Love My Way (2004–2007): Season 2, Episode 7 - Tower of Love - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- I'm gonna write a book and call it,

Lucky Tom, A Idiots guide
to Being a Fucking Idiot.

- What is the go with you dad?

Why don't you learn to
use your mobile phone

that I gave you?

- I was just calling you
to tell you I landed safe.

- [Di] I don't wanna go.

- [Frankie] Where?

- [Di] New York.

I'm scared.

- Mum!

- You'd be alone.

- Who's closest person in your life?

- My son.

- I mean, someone who knows you.

- [Julia] I got caught.

- Jules!

- Not humorous.

- Did you fuck Frankie in this bed

when you were going out with me?

- Absolutely not.

- You are completely ignoring me.

- Look, you knew the rules,
no surprises Julia remember.

- What do you know Frankie?

- I know that I never want to live a life

that doesn't have you in it.

- I slept with Frankie four times

while we've been together.

I am so Sorry!

- Francesca, do you want to get a drink?

(tentative rock music)

(mellow rock instrumental music)

- Haven't you just
listened to this 20 times?

- I'm ironing out some glitches baby.

Go back to sleep.

I'll wake you when this is all ironed out.

- [Frankie] You drive?

- No, I don't know how.

- How not?

- Allergic.

- Who are you?

- I have a dark side.

- Why haven't you learnt how to drive?

- Teach me.

- What?


- Teach me to drive.

- Okay.

Fuck it.

Parking fine.

Nothings ever just good.

- Mm, I don't know about that, that was!

- Oh!

- Oh god!

- I gotta go, gotta get home.

- You're not gonna stay?

- I can't.

So no.

- If you are gonna treat me like a whore,

you can at least pay me.

- Okay

See ya.

- Charlie, gutters!

- [Charlie] What?

- Gutters, clean 'em out now!

- [Charlie] What time is it?

- Time for gutters.

- Dad, it's the weekend.

- Tom, lawns and hedges!

- I can't!

- Ya bloody can!

You've been here three weeks,

and you haven't done 'em once.

No get your shorts on
and do the bloody lawns.

This place is not the Hilton!

- Fuck, he's fired up in the mornings!

- Right, It cannot be good
for you getting up that early

and being that high octane.

How can that be good?

- Now!

- Alright

- [Charlie] Alright!

(Frankie groaning)

- We should get up or something.

- What for?

Why don't we get dressed, have a shower,

have some breakfast, start
kissing and we'll come back

up here and fuck like maniacs.

- I'm going...

- No no no.

- Yes.

- No no no.

- I got to go and pee.

And think about going to school.

- Uh uh!

- No?


Don't you have to see people or something?

You've been in Sydney less than a month

and you've hardly left my bed.

Not that I'm complaining, but...

- Do you want to meet some of my friends?

Maybe we should put all our
friends in a room together,

see what happens?

Except maybe Tom.

- Oh god, shut up!

- Hey Christine, I've gotta
get those builders back.

For the driveway.

- Oh really?

- Yeah, I messed up the slant.

I'm sorry, I'm a bit rusty.

- Aw, and you looked like
you knew what you were doing.

- That was the suit.

It's all a ruse.

- Oh, you're doing fine, Charlie.

- Maybe I should tell
that to all my clients,

that my daughter died.

Make it all okay when I stuff up.

- Hey, that could be your new motto.

Grieving architect, everything is skewed.

But fix the fucking driveway,
all the same will ya Charlie?

- Yeah, will do.

- Just hold that steady
for me, Charlie, will you.

- Yeah, yeah!

- Well now, feel free to give me a call

if you need another globe
changed at any stage.

- I'll hold ya to that.

- Good to see you, Christine.

- It's good to see you too.

- Yeah!


- The lawns aren't done yet.

- There's 300 for the last two weeks.

And this week.

I'm just renting a room, Mom.

That's all!

- It's not just the money.

You need to show your father
a little bit of respect.

- There's 300 respects right
there on the table, mom.

- Don't be a little shit.

You live in his house.

His house!

- Wow, Mom.

You okay?

- I'm just worried about him.

- We'll be gone soon.

- "Dear Mom and Dad,

"Thank you.

"Recently in my life I have realized

"that I have some rhythms in
my behavior that harm others.

"I believe they all lead back
to the fundamental issues

"I have with the way I was
brought up, I.e, you two.

"Dad, for sleeping with all
those women behind Mom's back.

"Thank you for distorting
my view of the opposite sex,

"and hence, sabotaging most
of my relations with them.

"Mom, thank you for not doing anything

"about it the whole time.

"Your passive, pathetic, and
pathologically weak approach

"to life, has been
nothing but inspirational.

"Basically, thank you for ruining

"what I hope is only a
small section of my life.


Wendy says it's important
to write down your feelings

in the form of a letter.

- You're not going to
send that are you Jules?

- No, no, you don't send them.

- Oh, good.

It's a bit harsh.

- Well, it's the truth.

I really appreciate you coming

and doing this with me, Charlie.

- Well, thats okay.

- No, it's really good
of you, considering.

- Considering what?

- Well.


- So, how much do you know
about Julia's shoplifting?

- Well, she told me she got caught.

- Did you discuss this
when you were together?

- Well, once when we were out,

she told me about a
few things she'd taken.

- And how did that make you feel?

- Well, I don't know if this
is the right thing to say,


But it didn't make me love her any less.

- [Wendy] What do you mean by that?

- Well, she's always so,

kind of, proper and private schoolish.

And she bathes a lot.

And suddenly she was naughty.

- And do you like that?

Do you think that it encouraged her?

- Well, I was under the impression

that after she told me, that was it.

- Well that's bullshit.

- Well, you are the one
who stole stuff, I didn't.


- [Wendy] How do you think
she's going nowadays?

- I think she's doing really well.


- Considering what?

- Well, everything.

Considering everything.

I think you're amazing!

(energetic electronic music)

- [Lewis] Do you remember
it, can you remember it?

- [Frankie] Yeah I remember!

we danced to this at the school dance.

Like this.

That's how we danced, at the school dance.


And then, a later on.

Oh its space.

- Yes.

- Alright, this is high school, Melbourne.

Kind of a garage thing,

but still free, you remember that?

- This is the art school.

- Alright, music school.

Do you want to see music school dancing?

- [Frankie] Yeah!

- It was kind of a post pogo number.

But again, disinterested.

And then, it became this.

Early days of eccie, E raves.

Alright my teeth, you ready for this?

Too many E's.


(Frankie laughing)

- So, he's like, go out with me,

and I'm like, you work in accounts.

- Come on, accounts is hot.

- Fuck Tom.

- Hm, taxi driving is hot.

- Hey, Katie.

- [Imogen] Hey, Tom.

Can I ask you a question?

- [Tom] Sure!

- Where's Campsie?

- Campsie stretches along the Cooks River.

It's officially part of
the Canterbury district.

It's main street is Beamish Street.

The best way to get there from here...

- Yeah okay, I get it.

- Katie, can I see you
for a second please?

- So, why are you here, Tom?

- I came to see you.

I miss you, Katie.

- Wowdy dow!

- No, I do, like I fucking miss you.

- How is Frankie?

- Dunno.

- That must be painful for you.

- It's painful for me not seeing you.

- I don't like people that hurt me.

- I'm sorry, Katie.

I'm really am.

I know what I want.

- Shit, Tom!

You fucked up!

- Are you seeing someone else?

That Duc guy?

- It's none of your business.

I'm not interested in you.

I'm not interested in what
you think, or your questions,

or anything.

- What are you interested in, then?


I'll text you later
about that party, yeah.

- Okay, yeah.

- Dude, can I get a ride?

I'll pay.

Thanks for this, Tom.

- It's what I do.

- It must be great driving around.

What, you don't like it?

- I like cooking.

- Yeah I know, Katie mentioned

you were a bit of a gun in your day.

- Did she?

What did she say?

- No, it's just that.

Hey, Chandra, what's up?

- Are you for real?

- I'm tryna...

- Keep your foot down.

- My foot is down.

- No, keep it on the
clutch, not the accelerator.

- It is on the clutch.

- [Frankie] Well okay, go for second then.

Down to the left.

Keep your foot down.

- It is down.

- [Frankie] Okay.

My foot is down.

Oh no way!

(Frankie laughing)

- That's what you call a bunny hop!

You just are really the
shittest driver, aren't you?

- I think it's my teacher.

- Really?

- I think I need some incentive.

Yeah, I think I do need
some more incentive.

- AW yeah, that's good.

(car horn honking)

That's better.

I'm a better driver already.

(telephone connection tone beeping)

- Hello?

- [Julia] Stephen.

- Oh, Julia, hi.

- [Julia] Are you busy?

- No, I'm just making
dinner for the girls.

My daughters.

- Look, I just want you to know

that I'm totally okay with this.

- With what?

- I get it, this is a sexual relationship.

And that's all I want too, you know.

I'm not looking for the
next big thing, you know.

- Holly, can you set the table.

- Do I have to?

- Yes.

- Lets just be honest
with each other, okay.

If, I don't know, we
wanna see other people,

let's just be honest.

- I'm already seeing someone else.

- When?

- Last Saturday night.

- How was it?

- We had dinner, it was good.

She surprised me.

So, tomorrow night, do
you wanna do something?

- Yes great.

- Well, I'll see how I'm
going, I'll give you a call.

- [Gerry] Spew?

- Yep.

- Take you a month to get the smell out.

- Dad, are you aware that driving cabs

is like the shittest job, ever!

- Everything has it's pros and cons.

- No, not with cab driving mate.

It's just cons, there cons everywhere.

You and mom okay?

- It's always a fight.

Then it's another fight.

Then you win the fight, get the prize.

And then you think, you wonder,

why you ever fought it.

No, you're alright.

You can do anything you want.

You still got time.

I never liked this house.

- Well, that's not true.

- Bloody is.

- It's not just the house.

Is it me?

- It's anything but.

- So he's great this guy, right.

He's English and he's been a tour manager

for about 30 years, which means
he's tour managed everybody.

The Stones, The Who, Bon
Jovi, Bucks Fizz, Motorhead,


So, you want some stories, right?

So I ask him, what was it like?

And he said, "Imagine the
sickest thing you can, right.

"I've either done it, or I've seen it,

"or I've paid someone to do it.

"Go on, imagine the sickest thing you can.

I said, "Alright, I imagining
school girls and donkeys,

"cocaine and heroin, more school girls,

"and people trapped inside a Volkswagen

"with a Molotov cocktail."

He says, "That's a quiet
Tuesday night, think again Lou"

- Do people call you Lou?

- Sometimes.

- I am just gonna go and...

- What you doing?

- Sitting.

- Why?

- Can you just let me sit here?

- There's something I
don't wanna tell you.

- Good!

- I saw Mom and Dad
going at it last night.

- Really?

Oh, good on 'em.

I hope I'm married to someone in 40 years

and we still wanna be there.

- Hello, Christine, it's Charlie.

- Hi!

- I was gonna drop around

and look at the grouting they did.

Bruno thinks they chose the wrong color.

If that's okay?

- Yeah!

If that's what you need, then sure!

- Okay, I'll see you soon, bye.

- What are you smiling about?

- Nothing!

- Bullshit, Who was that?

- The woman I'm doing
the job for in Earlwood.

- The pregnant woman?

- Yeah!

- You didn't?

- A little flirting.

- Let me say this again,
the pregnant woman?

- I'm just going 'round
to check her grouting.

- Yeah, whatever you
need to tell yourself.

- Are you going to be
Frankie's thing tonight?

- What thing?

- I guess not then.

(doorbell beeping)

- Oh!

Oh my god!


Oh, I'm so glad you're her.

- Me too!

- Charlie, I'm in labor.

I been trying to get hold of Paul

I can't get hold of him.

You're gonna have to
take me to the hospital.

- Yeah right!


How far apart are your contractions.

- [Christine] Fuck Charlie, I
have the last two contractions

in the last ten minutes.

Just get me to the hospital now, alright.

- [Charlie] Have you got everything.

- [Christine] Yeah, I've got everything-

- [Charlie] Nightie?

- [Christine] Oh yeah!

- [Charlie] Toothbrush?

(Christine Groaning)

- It's okay Christine.

You're fully dilated.

When you're ready, you can push.

- Is there anything I
can do for you Christine?

- Fuck off, Charlie.

Get out of here.

- Okay!

- Keep trying Paul!

Tell him, he's got to pick
up the kids from school!

Otherwise, call Tori, she's on standby!

- Tori and Paul?

- [Christine] (screaming) Yeah!

(somber synthesizer music)

- Stupid midwife, I am in labor.

- [Charlie] Shouldn't you be in pain then?

- What would you know?

- [Charlie] Well, I...

How about Lou?

- Oh Jesus Charlie, we are not
going to talk about this now.

- [Charlie] Why not?

It' perfect.

You're vulnerable, right now.

- Well, what if it's a boy?

- [Charlie] Even if it's a boy.

- Oh charlie, what are we doing?

- [Charlie] We're having a baby.

- We are too young to have a baby.

- [Charlie] It's insane.

- I know!

- [Charlie] I wouldn't inflict that

on the poor little fella.

- Oh no, Charlie-

Oh god.

(Frankie groaning)

- [Charlie] Does it hurt, babe?

- Of course it hurts you idiot.


Can you get that bitch midwife

and tell her that I've started again.

- Frank?

- Uh, hi, you must be Lewis.

I just...

Can you guys take Toby for me tonight?

'Cause, I've got to go to this thing

and it's really urgent.

- Who are you?

- Julia.

- [Frankie] Hi Jules.

- Where have you been?

- Just went for a walk.

- I know it's late notice.

- What is?

- Take Toby tonight, I've
gotta go to this thing.

Can you do that for me tonight?

- Do you want a Valium or summit?

- Aren't you coming to our thing tonight?

- Uh, no, uh What?

- Your dinner, you said you were coming.

- Uh, well, um, fuck!

- [Frankie] Is anything wrong?

- No, I'm fine.

Nothing's wrong, I've just um...

No, thanks, Jesus!

Thank you, I'm fine.

Come on darling, we're
going going home now.

Thank you.

I just...

I better go.

So, can Toby come tonight?

- Yeah, yeah, of course.

- Okay!

- Bye Tobes.

I better get ready.

I don't even know you.

- Yes you do.

- No I don't.

What's your favorite book?

What are you allergic to?

What does that tattoo mean?

Why do you wanna do this?

- Because I know It's right.

- Why, because we've
had three blissful weeks

fucking and chatting.

That happens.

- Is that really how you feel?

- Well, sometimes I feel like
putting forks in toasters,

So I don't know if I can
be trusted on how I feel.

- You're just scared.

- Oh yeah, great!

If you really knew me,

then you wouldn't even try to tell me

what I fucking am.

- It must hurt that
she's not here for this.

That was a question, not a statement.

- It hurts she's not here for
breakfast every morning, so.

This is no different.

- Yes, it is.

- Yeah, it is.

- My tattoo.

The red bird.

When I was using, I O.D'd.

I died once, about three minutes.

And, you know, I went towards the light.

Standard stuff, no one was there.

So, I went through this doorway.

and I went into this beautiful city.

And I was flying above it and through it.

There were all these red
birds flying with me.

There was light coming from everywhere.

And I looked down and I saw my granddad.

And he was tap dancing and
he was waving up at me.

He was in World War Two,
he got his legs shot.

But there he was, tap
dancing and waving up at me,

and I remember looking
down at him and thinking,

"I don't remember him being so elegant."

Frankie, it was...

It was sublime.

So, when I got back.

I got the tattoo of the
red bird to remind me,

never be scared.

- I'm not scared of death.

- How about living?

- [Chef] There's a pretty
good Indian down there

- [Chef #2] Any good markets?

- [Chef] No!

- [Chef #2] I wonder why that is?

Okay, well is the tofu salad still on?

- [Chef] Yeah!

- Are you free?

- No, I'm a cab driver.

- Hi, It's me, Stephen.

I was just wondering,

I'm having some dinner with
some friends in Darlinghusrt,

and thought if you'd like to
come down, that would be great.

If you don't want to
too, just if you want to.



Hi, it's me, again.

I just forgot to tell you where it is.

You know, to tell you the address.

We're at 212 Stanley
Street in Darlinghurst.

Alright darling!

So, bye.

Just if you want to.

(guests cheering and applauding)

- I don't know what to say.

- My god!

How long has she known him?

- Three weeks.

- Salut!

- Congratulations.

- Thanks, a bit of a shock.

- Yeah!

He seems quite nice though.

- He is, yeah, he's lovely.

- You suck whatever happiness

you can out of this pale bloody world.

Good on ya love.

- Thanks Gerry, I think!

- Congrats!

- thank you.

- Hiya


She married him.

- What?


- Fuck me!

- I can't now, I'm a married woman.

- My god!

- I know.

- Why?

I mean, are you happy?

Of course you are, what am I saying?

- Yeah I am, I'm so fucking happy,

it's kind of freaking me out.

- Frank, that's great.

It's really great!

- A Corona, thanks mate.

- [George] Hi, I'm George

- Hi, Eileen.

You're friends of Lewis?

- Yeah, I'm buckets.

- Buckets, why do they call you Buckets?

- I nearly drowned in one once.

- What?

- I was really fucked up and I
thought I could see some fish

in the bottom of this bucket of water.

So I put my head in it,
and I must have passed out.

And Lewis pulled me out of there.

But I saved his life when he O.D'd.

So, that makes us square.

- So, he was a junkie?

- You said that, like it's a bad thing?

- Do you wanna have a nother baby?

- What?

With you?

- Yeah, I love 'em.


- What are you talking about?

- I'm talking about love, family,


D'you know what I mean, Jules?

- No Charlie, I don't know what you mean.

- Okay, time for some speeches.

This is a wedding after all

and what's a wedding without speeches.

I'll start, so at least we begin.

I first met Frank at the
airport three weeks ago.

And I thought, yeah I
could talk to this girl

for the next 24 hours.

After that 24 hours had
passed, I realized I was wrong.

I wanted to talk to her
for the next 24 years.

That is was a conversation

I'd been waiting all my life to begin.

To the beautiful Frankie.

(guests applauding)

- Thanks for coming everyone.

Um, I was really scared today.

I was really scared.

Scared to want something.

Scared to love someone.

But I think I realized
something and that is that,

there's death in life and there's love

and its okay to have both.

So, that's all, thanks.

(guests applauding)

- Alright, now it's your turn.

Who wants to say some nice stuff about us?

Who wants to go first?

- Right!

Lewis has always known what's important.

When we were in prison in Morocco

and this huge guard was coming towards us,

we knew what he wanted.

And I was looking at Lou's
face and he was panicked

and worried because that's
where he'd hidden his stash.

(guests laughing)

We survived that and we've
moved on, and here we are.

Happy in a restaurant,
enjoying his nuptials.

This life, strange and wonderful.

To the happy couple.

(guests all say "happy couple")

- And we have a new rule for
the speeches, no bullshit!

- That's a relief!

Well, what about you
George, raise the tone.

- Oh god!

- [Frankie] Come one.

Come one.

- Okay!

Well, um!

I guess Frankie is always
been full of surprises.

Which is something we all love about her.

I've known Frankie for a long time.

And she told me about Lewis yesterday.

I'm sorry, I just don't think that

I can say anything good
about this, I'm sorry!

- I love him.

- What are you 15?

Do you know what the fuck you've done?

- Yes I do, I've got married.

- It's to someone you don't even know!

To a fucking junkie, who's got
a child that he never sees.

And that's what we found out tonight.

So, gods know what...

- George!

Don't be angry at me.

- He's an idea, Frankie, he's an idea!

- I know what I am doing,
you just can't handle it

because you're jealous.

- My god!

And I thought so much of you.

- I'm happy.

- I'll send you a toaster.

(glass clinking)

- I hope you all will be
incredibly pleased to know

that I have composed a
poem for the occasion.

- God help us.

- Don't be a philistine, Dad.

It's called I once met
and a girl called Frank.

"I once met a girl called Frank.

"Who did cause me to have a wank.

"She called herself Frankie
and lent me her hankie.

"And it's her that I have to thank.

"For breaking my heart.

"She tore me apart.

"She gave me a daughter, we
went through the slaughter.

"I hope you have fun,
fight the urge to run.

"Because it'll come.

"You'll feel like you're done.

"Hold each other tight, try and fight.

"I hope it comes out all right.

"To find love is a fine thing.

"To hold onto it, is the ring-a-ding-ding.

"So lover her well Lewis, or
I'll put your nuts in a vice

"and smack 'em with a hammer."

(guests laughing and applauding)

- Thank you, that was beautiful.

- I'm glad you enjoyed that.

- [Frankie] I didn't know you were a poet!

- [Lewis] Neither did I 'til just then.


- Shit!

Uh, Brenda, is it okay
if you take Toby still?

- Oh sure, if that is what you want.

- Thanks.

- Is Brenda looking
after Toby again tonight?

- Yes, I've got a prior engagement.

- Well, we wouldn't want to upset that.

God forbid.

Enjoy yourself.

- Okay, so where we going?

- I was thinking of going home.

- Okay, let's get some
wine and some nibbleys?

- Charlie!

- Charlie you are a prince among men.

And you are welcome at our place any time.

But right now, I think I
wanna go and fuck my wife.

- Sounds pretty reasonable.

Enjoy yourselves!

- Yeah, see ya.


- Oh, that sounds weird.

- I'll mostly use Lewis.

(upbeat rock music)

- Holy shit!

- No way!

- G'day boys!

- Tom Jackson.

- Didn't you die?

- Yeah, I did.

What are we eating?

- No, what do you want?

We just got some peanuts.

- Yeah, that's alright.

- You wanna beer?

Yeah, I'll get a beer.

- Julia, hi.

- Oh, hi.

Why are you screening my calls?

- I was out.

- Don't lie to me.

I'm not some kind of psycho
that you have to avoid you know.

- I thought we were okay on this.

I thought we knew what it was!

- Yeah.

Why are you looking at me

like I'm some kind of fucking loop?

- I love when you are like this.

(upbeat rock music)