Love Is Blind: Brazil (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Pod of Love - full transcript

As the hopeful singles make their way through the dating pods, instant connections are made, fantasies are crushed, and rivalries quickly emerge.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

[host 1] Every day, millions of people
search for a new love.

[host 2] But only 32 singles

are willing to face one question.

Is love really blind?

My expectation is to meet someone
who likes me for who I am.

A different way to win someone over,
through personality and voice.

[host 1] The answer
lies in this experiment,

which will work like this…

[exciting music playing]

Each person will meet
several suitors inside the booths.

So beautiful!

[host 1] The only thing separating them
from a potential love story

is a very thin wall.

I'm staring at nothing!

[host 1] In other words,
they won't see each other.

-Hey! How are you?
-[man] What's your name?

-[woman] Do you want kids?
-Maybe three or four.

Can we adopt?

I made it clear
that I was involved with two people.

You were a major asshole. Can I go home?

I'm into her. I told you that, right?

This camaraderie we all value…

-I don't feel it anymore.

[host 2] After days of talking,

those who are sure
they blindly found true love,

can propose or hear
the dreamed-of marriage proposal.

[voice breaking] Will you marry me?

[emotional music playing]


You are gorgeous!

[host 2] They leave the experiment
with a wedding date set.

But first, they will enjoy
a romantic honeymoon

and reconcile the new relationship

with the real world.

[woman 2] You lose respect,
you lose trust,

you lose your ground.

-[woman 3] It's not easy.

[host 1] And when the big day comes,

will they say "I do"

or will they leave
their dream at the altar?

[dramatic music playing]

[upbeat music playing]


[women gasp]


-It's so beautiful!

My God!

[Bárbara Buff] I'm ready to get married.


I'm over meeting the family and friends.

If this doesn't work,
I won't date anymore.

No wedding, I'll take care of my nephews.

[woman] Guys, I'm nervous.

Gorgeous women.
I hope the men are up to par.

-[woman 2] True!
-Because you know…


-[men cheering]
-[man 1] Check this out, man!

How's it going?

-You cool?

I've been single for three years.

But never alone.

Let's get married!

I fall in love very easily.

I wish to fall for several girls,

and that several girls fall for me.

Besides luck, I'm counting on fate.

[man 2] It's one of my goals
to have a family.

I am over being single.

[man 3] It's a huge opportunity, man.

Maybe that's all we needed
to take that step ahead.

Otherwise, we never would.

You look at her and decide.


You eliminate half. It's different here.

We'll get to know each other
through personality and voice,

and forget the looks.

[man 4] May everyone get married.

[all cheering]

-[woman] Here's to finding our husbands!
-[all cheering]

[Gabriella Gonçalves] All my experiences,

everything I sought got me to this moment.

To be here.

-Hey, guys!

-How are you doing?
-[all cheering]


How are you?

Nice to meet you all. I am Camila Queiroz.

Nice to meet you. I am Klebber Toledo.

[Camila] Welcome
to this unusual experiment,

that seeks to answer one single question…

Is love really blind?

[women exclaiming]

[Klebber] People give up on relationships
at the first obstacles.

That's precisely when
we start showing ourselves,

who we really are.

According to experts,

a successful marital relationship

is not based on physical attraction,
but emotional connection.

And that intense connection,

like Klebber and I have,

you will have the opportunity
of building here.

[Klebber] Now, here's the catch.

No cellphones.
No social media, none of that.

You'll be focused on
finding your soul mates.

And at the end of this phase,
you might hear

that dreamed-of marriage proposal.

Or, who knows…

Ladies, the truth is
you are in charge, right?

You can and should,
if you feel it in your heart,

propose to him too.

Would you propose to a woman
you've never seen before?

[Camila] If the answer is "yes,"

the lovebirds will be face to face,

and will leave with a ring on their finger
and a wedding date set.

The time is coming to begin the experiment

that could change your lives forever,

and finally bring the soul mate
you've always dreamed of.

[Klebber] We all want to know…

Does blind love lead to marriage?


[both] We hope so.

The booths are open.

You may go in.

Maybe the love of your life

is there waiting for you.

Let's get married!

That's awesome.

You can meet
the love of your life at the bakery.


I can find love in a reality show.

I don't see why not.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Work ♪
♪ Work, work, work, step it up ♪

-Girls, who's getting married?

♪ Yeah, everybody, work ♪
♪ Work, work ♪

I think it's a very unique experience…


…to meet someone who's attracted to you,
not only physically,

who is attracted to my personality,

because beauty fades.

[dramatic music playing]


[Camila] First day of the experiment.

All women have
a first conversation with all men,

on a quick date.


This is beautiful!

-There's someone there.

[exhales heavily]

I'll be staring at nothing!

What a beautiful place!

My name is Ana Carolina Prado.

I'm 29 years old.

I became interested in the experiment

because I no longer believe

in the way we're relating with each other.

I believe that relationships
have become superficial.

[electropop music playing]

-How are you?
-[man] Great. What's your name?

My name is Ana, what's yours?

-My name is Hudson.

Just Ana? Ana what?

Ana Carolina Prado.

-Ana Prado is pretty.
-Yeah, Ana or Ana Prado.


And what does Pradinha do
in this crazy life?

I'm an advertising model…


Golden star for you.

Oh, my!

-[music distorts]

I don't like wasting my time.

I think it's easier to find someone here

who has the same goal as me
than out there.

-How are you?
-Better now that I'm talking to you.


The boy knows how to gab!

I'm a salesman!

People tell me I'm a smooth talker.

But that's not it. I like to praise.

-And praise doesn't hurt.

-Praising is a way of elevating people.

Regarding the experiment,

I didn't have an affinity
with some of the men.

Everyone has their match, right?

They were not for me.

How old are you, Ana?

I'm 29, and you?

Until yesterday, I was 29. Today, I am 30.

-Wow, happy birthday!
-Thank you!

What do you think?
It's my birthday, I turned 30 here.

Should I get married?

Your heart will tell you.

My heart is beating like this,

Like a bird's.

My name is Shayan. I'm 30 years old.

I'm a retailer.

I've moved to Brazil six years ago.

I'm Iranian, I was born in Iran.

Love based on looks, or based on money,

or social status, it's very easy.

But love based on who you are,
on your qualities,

I think that's the love
everyone should seek.

-What attracts you in a man?

I'm looking for someone who's a partner…

-…who respects me,

whom I admire,

and who understands
and wants to have a healthy relationship

with my daughter,
'cause I have a three-year-old daughter.


My daughter never met any of my exes.

It's very important

that the person
whom I have a relationship with

wants a respectful relationship

not only with me,
but with my daughter too.

-I love kids.
-Really? Nice!

I have three nephews.
I am crazy about kids…

But would you like to have kids?

Of course! I'm crazy about kids.

Because I really want to have more kids.

-And also…
-We're going to have two.

Excellent! My kind of guy!

One girl and one boy.


-It was nice talking to you.
-It was.

-Let's talk again.
-I had fun, Shay.

-Me too.
-Thanks for the chat.

-Kisses. Bye.

I really do believe
the love of my life is here,

at Love is Blind.

If not, I'll be very disappointed.

It will work out.

[upbeat music playing]

Success, guys.

-Hello. How are you?
-You're not from here?

-What do you think?
-I don't think so.


Where were you born?

This is a subject for our next date.

-Right, Bárbara?
-If there's a second date.

Can't you say?

I'll keep that secret
so we'll have something

to talk about later.

What do you want to talk about?

[chuckles] Are you mad, Carla?

I think this is the moment
when we start the conversation.

If we can't have a proper conversation…

[clicks tongue] …it won't work.


-What can I do?
-But it was nice meeting you.


-Thanks, bye.

[softly] Annoying.

[upbeat music continues]

Here is easier to select, to filter.

Some have already been discarded,
which is good,

to get to the right guy for me.

What do you do?

I work with dreams, Day.

-I'm an architect.
-[music distorts]

You discard some right away,
because you feel

it won't work at all.

-What do you do, Pri?
-I'm a doctor.

Wow! So you'll fix my heart.

[music distorts]

Do you like men in uniform?

I like men with character.


[electropop music playing]

My name is Thiago Rocha.
I'm a skydiver and cameraman.

I hope to find
the love of my life in this show.

A different way to win someone over.
Today, I definitely feel

ready to get married.


-How's it going?
-How are you?

-I like that smile!
-Who's that?

Your future husband, for sure.

With that accent from Rio, I'm not sure…

-I'm not Carioca.

-I'm from the south.

From Florianópolis.

-Magic Island.

A surfer, skydiver, 34 years old,
single and ready for marriage!

What's your name?


Thiago is seeking thrills!

I want a serious relationship.

-Full of thrills.

I am Nanda Terra.

I'm 36 years old.

I related to Love is Blind,

because nowadays is really difficult

to find someone with depth.

Everything is very shallow,

and this could be a good opportunity.

Do you live in Florianópolis?

-That's the thing. No.

I live in New Zealand.

That's awesome!

I lived in Australia
but didn't visit New Zealand.

Right next door.

I think about leaving the country.

I'm here to take you away.

Really? Do you think about having kids?

So… I want to have three or four kids.

So many! How about adoption?

I have a seven-year-old son.

I want to have two or three more.

I've always dreamed of adopting one.

I actually wrote down this question.

-If adopting is an issue.
-I'm adopted.


I want to adopt too.

I feel I need to have a family,

to feel…


That's why I'm here.

You've got a golden star, Nanda.

-I'm an only child.

I was trying to adopt before my divorce.


Adoption is something
really important to me.

My name is Mackdavid,
but everyone calls me Mack.

I'm 36 years old, I'm an architect.

I look for complicity and love.

When Cupid gets it right,
she'll be the ideal woman for me,

and I hope to be the ideal man for her.

I was married for seven years.

I lived with someone for six years.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to travel, the beach.

-Nanda, you're making it very hard for me.
-[Nanda laughs]

-And you?
-I'm a sailor.

-My life is the beach.


I worry about falling in love
and not being loved back.

If I find a match, it'll be forever.

-Give me a star.
-All right.

I'll put a star next to your name.

All right, Mack. Bye.

[salsa music playing]

[man] Come on!

Let's go!

[man 2] Gentlemen, good luck.

[woman] I hope
my guy isn't behind your door.

He's behind mine.


And now, that I like them all?

I wanna marry the three of them.

I want someone independent.

Because some girls I've been with,
after some time,

I noticed they were into me,

and I would run.

Not with me.
When I like someone, I suffer.

When I started liking them,
afraid that I'd get hurt,

-I would run away.

What is vital in a relationship?

You never moved in.

I like things tidy.


If the person is messy…

It bothers you?

Not really,
maybe they'd be bothered by me.

-I'd be tidying things up.
-[chuckles] Ah…

It's an emotional roller coaster,

anxiety, curiosity.

I had several dates that were not great.

They were good, but not good enough.

And that really messed me up,

because we talked, I liked them,

but I wasn't sure, I didn't feel complete.

I'm nervous, you know?

-You're nervous?


People are all hyped up…

So far, I've had many
superficial conversations.

"You're cool, you're this and that…"

I'm searching.

I'm having conversations,
and I'm trying to go deeper,

to talk more seriously
about relationships.

The conversations I had before you…

I'm going to be honest.

I didn't feel a connection.

My name is Rodrigo.
I'm a financial adviser.

I'm a bit of an eccentric.
I like doing different things.


It's very me to find someone
in a very unusual way.

I'm very sure of what I want.

If I find someone here who interests me,

be sure that I'll marry that person

and I'll make her very happy.


So nice to be greeted with a laugh.

Dude, "ta-da" was awesome!

A grand entrance…
I was gonna say, "Roll the drums!"

[mimics drumroll]

-Where are you from?
-São Paulo. You?

My family is from the Northeast,
I was born there.

I came here as a baby,
so I'm from São Paulo.

My name is Dayanne, I'm a bank clerk.

I was a confirmed bachelorette
until recently.


On a self-awareness journey,

the longing and the desire
to have someone by my side

to share my life with came really strong.

I really want to find
the love of my life at Love is Blind.

And that I'm also the love of his life.

Otherwise, there's no point.

What's your sign?

Ah, you're into astrology?

-I love it.
-I had my chart tattooed.

-No way!
-[Rodrigo laughs]

But don't you get upset
with my birth chart.

Oh my God. Okay.

Aquarius, my rising is Aries.

-Oh my God!
-My moon sign is Virgo.

I'm much more fun than you think.

-Imagine my expectations…

You can have them.

When I see you, I'll grab you.


[Dayanne] You get another point.

-Day, I have to go.

-I liked you.
-We'll talk again.

-Me too, you're awesome.

I'd ask for a French kiss,
but not yet, right?

-On the corner of the mouth.

-It was close.


Go, start with anyone.

I fell in love with Luana.

-[man] Which one?
-[man 2] The therapist.

I loved her. Dayanne, too.

Is there someone you really don't want?

-[Ana Prado] Absolutely.

-[woman] Hudson.
-[Ana Prado] Same here.

Very shallow.

His first question was, "What do you do?"

I said I worked as a model.

He said, "I'm giving you a star already."

It was like…
What's the purpose of the experiment?


It's really intense here.

It's no joke.

You come in with a certain mindset

and you leave
with a totally different one.

-Let's discuss Nanda.
-[Thiago] Nanda Terra. Nanda Terra.

-[man] I'm out.
-I fell in love.

-[Rodrigo] Really?
-[Mack] She's my number one.

Nanda is my number four overall.

I wrote down, "The love of my life."

Ana is the love of my life.

[Nanda] Shay can't even speak Portuguese.

He doesn't want to say where he's from.


-Did he tell anyone where he's from?
-[woman] No.

[Gabriella] The girls are showing
their preferences, which is normal,

they're here to find a husband.


[pop music playing]

[Klebber] From the second day on,

they'll only talk to those
they got along with better.

With whom they matched.

-I'm here.
-[Ana Prado] What's up?

How are you? Tell me…

-I won't recognize the voice.

This is Ana Prado.

Oh my God, man!

-And you are…?



-Shay, is that you?

-I can't believe it.
-Me neither.


Last night, I kept thinking

all night long, "Ana Prado…"

And I was like…

"Let me focus on something else."
But I couldn't stop.

When I got in there, I said,
"It's impossible."

It was impossible for me.

I'm actually shaking.

-Me too.
-For real.

-I'm very nervous.
-Me too.

I met very nice guys,

but I couldn't stop thinking about Shay.

You're the one who'll know where I'm from.

You'll hear my life story.

Please don't tell anyone.

It's something that
I only wanted to tell you.

-Only to you.

All right?

My country is known for its rugs…


I'm Persian.

My God!

I don't feel the need to tell people

where I'm from, what my origins are.

I'm only telling you.

I don't want to tell anyone.

Because they'll say
there's war, bombs, and guns…

It's far from the truth.
That doesn't exist where I come from.

They're wonderful people.

It's a wrong perception
of the Iranian people.

We are very peaceful.

We don't want war.

Being judged is the most horrible thing.

I can tell he's a very private person.

I'm very happy
that he trusted me with that.

Tell me…

How do you see relationships?

What's essential to you?

[tense music playing]

-Let me get some water.

In a relationship,
I think the first thing…


The most essential thing is respect.


It may be a discussion,

but aggression, cursing, screaming…

I hate this kind of attitude in a couple.

I was married for three years.

-You were married?
-Yes, I was.

My relationship was not like that…


For example, you get home
and you're all stressed out…

I also arrive home stressed.

I must understand you.

Do you know what we'll do?

We're going to sit at the table…

Have some wine.

Drink some wine.

-Say, "Fuck it."
-[Ana Prado] Relax and talk.

The connection I had with him…

It might be difficult for someone

who's never been part

of an experiment like this to understand.

If I heard someone

saying what I'm saying now,

I'd doubt it.

[pop music playing]

♪ Ooh, I love the way
I love the way you move ♪

♪ You take me to another place
Yeah, you ♪

I'm completely mesmerized by Shay.

♪ You make me a believer! ♪


-Guess what?
-I'm in love.


We're very much alike.

I don't want anyone else.

I don't wanna talk to anyone else.

We have similar values,

which makes it much easier

to build a relationship, right?

[electropop music playing]

[Mack] Nanda, you kept me up.


-You're kidding me.
-I swear by this light, Nanda Terra.

I wanna know to how many girls
you're saying that.

You're my first date today.


I tried to sleep,
but I kept thinking about you.

-I swear.

I couldn't sleep, and I said,

"Nanda Terra, that's what I want."

I couldn't sleep.

-Then, I fell asleep…

…and dreamed you were flirting
with my friend.

-That was fucked up.

I haven't dreamed about you yet.

But you messed me up a little bit.

Sweet. That comforts me, you know?

You're number one.

And there's a huge gap
between you and number two.

-I swear.

Crazy. I can't believe it.
I don't even know what to think.

Don't think, just live it, Nanda.

I've imagined life with her
since the first date.

This is a giant
roller coaster of emotions.

A whirlwind of things comes to mind.

But I'm very confident.

Mack, let me tell you.

I like relationships based on the truth.

Good. Me too.

I was torn between you and someone else.

[exhales heavily]

-I believe you were too.
-No, not me.



-I want you.
-[both chuckle]

I look for safety, in a way.

And thinking about the future,

Mack is the one who really…

complements me.

You'll be my number one.

My love!

-Have an awesome day.
-You too.

-May your dates go wrong.

God bless.


♪ One, two, three, four
Show me what you got ♪

♪ You know I ain't never gonna stop ♪

♪ You can bet I'm gonna get mine
Watch me as I'm right on time ♪

I feel like screaming, "Who's there?"

-Me! Rodrigo!

Oh my God!

[both laughing]

Sorry, but I have to say
I was hoping it was you.

I was.

If it were a seduction game,
I'd have lost.

Because I gave it all away.

I just hope he feels
the same way about me.

What must a woman have?

The will to be the happiest woman.

Wow. But that's easy.

I can't stop thinking about her, about us…

We're a great match,
we're both lively and positive.

And your previous relationships?

-The last one ended because of jealousy.

You can give me a star.
Zero jealousy here.

I can be jealous, disapprove of something,

but it's unnecessary for me.

That is very reassuring.

Because I have a tendency

to arouse jealousy in others,

though it's never my intention.

I try to offer
as much security as possible.

[Rodrigo] Until we entered the room,

I was anxious and nervous.

Because I don't give myself easily.

I talked to people
who were not right for me.

I was feeling low, but you gave me energy.

A feeling that we're in the right path.

Oh my God!


I won't say you're the one today.

Of course.
For God's sake, don't scare me away.

I'm not choosing an outfit.


I'm choosing someone to be
with me until I'm 120,

I'll die old.

Me too! I want to have a long life.

It's a… [hesitates]

It's hard to say anything.

I don't need to say anything.
When I found out it was you…

To say you're in love,
mesmerized, enchanted,

by someone you just met is kind of crazy,

but that's how I feel now.

Our connection is so there!

It's unusual.

I'm smiling the whole time.

My jaws even hurt.

-I'll see you again.

-Okay, then.

-Kisses, bye.


Holy shit.

I had a sparkle in my eyes,
a smile on my face.

I found the one for me here.

[Lissio] A minute of silence.

It's his moment now.

[Rodrigo] I'm in shock.

-Are you crying?

I'm emotional, I was never as nervous

as I was after seeing her.

Is she the one?

-Found it?
-I did, man.

-Great. Day?

It was the whole time… My face hurts,

I smiled the whole time.

-Awesome, man!
-Amazing, man.

♪ We stay out all night ♪

♪ And talk until the sun rises ♪

♪ When your heart… ♪

-[Thiago] Hi, who's there?

-It's Nanda.
-I can't believe it.

Who's there?

Do you believe I spent the night
praying it'd be you today?

-That's not possible.
-How are you today?

-I'm okay.
-More relaxed?


It's getting harder now, right?

I don't need to see anyone else.

Don't say that.

It's true.

The experience of talking

and feeling desire for someone
you can't see or touch,

that you can't smell…

I thought it'd never work.

Really? Me too.

I'm at a loss for words right now.

Many times in my life
I thought I'd end up alone.

Those moments of loneliness.

You go out with people
but you always feel empty.

I felt that my whole life.

Until today.

[Nanda] Did you ask the boys
whom they talked to?

[Thiago] I was too…


[voice breaking] Sorry, but I was really
contemplative, you know?


You didn't ask anyone whom I spoke to?

No, I was afraid someone else liked you.




[Nanda] I saw someone else before you.

-One of your friends.

I had two connections today,

each one is like my other half.

One half is emotion and adventure,

the other half

is something more concrete.

That's where I am.

This is really thrilling.

I get goosebumps,
I cry, I laugh, I'm happy…

I'm experiencing every emotion

this instant, I mean it.

-Do you swear?
-Yes, I do.

I came here thinking I'd have fun,

that it wouldn't happen to me.

[sighs] It caught me totally off guard.

I felt something I had never felt before.

[Nanda] I'm next to the screen
to get closer.

If it didn't cost me,
I'd break this glass now.

This show gives you everything.

Even more than one choice.

It's insane.

[Thiago] I had never been in love.
I had girlfriends, of course.

But it was never this intense.

I'll definitely marry this woman.

[mellow music playing]

[Mack] "When I woke up,
I thought of you."

She said, "Me too."

Awesome, bro…

Damn. She's the one.

-[man] You found her?
-The Australian.

[men cheering]

-[Lissio] We have a crier!
-I told you!

-[Lissio] We have a crier!
-It's her, man.

-What was that?

The girl, man… Fernanda.

-Holy shit. For real?
-It's her, man.

[man 2] You're in love? For real?

I knew it was her. I knew it was him, man.

I knew it was him, man.

I knew it was him.

I thought about her the entire night.

I was praying it was her.

When she said her name,
I was like, "No way!"

-Awesome, man.
-Just like me.

You were crying.

I couldn't help it.

When you really want something
and it happens…

She felt the same way.

She wanted it so much, it was unreal.

Holy fuck!

[men cheering, whistling]

[Mack] I'm both happy and sad.

Why are you sad?

-[Mack] She was my choice.

-Shit, man…
-Relax, everyone has their chance.

-She was his.
-She mentioned both of us.

She didn't say it was him,
but I knew it was him.

[man] You said so.

I said, "Fuck, man."

She was the first one by far.
I didn't remember anyone else.

That's life. Some of what we see outside.

But I'll do my best so that
I will be reciprocated.

What are you feeling in your hearts?

You want both emotion and stability?

In one person.

Not necessarily. Why?

[women laughing]

I still think Mack is the way to go.

I think he's very smart.

He's family-oriented,
and that's important to me.

I don't know. He makes me feel safe.


[Shayan] I want to find my wife.

It's not just about getting married,
but having a partner,

building a life together, having a family.

I've been single for two years.

My last relationship
was with my daughter's father.

Did you break up with him?

We were together and all.

Then, he broke up with me.

Do you know why?

It was right after my daughter was born.

The family life scared him a bit.

A few months later,

he said he wanted to try again.

Then, I broke up.

I didn't love him anymore.

I chose to be alone.

Of course I met

other guys during that time,

but nothing serious.

Our conversation was something else.
You felt it too.

I said, "If God showed me that,

it's now or never."

I don't wanna talk to anyone else.

Exactly. That's what I said to the girls.

The connection we had

I wouldn't have with anyone else.

And I didn't want to talk to anyone else.

Because I know what I want.

-It's crazy!

It's like we've known each other for ages.

Me too. You have no idea
what I feel for you.

[hesitates] Love towards another person

-was dead inside me, you know?

And I thought, "The one thing
she'll give me is this."


[sniffles] I'm very happy to have met you.

[both sniffle]

I wish I could give you a hug right now!

[Shayan] Me too.
I promised myself I wouldn't cry…

Me too.

How could something so unlikely happen?

It did. It's happening.

-Bye, honey.
-[Shayan] Take care.

-[Ana Prado] See you later.
-See you.

-I'll teach you to say, "How are you?"

"Salam chetori"?

[Shayan] That's right.
Salam chetori. [laughs]

-Do you like horses?
-I love them.

-I love horses!

You'll see after we leave.

-I have pictures with horses.
-No way!

I love them!

She can be the way she is.

I don't care about her appearance.
I really liked her.

I don't want to leave!

Shay, I really liked you.


-I come from a family of strong women.
-[Shayan] Yes.

That's why I chose you.

I felt that you were strong.

Someone who takes care
of her daughter and works,

far away from the family…


How will she call me?
Will she call me daddy or Shay?

[piano music playing]


-Good morning!
-Good morning!

I thought we weren't going
to talk again, Nanda.

Is that who I think it is?

I don't know, you have two guys in mind.

-It's Mack.
-I know.

[Mack] How are you?

I'm trying to understand.

There's one important thing, Nanda.

When we talked yesterday,

you said you had

a date with my friend too.


And I knew who it was

just instinctively.



Since the first day, in our first booth…


…I said, "I can stop everything…"

-"…because I know who I want."

And I told everyone that.

At the end of the day,
he said he talked to you,

that you were the one,
that you had chosen him…

-I said, "Fuck!"


That was like cold water on my plans.

I said, "Fuck, that's it.
It's over for me."

No, we are here.

Great. That makes me happy.

We're here.

But let's keep it real.

The truth is…

I'm going to be honest.

Your friend has many things
in common with my history…

And you have everything
I want for my future.


Actually, I wasn't torn
at the end of the day

in that way.

I put you first and that was it.

Fuck! I can't believe it.

I'm open to whatever happens.

I just didn't want to lose you.

[Nanda] Me neither.

[Mack] Fuck. What can I do
to go through this wall?

[Nanda] I don't know.
We'll go through it soon.

[Mack] Man, it's…

I swear, it's very exciting

that you're giving me the honor
of writing a story with you.

Yeah, it would be pretty amazing.

No, I think it will be. Right?

-It's up to you.
-We're already here.

It's only up to you.

As for me, it's already decided.

But I'll probably still talk to him today

and tell him he's an amazing guy…

but that right now…

what I'm looking for, I found in you.

As intense as I am,

today I try to be a little more rational

and really go after the things
that are important to me

to find someone
with whom things might work out,

who wants to make it work.

I just wanted to give you a hug.

-Me too.

I swear. My future…

-Your future…

[Mack] Your future
is guaranteed on this side.

[Nanda] On this one too.

I think I'm ready to say yes

if Mack proposes to me.

I think we can relax a little.

Man, I will relax.

You can relax now, okay?

-A huge kiss for you.
-A big kiss.

I'm living one day at a time,
minute by minute.

I can only be thankful for
the opportunity of falling in love

and getting married again.

♪ Am I all grown up now ♪

♪ Am I, am I all grown ♪

♪ So how does it feel? ♪

[men chattering]

-Hey, bro.
-Are you happy?

What's up, my man?

Everything all right?

[Mack] We're still in the game.

[man] Did it go smooth, Mack?

Are you happy?

Good wins, bro.

-Do you understand?
-I did.

I just had a date with her,
it was wonderful.

She said she wants to marry me.

But I think she'll talk to my friend soon.

But I think it has worked out for me.

Bro, I'm very happy for you.

Like you said, "Good always wins."

Good always wins, man.

I'm getting married.

I'm rooting for you.

-We'll be together.
-I'm rooting for you.

We'll be there together.

[Mack playing ukulele]

We are much more sensitive here.

So I'm nervous
about the talk they'll have.

[Thiago] This is not a game.
Nobody came here to play.

[Mack] You played with me, man.

-I was upset with you.
-I just found out.

Forgive me if, at some point,
I crossed your path.

It wasn't my intention.

[Mack] What upset me

was that I told you I liked her, didn't I?

And you said, "I don't care…"

It's not a competition, man. By any means.

But by the end of the afternoon,

you said, "She's the woman for me."

I expected you to say, "I like her too."

He was not honest with me.

I was very honest with him,
with her and everyone else.

That's life.
This is a glimpse into life outside.

-I'm not here to compete.
-Me neither.

This is not a competition,
it's an adult conversation.

-Try to see the other side.
-I don't see your side anymore.


The camaraderie we all value…

-I don't feel for you.

People tend to judge
out of fear or insecurity.

He raised his finger
in front of the cameras,

and it was not necessary.

I'm not here to compete.

♪ I fell in love
With the wrong person ♪

♪ No one knows
How much I suffer ♪

-Keep going!

It was very difficult.

Fernanda stirred me up.

[sobs] It's tough…

It's hard, man.

[Shayan] I'm sure
you'll talk to her today.

I won't play to stay on the show.

Be chill.

-[Rodrigo] Everything okay?
-All good!

I was looking forward to seeing him again.

-Do you have a religion?
-I'm Jewish.

-Is there any food…
-Jewish food?

-Jewish food that you like.
-Falafel. Do you know it?

It's very basic.

-I don't know any.
-I'll show you.

I want her to get to know my culture,

where I come from.

Let me ask you about clothing.

Is there anything like that?

Going to a synagogue, which is a temple,

people don't use short skirts
or a deep cleavage.

To go to these places,
you need a large, long skirt.

And a blouse without a cleavage.

But we probably won't go…

Maybe we'll get to go.

But I like learning about it,

because if we enroll our children
in a Jewish school

or if we teach them…


…so they'll know, then I should know too.

I'll certainly teach you everything I can.

-Everything that's interesting.
-I'm excited.

Seeing that Ro is dedicated
to teaching me his culture,

to show me where he came from,
the things he likes,

makes me really happy and warm inside.

The women in my family are all artists.


My grandmother is a painter,
she paints a lot.

Both my aunts on my mother's side

also draw very well.

You know, speaking of families…

I feel there is

a big difference
between us when it comes to that.

My family is much more modest.

I was the first person
on my mother's side that went to college.

Don't worry about that.

That means nothing. It changes nothing.

You'll see that it won't be an issue,

we won't even talk about it.

Okay, then.

You're going to love our barbecues.

For sure.

Where were you hiding all this time?


[Shayan] In my case, love was blind.

Because love…


[voice breaking] Love is not something
that you just look…

I don't wanna get emotional.

♪ I won't cry ♪

[Shayan] I felt her love for me,

and she knows I love her.

Though we don't see each other,
it doesn't matter.

I'm thinking that if I feel like it,
I will propose to her.

Love is something inside you.

Only people who understand love
feel that way.


How are you?

-What's up?
-I'm so glad I'm talking to you.

Obviously. Who else would it be, Mr. Shay?

No one else.

-Since day one.

I always believed that love is blind.

But I never had the chance of experiencing

something that proved it.

So this experience is proving

everything I always believed in.

That I'm capable

of creating a strong and amazing bond

with someone regardless
of what we look like.

I couldn't wait to talk to you.
I already missed you.

Me too.

I won't let you go so easily.

[exclaims happily]

I wanted to sing for you in Persian.

That's so cute! Really?

There's a song that kind of describes

what's going on between us now.

I'll sing it for you. It goes like this…

[singing in Persian]

♪ You are my wings to fly
You are my travel companion ♪

♪ I could die ♪

♪ If you leave me ♪

♪ You are the essence of love ♪

♪ It's hard to breathe without you ♪

♪ Which spring flower are you? ♪

♪ Even in the fall you blossom ♪

♪ I only want you in this world ♪

[in Portuguese] So beautiful!

I want to tell you something.


You may not believe it.


You… I don't know, but…

I'm very much in love with you.

[pop music playing]

I want to know if you wanna marry me.

I'm like this right now.

I'm on my knees in front of you.

Of course I will!


I sang you a romantic Iranian song

to propose to you.


I loved it.

You can be sure that I have no doubt

we'll be able to form a beautiful family.

I'm very happy to be engaged

to someone

I didn't even know existed.

I want to go there now!

Do you know in which booth we met?

-This is our story.

Love in booth ten.

It's our story. I'll write it down.

Ana Prado, I'm so happy
that I'm going to marry you.

I have no words, I'm just really happy.

I didn't know I was going to fall in love,

but it was great.

Hold on, I'm going to hug the screen.

-I'm coming.

I'm glued to the screen.

It's like I can feel you.

I think I can feel your heart.

I'm feeling the same thing!

It's like I can feel your heart!

Wow… I'm going to jump on you!


[Ana Prado] Ah!

[Shayan] That was insane.


-I'll miss you so much.
-I'll miss you very much too.

[Ana Prado] I'm happy for us.

[Shayan] I'm going to say something

that I couldn't say…

to anyone outside my family.

I love you.


Oh my God!

I love you too.

Ana Prado, we're going to be happy.
I'm sure of that.

♪ You make the sun shine ♪

♪ Every time the rain fell ♪

♪ You fit in my heart ♪

[pop music continues]


-I asked her to marry me!
-[all cheering]

What happened?

Guess what?


Who was just proposed to?

[all cheering]

I couldn't hold it inside.
I was screaming,

telling everyone I was engaged.

I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged.

[all] Salamati.

[electropop music playing]


[Rodrigo hums]


Oh, Day!

That's me.

Girl, you're my first
and last thought every day.

Really? Rodrigo, if you're leading me on,

I'll break down this wall…

I didn't sleep, I'm voiceless.

No way.

I sang for you,
I thought about you tonight.

I declared my love for you.

We talked so much.

For real?

When I get in the booth

and talk to him, I forget everything.

We get into our own connection,
our own moment…

I cried yesterday
for the first time in a long time.

[Dayanne] That's what I want.

I want you.

I'm here. I'm yours!

Oh my God!

I'm in love.


We're a perfect match,

this joyful way of living life.

-You're a fun person, right?
-I am.

Intimately, then…


Would we have fun in bed?

Ooh! We'll have the most fun there.

[sensual music playing]


-I'll tell you one of my nicknames.
-Tell me.


[music distorts]



I danced here just now.


I was about to make a hand gesture.

I can guarantee
you're gonna come up for air.

I'll grab every piece
and nibble every inch of you.

I'm going to enjoy you.

-Our entire lives, get ready.

Our entire lives.
Go ahead, from my feet to my head.

I'm all yours, enjoy.

The expectations are very high.

I was looking forward to this,

to declare myself and open up.

I wanted to be sure you were the one.

-You gave me that peace of mind.
-You can be sure of that.

You're the one for me,
I'm the one for you.

-Until the end.
-Until the end.

That was the moment I said…
[snaps fingers]

"If there's someone here,
that person is Rodrigo."

-A kiss on your lips!

-I'll see you.
-Hot stuff!

[humming "Wedding March"]

-[Dayanne] Oh my God!
-[Rodrigo] Whoo!

[romantic music playing]


♪ Don't know why I still bother ♪

♪ Listening to your cold stutters ♪

[Shayan] Today will be the first time

we'll see each other.

Me and Ana Prado.

[Ana Prado sobs]

[breathing deeply]

♪ You keep coming back to me ♪

[Ana Prado] There's no doubt
that I'm a little apprehensive.

But I hope that he…

likes me for who I am.

Because I can't be anything else.

[dramatic music playing]

Now, I'm going to meet my Azizam,

the world better watch out.

Because this union,

honey, will be explosive.


[Nanda] Today is the most important day
of this experiment.

I'm finally going to see
my fiancé face to face.

[woman] I'll meet the owner of that voice.

[Hudson] I'll propose to my true love.

[Rodrigo] I waited my whole life for this.

[Ana Prado] I always believed in love.

[Dayanne] Oh my God!

[dramatic music continues]

[Hudson] You're gorgeous! [laughs]

[Dayanne] I think he was happy!




[woman] I feel that we're going
to get along very well.

[Ana Prado] Our first moments
are being wonderful.

[man] We're always touching each other.

[Rodrigo] I'm the happiest man.

[Nanda] Everything is like a dream.

I'm afraid to wake up.



[man] Are you upset?

[Rodrigo] I didn't know
that I needed my space.

-Are you crying?

[sobbing] I don't know
what to think or feel.

You have to be patient. We're not perfect.

In the booths, it was perfect.

Life is being limited to this.

Reality is a bit different.

[Ana Prado] To me,
this is not married life.


[sobs] My God…

[Ana Prado] Love can be completely blind

if people give it a chance.


[celebrant] Is it your wish
to receive this man

to be your husband?

[dramatic music playing]

[pop song playing]