but not like this.

-I don't want a closed relationship. No.
-You don't wanna be a couple?

-No, not right now.
-And what about what we had?

-What the fuck was that, then?
-Because I realized, María.

What happened for you to say,
"I don't want this"?

-I'm telling you.
-I don't understand! I don't get it!

I spent time with attractive people,
like Erik and lots of people,

but I always had Javi on my mind.

Everything I said was true.

If what you said was true,

then this wouldn't be happening.

María, when I said "I love you,"

when I said
that I wanted to spend my life with you,

that was true.

-What's wrong, then?
-But now here I've realized

that I don't want a closed relationship.

-Want an open relationship?
-I don't want...

No. I don't want to hurt you.

I know
that if we continue this relationship,

I won't be able to enjoy it,
and I'll end up hurting you.

-I found myself.
-[María] So what about what we had?

I know exactly what I want.

-What about what we had? What was that?
-I'm sure because it's how I really feel.

Love, María. I love you.

What kind of love is that?

I'm only 21. I don't want to be...

I don't want to live with you,
end up marrying you,

and prevent myself
from meeting thousands of people.

Why did you say that, then?

-You were more sure me.
-[Javi] I felt that way.

I used to feel that way,
but realized here that I don't.

If we keep going like this,
I'm going to end up cheating on you again,

or end up hurting you
in 1,000 different ways.

Believe me when I tell you this is
the best thing that could've happened.

-Believe me. Yes.
-This is the best thing that could happen?

No, I didn't want it to be like this.

I came here to prove our love was real.

-You said this wouldn't happen.
-[Mónica] María.

María, María, please.

[breathes heavily]

What Javi had with you was very real.

-No, Mónica! This can't be real!
-[Mónica] Hey, María, please.

Try to listen for a second.

What he had with you,
when you lived together,

was very real.

Very real.

But after being here,
he realized many things,

things that he just can't help.

He's 21.

He needs to fly free, he needs to live.

And above all,

he made the decision to avoid hurting you.


He's being very brave.

He's being honest
and that's what you asked for

when you came here.

[blows raspberries]

Weren't you going to leave him
after Love Never Lies?

-Weren't you going to leave him?

It's true that I wrote that letter
when I was mad at him,

but I knew
if he proved some things here to me,

that I would stay with him.

But I want you to understand

that right now, we'll be happier apart.

I need to follow my own path

and you, yours.

If we're meant to be together, we will.

-But it'll be...
-I don't wanna hear anymore.

-I don't believe them anymore.
-It'll be when I am absolutely sure

what I want.

You came here and you were sure,
so I don't understand what happened.

I don't get it.
I just can't wrap my head around it.

I'm sorry. I can't.

I can't anymore, I can't anymore, I can't.
I need to just...

Go away! Go away.

You came ready
to put your trust in your partner

and to prove you had a future together,

but in the end, the separation,

the doubts,
and the lack of trust were too much

to overcome.

All contestants need to be couples

and you no longer are.

You're no longer part of Love Never Lies.

[María] I love Javi so much,

but my relationship
with him wasn't sincere, it wasn't real.

I know that this experience

will help me realize what I'm really worth
and in the end,

whether by myself or with a partner,
from now on I have the truth on my side.

Guys, you can leave.

[María sniffs]

[Javi] Thanks, Mónica.

What I'll take from this experience is,
above all, to learn to love myself.

I'm coming out of this
determined to live my own life.

And always let myself get carried away

by whatever I'm feeling.

I really hope Javi behaved.

Honestly. For her and for him,
but especially for her.

[Alejandro] I'm sure he did.

I hope he behaved, please.

It's all I ask for.

She really loves Javi.

I hope he was thinking about her
because that was his last chance.

She was very clear.

I hope they leave together

and that they can enjoy
their life together.

Javi made it clear
he doesn't wanna be with her.

-[Antonio] No way.
-He'll feel bad.

'Cause after so much time away

-from your partner, when you see them... all comes back up. Exactly.

I don't think Javi will be all right.

-I don't think so either.
-No, he won't. Not if they broke up.

I think Javi will be devastated.

I'm very, very proud of him.

I don't think he failed at all,
even when kissing Rocío.

I think their connection was real.

He made the best of the experience.
He got to know himself and had fun.

[Mónica] María and Javi
have left their mark.

It seems like everyone's pretty nervous.

Oh my God.

[Mónica] The time to reunite
with their partners is looming.

It's very soon.

I had a lot of fun,
but I want to be with her again.

Yeah. It's about time
to be with them after so long.

[Mónica] But some of them don't know
if they'll be accepted.

[Asier] It's almost over.

[Lucía] I don't know
if I wanna face reality, honestly.

-I can't be bothered.
-[Asier] We'll see what we see.

I was very worried today

because now...

[Vicky] You see it.
You see it coming, right?

Of course, and...

-You're getting anxious.
-Yeah! Yeah, I'm so nervous.

Right now, I'm really nervous
because I don't know how to react

or how he will react or anything.

-[Irene] Good night.

See ya tomorrow.

[thumping pulse plays]

Hello. How are you guys doing?


Take a seat.

Welcome to another Ceremony of Truth.

The last stage before the final meeting.

Are you nervous?

-So nervous.
-A little.

Right now,
the prize stands at 35,000 euros.

-Are you ready?

Yeah? Let's start the ceremony

with Lucía.


Last time we saw each other,
you were disappointed with Antonio.

Yeah. I've reconsidered a little
and I honestly spoke with a lot of anger.

In the end, I think we both deserve
an opportunity to explain ourselves.

I want you to see some images of Antonio.



I'm gonna make the most of my time here.

We're going all out.

[yelps, laughs]

I don't why you look surprised.

-You've already seen it.
-She missed it.

-[Julia] Wanna make out, Antonio?
-[Antonio] You wanna make out?

[Julia] Dump Lucía and we can make out.

[Antonio] I know that's what you want.

Julia says, "When you get out of here
and you're not with Lucía,

call me."

And we'll mess around.

There's sexual tension between Julia
and me that needs to be released.

Never know what could happen.

I mean, when you saw Lucía,

you didn't think she was your type.

[Antonio] No. She's not my type.

I came here to show Lucía

that the relationship I have with Julia
is not an issue,

but if something happens,

I won't stop myself.

[Julia] Spooning time.

I don't get it, honestly, because he says
he wants to show me the friendship

between them,
but, for me, in a friendship,

there's no sexual attraction.

But you're friends with Asier, right?


And you two
act the same way with each other.

But it's friendship
because I know that's what I feel.

I love him. He's there for me.


I would stop my friendship with him
to continue with my partner.

Antonio was asked
the following question with Eye Detect...

does Julia turn you on more than Lucía?


[tense music plays]

[Eye Detect] Truth.

I've never asked him that question,

but it pisses me off, really.

If someone doesn't love me
how he should or says bad things,

maybe he's not for me
and I'm not the one for him.

I'm really hurt, honestly.

I'll let him be free

to start a relationship with her.

Lucía, watch the screen, please.


[Julia] This is so cool.

[Antonio] I'm gonna use the cream
like the massage.

-I prefer on the butt.
-[Julia yelps]

Keep going.
I don't want my butt to get burned.

One, two, whoo!

[Antonio] That body is tempting.

[Lucía] The truth is

that I'll tell him to leave me
and go with Julia

because I think he crossed
some lines that I didn't.

What hurt you the most about that?

He touched her butt.

She has hands, very nice ones.

And she's very pretty

so she can put the cream on herself.

It's just...

I don't care
if he helps her with her back,

but I think it's pathetic, honestly.

Even if I try to open my mind,

I've decided something
and I don't think I'll change my mind.

And what's that?

I wanna break up with him.

-Before hearing what he has to tell you?
-No. I want to know everything.

-[Lucía] But it's true

that It gets on my nerves
that he's acting that way


I won't be with someone like that.

I think my relationship,
both on my side and with my partner's,

just lacks so many things.

Lucía, the second question
for Antonio was,

have you ever cheated on Lucía?


[tense music plays]

[Eye Detect] Truth.

He didn't cheat on you.

Does that change anything?

-No. But...
-Doesn't change anything?

No, the truth is that I'm happy

because I've convinced myself

that he would say yes.

Now that I know
that he didn't cheat on me,

it's true that I'm calmer

and I can rethink everything,

but I don't like the way
he acts with Lucía,

those attitudes, those comments.

I'm annoyed

and he needs to explain that to me

because if he feels
more attracted to Julia,

then he should go with her.

-[Mónica] First of all, how are you?
-[sighs] Nervous.

Are you looking forward
to knowing how Miguel's doing?

-Sure, yeah.
-[Mónica] Yes? Well, let's go.


[pop music plays]

The connection I have with Raúl,

I won't have anything like it
with anyone else.

Everything's perfect.

Sexual and physical attraction is there.

[Miguel kisses]

How many flames
will there be 'cause of you?

Oh so many.

-[Raúl] So so many.
-[Vicky] Maybe they won't see you.

They're not gonna send
a symbol every time, you know?

I think everything's perfect.

[Vicky] Really? That's crazy.

He needs to prove that he's worth it
and he has to do it in one week.

We don't need a week, you know.

I knew the first day.

[Guillem] Whoa!

[Miguel] We're both very affectionate,
we like touching,

we like, well, playing a lot.

[Miguel chuckles]

What hurt you?

They gave each other kisses on the neck

and how affectionate they were
with each other bothers me.

That hurts.

But even though it hurts a lot,

I understand why he's doing it.

These last two and a half years,
I didn't show him what I needed to

and I didn't let him know
that I loved him,

that I really loved him,
and I didn't tell him.


there was a question for Miguel.

Did you ever fantasize

about having sex with Raúl?


Oh God.

[tense music plays]

[Eye Detect] Lie.



How do you feel right now, Alejandro?

I feel a little bit disappointed
because before coming here,

he promised me that he was here

just to see me put myself to the test

and I was the one,
it was me, I was the one.

He didn't care about anyone else.

I'd like you to watch this.

[sighs] Oh God. What next?


How do you feel
about your previous relationships?

With Alejandro and in other relationships,
it's always been the same,

I always wanna please them

and so I've never been given back

-what I deserve.
-What you deserve.

But honestly, with you,

it was the opposite
from the very beginning.

Raúl is everything I need.
I mean, everything I've never had.

You know that on social media
I don't exist for some people.

So there's that.

I can't wait to show you off.

What else can I say?

[Raúl] I want Miguel to realize

that he'll have a better life with me

than with Alejandro.

I didn't know and that was my fear
that during this time,

someone might make him feel some way
he had never felt before

because I know
that I didn't give him my all, 100%,

and it was a fear of mine
that someone would come

and tell him everything he wanted to hear.

What he needed to hear.

Mónica, I won't force anyone
to be with me.

It's up to him, it'll be his choice.

If he really wants to know that guy,

I'd feel very hurt,

but I won't force him to be with me.

[Mónica] The next question for Miguel
with Eye Detect was,

while on Love Nver Lies,
have you considered breaking up

with Alejandro?


[tense music plays]

[Eye Detect] Truth.

I'm dying to be with him.

I've realized that here,

but if he doesn't want to, that's it.

What hurts me most is how he looks at him,

how he goes after him.

I just don't get it.

I need him to explain himself.
To tell me what his feelings are.

To clear things up
because I'm sure that I love him.


Take a seat, please.

You are a calm man.

-He never mistrusts.

He never wants to see more videos.

Sometimes I have doubts,

but I think the trust I have
in my partner is stronger than that.

Shall we start
with Irene's first question?


Do you have a fake profile on social media

to stalk Asier?


[tense music plays]

[Eye Detect] Truth.

I don't hide anything from her,
she's my partner.

Well, you've deleted conversations, Asier.

Yeah, but...

-You hide things. Many things.
-[Asier] She can't see that

from her fake profile,

so what's it matter?

Yeah, but that's not good.

No, it's not good.
I'm not trying to justify anything.

If you were transparent with her,

she wouldn't mistrust you,

don't you think?

Of course.

That's why we're here, after all.

I wanted this experience
to be a turning point in our relationship.

So that all the trust that was lost

could be regained somehow

and if everything
goes the way I think it will,

we'll last for a long time together.

This is what you'll see from Irene.

What she thinks of you.


What I can't stand about Asier

is that he's such a liar,

he doesn't make me feel confident
in our relationship

and, well,
I kinda doubt his feelings for me.

[Irene] I don't think infidelity
is the worst thing.

Asier's done worse than cheating.

He made me pay the price for his traumas,
his anxiety, his dependence,

and he did it on purpose.

I know that.

I often felt inferior to Asier.

He made me feel I was less worthy.

Right now, Asier keeps lying

and that hurts me the most.

He did a trick
to delete all his conversations

and make sure I never found out.

He honestly thought I'd never find out.

He never really says things like,

"I wanna spend my life with you,

you're the love of my life."

When is that going to change?
I mean, I don't want him to be like that.

All the doubts I have
about his feelings for me

are the reasons why I sometimes wonder

if he's the love of my life.

Maybe he's with me out of routine,

not because he's in love, you know?

-Should I leave him?

I feel that I'm in a fake relationship.

It's hard.

I've always been a very shy person.

It's always hard for me
to express my feelings.

I did things wrong with many people

because I didn't feel good about myself.

When I see Irene again,

I want to show her
that I've changed since we got here

and that our relationship when we get out

won't be the same
as it was when we came here.

What bad times is she talking about?

Uh, three years ago...

there were some times
when I wasn't doing very well.

I didn't have any confidence in myself,

I kind of developed an eating disorder,

I didn't eat well,

I spent days without eating.

When I ate, I ate junk.

I went into a spiral

I couldn't get out of

and the only thing that helped me get out
was my relationship with Irene.

Feeling emotional, Asier?

Honestly, Mónica,
I know she had a hard time.

I had a hard time with myself.

Things weren't going well

and she was my main support
the whole time.

It hurts that I've been so bad with her

and I couldn't even see that
until I came here.

I regret everything
that I put her through.

And I'll always be grateful to her.

I'll always be grateful to the show too

because I'm finally able to open my mind.

I think my relationship outside of here
will be completely different,

whether I'm with her,
which I think will be the case,

or the next person.

You don't know how happy it makes me

to hear you say that Love Never Lies
has changed your life

and the way you see things.


You don't know
how happy I am to hear that.

That's what I've learned.

Now let's hear
Irene's other question with Eye Detect.

Do you put the prize
and your social network followers

over your relationship?


[tense music plays]

[Eye Detect] Truth.

That hurts.

That answer really hurts.

Emotionally, it really hurts.

She can be cold and calculating,
I kind of get it.

I think Irene needs someone

who's more capable
of showing her their feelings.

And I really haven't done that.

I think I'll be able
to give her back everything she gave me

over all these years

and I love her so much.

Inma, your turn.

Inma, how are you?

A bit nervous,
but good overall, good, positive.

Let's listen
to the first question for Vicky.


Have you forgiven Inma
for cheating on you?


[tense music plays]

[Eye Detect] Truth.

She forgave me,

but she said she wouldn't forget.

-I don't know in the end.

I've made some mistakes in my life,
you know,

but we're on the right track now.

We're moving slowly,
but getting there little by little.

She's so cute.

-Do you think you'll make it?
-Of course, yes.

I'd like you to watch something now, Inma.

-Go ahead. All right.
-Pay attention.


Have you ever cheated on Vicky

with guys?

Inma answered


[Eye Detect] Truth.


It can't be true.

That's hurting people on purpose.

I'm tired of feeling bad.

Do you know how nervous you get,
all the paranoia?

I came here with that fear.

She's really jealous.
Come on, go. Go to Montequinto, do it.

That was stupid.

I messed up because I said,

"Honey, whatever happens,

I'll listen to any explanations you need

to give me," but no.

And I know Inma.
Inma's gonna have a bad time.

In this video, you can see she's worried.


Fear in her eyes and fear in her heart.

After all, she already said

when she was answering questions,
she hasn't gotten over it.

She hasn't forgiven me yet.

So obviously, the fear is still there.


Vicky was also asked with Eye Detect,

have you had better sex
with men than with Inma?


[tense music plays]

[Eye Detect] Lie.

Well, well.

I don't know.

She said she likes it

with me more than anyone,

but maybe at some point,
she did have passionate sex with a man.

But I know that she likes it with me,
and enjoys it, and that's enough.

I enjoy it with her

and she enjoys it with me.

That's all.

I'd like you to see Vicky
and we'll keep talking after.


If you ask me if I'm in love right now,
I just don't know.

[Vicky] You should come to see me
when we're out of here.

You've turned everything upside down.

Good morning, gorgeous.

How did you sleep?

My partner is gonna see some bad images,
but I don't care.

Honestly, we didn't sleep. At all.

[laughs] It was intense.

Inma, listen to me.

I think I'm heterosexual.

[Raúl] I was vegan
until I saw your sausage.

I need her to explain some things.


If she's straight now and has feelings
for this guy beyond sexual attraction,

well, then she has to follow her path
and I'll follow mine.

If she wants to be with me,

that's great, if not, that's it.

See you later, alligator. That's it.

We're losing our grip, man.

Yeah, I'm scared.

In this ceremony,

you found out the truth
about your partners.

In Love Never Lies, the prize goes up

when someone is honest

and today, it went up.

Right now,
the prize stands at 39,000 euros.

This is coming to an end.

Very soon,
you'll get to see your partners again.

You can go back to the villa now.

See you very soon.

[Inma] I can't take it anymore.

I don't wanna brood over anyone.

[Vicky echoes] Inma, listen to me.
I think I'm heterosexual.

I could never lie to you.

I don't care.

There are things I won't tolerate.

Does she love me? I don't know.

But I'll tell you one thing,

if she's realized here
that she's not in love with me,

then it's everyone for themselves.

[Vicky] Hello, my love.

[Inma] You did a lot wrong.

[Alejandro] We need to talk.

I saw things I didn't like.

What hurts me most is the lies.

You need to show me somehow
that it won't happen again.

I've never considered
ending our relationship, which is perfect,

for Julia.

Well, I do think about it.

["Lágrimas de un Ángel" plays]

[in Spanish] ♪ Tears of an angel ♪

♪ Fly in the air ♪

♪ Tears of an angel ♪

♪ Will rain ♪

♪ Tears of an angel ♪

♪ Fly in the air ♪

♪ Tears of an angel ♪

♪ Will rain ♪

♪ Tears of an angel ♪

♪ Fly in the air ♪

♪ Tears of an angel ♪

♪ Will rain ♪

["Lágrimas de un Ángel" fades out]